Home Australia Ministry of I know Nothing

Ministry of I know Nothing


Keating with Chalmers pic: SMH Chalmers wrote his doctoral thesis on Keating’s career

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Outspoken shadow Home Affairs spokesman Senator James Paterson says the government has lost control of inflation and homebuyers could face two or even three more interest rate rises.

“As we have said many times, the monthly numbers bounce around, (it doesn’t) compare the same goods and services,” says Treasurer Dr. Chalmers. 

Doctor of Political Science Chalmers is not an economist, possibly not even a mathematician of much repute, and that makes him an ideal treasury spokesman. He can throw money around anywhere at all while claiming it is “not inflationary”.

Politicians of course have a lot of experience with lying, the strategy is nothing new, the old Asian saying “tongue has no bone” probably goes back millennia.

The first preparation for telling lies is to condition yourself to the possibility and then the belief that what you are saying is true. If you don’t know the truth this is easier, therefore a well-presented individual with not much background in maths, finance or economics is ideal for lying about the economy. Add to that, the interest rates setting has been hived off to the Reserve Bank and for decades now, arm’s length from government. The latest lies concern the supposed improvement in the economy. Should we be more generous and call their lies “pretending”?

The so-called persistent inflation indicator numbers are being leveraged by the black economy being mopped up.

The GST receipts are increasing with every cafe, bar, restaurant and small retailer that switches to “card only” payments. These GST receipts accumulate in the national accounts and appear as growth in the non-black economy, which is of course the only economy that counts to our overseers.

The small business owners are tired of dishonourable employees pilfering from the cash drawer so they switch to card only, the customers are sold on the convenience of “paywave”, which was introduced without an off-switch.

The government is happy as the GST receipts increase while the lowest of the underclass, who seem to have been surviving on cash jobs, now do the only thing left they can think of to get cash, they beg for it at traffic lights and on city streets.

For this falsified increase in economic activity, the price we pay is collective, we are told we need to pay higher interest rates, with the resultant knock-on effect to the economy being creatively described as “walking a narrow path”.

We have already endured a widely understood and accepted 5 quarters per capita* recession commencing 1 Jan 2023 (*excludes data arising from immigrants).

The false solution to the problem created by excessive government borrowing has been covered in this series since the very first essay, “Magic Money Tree” from December 2021, the reader may like to site search using j.g. as keyword, for predictions of recalcitrant, gangbusters inflation and then of interest rate increases being made since (at least) early this year. We will pay the banks as much interest as the economy will bear, excepting during staged events such as “Covid-19”.

We have been completely snookered by the banks who collaborate with government ministers who seem to have not much prescience about any future except their own career paths. Now we are locked into the world’s highest house prices, or if you prefer, the world’s biggest house prices to wages ratio, engineered by loan-fuelled property bidding. Government is at the mercy of banks, partly for their ongoing careers, and until told otherwise their plan is to keep lying until everything blows over. The election is coming and it is a chill wind, all too soon for the incumbents who have presided over one dire failure after another.

So how about these Reserve Bank dividends we hear so much about? Perhaps they could save the economy? We are assured they are fed back into the Australian Government’s accounts.

From Portfolio Budget Statements 2024–25:

“The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation and the Reserve Bank of Australia do not appear in the Portfolio Budget Statements as they are not part of the general government sector”. 

Official Public Account (OPA) 

The OPA is the Australian Government’s central bank account held within the Reserve Bank of Australia. The OPA reflects the operations of the CRF.

Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) 

The principal operating fund from which money is drawn to pay for the activities of the Government. Section 81 of the Australian Constitution provides that all revenue raised or monies received by the Executive Government forms one consolidated revenue fund from which appropriations are made for the purposes of the Australian Government.

Why is the Reserve Bank of Australia touted as a payer of dividends to the Australian Government when this information doesn’t appear in the budget papers? It almost looks as if the government exists inside the Reserve Bank.

In any case, it seems we need a major new income stream.

Packaging Czar Anthony Pratt, Wonderboy Jim Chalmers and Paul Keating.  Picture: Jeremy Piper, AFR


Chalmers new move is to lock up your superannuation, to be used for priming the economy – another wage cut, but wait there’s more.

The latest scheme of our international bank driven governments is now writ large: the global budgets are being directed toward the militaries.

As with any other empire, the British Empire devolves and simplifies into a military and banking regime. Why do useful work when you can get anything you need by cheating and bullying? Australian public spending is currently being diverted toward nuclear (Dutton), biolabs (CSIRO), rocketry (Darwin) and culling of useless eaters (mRNA injections). These quasi-military activities do not show up on the defence budget, already blown up to massive proportions by the US submarines deal, as well as frigate building.

A few pointers:

New NATO chief Mark Rutte distinguished himself as Dutch PM by funding Ukraine and Israel, as well as arguing with Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

US brinkmanship (eg. Biden’s recent bombing inside the Russian border) is met by Russian resistance and now we have an official new front for the new cold war, the DMZ in Korea.

Turkiye has now swung in behind Lebanon after wooing and being rejected by the Eurozone for decades, formalising an anti-Israel bloc.

In a tit-for-tat move, Russia has banned 81 western media outlets claiming misinformation about the Ukraine war.

It’s as if all the cards are being shuffled.

G7 leaders – a bunch of tired failures led by a newbie (Meloni, centre) pic: internet Blueblood Ursula von der Leyen incapable of even dressing herself appropriately.

There is more than one weakness in the US presidential system. The Vice Presidency has an inherent power which comes in two halves: the VP is actually formally elected and the VP is also one bullet away from the presidency. The VP enjoys a lack of attention and a shortage of scrutiny. Famous VPs of history include not only the mysterious Mike Pence but celebrity villains Lyndon Johnston, Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, George HW Bush, Dick Cheney and Joe Biden. What a collection, and cannot be accidental. Et tu Brutus?

An inherent weakness of democracy is that the parties can arrange a landslide swindle, as has happened in parts of Australia, resulting in an effective one-party state with top-down rule. Translated to the USA, at present Biden is promoting the Ukraine battlefield, while next year, potentially with greater public support than ever, Trump could be championing the Zionist expansions.

Not all there – pic: internet

Things aren’t done for just one reason, they are done for a multiplicity of reasons, which can be more than the sum of their parts, they are done to cater to all the vested interests, as best as possible, in combination they become a philosophy, a guiding philosophy, more reliable than any contract, the next step below a religion with its adherents and fanatics.

Thus the cull of the useless eaters serves more than one purpose, firstly to satisfy egos, secondly to acquire more resources, and thirdly to make our societies more competitive as we are transformed into a purer militarism.

The ancient Merovingian symbol is the bee and for good reason, the hives are being moved into an Orwellian bi- or tri-polar world, a Cold War Mk 2.

The bee morphed into the fleur-de-lys for any of a multiplicity of reasons. Lys is a town near Bern in Switzerland, lys can be a play on words, in Italian luce means light so associates with Lucifer, all of these disguises conceal the bee. The lily flower is laid on graves. What better symbol could there be than a bee which attacks with pure, suicidal fanaticism to defend the hive.

The most perfect empire consists of a ruler atop a pyramidal structure which enslaves all the nations around by the force of its military and fiat money hegemony.

This is the future they desire for all of us and they work to enslave us on every level: nationally by constant taxation, globally via the United Nations, mentally by furnishing us with symbols such as flags and all sorts of notions of how life should be lived. We spend our time examining what they have already done to us while they have the next moves well underway, such as DEWs being passed off as the absurd carbon dioxide “Global Warming”. We are always a step behind.

Well meaning individuals come up with their ideas for how to save the world such as being kind to animals or saving plastic without ever realising what the real causes of problems are, and how they are engineered in. The incredible momentum built into the existing system means it can hardly stop on a dime, possibly it cannot even slow down. The public is sleepwalking toward CBDCs, which will be sold as globally portable, no fees, no interest, no holding back.

The fleur-de-lys features centrally in this interpretation of the Revelations beast with seven heads, ten crowns etc.



  1. Every time I read one of Mr. Olsen’s essays, I keep reminding myself that, either Mr. Olsen is unaware that what he puts out is common knowledge, at least on this site, and that he is either oblivious to what is being played out in this spiritual war going on all around us, or, he chooses to omit what he may be well aware of?

    Every previous Global Reset by the controllers of this world, and there have been many, especially over the past two hundred years, has used the same playbook to bring down the old and to usher in the new so as to gain even more control over this planet.

    What we really need to be reading about are some remedies as to how we can extract ourselves out of the Globalist system of control, but, without the blood shed that usually accompanies such revolts.

    So how about it Mr. Olsen, are you aware of any such remedies?

    • Thank you Melina. I don’t think you realize that any one who takes to acknowledging first peoples as being the rightful owners of this land, has already fallen under the spell of the Globalist Corporations.

  2. For we abnormal, have heaps of fun with Mary at a situation update tonight at beforeitsnewsnews.com.
    Couple of points; TRAP set for the arrest of T if he broke a court gag order in the debate🍿🍿
    What did I say about Assange recently, about him not being in prison? Ha, he had a double and was out wearing a white hat and handing over the goods💁🤪
    And who is going to turn the tables on the CeyeA Mexican mob with a revolution.
    All fun and mystery for the show🙀🍿🍿🍿🍿
    Then there is Israel and Lebanon in acock fight coming with a few turns for the betting punters.
    The theatre must close the curtain soon and bank accounts will have to be firewalled. They do not have the deposited cash to return?💁🙀😱

    • Interesting to see what event occurs first, Sleepy Joe’s ‘medical emergency’ as in the fake bird flu epidemic, or the financial crash and Bank runs, which will also take down Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange, and will be the first domino for the rest of the world to follow.

    • Hans – anyone who has followed Q from the beginning, or even attempted to comprehend what Q is all about, by at least going over a few Q drops, would have known the real Biden had been ‘shot’, as Trump told everyone in 2020, and the actor going as Joe Biden, while similar in some features, was obviously not the real Biden.

      Nearly four years of stumbles, lost sentences, aimless wanderings, incoherent speech etc, etc, and there are still 51% of those who voted Biden in 2020, who would vote for him again!

      Such is the effect of ‘Operation Mockingbird’ and the CIA’s propaganda and covert mind altering agendas – then there is just the plain stupid that no one can do anything with.

      I didn’t watch the ‘debate’ – where is the point when you know that it is all a setup designed to wake the truly stupid up – well, good luck with that.

  3. G5 wrote on December 8, 2020 that Biden had just been arrested .

    I generally found his stuff to be more accurate than Q , who openly admitted “some” disinformation was necessary .

    • Your greeknewsondemand link is a real greatest hits of the fake Bidens-Obamas of recent years, just shows again, the history is written by the winners

    • Hans – in wartime, disinformation is given out as necessary by both sides.

      If you judge Q based on what you believe is disinformation, then I would suggest you dig a little deeper as to what Q imparts from the drops. The disinformation is for those who choose to skim over the intelligence imparted, and is not absorbed by those who know what Q is all about.

      You could begin at the very beginning of October, 2017, and onward. There is much dropped around that time and into 2018, that is only now proving that the many posts at that time actually predicted what is now occurring.

      But, as Q has stated, the Q board is not for everyone.

    http://www.whatreallyhappened.com -new
    Tucker pinged you fools, frauds and fakes.
    The only program worth listening to is ABC CLASSIC WITH INFORMED professional PRESENTERS.
    However: this morning a news snippet on the program stated that Biden fluffed the early part of the debate AND TRUMP LIED …. And another quip which was similar.
    WELL ABC DIMWITS, do some factual research before you again try to misrepresent some real results of the ‘debate’.
    Go scroll through the what really happened link above for the 28/6 whilst soaking your poor vacant skulls in a warm bath with epson salts to relax and get a grip on reality, before more serial deceit and misinformation is dumped on your listeners.
    Tucker, you want it? Well you can have it and do something with it! Start with its reporters.

    • As we can see above, Keating is running this second recession we had to have, through his puppet Mr Charming. If you tell them to sell the crooked ABC-TV they may well do it, the employees won’t care, they will hope they get a pay raise by licking the boot even more enthusiastically. Meanwhile the Globalists who bought 20% of SBS-TV will buy the ABC-TV and like SBS they will flood us with ads from the UN agencies begging for donations. Sure donate to UNxxx or UNxxx so they can send minions out to visit the young African prostitute girls and boys they are so cheap, also the weather is nice. There must be a lot going on, there must be red light districts and beach resorts in Africa, all we ever see is skinny people dying so I can’t say where the hotspots are and no plans to go to Africa. Donate to UNxxx and pay for some pedo holiday plan.

      • When Keating is running Treasurer Mr Charming and Keating’s daughter is being caught hanging out with Ghizlene and Epstein, it makes things a bit clearer why we “had to have” that recession and also this one, and why the Australian economy is being run into the ground and businesses are being taxed half to death, this is not really some form of socialism, it is strangulation, the old Australia is being murdered and the new one will come from out of the corpse, with glazed eyes and ready for formation marching, I recall the old Kurt Vonnegut book, he wrote “rented a tent, a tent, a tent, rented a tent, a tent, a tent”, the soundtrack of the future, coming our way, luckily I will not be around forever

  5. Two Labor stooges photographed with the boss (son of), eh. And a commenter asked for a solution. How does the saying go: none so blind…
    Manly P Hall once wrote: when the human race learns to read the language of symbols a great veil will fall from the eyes of men.
    If a fleur-de-lys was drawn on the front of a ballot paper people would still obediently tick the boxes. (Sigh)

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