by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Allow me to pretend that I’m teaching a high school class on “How to think.” The problem before us is the allegation by government and media in 2012 that a school shooting took place in Connecticut, at which 20 children and 4 staff members died. Is there any chance it is a “psy-op” story, meant to scare people? (Or even just meant to check up on people’s gullibility?)
I myself have written at book-length about three false stories — the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, the 2014 Sydney siege, and the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. I have some suspicion that the Sandy Hook event is a psy-op, but I haven’t researched it. Let’s see if there is a way to arm-chair evaluate its veracity. I want students to know that they do not have to wait till they have proof in hand to form an intelligent opinion.
Point # 1. There’s a barrier to investigating Sandy Hook, since it involves tragedy. Granted, it’s horribly impolite to show disrespect to bereaved parents. But we can counteract that barrier as follows: (a) We could inquire only about the 4 staff members who died. (b) As regards all 24 who died, if there was a life insurance policy it is normal business for proof of the death to be presented. (c) Sandy Hook had a major impact on society, so it’s proper to take a devil’s advocate pose in researching it. Anyone can muse hypothetically “What if there were no deaths?”
Point #2. There is fear of forcible reprisal. Dear Students, pretend you are a journalist, or have a designated role in protecting society, such as that of a clergyperson. Someone comes to you with information that contradicts the official story of Sandy Hook. What could you do? Many journalists and clergy will not even undertake the simple mission of raising the matter.
I’ll bet they think it’s the sensitive issue of the parents’ tragedy that keeps them silent. But more likely it is fear of force. Two inquiring men have already felt force: Jim Fetzer, PhD, of Wisconsin was sued for $450,000 (for claiming a child’s death certificate was fake) and the Florida home of Wolfgang Halbig was raided in the middle of the night because he emailed the victims. (Yes, First Amendment allows emailing, but his email was deemed harassment, a misdemeanor.)
Students, it’s wise to ‘red flag’ any attacks made on critics of news stories. Those attacks can be seen as circumstantial evidence of protection of crime, aka, coverup of a crime. Coverup — along with the destroying of evidence — is a standard Blackstonian crime. And by the way, it is a principle of law that everything can be presumed against the despoiler of evidence! “Omnia praesumuntur, contra spoliatorem.” Ah, the law is gorgeous.
Point #3. Apply common sense. What else can we look at, to judge the story’s veracity? Just use your life experience to measure the likelihood that Adam Lanza, age 20, shot all those kids. And try to work out the logic of why he would kill his mother, Nancy Lanza, before the killing spree, and shoot himself dead, afterward.
Dwell upon oddities. If Adam knew he was going to end up dead, what was the point of killing Mom (Nancy Lanza)? In Australia’s 1996 Port Arthur massacre, Martin Bryant was said to have shot dead two hoteliers before he went on the rampage. Why? “because of an old grudge.” Logic says you don’t suddenly kill folks who, many years ago, gave you a minor hurt. It doesn’t make sense.
I am guessing that the killing of the hoteliers – by someone other than Martin – was done to render them unavailable as witnesses to his innocence. Similarly, the death of Nancy Lanza guaranteed that she could not speak in defense of her son.
Point #4. Try the Cock Robin methodology. I use the nursery rhyme Who killed Cock Robin? to see who was officially present at the event. “I, said the spy with my little eye, I saw him die; I, said the fish with my little dish, I caught his blood,” — and so forth. The idea came to me from Chris Bollyn’s investigation of 9-11. He asks such questions as: “Who created the narrative? Who had custody of the evidence? Who was in charge of Security? Did insurance companies make a fuss? Did judges perform in a normal manner? If it turns out that answers to these questions are guarded secretively, one can (tentatively) smell malfeasance in the air. To repeat: I am clearly ineligible for the title “expert on Sandy Hook.” But I — and you — can do some work from an armchair.
Point #5. Dear Students, one can start with undisputed facts. The following are two undisputed facts of the December 14, 2012 “shooting” that, in and of themselves, raise eyebrows:
Fact One — There was a FEMA drill scheduled, and carried out in Newton CT on the previous day, December 13, and the day itself, December 14, 2012.
Fact Two — Later, the school was razed to the ground. So, too, was Nancy Lanza’s nice suburban house — for no known reason.
Fact 3 — The killed-to-injured ratio was extremely high. Adam Lanza, who was no marksman, is said to have, within minutes, caused 24 people to die from his gun, while only two were hit and not killed. Even in the military, such a ratio of dead-to-wounded is unheard of. Let your eyebrows rise high.
Point #6. You can be a court watcher. The basis for my book, Inquest, about the December 2014 “Sydney siege,” was my attendance at the coroner’s hearings. The basis for my book, Boston’s Marathon Bombing, was the transcripts of the Tsarnaev trial (a shockingly corrupt trial). Sandy Hook has so far had two judicial cases — Pozner v Fetzer, in the Wisconsin court, and Soto v Remington, in several courts, principally Connecticut. In these two cases, the court’s decisions so far have been vividly unusual. Lenny Pozner sued Prof Jim Fetzer for publishing an accusation that Lenny provided a fake death certificate for his son Noah Pozner. In a defamation case, you get to argue that your allegation is true. Fetzer was not allowed to do so! (He has at least a ghost of a chance of getting that overturned by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.)
The District Court judge ruled against Fetzer by issuing a summary judgement in Pozner’s favor. (One can picture a metaphorical knife being held to the judge’s throat, can one not? Or maybe a real one.) The judge than called in a jury, but only to decide on the amount of damages. They awarded $450,000.
The second case was filed by parents led by Donna Soto, against Remington Arms, the manufacturer of Lanza’s alleged gun, the Bushmaster. Normally a gun maker is not liable for what eventuates, but the court ruled, that the Federal statute forbidding suit against gun manufacturers doesn’t hold for military-grade weapon. So, Remington lost and declared bankruptcy. Its insurance carriers have offered the plaintiffs just shy of $33 million.
Point #7. You can sniff around for a false flag. It is normal to interpret a false flag event as being done for the purpose of highlighting “the wrong enemy.” In Australia, it’s well accepted that the “Port Arthur’ was done to scare people and bring about a gun-control law. The new prime minister in 1996, John Howard, had anti-gun legislation in his pocket, ready to spring “when needed.”
You won’t be surprised to hear that the “conspiracy theorists” who started to doubt Martin Bryant’s guilt were the gun owners of Australia, especially farmers, who saw through the hoax. (By hoax I mean the falseness of attributing the gunwork to Bryant.)
In regard to Sandy Hook, it’s a bit strange that the gun clubs have not raised the issue of a hoax. Indeed, in the Soto v Remington case, in 2017, when the NSSF — National Shooting Sports Foundation — submitted an amicus curiae brief to emphasize the gun manufacturer’s legal immunity, they stated: “The shooting claimed the lives of twenty children and six adults.” It would have been better to add the word “allegedly” before the verb “claimed.” Judges rarely open up, sua sponte, a matter that neither side has raised.
Ask: Didn’t NSSF notice that if nobody died at Sandy Hook, there’s no case against the Bushmaster gun?
Point #8. You can calculate the overall direction in which the powerful is moving. I wonder: Are today’s gun lobbies dinki di? Infiltrating them would have been a high priority for One World authoritarians, no? My late friend Trish Fotheringham, a survivor of MK-Ultra mind control, told me that when her co-survivors were sent in to infiltrate Environmental groups, they did not even realize they were being used; it’s quite a system! And George Soros is heavily into putting paid to the Second Amendment….
Back in 2006, when I ran for Congress in New Hampshire, Second Amendment voters hugged me (I mean they smiled at me) when I averred that the right to bear arms includes shoulder-held missiles. (Not to be confused with candidate David Thistle’s claim that he can have an aircraft carrier moored at his pier!) But now that I think of it, in my more recent talks on the hustings, I don’t get bowled over by smiles or hugs.
Dear Students, look around at what various gun lobbies are doing these days. And peruse the last 100 headlines of a major newspaper to see how many are about shootings. Please try to imagine that any reported shooting may not have happened at all. I mean it may be newspaper fluff “for a purpose.” Or it may have been actually carried out — for a purpose!
Recall the declassified Northwoods Memo of 1962, signed by Joint Chiefs of Staff leader Jay Lemnitzer. He unabashedly discussed with his Pentagon colleagues a plan to create a make-believe air crash, in order to blame Cubans and start warring against Cuba. He was even planning to organize “fake funerals” for the “fake passengers” on the downed plane. (Oops, I mean the downed “plane.”)
I think it is perfectly reasonable to entertain the possibility that the 2012 headline-grabbing story of tiny tots being gunned down was a scheme to “take away our guns” and thus leave the citizens without protection against a tyrant. There is undeniably a direction in which the powerful are moving today, viz., total control. Such a thing was always on the minds of the Founding Fathers and they never hesitated to discuss it openly. So don’t be shy!
Point #9. Look on the bright side. If you were to demonstrate that the Sandy Hook deaths did not take place, this would be great news all around. Probably half the nation was traumatized or saddened by the announcement, just before Christmas 2012, that beautiful five-year-olds were struck down by a nutter. It would be pleasant news for the whole world that those kids, who would now be age 14 or older, are still enjoying life.
By the way, if this is so, they must be coming under some personal pressure about their possible fake identities. It was never their fault that a false story was circulated. They should feel free to step forward and ask for our help. We would welcome them.
Point #10. Look at sleuths who are pursuing hard data. In the Sandy Hook case, Wolfgang Halbig, a citizen whose former occupation was as a School Safety Expert, has been badgering the FOIA — Freedom of information Act — people “mercilessly.” They in turn have been ignoring him mercilessly. Frankly, I have a personal rule (ask me about General Boykin’s case): If FOIA is not forthcoming, tell them “Omnia praesumuntur, contra spoliatorem.”
Think: how can it be OK for FOIA people to turn down requests by such a respectable citizen as Halbig? You’d be well within your rights to assign Information Refused Points — IRPs — as weights against the validity of the official story, when weighing up your judgment as to the validity of the Sandy Hook event.
Please note that any citizen can call for official inquiries by a legislature, or petition the court for a Writ of Error Coram Nobis. Neither the Federal Bankruptcy nor the Connecticut trial judge presiding over the settlement by Remington Arms and the nine Soto plaintiffs is obliged to rubber-stamp the $33 million payout. As for the court in Alabama, I have particular faith in them. My 2017 experience in that state knocked me over with goodwill.
Editor’s Note: The photographs below are a comparison between the big eyes and the actual interview months later. When was the left one taken and why did it have the same blue curtains as the interrogation video months later?
Looks like the spooks are infiltrating the Gumshoe now, what next, the wiggles
“I’m scareded Sarg”
We are all scared B2….
I hope they have nice music like this when I’m in jail. How ’bout you, w3 and Simon?
John Cale took Johnny Cash’s opening line “I keep a close watch on this heart of mine” and turned it into quite a melodic tune.
Now he is old he rehashed it into something completely different with a spooky “Eyes Wide Shut” Venetian Rotschild party theme.
He gives it a few more tweaks and mutates it into something else altogether, Folsom Prison Blues has now completely disappeared into the background
To all Martin Bryant supporters,
Something interesting happened a few minutes ago when I tried to post those photos of Lanza and Bryant.
I had wanted to use the famous photo of Martin in which his face looks much more zombie-like — but cannot locate it. It has been erased from history! It was way worse than the one shown above.
(You may recall that The Australian newspaper issued an apology for “doctoring” his photo.)
Ah, but that is not the interesting thing I wish to tell you. (After all, guilty knowledge is a dime a dozen.)
Rather, it’s about Martin’s police interview in hospital in July 1996 — which we peons were not allowed to see until Mike Willessee sprung it for the 20th anniversary of Port Arthur in 2016.
In the above photo, we see that Martin is sitting in front of a blue curtain, that’s the very scene from “the Mike Willissee video” AND HIS EYES HAVE ONCE AGAIN BEEN MADE TO POP. If you have the patience to watch the Willissee video,” you could find that exact moment from which that frame was removed, and prove that there was a popper on photoshop duty in 2016.
Anyway, today’s focus is on Adam Lanza. Is anyone game to try to get the NY Times to apologize for publishing that very deceitful photo of Lanza?
And by the way, “O Students,” isn’t it worth mucho weight in the Evaluating Stakes, that the media felt a need to “teach” us that the Sandy Hook shooting was done by a zombie?
I don’t think he was ever in those clothes in front of the blue curtains. Mmmm
OMG. OMG. You’re right, Dee. It’a a mixed metaphor.
I mean someone pasted an old (pre-massacre) photo of Martin onto the backdrop of the hospital’s blue curtains.
Martin never had frizzy or fuzzy hair as in the fake photo. Does not look like him, maybe an artists impression of false presentation.
Am trying to locate photograph, Mary mentioned amongst my files.
Alex Jones got a lot of flak about Sandy Hook, the other shooting in Las Vegas was interesting in that some witnesses had a meeting sometime later at a bar and there was an attempted massacre there too. It goes to show the absolute importance of keeping the 2nd amendment and using it. You never know when you’re going to need it, to take out a few spooks. Of course if the US was not a super-power it would not be so critical. Washington is the world’s biggest obstacle to globalists. If they can remove that they will have to start on Russia, so Russia has a vested interest in maintaining the US, to hide behind.
Another good story about spooks rubbing people out is the “Clinton Body Count” which I would say has disappeared off spewtube long ago but has always been available on sites like whatreallyhappened.com. Everyone should be acquainted with the Clintons, not just Seth Rich’s wikileaks dump, not just Clinton Foundation and whitewater ( precursor to the GFC ), not just BIll’s 450 or so presidential pardons and subsequent “speaking tour” payoffs, not just the links back to Arkansaw ( Rockerfellas, masonic grand lodge, air courier distribution centre ), not just Bill’s rapes, Pizzagate and dozens of flights to Epstein’s Island, all this without even speculating about Hillary with adrenochrome / Frazzledrip, the mind fairly boggles at what these two have been up to, Bonnie and Clyde were ants by comparison. Someone should make a movie !!!
I saw that blockbuster,
Spoiler alert the Las Vegas shooter crashed a twin prop into the family home.
Hey casting, comm-mmon , Tom Cruise
Classic Clinton(Sir Henry).
Some say that Heather Heyer’s mum was also one of the Sandy Hook moms. (I never delved into the Sandy Hook saga)
Was Lanza’s father (or mother) FBI ?
Is the state of Connecticut known for corruption? I have never heard that it is, but for this one case about child custody. The name of the case is Liberti v Liberti.
It has Yale in it, that’s the incubator
When I heard the news come in about Sandy Hook, I knew it was a psy-op. After a while you notice the same script of heavy media coverage and inconsistent facts. However, when I heard the ‘no one died at Sandy Hook’, I was reluctant to go down that road.
The perpetrators of these psy-ops don’t care about human life. It made much more sense to just kill all those people than to have so many loose-ends walking around. Yes, there is evidence to support much of the ‘no one died’ narrative, but as anybody can tell you that has looked into these psy-ops, evidence is readily created for a narrative. In this case, a very negative disinformation narrative. It appears that disinformation narrative was very successfully used by the media to discredit other legitimate evidence of the psy-op.
The same bullshit stunt was tried at the Christchurch massacre. Those who started to look into that massacre soon began to see the dishonesty in the ‘crisis actors, shooting blanks and green screen’ narrative. There is no need to even look at the BS of crisis actors, the actual film of the massacre clearly shows that Tarrant was not working alone. – However, there are still morons out there that instead of pointing out that provable fact, will insist that people focus on the ‘no one died’ disinformation. – Just as a majority of the population is stupid enough to believe the Covid BS, there are those stupid enough to disregard object facts about these massacres.
Let’s hope the die-off accelerates and many of these stoopids get culled. I no longer want to even try to deal with them.
For those not up to speed on the CC massacre, here’s a very good analysis by Max Igun. You will have to remove the XXXX from the bitchute link to make it work (censorship at work). Just cut-and-paste the below link in your browser, then go back and remove the XXXX.
Everyone should watch this video at least once, especially NZers of which there are plenty in Australia
I have personal anecdotal evidence that Sandy Hook was a fraud. It was a done partly to pass CT state gun-control legislation but also to acquire a new school. The fake tragedy garnished 200 million dollars. Many of the ‘parents’ happened to be actors too. Gene Rosen and Robby Parker were piss poor. I have a frind who went and parked at that school in September through around mid Novemeber many times during weekdays to have lunch for contruction work he did down the road. Nobody was there! They moved to Monroe Ct, 15mins away where there was a working abandoned shhool that didn’t have mold and asbestos. Even the library for SHES was registered in Monroe and the work orders for food were going to this address.
“The second case was filed by parents led by Donna Soto, against Remington Arms, the manufacturer of Lanza’s alleged gun, the Bushmaster.” – I wonder what happened in that case. The video of Lanza’s car clearly show the police recovering the Bushmaster from the boot of the car AFTER the massacre was over.
If the plaintiff was arguing that the Bushmaster was the weapon in the massacre, then they had to prove it. Something was seriously wrong in the way that case was run and I suspect it had to do with the judge following an agenda or corrupted lawyers, or both.
• Ashli Babbitt Shooting Hoax Explained
Which also explains why Critter Trump is still fuelling the emotions of Americans to keep them agitated and divided and cause even more draconian measures to be implementing against the unsuspecting sheep.
• Trump Calls for Justice for Ashli Babbitt
And from what I have seen, NWO is the perfect vehicle to keep pushing these messages onto the gullible.
That’s a good find, Julius. It connects with Charlottesville. The medic in your first video is replete in this video from Charlottesville.
0:00 right at the beginning as the camera pans up a red cross on a black backpack
2:46 Medic
2:55 Medic
2:56 Medic Backpack
2:57 Medic ‘bum-bib’
3:03 Another view of 2:56
I haven’t found a good pic but there is a vehicle behind the toyota tundra you see on your left.
It says ‘State Troopers’ a dual cab. on one of the windows is, a red cross done in similar fashion as the medics above.
You can hears calls for medic! at
2:25 Medic are on the way
It’s not ‘call a doctor!’ it’s ‘Medic!’
I guess we are at war…
Aussie Forcibly Thrown Into Asylum For Covid Thought Crime.
Gumshoe Alert;
Thank you, Kevin. Amazing link. Man in WA sectioned for his suspicions about Covid.
Hopefully his ‘wife’ has taken all the jabs. (good bye airhead)
Crikey, my wife watches TV all the time and she will argue/question information with me. However, she would never take an unsupported assertion by a talking head on TV over my reasoned and supported arguments.
Good gawd, how do you help some bloke in a situation like this…
The Soviet Union would approve of a situation like this. What has Australia become?
A gulag !!!
If you were thalidomided, would that be a viable excuse for being paranoid ?
Oz was gulaged 30 years ago. When Soviet Union and Jugoslavia supposedly collapsed, the snoops and goons secret services (udba kgb) came to Oz to lay the foundation for globalism. Their experience well rewarded here, crown masonic brother/sister hoods. This cyber ID ccp invasion now a walk in the park, cause we’re more communist than they are. Covid a diversion for one belt up the divide. Nothing can be done, deal sealed.
What upsets me most, about BS, is child trafficking. We’re all sinners with habits, some more than others, but to think that andrenochrome sells for $1000 a dose is the reason for all children suffering. We be damned for silence.
A fast moving (3 min) video of a variety of events in Europe you won’t see much of on MSM. Look at the huge size of the crowd in Nice for example. Nice is just a town, not much bigger than Hobart.
The US has to take the lead to unscramble these elections and then certain leaders like we see quite frequently these days have to be locked up permanently. For everyone’s safety and well-being they need to be kept apart from society and never allowed back in. Like Mussolini, it took a while but eventually he was dealt with. There are some good sites in Australia for a high security prison suitable for globalist owned traitors and collaborators. There exists a huge gibber plain and deserts up north which are very inaccessible, traitors would have to be airlifted in. Their lies are so huge and so wicked they are an unacceptable threat to society.
What really didn’t help was the absolute crap quality of that video. The reasons why it was so crap is easily understood, but it had the effect of ‘rubbing out’ the blood that did hit the walls. It is not surprising most people will not see it, but it is there, if you look. It is the same reason why the shells just seemed to ‘disappear’.
This is why most people feel that no one died.
You can’t even discuss such things with stoopid people. They just KNOW what the truth is. It is like trying to discuss things with a brick wall. No communication, no exchange of ideas, no analysis of information.
Just let it go, let them die.
Because they would have to admit they had been conned by their tvs.
There’s a meme with ‘First Time?’
Nobody here has mentioned that the school had been closed down for a period, I think, 5 years previously. because of asbestos concerns. So any action that did take place at that site would have been a setup. There was no legitimate reason for school children to be there.
Warning: ” The Temple Is On Fire!” & The Sun Will Be Darkened
Governments from Around the World Admit They Do It
There are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack … and then falsely blames its enemy for political purposes.
In the following 42 instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admits to it, either orally or in writing:……………………..
So Common … There’s a Name for It
The use of the bully’s trick is so common that it was given a name hundreds of years ago.
“False flag terrorism” is defined as a government attacking its own people, then blaming others in order to justify going to war against the people it blames. Or as Wikipedia defines it:
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy’s strategy of tension.
The term comes from the old days of wooden ships, when one ship would hang the flag of its enemy before attacking another ship. Because the enemy’s flag, instead of the flag of the real country of the attacking ship, was hung, it was called a “false flag” attack.
Indeed, this concept is so well-accepted that rules of engagement for naval, air and land warfare all prohibit false flag attacks.
Leaders throughout history have acknowledged the danger of false flags:
“A history of false flag attacks used to manipulate the minds of the people! “In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Man Sends Audition Tape To Globalists To Be Crisis Actor in Next False Flag
Watch this audition tape that a man sent to globalists, advertising his services to play any kind of crisis actor….one who can actually act.
Read more.
AZIO monitors instead of arresting in the hope of finding recruits for Psy Ops such as the Lindt Café event.
“…..At the end of the day, it’s of keen interest to me to see whether or not we can get Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs. And trust me, when I use that name, I measure my words.
Joseph Wilson, quoted in Timothy Noah (2003-09-16). “Did Rove Blow a Spook’s Cover?”. Slate.
The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore.” He continued “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Suskind, Ron (2004-10-17). Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush. The New York Times Magazine.
Danner, Mark (2007). “Words in a Time of War: On Rhetoric, Truth and Power”. in András Szántó. What Orwell Didn’t Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics (First edition ed.). Philadelphia, PA: PublicAffairs Reports. pp. 17. “… the unnamed official speaking to Suskind is widely known to be none other than the self-same architect of the aircraft-carrier moment, Karl Rove …”
“Amerikka” – the worlds policeman.
The Goddess Mother As A Habitation [ The Two Babylons – A. Hislop] page 444.
“What could ever have induced mankind to think of calling the great Goddess mother, or mother of of gods and men, a house or habitation? …………..”
Amarka [ Omorca]
“From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka” “earth” the first letter aleph is often pronounced as o. Thus the pronunciation ……………
The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop, p.77
“……..In Egypt she was styled Athor——i.e., “the Habitation of God”. to signify that in her dwelt all the “fulness of the Godhead.” To point out the the great goddess-mother, in a Pantheistic sense, as at once the Infinite and Almighty one, and the Virgin mother, this inscription was engraven upon one of her temples in Egypt: “I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. no mortal has removed my veil. The fruit that I have brought forth is the Sun.”
From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary, the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]
and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4
“……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.
How remarkable a woman, whom John saw [Rev.] described in one aspect as the “Mother of harlots” and in another as “Drunken with the blood of the saints!”
Dear Criss Cross, thank you for giving us much good stuff this year.
As an elemntary schoolchild I was taught that America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, who “put America on the map,” so to speak. Here is a cute item from historian John Lienhard, at rense.com:
Vespucci finally outfitted his own voyage in quest of the passage to the Indian subcontinent that had eluded Columbus. He sailed in 1499 — seven years after Columbus first landed in the West Indies. Vespucci made two voyages between 1499 and 1502 and possibly a third one in 1503.
During his first voyage he explored the northern coast of South America to well beyond the mouth of the Amazon. He gave names like “Gulf of the Ganges,” and other Asian place-names he knew about, to the things he saw. He also made significant improvements in navigational techniques. During this trip he predicted the earth’s circumference to within 50 miles. [!!!]
But the big breakthrough came on Vespucci’s second trip. And that was the realization that what he was looking at was not India at all, but an entirely new continent. He verified the fact by following the coast of South America down to within 400 miles of Tierra del Fuego. Columbus found the new world, but Vespucci was the man who recognized that it was a new world.
And who wrote Vespucci’s Christian name on the maps? The King of Spain? Our founding fathers? Vespucci himself? No — it was none of these. We were given our name by an obscure German clergyman and amateur geographer named Waldseemuller. Waldseemuller was a member of a little literary club that published an introduction to cosmology in 1507. In it he wrote of the new land mass that Vespucci had explored:
“I see no reason why anyone should justly object to calling this part … America, after Amerigo [Vespucci], its discoverer, a man of great ability.”
“Columbus explored five islands in the modern-day Bahamas before he made it to Cuba. He reached Cuba on October 28, making landfall at Bariay, a harbor near the eastern tip of the island. Thinking he had found China, he sent two men to investigate”.
When Columbus set sail, he did not know where he was going, when he got there he did not know where he was, and when he got back he did not know where he had been.
Washington D.C. ( District of Columbia )
“Columbia” is a name for “Goddess of Creation, War, and Destruction” better known as the goddess of death and pain. She is derived from the imagery of Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, and Queen of Babylon.
The statue on top of the Capitol building called the Statue of Freedom is actually Persephone, meaning “She who Destroys the Light”. She is the queen of the underworld. She is crowned with pentacles (pentagrams–stars with five points). When someone stands on something, it is usually an indication of ownership. Therefore, she owns the facility she stands upon. Although the dome on top of the Capitol building was not finished until 1868, the final installation of this statue on top of the dome took place on December 2, 1863. The original Capitol building, without the dome, was completed in 1826.
Columbia and Persephone are seen as other statues around Washington D.C. area.
“……….When it came time to pick a name for the new capital that was being moved from Charleston to its present site, Senator John Lewis Gervais, whom the present day street is named after, in 1786 said, “in this town we should find refuge under the wings of COLUMBIA.” It is from this speech that people rallied to name it Columbia, beating out the name Washington in an 11-7 vote in the state senate.
It is clear from Gerais’ quote that Columbia, South Carolina was named for the goddess Columbia and not Christopher Columbus………..”
Lies My Teacher Told Me About Christopher Columbus: What Your History Books Got Wrong
The End of History—Messiah Conspiracy
CHAPTER 16—Was Christopher Columbus a Messianic Jew?
Why was America named after Vespucci? Did he lie about his discovery?
You are describing something akin to a queen (jews) and ants (europeans) who ‘broke the country in’ and makes me wonder whether the same occured for the land of Oz
From exactly 49:00 to 50:52 – Columbus the Marranos Jew
• Tikkun Olam
Not an authority on everything else he talks about but it certainly makes sense – I was just browsing his channel for credibility/authenticity.
And of course the first minute or two here …
• Who Brought The Slaves To America? – Walter White Jr
Clintons philanthropy –
How the Clintons Destroyed and Impoverished Haiti: Hillary’s “Dream Government” and Haiti’s Pay-to-Play “Recovery Commission” (IHRC)
“………………The IHRC is estimated to have collected $5.3 billion over two years and $9.9 billion over three years, without reconstructing much of anything. This represents more than five times the money that the Clintons have collected by other mechanisms like the Clinton Foundation orLaureate University. Bill Clinton has claimed at various times that he only received 10 percent of the funds that had been pledged to the IHRC, but even if this were true, a vast sum of money would still have disappeared. By July 2011, Haiti’s Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Communication (MPTC) had approved $3.2 billion of IHRC projects, but only $0.084 billion (2.6 percent) worth of projects had been completed…………………”
Clinton Foundation uses hidden transactions for influence peddling
Huge, unregulated transnational charities provide unique cover for moving money and other considerations as illegal favors.
A friend of mine, Peter Wing, once actually hid an elephant in plain sight at the castle he built with his bare hands from reclaimed materials near Millbrook, New York.
The evolution of the Clinton Foundation since Oct. 23, 1997, proves that gigantic frauds, spread across the globe under the harsh glare of public attention and in the media, are tough to grasp – and tougher still to police.
Who would imagine, for example, that a former president, an aspiring president and a highly educated only child would work together, purposefully gaming controls at supposed “charities,” produce false and misleading public filings, and do so for more than two decades using a bevy of outside professional advisers and world-renowned directors?
Yet close examination of available facts demonstrates the Clinton Foundation and its network of false-front charity “initiatives” and affiliates remains the largest set of unprosecuted charitable frauds in American history.
Comment: Was the IRS complicit in hiding/ignoring financial abuses and giving a wink to those sources utilizing under-the-radar connections within the Clinton realm? Were officials on the take, or were the Clintons just really good at being really bad…
You’ll laugh, but is it really funny?
Yeah funny, can’t wait for the rapture, it’s going to be a hoot
Dave Allen on homosexuality
REVISION/ RETRACTION. I phoned Her Bossness late last night, to correct an error I made in my article. At my request, she fixed the offending sentence — I had said “SCOTUS” made the ruling about the military weapon being not-entitled to liability-exemption. No, it was a lower court. Bushmaster petitioned SCOTUS for “cert” but was denied.
We try to do ethical journalism around here. Thus, when she has a chance, Dee should put at the bottom of the article: “Update: revised on August 13, 2021, at 11pm, to reflect no involvement by SCOTUS in the Soto v Remington Arms case.”
Excuse me for the nuisance. I hope it doesn’t jeopardize my next pie rise….
k, hall pass,
Welcome to the jungle;
pfft, Remington can barely make a cigarette lighter.
Are unvaxxed people postponing the coming of the Messiah?
It appears that this was implied by the prime minister of Israel a few days ago. At least, that is how some Jews are interpreting his words.
Read on –
URGENT MESSAGE: Moshiach Is Almost Here, See Through The Chaos
Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy Quote About Jews. “The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races…and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship.
To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) ,
jJewish Leaders of the Covid Cabal
August 13, 2021 renegade 9 Comments
Recently a commenter going by “Zero” gave us all a reminder that the U.S. government response to the “Covid crisis” is very jewish, just like the pharmajewticals.
CDC Director, Rochelle P. Walensky, is a jew.
CDC Deputy Director, Anne Schuchat, is a jew.
CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri A. Berger, is a jew.
CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe, is a jew.
CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek, is a jew.
COVID Czar, Jeff Zients, is a jew.
COVID Senior Advior, Andy Slavitt, is a jew.
HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra, is possibly a jew.
HHS Ass. Secretary, Rachel Levine, is a dude and a jew.
Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla, is a jew.
Moderna’s vaccine created by a jew, Tal Zaks.
Johnson & Johnson’s CEO, Alex Gorsky, is a jew.
Teva is an Israel pharmaceutical company.
Regeneron Pharma CEO, Leonard S.Schleifer, is a jew
AstraZeneca’s CEO, Pascal Soriot, was to take over as CEO of Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals, which means he’s probably a jew.
But this is just a coincidence
The jews work harder and give you a good deal. You can get a good deal on used cars from a muslim. An Indian will do bean-counting all day if that’s what you ask them to do. In fact in the marketplace, “white privilege” does itself few favours, and the globalists intend to destroy it. White privilege is now going to trickle up to elites only. I think we have already seen that taken to its conclusion in South Africa.
I like your thing above “Rachel Levine is a dude and a jew”. RL is a freakshow on the scale of Biden.
Now we have seen Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium and they have all the evidence documented that the election was hacked from inside China, funded by UBS ( Swiss Bank ) + we have the full audit from Maricopa county, how long can the Supreme Court sit on their hands ? How log before this entire shit-bomb explodes everywhere ?
Yes, they’re paving the web of lies for anticipated arrival of Moschiah.
These are the days forewarned. Blind faith in vaxx occultism has delivered all to BS. Truth denied, satanism one world false devolution, masquerading as jab freedom.
“How long will they kill our prophets, as we stand aside and look…..”
If their world leader appears, on every screen globally, we get 42 months of darkness. Prayer and non compliance only way now.
We are all Palestinians now
Criss Cross, what do you mean when you say “the U.S. government response to the ‘Covid crisis’ is very jewish”?
Govt Of Tunisia Toppled After Violent COVID-19 Protests
by GreatGameIndia
Tunisia’s president has sacked the PM and suspended parliament becoming the first government in the world toppled in the wake of nationwide violent mass COVID-19 protests.
Read more of this post
It’s time to rethink the notion that “loyalty” is protecting and promoting traitors posing as “government”.
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
The present system of Judaic Law conflicts with Christianity –
Jewish supremacist rabbi, Harry Waton, confessed that not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews — a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud. In his 1939 book, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity”, the racist rabbi wrote:
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews. The Jews should realize that Jehovah no longer dwells in heaven, but he dwells in us right here on earth; we must no longer look up to Jehovah as above us and outside of us, but we must see him right within us,” (p. 148) “Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews,” (p. 99) “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100) [pdf 2012 Feb] The Jew World Order Unmasked
Matthew 20:27 Context
24And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. 25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; 27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 28Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 29And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him. 30And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
Redux: Rabbis at pre-army yeshiva: “Gentiles will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a Jew is the best”
see comments –
“Before Our Very Eyes” (19/25)
The post-9/11 American empire watches, plunders and kills
by Thierry Meyssan
Damascus (Syria)
We continue the publication of Thierry Meyssan’s book, « Before Our Very Eyes ». In this episode, he exposes the transformations of the American Empire thanks to 9/11: the creation of a system of internal surveillance of the civilian population and, externally, the launching of the endless war in the wider Middle East. He also looks at the posthumous influence of the philosopher Leo Strauss in removing any scruples that US and Israeli leaders might have had about implementing such a programme……………..
Is it time to write America’s obituary? Is it time to say, ‘Goodbye, America’?
“We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” — Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
Skimming over the jews and back to Africa, and deposed leaders, I talked to a guy from Mauritius today, I said your president is very famous these days ( warning people off the quaxxines and avoiding an assassination ), the guy said “he’s a moron, totally corrupt, nepotism bla bla”. Well if you were getting assassinated maybe you would go for nepotism. Anyway this particular guy was not very black so probably some type of immigrant. They have these post-colonial tussles going on lots of places I suppose.
Tunisia itself, had a big tourism economy, now they are probably overrun with “immigrants”. They used to get bashed pretty bad by the roman empire. Notice how not a whole lot happens in Egypt. They take on the Zionists from time to time and usually end with a loss or a draw. But the pharaohs have moved on from Egypt, and now the jews are their partners.
Three major investigative AltMedia gurus, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura and Sean Hross, have claimed they don’t like Trump, and it’s unclear to me whether they think he should have acted sooner or if they are convinced he is a freemason puppet or some other scenario. Are they having trouble winding back their position ? Or are they sticking with it ?
Looks like it’s all happening and the Democrats party is going to be possibly wiped out of existence, leading to a one-party state. China is being blamed for everything while the cyber-hacking does not seem to have originated from the CCP – it seems to have come from Swissy.
China / CCP is being marginalised with even the Philippines now brave enough to kick them out of its waters. It looks like the Chinese economy is set to be destroyed ( partly by demographics ) possibly resulting in major civil unrest there. Does this mean Swissy thinks he can make a play for China, bump off the CCP and globalise it ? Is it Swissy’s age old game plan to back both sides to raise the conflict to maximum then capitalise on the winner and the loser with a plan tailored for each ? All the while acting through front-men and agencies.
U.N. + W.H.O. – Geneva
UBS ( Swiss Bank ) – Zurich
World Economic Forum – Geneva
B.I.S. ( Bank for International Settlements ) – Basel
First Zionist Congress – Basel
Basically, anyone is welcome, so long as you are super-rich.
For the inconvenienced, there are buros in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Brussels, NY, Washington, etc.
Want to be super-rich but still saving money ? Munich and the Riviera are options. Park your yacht with no underclasses hanging around ? We have Monaco. For the more adventurous, we back onto Romania and Transylvania, we also have a kidney farm called Moldova.
It’s time to cull the useless eaters, they are like cockroaches, if you see one come out you know there are another 100 in hiding.
Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Sorcery = Pharmakia
Looks like Johnny Cash and John Cale have disappeared !!!
Here instead, Venice carnival, start at 3:00 to skip the credits.
Fellini has simply outdone himself here.
My interest is fuelled by the Viennese / Lombards banking empire, the missing link between Egypt and Switzerland … ?
‘Science Tikkun’: The Talmudic Control Doctrine of Peter Hotez
August 13, 2021/10 Comments/in Featured Articles /by Karl Haemers
Certain Jews continue to emerge into view as the Covid phenomenon grinds onward and upward. Previous essays explored the many Jews active in the pharmaceutical industry and public health agencies, developing, promoting and profiting from covid vaccines and other power plays. I also looked at Jews of the World Economic Forum, an epicenter of beneficiaries of the covid pandemic. Also in the news again recently, Dr. Joseph Mercola topped the list of the “disinformation dozen” identified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate and referenced by President Biden as the greatest threat to global public health, for challenging narratives about covid and vaccines. Previously Mercola called out his defamation enemies, but I identified the real Jewish enemies he failed to name.
Not to say that the vaccine hysteria is some kind of Jewish plot, but it’s no surprise that Jews as an integral part of our elite, are heavily involved. Now we examine one Jew in particular, stepping into the public spotlight to declare that Talmudic doctrine justifies medical tyranny and lockdown control.
Peter Hotez………………….Read on –
Perhaps you should take the trouble to also identify other ethnicities involved in globalist enterprises, or better define what you mean by jews, since we have heard jews are from Edom, the emperor of Japan is a jew, the African Tedros is a jew etc, normally in this type of context or similar I used to speak of “Zionists”. We all try to take some care to differentiate between Chinese and CCP ( right up to Trump level ), could you not find some more specific term ? These people generally under discussion are from all sorts of races, there are satanists and Moloch-worshippers, some are arguably not jews at all, your jew mania seems to be taking you over. I think your obsession with clicking on links is OK but the expression could be better directed. For want of clarity and accuracy I get drawn into your race-baiting too frequently. Why not just do me a favour and try to find the most appropriate term, instead of constantly hammering away with the schoolyard term, and then paradoxically quoting sections from that notorious jew-book compendium “the holy bible”. Not all jews deserve to be beaten with your stick. Far from all I might suggest. And have you considered, these incessant beatings could make some good ones go bad and the bad ones get worse ?
ALETHO NEWS: Brian Gerrish’s Testimony to Reiner Fuellmich: Our oppressors are very…
Kevin, it would be much more beneficial if you provided a link. I’ve noticed that you have done this before and I expect that many people never went on to find out what you were referring to.
Here you go Terry, and thanks Kevin – just been watching it (speed x 2).
Brian Gerrish talks about the use of applied behavioural psychology and propaganda and goes on …
“And I’ll just say again that the Mindspace document was boasting that this was the first time the Government would be able to use applied techniques where people would have their behaviour changed—that means their thoughts changed!—and they wouldn’t even be aware that it had occurred.”
“The key gentleman concerned with this was a man called Dr David Halpern. That meeting was not properly minuted in a proper official sense, but they did put out a briefing sheet from the meeting, and in that document, which I think was dated 22 March 2020, it admitted that the SAGE team and the Government’s policy on Coronavirus was going to use applied psychology in order to ramp up fear in the population, in order to get the population to adhere more closely to the Government’s policy over the response to Coronavirus.”
“My feeling is that the people who are responsible for this despicable plan have now started to think that the public is beginning to look in the right direction, and so they need something to distract them. [referring to carefully crafted attention back on Fauci (limited hangout) and the relative silence of Bill Gates – exposed as Epstein’s associate]”
“This is calculated. And this is why I come back to the statement that it is not madness; if you analyse very carefully the political decisions, the policies, the documents, what we are looking at is genocide. It’s planned. It’s premeditated.”
“Now, in the SAGE document, aside from saying that they were going to ramp up fear, there was something very interesting. It said [UK Column note: in paras. 6–8 on p. 2] that inside [local] communities, community members were going to be used to effectively police each other. So people were going to be used to put pressure on their neighbours, for example, to wear a mask; to adhere to social distancing.”
“So I look at these documents, and I’m pretty confident that what we are seeing is the seeding of ideas of a coming pandemic.
Of course, those seeds were placed in people’s minds, and then the moment we started to get reports of a pandemic coming—particularly, for us [in Britain], from the BBC—people would have started to become worried, or would have started to think about that material and would have started to react in a way that the Government would want.
So we’ve got the substantive evidence showing that the British Government will and does use applied psychology to get its policies across, that substantive evidence saying that they’re going to go as far as making people fearful.”
“So, for me, it’s very easy to say that if you want to start working out who is doing this, then you have to look at who is actually controlling the sums of money.
And this can be quite emotive, depending on how you put this argument across, but in the UK, the Government—which has not been able to build hospitals, which can’t fill in holes in the road, which can’t run the schools—suddenly announces that we have got £800 billion which has appeared out of thin air in order to fight Covid. Well, this tells us something very important.
The other thing which I think is significant at the moment is: you might have thought a few years ago that if such a pandemic happened, then at this stage, when the economy is so badly hit, we would be hearing the banks complain; we would be hearing the banks saying that “This is disastrous, because the British economy has shrunk by 30% to 40%. The banks can’t function.”
But actually, the banks are silent. And that says to me that the banks are happy. They must be happy, because they’re silent.”
“a whistleblower who had clearly been within some reasonably high-level meetings within the British Government told us he was shocked that at one stage, they’d discussed the need to destroy small to medium-sized businesses.
He said it was discussed in a way that was so cold that it really disturbed him. When he came out of the meeting, he could not believe what he had just heard.
The previous Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, announced publicly several times that companies that did not adhere to the new “climate change” greening agenda would be punished. They would be put out of business. He said that publicly, and anybody operating a small business really should have paid attention to what that man was talking about.”
That last paragraph is very valuable, W3. And it makes me think of Dutchman Ronald Barnard (sp?) who told the ITNJ that he and colleagues — the top 8,00 deciders — would laugh with delight if they heard that a man committed suicide when his business went defunct (from actions cauused by the said 8,000).
You have heard me say, here at Gumshoe, that Protective mums, whose kids were stolen, report that female lawyers in court laugh at their suffering. I know of two verifible instances (it really is a most peculiar behavior, not in the normal repertiore of emotional reactions). And the other day I read about it again, I think it was in Joachim Hagopian’s big book Satanism and Pedophilia. Thus, someone is specifically training these lawyrs to laugh.
Hey, who needs this?
[…] by Mary W Maxwell, LLB […]
You may have seen the word “Trending” each day at Gumshoe. Dee does not know how the arrtcles get chosen, but I am sure it is very algorithmic, and does not reflect a staistical trend. This morning in US, whilst you Aussies were in slumberland, the trender was:
Have a look, as it proposed a Committee of protectors for Martin Bryant, to volunteer to be his guardian in court matters. (Ha! as if there were any court matters for MB.) Well, wouldn’t you know it, the 3 fakers who came forward were CIA types so I had to cancel the idea. Eventually Dee, Mal, and I formed enuf of a committee to write to Tassie’s Governor. No reply, of course.
But that was in the old days when we didn’t have the swagger we have now. Have we got swagger! If you want to have another go, write to me: MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com. The above article is 5 years old. It reminded me that I had swanned into the Guardianship office in Hobart in 2016. I told the social worker assigned to talk to me, that I was inquiring about the guardianship rights of “a friend.” Of course she knew that line, and patted my hand. Very humane, really.
I remember when Sandy Hook fake crisis actor footage was all over youtube, before youtube was owned by Google and now censors everything. The footage of the crisis actors smiling and laughing before their scene started was laughable. Even now the Sandy Hook police wont release the police report!! Come on. 7000 pages of investigation on their patsy Adam Lanza but not one page on the actual police investigation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAPTUMCU8jc
What are you talking about? It was released in Jan 2018.
Also, I forgot to add … Thy had a drill at the school and the complict media used some of the imagery at the drill for the live hyperactive drill event two days later! How do I know that?
METADATA. Data that cannot be changed. The idiotic photographer, two in fact, conducted the same drill two days before and you cannot chamge metadata. Also, the clouds at the tome match for the two days before and not for the day the ‘shooting’ occured!