[Editor’s note: We have no way to verify some of the information presented.]
by G5
The Deep State Coup From 3 November 2020
Cheyenne Mountain mentioned in the video below is the US Central Military Command, not The Pentagon. Orange remains Commander-in-Chief. Biden is not. Biden is not President. Orange remains President under the Continuation of Government provisions. I previously listed the references.
Orange cannot be impeached by an unconstitutional Congress. Flatulence in the wind for an audience of fools.
The US is under Martial Law, as the many civilian institutions refused to acknowledge the frauded election of 3 November 2020, and whereby an agent; Biden; of a foreign enemy, China, was presented as the head of government of America.
Biden: bunkered in Los Angeles; as a Chinese collaborator; is no different to Pertain in Vichy, or Quisling in Oslo.
The activities of the various American media platforms are no different from those of the preceding; NAZI Germany, Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China. As I have written.
DC has been barricaded not on the orders of Congress, but the US Military. All of which are extensions of The Intel Wars, which I have been writing about for a number of years.
13 February 2021 – Chinese Virus
The Donkeys have belatedly woken that: Cuomo then Newsom et al, moving infected Chinese Virus patients into nursing homes, was in fact a premeditated genocide. The numbers murdered by those actions of euthanistic bastardry, are being fudged. As are the death tolls from the fake vaccines being fudged. Hardly any numbers concerning The Chinese Bio-Weapon can be believed. Particularly when American Media Platforms became The Enemy of The People.
As I have repeatedly written: there is no vaccine for a mutating target, and there is no preventative. The immune system is aided by HCQ and Ivermectin. The politically unadjusted data. As advised by Orange. Certainly, masks are creating particle breathing disorders for the future. And the incessant anti-bacterial slather ceremonies; if not more than the politico-psycho placebos they are; would also create a future problem. The return to the days before Fleming.
There were ample facilities and options available to avoid what the criminal Dem opportunists did.
There are noises amongst twelve of the Donkeys in The New York State House. Rest assured: they will do nothing beyond an attempt to restrict the insane Cuomo’s usurped executive powers; frivolously agreed; prior to their expiration on 30 April 2021.
There were indeed many desperations in many Deep State Cabals, that Orange not be functioning after 3 November 2021, and indeed that the DOJ-FBI be neutered and controlled, as it was.
Roberts, Barr, Pence, and McConnell; the four horsemen of the apocalypse; will have their infamous stench remembered, as greater than that of Benedict Arnold. They knifed The People; not Trump. Abrogating their responsibilities, caused the Martial Law under which America now lives. While an imbecilic criminal hiding under rocks, and fronting for The Usual Suspect Deep State Cabals, postures that which he does not have.
Email From 12 February 2021
Amazon (Bezos) has leased studios from Castle Rock in Culver City, Los Angeles. This is where the pretend president has his studio Oval Office and other sets.

It is where Biden pretends to call citizens at random for chats from the president. The Donkey PR Machine posturing La Guardia. The called are scripted unemployed actors floating LALALand. As any dressed as military pretending to interact.
The stacks of executive orders postured by the great pretender actually have two different Biden signatures. But that’s just a formality. The poor fellow lifts down the next stupidity to sign, holds a pen, then after several attempts to put the pen in his left coat pocket, gives up and stuffs it in his right trouser pocket.
It’s all a big theatre: a clown show. As was the frauded eight years of the Soetoro SitCom.
The military does not salute Biden, as he is not The Commander-in-Chief. He does not have access to Air Force 1, or Marine 1. The Donkeys have painted a commercial lookalike they have termed Air Force 2, which in turn is only recognized by its unchangeable, registration callsign.
The US Military has obstructed the attempted Deep State Coup d’etat of 3 November 2021. The JFK Coup d’etat was by the GHWB privately owned CIA. The problematic LBJ and his wife being cancelled after removal. Incidentally, MLK was a Republican and destined to be President. So of course, all that race reality was too much for the real racists, so he was cancelled under the standard lone crazy gunman lie.
Biden does not have the nuclear codes. Soetoro pretended he did. After Blythe lost them to some hooker; the military rethought the matter up to Orange.
As I recently wrote: Orange, through Fort Lauderdale, had The 82nd Airborne move the non-platformed nuclear arsenal, as I detailed, to isolate China, with the alliance of; The UK, Russia, Japan, and India. With strategic weaponry positioned through the Asia-Pacific Rim. I have mentioned the various exchanges and attempted genocides threatened by China. On many occasions, I have written of the ongoing Intel Wars. Currently pushing back Chinese aggressions in the Asia-Pacific Region.
India engaged and pushed back China on their border. Some three hundred Chinese fishing vessels have been destroyed in various Asian territorial waters. Attempts by China to block water into India and the Indo-Chinese Peninsula by damming and diverting the Himalayan Runoff, and blocking international sea lanes, have been thwarted. Civil Unrest is being fuelled within China. Threats concerning Hong Kong, Tibet, and internal provinces, as are those concerning Vladivostok, Taiwan, and Russian and Japanese islands, by China, are being countered. China among many aggressions, had planted undersea nuclear explosives (tsunamis) off Indonesia. Soetoro previously triggered US planted devices off Malaysia, when attempting to blackmail their government.
Soetoro was the sixth Black president. Not the first. Eisenhower was Black. When that Soetoro lie fell apart: the net decided he was the first biracial. Again: what were the other five, if you couldn’t recognise them. As phony as his Nobel Prize. But so were those of Kissinger and Gore. And of course, the Rogues Scholarship is up there with the best tokens in town.
The Manchurian Candidate turned fictional president is emasculated. DC as part of the Three-State (City of London, Vatican, DC) World Economic Control, by The Usual Suspects, is being dismantled by the International IC (Intel Community). The US Fed was Nationalised into the US Treasury in March 2020. The United States Corporation (DC and cohorts) was isolated and bankrupted in May 2020.
Fink controls The Fed, not Powell. Yellen does not control the US Treasury. As previously Fischer, not Yellen, controlled The Fed in the lead-up to the demise of its private ownership, together with The IRS, by The Usual Suspects.
The romance that the President decides who is Fed Chairman from a list submitted by The Fed, was true. Except for that list only had one name.
Orange was never in The Scheff-Blythe-Soetoro War Mongering Cabal, as is inferred by Gabbard and Harris in the following exchanges. He never started any wars and ran down what he inherited. Albeit the owners of The Pentagon were lying to him. Recall the missing three trillion advised by Rumsfeld the day before 9/11. No problem: The ONI Accounting Office was the area bombed the next day. The report never eventuated. The various accounting systems of The Pentagon have computers that don’t talk to each other.
And of course, Donkeys are big on noise and deception, and very short on fact. But they do like to attack each other. Which is the purpose I have included the clips infra. Biden is a child [….], racist, and an all-around criminal. Why would he have all his records taken to the University of Delaware, ostensively for the great one’s library? Then the inconvenience of subpoenas in rape cases began appearing. So the only decision was to have all his files disappear into a warehouse.
Forty-seven years in Congress and a zero record, beyond exemplary corruption. Harris’ career as a public servant is equally zero. Beyond jailing innocents, refusing to release them, and blocking their compensations. And of course, the refusal to prosecute criminals and releasing those convicted is the CV of that owned genius.
Her selection as VP for Biden was on the basis of gender and skin colour. Forget the other hundred plus attributes that qualify. Apparently, the fiction of lack of opportunity is based on the two criteria of sex and skin colour alone. So: dropping grades for Blacks will improve their alleged lot in life. Failed theories of Equality; even Affirmative Action; with the parallel notion of Anti-Discrimination, apparently resolve the planet’s woes. So of course Harris the only token Black with qualifying genitalia; kicked off the stage; emerges as The Black Feminese Lazarus, good to go. And how could the fans not love it?
Interestingly in passing; GHWB (Scherff), Obama (Soetoro), and Harris, were not born in The United States.
Michael Flynn and his brother Charles tend to flow with the wind. The latter now appointed to lead army forces in The Asia-Pacific Region. Albeit: that region is under strict USN and Marine control, should it flash. First Strike ground forces are a strategy long passed.
Michael Flynn needed to be pardoned out of the desperate Mueller Deep State theatrics of; Roberts, Collyer, Contreras, Sullivan, et al. As Mueller’s attack on Concord Management saw his Team of Angry and Desperate Deep State Dems, back away. As May’s desperations of fake charging two Russians for The Skripal Hoax and False Flag; Mueller fake charged some thirteen alleged Russian FSB (wrongly termed KGB by the terminally ignorant).
Mogg, Gove, Cox, Javid (whom I have known), Patel, and Johnson defended the absurd authoritarian May (disappeared during her ridiculous 57day general election, handing her incoming majority to Corbyn) until she became totally untenable. As EU owned (coal mine closures), pedophile protector, Mid-East warmonger (Black Spider, Mark Thatcher, David Cameron) Thatcher before her. Javid removed for the incompetent Rishi Sunak to become Chancellor of the Exchequer. Bought by his family.
Nothing was learned by The Brennan-Clapper-Hayden Cartel. Particularly through their absurd and desperate failures by influence during The Soetoro SitCom Occupation Era. Albeit Hayden worked externally during the Rogers Era. The propagandized stereotyping of Russian and US Intel derived from The Cold War Era needs to be reversed, if a correct comprehension of the IC is to be understood.
In passing, I reiterate the two contemporary factions of The US. If RINOs have signaled anything, it is that Deep State collaboration is not signaled by postured political affiliation. Coolidge, Hoover, Eisenhower, JFK, Nixon, Reagan, and Orange are to read as of The People.
Whereas; Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Ford, Carter, Scherff, Blythe, GWB, Soetoro, and Biden, are to be read as Deep State, owned and corrupt. To them should be added their cohorts of; Stevenson, Dukakis, McGovern, Perot, Gore, Kerry, McCain III, Romney, et al. Each have their long inescapable histories of deception and corruption. About which: I have written over the years.
More videos:
Michael Tellinger on Banking (May 2020)
BREAKING: President Trump Has Been Officially Acquitted In 2nd Impeachment Trial
This was a foregone conclusion, as there was never any evidence. It needs to be asked why the Congress did not continue with its prosecution. Was it because most of the Congress are under arrest and it couldn’t be seen by the public to be so many empty seats in the House?
Members of the Senate are guilty of treason for going ahead with their “trial” as when they were told that Trump, holding no official position, would be impeached, they ignored the “ultimate law” of the US. They say that they changed the law. However what they did was held the Constitution of the United States in CONTEMPT.
This also goes back to the times of when Israel did no want to be governed by God and they killed all the prophets of God. They wanted a king and just look at the human misery every since by following ones own evil ways instead of the precepts of God the Creator of all.
The People of Israel Want a King
It is self evident that man cannot govern man with compassion, fairness, justice, the rule of law and love.
“When freedom is at stake, silence is not golden—it is yellow.” ~ Tom Anderson, writer
That’s not very logical Arlyn. The only time it can be said that ‘man rules’ is if this is a ‘government of the people, by the people and for the people’. If accurate history books had survived the cull and the bonfire of the 90s and 2000s, you would know that such governments were indeed around and that these were the peaceful ones.
The problems commence when you adopt government by hierarchy, which is what Chrisitians have been doing since the 8th century. Centralise power and you automatically get corruption.
The problem with all deists is that they have a hierarchical mindset and they impose this on everybody else. This is where all the wars come from. And the oppression, the torture, the executuons, and the slavery.
Which is why many thoughtful people today want to terminate all religions. Personally, I would make all evangelism a hanging offense.
I’m definitely not talking about an evil theocratic government like Israel Tony. You have misconstrued what I meant. Its virtually all of the 10 Commandments of God vs the millions of laws, statutes, regulations, edicts, treaties etc. have gotten mankind into the misery and havoc as men want to dominate others unlawfully not lawfully.
The Latin Roman Catholic-Church-State and the evil Zionist state of Israel are prime examples of this centralised power. That is not Christianity and never has been that is “Dominion Theology” with unrelenting power in which Christ was totally against. Imposing ones will over anothers conscience is satanic and not Christ like
The evil satanic elites are agents for satan not Christ and they are fulfilling his agenda not Christs’ but that is soon to change.
The evil corporate-government propaganda MSM will not and does not reveal the real Christians and their world wide missions in presenting the Everlasting Gospel, their hospitals, their charities etc. The world would be much worse off without their support.
I totally understand your views on religion with many of them are not Christian and many of them proselyte people to no end again that is not Christianity. People get confused and they don’t even know the difference these days and the MSM does not want you to know as hat is not their agenda
[quote Tony] Personally, I would make all evangelism a hanging offense.[/quote]
That would be all evangelism deemed inconvenient to the evangelical super religion of Relativism, Atheism, and its political expression in uber-capitalist communism, I expect.
“Israel did not want to be governed by God and they killed all the prophets of God. They wanted a king”
That strongly implies that, prior to instituting a Monarchical system Israel was governed by prophets, but according to the biblical record said Nation was kept in order via a judicial system that had been set in place by Moses.
Some of the Judges, such as Gideon and Deborah were also prophets but that’s beside the point.
Also, there’s no record of any of the old testament prophets being killed: Luke 13:34 is obviously referring to the beheading of John the Baptist(Jesus’ first cousin) – no doubt other seers who spoke out were likewise topped; the Bible doesn’t record EVERYTHING
Jeremiah 17:5-8
5 Thus says the Lord:
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
And makes flesh his [a]strength,
Whose heart departs from the Lord.
For he shall be like a shrub in the desert,
And shall not see when good comes,
But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness,
In a salt land which is not inhabited.
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
And whose hope is the Lord.
For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not [b]fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit.
Most of us know that you support the evil Zionist theocratic rogue nation of Israel yet you have refused so many times to reveal your stance as a Dispensationalists which are unbiblical and and their interpretation is incorrect, unsound and just plain false. I have given you so many opportunities to respond but your silence says it all….
I am not “strongly implying” anything and of course prophets were not governing Israel which is a ridiculous claim.
“the Bible doesn’t record EVERYTHING” The Bible does record and it is inherently correct compared to your lack of understanding the Bible properly which is a serious problem for Dispensationalists! You are misleading people on a regular basis by stating your regular ‘dogmatic’ statments
30 Bible Verses about Killing Prophets
Luke 13:34
King James Bible
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!
Matthew 23:37
King James Bible
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
As already elucidated in my above comment, your fizzed-up-rabid-dog claim that “Israel killed ALL the prophets of God” is NOWHERE to be found in the Bible
You instantly twist the context. I never said All. Keep supporting the unsupported unbiblical Dispensationalism which is not Christian. Supporting any form of evil Zionism is not Christian at all and you are seriously deluded in thinking that it is which is most unfortunate
The respective word-for-word comment:
Arlyn February 14, 2021 at 10:15 am:
“This also goes back to the times of when Israel did no want to be governed by God and they killed all the prophets of God.”
Orrite! when you galahs have sorted out which of you is the sole arbiter of what the Scriptures mean (without any reference to the original adepts whom Jesus taught) I guess that you can call yourself another of the untold thousands of infallible exegetes pontificating completely un-hampered by the common belief of the earliest Christians.
You see, the infallibility of the blardy Roman Pontiff is entirely limited to being in conformity with all that was handed down from the Apostles… no one, not even a pope has any authority whatsoever to change, delete, or add to, the Apostolic Faith. S. Paul had plenty to say about the con men with their “updates” and “insights”.
The Pharisees are busting to turn Christianity into an emotional crutch, a cute, cuddly, security blanket, teddy bear, that relieves everyone of their personal responsibility. “Take up your Cross and follow Me” is just a vague reference to a few inconveniences that are not pleasant… so say the “saved”.
As sin, by definition, is any shortfall from what “IS WRITTEN”, trivialising any respective discrepancy is one of the best ways of giving it free reign.
“Every word of God is tested;
He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.’
After watching the entire trial, I am of the strong belief, that Trump is and has been still in power , under the Military Law.
The Dems must know this , which gives credence to their persistent efforts to impeach against the best advice.
Think about this one statement , Would Trump go through what be has gone through ? and then just walk away.
There is more justice and truth to come.
Correct its not over yet and there is more to come despite people ridiculing that it is. This is bigger than Trump as its obvious the military are in control. We just have to wait it out to see the whole spectrum revealed
Believe me Arlyn, there is nothing more to come – it’s WELL AND TRULY OVER.
The ‘military’ hierarchy has been culled of independent thinkers and those loyal-to-the-constitution.
The cabal purposely installs compliant puppets at the highest levels – like Gen David Petraeus (later CIA director) , Gen. Mark Milley (currently Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) etc.
The ‘military’ as a collective control nothing.
That’s because there is no central authority in that organisation that could rise up and overthrow this tyranny that rules over America.
It’s all about ‘Divide and Conquer’ and the cabal have ensured that the military is nothing more than a collection of disparate entities, each meticulously compartmentalised and watched over by the cabal.
Should one particular compartment see a leader within it that gets ‘uppity’, said individual will be uprooted / demoted or transferred somewhere out of the way.
So yes Arlyn, no disagreements from me that this is bigger than Trump.
The ZWO is multiples bigger than U.S GDP so by any metric, that’s eff’n big indeed.
Agreed.Trump continues to be presented as antiestablishment and still reigning in a COG scenario but my view of him being just another actor on the Cabal stage still stands.
At the moment, the lockdown of DC and the apparent absence of Biden etc are hard to reconcile but who knows in this world of deceit and disinformation.
So if you’re right about “it being all over” TV, then I guess it’s wrist slashing time. Got a blade?
Really, you’re trying too hard to doom & gloom everyone. How about a bit of optimism, mate. “There are more good than bad” Q…
Why would it be wrist slashing time Phil ?
The demise of Trump is cause for REJOICING.
The first step in a journey involves knowing where you are NOW.
Even though it was evident early in his Presidency that Trump was not a white hat, we can safely say now that we know FOR SURE that he never was.
So, here comes the good news Phil.
One sock puppet is gone (Trump), now we can focus on Biden.
Of course, both are just window dressing because the ZWO will just replace them with yet another lackey.
So, we have to stop listening to the Q’s, Zio-Dave’s and Juan O Daylight-Savin’s of the world who are JUST BUYING TIME FOR THE CABAL by telling you to sit tight and saying that salvation is right around the corner.
We can now work on unravelling the ROOT CAUSE of the problem which always was about dismantling the Z-cabal.
Americans can do that by depriving them of the major source of their recurrent funding. ie: abolition of the Fed.
They can start a renewed push for exposing who organised JFK’s / RFK’s demise, 9/11, 7/7, the Covid and Climate Change Deceptions.
When the unwashed masses see which cabal was behind all of these things (and much more), a tsunami of vengeance will sweep the world.
Meanwhile, we as a country can do a lot.
If we can start a movement and or expose the LNP/ALP as nothing more than two branches of the same cabal controlled party, we can push for Australia’s extrication from the Five Eyes, Australia’s extrication from ALL cabal agendas (be that Climate Change oo Covid or being part of the banking Usury cabal network).
And, when the world sees firsthand that our pandemic mortality rates are DOWN (with no lockdowns. mask mandates, vaccinations) and that our environmental and economic outcomes are WORLD’S BEST (despite burning fossil fuels merrily), other countries will use that as a template and LEAVE the alliance orbit of the U.S.
Lastly, here’e the extra good news.
The U.S hegemon is fast imploding (politically, economically, morally) and will soon have no say on the world’s stage.
As soon as the U.S loses its reserve currency status, the world will be unshackled from its indentured servitude and the Anglo-Zionist Empire (the one that is backing the ZWO), is done for.
The sooner Australia aligns itself with the Axis-of-Virtue (China/Russia/Iran etc) and signs on to the Belt and Road Initiative, the sooner we’ll be part of that winning team – because a prosperous and peaceful future for the world lies with them.
Now that’s cause for optimism Phil.
Mixed-up Prophecies!
When Jesus came the first time many misunderstood and misapplied the prophecies pointing to His kingdom. They mixed the prophecies of His first coming with those of his Second Coming. They eagerly waited for Jesus to set up a literal earthly kingdom of glory. The people misunderstood His identity and mission. The popular teachings of the day buried the words of Jesus concerning His mission. This all resulted in a great disappointment. Could the Christian church of today be in for a great disappointment as well? Could it be that many are misapplying the prophecies regarding Israel and end time events? What is real Israel today? To understand this subject, we have to take a step back and look at the big picture of God’s plan for humanity.
Abraham was given the promise that through his descendants all nations would be blessed. This promise was to be realized through Abraham’s son Isaac, and his son Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel (Genesis 32:28). Read the whole story of Abraham
Genesis 32 reminds us that Israel was not Jacob’s natural name. God renamed him Israel after he wrestled with an angel and refused to let the angel go until he received pardon for his sins. When Jacob received this blessing, his heart was renewed. His name change signified a change in character: Jacob means “deceiver” whereas Israel means “God contends.”
No longer did Jacob need to rely on his own deceiving wit to get by. God promised to contend on Jacob’s behalf. In the same way, Israel’s descendants were God’s chosen people. The nation of Israel fulfilled the covenant between God and Abraham their forefather (Genesis 15:18; Psalm 105:9-10).
There is much confusion today about the Biblical idea of the Israel of God. Many think that today’s nation of Israel is also spiritual Israel—the fulfillment of God’s promises to ancient Israel. They expect the restoration of Israel in the Middle East.
Christ in the flesh was a descendent of Shem. Therefore to be anti-SHemitic you would have to be anti-Christ which the so called “Jews” of today are.
The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that “Edom is in Modern Jewry”. This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: “Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong’s Concordance the word Canaan means “trader or merchant” and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham’s incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-1.
Romans 9:10 And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac 11 (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), 12 it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.”[d] 13 As it is written, “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.”
What is the age of consent by which one is mentally mature enough to accept a vaccine.
What is Consent?
To dodge the lead ups start at 7:30 min.
Such a clear-cut principle but thanks to State-controlled “education” one that eludes most people most of the time.
e. g. most Aussies believe they MUST put their names on the electoral role
It’s pretty much basic science that few people under the age of 23 can objectively draw rational conclusions.
Being a wholistic health clinician for 40 years there is no age for rational conclusions, common sense or critical logical thinking especially with the over 23 as they should no better!
You have to be pretty immature to accept a toxic and contaminated vaccine/s
To mandate these to every healthy individual of a poisonous vaccine/s in addition to this so-called Covid19 Irreversible Genetic Modification Injection is deranged
Nothing says Chinese spy quite like filling your foreign affairs and intelligence apparatus with Neocon Zionist Jews who all have a hard-on for mass murder in the name of Greater Israel.
But…you know….China…
Hi Mary, this dynamic satellite of relationships evolves around every person suffering from Narcissit Personality Disorder. Some associates/family get as far away the NPD person as they can, as in moving to different towns or even countries. Others attempt to pacify the NPD and get manipulated accordingly, each being wedged into conflict with the other.
My point is that there needs to be official public recognition of mental ill-health, to prevent NPD, sociopaths and psychopaths from leading the community into chaos.
On the other hand, our foolish recognition of ‘experts’ puts us in a position wherein psychologists and psychiatrists would have enormous power, which is also an invitation to corruption.
Right back to square one.
“My point is that there needs to be official public recognition of mental ill-health, to prevent NPD, sociopaths and psychopaths from leading the community into chaos.”
Tony, I agree 100%
Cathy O’Brien said Kissinger was the mastermind of the New World Order. I have no way of checking if that is correct, but recall what Kay Griggs reported about Kissinger.
Trump appears to be a robot, taking instructions from his handler. IMO, G5’s essay above cannot possibly be true. Donald ain’t no Sun Tzu.
As for the “Continuity of Government” routine, that is utterly illegal.
Anyway, I am glad the unconstitutional impeachment has failed. What a disgrace.
I have said a few times that it is very possible that this is part of the plan for COG. Its not only a disgrace its a pathetic waste of time that is called filierbustering in action to waste valuable time instead of proper government business
However we believe a coup de tat is in progress with all of the infiltration taking place over decades
There’s no Coup d’etat going on in America Arlyn.
There’s not the slightest smidgen of proof that any one coordinated entity has the power (the military is not coordinated but a countless array of individual fiefdoms), let alone the inclination to act on that power, and dislodge the ZWO.
(If you have proof then by all means share it with us).
You can take this to the bank Arlyn :
It’s business as usual in the One Party Tyranny that rules America with the foxes in TOTAL control of the hen house.
The Fraudulent election process was not a coup de tat TV?
Which fraudulent election process ? (seeing as ALL of them have been fraudulent more than likely in the post-Reagan era).
A Coup d’etat, by definition involves the transfer of power from one faction to an OPPOSING faction.
Seeing as Trump and Biden are BOTH sock puppets of the SAME cabal, how is the transfer of power from one faction of the WAR PARTY to another faction of the same War Party a Coup d’etat ???
The One Party Tyranny ruled before and it STILL rules today.
All that occurred in the interim was some kabuki theatre to convince the masses that there is a titanic struggle going on.
YOU’VE BEEN CONNED ARLYN if you believe otherwise.
page 109 Wendy Hoffman A Brain of My Own
“The talk radio shows poured out Trump-era hatred. I remembered Trump from satanic ceremonies. As an old teenager, young adult, he stood in line with other hopeful politicians waiting for a blessing from satanic royalties. His antics were known and encouraged. I don’t know when the leaders decided to make him a presidential candidate”
No Coup d’etat..TV?
Yes correct Arlyn – NO Coup D’etat whatsoever.
I like Brendon O’Connell and only just skimmed through the video above.
Brendon gets a lot of things right but still holds on to the fantasy that America is our last hope.
I believe he’s wrong on that score – the Yanks have long since demonstrated that they’re not up to it.
Those institutions that were capable of doing anything are rotten to the core.
Brendon at least is spot on in his assessment of the Q-tards (as he calls them), and pointing out that Netanyahu owns Trump.
He deserves credit for pointing out the obvious,
“On the other hand, our foolish recognition of ‘experts’ puts us in a position wherein psychologists and psychiatrists would have enormous power, which is also an invitation to corruption.”
These psychopaths have been in control for decades! You can easily find this out by basic research
Psychiatric Drugs: More Dangerous Than You Ever Imagined
(A New Video)
Why Psychiatry is Evil
How rockefeller founded modern medicine and killed millions
How many millions of people have been needlessly killed by chemotherapy and other poison “medicines” because they listened to Stephen Barrett?
Thanks arlyn -a must watch Mary—
An interesting video indeed. This could really ignite the family ‘divide’, were I to send it to one cocky practising nephew.. so best not, despite my strong impulse. (gutless vs peace?)Thank you for sharing, Arlyn.
One and a half minutes of perfection:
These blokes dancing seductively with each other while leaving two hotties in their L.B.D’s on the sidelines.
Am I the only one to notice that there were more appropriate choices to be made?
Yes I would like to see the opposite sex dancing as well TV. Lets see if two females can do the same. Lol Im sure they could
If ya’s can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen:
What she said …
The “MARK” of the beast
“Mark”Strongs 5482 (to sharpen to a point)
“The Book, Three Nails the Numbers of the Bible, tells the complete story of Jesus Christ, the number of the beast, Satan’s down fall, Christ resurrection and ultimately our salvation.
By way of explanation, a single nail, is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, vav. The meaning of the symbol is peg or nail. Pegs were used to hold the Old Testament temple tent in place. The Hebrew symbol is ? vav), which carries the double meaning of the number 6, speaking to the meaning of the number 666, the number of the beast in Revelation.
The back cover depicts “the day of the Lord” and the dead Apocalyptic world of the end times. Ironically the number 111 (three ones) looks a lot like Hebrew ??? (vav vav vav), which in binary is the representation of the number seven. The three ones may be interpreted as the trinity of individuals, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Satan used three nails to crucify Christ and thought his death would bring him victory only to have his temporary triumph turned into defeat by the resurrection of Jesus: thus sealing Satan’s fate and our salvation. Since mathematics is the discovery of what was true before all ages. The observations made in these pages were true in the time of Genesis, in the lifetime of Christ on earth, in first century when the New Testament was written and now. ”
Three nails were driven into the body of our Redeemer, two through His hands, and one through both His feet. And there were two thieves [with Him], one on His right hand and one on His left hand.
By way of explanation, a single nail, is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, vav. The meaning of the symbol is peg or nail. Pegs were used to hold the Old Testament temple tent in place. The Hebrew symbol is ? vav), which carries the double meaning of the number 6, speaking to the meaning of the number 666, the number of the beast in Revelation.
The Mark of the Beast
Strongs Greek Dictionary – Mark 5480, from the same as 5482; a scratch or etching.
Strongs 5482 (to sharpen to a point) akin to 1125 through the idea of scratching; a stake
The dictionary writer implies a tattoo, but I wonder if any skin puncture by a sharp pointed stake/nail/needle would be equally valid?
Dolly the cloned from DNA sheep –
…………….COVID -19 is supposed to be an acronym coming from Corona Virus Disease and the year it was first registered, 2019. However, what happens if we investigate COVID according to the above-mentioned Dolly/ Ylod/ algorithm? Chances are that the inverted Hebrew letters would not return anything meaningful, right? After all Dolly could have been only a bizarre coincidence. Well, coincidence or not, according to the same rule,COVID becomes DIVOC transcribed as in Hebrew[20]and it actually means something – it means possession by an evil spirit.(The word is transcribed into English as dybbuk, b and v being represented through the same Hebrew character, Bet – ?). To better understand what a dybbuk is we will submit to no less of an authority as professor Yoram Bilu, professor of sociology and anthropology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and recipient of the prestigious Israel Award in 2013. According to Bilu:
“The term dybbuk (dibbuq) was used in Jewish mystical circles to designate a spirit of a dead person, a notorious sinner in his lifetime, that took temporary possession of a human being (…) dybbuk possession was always conceived as an affliction or an illness and the possessing agent a foreign, dangerous intruder that had to be expelled. (…) The exorcist was always a revered rabbi who confronted the spirit with various religiously informed measures used in a fixed, graded order[21].”……….
19 stands for slaughter in the kabbalah.
Revelation 18:23 The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery (pharmaceuticals) all the nations were deceived.
Sorcery – Strong’s Greek: 5331. (pharmakeia) Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or spells Usage: magic, sorcery, enchantment. HELPS Word-studies. 5331 pharmakeía (from pharmakeuo, “administer drugs”) – properly, drug …
After you read this book, it comes as no surprise that two Jews, Bourla and Zaks, are spearheading two COVID-19 vaccines to which many may one day soon owe their lives……………”
Vaccines are bio-weapons
Italy Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam. Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics
https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=oDOrQ6O46EU&feature=youtu.be
Dr. Wakefield warns ”This is not a Vax, it is irreversible genetic modification” (9:54)
COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Oxford-AstraZeneca Linked To British Eugenics Movement
by GreatGameIndia
The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust. ….
Eugenics under another name
Vaccines – “get rid of whites”
Vaccine Proponent Dr. Carol Baker: “We’ll Just Get Rid of all the Whites in the United States…”
At the 2019 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal ceremony, made possible in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer, Carol J. Baker, MD and adjunct professor of pediatrics, was given the award in recognition of her groundbreaking research in group B Streptococcus (GBS) in “accelerating progress toward a much-needed vaccine to prevent a bacterial infection that can …
Read the post
Jews are not white –
Jews declare themselves to be anti-White
“………….Christians are slated for the final extermination. Both Zionist and Wahhabists have proven they are persecutors of followers of Christ. They each seek to crucify the Savior of all mankind by destroying the practice of the canons found in the New Testament. The political and cultural genocide against the authentic Christian gospel is the primary objective of this final conflict. Honest priests, preachers and clergy need to renounce Pope Francis the False Prophet as a phony ecumenical pontiff of Baal…..”
‘Flatulence in the wind for an audience of fools.’
That statement above pretty much sums up what G5’s articles have become and those that take seriously anything he has to say.
Does anyone have any background info on the YT channel America The Miracle linked in this piece?
Seem to be a mix of presenters but noted commentary by disinfo agent Charlie Ward in the Gitmo vid.
What about this statement from G5 : ‘Cuomo then Newsom et al, moving infected Chinese Virus patients into nursing homes, was in fact a premeditated genocide’.
Now, let me see, on whose watch did this premeditated genocide occur ?
Well, fancy that. Trump was Prez while all this was going on – and he did NOTHING to prevent it.
And don’t believe for one second that it was a states rights issue – Trump ABSOLUTELY could have initiated Federal intervention if he so desired.
Because the script for the Covid Deception said Trump should do nothing – which he dutifully complied with.
Now that he’s been relegated to his old life as a shonky property developer with NO POWER, we are expected to believe that things will start happening.
C’mon readers, let’s have a show of hands.
Who among you is so GULLIBLE as to believe any of the nonsense that G5 has peddled in this article and that Trump will be resurrected ?
As far as I am concerned, G5 is pretty much on the money as to what has gone down in the planned destruction of the United States ever since 1776. A pity, Truth, that you have not bothered to learn anything at all on this site!
There you go.
The ULTIMATE CONTRARIAN INDICATOR comes out of the woodwork in support of G5.
I was only 99 % sure that G5 was peddling disinfo but now that Nemesis is in his corner, you can put the house on it.
Veg says re Cuomo — “Trump was Prez while all this was going on – and he did NOTHING to prevent it.”
A president of the US is not the boss of a state governor.
And the poor thing did not know that simple truth!!!
Heaps more abounds on that nursing home murders exercise………….if I could be bothered exposing the truth available.
Ned, you’re too good for me.
You were right in ALL your calls leading up to the 2020 Presidential election, right (along with the Three Stooges Parkes/Ward/Steele) that the result would be overthrown, that there would be an insurrection on Jan 6, that Biden would not be sworn on inauguration day and that Trump would get a second term.
Meanwhile, every call I made was wrong (in your mind at least).
Ah well Ned, I’ll just have to live with that on my conscience.
ie: that I never get it right while you and ‘Mind-your-P’s-and-Q’s’ always do.
What was I thinking Mary.
Of course a President cannot override state law and send in Federal forces.
Obviously the following never happened in Alabama in 1961 :
Nor this in 1963 :
Nor this:
Evidently I must’ve imagined all those events Mary.
A paragraph from the last attachment reads :
‘On September 23, President Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10730, which put the Arkansas National Guard under federal authority, and sent 1,000 U.S. Army troops from the 101st Airborne Division to Little Rock, to maintain order as Central High School desegregated.’
Well fancy that, no act of Congress needed.
A President CAN issue an Executive Order which overrides a state’s jurisdiction.
“The US is under Martial Law, as the many civilian institutions refused to acknowledge the frauded election of 3 November 2020”
Please name some of those institutions, G5. I refuse to acknowledge the fraudulent election but I am not an institution.
At the moment my guess is that the Planners tried to do too much and ended up with a mess.
When I get around to it I will prosecute them.
What about the Michael Tellinger video titled ‘Trump takes control of the Fed ….’.
At around the 8 min mark we have the display of Jacob Rothschild and his 500 trillion dollars family fortune.
I think that’s quite an exaggeration but even if we’re conservative and say the Rothschild’s are worth ONE-TENTH that amount, that rates the Rothschild dynasty net worth at OVER double U.S GDP.
Yet with this phenomenal wealth at his disposal, we’re to assume that he meekly submitted and let Trump ‘take control of the Fed’ ??
How STUPID would anyone be to assume that the Z-cabal (ie: the amalgam of the Rothschilds with other Zio-family dynasties), would let slip the most valuable asset in human history without one apocalyptic decades-long-lasting fight ?
Towards the end we hear Tellinger boasting about how Trump got Blackrock’s Larry Fink to manage The Fed and the economic side of matters.
We’ve already covered who Larry Fink is in previous Gumshoe comments but for those who have missed it :
Fink is the most rabid of RABID Zionists and since the retirement of Lloyd Blankfein from Goldman Sachs, there is NO MORE SINISTER ENTITY in the financial world than this bloke.
If ever there was a case of getting the King of FOXES to guard your hen house, this is it.
I’m just left shaking my head as I read all of this, it really is soooo transparent what G5 is doing.
The Jews through Blackrock now own the Federal Reserve, IMF, the UN, the IRS, the Treasury, NATO and all countries subservient to their lending institutions as well.
This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Blackrock Just Took Over the US Treasury and Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio)
From the FTN Website: In less than a week the Federal Reserve has been merged with the U.S. Treasury (implying it wasn’t always that way) and BlackRock, the world’s largest and most powerful financial services institution, has been put in charge of executing future acquisitions and trades. Who is BlackRock? What do they own? And perhaps more importantly, what and who do they control? Jazz and James dive into BlackRock and uncover a significant portion of the apparatus by which U.S. politics are controlled and manipulated. Full episode: https://therightstuff.biz/2020/03/29/ftn-300-i-am-the-line-thy-god/
Read more
The IMF,Treasury and Federal Reserve are now one unit with the Jewish firm BlackRock.
The IMF was set up at the same time as the UN – 1945
1.The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF.(Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I.,Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No.26, Public Law 102-391.
The IMF is an Agency of the UN (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)
More or less on the money Criss X but need to correct the ‘Jews through Blackrock now own the Federal Reserve’.
They don\t ‘NOW’ own the Federal Reserve because they have ALWAYS owned it since its inception in 1913.
Nor are the IMF, Treasury and Fed Reserve one unit.
Yes, Fink has been appointed temporary custodian by the ZWO to liase activities between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve.
The ZWO controlled IMF meanwhile, is doing its thing to fleece entire nations and YES all three are working together within the ZWO framework – as has been the case for decades.
Nothing new under the sun occurred under Trump – other than further enrichment of the ZWO beyond what was imaginable under any previous administration.
The important thing to note is that X22 / ‘Q’ / the rest of the misinformers all went out of their way to stress how the appointment of Larry Fink by Trump was a masterstroke that was going to ‘bankrupt the Fed’ or some such.
ie: implying that Larry Fink was a white hat.
OK then, seeing as Biden is now SPOTUS (Sock Puppet of the United States), if Biden was part of the ‘Deep State’ and seeking to ‘undo’ the good that Trump set in motion, surely then Biden would fire Fink and appoint a lackey of his own ?
But guess what ? Fink is not going anywhere.
Because the One Party Tyranny that rules the U.S have of course instructed Fink to keep funnelling money to the 0.01 % just as he did under Trump.
The Cult-of-Trumpers just could not work that out – no doubt they’ll come up with YET ANOTHER EXCUSE to justify Fink being retained.
Something like: ‘Fink is pretending to do what Biden directs but all the while he’s subverting the entire monetary system to bankrupt the Federal Reserve and unravel the Deep State’.
C’mon all you ‘Q’ueeries out there, I’m still waiting on an answer to that question I posed months ago.
How the hell is anyone EVER going to bankrupt the Federal Reserve seeing as they HAVE NO LIABILITIES ??
One goes bankrupt when one cannot service the repayments on one’s borrowings.
The Zio-owned Fed NEVER has to borrow since it PRINTS THE MONEY.
I can print/digitally create endless trillions to dole out amongst its mates so never has the need to borrow.
My understanding is that it “adds liquidity” as the economy expands by printing money in return for government bonds, which just get rolled over anyway, so the Fed / RBA acts as a separation of powers. Imagine if the politicians could simply print their own money unchecked, the pork-barrelling would be incredible. Their super would be astronomical. So they have things like a little “independent” tribunal for their parliamentary remunerations.
Here I’m just explaining to be helpful. I’m not playing devils’ advocate. I’m not discounting anything else. At most I might suggest “be careful what you wish for”, which doesn’t imply any judgement + or – on the Reserve Banking System.
So where does all the money go ???
Obviously, to mates and pork-barrelling. Where else would it go.
Yes “mates” includes Zion and MIC and BigPharma &c &c.
Ultimately the next generation has to pay for infrastructure left behind by this generation.
Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid
June 22, 2020
BlackRock is a global financial giant with customers in 100 countries and its tentacles in major asset classes all over the world; and it now manages the spigots to trillions of bailout dollars from the Federal Reserve. The fate of a large portion of the country’s corporations has been put in the hands of a megalithic private entity with the private capitalist mandate to make as much money as possible for its owners and investors; and that is what it has proceeded to do.
…………The COVID-19 crisis presented the perfect opportunity to execute this proposal in the US, with BlackRock itself appointed to administer it. In March 2020, it was awarded a no-bid contract under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to deploy a $454 billion slush fund established by the Treasury in partnership with the Federal Reserve. This fund in turn could be leveraged to provide over $4 trillion in Federal Reserve credit. While the public was distracted with protests, riots and lockdowns, BlackRock suddenly emerged from the shadows to become the “fourth branch of government,” managing the controls to the central bank’s print-on-demand fiat money. How did that happen and what are the implications?………..
As you know I am not for Trump or anyone else including in Australia as I am not a registered voter.
I am not defending Trump as he cannot possibly know everything and the same with the intelligence community. On so many occasions the intelligence community does not even know…
DC is completely separate from the rest of geographical America or the United State of America
Residents In All 50 States File Petitions To Secede From …
The Constitution says no to DC statehood
House passes DC statehood bill: Here’s how it would work
Confederate States of America and the Legal Right To Secede
Can a State Constitutionally Secede?
This what Jefferson had to say in the book authored by R. Randall Bridwell and /William J. Quirk and what the authors have to say: brief excerpts
“An Act of usurpation is not obligatory–it is not law. Any man may be justified in his resistance to it”.
Let him be considered s a criminal by the General Government–yet his own fellow citizens alone can convict him. They are his jury–and if they pronounce him innocent they certainly will pronounce him, if the supposed law which he resisted was an act of usurpation.” pg. 129-130
State & Federal
State and Federal Governments will not police themselves.
Citizens have the duty and obligation to convince state authorities to interpose or apply interposition
The doctrine that a state, in the exercise of its sovereignty, may reject a mandate of the federal government deemed to be unconstitutional or to exceed the
powers delegated to the federal government.
To nullify Laws that are unconstitutional is called Nullification
States are ‘supposed’ to be the protecting shield from Federal
Legislators, magistrates and judges are not infallible and there should be no judicial immunity
Resistance to unlawful and unconstitutional laws whether local, state or federal
Establish a Recall system to vote out politicians to make them accountable to the electorate
Establish a People’s Referendums to decide the direction of the country
Executive powers need to be curtailed in the area of going to war for other countries whether allies or not and reviewed generally
Executive powers need to be reviewed
Where have Executive powers been utilised unconstitutionally?
Where is or where was the checks and balances from the other two branches of government if any?
States to have Reserved powers against Federal unconstitutional laws.
Reference websites states to nullify federal laws is not comprehensive but you get the idea
One day I shall put aside a month to look at all this….. I have some idea of the concepts and reality, but Thankyou for some concepts of truth.
Sorry, but I do not know if your usual Jesuits, Masons, Jews, zionists and the Vatican et al. are in there somewhere! I await the role of lizards, boy scouts and atheists in due course. Seems to be a dogs breakfast served by some? But truth be all knowledge and will without!
I hope you do asap. It will be worth your while to do so as time is running out
love your insights Ned. and from different generation Arlyn
one of Arlyns finds—the Holocaust a Psychiatric Eugenicists Plan-T$ program–a set of short videos.
The Tavistock Agenda
An Iraqi ISIS terrorist blew up his vehicle in his friends Saladin province killing 20 of them and himself by mistake.
The US-sponsored ISIS terrorist was planning to blow up the booby-trapped car in an Iraqi Federal Police checkpoint in the Jallam district south of Samarra.
Would anyone care to comment/speculate why military website Deagel.com is predicting the US population will be 99m in 2025, UK will be 15m & Oz 15m? What is going to happen to 60% of people in the next 4 years?
Prey link Deagal being a ‘military website’ and the ‘military’ running the plan to murder so many of us. ( UN by chance?)
Be fascinated to know now how they are going to carry out the genocide.
Food control with starvation is a historical precedent as per the Bolsheviks wiping out 20 million or more (?) Christians in the Ukraine via comrade Stalin.
Going to be exciting times?
Ask comrades Bill and Melinda perhaps?
Not comedy – serious
yes very serious w3 and all of those with expansive minds-thinking minds–open minds-
time to identify yourself — what’s your name ? who are you? -who’s your family ?- where’s your country? What’s /where’s your community/culture- What’s your story/narrative? Agenda.
Stop analysiing others–synthesise–your own existence- stand up and be counted
Yaka Gana
Richard, nothing substantial is going to happen to the populations of the US / UK and Oz in the next four (4) years.
That’s not to say that there won’t be significant millions culled in the US and UK in the decade(s) after that as food supply issues / mortality from vaccines etc come to the fore in those countries.
Even so, by ‘significant millions’ I’d be VERY surprised if even 5% of the populations of said countries kicked the bucket.
As for Australia, there will be NO issues on the ‘unexpected mortality’ front – worst case scenario for Oz is a loss of one-tenth of one percent of the population through some geo-engineered chemtrail type event or bioweapon introduced our way for not being fully onboard with proposed future ZWO dictated Climate Change mitigation policies / re-introduction of a carbon tax or squandering a greater share of GDP on more Green initiatives etc.
The ZWO, as psychopathic as they are, recognise that wholesale loss of life amongst the masses will wake them up from their stupor and that would risk a potential uprising.
No, the future reductions in world population will be achieved by sterilisation – as the Covidiots and their ilk get vaxxed every year in response to government fear mongering campaigns and thus no future progeny for said compliant clowns.
Because said population decline will be incremental, the masses won’t notice what’s happening to them.
Meanwhile, the ZWO owned MSM will peddle stories like sperm counts are down in men and ovulation isn’t happening in women because we’re eating too much meat derived from animals that grazed on glyphosate affected pastures or some such – hence the need to eat those ‘Vitamin fortified; Lab grown meat substitutes :
How tasty does this look :
that goes for you truth et al
Why should I stop analysing the statements of others Diane ?
That is, by definition, CRITICAL THINKING.
It’s ‘thinking’ with the ‘critique’ thrown in.
Diane, do you suggest I accept every lame brain cabal peddled disinfo theory like you do Diane ?
At the end of the day, I have beliefs, as do you , as does Ned and many others.
But ALL of our beliefs count for NOUGHT if they don’t match REAL WORLD OUTCOMES.
Diane, as you’re well aware, I haven’t been sitting on the fence.
People have been calling for Insurrection this, overturning election that and countless other things (Steele, one third of the Three Stooges, was calling for blackouts, all manner of absurd things), and I was one of the few to call him out and say NONE OF THE ABOVE WOULD TRANSPIRE.
I don’t know what world you live in Diane where FAILURE IS REWARDED but I want no part of it.
I want the Zio-cabal dismantled and I want it to happen NOW.
I’ve suggested PRACTICAL solutions that have the best chance of making it come to fruition (I know this because I can see the trail of dead bodies of those that made the ultimate sacrifice in trying to investigate 9/11, the JFK and RFK incidents etc)..
You Diane, don’t seem too perturbed about the lame theories being propagated from what I see.
It’s as if you’re happy to see the dumbed down masses bogged down in a tangle of conflicting beliefs – hence ensuring that the 58 year old JFK saga remains unsolved for a further 58 years.
“Richard, nothing substantial is going to happen to the populations of the US / UK and Oz in the next four (4) years.” You seem very certain of yourself. About just about everything. How so? We all know about the incremental eugenics programs. 60% dead in 4 years is that on cosmic steroids. Do you know who runs Deagel.com? Have you looked into the IP address? Have you looked into the forecasts for western vs non-western countries?
I’m 100 % certain that there is a One Party Tyranny in the U.S (as there is in Oz) so can safely say the things I do about there being no insurrection. military uprising to resurrect Trump.
Now Richard, as to the population cull matter, you’ll recall that YOU asked if anyone would speculate on why Deagal is predicting a culling of MORE than two-thirds of the U.S and UK populations.
So I responded with some SPECULATION.
Obviously, you or I don’t know what’s exactly in store but I made an informed guess that, in the case of the U.S (population approx 329 million), is not going to see 20 million of its countrymen drop dead whilst others do nothing about it.
Then watch as another 50 million drop dead and others do nothing about it.
And then, to get to 99 million (implying 230 million have been culled) in ONLY FOUR YEARS, are you really serious that some group, some armed militias, some sub-section of U.S society that has been disproportionately affected won’t do anything about it LOOOONG before it gets to the 99 million endpoint ?
I mean, there is an alleged death toll of 450,000 from Covid in the U.S and this has made a significant proportion of the population apoplectic with anxiety.
I would wager that if only a million or two suddenly died as a result of a cull initiated by the 0.01 %, that millions of those affected (who’d lost a partner of a child etc) would march into the neighbourhoods of the ruling elite (we all know where they live), and tear them limb from limb in a zombie apocalypse inspired orgy of destruction.
The cabal may be satanic and conscience free, but they would not be so stupid to cull that many individuals that fast.
They will do it incrementally or by stealth – via sterilisation, over a generation or two :
Meant to write ‘lost a partner OR a child’ above.
If one were to lose a partner OF your child (implying a son-on-law perhaps), this wouldn’t be viewed as much of a loss by many of you and perhaps even a net gain.
Fact is, Veg, the one who lose partners or children usually DO NOT rise up. I have seen this in many contexts.
They are beaten down, and they can’t get help from others.
That may well be Mary, but the neighbours / friends / bystanders who witness other families lose their children would hopefully rise up in a PREEMPTIVE ACTION before they lose their own kin.
W all witnessed the hundreds of thousands that marched on the Capitol building on Jan 6 to protest a fixed election.
We all remember the countless MILLIONS that marched to protest against the planned invasion of Iraq in 2003 (there was reportedly over a million in London alone).
And recall that was to protest over the handful of British and ‘Coalition of the Killing’ lives that were likely to be lost – with some collateral damage in the way of Iraqi lives.
Well, if they reacted in that fashion to a relatively smaller number of lives likely to be lost, IMAGINE how the populace would react to 100 or perhaps 1000 times as many CIVILIAN DEATHS in their own country.
There is NO WAY the ruling elite would engage in a massive culling of their own populations in a short time frame without expecting a tidal wave of push back.
Yes, there will be culling taking place somehwere more than likely.
But that will take place in the THIRD WORLD if it is ever going to take place.
Because, if even the entire population of Burkina Faso or Mali was wiped out tomorrow, it would register scarcely a murmur amongst most western people.
They’d just go back to updating their Facebook pages or posting nonsense on their Twitter accounts as if it didn’t happen.
That is the level of APATHY that exists in the west.
That is the level of apathy that exists right here on Gumshoe amongst those card carrying members of the Cult of Trump.
Trump has presided over an ESCALATION of the greatest humanitarian disaster in a generation or more (the slaughtering of the Yemenis), and all they care about is whether or not the ballots were counted correctly on Nov 3.
They care not that Trump is a War Criminal par excellence.
From somewhere above
Estimates of the Rotschilds fortunes I find completely frivolous, they have been around less than 300 years in the money printing game. Comparing their wealth to US GDP is almost meaningless, talking about GDP is like comparing house rent to house sale price, they are wildly disconnected in many ways. In Australia the RBA presumably collects some amount of rent on it’s printed money but many of the government bonds they receive are just rolled over into more debt (the “deficit”) and tangible assets they might garner, example some share of the CBA sale, seem to be the smaller part. Q. “Who owns the RBA” A. “The Commonwealth of Australia” – ah, that old chestnut.
I believe the government is a shareholder and beneficiary, who knows who owns exactly how much of anything. It is concealed by design !!! It’s in the Bahamas, Channel Islands, all over the place. To imagine you have some accurate knowledge is a conceit.
Rotschilds want Zion (bought not rented) and they haven’t got it yet but they are well on their way, I too would want a fortress in their position, what happens with all those different Semites (Arab, Jew + whatever) is not a special concern of mine, they have been hard at it for millennia, I have no road map to offer them. I wish Beirut and Damascus the best good luck, that’s all I’ve got.
re: the quantum of the main article, half of it is over my head, all I can add is that candidate Trump said he would not be telegraphing everything he would do in advance and also that he was the only person who knew how to do the job (extract the US from the jaws of the NWO I guess). I can also say that legal matters are so mind-bogglingly slow, for example it seems not to concern anyone that a person can be on death row for years, even if innocent !!! So I’m not in any position to make a call especially on timetables. I can agree to some extent with Trump critics that the guy is driven by his own ego and that alone should power his second term, whenever that re-starts.
One thing above all is certain, the MSM is lying and pushing its particular barrow nearly all of the time. The first thing we must assume with them is that we are being led in the wrong direction. But everyone knows that anyway.
From “New Times” Friday Feb.24th 1939
The following matter is of vital concern to every man, woman, and child in Australia.
The Commonwealth Bank Act Amending Bill, which was brought before the House of Representatives by the Hon. R. G. Casey on 25th November last year, and which will be debated shortly, represents the final stage in a 15-year plan to deprive the people of Australia of their power to control the money supply of their country.
In 1924, our Bank was placed under the control of a Board of Directors composed of nominees of the Private Banking System. Now, in 1939, certain politicians (under cover of other unpopular legislation) are seeking to remove the last vestige of control of our Bank.
“…The hope of Australia lies in the Commonwealth Bank working for the peoples welfare by eliminating depressions engineered by private manipulators of finance….”
If you allow the Commonwealth Bank Act Amending Bill, 1938, to become law, the People’s Bank will be sold to the Private Financiers
http://alor.org/New Times/pdf/NT0508.pdf
The Nation’s Credit: Senator Richard Darcey, 1941 ( ALP …
w3 probably would try and claim that the government of the day sold the Commonwealth Bank to itself and renamed it the Reserve Bank of Australia, (not the Commonwealth of Australia)
The RBA and the ATO are owned by the owners of the corporation called “The Commonwealth of Australia”, registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission
The Nation’s Credit: Senator Richard Darcey, 1941 ( ALP, Tasmania)
“…………………On one occasion I told honorable senators that the people who sent us here are under the impression that the 111 members of Parliament in Canberra comprise a national government engaged in the task of ruling Australia. I have told the people repeatedly that their assumption is entirely wrong and that Australia is governed by the associated banks.
Under the present system no government, can carry on its functions except by continuing the policy of borrowing. The only way to pay the ever-increasing interest bill is by borrowing still more. All money comes into existence through the banks in the form of a debt. That is why we are ealled upon to pay such tremendously high taxes to-day.
I have spent a considerable part of my life expounding my financial theories to the people, hoping that they will some day realize what a racket is being put over them under the present financial system, and that an obligation rests on the shoulders of every member of this Parliament to scrap it…………………”
http://www.alor.org/Political Democracy/The Nation’s Credit Senator Richard Darcey.htm
and to you criss cross with respect to your great contributions
The Commonwealth Bank Act Amending Bill, which was brought before the House of Representatives by the Hon. R. G. Casey on 25th November last year, and which will be debated shortly, represents the final stage in a 15-year plan to deprive the people of Australia of their power to control the money supply of their country.
In 1924, our Bank was placed under the control of a Board of Directors composed of nominees of the Private Banking System. Now, in 1939, certain politicians (under cover of other unpopular legislation) are seeking to remove the last vestige of control of our Bank.
“…The hope of Australia lies in the Commonwealth Bank working for the peoples welfare by eliminating depressions engineered by private manipulators of finance….”
sigh –
First. You have totally missed my point, I would not make claims, as I said, all this stuff is deliberately kept secret, via every kind of private fund.
Second. This is not about pre-war stuff. The CBA was sold by Howard and Costello in the 90’s, roughly $7 a share from memory. How much went to actual citizen shareholders and how much went to institutions like McQ for example nobody can probably say. How much diluted since then I couldn’t guess. It’s all just too much forensic work.
Third. This relentless screeching of “It’s the Jew” is not sufficient as a backbone to every analysis of everything by some of you, it’s more than a bit naiive and it’s juvenile, it undermines whatever point you ZDS people are trying to make (if there is any other underlying point).
So please don’t try to imagine what I’m thinking at least until you fully comprehend what I’m writing !!! Go back and re-read before you cut and paste. You make me dizzy, I’m not your schoolmaster and would never wish to be.
Imputing unwarranted power to any un-Godly earthly construct is the most effective means of fortification
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that everyone is a Jew. Prince Charles and William are Jew. Nelson Rockerfella is Jew. The Bushs are Jew. The pope is Jew. The mafia is Jew. The Swiss are Jew. Scotty, Dicktator Dan, Jacinda, Justin Turdau, all Jew. Putin, Xi. Trump. Biden. Alexandrea Occasional Cortex. Klaus Schwab. Merkel. Hitler. Fauci. Cuomo. Pompeo. Pence. Kaiser Wilhelm. Bismark. Archduke Ferdinand. The Black Hand. Malcolm Trumbull, Julie Bishop, Downer, all Jew. Twiggy and Gina, Jew.
Romans 12:19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
All this over a shopping centre ? The business plan was outdated.
I had a Jew who annoyed me extremely once, but I had two other Jews who were very good indeed. There were a few others floating around, exhibiting their traits. They seem to want to escape their Jewishness, much as Germans wish to get out of Germany, or as Asians wish to get out of Asia.
So anyway, you propose to do nothing !!!
ps. If it’s written by Saul / Paul, I am immediately skeptical. Do you have any more stuff about putting people in hell.
Hell, do you want me to quote the Catholic or the Greek dictionary understanding?
2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.
Bulletin (if not already shared)
• Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Delightful Bigtree – COVID-19 Was Never Proven to Exist
Symptoms and Signs of Cyanide Poisoning
Doctor’s Notes on Cyanide Poisoning
Cyanide is a potentially deadly poison that makes the human body’s cells unable to use oxygen. Signs and symptoms may be difficult to relate to the poison; for example, weakness, confusion, unusual behavior, shortness of breath, sleepiness, headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, abnormal heartbeats, coma, seizures and death. Chronic cyanide poisoning can occur over a long time periods with gradual onset of symptoms and signs. Acute cyanide poisoning has a rapid onset of almost immediate sudden collapse and may exhibit seizures and a coma before death. Other subtle signs are an unusual pink or cherry-red coloration of the skin and the breath may smell like bitter almonds. ………………
The COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA (all capitalized) government is basically a corporate instrument of the international bankers. The corporation owns the people from birth to death [by means of your straw man, a legal fiction and artificial entity created at birth using your name in UPPER CASE. Whereas you are a living flesh and blood human being, your straw man is a corporate sole person established under legislative authority and considered by statute a citizen of the government. It is in fact a government agency by definition of the way in which it was created. [ Read this http://www.legalucc.com/strawman.html ]. The corporate government also owns all the assets, property, and children of its citizenry.
The parties have chosen to ignore the constitution.
Section 44 of the Constitution forbids anyone who bears allegiance to a foreign nation from sitting in Parliament, otherwise, it is considered treason.
That guy Scott Ludlum from the Greens didn’t seem too bothered, he used up his 6 months’ mental illness leave then returned to be busted and quit, no charges of treason as I recall
China’s Chief Epidemiologist Admits COVID-19 was Never Proven to Exist
Andrew Kaufman, MD, interviewed by Del Bigtree, delivers an excellent short course on the risks of COVID tests and vaccines. The Interview is preceded by a short clip from an NBC report on 2021 January 23 in which China’s Chief epidemiologist, Dr. Wu Zunyou, says: “The Wuhan virus has never been isolated. and that is the problem.” Dr. Kaufman explains why that means there is no proof that a Covid-19 virus even exists and, instead, could be merely a variant of the common flu. This interview includes a summary of the debate between advocates of the germ theory and the terrain theory of disease. Be prepared for a deep dive into concepts and dogma that seldom are discussed but which are critical to disease control.
Watch this video at Red Pill University
You know, I’ve only scratched the surface as far the disinfo peddling of G5 went in his article.
So little time and yet so many fallacies peddled by G5.
G5 wrote : ‘ The problematic LBJ and his wife being cancelled after removal’.
Well, LBJ was never ‘removed’ from office.
He would dearly have loved to serve another term (which goes triple for the cabal seeing as he was a Zionist’s wet dream – having done more for their cause than ALL the Presidents before or since combined).
But, his Vietnam War was killing hundreds of Americans every week and he was well and truly on the nose with the voters.
College campuses and anti-war demonstrators across the country were shouting :
‘Hey hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today ?’
He knew he didn’t have a hope in hell of being re-elected so he voluntarily chose not to contest the next election.
Whilst LBJ did die in 1973 of a heart attack, it has never even been hinted at that he died under suspicious circumstances and nothing to suggest he was ‘cancelled’.
As for LBJ’s wife (Lady Bird Johnson), that G5 says was also ‘cancelled’, she went on to live to the age of 94 and died in 2007.
It’s safe to say that she was not ‘cancelled’.
One only wishes that G5 would cancel his B.S.
G5 writes : ‘Orange …… to isolate China, with the alliance of; The UK, Russia, Japan, and India’.
G5 still pushing the UTTER NONSENSE that Russia would consider, for even ONE SECOND, an alliance with the treacherous Yanks against their trusted neighbours and LARGEST TRADING PARTNER by a country mile (the Chinese).
Russia KNOWS its future prosperity is dependent on trade with China.
That bond between the two is UNSHAKEABLE.
G5 also writes : ‘China among many aggressions, had planted undersea nuclear explosives (tsunamis) off Indonesia.’.
Yet another fact-free assertion from G5. There is no history of China doing anything like any of the things the U.S does to other countries. ie: blatant provocations that amount to an act of war.
Yes, China has had border skirmishes but has never threatened a nation that hasn’t represented a threat to its border security.
If said nuclear explosives exist, almost certainly they are the handiwork of the U.S – who would be a prime candidate for having caused the Boxing Day 2004 Tsunami that resulted in around 130,000 – 160,000 Indonesian dead.
He later insinuates that George H.W Bush’s real name was Scherff (because he read an article similar to the following one and accepted it as fact without doing any due diligence) :
The Millennium Report features the occasional worthwhile piece but many of their articles are less than reliable – this one falls into the latter category.
The fact is, post-JFK, NO ONE even gets beyond the primaries to be selected as the candidate to contest the Presidential election, let alone gets to become POTUS, UNLESS they are thoroughly vetted by the Zio-cabal.
There is NO WAY IN HELL that a NAZI would get to become President (let alone a Nazi affiliated with Martin Bormann, Joseph Mengele or Otto Skorzeny).
For anyone to suggest this is beyond asinine – the Zio cabal would never have permitted that to happen.
T.V. , you’re a glutton for punishment. I have trouble stomaching the first couple of sentences.
It wasn’t easy Criss X.
I’d read a little from G5’s article and then I’d walk away for half an hour for some deep breathing to mitigate the effects of an anxiety attack.
Then I’d come back, grit my teeth, and try again for a few more minutes.
It’s a bit like reading w3’s B.S, where he never misses an opportunity to be an apologist for the Rothschilds and claim (without any supporting evidence whatsoever), that they’re not as rich as people say and that it’s really the ‘Bush gang’ or some ‘exhumed Nazis’ that were cryogenically reconstituted and are now doing the mischief (as if there is ANY Nazi movement of substance anywhere on the planet – and bearing in mind that the youngest still living member of the actual Nazi party is now 99 years old and on life support).
But ‘w3’ will not be deterred, he is so paranoid (like all the others at the synagogue he attends), that this 99 year old could resurrect a movement that will engulf world Jewry and become Holohoax Mk 2.
Mary, I am familiar with the thesis Greg Poulgrain’s book and it is yet another DIVERSION propagated by the actual perpetrators to lead AWAY from the actual trail of evidence.
Yes the Texas Oil men had a motive for seeing JFK dead, as did the anti-Castro Cubans, as did the REAL mafia (ie: the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate) and the Military Indust Complex – and no doubt also something to gain in having JFK friend Sukarno deposed and replaced with U.S lackey Suharto.
But ALL of those actors in AGGREGATE (then multiplied by 10), did not have anywhere near the M.M.O of the Zio-cabal and the state of Israel.
If you had read Michael Collins Pipers ‘Final Judgement’ you’d know why and you’d appreciate why said book was the Number 1 banned book in the history of the Republic.
There has never been a book that the cabal tried harder, by hook and by crook, to stop the dissemination of Mary (and they tried EVERYTHING).
They also tried to prevent / disrupt Collins Piper from holding seminars / debates / discussions on said topic like they have done to NO INDIVIDUAL either before or since – that is no word of exaggeration
Our Mary is taking a leave of absence starting today. A few comments on the above:
LBJ was surely told to quit. We were flabbergasted when he announced in ’68.
RG Casey, mentioned in connection with 1939 and Menzies, was in the Order of the Garter. Garter seems to me to be the cerebrum of the whole fandangle.
It will be easy to kill off millions or even billions. Recall that the 2014 Rockefeller report, subject of my book Grass Court, said that a second wave would kill the young, and we already have a video of Chinese people dropping dead in the street.
I think 5G is involved or could put something in the water supply. White phosphate available to quell the stench of bodies. No sooner was the airplane invented than HG Wells was yipping about too many bombs would have stench blowback.
Dallas 1963 may not have been Israel. A new book by Aussie Greg Poulgrain makes good case that it was Indonesia resources. I hope James O’Neill will review that book for Gumshoe.
I used to think there was unity at the top, but now I concede, many.
All of them should be measured for harm they do; many are mentally far out, man. Far out.
Years ago I read that “OSS” meant “Oh so social.” In other words, the wealthy class folk all support whatever OSS or CIA does. How foolish of them. We are all jerks and they are extra-special jerks.
I somehow think testosterone is the problem. I can’t picture us gals wanting to send a disease all around the world. Baking cupcakes (i.e., leading a normal life) is more compelling.
It’s time to get serious about putting Kissinger on the rack.
There are so many of them, that it will take a promise of amnesty to start the dominos falling. Be assured the law can handle all of it. All of it. The law is magic. But not if it’s sitting in the bottom drawer.
Nobody twigged on Diane’s quote above (or her paintings!). She said Trumpie-Boy at age 19-ish was seen by the very trustworthy Wendy at “satanic ceremonies.” — In New York, I presume. Key-rist!
Yesterday’s performance in Congress makes me think there is a pill or a hypnosis or something that truly causes a rational person to think and talk like an idiot. They don’t even look embarrassed about it.
You Gumshoe smarties have so much to contribute. So do it. Do we need a more authoritative-sounding website name than “Gumshoe”? How about Kalashnikov? Please send suggestions to Dee.
Note: Comments won’t be monitored for a while, so try to be nice to one another. (Ah, THAT’ll be the day!)
Julius’s girl with the asymmetrical aqua dress wins the dance competition, IMO.
Anybody wanting to reach me, “dial” MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com
Probably not a lone gunman job.
Surely planned:
For those interested in Mary’s suggestion of the Greg Poulgrain book focusing on Indonesia and its role in the JFK assassination, all you need do is read this book review article (it’ll save a you a few bucks wasted on yet another diversionary fable that takes the focus off the actual perpetrators) :
Now I ask Gumshoe readers one important question.
Assuming you were a cabal that perpetrated the JFK assassination (and 9/11, and 7/7 and the Covid and Climate Change hoaxes and countless more), and assuming said cabal had a combined financial wherewithal that easily exceeded world GDP, a cabal that controlled the MSM and and the entirety of the financial system in the western world and ALSO possessed the most valuable asset in human history that allowed them to create trillions with a key stroke (the U.S Federal Reserve), assuming all those things, would you sit idly and watch individuals with integrity investigating said crimes and exposing your malfeasance ???
OR …. would you use the ENTIRE MACHINERY at your disposal (ownership of the media, ownership of all the major book publishing houses, ownership of the all the politicians of significance in the western world etc), and fund gifted authors to write stories with ALTERNATIVE THEORIES that diverts attention AWAY from the actual perpetrators ?
ie: Books written by lavishly paid mercenaries that seem, on face value, to be very plausible.
I’m not saying that all such authors are on the Z-cabal payroll.
No doubt there will be a good many ‘useful idiots’ that believe what they’re writing (and more than a few others who know their thesis has no substance but can make a few bucks in book royalties).
Bottom Line : In the immediate aftermath of JFK’s murder and 9/11, the Z-cabal have been in overdrive peddling one fable after the next trying to confuse the gullible masses that there are NUMEROUS POSSIBLE EXPLANATIONS for each event and written in such a way as to convince readers that the ‘science’ verifies their particular theory (each will have numerous ‘experts’ with Phd’s providing ‘sworn’ testimonies and such claiming that their theory is water tight).
Of course said experts (like a certain Anthony Fauci) are no more than minions who have been PAID TO LIE.
What the Z-cabal have tried to do (and have been very successful), is to get SO MANY DOZENS OF THEORIES INTO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, each seemingly as plausible as the next, that readers who only look into it superficially (over 95 % of people), will say to themselves :
‘Well, if the experts can’t agree on a unified theory, what hope have we laymen got of working this out ?’
And that’s when people give up and forget about said topic.
Well, I can promise you that I will NEVER give up on enlightening anyone I can on the facts pertaining to the JFK murder and the 9/11 False Flag till the day I die.
Because, I can tell you FOR CERTAIN, exposing the facts about 9/11 to the world BRINGS DOWN THE Z-CABAL.
(Not true to the same extent for the JFK assassination since 58 years have elapsed and the ‘fire’ in people’s bellies has been diminished but 9/11 is still fresh and it will unleash a torrent of anger and thirst for retribution).
I have a number of books on JFK and here is some truth in all of them. As Isaiah 28:10 says “For precept upon precept; line upon line; here a little, and there a little.
Allen Dulles | FromRome.Info
Thalidomide tragedy DEFINITELY ENGINEERED. I can prove it.
The doc was trying to push that stuff on my mother so you can wonder no longer where my distrust comes from, of Rockerfellas et al “BigPharma” and their world domination schemes
Crucial statement by Foreign Minister Lavrov
Foreign Minister Lavrov just made the following statement that Russia is willing to sever her ties with the EU if the EU introduces new sanctions. He said:
“We proceed from the fact that we are ready [to break with the European Union]. If we once again see, as we have already felt more than once, that sanctions are imposed in some areas that create risks for our economy, including in the most sensitive areas, – yes. If you want peace, prepare for war“.
’56’, (Re: your comment below), no doubt that Josh Fry-dem-burgers will be presiding over whatever tyranny is planned for Oz.
The cabal have high aspirations for little Josh.
It’s Crown Kabal Communism, has been since 1913.
To think otherwise is delusion or deception.
Freemasonry is the ring that rules all players, east west north south. End result, a one world feudal slavery system under cyber surveillance total control.
The deep state, have always been the same players passed on from generation to generation. There will be no war with China or Russia, their intelligencia are already here. China was created by the Anglo Cabalsters, would like some proof this is not so?
As we are theorising, the one belt is coming up the great divide, with mega cities ccp style in new China downunder. Naivety our demise. Masonic doctrine is the Talmudic script. Heil Josh !
Socialism with Chinese characteristics
Why are so many Chinese companies owned by the Chinese government?
Because it is ‘the PEOPLE’s (renmin: people together) Republic of China’. The Chinese people own a great portion of the wealth.
The government manages those campanies professionally through State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration(SASAC) and quite a portion of the profits generated would be collected to the national treasury and very often invested in matters that serves the people’s interest, such as poverty-elimination efforts, infrastructure, and investments in remote areas such as Tibet.
Another main function of this setup is to keep capitalists in check.
Versus Jewish cabal parasites
So, who owns and controls the money system in the West and who takes all of the profits, leaving us with a few crumbs?
“…………This author has made the claim again and again that Soviet Marxism has nothing to do with labour, ethics, production or philosophy. It was merely a means to transfer the wealth of labour to the overwhelmingly Jewish members of the Communist Party. Since the party planned all economic production from Moscow, it implies that the party therefore owned all productive capital. What resulted was the most exploitative economic system ever devised, and it was largely accomplished with investment capital from the west……………”
“Some call it Marxism (Communism), I call it Judaism.” – Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise – The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935. (Judaism is nothing but disguised, camouflaged Communism, therefore, Zionism is nothing but Communism) !!!
If China is run by Freemasons and the Wests Freemasons wage war with China…………
Matthew 12:26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?
Freemasonry is a Jewish construct.
Did Mao collaborate with the Z-cabal and the Apartheid Israeli state throughout his tenure in office ?
Answer: Absolutely.
Have Mao’s successors continued in that collaboration in a big way which continues to the present day (inasmuch as they can obtain technology that the Zionists stole from the Yanks) ?
Answer : No Doubt about it.
But the big question is for how much longer will Israeli assistance be needed, seeing as China is now, in alliance with the Russians, a SUPER HEGEMON that can stand on its own two feet and is unassailable ?
(China has locked up food / energy / and resource security via the Belt and Road Initiative throughout the Asian land mass).
I believe that the Zio-Israeli collaboration will soon reach its USE-BY date as the Israelis have less and less to offer in the way of stolen high tech as China’s own high tech industry becomes the epicentre of cutting edge output on the planet.
When Israel and the Zio-cabal is of no further use, and that day is FAST approaching, China will dispose of them like a dirty rag.
Echoes of Oswald Mosley’s true definition of Fascism – not that Zionism’s revisionist definition and relabelling as a pejorative.
• Fascists bind themselves together to serve their country
• inspired by the same passionate ideal of national service
• the essence of Fascism is teamwork, the power to pull together and to sink individual interests in the service of the nation.
• The State will not attempt to conduct industry as it would under Socialism, instead, the State will lay down the limits within which industry may operate, and those limits will be the national welfare.
• Private ownership will be permitted and encouraged, provided such activity enriches the nation as well as the individual.
Mosley Oswald – Ten points of fascism (1933)
It was the Italian Communists who hung Mussolini up by his feet.
How Mussolini dealt with the Commo’s
“In their war against Bolshevism the Crusaders of the Black Shirt
used many weapons. One of the most effective was castor oil.
As one youthful leader explained to me, it was not so much a
weapon as a remedy. The Fascisti were constantly encountering
acts of disloyalty which deserved punishment on the lower scale,
and Signor Italo Balbo, who looks like a millitant poet, but is nevertheless
one of the veterans of Fascismo despite his 27 years, conceived
the idea of purging society in this simple way.
, He had to deal with the case o a man of nearly 60, who was
guilty of propaganda against the State. The culprit was too old
to be beaten. Signor Balbo had him forcibly fortified with a pint of
castor oil, administered in two large tumblers by simply stopping
his breath unt he had to swallow or die. He was kept under restraint
until the remedy had taken a firm hold on him and then sent
back to his family.
Thereafter castor oil became a sovereign remedy for ‘* Red madness.”
It was given to all breeds of Bolsheviks, from desperadoes
recruited from the criminal classes to schoolmasters and ” intellectuals
” higher up in the movement to overthrow the kingdom.
The effect was unfailing. I am told that a ” patient ” never
rendered himself liable to a second dose. When he emerged from
his retirement, pale and haggard, he found himself an object of
ridicule instead of a martyr. He was never quite the same man
again. Fascisti would pass him by with an ironic inquirj.^ as to the
state of his health, and Communist accomplices had difficulty in
expressing sympathy which did not betray a suggestion of amusement.
Ridicule thus became a powerful ally of the Crusaders of the Black
Shirt. The psychologists at the head of the movement gauged
exactly the mentality of their opponents, and where less subtle
leaders might have relied mistakenly on brute force alone, they
waged war with fine discrimination.
Sir Oswald Mosley is the arguably the best P.M the British would’ve had in the 20th century, had he been allowed to get that far.
A very intelligent man and much demonised by the usual degenerates that control the narrative.
I saw this interview of his some time ago and he impressed me greatly :
“Freemasonry is the ring that rules all players, east west north south. ” Indeed it is. They have more influence than what people can imagine
President Trump Impeachment Trial LIVE- Day 4
Order out of Chaos –
Ordo ab Chao in Freemasonry | Freemason Information
“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end” – Rabbi Isaac Wise (of B’nai B’rith, quoted in Israelite of America, Aug 3, 1866)
Freemasonry is based on Judaism. What is left of the Freemasonic rituals, when eliminating Judaism doctrines? – The Jewish Tribune. New York, 29. okt. 1925.
The Noahide World Order
Government Leaders Encourage Adherence to the Seven Jewish Noahide Laws
…………………..Major General Michael Jeffery, Governor General of Australia, lamenting family breakdowns and drug and alcohol abuse in modern society in a 2008 letter wrote that he believed that observing the fundamental values of the Noahide BEHEADING Laws can be an antidote to such ills of society.
Yet another YouTube accounts bites the dust.
The Perfect Crime
by This article was posted by TLB Staff
The Perfect Crime “By TLB Contributing Author: Rico S. Giron How does one commit murder? How can one commit murder and get away with it? How can a world “government” commit genocide in plain sight and not be detected? In fact, how can “genocide” be made to appear legitimate? When a human behavior becomes institutionalized, […]
Read more of this post
Thank you, truth is music to tuned ears.
For the ‘truth’ hear at least from the 30 minute mark for ten minutes or so and understand the future prospects.
Mary, i intend to read Poulgrain’s book, but it will have to join a long list, as my reading rate is rather slow these days.
@Truth Vigilante I enjoy your comments, most of which I agree with. It puzzles me why Gumshoe persists in publishing G5’s largely unmitigated crap.
James, if you or any other readers have not read it, I urge you to read ‘Final Judgement’ by Michael Collins Piper before wasting time on the Poulgrain piece.
The pdf for it below :
I had a very brief email exchange with Piper shortly before he died – he was in his 50’s and needless to say paid the ultimate price for saying what no person either before or since has had the guts to say.
Not only does Piper reveal conclusively which entity orchestrated JFK’s demise but provides an avalanche of supporting evidence.
No other book on the JFK assassination ties in ALL the loose ends and ties in all the actors and their motivations.
Detectives will focus on M.M.O (Means , Motive and Opportunity) in determining who committed a crime.
Yes, there were MANY actors that had a motive for seeing JFK dead but nearly all didn’t possess the wherewithal (Means) or Opportunity to carry it out.
ONLY ONE ENTITY possessed Means, Motive and Opportunity and it did so IN SPADES – this is irrefutable.
The book is not just about JFK. It reveals why the cabal smeared Nixon and brought him down.
It reveals that it was almost certain that JFK Jr read Piper’s book and approved of it – and the cabal likely got wind of that fact.
A JFK Jr that knew the FULL picture in relation to his father’s demise could not be tolerated by the cabal – a JFK Jr that had read Final Judgement and had grasped its implications was not to be allowed to run for the Senate and thereafter a certain Presidency.
JFK Jr had to go.
I can honestly say that no other book has impacted my life the way Final Judgement did – it is THAT important.
For those that prefer reading hardcopies of books, Final Judgement used to be available at American Free Press where Piper was previously employed :
As far as the ‘best of the rest’ goes, in terms of books on the JFK assassination (JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass), whilst I haven’t yet read it in its entirety, many hard core JFK researchers that have integrity have said that Douglass has not gone far enough.
Douglass mentions the Israeli angle somewhat but just doesn’t have the guts to come right out and say what Michael Collins Piper did – lest he end up the way of the dodo.
Have to love all the theories on JFK and all the false flag killings that abound in our history since Big Julie and Christ’s crucifixion and even since Satan conspired to give Eve the apple, not mention pinching a rib.
Theories and theories entertain many,
At least better than on ‘Married at first sight’ ( never watched it but adds are unavoidable) 🤡 or re-reading the first 10 pages of a Russian novel.
Dear people, we all live at the bottom of a nine litre bucket of worms, trying with each worm we pass, to find directions to choke King worm at the top and have the King release us back into the earth.
It is a difficult task. But we all try to find home.
All fun, in due course we may rest, in due course we will be emptied back from whence we came…… alongside the King.
Love it, so many interesting worms one crossed in a short life, even here.
I will donate a handsome headstone for the person who resolves the truth.🙏🙏🙏🙏
James states above that G5 is mostly unmitigated crap.
So James are you opining that the first few paragraphs are included in your assessment!
James I know G5 and you if you know better, then why be shy?
Let us into your little secret/s to justify your stated unbecoming vilification after all, if claimed in a Court you surely know that a court may quip; and your basis for that claim is? Or is there a ulterior purpose in your ‘allegation’?
I do not want a headstone I will be cremated so there will be no visitors visiting the dead…Thanks all the same. 🙂 You can pay for the cremation instead. Lol
Our journey is of pilgrims in a strange land with our conscience in tact to choose a free gift of the Everlasting Gospel to Eternal Life instead of Eternal Death.Many will be by he King and many will not be.
When we die that is our judgment of either Eternal Life or Eternal Death by accepting or rejecting the Gospel of Christ. Of course there is repentance to be done by all of us that choose this course of action for our lives and loved ones. There is no second chance that some religions preach and teach like the Dispensationalists do.
The Rapture
The rapture narrative gives the notion that people will be given a second chance at salvation if they do not make the rapture.
Is there really a secret rapture with a second chance of salvation?
Our journey is of pilgrims in a strange land with our conscience in tact to choose a free gift of the Everlasting Gospel to Eternal Life instead of Eternal Death
The Parable of Lazarus
Hell and Purgatory
Understanding the Terminology
Media dealing with Hell
Encyclopedia of Terms, Customs, and People
I am a happy worm and need no more endless egotistical theories and mysteries.
I like facts………….Better than a thriller novel, to entertain.
Best Of luck with your cremation………..need a light?
‘Ashes to dust, dust to dust’.
Might see you there one time and we can set up a worm farm and internet site; “wormworldtruth.heaven.com”. (I claim copyright as St Peters resident and agent [and lawyer])
🙂 Lol good one!
I see the Vacuous Veggie is trolling me again above, not entertaining to read his stuff, I always skim over it, but his relatives, now that is another thing. Here is a selection of his more intelligent and amusing relatives filling in all gaps he leaves with his very repetitive and numbingly dull material.
You disgusting human worm.
How dare you place us, as related to or compared with a bucket of worms………..I am, we are, vegetarian!!!!!!!
(Regards: Association of bird brains and intellectual seed seekers)
I hope you stuck with it to the last one, I think the Veggie could be replaced (and improved on) for the price of a bag of birdseed
Poor Abdullah…..Thats us.
Uncle Dan’s Victorian orchestral control system.
As it was (first three minutes) and never will be again if Comrade Dan succeeds with his agenda under way
re logging: Dan’s band!!!
Japan Appoints Minister Of Lonliness To Combat COVID-19 Related Suicides
by GGI Staff
Govt. of Japan has appointed a Cabinet Minister as ‘MINISTER OF LONELINESS’ to address this concern.
Read more of this post
Larry Elder Debunks the 2020 Election Voter Integrity | Larry Elder
Here’s a nice long expose (suitable as radio) about events starting under the Ford presidency including Cheney accidentally shooting someone on his Wyoming ranch, Mitt Romney’s father and how the entire country is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome as a result of manipulations such as Sept 11 … I listened to it a few years back on youtube … fancy that ! I don’t think you’d easily find it there now, if at all
@TRUTH Vigilante. I have read the Piper book and agree with your assessment.
@NED. My assessment is based on the overall argument. One can always pick out pieces that contain a smattering of truth, it doesn’t detract from the overall assessment.
That qualification would have been helpful for those who read and were accepting of your general assessment of g5 at the time, without any explanation by you, of any detail/s of any acceptance by you, identifying a ‘smattering of ‘TRUTH’.
Thanks for the qualification expressed, if I may conclude, is belated.
The damage has been done.
Instead of making an account, Jacinta goes for self-righteous divisiveness
Why does the photograph of Jacinta remind me of a pre plastic version of Nancy?
Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar
That makes the 3rd world war a certainty.
We have been in WWIII for some time…
Hot or cold?
It has been a continuous hybrid of propaganda, cyber warfare and biological which is hard to argue it is not with past and present history as evidence
Retired 3 Star Lt. General Thomas McInerney Declares ‘We are in WWIII” COVID is a Biological Weapon
It should be obvious but I shall mention it as all of us have been under the illegal corporate-government entity of state sponsored terrorism against the population with deranged psychopathic draconian legislation of OTT surveillance and the so-called “Terror laws”
The ‘Great Reset’ has already started … but so has the resistance!
The fights against bail-in, cash bans, and for public banking institutions to invest in the real economy, stand in the way of the technocratic assault on democracy and sovereignty called the Great Reset.
The so-called Great Reset is on everyone’s lips. Playing on fears about climate change and the disruption caused by the pandemic, World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab and his billionaire collaborators have ramped up the promotion of their dystopian fantasy of technocratic “stakeholder capitalism”—in essence, an expansion of corporate power. A lot of that talk about a Great Reset is a sideshow, however. In an extremely important new episode on the Walk The World YouTube channel, “The ‘Great Reset’ Has Already Started”, Digital Finance Analytics’ Martin North interviews Australian Alert Service editor Elisa Barwick on the core agenda that is already under way, which is the rapid transfer of economic power from accountable governments to unaccountable central banks and private banks, fund managers and mega-corporations.
Click here to watch: “The ‘Great Reset’ Has Already Started”.
Martin North and Elisa Barwick presented a series of shifts which collectively amount to financial regime change—a complete rewrite of the financial system as we know it. The 2008 financial bailout resulted in unprecedented collusion among central banks globally and a mammoth transfer of power from governments to unelected bankers. Charged with the task of saving too-big-to-fail banks and protecting financial stability, the “central bank of central banks”, the Bank for International Settlements, launched phase two of the bailout, its Resolution Regime framework, a.k.a. “bail-in” (confiscation of deposits and junior bonds to rescue failing banks). In most cases, bail-in only increased the concentration of TBTF banks, as larger institutions swallowed up smaller ones when bail-ins didn’t work to prop up the banks. Furthermore, it granted a global, unelected body extraordinary regulatory power over national banking systems.
As all the bailout measures began to fail, extreme monetary policy, including negative interest rates, exacerbated the banking crisis, driving small banks, community and public banks out of business. What had started with a bang with the 1999 repeal of Glass-Steagall worsened: commercial banks were driven to speculate in order to survive, blowing up the financial bubble while the real economy was starved of credit.
North and Barwick discussed the major turning point marked by the August 2019 Jackson Hole summit, where then-Bank of England head Mark Carney (who is also the former boss of the BIS-run Financial Stability Board) proposed a global central bank digital currency to replace the US dollar, establishing a “new financial architecture”, and asset manager BlackRock proposed a merger of central bank and government functions by granting the US Federal Reserve the power to direct government spending.
In a 15 August 2019 interview with Bloomberg, vice-chair of BlackRock Philipp Hildebrand declared, “we’re going to see a regime change in monetary policy that’s as big a deal as the one we saw between pre-crisis and post crisis [the introduction of QE]. And one element of this, an important one, will be a blurring of fiscal and monetary activities and responsibilities.” (Emphasis added). To be clear, he was referring to central banks taking over from accountable governments the decision where to spend public money.
As Barwick pointed out, such a “merger of state and corporate power” is the precise definition of fascism, as described by both its political creator, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, and main opponent, US President Franklin Roosevelt, who in 1938 told the US Congress: “The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism—ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.”
A year or so after Jackson Hole, the Philadelphia Fed issued a working paper suggesting that crisis stimulus payments, such as the ongoing COVID-19 relief programs, could be conducted digitally by providing all citizens personal Fed accounts. The Fed could also funnel spending directly into long-term projects via investment banks. This could render commercial banking obsolete, the Fed report admitted. A 3 December 2020 London Economist article, “Will central-bank digital currencies break the banking system?”, declared “that might not be so bad”.
The BlackRock-proposed bank-state merger was tested in effect in March 2020, with a number of Fed special purpose vehicles created to purchase assets such as corporate bonds to prop up markets. In the name of combating the COVID-19 recession, the Treasury issued the credit and the Fed conducted the operation, using BlackRock to make the trades. The lion’s share of the Fed lending programs went to big banks; “Main Street” programs for the real economy were barely touched.
This agenda can be stopped!
This is the sometimes-creeping, sometimes-accelerating agenda that the Citizens Party and many other concerned Australians, and similarly concerned people all over the world, have been standing against. The fight against policies like bail-in and cash restrictions, and for crucial financial reforms including the Glass-Steagall separation of commercial banking from investment banking and the establishment of public banking institutions, is crucial to keeping the private banks honest, ensuring credit is directed into essential infrastructure and industries in the real economy, and bringing the financial system back under the sovereign authority of governments that are accountable to their people, rather than the multinational, unaccountable, technocratic cabal around central banks. The 2020 victory against the $10,000 cash ban demonstrates that if the people focus on these fundamental issues, we can win.
The Citizens Party’s fight for an Australian postal bank, intertwined with the fight to expose the vested interests behind the assault on Australia Post and Christine Holgate, is another fight we can win. For a brilliant example of what is possible with a public postal bank, Citizens Party Research Director Robert Barwick interviewed the former deputy director of the Ministry of Finance of Japan, Daisuke Kotegawa, for the latest episode of Citizens Insight. Kotegawa explains how Japan Post Bank, the biggest postal bank in the world, was central to Japan’s post-war economic success, by directing the enormous sums of deposits it attracted into investment in the real economy—precisely what Australia needs today.
Click here to watch: “Japan Post Bank: The great postal banking success”.
Click here to sign the petition: An Australia Post ‘people’s bank’—a win-win solution for the nation
Department of Justice will charge Google with multiple violations of federal antitrust law today
A bit slow off the mark.
Betty Boop: Fauci Receives $1M Prize From Israel “For Being the Best Little Shit After Netanyahu”
Israel Gives Fauci $1 Million Cash Prize for ‘Defending Science’ Against ‘Uninformed Opposition”
Fauci’s time in gay bars and bathhouses also cited as a sign of his enlighenment.
We do not make this shit up.
Opt in for free daily update from this free blog. Separately The Steele Report ($11/mo) offers weekly text report and live webinar exclusive to paid subscribers, who can also ask questions of Robert. Or donate to ask questions directly of Robert.
Arlyn, are you playing an early April Fool’s joke by suggesting that anyone would rate the Steele Report as worth even 11 CENTS per month (let alone $ 11 /month) ?
I mean, we all saw the videos featuring RDS in the weeks leading up to Biden’s inauguration and on EVERY ONE of his forecasts Steele was 180 degrees wrong.
WHY would anyone want to involve themselves in a webinar with a PAID FICTION PEDDLER ?
Arlyn, watch from 0:40 – 1:05 in the clip below :
Now Arlyn, tell me (with hand on heart), that Robert David Steele isn’t a lunatic.
You know Arlyn, you write a lot of good things but can you see that you’re reducing you’re own credibility by promoting a liar/looney-tune like this bloke ?
That video has absolutely nothing to do with my post previously so why bring this up. Again out of context TV
Video: State Legislatures Must Push Back Against Federal and Executive Branch Overreach—Daniel Horowitz
President Joe Biden has issued a record number of executive orders in his first month in office, with far-reaching implications.
The North Dakota House recently passed a bill to create a joint committee examining federal laws and executive orders. The bill aims to nullify federal orders within the state if they violate the U.S. Constitution.
This is what they should have been doing ever since its implementation. The same goes for Australia. Is a no brainer for checks and balances
Scott Morrison could tear up Victoria’s controversial Belt and Road deal with China with WEEKS as PM declares there’s ‘no benefit’ to Australia
'One Belt, One Road' is a $1.5trillion Chinese foreign and economic policy
It has signed 170 deals with 125 countries related to Belt and Road agenda
Commentators have said state deals with China could be a concern
In 2018 Dan Andrews made a Belt and Road agreement with China
New Federal law could see state deal with foreign powers deals vetoed
Why was it allowed to go on with no oversight to the Federal government or the so-called “intelligence agencies”
Why has it allowed to go on for so long?
We need to see the Contract of the Memorandum of Agreement that has been hidden from the Victorians and the rest of the states and territories
This is a Four Corners research and investigation of possible sedition and treason by the Victorian Premier with a number of other criminal charges
Scott Morrison is a traitor so if he declares that signing up to the uncontroversial Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is of ‘no benefit’ to Australia, then it’s safe to say that it will be of IMMENSE BENEFIT.
I refer to the BRI as uncontroversial because it can be DEMONSTRABLY shown that every country that has signed on has benefitted enormously.
Arlyn, I agree with you that there should be more oversight of those paid minions of the Anglo-Zionist empire that are trying smear the value of the BRI.
(Said individuals should have their bank accounts and spending habits audited for ‘excess money’ that they’ve no doubt been bribed with to demonise the BRI).
Dan Andrews has got a hell of a lot wrong during his tenure but credit where credit’s due.
Like Obama’s tenure as SPOTUS was a disaster, at least in the final weeks of his Presidency he had the guts to poke the cabal in the eye and issue a Presidential pardon to Chelsea Manning.
Contrast that to Trump’s Presidency which was a disaster on steroids, and to cap it off he would not pardon Julian Assange.
In that respect Trump has NOT ONE SOLITARY THING of value to show for his term as SPOTUS (Sock Puppet Of The United States).
At least Obama did ONE thing right during his term.
And if Andrews signs on the BRI, he will at least have one feather in his cap.
Anyone who is a Freemason is a seditious traitor. anyone who voted the Unidroit Treaty and the Australian Act is a traitor not just Scomo.
Where were the so-called ‘intelligence services’ as well as they are part and parcel of this as well as the foreign police corporation.
“(Said individuals should have their bank accounts and spending habits audited for ‘excess money’ that they’ve no doubt been bribed with to demonise the BRI)” Yes I have always said they need to be investigated for foreign accounts by an independent auditor.
Andrews is nothing more than a megalomaniac who is part of this Technocratic medical tyranny.
his whole covid scamdemic-plandemic is a false narrative making people suspicious of each other making unlawful edicts that blatantly ignoring lawful Commonwealth legislation