Home Australia Economic Terrorists

Economic Terrorists


Banana money from World War II

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Completely wet behind the ears, Treasurer Chalmers is not qualified for his job, looking at his resume makes one wonder, can he even do maths? In speeches he demonstrates that he has not mastered basic grammar. He did an arts degree and went on to a PhD in political science at the ANU’s campus, his thesis on Paul Keating was titled “Brawler Statesman”. On the basis of this, and presumably with plenty of mentorship thrown in, it is presumed by the Australian Labor Party (led by the unfathomable Wayne Swan), that he is capable of the role of treasurer. No wonder we are seeing more of Paul Keating, as he is now a player again, from behind the curtain, giving us the recession we had to have Mk II.

As treasurer, Chalmers can veto the RBA (which is meant to be managing full employment but prefers to forget that), in fact this minion is busily lobbying to cut loose the last apron string between treasury and reserve bank, giving the bank free rein to gouge as much as they please for their owners. The RBA has already forgotten what real full employment is since PM John Howard (1996-2007) adopted an international standard for employment statistics resulting in one hour’s work per week being measured as a person being fully employed. The Globalists could adopt a new standard of one hour per year and the Australian Government would pounce on it and belt the television audience senseless with a new wave of lies. The government brazenly repeats to us they are “in surplus”, this beancounting fiddle exists because, anticipating going into a huge deficit, they lowered the bar so far in advance that they were able to jump over it.

They will never be in real surplus as the Una-party debt has increased to something around a trillion dollars for their multitude of failed policies.

Chalmers is in full denial about the country being in recession. With the RBA governor telling people they will have to sell their house to presumably live in their car or a tent, the most visible economic growth is in food banks, where the underclasses go to collect donated food.

How is it the politicians’ constant lies could lead to such destruction, closing businesses, emptying shops, creating a drug fuelled black economy?

The answer is that given the ability to print money, this type of thing always eventuates, sooner or later. They can talk about lowering the rate of inflation but prices are not going down unless the rate is less than zero. It’s another sleight of hand.

Further, the international oil market recognised the money had been “over-supplied” so the petrol price went up 50%, the rest is history. The RBA can smash every single mortgage in the country and it will not bring the petrol price back to pre-Covid. Well-placed individuals can then pick up the distressed assets of the former householders at a discount price. Creating market waves allows them to profit even more regularly, particularly those insiders who are well connected to government and business, know the plans and strategies, and can predict the outcomes, well in advance. In this way the rich will continue to get richer and stories of their bloodlines’ demise are put about to conceal the fact that they no longer want to endure publicity.

Fake money such as bonus points bulk out the economy and their introduction accustoms the public to the idea of fake credit provided by fake authorities, namely various chain-stores and corporations. This credit has rules such as an expiry date and fine print with escape clauses. Once upon a half a lifetime ago, ladies put items on “lay-by” at department stores, but fake money credit cards put an end to that.

The credit economy is expanded in all directions, with fake statistics being used to justify bank loans (more privately created money) and companies issuing all types of shares to directors and punters alike based on some imaginary future valuation of their company. Dollars are not real, tangible things, they are an idea, a concept, which works, up to a point. They are as substantial as the air inside a bubble.

Beware the Banana Money

A secluded peninsula or island is a good place to begin a seafaring empire, the coastline defines the line of hostility, and only trouble can come from the sea.

Everything beyond the sea exists to be plundered.

In the late 1200s, as the global climate deteriorated, the Mongol Empire led by Kublai Khan had already conquered countries like China and Korea, and Japan was next in line. In 1274 the Mongols sent about 900 ships to Tsushima, an island stranded halfway between Japan and Korea. The Japanese warriors were outnumbered so were inevitably defeated by the large Mongol forces.

During these wars the gunpowder hand-grenade was invented. At one point the Mongol fleet was destroyed by a “Divine WInd” (神風 : kamikaze). The Mongols eventually lost their fleet particularly since the Koreans had run out of trees for shipbuilding. The Shogunate could not gift the samurai any spoils of war so they in turn became belligerent towards China.

Because the Emperor was semi-divine, and to protect the imperial structures, persecution of Japanese Christians was started in the late 1500s, and the religion was ultimately banned in 1614, then in 1635 Japan was “closed”. The final sakoku order was completed in 1639, when Portuguese ships were forbidden to trade with or visit Japan adding to the list of Western countries that had been expelled.

Despite the Sakoku policy that was in place, Japan remained in limited contact with foreign powers. The Dutch were allowed to remain in Japan, their presence was limited to Dejima in Nagasaki harbour.

The opium wars across the sea in China were a further deterrent to Japan’s international involvement so in the 1850’s US Commodore Perry forced Japan to open with warships.

Dejima island (central) was walled and guarded at night. 

By the time of the bombing more parts of the natural harbour had become reclaimed


By 1974 the city had grown back as it did after the 1792 volcano-tsunami disaster and Dejima island had grown into a major terminal

The story goes that Japan was lured into the Pacific war. The famous quote is from Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor and reportedly wrote in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” In all the excitement of the bombing of Pearl Harbour (7 Dec 1941) not many stop to ask why they were “lured”.

“Japan’s process of imperial expansion … put it on a collision course with the United States, particularly in relation to China. To a certain extent, the conflict between the United States and Japan stemmed from their competing interests in Chinese markets and Asian natural resources”.

“In 1863, 24-year-old John D. Rockefeller recorded his first interest in Asia — a $10 donation to a missionary organisation in China. Thus began the Rockefeller family’s long and profound engagement with Asia — an engagement that led to the birth of the Asia Society, and which continues well into the 21st Century.

[1800’s $10 was equivalent to approx. ½ ounce of gold]

“In 2015, we welcomed former Australian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd as president of the Asia Society Policy Institute, a major statement in itself of the power of this new entity”.

David Rockefeller, the world’s pre-eminent commo-fascist, brother of Nelson and Windthrop, expanded Chase Manhattan bank throughout the world including communist China. He was active in pre-war Germany, 1935 to 1937. His brother Nelson was governor of New York and VP under Gerald Ford. His brother Winthrop was governor of Arkansas and alleged biological father of Bill Clinton.

Japanese Imperial Hegemony

More examples of banana money issued during the pacific war, World War II

Printing money is a magical dream, an economic state of perfection, where anyone you desire will do your bidding in return for scraps of paper. When the Japanese attempted to steal this privilege they were rewarded with nuclear bombs. The people of the nations involved were turned against each other, in some cases, fanatically. Some enmity lingers to this day. The actual US dollar and British pound were not issued by those countries but by their banks, the private Federal Reserve and the Bank of England.

In this extract from the Bank of Japan: history, we see the (presumed independent, Globalist private company) reserve bank’s licence to operate ended in 1942 and a new Act was drawn up by the wartime government, at around the same time as the banana money was issued throughout the occupied Pacific coast of Asia.

1882 June The Bank of Japan Act of 1882 is promulgated; the Bank is to have capital of 10 million yen and is given a licence to operate for 30 years from the start of business.

1910 Feb. The Bank is given a licence to operate for 30 more years from October 10, 1912, and an increase in the Bank’s capital is announced from 30 million yen to 60 million yen.

1942 Feb. The Bank of Japan Act of 1942 is promulgated; the Bank is to have capital of 100 million yen.

1942 May 1 The Bank is reorganised under the Bank of Japan Act of 1942.

Expansionist design resembling the Union Jack

As if to prove the two atomic bombs have not lost their effect, the kowtowing Bank of Japan has developed an extensive position on Climate Change, which should be understood as a parallel-economy system of “Carbon Credits”, an imaginary market which Globalists are pushing towards, this ruse was devised in order to effectively tax the air.




  1. Fiat money, when my father was stationed in Germany in the early 1950s, I picked up some old fiat currency from the German Wiemar Republic that went through incredible inflation. I think the largest note I had was 100,000,000 marks.

    I can still remember the pilots (against regulations) bringing roles of American silver dimes back from the States. They could get a litre of lovely German beer for a single dime.

  2. The Cabal has been suppressing the price of silver for a very long time for a reason.

    Copper is another metal that the Cabal has deliberately kept undervalued.

    Some ‘experts’ are now predicting Silver to be soon worth even more than Gold.

    Here’s hoping!

    Good German beer is one of my favorite beers – pretty expensive at the moment.

    Weihenstephaner Pils comes to mind as I lick my lips. 🙂

  3. J.G. Olsen obviously recognizes a financial problem when he sees one.

    A trip back down the time tunnel has highlighted what becomes of a planet where worthless paper with some fancy designs on it, somehow becomes ‘valuable’ to the point, it can be used to purchase Gold.

    Think about that for a moment – it would have be the biggest con ever perpetrated, even bigger than the so called, religions’ that has controlled Humanity for thousands of years, and imposed on Humanity, by less than one per cent of the planet’s population.

    Since the 1901, in this country, no government has had this nation’s best interests in mind. They have all been controlled by foreign interests. This latest sham of our federal and state governments, who pretend to be lawfully ‘elected’ when there is much evidence to the contrary, is symptomatic of what really ails the West, and has been, for at least, 150 years.

  4. The U.S. is also having money problems , as we are currently being terrorized by Cartel cash .

    I am not an an accomplished criminal and don’t quite understand how they launder money thru Wal-Mart purchases and into China .

    If someone understands how this works , feel free to enlighten me .


    Note the Dr Phil 2:08 interview . That be a big army that’s walked right on in to the country .

    If I wanted to take a vacation to a gun free zone like say Australia on or about November 6 , where would I wanna land ?
    The Demonrats put out fake statistics — backed by the media of course — of what a crime free nirvana Oz is without a National Rifle Association to contend with .

    In reality I am elderly with no family and probably should volunteer for the kamikaze assignments as my civic duty to my country .

    Maybe I should start a gofundme account and either clone a more useful version of myself or get the biggest rocket launcher I can find .

    Shootings are up all over the country and I am starting to think those apartment complex takeovers will serve as bases of operation .

    • Hans, I’m sure by now you realize that the MSM is full of shit. Here’s an article I wrote about the Australian gun laws and what went on. It is rather a dated article as it was written in 1999. You will also note that I hadn’t figured out at that point that Martin Bryant was innocent.


          • Easy to suspect our government complicity and smell some rats.
            If the Arthur files have been sealed for 75 years?
            Why, they got the killer did they not?
            Or have they?

          • Could be ‘explosive’ if G5 could opine on any ‘informed’ theories/facts? on the subject😎
            Killers could be our alleged ‘respected’ social and media neighbours.
            Bit hard to wait 75 years to be dead to then know.

          • It is trite that the community needs to know if paedophiles are in the vicinity. Those disclosures are required by some governments with paedophile registers.
            Why exclude mass killers and their protectors? They should be registered to keep us and our children ssfe. (At least two children and their mum present were the victims of the killer/s)
            Pretty simple requirement, surely!

        • So, I suppose that if anyone knows, they might consider it a duty to expose for our politicians and mass media to co-operate to ensure that we are kept safe in the future and if there is a innocent victim, to ensure that justice prevails.
          After all, if not, why have expensive politicians?

      • Interesting stuff and thanks for your military service and protecting my way of life . Always appreciated !

        Hope it wasn’t all in vain .

    Beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    “A September to Remember……..’
    The heading is misleading but go from 15 minutes for ten and the if the “UNIVERSE PROVIDES” for you, keep going. If you want it to…….

  6. Attention Mr.Olsen,
    Your insight for some time here at GS is most understood and appreciated by some.
    Ever listened to Mary at situationupdate at beforeitsnews.com so you can tell us something new with more and the cherry on top?
    Just NOTE section ‘E’ and following, actually from the beginning are matters you may not have considered in your global assesments.
    Today’s link at beforeitsnews.com has the usual depiction under Judy Byington promo with T wading with two children in his arms.
    Your opinion please, BS for years or a military/globalist/fascist/banker/totalitarian scam?
    You can ignore Mr Thor for these purposes, some readers have a fixation on him and ignore the other matters to be discerned that others have followed for years.

      • A great reference especially for us sandgropers wondering about the back-story to McGollum’s new job and the Clive Palmer battles. Also worth remembering Gina was present at Mar-a-Lago for Trump’s big announcement he was running for president for a 3rd time.
        Kerry Stokes built a huge new colour press for his newspaper even though printed news was going down in flames.
        So this guy Chris Ellison has a different strategy, he owns the politicians, and sends McGollum into battle against competitor Clive Palmer.
        Since Rotschilds own Rio Tinto ( since around 1880 ) I wonder who owns Chris Ellison.

  7. Drudge headline screaming : ( now liberal owned )


    The Story :


    The Red pill :


    Guess what “the media” will try and focus on tonight ?

    (Debate Countdown 4:56)

  8. The Debate 15 minutes in ……..

    Kamala sounds rehearsed , obviously got the questions in advance , Moderators getting Abortion front and center now ,
    Democrats key issue ……..

  9. 30 minutes in ……

    Kamala being “tough” on immigration …….what she “supported” ……..

    Made fun of Trump rallies , peop!e leaving early…….
    Trump counters with Kami’s buying her crowds …….

    Trump brings up the Haitian diet ……. Moderators denying any such impropieties ……

    • I screwed up earlier post ….Debate

      15 minutes in Kamala sounding briefed and rehearsed …

      Moderators getting Democrats key issue Abortion front and center ….

      Kamala now pushing Trump trials ….35 minutes in

  10. Moderators saying crime is down …..from when , last nite ?

    Kamala using the favorite Democrat word …..Extreme

    Moderator actually calling out Kami’s flip flops…..

    Transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison — Trump accusses Kami of supporting………

  11. Trump wondering when the Prosecutor will start prosecuting criminals …….

    Everybody pushing J6 now……and Charlottesville…… Very fine people ….Tiki torch carriers that raid their parents basement …..

    Trump “bloodbath” fake news ….nobody fact checking Kami or Moderators by the second like they do with Trump

    Trump says wake Biden from his 4:00 nap and seal the border ……

    Trump , did you stop election denying yet ?

    Gay Muir saying legal challenges all failed ……

    Muir worried Trump will put politicians in jail…..

    Kami says world leaders call the Don a disgrace…..

    Trump explains how Biden raised gas prices….

    Israel bad time ……..Kamala actually calling Hamas terrorists

    Now fretting about Gaza casualties….

  12. Kami stresses Don the dictator on day one …..

    Don exchanges love letters with Kim Jung un…..

    (By law there should be crowds to witness these debates …security reasons ?)

    Usual Democrat tropes about how Republicans give tax cuts to the rich while blowing holes in the deficit ……

    EVERY election this is said ……

  13. Ukraine now……

    US spent $250 billion ….. Kami won’t make Europe pay……

    Trump wondering where Biden disappeared to……

    Kamj accusing Trump of cut and run plan…..

    Calls Ukraine righteous defense …..

    Kami says dictators would eat Trump’s lunch ……

    Kami was emissary pre Russia Ukraine war …..

    Trump loves dictators , hates Democracy……

  14. Kami kind of coherent lately , me wonders what meds are working ……..

    Oops , sounding rehearsed again ….

    Afghanistan now ….. Kami getting clobbered

    Closing with race …..Gotta call Trump a racist …..

    Doesn’t rent to blacks …… Birther lies ….. Trump approves if Kami want to be black or Indian ……

    Kami will be optimistic Prez ….loves small business…..

    She will rebuild the American dream….Trump name caller…..

    White noise now , cut the mjcs ……

  15. Trump to replace Obamacare……..

    Kami supports private healthcare but wants to grow Obamacare……..

    Climate Change is a hoax —- Trump …..Huge threat —–Kami …we spent a trillion on clean energy

    Trump: we are losing business to China……..

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