J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
A Ponzi, a.k.a. Pyramid Scheme relies on an increasing amount of suckers at the bottom to keep trickling up the wealth to the top. For this to succeed, a marketing genius comes in handy, theoretically at least, so let’s contrast the last two ALP Federal Treasurers in their marketing capacity:
Wayne Swan: 20% charming, 80% traditional ALP dumbed down man of the people
Jim Chalmers: 80% charming, 20% (and growing) dumbed down man of the people
(We’ll skip over Chris Bowen who lasted a few months under Rudd Mk 2).
Swanny is best remembered for being named “World’s Best Treasurer” after “Global Financial Crisis” (GFC) superstars Kevin Rudd and Ken Henry unleashed a $10 billion then a $42 billion pork barrel, including handing out $900 instant cash no-strings spending money cheques to most taxpayers. Swanny said “Australians have defied global economic gravity”. A true Ponzi: print the money, hand it out to the commoners, sign them up to the debt for it and the show rolls on.
Meanwhile (from internet): “China introduced the largest stimulus package in the world in late 2008, in the wake of the global financial crisis. China was also the first major economy in the world to emerge from the crisis. After a brief though sharp downturn in 2008, the Chinese economy recovered and grew by 8.7% in 2009 and by 10.4% in 2010.”
We used to call this “The China Boom” and it goes to show there was no substantial Financial Crisis in Australia.
Later, Ken Henry was given a go at the unfixable NAB and Globally-inclined Rudd, for all his pork-barrelling, was rolled by tricky faction manager Bill Shorten.
Now to current Treasurer Chalmers, the apologist.
The bankers and government are blaming mortgagees for productivity, so what is corporate management supposed to be doing? Management should be devising solutions to productivity. But offshoring everything would seem to be their best answer. Of course, there are fewer regulations and imposts offshore.
The money-creation must not be mentioned by our political class, their biggest lie of omission, and government scapegoat for inflation is according to them not the US bond market but simple worker productivity, this is claimed by straight-faced lying political experts who drew the short straw and have become principal liar on these topics. Productivity is affected by supply chain disruptions and more and more government interference, further driving offshoring of every industry possible.
Some white-collar industries include days with full schedules of meetings between people who seem to have not much idea about anything except shifting work responsibilities sideways, downwards and elsewhere. The cunning shift their workload to the ignorant then the ignorant try to pass it to a third party who can hopefully do it cheaper, if not, this third party can be scapegoated and the whole show goes on.
The biggest productivity drain in the Australian economy is of course government itself, which in most cases produces little of any long-term value to the public interest. What is the value of all their lies, except to themselves? They don’t show up in GDP figures, if they did, they would be a big component of GDP.
Worker productivity is not the cause of inflation, nor are interest rate hikes the solution to inflation. Their think-tanks keep dreaming up new lies for the TV news.
In reality the Australian bond market has to pay more interest than the US bond market, to compete, to attract investment (what they call “other people’s money”). And international investors don’t want to buy US bonds while the US is printing so much money, without giving a premium on the bond interest, it’s as simple as that. As with the international oil price, the money is junk so the Arabs require more to stay in the same place..
The stories swirling about, to the effect that by mortgagees paying more interest, productivity will improve, are nonsense.
Decline in wages, a steady, downward pressure, is what the RBA actions are all about.
They are all paid very well indeed to maintain their charade, that they are somehow operating on a different planet to the US bond market. They follow the US bond market like a little pig with a ring through its snout. The RBA board members’ tragically minor role in national economics is to try to keep bank profits up and wages down. This is not the RBA charter. If they do a good job they might get an opening into a real banking job, if they are not already working in the finance private sector, wearing a different hat on those days
Wages share of income is spread unevenly throughout the population making it statistically untrackable at a personal level, but the CEO’s, who should be researching and devising all sorts of potential productivity gains, continue to get their massive pay multiples, which could be dozens or even a hundred times the income of the lowest paid worker, since this CEO remuneration pattern was cemented into place, during the 1980’s.
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is an independent statutory authority supposedly responsible for the prudential supervision of financial institutions.
APRA is supposedly protecting us from banks, but appears to be getting infiltrated by Globalists, who are renting them offices from companies based in tax havens and low tax jurisdictions instead of renting from the local market. They are hiring Hollywood actors to give them media training (from source). It appears as if APRA is being carefully hollowed out and infiltrated. You have probably heard of a parasitic worm which eats out the insides of a caterpillar without touching the nerves, so the caterpillar is unaware that it has been entirely eaten until it’s too late.
Here’s APRA’s banking regulator, probably no relation to former treasurer Joe Hockey’s Armenian father, Richard Hokeidonian, She is from Deutsche Bank, about which rumours of insolvency and so forth constantly swirl. The road from Deutsche Bank to Zurich must be very well travelled. She says she has a good imagination in a crisis, such as a Covid style worst-case scenario. Well we are expecting more, so imaginativeness will no doubt come in handy at the top.
Government agencies such as APRA (banks regulator) are now required to include Climate Change knock-on effects in their assessments.
The Federal Government is pushing on with their bogus Globalist agendas.
Climate and Health have been shown as the best way to scare people through their existing belief systems. Government just takes a simple, honest belief system like people wanting to care for their families’ health, or care for the environment, and pervert that belief system until it’s totally dysfunctional, siphoning off literally billions in the process.
Global Warming fear-mongery is done to legitimise land acquisition via over-regulation and control of farms, industry and infrastructure, to accelerate consumerism via big ticket items such as nonsensical hydrogen buses at $1 million each, fraudulent infrastructure such as CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage), the worst junk engineering based on junk science. You can’t get any lower form of junk than this and government is twitching with excitement to fund it. Do you really need to ask why?
The weather in Canberra was -4 degrees last weekend but the politicians don’t care about reality. The weather reports never talk about solar conditions: the main driver of climate is lied about by omission, it’s taboo. We have the mystery cycles of El Nino instead, apparently driven by some sort of magic. The only climatic effect which comes anywhere near close is very rare volcanic eruptions.
It gets worse, Labor and Greens have notoriously united to reject and defeat an inquiry into the Covid. It’s mind-boggling.
The reason is that Labor is in power across the entire country. Any future planned epidemic will be subjected to scrutiny depending on what comes up in the inquiry. Labor does not want to have its future Globalist epidemic constrained unnecessarily. Climate engineer and injectables oligarch Bill Gates has been to Australia and had a secret audience with the Prime Minister, cementing in the arrangements. The public does not need to know. As with Gates’ dinner with the late Epstein, there’s nothing more to say, what can you say about a dinner?
The Greens support of Labor is something like dining at a new Vegan Lentil Burger cafe which opens around the corner from McDonalds, which you later find out is also owned by McDonalds.
Cheques to be phased out by 2030 is a new cover story for making any non-Reserve Bank PayID (CBDC) means of transacting more difficult and more inaccessible.
We now have to provide smartphone password as well as ordinary password in government and banking dealings, as if reality didn’t count for anything, since in reality if your account password was hacked so too could your phone be hacked, stolen or otherwise your control over them manipulated by circumstance, such as theft or coercion, and no authorities would be any the wiser.
The beast system agenda is already here with RBA PayID, to attach you permanently to your smartphone, before the introduction of implanted CBDC chips. The RBA is the local front desk for the Globalist BIS in Switzerland.
Private scams feed into public ones, such as “the mega-scandal that just went quiet”:
Basically, one individual at PriceWaterhouseCoopers accountancy firm working on a government tax case involving privileged information walks across the hall and starts working on a private business case. This individual may meet their co-worker at lunch and share information. They may leave their information laying around, or in a place where it can be shared on the network.
But this is nothing new and happens everywhere. It’s well known there is a revolving door for employees of Goldman-Sachs and the US Treasury Dept.
So how does all this privileged information end up going to the top of the Ponzi?
Well it might as well be called Private Equity, the big club that you ain’t in.
And you can’t get into.
As opposed to public offerings (the share market), private equity has long specialised in tricks such as asset stripping.
For the uninitiated, asset stripping means getting control of a company, selling off its assets such as land, buildings, plant and equipment, then leasing them back, taking the finds from the asset sales as bonuses and dividends, swindling the options market and quickly selling the business before anyone notices it has been hollowed out.
In that sense it resembles and overlaps with government privatisations, where established and profitable institutions such as State banks are sold off to pay government debt. In the case of former Labor party Premier John Cain Jr and the Victorian Economic Development Council, the debt was incurred by engaging in high-risk activities such as funding private enterprise, which all imploded around 1987, contributing to “the recession we had to have”.
The poor cousin of Private Equity is superannuation, this is the engine that keeps pumping Private Equity up. Profits are drained out of superannuation and fed into Private Equity as a matter of course. Insider trading goes on at various levels, and at the top level is untouchable. Generally speaking, policing of it is a fiction, the laws serve to make targets of certain individuals where required. But having inside knowledge of upcoming new laws and so forth, like Kevin Rudd’s wife’s privatised $200m employment chainstore operation is not their only trick.
J.P. Morgan’s 100 straight winning trades were done with a settlement delay of three days, so that newly acquired shares which traded lower during the settlement period were dumped into pension funds.
There are tricks and more tricks which ensure you will remain poor in your “golden years”, as all your family wealth is sucked out into the Ponzi.
From Kenneth Davidson 10 years ago:
“The expansion of the size and power of the global financial sector over the last 25 years has been at the expense of economic growth. This has been characterised by increased financial instability, rising indebtedness of households, and continued decline in wages share of income. In Australia the declining productivity of financial institutions is being supercharged by compulsory superannuation.”
As long as all these snakes keep up their barefaced lies, we should expect the worst. They will turn the screws on us as much as they are able, selling us out and stitching us up with debt. The Ponzi keeps growing until it collapses like the house of cards it really is.
The television and Mainstream Media power a hive-mind of belief systems based on corrupted logic, the new religion, which it’s heresy to stand against.
Promoting nonsense such as Global Warming, in practice confirmed only by arsonists, academics-for-hire and dodgy statisticians, to fund geo-engineering solutions in desperate search of a real crisis; and funding a 2nd rate compulsory medical system which costs far more than it’s worth, because it bans the best medicines including nutrition, in favour of its patented medicines, is not governance, it is fraud. These lying snakes are defrauding us every time they open their mouths, each and every day.
Now for some sobering thoughts: The “big Ponzi scheme”
“The automotive service and repair industry in Australia is projected to reach $15.3 billion in revenue in 2021.
“Australian Automotive manufacturing at its peak in 2009 was just under 6 billion.
More comparisons:
“In 2020–21, the live cattle export trade (directly and indirectly) contributed up to $1.4 billion to the Australian economy and provided over 6,000 jobs.
“An estimated 410,000 children aged 0-14 years were living in jobless families
“State and territory child protection services supported more than 178,800 children in 2020–21
What industries remain?
Between the department budgets and the Attorney general budgets, child protection (children and youth courts) and placing children (family courts) is probably worth $20 billion plus. At least 50% intentional child resourcing. (this $ figure is a guesstimate)
You only need say two mechanics to fix your car… but child protection alloocate about 8 – 12 people for every child in care. (between case workers, consultants, psychologists, magistrates, lawyers, foster carers, execs) BRILLIANT BUSINESS … especially when it is completely unsupervised by government.
I am suggesting the child trafficking industry in Australia is the biggest PONZI scheme in Australia (probably just below WAR industries in the Western world)
Between 1990 & 2004 I deprived the Education Department of $150,000 – the amount of money it would have been “granted” if each of my 3 kids had been enrolled in a government accredited school
When my youngest was about 13 he managed to figure out that the entire town was being held together by a range of other such scams – a town that originally centred on the distribution of primary produce and manufacturing
Once such a model is established the sky’s the limit
Mr Olsen – a brilliant article.
I was only thinking this morning while lying in bed before bouncing out about the other Ponzi scheme know as Parliament or wider still Government. A couple of questions the public need to mouth:
1) How many politicians are presented with seats in Parliaments around Australia?
2) How many of those politicians are in their House or Senate at any one time?
3) How do Acts or Bills get voted on when there are so few members listening to the speech or debate of a piece of legislation.
Just have a look at any speech given in either house anywhere in Australia and take note of how many are in that house. Subtract the staff and the Speaker and the person delivering the message that usually leaves very few others.
If that is not a Ponzi scheme for which we all pay dearly, I don’t know what is.
We pay dearly not only in monetary value but also in the “laws” that are put on us through our parliament from criminals overseas.
Victorian Politicians — 3.5% PAY RISE
Base rate $198,000 / y
A funny story about Dr. of political science Jim Chalmers and “getting to the top”
In March 2013 Chalmers married Laura Anderson, a journalist and writer who worked as a staffer to Penny Wong and Julia Gillard. Their wedding, attended by Gillard and Wayne Swan among others, occurred two days after an ALP leadership spill. While in attendance Gillard “convened a council of war in a specially set-aside room to frame a new ministry”.
Also in relation to “the beast system” and hardwiring us to our phones, it used to be in Thailand you could get a phone SIMcard with no ID so everyone was getting multiple random SIMcards, then the government came up with muslim bombers placing bombs in the shopping mall so all the rubbish bins were changed to clear plastic so we could see the bomb. ( The bombers would not be smart enough to disguise their bomb as a McDonalds or something else ). Next everyone had to register their phones, since the “bombers” were using phones to trigger the bombs. Meanwhile the government had a good excuse to go into the Deep South and sort them out down there.
As some NWO figures have said, “We will make history and you will be left to study it”. They didn’t mention they will make the study materials too.
Urine samples will be required for climate change credits/debits
break a leg Jim Charmers
Why are Ponzi illegal?
A Ponzi scheme is a form of fraud that attracts investors by promising high returns with little to no risk. New investors bring in money which pays dividends, or other types of payments, to existing investors. There is no actual investment offered by scheme operators.1 Feb 2023
Ponzi schemes | Australian Taxation Office
seriously hear this diddy get outa dodge
sorry you only need the first 15 seconds, gumboots – wink
Their only aim is to destroy and make Australia dysfunctional.
The Long Game To Steal Our Planet-David DuByne Adapt 2030 and Drew Missen(Aussie connection)
I like that: Parasite Class
I just finished wwatching this on the last article comments, a great theory on the CCCP policies of the last few decades
CCP ( having some issues with the form not displaying properly )
Is the “long game” orchestrated by the patient “long lived”???
Terry, this guy talks about the grand solar min.
Yeah, I just sent the link around to a few neighbors. I had a yarn with one of the neighbors that is growing food in my greenhouse and he had never heard of the GSM. I looked at him and said “oh shit, I gotta bring you up to speed”. I also sent him a link to the Gumshoes article on the GSM that you ran in 2018 and also a link to an article on the ‘Malinkovich’ (sp?) cycles.
Since we have a conjunction of a cold Malinkovich cycle and the GSM, this is going to be a really cold period. David Dubyne is probably correct that the Chinese have figured all this out and have been preparing for it.
I expect that the Kabal has also figured it out and is using the information to their advantage – to use it as part of the depopulation agenda. It is not the lies of “safe and effective”, but also “global warming”.
PwC ripped of gov’t but gov’t won’t release names
“monetising confidential federal government information”
I guess “selling” just sounds too cras
Given the commonality of said practice the entire article just strikes me as being risibley hypocritical
Interesting piece by George Webb
One World Government
For decades, many have talked about a one world government that was soon to come. It was assumed that this government would arrive with the Antichrist as its head, and since most Christians thought that this was a future event, they failed to notice tha …
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Interview with Larry Johnson, ex-CIA
This interview with Larry Johnson (ex-CIA) is very informative and is well worth watching, if you want to understand what is going on today.
That QANTAS frequent flyer non-man looks to have had some Hollywood training – has poncy ever looked more polished?
As for the ponz, Bernie Made-off played a good part before he was taken off.
But the Golden Globe goes to the supporting role of F Ross Johnson in Barbarians At The Gate. When that frequent flyer of RJR Nabisco fame after being informed by cousin Henry, a barbarian, that what he was eating, while being told how KKR was going to buy his smokeless cigarette and cookie company, was rabbit, F Ross, with hilarious wascally wabbit timing, asked for the ears.
Thats my rabbit Michael, good on you, you win a weekend at Bernie’s. Get to meet SBF and Lady Caroline Gagga. Bernie was a equal opportunist, but I never saw the backroom clean up job(they always take out the cams).
Shane Warne’s Death Precipitated by COVID mRNA vaccine
if you read between the lines, vegemite toast, was try to detox the spike.
They don’t call it the ashes for nothing, rain pending and you just quite make.. never mind. It’s a ponzi
Hello fake news M$M ABC-TV etc anyone home ?
At least they’re awake in India
no they buying in hive like, no ja cuse, same same
We are in the belly of the biggest scam in history, some correctly call it mass murder. Something is wrong, when no one is reporting it, no one is investigating, where discussion forbidden. The media silent with government and doctors still pushing deadly jabs. Does this make sense?
The sicker we are, the more money they make. They’re all in deep, exposed themselves for all to see, there’s no going back. Basically it’s about greed and getting rich quick.
Most people involved are not mass murderers, as they hope we forget the past three years. But hey let’s be thankful, at least we’re lucky to be alive. We were once Oz, now CCP one belt forced to take jabs enforced by government jackboots crushing our necks. Never forget the damage they’ve done to our children.
Weather manipulation shown on M$M TV (1 min)