Home Australia Beyond The Reset

Beyond The Reset


Introduction by DM

I posted this in comments yesterday, but think Oleg Kuznetsov’s satirical efforts are worthy of a post — for this Easter Monday’s entertainment. I would have not been surprised had Oleg been from Melbourne, but it seems he lives in the US (with US number +1) somewhere.

Some comments yesterday:

Joe Bogan: Reminds me of those people who escaped from “quarantine” and were treated like criminals by our lying, crooked, treacherous State Premiers. 

Ant56: A good laugh if not so real. Serco on all bases loaded.
The great Aussie dream !!! … In forty years, from most affordable housing to most unaffordable in the world, the shackles of debt usury by bankster beasts, the only protected species left in Oz.

I spoke to someone from South Australia yesterday, and they told me about the drones they had seen lift off at dusk. She assumed they were police drones, and said they were massive — the size of a small car; and a number of them were patrolling the sky.

Selling Off Australia

Email from G5

China owns Australia. I Signalled this decades ago. The journey just continued. Wiser was to sell the products to China. Not the machinery.




  1. Tip from TAS

    “The Government Just Shut Down CERN After This Terrifying Discovery

    Mar 26, 2023 #Space #Voyager

    “The scientific method is arguably the most significant invention ever made by humans. We have evolved from simple monkeys into species that are able to shape the environment according to our desires through the rigorous process of exploring the natural world, creating experiments, and making observations. We have created cities, traversed oceans, and ventured into reaches of the universe that are both microscopic and cosmic in scope over the past several thousand years. Through the power of scientific exploration, we have split the atom, wiped out certain illnesses, created worldwide communications systems, and walked on the moon. The problem is that science is always on the periphery of human knowledge.

    “Every experiment sheds light on an unknown, and occasionally the unknown pokes back.

    • CERN is a tiny black hole that consumes enormous amounts of money/energy/. Shutdown because of energy constraints because the promised yield was unobtainanim

      Love the commentary by John Oliver, very clever satire. Lets collide co2&co2 and save our very souls. Strange matter indeed Johnny boi.


      • Simon, witnout sarcasm and for me edication, would you please tell what good the CERN is intended to accomplish? Ta.

        • wellllll, glad you asked “what good the CERN is intended to accomplish”{format correct ok-✓[in green] for the coloured blind).ok not u))

          remember the days or curve flattening, well thats when they went full the pulling of the P. 2014 was the first”portal”, but these freaks have been here a long time, longer than us, i don’t know. Chattel is not a good feel for me.

          Double aside:
          I miss those deaf interpreters that used to dance next to those health experts. HEY MISS YOU DEAF PEOPLE – shh don’t tell them its satire, the rage is hard enough to maintain

          • NASA and CERN have that same sucking sound. A vacuum of potential energy, or refraction of light(truth).

          • Such cynicism, just think if NASA took up to 4% of the US budget in the 1960’s they were diminishing the Vietnam war budget. And then NASA supplied the “Decade of Sun in one minute” video which along with the climate itself destroyed the Global Warming narrative. The paid liars are still babbling about glaciers melting, presumably if glaciers are melting they have had salt sprayed on them. If the weather gets any cooler they might see the return of glaciers in Tasmania.

  2. The “Map of Australian farms owned by China” looks like the farm outlines are magnified to a scale of about 100x compared to the outline of Australia to overexcite imaginations. Re: sale vs. lease, who knows if we will still be here in 99 years.
    I would like to see the map of kickbacks, how the deals between Australian government officials and the CCP were devised with a bit of that for you and a bit of this for me, would probably require 4D mapping.

    • For implementation, the clue is in the animation video above, after you are quarantined your CBDCs will arrive on your i-pad and immediately be eaten by e-bills. The good people will already be on the CBDCs and the bad people will have the latest pox and need to be quarantined. The great cull is already underway, with Gates’ and Pzifer’s injections. Useless eaters and old people are to be weeded out like in the 1940’s, because they are expensive and problematic.

  3. I watched it the other day . whilst a bit simplistic the premise is not far off the mark . this is exactly what is planned for humanity. . funny thing is that there are alway,s control freak,s that seek job,s enforcing the evil tyrant,s wishes which without these strongarm thugs none of this could happen . So the lesson is . PEOPLE IN AUTHORITY ARE NOT, NEVER WERE YOUR FRIENDS AND NEVER WILL BE.

  4. So, why have Euros surrounding the Med stopped coming to Oz? After being the desired migrants post ww2, that built this nation, together with Anglo’s and Irish, to be the “fair go” prosperity all nations admired.
    In 20 years after that horrific war, Aussies had earned with hard honest work, the highest standard of living. Everything was made here, Oz products and quality an example for all nations to follow.

    Fact is, no one from my village of birth has come here in 40 years. Although half the hamlet of 1200 had emigrated here in late fifties, sixties and early seventies.
    Nothing is made in Oz anymore, bar bio-weapons marketed as jabs. All good meat and fish going overseas to highest bidders, as we eat the crap imported from nations where slavery is all there is.

    We have been shafted by banksters who have used us up and are now changing the blood replacing all. A blended melting pot of compliant slaves, glued to screens, making nothing, delivering pizzas on pushbikes made anywhere but here.

    How I admire the beautiful Oz that once was,
    where borrowers owned their homes after one decade. Now our youth borrow a million, repaying $100,000 per year net for thirty years, punching keyboards on screens if lucky to have job. Don’t worry keep watching fantasy projected owning nothing, as banksters take all.

      • Malcolm Roberts has called it, the ALP is totally owned, totally corrupt, root and branch, the entire thing is rotten to the core and it stinks. ALP ( and collaborators the Greens Party ) members should take their chance NOW and quit the party before the SHTF. ALP members need to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and quit immediately because they are personally responsible for their vote and they WILL be held accountable, as Gulag Gladys has shown. As increasing deaths and injuries emerge accountability WILL increase and you will be MUGGED BY REALITY.
        Where is Grek Hunt

        Swiss health authorities say natural immunity is better than the injections

  5. “Don’t listen to the Bible and don’t listen to your feelings. Listen to Amazon. Listen to Google. They know how you feel. They know you better than you know yourself and they can make better decisions on your behalf than you can.
    And all this story about Jesus rising from the dead and being the Son of God – this is fake news. You don’t have any answer in the Bible as to what to do when humans are no longer useful to the economy. You need completely new ideologies, completely new religions. And they are likely to emerge from Silicon Valley… and not from the Middle East and they are likely to give people visions based on technology – everything the the old religions promised, happiness and justice, and even eternal life, but here on earth, with the help of technology, not after death with the help of some supernatural being.”
    – Harari

    Who other than the possessed would give their lives to join this satanic devolution?
    Nevertheless they march on, because all is set up and financed in a vain attempt to construct dystopia, deceiving all to buy in.
    Have faith, the Almighty will put an end to this BS.

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