Home NWO Phoenix, John Judge’s Mother, and CFR as JFK’s Killer

Phoenix, John Judge’s Mother, and CFR as JFK’s Killer


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Douglas Valentine is the author of The Phoenix Program (1990, William Morrow) and The CIA As Organized Crime (2017, Clarity Press). I hope many people are aware, at least vaguely, that during the “Vietnam conflict” the CIA was in that country, performing horrific operations.

I’ll quote from Valentine below, but for now I offer the thought that any such CIA activity couldn’t have been related to what we American fools were told was the Cold War. That is because there was never an actual war between the US and the USSR.

Rather, those two nations took their instructions from the same guy(s). This was discovered by Antony Sutton, a conservative scholar with The Heritage Foundation. He was plowing through his research on the USSR’s economic capacity when he found that the US was supplying trucks and technology to the Soviets. Logically, then, he named his book National Suicide (1973, Arlington House).

Later, John McManus published a critique of the Council on Foreign Relations entitled Changing Commands: The Betrayal of America’s Military (1995, John Birch Society). And in 1996, John Judge published a letter to the Assassinations Archives Research Center. I gave his letter a partial review at GumshoeNews on June 16, 2020.

A Convergence

This article will be a bit personal — I wish to show how my recent reading of the above material inspired me to a new idea. In particular, John Judge’s (unproven) idea that the airplane codes for war were tampered with on November 22, 1963, made realize how high up the involvement in the Kennedy assassination must have been. The John Birch Society book about the CFR made me feel the whole coup d’etat on that awful day was in fact the CFR’s baby.

There are many competing hypotheses out there re Dallas. Some people blame the Mossad, or the mafia, or the CIA, or the Pentagon, Lyndon Baines Johnson, or Wall St, or Tavistock – all have merit. There are also distractionist theories – such as that the chauffeur did it, or that Jacqueline did it. (Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned, you see.) Another theory is that Bishop Egan of the New York City diocese was the coordinator.

I have never taken a research interest in the 1963 event, as I feel that the only important thing to know is that it happened and it was officially covered up. Thus the media is wicked and should be punished, Congress is lazy and diffident, the clique behavior of Dallas police was outrageous, and so forth.

The motive for my trotting out the story now is that it gives ballast to my general idea of the baddies’ enormous, well-coordinated clout. Personally, I would now downplay the strength of the CIA in favor of the strength of the CFR.

Here is the promised quote from Doug Valentine’s 2017 book The Cia As Organized Crime. This quote is about the Phoenix program in Vietnam, so it may as well have appeared in his other book.

“Phoenix director Tilton was organizing a High Value Rewards program. Col Chester McCoid wrote: ‘A reward is placed on high political Viet Cong leaders.  Our idea is to induce the lower-grade VCI to turn their bosses in for the bounty money.’ (p 87).

“While Towle was eating dinner in the CORDS villa, the district chief stormed into the room and dumped a dirty bag on the table. Eleven bloody ears spilled out. The chief told Towle to give the ears to Ahern as proof of six VCI neutralized. (p 86).”

John Judge’s Mother

In a 1995 letter to the Assassinations Archives Research Center, John Judge made the case that “Dallas” most likely happened to make sure President Kennedy did not thwart someone’s plans for a war in Vietnam. His source was his mother who had the job of giving the Defense Department regular measurements of how many men needed to be drafted, how many wounded needed to be replaced, etc.

“My mother had to project these national, yearly figures accurate to within 100 people either way… She had to come up with that level of accuracy five years in advance. I remember her fretting each year as the real figures came in, but she was always on target.”

After her retirement, John asked Mother to divulge the plans for the Vietnam war. She stated that in the spring of 1963, she was told to project a phased withdrawal of troops, with all troops out by the end of 1964, but then, only 3 days after Kennedy died, she was ordered to come up with new numbers for a major escalation

John reports that his mother said: “I couldn’t believe the figures. I took them back to the Joint Chiefs office, and I said, ‘These can’t be right.’ And they said, ‘Those are the figures and you’ll use them.’” … The figures they gave her were for a full-scale war. “A ten-year war, with fifty-seven thousand dead.”

The shocking thig is that indeed the war lasted ten years (Henry Kissinger said “Game over” in 1973.) And what is even more macabre, is that the projection of 57,000 deaths is very close to reality.  When the Memorial Wall for fallen soldiers was commenced, in 1982, it had 57,939 names on it.

With apologies to all soldiers, I say that it seems to me that the Powers That Be not only arranged an assassination, they designed the death of all those military personnel.  It should not come as such a shock though, as we now realize World War I was planned, too, and was stretched out to serve the wishes of a few behind-the-scenes people. (See Prolonging the Agony, by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor, 2018.)

Leads for the Assassination Researchers

John Judge then went on to give the AARC various leads, in 1996, that they might follow up on, in regard to seeing how Kennedy’s decision to not send troops to Vietnam may have caused him to get assassinated. As noted in my article – which had a large excerpt from Judge’s letter – the Pentagon was allegedly “tampered with” on November 22.

To name just a few items:

*1. Pierre Salinger (JFK’s press secretary) said that the “code book” was missing on the military flight bringing the cabinet members back to the US that day.

*2. Since the suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, was considered pro-communist and had even defected to the USSR, it was odd that no action was taken to alert the Strategic Air Command. Some SAC pilots who heard the news on radio expected to get a message, but it never came.

*3. Mrs Judge said that at the Pentagon on November 22, 1963, an inter-agency phone system that was securable for private or classified discussions, went out of operation that afternoon at the same time news of the assassination reached their offices, and was down for approximately two hours.

*4. Gen. Curtis LeMay, then Secretary of the Air Force and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was seen at Kennedy’s autopsy at Bethesda Hospital.

New World Order and/or One World Government

History professor Carroll Quigley, in his 1966 book, Tragedy and Hope, outlined the formation of a plan, in Britain, for some sort of united world. Two of the leaders were Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner around 1890. Both played the role of visionaries. Of course, Rhodes did not sit in an ivory tower; he was on the ground grabbing land and its mineral wealth in Africa.

Milner founded the Roundtable that founded the Royal Institute for International Affairs that somehow birthed its American counterpart, the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR, in 1921.  These are private groups in the US, the First Amendment right to free speech and to association, means that there will be no oversight of such a body by the government, no meddling.

The first head of the CFR was Edward Mandell House, who is believed to have guided President Woodrow Wilson. In fact, House lived in the White House. In 1912 he had  authored a book, anonymously, called Philip Dru, Administrator. The plot of it was a happy takeover of government by a socialist.

I think it is hard for citizens to know which organizations are private and which are part of government, especially if they have impressive names. What about the International Monetary Fund, the IMF?  The Trilateral Council, the TC? How about the summits such as the G-20 or Davos? Many national leaders attend them, but they are private, just as governors in the US meet at a “governors’ conference,” but that body has no legal standing.

The United States is officially “enrolled” in two international organizations by way of treaty – the United Nations, since 1945, and NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), since 1949. A federal law, The UN Participation Act of 1945, limits the US’s activities to ones approved of by Congress, except that the president can impose economic sanctions.

Certain other groups clearly have no governmental standing in the US, yet they too are attended by leaders — Bohemian Grove and the Bilderbergers, for instance. Quite possibly major policy is set there, and has to be conveyed to the appropriate people in Washington, D.C.

The Power of the Council on Foreign Relations

Arguably, it is the CFR that controls the federal government. I think it is done by influencing political and military figures who want to make their way up the ladder fast — or make their way up at all. Membership is by invitation – there are a few thousand members.

A central theme of the CFR is internationalism. In 1920, many nations joined The League of Nations, a forerunner of the UN but the US Senate refused to have America join. The CFR not only does not support US sovereignty; it opposes it.

Here is a surprising quote about the CFR’s connection to the US State Department, from the 1995 book Changing Commands, a John Birch Society book by John McManus:

“In 1939, with war raging, top CFR members Walter Mallory and Hamilton Fish Armstrong offered the Council’s services to the State Department to aid in formulating our nations wartime policies [Fantastico!]

“This State Department effort became known as the War and Peace Studies Project. It was generously funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. [Later], it grew from advisory status to domination of several new State Department divisions.”(p 143)

But even that is not the main reason I have switched my bets from our various covert agencies over to the Council on Foreign Relations as having been (I am speculating) the primary force for the US yielding sovereignty. Rather, I have three other reasons.

The first is a new-ish reason — the CFR’s plain success today in bringing the US government to kowtow to international organizations such as the World Health Organization. Such a thing goes against the grain of the Republic – the yielding of sovereignty is treasonous.

My second reason is the fact that prominent military personnel of the US are members of the CFR. This goes against the spirit of the Constitution, as the CFR is a policy-setting organization and our soldiers, even our Joint Chiefs of Staff, must not set policy!

The third thing that has made me give new “glory” to the CFR, is a belated recognition of the large number of actual members of the federal government hierarchy who have CFR membership. On page 65 of my 2011 book, Prosecution for Treason, I recorded the following amazing facts but apparently did not feel the impact:

Of the ten US presidents starting in 1961, all but three — Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush, Jr — have been CFR members,

Of the fourteen Secretaries of State, all were CFR, and fourteen of the fifteen Secretaries of Defense were CFR, the one exception being Clark Clifford.

The CFR’s Military Fellows Program

John McManus, in Changing Commands, points to a very suspicious factor – in 1962 (ahem, ahem), the CFR started to have one-year sabbaticals of sorts for colonel-rank officers. They “were assigned by their respective branches to spend an entire year at CFR headquarters in New York… to broaden their interest and knowledge of foreign policy….”

Of the 63 listed as CFR members from 1962 to 1995, at the rank of Army or Air Force colonel or the Navy equivalent, Captain, most became generals. I find this shocking, especially as one of them, AF Col Robert Ginsburgh, stated to the American Opinion magazine in 1977:

“The Air Force, as an instrument of national policy, ought to be aware of what people of importance [!!] are thinking about. [The CFR Military Fellowship helps] officers who are expected to be in leadership and management positions to have a feel for the way the country was headed [!!].”

Of being selected for the one-year tour, Ginsburgh said “People know what it means.”

Thanks to the above, I would say that if John Judge’s hints prove true about the Pentagon’s activities on November 22, 1963, there is no need for an interloper (such as from the CIA) to have snuck in to change nuclear codes, turned off the phones, etc. Military insiders would have understood “the way the country was headed.”

Similarly on 9-11, when Air Force protocols were amazingly contradicted, you would not need to accuse anyone outside the Air Force of collusion. AF General Richard Myers was Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that day, rising to Chairman on October 1, 2001.

The Medal of Freedom, later awarded to him, reads: “The United States honors General Richard Myers for his dedication to duty and country and for his contributions to the freedom and security of our Nation.”

Why not.







  1. Hearts, go back to bottom of last article to see Julius’ invite re the Solstice Summit,
    and Dee’s upload re Emergency about Antifa breaking down doors in Seattle.

  2. a question here is how to reconcile cfr and its supposed power with what is called the judeocracy at for example the occidental observer of prof kevin macdonald.

    quigley does not mention jews at all in his 2 books covering 1890 to 1965 , as far as i recall.
    this will be why he has become the favourite of the lyndon larouche people who see all evil as stemming from the city of london banksters.

    what mary writes above could fit into that approach.

    there are however others who dig further into the anthony sutton approach to look at the nature of the ethnicity of who in london and the usa was financing the ussr 1917-1939 and why, given the upward mobility success according to alexander solzhenitsyn of jews in russia 1917-45.

    for douglas reed, who was central europe correspondent for the times of london in the 1930s, jews are central in . he lost his job by stressing that fact in writing.

    they are also central in john beattys iron curtain over america, a us best seller in the early 1950s.

    apparently most of us intelligence incl,military intelligence believed in the great twin powers of talmudism and communism until about 1970

    but then again and more recently, john perkins does not mention judaism at all in his 2 high-selling books,the first of which is confessions of an economic hitman.

    so the question is, why this divergence in the analysis, that is, either zion runs the show or it is entirely absent,depending on the author.

    quite odd, one would think that at least someone would have integrated both viewpoints and then written about it.

    • OK Dunsei Boy, you asked for it. And here it is, by Gerald Manly Hopkins, concerning the hangout (Oxford) of you namesake Duns Scotus (1270-1308).

      Dun Scotus’ Oxford

      Towery city and branchy between towers;
      Cuckoo-echoing, bell-swarmèd, lark charmèd, rook racked, river-rounded;
      The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did
      Once encounter in, here coped & poisèd powers;

      Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours
      That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded
      Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded
      Rural, rural keeping — folk, flocks, and flowers.

      Yet ah! this air I gather and I release
      He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what
      He haunted who of all men most sways my spirits to peace;

      Of realty the rarest-veinèd unraveller; a not
      Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece;
      Who fired France for Mary without spot.

      • Duns, I will answer your points in a full article this week, Insha’allah, but for now I mention that I think Kenneth O’Keefe is not on the money despite his interpretation of the last 30 years of Middle East policy being accurate:

      • mary,
        the last line of the hopkins poem refers to duns scotus having defended the immaculate conception of mary mother of christ in paris, hence the words – fire france for mary without spot.

        now you also flirt with islam by saying in’shallah, the christian version of which is god willing.

        i suppose you can get away with this in concord, mass.,not a hotbed these days of religious zeal,but i would not try it in beirut.

  3. Can’t keep up with you Mary – just sharing this from my tsundoku archives

    Prolonging the Agony – two part review



    One of the comments from Part 2:

    Geo L Humphries:
    “The more things change, the more they remain the same. “
    US Seeks to Intentionally Prolong Syrian Bloodshed

    • “Fish can’t keep up with Mary.” Oh yeah? Who the hell can keep up with Fish?

      here is a quote from his 3rd link:

      “A 2012 US policy paper admittedly sought to “bleed” the Syrian government, and with it the Syrian people. Today in Syria, the consequences of America’s depraved foreign policy is being blamed by Western special interests on the very victims it targeted.”

      • Since you opened that topic up …

        Crushing US Sanctions to Take Effect on Syria This Week


        Trump’s ‘Caesar’ Style Siege on Syria, A Sign of Impending Regional Failure


        Scorched Earth in Syria – Washington’s New Policy


        (I am only allowed three links I believe)

        Will someone – anyone – remind me what exactly did the Syrian people and their popularly democratically elected government do – other than resist ISIS et al – i.e. fight terrorism?

        (I hope someone dares bring up Bana, The White Helmets or the OPCW/chemical attacks – or the humanitarian evacuation of ISIS leaders and members through Israel.)

        • This is from Fish’s first link (to Anti-Empire website). It is crushing:

          “The new sanctions will give the US the power to freeze the assets of any individual, regardless of nationality, for doing business in Syria.

          “The new sanctions will also target people dealing with Russian and Iranian entities in Syria. The looming sanctions have already caused many to pull out of investments in Syria, which is mostly to blame for the recent collapse of Syria’s currency.”

          That is entirely down to Trump as, like I say in my article, the Congress has agreed that the president can do sanctions on his own. If y’all can think of a way for me to take that to court, I will.

          Gumshoe often quotes Madeleine Albright on the tragedy of sanctions.

  4. Please, Readers, don’t ignore what John Judge’s Mom said.
    It looks like Hank planned those 57k murders.

    Brice Taylor said Hank planned the murder of Elvis. Why would she make up something like that?

  5. Yes Fish , that’s what a cowardly Bully (the U.S ) does to a little guy (Syria) when he’s on the ground and down for the count.

    That Bully kicks the little guy in the guts .

    That’s how brave Trump is .

    I recall someone posting a comment here saying Trump was a ‘ street fighter ‘ .

    What a joke . He’s a weakling that picks on small children or the elderly .

  6. So Mary, Duns Scotus is actually a real historical entity ?

    And here I was thinking all along that , judging by his poorly researched remarks on the Climate hoax here on Gumshoe , that the SCOTUS acronym stood for :

    Supreme CLOWN Of The United States .

    • Troof, you’d have to say SCOA — I think he is Australian. (and I think he is a he). We don’t really know who our thousand readers are. We’d love to know.

      I can judge by the timing of comments that no one but me is writing during America’s morning time, but can’t be sure of Europe, Asia, or Africa.

      Or Mars, if you’re inclined that way.

    • @untruth veggie, what passes for your attention has been drawn by me twice to an article explaining the link between global temperature and co2 in the palaeo record.

      so please do try to keep up.

      you have recently made 2 appreciative comments about the physical appearance of 2 different women referenced on this site, one of them was the russian mathematician in the uk who is currently the poster child of all you agw denialists because she forecasts global cooling.

      when i pointed out to you however that she has said publicly that any cooling should not hamper efforts to stop global warming, you ducked away from the cognitive dissonance triggered in you by implying that what she said was alright by you because of her appearance.

      yes,this is how you people do science,irony off.

      • Scotus , you live in a mighty fragile glass house and yet , here you are throwing stones at me about ducking away from questions.

        Here it is for the FIFTH time , the question I posed to you which cannot be answered by ANY of your cult members, because it UNRAVELS your bogus agenda :

        The brain-washed AGW SJW’s are all foaming at the mouth about CO2 being at levels of 400 ppm & saying we’re on the edge of a precipice and only have 10-12 years to act.

        So then, the inference from this is that CO2 at 800 ppm will be catastrophically worse for the Earth & 1200 ppm will be worse still , while at 2000 ppm it’s taken for granted by your feeble-minded brethren that we’ll all be baked to a crisp.

        However, ice core samples have revealed ( certifiably proven as fact & not disputed by any scientist) that the Earth was in an ICE AGE with CO2 around 4000 ppm .


        How is that possible ?

        ( Nice little comment below the article ) :

        ” Jay Hope

        July 24, 2016 at 12:56 am
        Yes, they will use CO2 as an excuse because the idiots haven’t understood that CO2 follows heat, not the other way around . ”

        C’mon , don’t be a coward & scurry away from this one .

  7. Bibi said, “with cyber we rule the world”. He wasn’t boasting, but stating fact.
    With artificial insanity, all citizens worldwide are captive victims. Like it or not, our hands are stretched out begging for a bowl of Monsanto soup. This new blind faith, since 911, is satanic to it’s core. It is full spectrum dominance covering all aspects of daily living. The convenience of trolleys down the aisles has made us brethren of the mega super store. A communist dystopia on steroids. What happens if they turn off the tap, for jobless eaters?

    Up till now the Crown ruled from London and New York. With cyber, all power is tranceformed to Tel Aviv Jerusalem and Peking. Huawei implants enforcing the global communist surveillance gulag. My question, why did the crown give all power to the beast? Did the beast rule the crown always?

  8. “Up till now the Crown ruled from London and New York. With cyber, all power is tranceformed to Tel Aviv Jerusalem and Peking.”

    That’s quite a statement, 56. i am not persuaded. But I am persuadable.

    Got anything besides an impression (and Bib’s boast which could be wishful thinking?

    • Benjamin Netanyahu’s Plan to Rule the World (Know More News, 20m) (repost)

      alphabet (goolag)

      All Israeli tech companies.
      The technological juggernaut is here
      The wheels of justice turned too slow for this one
      that’s what ‘Q’ was for, to corral, and pacify – for long enough – to enable it all.
      Enjoy your new autonomous AI driven israeli-programmed police drone overlords.
      What’s not to like?


      People seem to have no idea how the computerized world can, and will, enforce the era of the Battery Human.

      • Cheney was but a bigger pawn, fiddled and blackmailed like the hundreds of others. They are conducted by more powerful entities in the shadows. I conclude any name mentioned so far did not pull the strings, but were the obliging puppets — a firewall protecting the real perpetrators that are taking humanity to a very dark place.

        • Deezies, i agree that they are “under” somebody, but what gives them the lust for the job? Cheney does not look like he is a begrudging slave.

          What of David Rockefeller? — the guy was a tireless globetrotter. Whom did he hope would pat him on the back? Maybe for him it was the sheer thrill of victory.

          Towards the end of Martin Luther King’s life he was said to have been very depressed, because of all the bedroom blackmail they had on him. I think I would be like that, sorrowing for my reputation. But not Cheney.

          So maybe Cheney et al are TRUE ROBOTS. There is no there there, with them.

          They are not there. i actually feel sorry for them. No kidding.

    • Cathy Fox is wonderful, but the interview seems to have been done by David Lublick, who
      I think is fronting for someone. I just tried listening to an earlier show of his and had to turn it off.

      Anybody want to put ten dollars on this?

  9. If you really wish to know where we all would be if ‘she’ had been ‘elected’ POTUS then go here –

    McAllisterTV on either youtube or Bitchute – sorry – I watched on Bitchute, seeing as youtube has de-registered me from all the sites I used to watch daily, so I have no link to put up.

    Linda Paris is the site operator’s name and she has put together a very compelling thirty odd minutes of what was in store for us all, especially when the United States became completely under ‘their’ control.

    And if you believe that ‘they’ only targeted the United States, then ask yourself why Port Arthur was deemed necessary to be done.

    • And for those of you who have some concerns over the current economic predictions, here is a link to the X-22 Report that has Bob Kudla putting in his two cents worth on what we can all expect over the coming months.

      X-22 Report : There will be no Great Depression, Fed restructuring has begun.


  10. Please download (copy) this video from Spiro Skouras. They deleted his recent one, this is 3 hours old. Covid doctor.

    • Please let us know what the title of that video is – maybe it will appear on Spiro’s Bitchute channel


      In the meantime, this is an EXCELLENT article on Alaskan.Life blog that I just came across

      COVID-19 Does Not Exist


      Subsection headings:

      .1. Covid-19 still has not been proven to exist.
      .2. There is no test for covid-19
      .3. Covid = Money = Motive
      .4. Senior Citizens
      .5. Bill Gates and Associates
      .6. The CDC and masks
      .7. Censorship

      In addition, there are around 15 referenced linked supporting articles

      The comment by “Daniel de Lappe” speaks for so many of us now just waking up

      “I have just had my eyes opened. I’m talking three days ago. I am still suffering from cognitive dissonance. I read. I digest. …”

  11. Off topic, but the machinations of U.S foreign policy concern us all in the final analysis.

    Amongst the whitest of white hat ex-CIA operatives is Phil Giraldi and this is his latest article titled : ‘ America’s Recessional : Time to Bring the Troops Home ‘ :


    A few choice bits below :

    ” Two weeks ago a senior Trump Administration official revealed that the president had decided to withdraw 9,500 American soldiers from Germany ,
    but many observers were also bemused by the announcement, noting that Donald Trump had previously ordered a reduction in force in Afghanistan and a complete withdrawal from Syria, NEITHER of which has actually been achieved.
    In Syria, troops were only moved from the northern part of the country to the oil producing region in the south to protect the fields from seizure by ISIS .

    Overall, the United States continues to have 170,000 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines based overseas in 150 countries and its military budget exceeds one trillion dollars when everything is considered.

    It is past time for Donald Trump to make a bold move because the Democrats won’t have the backbone to rattle the status quo.

    End the foreign wars, shut down the overseas bases and bring the soldiers home. Spend tax dollars to improve the lives of Americans, not to fight wars for Saudis and Israelis ” .

    As always , Giraldi telling it like it is .

    Readers , be careful not to be sucked in by those fact-free assertions that Trump is de-escalating America’s belligerent and immoral intimidatory foreign policy – nothing could be further from the truth .

    • And for those of you readers who would like a more up to date and less political leaning assessment of what Trump is really doing to reduce the American military involvement around the world you can’t go past a short article in; The American Conservative: Trump Deserves Credit For Bringing The Troops Home – by Rand Paul.

  12. Off-topic.
    What a relief to get a laugh — “Honey, let’s go to the block party at Chaz”

    Thanks Paul Romano

    • :-)))))) something similar happening right here in Melbourne in the burbs—a second coming locking down certain hot spots–

  13. Not really off topic since it’s about politics &, let’s face it , everything is politics :

    Hmmm , you could get away with a lot more in bygone times with your political adverts – by trying to hint that one political party represented the ‘great unwashed’ , so to speak .

    • SS Truth – you mean everything has been made to be political – you would know as anyone else on this site would also know, that was not always the case!

  14. Off topic, but very relevant to what we are now all facing from the threat that is the Chinese Communist Party – the shopfront of the Globalists and a revealing insight into how the Chinese Communist Party controls much of what the West was doing until the advent of Donald j. Trump.

    https://youtu.be/8qGg7MWqGXQ – Designate the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) as a criminal organization – interview with Elmer Yuen. This program is 49 minutes of riveting exposure of how the Chicoms operate.

    I can guarantee you will not be disappointed.

    • Nemesis I assume you are listening to Steve Bannon’s excellent “War Room” podcast? He regularly interviews Chinese protest leaders from HK and ex-pat whistle-blowers exposing CCP operations at home and abroad. Australians need to wake up quick-smart to the evil of this scum or all will be lost.

      • No Richard – although Steve Bannon certainly knows his stuff, I was delving into how China manipulates Western countries via blackmail and the money connection when Mr Yuen’s video popped up, and what a find!

    • Nemesis , this Elmer Yuen bloke is hardly the most objective person in the world so I wouldn’t give much credit to anything he has to say.

      Elmer certainly isn’t in Steve Bannon’s league as far as peddlers of propaganda go, but then again few are .

      • Truth – one only need to watch his body language to understand that everything he talks about he actually believes, and much of what he told that young lady gels with me.

  15. Know you/we are all flat out doing our own work—-but have found a series of videos on this link

    Go down to 8—-they are titled Aevus Lucifer pt 1-21—each part is approximately 10 minutes long——

    part 2 and part 5 are of particular interest to me at the moment—(Reina Michaelson story)

    I think part 5 relevant to South Australia—Finders —plus adoption trade —foster families and some of the later ones pretty heavy

    As Mary commented earlier—re Cathy Fox—we are still being handled -everything is planned–scripted –we are part of their narrative– everything is now being archived stored in the machine—all of our comments moderated–we are doing the research for their PHD’s.

    The New Archive.

    You might find some of your research popping up–anyway it is a comprehensive record.

    • Good article there Diane – Ian Greenhalgh has certainly produced some good output over the years .

      Benjamin Disraeli was Sephardic & the premise of the article is in accordance with the historical analysis from Laurent Guyenot who said this :

      ” Benjamin Disraeli’s view on Jewish supremacism was complicated by discrimination between Jews , since Sephardim (his tribe) and Ashkenazim were ‘ two races among the Hebrews ‘ , the former being the superior race ” .

      • the history and genetics knowledge of untruth veggie, – gumshoes resident julius streicher – ,is on a par with his ignorance of climatology,

        see my reply at 11.20 am to the ignorant ideologue greenhalgh referenced by de vere

  16. I highly recommend these two books for extremely detailed descriptions of how the institutions of the west were taken over by what has become the cabal.
    Included are detailed histories of Rhodes, Milner, the banking cabal, the round tables, the Rockefellers, the UN, IMF, BIS, CFR, RIIA, Trilateral Commission, the military industrial complex and the Deep State.
    The information contained therein is almost overwhelming.
    What I find fascinating is that many of the cabal big-guns are either Masons or Luciferians.
    They have funded Theosophy and the New Age movement since way back in the 19th century.
    And isn’t it amazing that the Luciferians have come out of the closet and are organising marches all across the US to show their support for:
    1. Lucifer
    2. World Government
    Even four years ago you’d be called a conspiracy theorist for claiming they were planning a world government. Now they’ve completely uncloaked.
    And as I’ve said many times, the cabal teach us useless eaters to be atheists – but they’re not!
    They believe in God – they just hate him.
    They love Lucifer!

  17. just for a start,the first sentence of the linked article is ignorant and false

    .that is because the eastern european jews migrated there in mediaeval times from what is now germany, which is why yiddish is based on the type of mediaeval german they spoke.

    but the author greenhalgh alleges they were khazars, who stem from what is now southern russia. now why would such people speak a type of german at all, to this day?

    secondly, ashkenazi jews are not khazars at all,in spite of the alt right fondness for this claim.

    even the agw science benders at gumshoe are at liberty to consult the aDNA,ancient DNA, human genetics results since the sequencing of the human genome by venter in 2001 or the sequencing of the neanderthal in 2010 by svante paabo.

    those results show that ashkenazis, all 10 million or so,stem from a population bottleneck of about 350 persons,the males of whom were middle eastern and the females of whom were southern european.

    that bottleneck occurred 1000-1200 AD.

    as regards the details, it is not known who or why or where. but the fact that there are certain congenital diseases among ashkenazis only evidences a very low genetic variation in the founder population.

    so the khazar theory pushed by arthur koestler and others, by the way, koestler had long since broken with communism when he wrote his book, is objectively wrong.

    because there is DNA available for the region where the khazar kingdom was,and it bears no relation to ashkenazi dna,.

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