J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
The political disaster of the dialectic method: We can never focus on the sensible centre, because by hook or by crook it’s winner takes all, so the two sides push the limits of their left-wing or right-wing thinking as hard as they can in their limited time, after which the national energy goes into reversing whatever was done before, causing a relentless, ongoing zig-zagging dysfunction, during which covert agendas can operate most effectively.
The Globalists are moving on privately held assets, through their agents the Deep State of every country under their sway. They have bought out individuals with their printed money and now they want a future where nobody owns anything outside of their CBDC digital credits system. This means they must remove assets such as gold and land from private ownership and transfer them to state ownership.
We see an attack on gold now through the media, following a sharp increase in the gold price relating to rumours about currencies failing. The way things are, the gold price is not likely to stop rising.
The Globalists’ legacy media is being used in an attempt to characterise gold as the currency of the mafia, taking over from bitcoin and other cryptos which they have been undermining and demonising in every possible way for some years.
Cryptocurrencies, of which the Globalists’ CBDC’s are actually one, proliferated until midway through the Covid opportunity, when the takedown began, first by various startup crypto-currencies failing, then by governments such as the Australian government banning them via the local banks, then by taking down various vulnerable crypto-moguls who were in a weak position in relation to tax laws and so forth:
Sam Bankman-Fried (FTX), Brock Pierce (Epstein associate), Do Kwon (Terraform Labs), Moshe Hogeg (Sogur currency), Vietnamese Chipmixer, et al.
Owned mogul Zuckerberg demonstrated that anyone could start a crypto-currency.
Since its startup price of about one cent per unit in around 2010, Bitcoin itself has achieved a good degree of stability and has been appreciating recently, faster than gold. What Bitcoin lacks is a front desk, but ordinary local savings and loan banks are following this trend, the latest announcement from ANZ is that they will stop dispensing cash from certain branches, which they have been re-styling as appointment-taking consultancies. Global banking giant ING has one solitary Australian branch in Sydney.
Physical gold itself is of course the most secure form of asset which is why governments and central bankers resent it and even banned the “hoarding” of it in the USA in 1933 because of the Great Depression, when President Roosevelt urgently needed to print vast amounts of money. Gold was therefore de-articulated from the printed scrip, which was immediately devalued by about half. It seems that discussing un-American “hoarding” during the famous fireside chat was enough to justify the reckless money printing in that era.
In the world today, Globalists via their Central Banking systems have already created vast amounts of money well in advance of any depression or recession. Their system of valuing assets and commodities, such as labour, is thus fraudulent and unreliable in the longer term, which appears to be the intent.
The attacks on pension funds are well known, they were created with the intent of being robbed. Due to the current inflation, caused by money creation and little else, owners of superannuation funds have seen their wealth cut by 20% or more. Just use the petrol price as a datum, or consider also grocery prices and electricity bills. The government’s domestic inflation statistics are pure fantasy and are created by juggling items in and out of their hypothetical basket. If the price of bananas is rising or falling they will swap out bananas for apples to suit their purpose, which supports their imaginary inflation stability, until the entire system cracks, ultimately forced by international oil prices. OPEC will simply not take their junk scrip as seriously as governments would wish, so governments blame them.
In summary, the solution to price inflation, authored by the Reserve Bank, is to divert huge funding increases to the banks, in order to break the economy, by breaking the most unfortunate amongst us, and getting them on the dole.
The next attack, which is ongoing, is on privately owned property and is done through every level of government, via stamp duty, land tax, excessive council rates and drainage charges, unfair income and capital gains taxes on rental property, and lately, removal of tax deductions and the threat of Biden-style “unrealized” capital gains tax, a tax on the future but paid in the present.
Is it any wonder rents are going up, when the governments are taking all the profit for themselves? Why should old people invest in rental property for their self-funded retirement when there is so little return, taking into account depreciation (life of a building being 50 to 100 years) the return can be almost the same as cash under the bed. Building a house is like gambling on bubbles. And why would anyone buy or build a house knowing the government seeks to own and control more than half of it, including the land under and all the airspace and any easements. With enough taxes, regulations and imposts, eventually, only the government will build, just like communism.
Governments like to build cheap hi-rise towers, and as we have seen, confine the inhabitants as if they were prisoners, for any imaginary reason that suits them.
In NSW a new style stamp duty on the installment plan has been initiated to assist buyers of hyper-inflated Sydney property so that the one-off stamp duty payment is no longer a brake on property price inflation. This will help to bed in the devaluation of the dollar in Sydney, which is what governments seek to do, in the current “floating dollar” environment, first entered into by former Treasurer Paul Keating in the 1980s.
By every means possible, government agencies must encourage inflation across the board, to bed in the inevitable dollar devaluation caused by excessive money creation. At the same time, by wrecking the economy with interest rates, the unfortunate are driven closer towards the Global target wage of $2 per hour, as publicly revealed to us by mining magnate Gina Reinhart.
Legendary US economist Milton Friedman famously said: “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.”
Professional [redacted] Jim Chalmers, Treasury spokesman for the Globalist infiltrated ALP, has been blaming the inflation on the Russians instead of the money-printing of the last decade or more, including the ramping up of money-printing during the Covid production, has yet to explain how high-interest rates on Australians will defeat this Russian inflation when the reality seems to be that increased interest rates are the biggest single underlying inflationary pressure after money-printing and imported oil prices.
It’s a bit like the Global Warming argument, that Australia can affect the world, when China and India are going in the opposite direction. Basically, a nonsense.
Inflation is deemed good when commodity prices go up, and the governments have never complained about that, in fact, they would like us to think the commodity price rises were somehow generated by their political cleverness.
The government’s position on inflation is ultimately impossible to explain except by drawing from the broad catalogue of available lies.
The politicians have been hyperventilating about high electricity prices for years, almost since they knocked out the coal-fired power stations in Sydney and Melbourne, but previous to that they sold most of the east coast natural gas to China so none of that was available either. Instead, they decided to build massive wind and solar farm infrastructure far away from the end users, with the subsequent mind-boggling transmission costs.
It’s almost as if they planned the electricity debacle as a useful smokescreen to cover the money-printing, inflation and high-interest rates debacle.
On that topic, Malcolm Turmbull’s Snowy River 2.0 (expansion) also hit a speed bump since the contractor Clough recently went belly-up.
The legacy media financial news says the oil price will be going up again due to more OPEC production cuts so interest rates will also be going up “to fight inflation”. Rusted on ABC TV finance presenter Alan Kohler says the same, with a sense of bemusement, almost irony, as if even the most basic student of economics can easily understand this is nonsense, not even fresh nonsense but very old nonsense, however like the Global Warming, the government goes on pretending they don’t understand reality, in fact, ordinary reality no longer exists for them. The fact is, the climate has been getting cooler and the economy is broken, and for proof just look at the foreign debt, currently around one trillion dollars and rising fast.
It’s hard to know who in government is actually fooled and who just doesn’t care, concentrating as they do on their roles and their well-rehearsed lines, which, in Canberra, are given to them every morning to memorise; these script sheets are called “Talking Points”.
So we can see, a lifetime of savings and investments can be dissolved with a few deft government moves on the road to Globalist communism.
Company share investments to be destroyed by futures and insider trading, dilution, asset stripping, and potentially even some form of nationalisation.
Property assets including private homes and farms, value-neutralised by a plethora of taxes, rates, duties, charges and bills, failing all that, re-zoning.
Gold and Bitcoin, damaged or wholly removed by “emergency” regulation.
Pension funds such as superannuation and cash, super-eroded by rolling inflation.
What’s left, Treasury Bonds?
Anyone can understand, you can’t get the pineapple out of the elephant’s mouth. At the least, your pineapples will emerge badly chewed up and fewer in number than you ever could have calculated.
Remember, gold was US $35 per ounce for decades, at least theoretically, from the 1930s to 1971, and now it is US $2000 per ounce.
That’s how much money they printed.
Mr Olsen, if you could become Treasurer tomoroow, what would you do to help us?
Think Mr Olsen prefers not to interact with his printed articles, which are vert good and getting better.
.. so allow me to be Treasurer ” its my bad news to inform you today that the Treasury is insolvent(bankrupt), I have decided because of law, common sense, fiduciary responsibility to inform Philip Lowe that we will have to default on our obligations to your private bank. Whilst we expect payback for the contract resinderation, I can only say force majeure or come and get it. Sorry Aussie’s you have done your investments but we are keeping the cake. We have previous obligations to God and Country(first nation).
It’s the old frog in boiling water all over again
“OLSON FOR TREASURER…” That would scare the fiscal vultures.
This is what I was informed last week:
There are banking systems competing at the moment — The QFS and the Central Control version. Both are run by AI systems; with the central control run by “Hydra” (sorry no more information on this). Hydra was learning from QFS’s AI and interfering… Sounded like humans had lost control (of AI) — almost. I look forward to the next up-date from this person.
Thank you Treasurer Simon for your hard work as a volunteer. But I thnk you will never live up to the standard of Paul Keating who was anointed as “Best Treasurer IN THE WORLD.”
Update on excess deaths (5 minutes)
I’m not happy about being right and I didn’t need a 7 sigma event. Ed Dowd is getting around, but maybe profiting from the exercise. He would welcome my discomfort, because he’s a economic hit-man profiteer and author. Hope he is a good guy and funds real inquiry leading to “truth” in general going forward as our MM has banged on. Yes MM we all were pretty much right on this, just I don’t need experts to tell me.
I should add Ed has called this for maybe 18 months, so I think he is a good guy on the reform
This morning the kids on M$M were covering the mysterious light plane crashes, very mysterious,substantial increase, got them all scratching their heads down there at channel 9 or 7, what could it be ? But don’t worry because experts have some sort of wishy-washy explanation shaped thing to bring along for show & tell.
Two geezers drowned at NSW beaches in one day (today) and the road death toll in SA is double what it was last year.
I think the lights may be starting to come on in the M$M, some of them may be wondering what they are doing there
This article says the sounds have been heard all over Australia. – Nope, not around here. Anybody else heard these weird sounds in the sky?
Posted on spewtube 5 days ago, that would be April 4, date of posting on tiktok maybe a couple of days earlier
starts 23 min
Needs a concentrated mind ….. 528 v 741…… they are very cunning and it is a big project.
Think of the noise imposed into our brains in corporate spaces like Woollies.
A Q enigma in at least one Q drop is ‘watch the water’.
There have been various suggestions as to what is meant.
One of the latest is to Kari LAKE in the Arizona election fraud that she is fighting in the courts.
When I sent the link to Dee, I did not theorise as to Tesla’s water towers……. But I mention it here for thoughts.
As Nemesis would also know ?…….. the releasing of about 6,000 hidden patents is being foreshadowed.
I just noted that CW mentions the above…… I am on my second listening and missed it on first hearing…… I was searching St John the Baptist on my phone internet service …… I found the 528 notes and appropriate vibrations to sleep…… just do a search.
Sound Music -starts 23 minutes–all makes sense to me
At 23 minutes Listen to “The Hidden Frequency” “The Perfect Circle of Sound”
“At the beginning of the liturgy, a cantor sang the Exsultet Easter Proclamation, which tells the story of salvation from the creation, the testing and fall of Adam, the liberation of the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt, and culminates in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and leads us to salvation.”
If you have understanding of the Musical Mathematical Matrix -Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse A-Z- The real Da Vinci Code– watch the whole service.
References to Alpha Omega and WATER is spoken of with Reverence
Tesla Towers = Water Towers
A fascinating post—- Everything is electricity
1400-New World Language-King James English–writing backwards they flipped the alphabet numerical code
Thank Sandra
More about the Centre or the Middle Path or finding the Still Point in the Turning Circle.
“The political disaster of the dialectic method: We can never focus on the sensible centre, because by hook or by crook it’s winner takes all, so the two sides push the limits of their left-wing or right-wing thinking as hard as they can in their limited time, after which the national energy goes into reversing whatever was done before, causing a relentless, ongoing zig-zagging dysfunction, during which covert agendas can operate most effectively.”
Read this para above and recalled my time working with Noel Pearsons and his Cape York Institute initiatives for Aurukun Youth 2003 /2004. This followed my 12 years -1991-2002 where I worked in a leadership role with Elders, community leaders, educators and families in the NT to design develop and deliver culturally inclusive models of education that met the then Commonwealth AEP 21 Goals and the communities Minimum Requirements for Education. These highly successful grassroots social enterprises have been erased from history –I believe they did meet the “sensible centre” or the “radical centre” that Noel spoke of— So 7 years later I found this impassioned speech of great interest as well as noting the sponsors and forum at which it was presented.
Grass roots activists enslaved made powerless by their corporate controlling world.
“Interesting ” -political perspective on things– Ah Noel and his “Empowered Communities”. mmm
“Noel Pearson on hunting the radical centre”
‘My interest is in the radical centre: this is the place where those in search of a better society might best hunt.’
– Noel Pearson
About the Keith Murdoch Oration
The Keith Murdoch Oration raises funds to support the work of State Library Victoria, and to recognise the Library as a centre for excellence in the world of ideas and information.
The Oration also reflects the Library’s commitment to promoting debate within the community about knowledge and culture.
Noel Pearson is the Founder of the Cape York Partnership and Co-Chair of Good to Great Schools Australia. He is an activist and a History and Law graduate of the University of Sydney.
Noel comes from the Guugu Yimidhirr community of Hopevale on South Eastern Cape York Peninsula. His goal is to enable Cape York’s Indigenous people to choose a life they value by reinstating the rights of Aboriginal people to take responsibility for their lives.”
Corporate sponsor
BHP Billiton
Education partner
Media partner
Event supporters”
Transcript provided.
All very very sad– some things I find galling— when you know the back story it is hard to forgive.
Everything must stop communities choosing their destiny it seems
I have been following the Shroud Of Turin shroud science for 50-60 years.
Way back a sample was taken, carbon dated with a result not consistent with the time of Christ. Thus all the naysayers screamed ‘FRAUD’,
However the shroud was damaged in a fire and repaired about …….? Some period in the 1400s ?
The carbon dating was of a slither of material from the repaired section.
Now why am I bringing this to notice this Easter?
Well go to rumormillnews.com (a site that MM contributes to) for the report on the latest. Some say the negative depiction of Christ’s resurrection indicates signs of movement. Scroll down to 8th April at 23.45.28 timeline.
Reports of same are also at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com and at beforeit’snews.com- people powered news.
Do not know if the Australian Broadcasting ‘corporation’ or any corporate media reported the opinion🤡.
Wonder what Fitzsimmons et.al., think of it🤣🤣
Whether there are indications of movement depicted or not is irrelevant for me….. I formed the opinion 50 + years ago that the resurrection moment/s as depicted are genuine and demonstrate the resurrection of Christ…… it is a matter of an expression of energy of some sort. That must suggest something to those with a expanded mind on what is life and what surrounds life.
I once had an experience of a ‘energy pulse’ (?) that sorted out an old problem with the spine……. About a decade or so past.
Come on naysayers, ‘Avago’🙏💁🏼🤡🌈 wishing all, a inspired Easter and resurrection.
The above was meant to stand alone as a comment….. it is not meant to be a reply
If you come at the shroud without all the preconceptions it’s very convincing on its own merits, also the location of Turin is interesting, right in the middle of the trade routes of the Knights Templars somewhere around Genoa going to places in Switzerland, looks like someone had to dump it urgently or maybe it was just known locally to be on the market
The shroud etc starts at 13 minutes.
Keep in mind that there was reported a separate … ‘shroud’ for the head and face.
Thanks EB, Very worthwhile discussion.
Explains the NWO, Schrab et.al., in fear these days.
[…] Source […]
If you survive the nanotech onslaught in the jabs, food & environment (via geoengineering). The great reset is happening in real time; the jabs were self-spreading hence the mandates stopped once enough people took them. Watch the video in the sub stack of Aussie doctor Dr David Nixon below to see what is happening to everyone’s blood…..
If our politicians, academia and public servants cannot work out what is creating the excess death numbers how the hell can they fix the financial system that they and their predecessors created? They do not have the intellectual capacity to comprehend, create (apart from devious schemes) or fix anything.
One more ultra-conservative news site that acknowledges the cause of the excess prime-of-life deaths:
Classic… animation. I expect Melbourne to the Test Isolation City
getting zapped at 6min
I am laughing my head off at how real
Reminds me of those people who escaped from “quarantine” and were treated like criminals by our lying, crooked, treacherous State Premiers.
And the movie was completely made by some type of Slavic person.
A good laugh if not so real.
Serco on all bases loaded.
The great Aussie dream !!!
Our youth with mortgages, facing repayments of $10,000 per month, as foreign investors clean up the mess buying in cash.
Not so lucky country since PA and 911, in chains like the penal colony it was set up to be, or in our case not to be. Krown kabal komunizm replacing the used up with new blood CCP and global slaves serving them, delivering pizzas on pushbikes on contract lucky making $2 per hour, sleeping 10 to a room on floor, toes touching in the middle.
In forty years, from most affordable housing to most unaffordable in the world, the shackles of debt usury by bankster beasts, the only protected species left in Oz.
Only in Oz, borrow for one house end up paying for three, advance Australia fare, money from nothing and nothing for free, only fees.
As Eureka 1856, we need to stand and fight, otherwise it’s all over with trancehuman 2.
Did I hear recently that danger Dan ducked off the China and no schedule of meetings or activity available.
Is he back with the blue prints?
Babet on Dodgy Dan
Thanks Joe, I really was wondering.
No doubt our faithful ABC will call him in for insightful report on and including his expenses and WHO paid……. is he back?
Growing chorus of Liberals want conscience vote on Voice referendum
By David Crowe and Angus Thompson
Updated April 3, 2023 — 4.49pmfirst published at 2.03pm
h ttps://www.watoday.com.au/politics/federal/rushed-voice-referendum-timetable-risks-social-harmony-coalition-20230403-p5cxmt.html
“What are the chances a demographically minor ethnicity in this nation (roughly 2%) would have BOTH an acting Attorney General AND an Opposition AG AND Minister for Abo Affairs -ALL exceptionally powerful and important portfolios?
Openly working to undermine the authority of Opposition Party Leader Peter Dutton (not that that’s hard to do), ALL WHILE concomitantly urging more thorough preparation be taken in ensuring the demonic “Voice to Parliament” succeeds in achieving Constitutional change, AND urging a “conscience” vote for Liberal federal parliamentarians all only further confirms the true, treasonous intent of our ZOG (Zionist Occupied Govt.) to destroy OUR nation Australia”.
First Torah Completed in Australia’s Parliament in Canberra
More than 150 people attend the event, followed by a joyous procession in the streets
By Faygie Levy HoltOctober 23, 2017 2:35 PM
Jews hate Christ, a descendant of Shem in the flesh, therefore the Jews are of the Synagogue of Satan and anti-S(h)emitic.
“Esau-Edom is modern Jewry.” 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41. (Edomites are from Idumea). NOT of Israel or Judah. Jews were NEVER SLAVES in Egypt with Moses: John 8:33.
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980, p. 3.
“Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.” Rabbi Stephen Weiss.
“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.” Jewish Voice, July – August 1941
“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol. 10:23
The END of this “AGE” – The New World Order! It is the EDOMITE JEWS who are bringing the N.W.O. about!
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”…
The “Jews” confronting Christ admitted that they were not part of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt therefore they are usurpers of the name Israel – John Ch.8
Jesus speaking to the Judeans – John 8:44 “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it”.
from commenter DdV:
1. Australia’s own High Court found in 1992 that Aboriginal Sovereignty was still intact.
2. Then the government tried to lure Aboriginal people to vote for ‘Constitutional Recognition’ to severely weaken the Aboriginal sovereignty status.. However, the people saw through it.
3. Then the government funded a ‘Referendum Council’ to formulate a plan to trick Aboriginal people into believing it was an Aboriginal initiative, so the Referendum Council designed an ‘invite-only’ process which led to the Uluru Statement; ‘Truth, Treaty and Voice’.
4. Then the government selected ‘Voice Only’ and announced it would be built into the Constitution, completing the governments plan to fatally damage our Aboriginal sovereignty claim.
Sneaky communist party will not tell us what their legislation is before we vote on it , WTF, instead they will be push-selling it for 6 months
Boo-hoo Elbow Gump crying suddenly cares so deeply about aboriginies.
This is a win-win for government, a big smoke cloud with a playoff at the end. If successful, more abrogation of responsibility for ministers. If successful, sneaky clauses written in to the constitution. If unsuccessful, just think up a new republic movement or whatever and push on.
Meanwhile Elbow has been invited to NATO, maybe they were impressed with his crying, maybe he will do some coaching.
Thanks, I will pass it on.
If the Jews are vermin where does that leave the King thereof?
“Now Jesus stood before the governor. And the governor asked Him, saying, “Are You the King of the Jews?”
Jesus said to him, “It is as you say.”
MATTHEW 27: 11
NB: There’s no record of said King saying that “other sheep” have eclipsed the original flock:
“As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
JOHN 10:15 – 18
John 19:14-16
New King James Version
14 Now it was the Preparation Day of the Passover, and about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews, “Behold your King!”
15 But they cried out, “Away with Him, away with Him! Crucify Him!”
Pilate said to them, “Shall I crucify your King?”
The chief priests answered, “We have no king but Caesar!”
16 Then he delivered Him to them to be crucified. Then they took Jesus [a]and led Him away.
Who are the “JEWS” and can they be “Israel” also?
The 3rd return –
“The only true Israelites are the overcomers. These are the ones who will be entrusted to rule in His Kingdom during the thousand-year Messianic Age. These are not a people of privilege who can sin with immunity. These are people who—like Jacob himself—have been disciplined and trained to have the character of Jesus Christ. They will then teach others by example how to become true Israelites.”
Palestine — Shems Allotment — Taken by Force by Canaan, a Son of Shems’ Brother, Ham
“But whereas Ham, Cush and Mitaraim took possession of the land fallen to them by lot, Canaan took with violence, possession of the land he coveted, along the sea-shore. His brothers remonstrated with him, and told him he would be accursed for having taken a lot that belonged to Shem and had not fallen to him. But he would not hearken to them; and dwelt in the land from Hamath to Egypt.” [Ibid. pp.44, 45.]
For greater detail see:- “The Book of Jubilees.” Rev George H. Schodde’s translation from the Ethiopic —- Ch.8…… “This portion came by lot for Shem and his sons that, they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.”
The children of Ham. The people of Ham are thirty and six families, besides the Philistines and Cappadocians. Cush, from whom sprang the Cushites; Misraim, from whom sprang the Misrâyê (or Egyptians); Phut (or Pôt), from whom sprang the Pôtâyê; Canaan, from whom sprang the Canaanites;
The Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.
Palestine is stolen land
The Black Hats –
Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.
In Talmudic tradition the mother defines identity so then the people who are today identifying as Jews are in reality Canaanite/Edomites-Amaleks if not in the flesh then in spirit.
According to the Mishnah, the first written source for halakha, the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally.
Your attempt to use John 19:14-16 to support your cause simply affirms that you’re more swayed by populous rot than the words spoken by the Lord of Glory Himself
Ditto your absurd “who-are-the-jews” cant.
So, only the words you pick from the Bible are true and relevant.
The words spoken by the Lord himself OBVIOUSLY over-rule the noise of any mere mortal or a throng thereof
So, you did no take note of my entire post!
The “who-are-the jews” theory you posted at 1:23 pm has no historical basis, biblical or otherwise.
Moreover it was clearly dreamed up by someone who’s incapable of grasping the fact that salvation isn’t earned by good works, that the very notion of anyone being, quote, “disciplined and trained to have the character of Jesus Christ” is intrinsically blasphemous
“disciplined and trained to have the character of Jesus Christ”????????????
“To keep me from becoming conceited I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me.
Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me.
That is why, for the sake of Christ, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.
For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
Dr Lee Merritt interviews Austrian Economist Rafi Farber on the coming financial collapse.
It will all go back to Silver and Gold
WEF and Schwab are fools,
CBDC won’t happen.
Re yesterdays comment—my response to reference to a Hollywood Movie Star
Diane April 8, 2023 at 8:37 pm posted
“Errol Flynn of interest to me spent some important time in Tasmania. Tattersalls connection.Martin’sfriend Hollywood etc”
mary maxwell April 8, 2023 at 11:06 pm
“He was born and raised in Hobart. Diane pls send me any info. I think he worked for Rockefeller, not sure.”
Mary a strange comment/request -is it from the MWM who wrote Deliverance.
As Karen Brewer rightly tells us we need to ask -who’s his daddy and what school did he go to—and just as importantly we need to know about his mother and grand parents and their affiliations And my investigators and file keepers also ask re “people of interest” what’s your name? who’s your family? where’s your country? and what’s your story?
All very available on the www–with a reputation like Errol Flynn–just a little about him. He was born at a big established hospital in Hobart in 1909. One needs to know the horrific history of Tasmania and its Colonial past and know about the role Tavistock played in the PAM 1996. Who were the “people of interest” involved, where are they now.
“Flynn’s rebellious streak was the most dominant part of his personality from his earliest years. Born in Tasmania to a prominent professor of biology, Flynn couldn’t have been more different from his academically-minded father. A vicious cycle consumed his childhood and teen years: Errol would get into a school based on his father’s good name, only to get expelled soon after, either for truancy, fighting, or some other form of trouble-making.
After being booted from a few schools in London, he made his way back to Australia to turn over a new leaf—or so his family thought.
In 1926, Flynn returned home to finish his education at a local school. He didn’t exactly last long. School officials expelled him for theft—but according to Flynn, the real reason was much darker. He claimed that they’d expelled him after another student had exposed his ongoing affair with a much older maid who worked at the school. And somehow, that’s not even the most scandalous part.”
Re -being “not sure” about him working for the Rockefellers–sounds like “Fishing”
One thing is for sure Tavistock has a hidden hand in the generational manipulation of mind body and soul through their Psychological Warfare Department – Cyber Warfare the entertainment music and film Industry –television -Hollywood.
Given Rockefellers role in the scheme of things and the Movie industry reckon he was in the employ of Rockefellers indirectly anyway.—-part of Hollywood scene gambling money laundering drugs and sex and rock and role.
I have posted several times some archival footage of Warner Brothers early work in the field of science and mind control—- it is of relevance to the Charlie Ward Tesla -Ryan interview above. 5.28 “a miracle note”.”The Devils Interval that makes us sick”
Also Errol Flynn seems to have been used as a Warner Bros guinea pig prototype from the great laboratory in Tasmania–
THANK YOU, DIANE, YES IT IS MWM HERE. I was too tired the other night to research it, but I recall one of the books by Higham said that Rocky had ordered monkeys form south america. The man who fetched them somehow traveled on a ship with Errol. Sorry I don’t have it at hand, and even when I did once have it at hand I could not make any real claims about it.
Ah thank you Mary –yes I understand “tired”–keep getting back on the hamster wheel. These may be of interest to some— fascinating archival Warner Bros Bell Series –relevant to above posts–for those with some time.
The Alphabet Conspiracy 1959 Dr.Frank Baxter
The science of linguistics —A Warner Bros–animation
6,901 views Apr 17, 2015
The Alphabet Conspiracy-color-1959-53 minutes-This Bell Science special about language was produced under the personal supervision of Jack M. Warner of Warner Brothers Studios. A young girl named Judy ( Cheryl Callaway) is having trouble with her English homework. She has a dream were she means The Mad Hatter (Hans Conried) and The Jabberwock from Alice In Wonderland. The Mad Hatter agrees with Judy that language is too difficult to learn. The Hatter enlists Judy in his conspiracy to get rid of the alphabet. But along comes Dr. Frank Baxter as Dr. Linguistics. He shows that language is much more than the alphabet, and proceeds to teach them about the science of linguistics. Friz Freleng directed the animated sequences for this entertaining and informative classic.
Also Gateways To The Mind–part 2 of special interest to me
Also related
The Cosmic Frequency in our DNA
by Jeffrey Meiliken | Apr 9, 2023 | Kabbalah Secrets, Revelations | 0 Comments
Beats to the Bible
This is the final part of our 4 part series on the Cosmic Frequency and it is centered on our DNA and the 20 amino acids that comprise our genetic make-up.
Springmeier and Svali speak of frequency programming –Monarch Mind Control. Alpha beta gamma delta epsilon –Omega
At the end