J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
PM Albanese with dog Toto – this time around, Toto is on the side with the wizard.
In Australia, the leader of the ALP and his treasurer are spending like drunken sailors, the bar having been previously raised by short-lived PM Morrison, who got through $200 billion per year with the excuse of Covid-19 relief.
Reading the tea leaves:
Morrison seemed to think it was his job to lose gracefully in 2019 and the ALP would handle the upcoming plandemic with an all possible governments synchronised concept. He was somewhat green but had survived as immigration minister and had a run as treasurer. Morrison could barely believe his stratospheric career trajectory and subsequently had no grand vision and apparently no authorisation to do anything, apart from implementing Covid-19 measures. He went about talking for a few years and no real effort was made by any individual in the Conservative party to win the subsequent (2022) election. Dissent from the mainstream narrative was taboo. The prize was nothing.
Covid-19 was probably originally meant to be given to “Leader of the Republican Movement” Turnbull, and when that was aborted, Bill Shorten was presumably selected and expected to deliver. It seems the public’s view of Scott Morrison is that they were lucky he was available as a prophylactic against Bill Shorten. Bill could not believe he could lose given his messiah complex and careful preparation, including raising some miners from the dead in Tasmania, like a sorcerer with a puff of smoke. But after careful post-election analysis ALP party members broke it to Bill that he was completely toxic, nobody believed him, everyone hated him and would never get another run, probably better if he hung himself from his bedroom door coat-hook.
Bill’s reaction: My time will come, and my revenge will be terrible.
Now PM Albanese and his socialist party faction understand their traditional sacred duty is to outspend the conservative party so here we go. The latest financial engineering wizardry is to hand out more credit to increase house prices. This shall be done by forming “partnerships”, of any two individuals.
Two taxi drivers can now team up to buy a house and keep their wives and possibly a dozen kids happily under one roof. Now transgenders can also access bonuses defusing any political blowback about their status. This partnership concept is fully inclusive, with access to first-home buyer funding incentives of whatever type are produced by our universal partner, the government.
Marriage used to be an upper-class strategy for empire-building, which spread to the middle and then lower classes. It used to hopefully unite two families and ensure the offspring a chance of survival, even success. Now the state does everything to undermine and progressivise marriage into a big nothing, until finally we the underclasses don’t get to have any inheritance at all. Instead, we have socialism funded by created money, a stealth tax, actually a negative inheritance because of the cost of the debt.
This open partnership house-buying incentive is more inflation booked in for later this year as interest rates soften. A solid burst of inflation (currency devaluation) that is completely off the books, unrecorded by the statistician, because they make their inflation index basket out of interchangeable consumer items like bananas, weet-bix, sugar, and milk.
The chain stores collaborate with Globalist agendas, they are owned by the money printers.
Supermarkets make dozens of items half price then remove the discount, no inflation is recorded. They got rid of the free plastic bags but you still get a free lie, with everything you buy. Tweaked-up imagery, substandard and dodgy ingredients, fading receipts. The package gets bigger while the contents get smaller.
As usual, everything is sold with a lie, that’s just called “technique”.
Increasingly, startups are doomed, the only business models available are franchises such as mobile dog-wash, which people think is ironic and funny. The legacy media speaks of an insolvency armageddon. Evictions are going ballistic as rents go through the roof.
The government’s answer is always to spend more, and increase administration, never to get out of the way. Their future expectations are to have even more administration as their employees are replaced by AI bots. The public will be expected to hire professional experts to deal with the AI bots if they want to do anything in the nature of business or building or any sort of enterprise at all. We are being herded into cubicle employment and chain-store jobs like Bunnings and Woolworths.
Of course, a society can’t exist without some types of regulations but one only needs to watch the 6 o’clock news to see they aren’t working and the culture is the problem. The government and certain lobby groups feed dysfunction by splitting people along gender, race, and income lines. Of course, the sector with the money gets more respect and there is also a scarcity premium with the gender divide.
But our crooked and defective governments are pretending to show restraint by making a few cuts, there is a review underway into infrastructure cuts, one can only imagine this is a way of privatising infrastructure to Globalist interests before it is even built. Globalists can go on to cherry-pick the juiciest projects. Other projects are no longer viable. Cuts to rail infrastructure are mentioned. Is this going to lead to train derailments? It seems to around the world.
When government is so wary of responsibility, why are they addicted to tax and spend? They can’t even function without vast amounts of “borrowed” printed money.
A primary driver of inflation (currency devaluation) is petrol prices, and even Alan Kohler, finance reporter of the government-controlled national broadcaster, has remarked on the RBA’s cute idiosyncrasy of fighting international oil prices with domestic mortgage interest rate increases. There is no way for them to explain this so they present it as a given. “I will take questions at the end”, followed by “but not from you” and “thank you, goodbye”.
Monetary Policy to control petrol prices resembles Climate Change, the panicked demand that something be done, such as running off a cliff.
Raising rates does not, as usually claimed, directly stop inflation (currency devaluation), it actually increases inflation, but it stops wage growth and economic growth as a whole, by crushing the economy.
When the economy is crushed, optimism disappears and expectations are lowered. Kept this way for an appropriate amount of time, the population becomes grateful for small mercies, such as a minor increase in the dole, to further raise inflation (cement in currency devaluation) and boost government popularity where required.
These strategies help to gently reduce wage expectations closer to 3rd world levels. The dollar also loses value as developing countries catch up. One of the best indicators, the Thai baht, has appreciated nearly 50% over the Australian dollar in the last 20 years.
While the independent Reserve Bank of Australia crushes the economy, the new Albanese government must dispense love and care in as great measures as possible. They have a few disaffected Greenies who will go on to vote for the Greens Party but the Greens Party can be relied upon to support the ALP government so these protesters are self-cancelling and don’t matter.
It is critically important for a working majority of Australians to learn to love and trust PM Albanese in the year ahead, in order for them to take the needle as required by Albo’s friend Gates, and dob in neighbours during the next plandemic, now mooted to perhaps be implemented as early as mid-2024, depending on how the US elections are looking.
Video from earlier this year:
A Gates’ Australian tour dinner to discuss Globalist agendas such as plandemic preparation and planetary cooling:
This current move to offer housing loans to any type of partnership is an early fiscal injection that needs time to develop. It will be followed by other more urgent initiatives, such as importing tradies to build the houses they don’t have enough of, which paradoxically the tradies would ordinarily need to live in. But this is no problem, imported taxi-drivers have shown three can share one bed in shifts, like submariners. Thus far the practice has avoided much government regulation. With cheap enough tradies the house price would stabilise, but middle-men will see to it that it instead rises, and the banks will match the rises with their created money. So much energy goes into devaluing the dollar because it’s a tax by stealth.
Exactly how much money the banks may create is quite interesting.
Fractional reserve banking refers to a fraction, that is, a percent of actual assets the banks are required by government to hold, in case of a disaster like a bank run, the banks must supposedly dispose of before the government steps in to bail them out.
The ratios are easy enough to look up, this material is all published, for example, refer Chapter 4 of this Commonwealth Bank document:
We see the reserve ratio has declined in about one year from 6.8% to 6.0%.
Given the house prices are at such dizzy levels, you’d think the reserve ratio would be creeping up, not sliding down. Setting this is supposedly the government’s job.
Government is your partner in housing, and the bank is your landlord with their manufactured money that you work for. Now government feels a need to re-inflate the price of houses and their subsequent dividend from the land tax, rental income tax, local government rates, water rates, and whatever the developer is scratching out. The developer’s wife is often on the local council, receiving motivation from her private sector partner. All the wizardry keeps the economy on a theoretically upward trajectory as we all slowly achieve less and less.
Looking beyond all this detail we see money printing under “Modern Monetary Theory” going exponential, with the concurrent devaluation bringing us down to developing country wages in the shortest time possible, boiling frog style.
We are rolling downhill like a runaway train, picking up speed, heading for a Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe-style devaluation extravaganza, along with the US and other satellite nations. Until the stop, nobody notices the increase in speed or steepness of decline. The stop, perhaps as scheduled in 2030, may be expected to be abrupt, and the impact, interesting at least.
The American perspective is instructive, and looming behind this, the end of USD hegemony: from Jan 7 2023, The Economic Tipping Point … Has Now Arrived.
U.S. manufacturing is declining at the fastest pace we have seen since the early days of the COVID pandemic.
U.S. services PMI has now fallen for six months in a row.
We just witnessed the largest one day drop in the Baltic Dry Index since 1984 [which indicates shipping of bulk resources is slowing way down].
Thanks to rapidly falling imports [due to dying demand], we just witnessed the largest monthly decline in the trade deficit since the last financial crisis.
In 2022, U.S. auto sales were the lowest that we have seen for a full year in more than a decade.
The average rate on a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage is more than twice as high as it was this time last year.
Sales of apartments in Manhattan were 28.5 percent lower in the fourth quarter of 2022 than they were in the fourth quarter of 2021.
Existing home sales in the United States have fallen for 10 months in a row and are now down by more than a third since one year ago.
Amazon has decided to lay off approximately 18,000 employees.
Overall, the tech industry has already laid off more than 150,000 workers over the last year.
Now both our Australian sides of politics are fully and permanently engaged with Modern Money Theory’s exponentially rising debt. There’s nothing else in the pork-barrel.
They’re spending on medical items such as pharmaceutical products with the maximum amount of administration attached. They spend on diagnostic equipment to test people who simply eat too much junk food. They spend on the military, with an emphasis on dual-use equipment such as drones, robots, and frequency weapons which can be used against any public, whether in some victim country or locally, under some fanatical, Chinese Communist Party influenced politician such as Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews. They spend on social needs such as prisons and government housing, to rectify problems they have created over decades with their administrations. The money creation debt cycle is a revolution and the legacy media drums it into everyone’s head that there is no escape. The public must vote for the controlled politicians because the others are risky, mentally unstable, incompetent etc.
So we are told.
Olsen — another brilliant analysis.
“They’re spending on medical… [perfect control mechanism]… and “They spend on diagnostic equipment to test people who simply eat too much junk food.”
“They spend on the military, with an emphasis on dual-use equipment such as drones, robots, and frequency weapons which can be used against any public…
“They spend on social needs such as prisons and government housing, to rectify problems they have created over decades….
I’ll add one…. THEY REMOVE CHILDREN FROM GOOD HOMES, so they can create future clients for the Child trafficking Industry….
And we are the “risky, mentally unstable, incompetent” ones… so right.
I’ve just heard of another government inside scam… (anyone please add to this)
To quote from what was sent to me… (by R) “Generally, Australians can contribute a maximum of $25,000 into their superannuation fund for the coming financial year via their employer and own money.”
Ranieri the new child T chief in SA is not above salary sacrificing $150 000 to save up to 30% on income tax. AND “‘Aussie public servants are able to minimise how much tax they are getting slugged by putting $500,000 into superannuation.”
I’ve heard of another government inside scam. Superannuation, its worse than a scam, they direct our collective labour to poison us.
https://www2.asx.com.au/, note www2, i already feel queasy by the concept of infinitum
or blackrock state street vangard(vangard2-thanks Charlie), you know how this pans
Those Costello’s,
mmm, future
sorry Dee, same scam.
If you direct your “super” SMSF into anything base/real, be it elements or artworks, you must “store offsite, account and audit yearly”, because you only got taxed @15%(for your future potential retirement payday)- till your 60,65,67 and rising just like inflation
There are 300 million in circulation but why do you never see Australia’s $100 notes? THERE are 300 million in circulation, but there’s a reason you never see $100 banknotes. It could be quite sinister
Its not sinister, its prudent. The collapse can not currently be “executed”, because that’s a whole lotta pushback.
Thankyou Washington Post
Dunno why folks claim they never see $100 dollar Aust Notes. I see them every time I collect money from my bank. So how come I can get my hands on them when others claim they can’t ???
if you check the “kermits” you will notice how good a condition they present, even the paper ones. A pesky legal tender thing they are always nipping at.
Quick math shows 30,000 full attache cases(i think-wink)
Jim Willie said there are container loads of cash parked on wharves some places, I think he was talking about Italy or thereabouts
Toto is behind the curtain with the wizard – pissing on his leg!
Toto knows he’s been had!
Easy to see why the ALP promoted this unit:
They can say anything without ever having thought about it because they get the official “talking points” every morning and this is how they are brainwashed in the Parliament House, if you want to get ahead become a bot.
So here’s our very capable finance minister from last months RBA decision regurgitating the talking points that inflation is caused by Ukraina war and global supply shocks and (@ about 3:00) that wages don’t contribute to inflation, she has a budget under ENORMOUS STRESS for very worthy measures such as cost-of-living relief, which presumably doesn’t contribute to inflation.
So the international petrol price goes up and the cure is that mortgage interest has to go up. Then wages have to go up too, but none of this affects inflation. Inflation is caused by international reasons. Did Shiekh bin-Saud or OPEC actually notice Australian mortgage interest went up ?
Well !!! The way Australia interfaces with international business is by the Australian dollar. So something went wrong with the dollar, I know, the RBA printed too many !!! Daily they become more worthless.
The government is the RBA’s best customer so the RBA boss last night was covering for them in his speech, he parrots the same line, that they are looking for wages growth but this doesn’t contribute to inflation. Russia made the inflation. Did Putin notice Australian mortgage rates went up ? ? ? Nyet.
Some journalists seem to be paid to ask stupid questions, such as in the video above, they start asking finance about tiktok. One guy in the RBA speech questions session said even Blind Freddy could see from a mile away that the excessive money printing caused the inflation but the RBA governor had no comment. In a perfect world he would be losing his house too.
RBA governor in his speech has also been promoting CBDCs and says the RBA is working on an experimental format. Tells us the RBA runs all sorts of facilities besides reserve banking, including id (passports), all sorts of government payments and PayID which he recommends to everyone to get. It seems PayID will hook you up straight to the RBA and bypass your private bank behind which your personal info is theoretically firewalled.
PayID puts you in direct contact with Swissy over there in Zurich and Geneva, and will no doubt be offering bundles, cheap rates and so forth as the months and years go by, you will discard cash and get the implant, and you will be happy. PayID will also be great for scamming you if Swissy thinks you need to be scammed for some reason or another.
Who really runs the ALP ? President of the ALP National Executive is Swanny !!! And VP and former president is Health Minister Mark Butler !!! With their ALP Exec hats on they are answerable to the ACTU which answers to … the International Trade Union Confederation in Brussels, Belgium !!! That’s where Finance Minister Mathias Cormann blew in from. Brussels is like a branch office for Swissy. Oh dear what a roll-call. The ITUC was formed in 2006 in Austria (Osterreich) which is very handy for Swissy to engineer the Globalist NWO communo-fascist 4th Industrial Revolution where you will be mind-kontrolled, drugged and thrown on the scrapheap, sorry, you will own nothing and be happy. Vote Globalist and surrender your brain. Red, Blue, Green & Teal are all Globalist scammers.
Joe – all Australian governments are lower management Globalists with their bureaucratic lackeys. What you get with political parties is just a shop front politician, a rissole who smiles and kisses babies, but couldn’t give a rats arse for the those who vote for them.
They’ve all done the Judas act, and sold us out for their thirty pieces of silver..
Mein Trumpf has been paying out on Globalists lately, hopefully we will get some leadership from the USA because there’s none here
Presidential contender Kanye West with his YE24 logo
( warning, funny, and should upset Dickhead Dan who has banned anything nazi style )
DD has been out bashing the Reserve Bank, I would like to see them punch each other out, talk is cheap
If Good People would only come to comprehend that the easiest way to stop the beast from raiding the cupboards, the mattress, the floorboards, the vault or the underground earth safe is to STOP paying the beast;
Withdraw any and all implied CON-TRACTS and say No, i will not pay;
The printing machines will go into over-drive; The ink wont have time to dry before being sent to Ukraine, oops, i mean the Usury banks, oops, i mean the private (J)ewery Trust fund safes, oh bugger, i mean banks, or any other of Uncle Bills or Uncle Sams lucrative War Machines and Drugs investment portfolios;
The Holy-See in Rome will soon send message to that City in London (which is not part of the UK at all) to stop accepting anymore Promissory Notes from the place Down There; The printing machines will soon have to stop and the Beast will NEED The People to start spending the Majick Money again;
In order for People to start spending again, bank induced inflation will HAVE TO come down so that the sale prices of all the widgets, goods and pesky items like food and shelter can come down in sale price;
People can now afford to have some fuel in their now fully Privately Owned, non registered-with-the-corporation Automobiles and AutoCycles as they happily shop for some now totally Privately Owned Home improvement items without having to worry about Unlawful and Dictatorial Foreign Registered Entities telling them what they can and can’t do on their now Totally Privately Owned Property;
Oh and The USURPERS-Former-ENABLERS in AusGovCo jump for joy as The Popes, the Rothschilds n ze Finks of the world no longer have a bounty on their heads; No more GovCo. beholden to the US Printing factory and it’s fractional numerals majick money on screens; Now as True Representatives of The People, Australian Parliament can now proudly say that they have The Will of The People alongside to protect them and this land rather than the down trodden masses of before who wish for and are striving for nothing more than a short length of rope swung over a high tree limb with their sorry AusGovCo USURPING, TREASONOUS necks held firm by a noose at the end of the short rope;
wontbdenied – you are already closer to what you demand than you realize.
Dig a little deeper in your research.
What never gets counted into such reasoning is that nothing is ever acknowledged by virtue of being so simple a child could figure it out.
You don’t need a degree in economics to deduce that the culture of the Age pivots on an addiction to spending non-existent money(an enslavement to certain perceived comforts & conveniences) and the very thought of going cold turkey is just too uncomfortable for most
“How do ordinary people commit extraordinary crimes”
By way of failing to grasp the fact that the only safeguard against doing is to acknowledge that everyone has the capacity to do so
The only real safeguard against doing SO (committing “extraordinary crimes”) is to acknowledge that everyone who fails to fess up to his/her innate sin condition is, sooner or later, bound to be consumed by it.
“forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
‘For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.’ ”
MATTHEW 12 – 14
Fear drives many folk into accepting a government narrative that pretends to alleviate their fear by accepting what government may direct those, so induced by such a narrative, to comply willingly with what is required of them that will then alleviate their induced anxiety.
The last three years of the fake pandemic is the exact model from the old Globalist play book – and believe when I add that the Globalist play book is very ancient indeed – that permitted the Nazis into power in Germany. Hitler had an adversary – Communism – to fight against and with which to instill fear into the average German.
It worked a treat.
Communism is a Jesuit/Kharzian Mafia connection and construct, that the ordinary Jew got targeted, and the blame for, instigating the collapse of post World War One Germany that Hitler took political advantage of.
Didn’t work out too well for the ordinary Jews, while the pretend Jews providing all the money for Nazism, got a free pass.
Premier McGollum of Western Australia started building a gulag off the side of Tonkin Highway which is a super-major new arterial road going north, it was originally extended / enlarged in time to assist young Christian Porter’s re-election prospects which imploded after a lot of peculiar occurrences, now CP is representing the other CP, Clive Palmer and trying to damage McGollum as much as possible, hopefully before McGollum can complete his gulag programme. There is a lot of land up that way for gulag building and we have all heard how Stalin helped so many with assisted death, maybe about 5% of the total, with his gulag program.
Globalist ambitions are of course much higher these days.
Joe – Palmer is a prima facie case against any person being able to mine Australia’s wealth for their own benefit.
This country’s wealth belongs to every Australian who have a natural birth right to be sharing in that wealth.
Palmer got to be that fat due to his inability to control his own personal urges.
A greedy fat bastard!
And Porter is no better than Palmer.
Pity the article you included did not also include the fact, that all players mentioned in it ,are simply playing in a Freemason colony that encourages all the vices known to plague Humanity be adhered to..
There are layers of games so the purpose of my comment was not to highlight the unseemly history of Christian Porter or to interpret Clive Palmer’s motives, the purpose is to expose gulag building. But as for “natural birthright”, tell it to the aboriginies locked up since first colonisation, and as for mining royalties, the states set them.
Murdock theories
DeSantis theories
After 34:00 embedded Stew Peters show covers Sudanese civil war with US taxpayer funded pentagon backed biolab paid for by WHO, World Bank & CCP
Discussion with Dr Peter McCullough
“Biological threat programs are going on all over the world” – as commenter 56 has been saying for quite some time
Discussion continues with 5G causing blood clots, suppressed immune system etc
Blackrock owns 59m Dominion shares; Blackrock owns 45.7m Fox shares. Blackrock sued itself and fired Tucker Carlson as part of that lawsuit. Figured it out yet?
Tucker Carlson had not defamed the manufacturer of Dominion voting machines, but explained that these machines were connected to the Internet and could therefore be operated remotely during voting, something that no one disputes. Full story:
It’s actually Dominion Resources, which is an energy company and not the voting machines. The world has been privatized –
We are experiencing the completion of The Matrix in which expressed doubt or even unspoken suspicion of official narratives are criminal offenses. Truth-tellers receive almost nonexistent support. The inescapable conclusion is that in the Western world truth has no future. Tyranny is upon us.
The former head of the Swiss Central Bank, Philipp Hildebrand, joined BlackRock in 2012 as Vice-Chairman in charge of investments. If the plaintiffs win with a claim of say CHF 20 to 30 billion against the Swiss Government, Switzerland could not absorb the debt with taxpayers’ money, they would pass it on to UBS. UBS would unlikely be able to absorb such a debt. That would add another US$5 trillion to BlackRock’s already at least US$10 trillion of managed assets and make the giant financial rock even more powerful.
“Later this month, the world will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba — a campaign of ethnic cleansing that saw at least 750,000 Palestinian people forcibly exiled from their homes and their land by Zionist militias.
The events that took place that year are referred to as the Nakba — the Arabic word for “catastrophe”.
But the Nakba never ended. Since 1948, the people of Palestine have lost more than 85% of their land to the Israeli state in an ongoing process of settler-colonialism and expansion.
Now, an openly-fascist government threatens explicitly to wipe the Palestinian people off the map — echoing the policies of erasure pursued by the early architects of Zionism.
On the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, the Progressive International launches an international campaign that unites its membership in standing with the people of Palestine and holding the Israeli regime accountable for its crimes.
For security reasons, we cannot share our plans just yet. But, if you would like to stay up to date about our activities and to learn how you can get involved, you can click here to sign up.
Stay tuned for more!
In solidarity,
Varsha Gandikota-Nellutla”
One would think entities created in the fiction such as a Strawman with no brain but a berth certificate, a TIN man with a tax file number, and a bully in the form of a Cowardly Lion with a uniform would refer to the mindless, heartless, and soulless bullies who gather in the safety of groups to lord over us.
Sadly, they are not, they are us – the masses, drugged up on the opium (nowadays vaccines) and shining trinkets of the Wicked Witch of Western civilisation.
And the chances of us all gathering together in Toto(al) to expose the Crown/Corona will remain a road less travelled until we can grow the brains, hearts and souls necessary to send the birth certificates, TFNs and uniforms back to the dark wizards of the mind control/govern-ment behind the curtain in the Temple of the City.
Do all roads lead to Rome, is the City the domiciled home. I don’t know its boring(into other provinces).
So Julius Censor, feared the Druids because of their child blood lust, mm.
It5s a Julius(not our) de Nose thing, but reverse infection.
Liked your take here, Michael, no red shoes are on our road home, we can make own and fit only for purpose. Walking home together and not over each other on a von/of/de fools errand
Hands used to deliver prosperity both ways, my tongue hasn’t. Pardon if offensive.
Wherever bloodsuckers rule that nation has the life sucked out of it, becoming a shadow of its former self, where the living dead wander the streets picking up cigarette butts and begging for next fix.
When parasites enter the body of a nation all real assets end up in hands of the few, who always live well, while the workers poor, trapped in suburbs try with no success to stay on top of bills. All labour stolen.
This system here remains the same.
Not based on natural domestic industry with good work ethics, but based on every evil ever conceived by demons on all bases loaded. Demoncracy is supremacist slave state control by central banksters with corporate monopoly. Aussies have been totally used up, ditto for other 5 eyes and Europe.
The new empire is CCP, we in Oz no longer sitting ducks but Peking ducks.
We can’t blame each other, most have no idea what has happened, because we have been taught nothing but lies all our lives.
Will we wake up before it’s too late for our children?
Diversity and multiculturalism is genocide of white races. Decade after decade, politicians make wonderful promises as living only gets worse. The ‘suckers have destroyed Oz, fleecing us to the bone, a krown kabal war machine, open door immigration stampede with bloated government protecting the very vampires bleeding us dry.
There’s no such thing as “white races”
The regrouping of the Ottoman empire is another matter altogether
“The continued persecution of Christians in the Middle East is one of the great underreported stories of the 21st century. The Assyrians for example have shrunk from 1.3 million in Iraq to less than 250,000. They have scattered over the world. There are around 40,000 Assyrians in Sydney – one of whom is my barber! In Turkey, Christians are systematically persecuted. Foreign church workers are arrested and expelled; evangelical churches are regularly attacked by extremists. To even suggest that the killing of over one million Armenians by the Turks in 1914-1923 was genocide will result in you going to jail. I recall in 2007 being in Ephesus just after three Christian leaders had been brutally tortured and killed – the fear amongst the Christians was palpable.”
‘By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, without knowing where he was going.
By faith he dwelt in the promised land as a stranger in a foreign country. He lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise.
For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.
By faith Sarah, even though she was barren and beyond the proper age, was enabled to conceive a child, because she considered Him faithful who had promised.
And so from one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.
All these people died in faith, without having received the things they were promised. However, they saw them and welcomed them from afar. And they acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.
Now those who say such things show that they are seeking a country of their own.
If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.
Instead, they were longing for a better country, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.”
HEBREWS 11: 8 – 16
Woodie Guthrie version:
Dear fellow sister in faith, maybe I should have typed Europeans instead of white race.
Prior to the war on terror since 911, Christians have been warring mainly Christians since 1914, continuing in Ukraine today under banksters instructions. Same as it ever was by nomenklatura black hand.
Do you remember seeing photos of ww2 navy chaplains blessing bombs before being loaded on planes in encyclopaedias?
The new war within all 5 eye nations and Europe, the final solution murder by injection, dependant on the lottery draw, similar to Vietnam conscripts here sixties seventies,
vials 01 02 or 03.
This is the silent war in Oz 2023, no one speaks in fear of losing crust.
Funerals used to be within a week after death, now they’re 2 to 3 weeks after. We know why?
We pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ for strength.