by G5
If Trump wants to ‘Make America Great Again’, he first has to Make America Moral Again.
In all the annals of stupidity, someone forgot to tell America, that people will say anything to stop the torture — not any Truth. And delivering legitimate Intel does not stop the Torture. The Captors will continue what they do to verify what they were told.
So the Captives need to deliver some simple information that would already be known by the Captors — and this moves the Captive to a perception of being of Low Value, and unable to deliver any new Intel. My personal experiences are not based on theories.
The problem is, that the narrative needs to be delivered by the Captive after suffering for some considerable time, and showing genuine physical injuries. All this after a number of escalating sessions, while continuous twenty four hour Sensory Deprivations is prosecuted.
Interrogation and Black Sites
The ‘Black Sites’ are out of American Jurisdiction, leading to torture, indefinite, uncharged, unlawful, uncontested, unproven, detention and murder. (Secret [sic] American prisons are in foreign nations, e.g., Turkey, Egypt, Thailand.) And this is apart from the extensive underground prisons and FEMA Camps in America.
And for American Citizens, it is unlawful for them to speak of specific instances — even by the families of the victims. And no legal representation is permitted. These were expanded by GWB and the great Liberal, Progressive, Moralist, Obama.
‘Extraordinary Rendition’ is abduction, and covert transportation to a ‘Black Site’. This is allegedly ‘Protecting’ American Citizens (even the Western World) from ‘Terrorists’ (the former Communists). Former OSS-CIA activities are allowed by false and fictitious legislation (unconstitutional and unlawful powers, initially hidden by Martial Law), and by actions in Foreign Nations, by foreign nationals.
‘Enhanced Interrogation’ (Torture) are various forms of torture (far more than the leaked), and include Waterboarding, Stress Positions, and Sensory Deprivations.
Mental injuries during torture are difficult to measure. I had to feign a deficiency, in an unrelated matter. I protected those needing protection, and suffer the physical injuries to this day. A note: your first line of defence in this matter is between you and your lawyers — not between the two lawyers at issue. No one is a ‘friend’.
It’s an interesting game in the Non-TV Real World. If information is delivered too early, it appears to be false (which it is) — bearing in mind that people who torture others as an ‘Occupation’ are hardly at the top end of any scales of the Intel Community, Intellectual Capacity, or Humanity.
American Invaders captured by Iraqi Freedom Fighters during the Second Gulf War (“We have prevailed” – GWB), were videoed, as their Iraqi captors pretended to prepare to torture them (Blindfolded). The footage was released as the comic that it was. There was different treatment to what was exhibited by the US Military and CIA at Abu Ghraib.
And then there was the atrocity of the US Military, by blasting (Tank Fire, one night) a floor of a ‘Secure’ Baghdad hotel in the American Zone — to murder the journalists who distributed the American Capture footage to world media.
How dare those journalists show the world anything but approved footage from ‘Embedded’ journalists! We certainly don’t want another Vietnam — showing village genocides, and infants and young children writhing and screaming as they slowly burn to death by Napalm.
And of course, who could forget the footage of an American Helicopter Gun Ship, murdering unarmed civilians and children in a van. Brave American Heroes playing computer war games, from a distance. Chelsea Manning was taught a lesson for that ‘unapproved’ leak.
It’s a pity the faces and outcomes of their computer games are not made visible to them.
Oil For Food Genocide
The Oil For Food Genocide was perpetrated by GHWB, murdering over a milllion Iraqi civilians. I was personally involved in diplomatic negotiations to deliver REAL AID in the form of Hospital and Medical supplies with The Red Crescent (Red Cross through Turkey), which was blocked by America. The reason offered was that such aid materials and pharmaceuticals could have a duplicate use as weaponry!
The 1990 Humidicrib Affair

The 1990 ‘Humidicrib Evidence’ of the Lauri Fitz Pegado (Hill and Knowlton) was so compelling to the soft of brain. She trained Nayirah al Sabah before the stage setting of The Congressional Human Rights Caucus. Al Sabah was the daughter of the then Kuwaiti Ambassador to America and Canada.
She was not a nurse and had never been to Kuwait. But of course, who would bother to ask such questions. And those who do, need to be decried and publicly vilified in the strongest possible manner — for their immorality and support of an ‘enemy’.
That hospital did have all its medical staff removed, not by the Iraqi Military, but by the American Military in 1990. (The First Gulf War did not commence in 1991, as Vietnam commenced in 1950, not 1964 or 1968.) The American Invading Forces were receiving far more ‘Resistance’ — despite the deployment of W40 Nuclear Weapons (the type used in the Twin Towers) and Depleted Uranium Tank Shells. And indeed a lot of patients including infants did die in that hospital — but not at the hands of the Iraqi Military. Collateral Damage perhaps.
I had spoken to Norman Schwarzkopf, in Melbourne in early 1997, when he visited Australia. This was prior to the American (CIA-Rothschild Soros) Five Tigers Currency Raids in Asia. I was an adviser to one of the victim nations.
And what about the fake moral outrage concerning the non-existent WMDs of Iraq?
Fake Weapons of Mass Destruction
And who could forget the magnificent performance before the UN SC by Colin Powell. He was ‘demonstrating’ the locations of the laboratories and storage facilities of the Iraqi WMD Programme. Well if that Intel was known so well and confirmed by satellite photographs? Wouldn’t a couple of missiles have resolved the issue. Even though the murdered David Kelly clearly advised Tony Blair that Iraqi WMDs were an American fiction. There comes that Chilcot Report again.
Well, poor inexperienced, Four Star General Colin Powell, Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff, and former National Security Advisor, made a mistake. He misread the Intel supplied to him, or some analyst didn’t check another, or whatever. Well, all forgiven — no damage. Move on. Get over it.
The Hussein Show Trial
One of the men (in his 60s) sitting behind Saddam Hussein in the Show Trial had the bones surgically removed from his legs, from the knee to the foot, without anesthetic. He wore braces and remained in a wheelchair, until he was later murdered in prison. No Intel was gained, from that particular act of bastardry — which would have been known in advance.
He was delivered to sit in court, as a co-defendant each day. There were actually two separate judges; one English and one Iraqi. The Iraqi lived in London. There’s nothing like a good Nuremberg to convince the herds of a Moral High Ground.
In the unsanitized tapes of ‘The Trial’, Hussein mentions the matter on one occasion. The English captions deliver a different rendition. I was able to view the original tapes with correct translation. The judge ignored what was said and continued with the scripted questioning and concoction.
David Hicks and His Father, Terry
There is the absurdity of Captives ‘bought’ from ‘enemies’, from alleged battle fields by America for the purpose of discovering Intelligence.

David Hicks was never aware that, as a mercenary working for The KLA (American Yugoslav Wars), he was an employee of The CIA.
When he was ‘captured’ and sold to the CIA in Afghanistan (still a CIA contractor) — he was transported to Camp Delta, (the prior Camp X-Ray) at Guantanamo, for interrogation.
There he was identified as a CIA Contractor — which he never understood — and was being prepared for covert release. His father Terry — with good intents, albeit very ill-informed and driven by MSM story mongers — commenced a political campaign against the American Puppet, John Howard. The result was: Howard attempting capital from the misfortune, as he had done many times before, and subsequently.
Howard’s word perfect WMD script reading in the Australian Parliament being echoed by Bush in Congress, Blair in Westminster, Rasmussen in The Danish Parliament, and Harper in The Canadian Parliament. Howard is an absolute legend of The Pestiferous. A stench that will never fade.
Whatever David Hicks did or did not do, he sold his wares as a Soldier of Fortune to CIA Proxy Covert Armies. His father was misled by the profiteering MSM, manipulating audiences with fakeries.
I was advised of the movements of Terry Hicks. I ‘accidentally’ found him in a small eatery in Bangalow, NSW. We shared a table (he was never aware of who I was), and I casually attempted to explain to him what had been, and was actually occurring. But unfortunately his mind was closed by the MSM Deceptions that were delivered, and the few dollars he was paid to play the part. I was unable to move the conversation to a different level. We parted amicably, and I wished him well in his fight to have Howard retrieve his son, as Britain had quietly retrieved their ‘captives’.
JAG Lawyer Michael Mori, went to Australia on two occasions to speak to Howard with American Diplomatic Representation in Australia — this for a procedure to realease David Hicks. Howard refused.
From MKUltra, Project 112, and Many More
Think of contemporary America, when you read of the activities of the German SS and their cohorts. And aspects of the Japanese in China, are not that far behind.
There was the Smallpox Infection of the American Native Indians, and the experiments of MKUltra — which never ceased. Bill Clinton lied. What a surprise.
What was Napalm? What was Agent Orange and Operation Ranchhand? What was Fort Detrick? What was the Savannah River Project? What is Q Fever? This was even found in Australia, and variously denied? This is the same place where the Ozone Layer was destroyed by insanities around Operation Starfish. Not CFCs and Refrigerants, or even bovine flatulence, at all.

But the herds will believe anything based on their inculcated perceptions of Credibility of Source. All else are Conspiracy Theories.
What were the realities of The Tokyo Subway Gassing, and The 1966 New York Metro Affair? What happened at The Norfolk Supply Centre? What was Project 112? What were Operations; Bacchus, Clear View, Jefferson, Sea Spray, Shad, White Coat etc?. What is at Vigo County, Horn Island, Granite Peak, Pine Bluff Arsenal, Dugway Proving Ground, Fort Terry, Eglin AFB, Granite Peak, Beale AFB, Rocky Mountains Arsenal etc?
America is the only nation to have used Atomic, Biological and Chemical Weapons against those it has variously purported to be its ‘Enemies’. And America believes it is cleared to sit at the table of contemporary humanity.
America and Trump
The Congressional herds are fixated on removing Trump, Sexist, Racial, and LGBT absorptions. They cannot focus on the Real World, even if they try.
The three primary areas needing moral, integrity, and credibility house cleaning are: The DHS (Martial Law in America), The Patriot Act, and FISA. And of course while the short attention span camp dwellers were focused on the NSA snooping and their Social Media drivel — they were using a mobile device with Sim Cards that were specifically identified to them. Their mobile device carrying everything that purports to represent their lives. Including all financial details. They actually believe that their code words and passwords are somehow inviolable — the Chip they believe they will never receive.
Trump is partly bought — as Putin pretended to be in 1999. Gorbachev was CIA and Yeltsen was bought. Trump’s true testing comes after the 6/11/2018 Mid Terms — if he gains genuine control of both Houses of Congress (no RINOs, bought or blackmailed. McCain (‘Songbird’) has committed offences under The Espionage Act). Then Trump can begin to flush out Deep State — in more than just pointing to their excrement.
And from that platform, he can attempt to Make America Great Again by attempting to Make America Moral Again.
Albeit, America’s days of Empire, are a long gone, self-destroyed illusion.
G5, please keep us informed in your usual manner. You are doing a great job.
It is amazing how much we better informed, still do not know.
This octopus of criminality and deception has to have huge tentacles to cover its head that is involved in so much vile, inhuman behaviour. If only we can cut off its tentacles! I think the informers, such as yourself, may be creating cancerous sores on those tentacles. We can only hope that the cancer is spreading to the head.
Keep it up, G5 (but in my opinion the mover and shaker is not “the US” but is “the cabal.”)
Anyway Congress in 1996 passed the War Crimes Act. It is codified at 18 USC 2441. I correct your statement that if torture is done outside the US it is “out of jurisdiction. No it isn’t:
18 U.S. Code § 2441 – War crimes
Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.
The circumstances referred to in subsection (a) are that the person committing such war crime or the victim of such war crime is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States or a national of the United States
(1)Prohibited conduct.-
The act of a person who commits, or conspires or attempts to commit, an act specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control for the purpose of obtaining information or a confession, punishment, intimidation, coercion, or any reason based on discrimination of any kind.
I do believe John Yoo does not sleep well and neither should Sen Feinstein, or of course Colin Powell.
The atrocities of Imperialis countris are to numerous to list, Britain as a result of industrialization now able to use violence on a scale unimaginable in history now violence became so normal that it was no longer regarded as such, it became a natural outcome of a superior civilization having more or less a divine right, supported by the ability of tooling and the use of technology and a philosophy of survival of the fittest.
In the same way hunting dogs being well fed and given constant food are hard wired within the brain cannot stop eating and the lust of hunting even as I have known Beagles having died through over consumption, the West is no longer able to make the choice and is hard wired to have a constant appetite to kill.
For all the thinkers and those who are writers on Gumshoe, are powerless to change or to reason with those who are at basis the same as the hard wired brains of Government and those who are unknown, have no choice but to kill.
Well, that stirred a lot of memories.
Talking about freedom of speech… in April of 1971, as a free lance journalist, I arrived in Sydney from NZ with the stories of Agent Orange and the already written Con Song Tiger Cages (torture boxes run under Operation Phoenix) under my belt. I was headed for Saigon, purely for PR authentication purposes, because the evidence was already in my possession.
I was approached by a CIA agent whom I had known for some years and he warned me I was to be shot at Saigon airport upon my arrival. It was not something he was comfortable with. As it happened, when I arrived in Darwin my bank informed me I no longer had access to my account as the NZ government had put a squeeze on its currency so, with the trip thus interrupted, I sent the Tiger Cage story to five US senators who duly “discovered” the in-ground torture boxes.
The agent orange story continued to be repressed for a further twenty years and no Vietnamese were ever compensated; but then that is how the Rockefellers operate… Monsanto, Union Carbide, ExxonMobil, and so on. David Rockefeller was the brains behind the cabal to which G5 refers; with psychopathic intelligence matched only by his uncle, Nelson.
I thank my lucky stars that Robert Muldoon’s NZ financial machinations prevented me from reaching Saigon, or I would not be here to tell the story. Nevertheless, repression of freedom of speech was not restricted to Australia. In full, I received a total of twelve death threats, including a few actual attempts.
The amoral corruption to which G5 refers is even more extant in Australia.
Now that you speak of it, Tony, David Rockefeller (1915-2016) was an absolute genius. If only we could have known earlier, such as from Dr Day’s talk, about all the incredibly malicious plans.
According to a book entitled “Thy Will Be Done,” Nelson (David’s bro, not uncle) was far worse. He ran South America and nobody had a clue. Even today Americans only think of him as New York governor and then Vice Prez to Ford.
Well, Trump just hired that filthiest, most devious, Jewiest of Jew Neocons John Bolton, so any chance of a return to morality this side of the completion of Yinon is out of the game.
Dear God, not Bolton. For what position, Paul?
Mary, This straight from TGrump’s twitter.
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
11h11 hours ago
I am pleased to announce that, effective 4/9/18, @AmbJohnBolton will be my new National Security Advisor. I am very thankful for the service of General H.R. McMaster who has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend. There will be an official contact handover on 4/9.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Who knows what’s going on.
Might as well enjoy the show.(as Q has suggested)
I remember some years back someone said, that before this is over, the people you thought were good guys might turn out to be the scum of the earth. And those you thought to be the scum of the earth, were working quietly behind the scenes, to rid the earth of this vile filth.
It’s a complicated game, probably been going on for centuries or longer. It won’t get cleaned up in 10 minutes.
I thought the same of Bolton as you. Until just minutes ago, I heard Jack Posibiac(good guy?) talking up Bolton. Food for thought. Not saying this young guy is right, but he makes a valid point.
Any how, thanks to G5 for shedding yet more light for us “enlightened” sheeple on the shit the cabal have fed to us all our lives.
I look for the big red “S” hiding under Bolton”s dress-shirt, but all I see is his menorah T-shirt showing through so far.
As to Jack and others like him: The best way to control the Opposition is to be the Opposition, or words to that effect.
It amazes me, how you can get Trump and morality together in one sentence, as they are what oil is to water.
Make Argentina great again.
I’m still not convinced that Gumshoe is not a “false front” or “controlled opposition”. One can’t gain credibility as either without “insiders” “leaking” ineffectual “information”.
G5, you’re pretty good at constructing a plausible tale but I’d like some references that all yous are what you purport to be. Not saying that most of what you complain about is not a serious travesty (of what you cannot define) but what do you propose could be done about it? And why should anything be done about it anyway? “Evolution” says that it’s the “survival of the fittest” or the prevalence of the strongest cruelest.
So then, G5, whatever McLachlan, whatever Maxwell, who are you serving?
David, G5 is definitely NOT going to bother justifying himself to you. So forget it. He won’t waste even a one sentence reply — and he’s not interested whether You “take it or leave it”.
We (you and I) have communicated about this before. Think what you like.
Yes — we need to see “What could be done?” We have in many articles written about this — and especially Mary’s legal articles provided all sorts of pathways to combat these people from inquests, citizens arrests etc (watch for her article this week-end)
As for who we work for? I am working for a Melbourne film studio planning to make a hostage movie (entertainment), a kids movie (these have their messages) — to pay for dinner and the rent. Who do you work for?
You say: “Why should anything be done about it anyway?” re: strongest… On another note, generally, it It is not the strongest species or those in that species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.
“Yous” isnt a word.
So, first “who do I work for?” I am a pensioner and I hope that I can contribute something to the Nation that my antecedents and I helped to build.
A “Kids movie” means what? A psychodrama to rot their brains? Hey! I didn’t come down in the last shower! I was a keen thespian in the early ’70’s. It was/is a magnet for completely insecure nutters whose whole life is pretending to be what they are not. The whole process of “training” revolves around “sensitivity training” where appropriately susceptible aspirants lose their real identity and become a fantastic, imaginary fantasy.
Yair, the ones most responsive to change. The stupidest lackeys of fashionable political correctness.
Yous that discount the ordinary people should be somewhat frightened by now.
David, I will not be rotting anyone’s brains. Gave a lecture to an auditorium of very smart school students the other day on critical thinking.
And please explain — who should be frightened? (P.S. In the 70s I was snow climbing in Patagonia — and you say you didn’t “come down in the last shower”… Hey, I wasn’t blown in, in the last snow storm).
If you’re not rotting anyone’s brains then you’re not doing what they pay you for… they’ll stop giving you the money.
And I sincerely hope that some “very smart school students” would contest your version of “critical thinking”.
I’d finish it there but perhaps a couple of disagreeably independent thinkers would like to be somewhat independent of the “politically correct” idiocy.
David, then why did you write to us, looking to us as a “collaborator” or editor, for the publication of some of your material? (Which I thought had some merit.)
Tell us, how do you know if anything is true?
The ability to discern true from false is, of course, completely destroyed by goodguy/badguy judgments.
Maybe you should get a grip on what Gandalf said:
“Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend.”
The new Nemesis?
Same old entertainment.
Some time or some way Jesus the Christ WILL sort it all out!