by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
In this article, I create a new list of the famous features of the “Port Arthur conspiracy theory,” relating to the 1996 massacre. I am doing so because in the last few days there seems to be a new groundswell of interest in Martin Bryant’s innocence. Someone has offered a million dollars to anyone who can prove the official narrative.
That donor is of course being sarcastic as he/she knows that there is no proof for the nonsense narrative (“Martin Bryant killed all those people.”). Anyway, to get in on the game, I hereby offer One Hundred Australian dollars each to the first five persons who reach me by email with a good refutation of the conspiracy theory (“It was arranged by government.”).
Although I’m serious about my offer, I don’t expect many contenders. Actually, much of the conspiracy theory to date has been based on a negative premise — “Martin Bryant could not have done the massacre.” My way of presenting the conspiracy theory today will be “See how the government set up the false story of the massacre before it happened.” (You know that I really mean “See how the government actually committed the murder of those 25 people.”)
I argue that a decision was made, probably before 1990 but definitely before April 1996, to teach the public of Australia that people with guns are dangerous. Thus a plan was made to create a massacre in Tasmania. For that plan to work, instructions would have to be issued (wouldn’t they?), to prepare the carrying out of the deed.
I list below 25 such instructions — The Big Twenty-Five. Granted, most of the 25 are only speculative, argued from logic. Note: This material is based on the research of many people; I have done little sleuthing myself.
[Planning years before the event]:
- Government must buy the privately-owned Cafe at the PAHS — Port Arthur Historic Site.
- Helen Harvey must die, leaving her wealth to Martin Bryant.
- Maurice Bryant, the dad of Martin, must die, so as not to cause any trouble.
- Bryant’s money must be placed with Public Trustee to make it easy to freeze.
- The law concerning coroners must be changed so a court finding of guilt halts any inquest.
[Planning months before the event]:
- A gun-control bill must be ready, so Parliament will receive it right after the tragedy.
- A member of Canada’s diplomatic staff must get shot at on April 28, so that Canadians will take an interest in the massacre, and buses full of American tourists must be onsite.
- A large team of SAS must arrive in Tasmania by ferry a few days prior to April 28, 1996.
- International media persons must assemble in Hobart for a conference on April 29, 1996, and Trauma surgeons must have a meeting at Hobart Hospital on the day.
- Ray Groom must quit his job as state premier and become Tasmania’s attorney general.
[Planning weeks before the event]:
- A false drug call to local police must come in, to assure cops’ unavailability for PA shootings.
- Officials of that PAHS must hold a meeting that day, far off campus.
- Martin must have a girlfriend, with whom to spend Saturday night April 27, so she can make sure he takes off Sunday morning, for a surfing excursion (near Port Arthur).
- The owners of Seascape Cottage must be killed the day before the event, so their bodies can be found there. (Killing them on April 28 would be too iffy.)
- Individuals whom the government wants to knock off, for any reason (e.g., potential whistleblowers?) must be invited to be present at Broad Arrow Cafe at the right moment.
[Planning just before the event]:
- The backdoor lock of Broad Arrow Cafe must fall into disrepair, preventing exit.
- Actor must be hired to buy ketchup, and another to buy a lighter, along ‘Martin’s’ itinerary.
- Federal police and Victorian police must be ready to hold back unwanted helpful cops.
- The death toll must include some children, if possible.
- Bryant must rehearse his hostage-holding script for his conversation with police negotiator.
[Planned to occur after the event]:
- If needed, cop must throw grenade into Seascape cottage to set it ablaze
- Arrangements must be made with a gun dealer, to prove Bryant’s ownership of the gun.
- A psychiatrist must be lined up to explain that the patsy is (or is not) mentally ill.
- A carjacking must be incorporated into the script, to help media complicate the news.
- An unscrupulous defense lawyer must be lined up for Martin, to procure a guilty plea.
The Hundred-Dollar Payouts
I repeat: I invite contestants to vie for some pin money. You will have to show that I am wrong about the Big Instructions. You also have to hurry, as the first five cabs off the rank are the winners of a hundred each. No, you can’t enter more than once. Yes, you can be related to Management. (Ah, would that rellies of mine were conspiracy theorists!) Deadline? December 1, 2024.
Who will judge the entries? Per Tully: Quis judicabit ipsos judices? I don’t know! Yours Truly is willing to do it, and maybe can get Malcolm Hughes or Andrew MacGregor to help. I think Cherri Bonney would recuse herself as having a bit of a pro-Martin bias. In fact, I’ll just recuse her ab initio on the grounds of conflict-of-interest, owing to her song “Wish I Knew How To Be Free.”
Granted, the judging will be a tricky job. For one thing, I can’t foresee whether a contestant will try to knock my whole premise in one hit, or will come in on a measly few of the 25 items. Surely a single item won’t suffice unless it’s knock-your-socks-off impressive.
It seems that a contestant who refutes my blaming of the Australian government, would most likely be a government person. He/she could come forward for the money by offering proof that, say, the SAS did not enter Tasmania in the month of April 1996. At the same moment, though, he/she would lose his/her job, so maybe the $100 isn’t attractive enough.
Or he/she may say that it was the work of a government, not Australia but Nation X — in which case he/she may not even make it through the night.
Just to clarify: my theme is that Oz gubmint did it all, and so issued the Big 25 Instructions.
On the Giving of Gratuitous Help
Some regular contributors at GumshoeNews.com often provide their research results for no pay at all. (And they take risks galore.) The Comments section below may turn out to be that kind of thing, rather than contest entries — which should be emailed to MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com.
Note: The comments below need not focus on the theme of Government-giving-instructions. They can be the usual gossip, such as identifying the blonde lady running around nude at Seascape cottage. All old stories and new stories will be appreciated. As noted, there is recent, new excitement about Port Arthur popping up on the Internet. This makes me think we may be at the tipping point!
Yay, tipping point! Yay, a hearty meal of rabbit stew! Yay, Barbecuarea, Yay, Anzac Day. Etc.
Come on, give it a go. Join the contest.
Yes, go chasing an elderly arthritic rabbit for a stew, whilst next week, the commencement of serious turmoil under MMs nose affecting the world and our FUTURE – NOW!
And beware of the fur ball’ in the stew.
Mary, so that is your answer by you at 2.32 to me below at 3.24.
Seems that your purpose is obvious and on the record.
Oops, by me at TWO TWENTy FOUR.
Well they have their plans to whack him in the slammer in 3 weeks. Meanwhile the latest from Muslims and Iowa
They are rigging the vote by any means possible, such as sending mail-in ballots to everyone except registered Republican voters households, so I guess all the unsent mail-in ballots get filled in by the agent in the post office and these are what are being dumped into Iowa
A major reason why Trump is soft on Israel could be that he can get asylum there if he needs to after this current rigged election is done. They may be wise to the fraud in Pennsylvania and Georgia but still snoozing in places like Iowa. Plausibility is barely even an issue anymore, if they can swing something they will by any and all means. A Washington correspondent on fake news ABC-TV here is coming out, outright lying saying there is no proof of cheating in Pennsylvania and Trump comments on cheating are sinister etc. Fact is the cheating is so embedded in so many ways that it looks like you have to rig your win right from the start.
Two big talks in melb and adl. Order tix now.
This is an advertisement forv’Now’!!
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Take your gossip/news pick.
I have started off with my pick; Ben F.from 1/11, Listen and consider the possibilities and BE PREPARED…. Pick the Melbourne cup winner🤪💁🙀…… the race that stops the nation🔥
I am now on to -107, Rodriguez and SCOTT RITTER.
Mm everyone should note Scott’s moment on MISPRISON OF FELONY THAT YOU HAVE SPOKEN OF IN Your EPISTLES. .
It gets worse from -1& mins on the FATE of the injected.
I need a half our Nap to steel myself for the rest.
As for Mary’s rabbit stew and hundred dollars, forget it, we are the stew!
IF THE ANSWER IS NO, Then it is my considered opinion that your purpose must be to deliberately distract citizens with presently, irrelevant HISTORIC consideration of what all, who have a brain, ALREADY KNOW, BEING THAT THE PORT ARTHUR MURDERS WAS CARRIED OUT FOR THE PURPOSES OF ASSISTING TO DESTROYING THE UNITED STATES AND AUSTRALIA FOR THE GLOBALIST FASCIST AGENDA that is currently being playing out for determination NOW IN YOUR COUNTRY.
I commend all readers to listen to all of the discussion as referred to by me above.
People have to stand for one or the other as referred to by Ritter toward the end of the discussion.
Methinx you meant Gibson Makanda’s support for the P.L.O.
The real Nelson died in jail , and replacement Makanda started a mental condition known as the “Mandela Effect ”
That expose’ should be worth at least 50 smackers or at least $18 USD so’s I can buy the David Keith Quigley book 💰
Gimme yr addres and I’ll send you the quigley book “Stolen Identity”. maxwellmaryLLB@gmail.com
Hans , so far you are my only pal on that subject, and boy do I need pals.
“Someone has offered a million dollars to anyone who can prove the official narrative.” – What is all that about? How about giving some particulars, like, little things for example WHO, where can they be contacted – put some substance into the claim.
Terry it was Jamie McIntrye of Australian National Review who made the offer on “telegram”.
All I could find was a one million offer in regards to ‘Covid’.
No Terry, it was for PA, but the money goes to one who can PROVE THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE.
Terry address posted 22nd October, Australian National Review
Had to manually type address as it wouldn’t fit across this page by pasting.
I couldn’t find an article on the one million about PA, but I have been in contact with Jamie. He’s going to run a couple of things of mine tomorrow.
Hey Dee, how about running the draft screenplay for a couple of articles? Admittedly it is a hack job, but the dialogue does help explain the evidence.
With all respect Terry, there are more urgent current matters at hand to deal with determining our fate.
Yeah I know, my biggest concern for today was re-planting another bean plant that didn’t germinate.
Bribe a bee.
Ned, I ask what are we supposed to do with your information except worry even more than most already are? Most of what is being broadcast now is old hat, been going over the same for at least four years. We have no idea if things are going to improve if Trump does win this election or if there is even going to be a “reset”. We are being asked to take the narrative in good faith without any proof. Don’t forget it was the U.S. Military that brought us the Covid-19 scam and killer “vaccine” which Trump suggested we take.
I suggest that if people who can afford it, have some cash put aside and food stashed away. If they haven’t already done that, it is now a bit late. Now sit back and ride out whatever is ahead of us. Anyhow with all the criminals involved in politics in U.S. there is no guarantee that Trump will win on Tuesday (U.S.)
Lord Muck is offering free houses to women who want him as a sperm donor
I am guessing they have to be brainy to produce super-smart future martians
Dear Joe,
You do not understand, I am not worried, why are you?
Some of those Muslims need to be worried, they are going to get replacement theory practiced on them by Lord Muck the noveau-muslim of multi-wifedom.
Others of us may worry about Bill Gates wishing to exterminate them
Great video from commenter DdV a few days ago
Actually I did see some odd clouds today, herring bone style in clumps at random angles more like farmers paddocks than anything the wind would blow, but I am not worried. The injected baby boomers and older should perhaps be be worried as Deagel’s event should be starting anytime, perhaps even anyone aged 50’s or 60’s not just boomers, those injections haven’t started to work yet, clearly they are designed to be lethal in fact they were so lethal they started to work immediately instead of providing the delayed response they were supposed to, and now everyone is filling up with blood clots and getting turbo cancers. What happens when they REALLY kick in, house prices will go a bit soft on the east coast especially since half the RE agents will be dead too. Why should all this not happen, we have been told over and over, just because murderous instigators like Dickhead Dan and Anasty and Jabintaya are all laying low pretending to be normal.
I won’t worry until the tap water stops flowing, or the CCP navy appears.
Basically, there is nothing we can do, we have no control and can change nothing. Some will survive.
Civilisations have come and gone for eons. Pompey was fun.
Canada now even has their covid affected free suicide health providers.
Even Ava and Gregory faced it with the most deserving Melbourne.
Then there was James last night on some poisoned island blown up by his boss to save the planet Now that was an example of predictive planning with selected dna carriers to be the only survivors.
So what is the use of worrying? Just prepare as best one can.
Presume by James of island blowing up you mean James Bond, but not the real James Bond, I think about the 6th fake James Bond since real James Bond Sean Connery who wisely died in 2020. The new James Bonds are all fake but the public doesn’t even care and if asked “do you like Broccoli” will uniformly respond “no” when they mean “yes”.
Speaking of impostors and public opinion:
Today Biden is out there apologising to Indians first nations Americans for massacring them over hundreds of years, he is desperate to motivate them to get their vote, nearly 20 years since Krudd apologized to first nations here, then snitched $200m government funding and put it in the wife’s name. Demonrats used to be the party of rednecks but re-invented themselves by the time JFK came along.
There is no reason for anything to make any sense, when you see a bag full of money just grab it.
Joe, you are a ‘socynical’, you must be of the elderly learned generation……..and poor.
Au contraire, I am a former “yuppie” amongst other things
Bloody hell, if anyone here does not send the video above about government lying on the weather control etc, does not NOW SEND IT TO ALL ON YOUR EMAIL LIST AND POLITICIAN YOU KNOW, YOU ARE ANTI-human AND OUR PLANET’s ENEMY…….. you do not belong here, go to Venus or somewhere.
Australia always “leading” the roll out of the Grand Plan.-The Big Military Experiment .
PAM Gun Laws 1996- I note Nov 2024 -7.30 abc is focus on this in the coming week.
“The German government’s “security package”: a further step towards a police state
Marianne Arens
19 hours ago
“Germany’s Scholz government is in the process of building a police state against the working class. This is demonstrated by the new “security package” from Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (Social Democrat, SPD). The package further undermines the right of asylum, tightens gun laws and gives the federal police and the domestic intelligence service more powers.”
“PAM Gun Laws 1996- I note Nov 2024 -7.30 abc is focus on this in the coming week.” – I don’t watch TV, so if anyone can keep me updated about this program, please do. Of course, I expect more bullshit from the media, but maybe it might provide a crack into the matrix for more truth to be exposed.
It seems that when women gain political positions they must now take up all the port folios that have evil agendas. Everywhere in the world.
Terry I have answered your query re million dollar reward, above.
Mark from Self Sufficient Me-a great gardening channel to follow.This week, growing garlic.
lets sharpen while we wait
old and new again, I have know idea. The abc story in so “inconsistent”, but maybe a pushbike rider who knows the intersection. Just saying it seems bigger than Dan and needs a decode, given our chosen dead people
Sure the belt and road, tell me more as Dan knows and will never say about that
We be Bunnings komrades paying for the sizzle with Prrrbright Wuhan Geelong sister labs and Serco oil on top risen with serf kamps all over Oz.
Blunt but true, whilst I have no idea, I would add IKEA as the risen too
“THE conspiracy theory that it was ARRANGED by government.”
Really ?
Tommy Robinson’s “Silenced” would have to be the best doco I’ve come across re the means by which the current World System is being held together:
Recommended viewing for anyone who genuinely wants to get a grip on his/her life. Key point being that said expose isn’t based on the premise that the originating misrepresented incident “was ARRANGED by government.” It’s dead obvious that the official story was simply based on an attempt to escape pre-existing liability – which naturally triggered all sorts of flagrant criminality
Interesting that bar a 20 year( 1991 – 2011) personal confrontation with the “politicisation” of Western Australia’s justice system, the run-down would have struck me as being a tad far fetched; that misfortune can ultimately prove to be beneficial
My personal observation is that, even without blackmail-based “silencing”, a type of “survivalist” passivity and detachment is the response amongst the bulk of those who’re 1st-hand witnesses to governmental lawlessness/corruption, a response which proves the absence of a community to be reckoned with. The uncomfortable truth is that choosing short term comfort at the expense of long-term detriment is the norm.
“The uncomfortable truth is that choosing short term comfort at the expense of long-term detriment is the norm.” – That is a long-winded way to avoid the word COWARDS.
“THE conspiracy theory that it was ARRANGED by government.”
The only thing that was provably “arranged by government” was the incoherent face-saving claims
So where’s my $100 ?
The day they took the boys toys away and ended the Aussie tradition of shooting. Martin knows what really went down just like Brenton does in NZ, so send him some bucks so he doesn’t have to do sexual favours for snacks for the inmates anymore.
we are “frustrated” there too. some not me sent a heartfelt, cake to Risdon
your angry half post passing the “turning” test, do you have first hand with that forthright
don’t get me wrong, I would “guess that”, I dig, even in solitary
ABC-TV minions have flown themselves to “cover” the US election, I don’t know why there is any need for this, they have just been doing vox pops and selected a bag lady and a drug dealer to declare support for Camel. Joe Hockey came on and said North Carolina will flip (16 EC votes) and the most solid talk is the economy, and the big unknown of new voters. Joe Hockey says it will take days to count a result.
Stay at home ABC-TV wankers and cover the injections blood clots crisis or debunk yourselves re: Global Warming or inflation. You don’t fix inflation by tormenting young mortgage holders, you are a bunch of assholes. You fix it by stopping the government creating so much money. Grek Hunt whose family is big in Graphene needs to PAY BACK the billions he spent on “covid vaccines” most of which were scrapped after use-by. ABC-TV minions are to blame here for all of this, even disappeared minions like fanatic drug pusher Virginia Trioli.
i thought you meant disappeared suddenly
had a child of their own aged 48, maybe, its a thing, a scomo thing for example
She likes to make stuff up and it says her husband is chief of ABC-TV fact checking unit !!! Groan, this is the first unit that needs immediate sacking.
Israel’s oldest and most influential newspaper calls for an end to ethnic cleansing and asks other nations to sanction Israel to end hostilities
Meryl Nass
Nov 03, 2024
Ethnic cleansing my arse
At what point has Israel ever sought to vilify, let alone exterminate 20% of it’s citizenry ?
Such remarks just prove a complete disconnect from the real world
As does supporting the Hamas/Hezbollah cause on the one hand whilst entertaining the likes of Clif High & David Dubynne on the other, little realising that, sooner or later the former will inevitably destroy the latter
Mary maybe you need a chat with Emma Starr– Sydney Criminal Lawyers
Focus on PAM — and Emma Starr
OK Diane, I just wrote to emma starr. Thanks for the lead.
Maybe Ned you could do a face to face follow up in Sydney
With the Sydney Lawyers that is
Maybe they could pop up to Newcastle court to report the findings of the Pastor Paul Dr Katelaris trial
“”Military Coup To Stop Trump” – Mike Benz Exposes Elite’s SHOCKING Wargame Plan For 2024 Election”/Patrick Bet-David interview 2 days ago
Meryl Nass
Nov 03, 2024
Complete podcast continuing from above
“Remove, Reduce, Inform” – Mike Benz On Government, Censorship, Election Tactics & Media Control
This is the complete podcast and contains the previous video.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
They call them “battleground states”
left of left field but far right of center. imbalanced if u wish
Cause they are all nebulous numbers of completed elections past present or here there. The fervent chase just for numbers in the US seems satans game. Its like they get 150M in today’s numbers, to turn up in real, legitimizes. Historically I don’t think they got the perpetual contact they are pursuing. Just saying
Trump interview on same podcast channel 2 weeks ago.
Donald Trump Gets Emotional – Speaks On Tariffs, Obama & Iran
Ok, I am putting this on record as a possible ‘EVENT’ as distinct from a ‘election’.
Real Mary at WTPN SITUATION UPDATE ON 2/11 from at least 17 mins to about thirty four 🤷♂️ where I am now.
If it happens, in hindsight many will wonder why they did not pick it as a strong likelihood. Then they can run around like headless chooks in disarray to
Appreciate High’s assessment. Be it earlier than High assessed.
http://www.beforeitsnews.com. ~ people powered news.
In any case, Relaxed minds will be collecting their Melbourne Cup winnings
Well it is all fun and Joe refers to what is building that might be enough to have a event and delay the election.
Ta Joe … you are getting with the possible ‘flow’?
As I have finished real Mary, there is heaps more like the controlled ‘hive mind’ for Dianne.
I have had particular interest on the use of ‘NOISE’ to replace beneficial music. People should get the idea from about 56 mins and understand why the globalists have piped NOISE in the retail outlets like Woollies. Why would any organisation PAY FOR NOISE?
THINK, join the dots like the bees!
Really, fake noise ? I thought there was a walkout underway. I haven’t been in there myself for quite a while
The only such place I know where there is NOT A WAR ON SILENCE IS ALDI.
SGAnon at BIN is a worthy discussion …. The man must be well informed and is precise in language/opinion.
The theory raised about an election on SUNDAY? 5th of JANUARY is worth noting IN THE PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES.
Did T mis-spoke when he stated the 5th? ……….. count out 60 days from 5/11?
At BIN I found a OLD SG WITH SCOT …. Whoever, down the list of podcasts.
That is NOT the one I refer to above.
I am sick of posts where the presenters are so inconsiderate and rude that they do not refer to the dates…… they are fools and idiots.
Same with the OLD Ward and Johnson interview with two others.
Where is my reply … being submitted🤪
Ah, there we are🙀
Really Col Kmink, where are my two replies over the last ten minutes?
You even said that one re no noise Aldi was a repeat.
How about the one on SG anon?
Election schemozzle fraud galore machines flipping votes blocking voters fake mail-in ballots and scared useless eaters too scared to talk
Steve Bannon talking to Marjorie Taylor Green (10 min)
Pre PA guns were bought at Mick Simmons sports stores for three to five hundred $, post event prices increased tenfold on black market, making a killing good business for some. In youth, the only shooters we knew of were for taking late drops winking at dolphins. How I love and miss those days, 5 years on dry land waveless, crazy with crazies watching the tube. I heard Martyn was surfing in morning just before mass shooting. Impossible, head space in different zone compared to a sniper sharp shooter, after paddling around for a few for an hour or two as surfers do. Innocent man still in prison, perpetraitors loaded on all bases with “free” trade.
Masonry and Christianity are incompatible as oil and water. It’s not possible to be a mason and also be a true follower of Jesus, who set the perfect example by not doing anything in secret. He was entirely out in the open. On the other hand they have always accomplished goals behind closed doors in secret. These days everything done by government is in secret. People are brainwashed to believe that “pay for play” for access to “public” representatives is “normal.”
It is not. It is a wicked, tyrannical elitist system.
Although the horses hate me, the best I can assess:
My tips for the fifth of November for a boxed trifecta.
Sharp N Smart.
One Smart Operator.
Warp Speed.
Unless it is postponed and Stuffed Election is then entered, for an each way punt.
Ned you appear to have a sense of humour.
This is incredible. I woke up, must have been a dream. I could swear that I read a reply by Joe and saw his reply that read, in part, that I discerned.
‘,,,,,,,,, I think despair (appropriate or similar) and Vallisnt will or will not score….,”?
This is before I got out of bed and looked up this page and was amused that he could only find ‘score’ as an effort to rhyme with Thor.
That is why I am now looking for his reply and it is not here. I had to bet out of bed with my response in mind.
I had noted both horses and thought about Joe’s response if I listed them, but I thought both not preferable to the ones I have listed.
It is most disappointing as I cannot now actually respond with my ‘, alleged humour’
I have often read in my mind responses to some of my comments but they have not appeared. Some not nice.
Who said;,‘ there are different timelines’, TERRY S.?
Oh well Joe, at least you know your there💁🙀🤪
Well, anyway, at least I am using the interruption comfortably thinking of you.
‘How’s that’ – Mal?
Perhaps another glitch in the Matrix. Gumshoes ran an article about the concept way back in 2019.
However, if you actually wrote a reply, then (in my experience) it should still be there. The preservation of previous work product seems to be something that counters the whole new time-line integrity. When you shift to a different time-line then what ‘anomaly’ you find to your previous time-line has ALWAYS been that way. No matter how hard you research, it was always that way. The only thing I’ve found that is counter to that history is personal work product, like writing an article and mentioning something. You can read that article in the new time-line and it will not have changed. – Weird, I still haven’t figured out why it is that way.
Perhaps it is because you were interacting with someone else, rather than having something that is distinctly personal. Bugger if I know…
Brilliant Terry
Perhaps another glitch in the Matrix. Gumshoes ran an article about the concept way back in 2019.
What Clif tries to explain –amnd Leonard –thge fourth the fifth the major shift
also read the quality of the comments– in a recent re -post of a shoe article-i noted the same –and how our brains are now suffering OCD symptoms mass MK’x using ME
Also Dee did a deep dive into the child abduction racket and AI has been running interference. sadly all part of their plan –a higher intelligence and a destructive machine– over their global 5yr covid op we have all been wired into their machine
perhaps you were interacting with the machine interface Ned even when you sleep
happens to me all the time
off air for the day-still standing
In the Julian Assange video below he discusses(during the Q&A) the use of AI being used in Gaza to target journalists.
planatir —-.
…………AI AL(algorithm)
Rest well, I can when your al’round. A major lift, i’m thinking. Anyway we need to be ready just in case. Just a cost of vigilance, pricey but value
Thanks for all the interests.
However I should put in a disclaimer.
My trifecta selection above should in now manner be regarded as a recommendation for any person to use or follow and part of it as an excuse to be a mug and suffer any loss.
But if any person/s by chance gain a positive return on the selection, or part thereof, contribute at least, 40% thereof to gumshoe.🐴🥂
Assange’s 1st public statement after he was released from prison: ‘Pled guilty to journalism’
Thank you for posting — the timing means so much
Strength to Julian and family
Annie Jacobsen spoke of the AI mind control in Afghanistan many years ago
Jack Heart’s “Conversations from the porch”. The (USA) election is a (rigged) contest between two crime famililies”.
Thank you for the link.Interesting content.
First they steal the media eg. ABC-TV and SBS-TV, then they steal the elections, before you know it the TV is showing “Big Brother” 24-7, they have crooked Health Minister Mark Butler on right now lying about bulk billing which they cut then partially restored and now claim they have massively increased when actually it’s been a cut. Well I don’t care, experience of the last scamdemic proves fewer doctors is better for the national health and saves a lot of money.
This is not for everyone for the full 1:16:55.
It is only for those who say;, yes to the madness and want to go home. (Hint it is here!)
TOP PSYCHIC REVEALS AFTERMATH OF US ELECTIONS: MANKIND’S 2025 FUTURE WHAT IT ALL MEANS – KERRY K -video. ( with time line. From about half way for Terry the Mandela affect and for MM and EB what the ‘eye of the needle’ really MEANS? Actually recommended for all. Terry, I have sent you and Dee the actual link.
For those who do not understand file it away till you may.
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Thanks for the link. As I mentioned in my return email, I’ve done so many time-line jumps I have lost count. Makes me wonder where in the hell I started. Here’s the actual link for those who want to view the interview.
In this fifth AUM/RTF Peace Roundtable, SIX expert analysts are brought together to share their assessment of the dynamics shaping the USA going into the 2024 election and the global dynamics (economic meltdown, emergence of new multipolar security/economic architecture), civil war danger etc. Is Trump a fascist who will launch WW3 or a pragmatic patriot who will stop the forever wars? What about his entourage? Is Kamala a preferable candidate or is there something else being missed?
Garland Nixon, Peter Kuznick, Tom Luongo, Alex Krainer, Joaquin Flores and Martin Sieff hammer out these questions and more in this heated roundtable.
Forum for Peace: American University in Moscow Roundtable 05 (ELECTION SPECIAL)
Martin Sieff interestingly described the second speaker Peter Kuznick(who went on a major rant)as having TDS.
On balance Trump was the favoured front runner.