by Mary Maxwell, LLB
Dear US Attorney-General Merrick Garland,
A new request, today. It’s about Julian Assange. No, wait, it’s about America’s reputation — same as with the Mar-a-lago raid, really.
You may think I overvalue our reputation, Sir. Certainly I think you undervalue it. It’s not that I’m worried about what other countries think of us. It’s what we think of ourselves that matters, and when we hear criticisms being murmured around the globe, we should harken to some clues.
No diplomat, other than British ones, have shown approval of the United States’ case against Australian journalist Julian Assange. Thousands of people around the world have organized rallies and marches to free him from impending extradition.
I’ve been to a couple of birthday parties for Julian in front of the NH State House in Concord. A prominent legislator was in attendance. Ah, New Hampshire.
Undoubtedly you are aware of his case, Mr Garland, given that a group of diehard free-speechers have parked their bods outside your home each weekend. I was invited to join them last winter, but declined to participate as I think every person’s castle is sacred. (Or was it that I couldn’t handle the freezing weather? — either way.)
It’s regrettable if your family suffered from that modern-day tent city — but you can end their suffering with a quick flick of your BIC pen. Just drop the charges against Wikileaks journalist Assange. They do seem to conflict with the First Amendment, don’t they?
[First Amendment: “I may use my brain, as God presumably gave it to me for a purpose, and I may use my vocal cords, and my writing finger, and I may share my ideas all over town type thing.”]
The criminal charges against Julian include the fact that he published information about US war crimes in Iraq. But as soon as he uploaded that to Wikileaks, the folks at The New York Times were able to copy it in full without being subjected to any charges themselves. (I’m like Huh?) The one who did the actual leaking of documents was Chelsea Manning and she has already done her prison time for it.
As a US citizen, I am very grateful that someone released the outrageous photos of what US Marine Charles Graner and National Guardsperson Lynndie England did at Abu Ghraib. (Feces being smeared on a prisoner’s chest comes to mind, as does our soldiers letting a prisoner be bitten by dogs.)
Perhaps it’s “better than nothing” that Graner and England were punished at courts martial — but we all know they were not the inventors of that torture. As for the higher-ups, did any of them even lose a month’s pay? If you look into it, Sir, you may find they got promotions. God help us.
I have pretty strong feelings of guilt when the US commits war crimes, as I definitely think the buck stops with me. I’m not just American, I’m America — seriously. (Weren’t you brought up that way, too?) It was I who smeared feces on the Abu Ghraib prisoner, so to speak. My doing nothing to stop it makes me complicit.
Attorney General, are you up on the jurisprudence here? I want to call to your attention the case of US Army Lt Ehren Watada. In 2006, he was charged with “missing troop movement,” i.e., not going to Iraq when ordered to. He said, in a public speech:
“To stop an illegal and unjust war, the soldiers can choose to stop fighting it…. Enlisting in the military does not excuse one from rational thought…. “I was only following orders” is never an excuse…. When we say [in our oath] “against all enemies foreign and domestic,” what if elected leaders became the enemy? Whose orders do we follow? The answer: the conscience that lies in each soldier.”
“What if elected leaders became the enemy?” Gosh.
Watada’s case limped along for 3 years. It could have been decided quickly. My guess is that it was dangled in front of soldiers to give them hope. In the end, nothing much happened.
For that matter, maybe the endless wait for an end to Julian Assange’s case (ten years) is all about, um, all about an endless wait. And he’s not even an American, he’s Australian.
I resided in Australia for much of my adult life. My friends there say that the UK should not allow the US to snatch Assange, as he will be so badly treated in a US court. Heck, I want to see him in a courtroom in beautiful America.
You can do this, Mr Garland. You can bring him to justice. America’s glory will be restored right smack dab then and there. You will declare that free speech must prevail. Hooray! Happy days are here again! And posterity will give you the credit.
Alternatively, you could phone the UK’s Home Secretary Priti Patel and ask her to dismiss the inmate du jour from Belmarsh Prison. It is within her discretion to do that, for any reason or no reason. (Remember when Home Secretary Jack Straw liberated Augusto Pinochet for no reason?)
Or Patel could just say that it will save on carbon emissions if the UK does not have to fly Assange to Washington. Or something.
Thanks a mil, Attorney General. Your mother wants you to do this.
Yours sincerely,
Mary Maxwell (currently a candidate for US House of Representatives from NH’s First District)
Mary, Thanks for speaking up for Julian Assange.
DECIDER-CONTROLLERS IN JULIAN’S CASE, are not specifically Americans nor people with any “reputation to lose”. Finance Oligarch hidden minority shareholders, effectively control western ‘money’ issue by the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England & Bank-of-International-Settlements. Control of fake ‘money’ is the zombie-blood of control for the institutional Finance-Media-Religion-Education-Military-Industrial-Legislative-Judicial-Complex control in such as the puppet USA, Canada, Australia, Britain etc. i.e. Our fake political democracies are campaign-finance & oligarch media-control ‘fronts’ until we restore ‘Economic-Democracy’ to our Multihomes & workplaces. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/8-economic-democracy
Oligarch multinational financiers, as Judeo-Christian Zealots (part of my family) have desperately sought re-establishment of the control centre of world hegemony at the land-bridge juncture of the Eurasian & African mega-continent. Its kind of the ‘Risk’ board-game fascination for command & control, which we might have enjoyed as children, but long ago became the despondent, schizophrenic pathological obsession by a few. Julian successfully exposed a significant portion of the oligarch cruel death-cult military plans & execution, with such as the Afghan-War-Logs. Money for this Muslim genocide is just the crest of the wave, which such as Hillary Clinton (“We came, we saw, he died”) have been surfing-on much of their sorry lives. USA itself is a disposable puppet.
Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11 By Australian Dr Gideon Polya 22Nov’15 https://countercurrents.org/polya221115.htm
‘Exogenous’ Latin ‘Other-generated’) extraction, exploitation & exhaustion-destruction of the enormous human, biosphere & physical resources of once ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) Africa, America, Australia & Eurasia is only a part of oligarch mismanagement. At the centre has been fake linear top-down issue of metal-coin ‘money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’) enabling oligarch desperate addiction for world institutional power. Indigenous humanity worldwide cultivated time-based equivalency accounting upon the bottom-up String-shell Value system of Relational Economy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy
USA IS A METICULOUSLY DESIGNED PUPPET where its people are in almost complete ignorance of its hidden controllers. USA is the latest of cruel empires, which oligarchs have repetitively built & ecologically destroyed for wealth extraction, over the past 7000 years. Our humane goal in strengthening caring & sharing among ourselves is to recreate human economically inclusive, welcoming culture, where oligarchs & their trickledown minions can be lovingly brought back into human fold. Julian was trying to expose hidden oligarch institutional machinations, so regular people would be able to Culturally focus on ‘DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are
With Julian’s inspiration, lets get to the root-of-things.
Judeo-Christian, not sure, have you considered a fusion of Egyptian (pharaonic) – Roman (post-empire) – Lombard (Saxon?) – Khazar/Hungarians ? I’m not sure about the Egyptian masonic stuff we see on Epstein Island, replicated on the set of talk-show Ellen “DeGeneres” ( from French: degenerate, depraved ), through to the huge Masonic-Hollywood style film set built in Kazakhstan, and the giant snake head recently built at the Vatikan, but I am pretty sure all these things are put there to distract from the real core group, whose HQ is Switzerland, and whose public image is “goodies”.
Try this, as a general rule I would perhaps say, last one first
Joe Bogan, You are a constantly reliable source of wisdom & inspiration for me. Thank you for the Cult-of-the-Medics web-link. Oligarchy is a CONTINUUM of all of these same oligarch empire heritages. Indigenous people worldwide were conscious intentional sovereign part of the ‘Great-good-way-of-kindness’ practiced on every continent in every nation. Unfortunately kindness was an easy target for brutal empire genocide, which we still as a world people have to come to acknowledge & balance in our systems of ECONOMIC-MEMORY. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/3-economic-memory
We’re mostly all looking for some truth I think.
On “Saxon” some might say I should have said “Teutonic”, I don’t know.
Charlemagne, perhaps founder of Zurich, forerunner of the Eurozone, born and died in Aachen, near Belgium. I am trying to implicate his empire with the Norman Conquest of England by Saxons and Danes, with their Domesday book, in 1066. Of course they have all been mixing their bloodlines for a long time, and all the records are written in German, making a difficult proposition effectively impossible for me anyway.
They said when the Romans got out of Aachen about 400AD, it was taken over by Koln (Cologne) so we are getting closer to Saxony.
Maastricht treaty, the foundational treaty of the EU, short drive to Aachen
Note according to Sean Hross (GIUREH) this is also the area of castles with pedo dungeons
Holland – illusion of a free country (2 min)
German commoners being driven nuts again
Cops in Holland shooting a farmer for driving tractor (1 min)
Isn’t this the same guy who fulsomely endorsed the Mar-a-lago fake news media event
Ever heard this in German?
Julian Assange has backing –
For the owner/controllers of the United States of Amerika/Amarka/Omorca, their ultimate objective is control of the whole world.
It is time that this knowledge becomes common.
Jer.51:7 “Babylon was a golden cup in the hand of God, making all the Earth drunk.The nations have drunk of her fermented wine therefore the nations are insane”.
All of the different pagan gods are just different manifestations of Nimrod the founder of Babylon and his wife ( The Two Babylons- Hislop )
From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary [the first Jesuits were Jews], the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ see note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]
and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4
“……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.
[…] Source […]
Pretty Patel, lol , how many steps between WEF and Garland(Gollum).
Spoiler: Not many if any
Lets see, Ray-Gun, Trump, Ukrainian guy.
Mel Gibson for PM
yes Mister President, these are the democratic executive orders that will be signed
gather round girls, is that dress soooo, Coco Channel.
Anyone outside Australia or not watching the news would not have noticed a guy was shooting at the windows of the Canberra airport, does this mean Elbow wants to urgently do a guns roundup in Canberra, sure looks that way, they got their Oswald from the airport book repository but not much detail has emerged.
Meanwhile it looks like Gulag Gladys has got a gig as Globalist mole inside Optus, listen from 0:38 or earlier, quite funny actually
” does this mean Elbow wants to urgently do a guns roundup in Canberra, sure looks that way,” – I’ve been dong this shit for more than a third of a century. I have been picking up the ‘vibes’ about another gun control agenda for about six months. – Watch out, I anticipate that the government is going to pull another psy-op.
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands given by the master (“Handler” in Monarch parlance).
Manchurian Candidates
The various avenues used to control human behavior under MKULTRA included:
harassment substances
paramilitary devices
materials “LSD” being the most widely dispensed “material”
A special procedure, designated MKDELTA, was established to govern the use of MKULTRA abroad. MKULTRA/DELTA materials were used for harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes.[8]
There were 149 subprojects listed under the umbrella of MKULTRA. Project MONARCH has not been officially identified by any government documentation as one of the corresponding subprojects, but is used rather, as a descriptive “catch phrase” by survivors, therapists, and possible “insiders”.
MONARCH may in fact, have culminated from MKSEARCH subprojects such as operation SPELLBINDER, which was set up to create “sleeper” assassins (ie. “Manchurian candidates”) who could be activated upon receiving a key word or phrase while in a post-hypnotic trance.
Operation OFTEN, a study which attempted to harness the power of occultic forces was possibly one of several cover programs to hide the insidious reality of Project MONARCH.
DianeDevere, Monarch Programming Mind Control, Multiple Personality Disorder, Behaviour Modification, Shock Therapy, Drugs, Tavistock, CIA, McGill U., Dr. Cameron, MKULTRA, CHATTER truth drugs, BLUEBIRD, Allen Dulles, ARTICHOKE, MONARCH, 7Feb’15 https://monarchprogramming.wordpress.com/category/marionette-syndrome
Comment 16Aug’22 WHAT DO WE KNOW FOR SURE? Noticeable in this article are many mind-control ‘hate’ triggers to the average western brainwashed mind. The over-used ‘hate’ triggers, take the reader away from understanding the larger colonial cultural practices of economic & mind-control, which leave us all so vulnerable.
During WW2 the western ally top-down ‘exogenous’ (Latin ‘other-generated’) oligarch controlled colonial nations engaged in the murder of around 15 million as well as genocide (removing people from their means of livelihood) of 100 million 1st Nations & ‘indigenous’ (L ‘self-generating’) peoples in their colonial ‘possessions’ worldwide. Western nations as can be observed in the brief descriptions given were involved in more horrific & more widespread concentration camps, prisoner drug trials, torture, deprivation, starvation etc. During the Nuremberg Show Trials, no Axis defence was allowed without capital-punishment, extensive imprisonment & death of those who would speak their truth & will. Nuremberg follows the Rhine starvation death camps in which millions of German & Axis soldiers were intentionally starved to death. Oligarch-controlled Allies were able to pin the war blame on the AXIS nations, supported by the last 87 years with total propaganda. The word “NAZI” is a ‘hate’ trigger mirror used over 15 times in this article, which really represents the common practices of the so-called ‘victors’. General Curtis LeMay: “If we’d lost the war, we’d all have been prosecuted as war criminals” 10Apr’22 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/aug/09/dont-let-the-victors-define-morality-hiroshima-was-always-indefensible
When one becomes familiar with the laws & customs which 1st Nations & indigenous peoples such as those described in the interdisciplinary Circle-of-Life, our human understanding & expectations for loving relations rise significantly. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/home/indigenous-circle-of-life
Oligarch directed western nations, have violently invaded, genocided & destroyed over the past 7000 years of failed empire after empire over the past 7000 years. When we begin to understand our own indigenous loving natures, we also become aware of the tyrannical hierarchal Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative & Judicial-Complex, which constant abuses & death-cult is considered “Normal” to colonial society. Of course this is the brainwashing which makes colonial westerners so susceptible to the brainwashing programs described in this article.
Mohandas Gandhi understanding this pattern called for open public Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published dialogues with the ten Axis Nation peoples & leaders, but Western leaders such as the murderous Churchill, subverted this ‘Satyagraha’ (Hindi ‘Truth-search’) process based on India’s ancient ‘Swadeshi’ (H. ‘indigenous’ aka ‘self-sufficiency’) movement & part of the worldwide indigenous ‘Council-Process’, during indigenous times part of every nation on every continent & island.
How to go about easy simplified ‘debate’ (French ‘de’ = ‘undo’ + ‘bate’ = ‘the-fight’)f as a Both-sided, equal-time, recorded & shared or published dialogue. Mohandas Gandhi developed ‘Satyagraha’ (Hindi ‘truth-search’) based upon simultaneous inquiry with both parties in dispute or re-search asking, “What are your best intentions & how can we help you fulfill these?”. Gandhi, “I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a coward. Possession of arms implies an element of fear, if not cowardice. But true non-violence is an impossibility without the possession of unadulterated fearlessness.” We need transparency in all levels of human solutions at home, school, media, business for all stakeholders. As Socrates proposed, dialectics (both-sided inquiry) should be the foundation of social & economic literacy both for collaborative-research & as necessity may arise for conflict-resolution. The oligarch owned west plays ‘Right-to-Protect’ game for 100s of colonial years keeping citizens in the dark staging many 100s of False Flag events, colonial invasion & genocide. NO-WAR until we hear Both-Sides present in Equal-Time, Recorded & Published Debate. Most issues & events in our colonial oligarch manipulated & consumptive world aren’t as they appear. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues
Diane, would it be reasonable to estimate that the various evil doctors and nurses, dishing out the MK torture, had had MPD and therefore a slave got called out?
Trish Fotheringham used to imply that she envisioned thousands or even millions of such persons in North America. (Her dates of life were 1960-2020).
Dedicated to Julian Assange’s decade of false imprisonment
I bet he wishes he was a galley slave now, must be better than the oubliette
ramming speed, lol, a monkey pox. Judah goes home to the pox from memory.
Julian gets a hall pass, just so strange(all of it). I’m stumped there for sure. There are good guy right, yes !
We’re all servants of the emperor, for better or worse.
Its a bankers war right. Perfect setup, takes a few Dunkirk’s to get there sometimes-wink
Anthony Albanese, aka, elbow and possibly the candyman
so the go to guy for free Julian. k, I go away, but, ahh never mind
16th August 10am to 3pm Adelaide AHPRA office 80 Grenfell street Adelaide
Event organiser Millions March against Mandatory Vaccinations
Last week, as FBI agents were carrying a fully armed cruise missile out of Mar-a-Lago, one of them noticed a memo pinned to the wall in the kitchen. It read:
“Call Vlad about 18 holes at Beachfront Paradise.”
And that note unraveled the whole plot.
It turns out that Trump, who supports the new Saudi-backed pro golf tour, had an appointment to play a round at his new course, Beachfront Par-a-Mega, on August 24th, with Ahmed Igor.
Igor, 27, is a golfer on the Saudi tour.
Had Trump not been stopped by the FBI raid, he would have passed the nuclear launch codes to Igor, who would have flown to Moscow and delivered them to Vladimir Putin.
Henry Kissinger is scared (and he’s 99)
Includes quote from ANthony Bourdain who was “suicided” a couple of years ago
Thank you Mary for supporting Assange!
Brahms Cello Sonata op.38 2d mvt, Camille Thomas and Beatrice Berrut
(Camille Thomas is at this time 23 yoa and Beatrice 26. For 70 years I tried hard but got nowhere on piano, I admire them immensely.)
Keep trying, Foffa.
Or as Diane DeVere always says: Never give up.
Dear Diane, lining them up or in a dark hole, with you.
Big Hug Simon travelling with you through the realms
Swissy Land, Pharaohic Aristocracy, Octagon Nazi Templars, Freemasons, Order of the Gartar
Not to forget monetary command and industrial complex, millitary command and industrial complex, medical command and industrial complex, media command and industrial complex, mafia command and industrial complex, as they tell us, “We’re all in this together” and “Hand over your guns”.
Mary’s shift to v talk, so multi topic by propagation.
so much here including TGA tacit approval, but they are painting calibration vector’s all over themselves. To wit:
another not so smart billionare
fire in the hole or fish in a barrel, but an example of what floats past for those with patience at the riverside
Thank you for being inspirational in bringing truth to light, in these changing times where digital surveillance is not normal and will never be.
Julian exposed the perpetraitors by simply releasing a video of them filming what they do. He has done no wrong.
With oil on top of water, even if you win, still end up paying legal costs. The judiciary is just ice, and unless sacked, it’s collection as usual.
They always want more power and control, more so with AI the most oppressive system ever now enforced. Some cannot believe such evil exists, thinking everyone has goodness in them. Fact is, they are born evil and can only do evil. The super wealthy criminal class have become more powerful and wealthy. The puppet governments cover for them, implementing multiple technotronic CCP (new kids on the block) control mechanisms.
Nothing good ever comes from the hands of the few, now listening and tracking every move we make.
And you are the many, Ant. And you have spoken. I guess that’s how it works.
Top dogs are getting nervous.
We live and pray for better days, knowing every moment a blessing.
We are moving on, our youth deserve much better than this dystopian horror now everywhere.
Sadly, Perbrights with associates have all the hardware and we have none.
In Sydney, agenda 2030 is on steroids with CCP development dominating. Guess they’ll be used to police all the nations coming here competing for less.
We really need to form the “anti-globalist alliance” party.
Maybe late but something is better than nothing.
Man tells what he did in Abu Ghraib:
Did Isaac Newton predict major turn in Bible prophecy?
Pope’s visit, super experiment, Shemitah, blood moons all converging in September
……………………….”Occult magic, science and technology are used to rule the world, and this was the thesis of Aldus Huxley’s ‘Brave New World,’ as well,” McGuire told WND. The conclusion of McGuire’s new book, “Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Times Mystery,” co-authored with Troy Anderson, is that God’s people can’t fight the New World Order with mere human weapons. The regular conservative politics of the day will be rendered futile against demonic powers in high places, he said, which the Apostle Paul warned of in Ephesians 6.
“So you have a human Christian population trying to fight Luciferian power with human power. As long as they’re looking to humans to fight for them they’re going to lose,” McGuire said. “Donald Trump isn’t going to save us.”
McGuire sees the founding of America as having a dual purpose. Some meant it for good, others for evil, and there’s been a cosmic battle for the nation’s soul ever since. “It’s a strange beginning. You have a very odd combination. Both forces are at play in this,” McGuire said. “You do have Illuminati involved in the forming of America. But you also have Jonathan Edwards and the first great awakening. Edwards was not only spiritual but also intellectual. Edwards preached the sermon ‘Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God’ that ignited the first Great Awakening and it released such power that it embedded itself in the Bill of Rights, these biblical principles of inalienable rights, that your rights come from God and not man, the abuse of power, etc. We need a biblical third great awakening.” ……………..
This statue of Shiva, the destroyer, sits in front of CERN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
CERN has a statue of “Shiva the Destroyer” the anti-creator
“This is an outright act of defiance, as if to shake their fists at the Creator. At the entrance to one of its buildings, CERN has a statue of “Shiva the Destroyer” the anti-creator. This statue shows their intention. The Destroyer has other pagan names; “Abaddon” and “Apollyon.” Both are referred to in Scripture (Revelation 9)”.
When I think CERN, I think Henry Kissinger.
A voice from Taiwan, China: Liu Xin speaks to Huang Chih-Hsien
“Merrick Garland Is a Lunatic”
Comment by “Jackson”
“Imagine if this bum had made it to SCOTUS?
He would have tried to outlaw Christianity”
Response from “Pierre de Craon”:
“Still, if there has been a Jew since Lazar Kaganovich who has exhibited more hatred for white people, Christians especially, than Garland/Garfinkle, I don’t know who it is. Like Kaganovich, Garland is using the power of the state to create a neo-Bolshevik environment within the US borders, to deprive white people of their political rights, to destroy their livelihoods, and to imprison them on utterly specious grounds at every opportunity. Garland’s astonishingly brazen misuse of his prosecutorial power, in combination with the utterly corrupted FBI—which is now no more than the second coming of the old Soviet Cheka, a nationwide secret police force—has met virtually no resistance from anyone with even a modicum of influence in Washington, Republicans least of all. So much for partisan discord!”
I would like nothing more than to see Julian brought home where he belongs, so I agree with you on that.
But one paragraph you wrote has me scratching my head, can you please explain it to me Mary..
“I resided in Australia for much of my adult life. My friends there say that the UK should not allow the US to snatch Assange, as he will be so badly treated in a US court. Heck, I want to see him in a courtroom in beautiful America.”
You say he should not be extradited to the U.S. but then you say you want to see him in a courtroom in beautiful America..
Shouldn’t it be a beautiful courtroom in Australia?