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Gumshoe Temporary Slow-Down



By Dee McLachlan 

This is Gumshoe’s 700th article. Unbelievable! And there are more than  9,100 comments! With all of that activity, this alternative news channel has been biting at the ankles of the mainstream media. And creating a community — which is a joy.

I am sorry to announce, though, that Gumshoe will have an 8-week slowdown, starting Monday 16 May 2016.   I will be making a movie in NSW with many film workers in my care, so will need to concentrate 16 hours a day. The slow-down is no indication that we are being “slowed” down. We have not been censored.

Gumshoe’s assistant editor (the much-loved “Al Haig”) says she is not technologically fit to stand in as editor, and would be likely to make such “infelicities” that we would indeed get censored.

We will continue to publish the occasional pieces by Gumshoe’s various contributors — and we have been keen to enlist eager students of journalism to help us run this show in the long term. Please get in touch if that is you. The pay is an exciting coconut Magnum, and of course the chance to win a Walkley.

Apologies for the forthcoming hiatus — but the debt slave system has forced me into earning the rent and paying the new foreign owners of the utility companies to keep housed.

I am hoping that in the second half of the year, Gumshoe will be able to ramp up its efforts — bringing cutting-edge news, and fresh ways to expose the wrongdoing of the mainstream media. It is my hope that we can monetize the site and find backers, so that our efforts can be expanded.

But stay tuned. And thank you all for being an extraordinary lot — and contributing knowledge and effort, in our attempts at making for a better world.



  1. Way to go Dee! You and Mary work so hard, maybe a slowdown will do you good (well Mary anyway) since you Dee will be working exceptionally hard. I thank you both for giving me the opportunity to voice my concerns and knowledge about the BMB and the innocent young man languishing in ADX. Hope your project is wildly successful!

    • For the record. “BMB” means the Boston Marathon bombing, and ADX means “after dinner kiss.” Or after-dinner lethal injection as the case may be.

      And who will decide whether this 22-year-old, Jahar Tsarnaev, gets a kiss or a killing? Why you, of course. You the person reading this.

  2. To say that we are in full blown gratitude to you both for all that you are and do – is well, understatement of the highest degree. I for one am fully supporting your busy sabbaticals if only to rest your fingers. And shall we assume we might still be able to connect with here if something monumental emerges during that time? More coverup exposures are hitting ‘the news’ ie http://topinfopost.com/2013/04/28/uk-man-wins-court-case-against-bbc-for-911-cover-up Once the 9-11 cover up implodes, we can expect the Boston Hoaxathon and Port Arthur not far behind. They’ll topple like a line of dominoes I expect and lotsa Sheeple may ‘lose their minds’ in the process. (certainly not a bad thing) Stand tall. We’re with you all the way on this insane ‘adventure’ of shining light is dark places. Best!

    • Thanks for your support, Jana, and you have just inadvertently stimulated Aussie’s competitiveness. We don’t want Port Arthur to be the domino that falls after 9-11 is solved. We want 9-11 to be the domino that falls when the Port Arthur case gets solved.

      Ah, shades of the 1983 “America’s cup” race (in yachting). We won. I bought a tee shirt in Oz that said “We keeled ’em” , then wore it to the US and got some dirty looks. Oh to best that now!

      Thank you again, and yes re your question about monumental stuff.

    • Well, Mark, that includes your good self.
      Among other recent writers at Gumshoe we find:
      Josée Lépine, James O’Neill, G5, Cherri Bonney, Cheryl Dean, Greg Buck (video only), Christoper Brooks, Greg Mayberry, and Montse Alarcón Flix.

      Note: we want to add more names to that happy group….

  3. Dee,
    Everyone would understand that if one lived in Victoria in a winter, at this time you would take a gig up North to pay a bill or two.
    Drop in for a chat.
    In your absence, perhaps Messrs Faine, Hinch and company might care to entertain us with some light relief on matters of interest for discussion?
    No doubt that they will decline, your site and the many contributions to democratic discusions and examination of reality is beyond the comprehension of most of the msm.
    Enjoy our weather.

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