Home Awakening New Swabia (Neuschwabenland)

New Swabia (Neuschwabenland)


J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Fascinatingly, many Useless Eaters seem more au fait with the monetary aspects of the Great Reset than they do the Depopulation Agenda by Experimental Lethal Injections.

All over the world now, the winds of monetary change are felt to be rising.

Countries presently interested in joining the BRICS grouping include: Indonesia, Mexico, Argentina, Turkiye, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Iran, and the front-runner, (formerly French) Algeria.

They are dissatisfied with the USD hegemony and the dollar bills are always greener across the fence and elsewhere. Though the future of the competing system developed by communist super-states can only be guessed at, it is anticipated to be preferable.

To survive, the best option for the USD hemisphere is not through endless bullying but rather by offering a competitive product, with convenience and security front and centre. The CBDCs will have to be rebadged, perhaps as recession busters or some other free money gimmick, which will work as usual. People are always led by money as if by a ring through their nose, which they barely realise is there.

However many are by now also awake to the fact that money is being drained off the public at a record speed, with taxes and bills increasing in every way, and the wealth disappearing to central agencies, many of which are based in and around Geneva, such as financial centres, major reinsurers and World Government Agencies such as the W.H.O.

The installed frontman Joe Biden restored US funding to the W.H.O. as soon as Trump left the building.

During World War II and long before, since the creation of the Vatican Bank, wealth has been disappearing into Switzerland, and surely not all of it has been idle. Some part of it, maybe all of it is being used for projects the public knows little or nothing about.

Photo montage that is found on the internet

By now we do know all about the WEF’s founder Klaus Schwab, a Euro blueblood of sorts, reportedly half Swiss and half Rothschild, or some such mix. He has been on a publicity drive for quite some time. If Swabia still existed in law he might be known as Klaus, Duke of Schwabenland. However, contemporary Swabia is just a borderless part of modern Germany. Previously it encompassed territory from Stuttgart (β€œcar city”) down to Zurich. Thus, a distinct point of interest is that formerly, Schwabenland took in Zurich, the fortress of Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire, all sponsored by the Vatican, and safely assumed depository for the Catholic tithes of northern and western Europe.

After World War II, mid-level Nazis along with their loot, disappeared in all directions. High level Nazis in smaller numbers were tried at military tribunals and the rest pleaded the Nuremberg defence: just following orders. Paperclip Nazis to the USA, Azov Nazis to Ukraine, Argentine Nazis to Buenos Aires and southern Brazil where they became plantation operators, exporting cocaine to the USA.

β€œOn the morning of the 10th of July 1945, the German U-boat U-530 arrived at the Argentine naval base at Mar del Plata near Buenos Aires, two months after the German surrender and the end of the war in Europe on the 8th of May 1945.

Rumours spread that it had brought Hitler, Eva Braun, Martin Bormann and others and had landed them on the coast of Patagonia or Antarctica before reaching Mar del Plata. A week later a Hungarian exile in Argentina, Ladislas Szabo wrote a detailed account in a local newspaper of how Hitler and his entourage had supposedly escaped Germany. The story quickly spread worldwide and versions of it appeared in other newspapers in many countries. On the 17th of August, another U boat, U-977 also arrived at Mar del Plata, further fuelling speculation. The commanders of these U-boats and their crews were arrested and interrogated by naval personnel from Argentina, the USA and the UK, they all concluded that the arrivals were innocuous and the crews were released.”

A trove of Nazi paraphernalia found in Argentina.

Methinks Pope Francis overuses β€œNazi” as a pejorative … rumours


The Falkland Islands group is the closest British possession to the Antarctic Peninsula, a uniquely valuable stepping-off point. After the war in 1982 the Argentine army was beaten and humiliated. The conflict began when Argentina invadedΒ and occupied the Falkland Islands, followed by the invasion of South GeorgiaΒ the next day. The duration of the war was 74 days.

In 1996 the Azov Nazi Vernadsky research base was transferred from the UK to Ukraine.

Vernadsky research base

It must be understood that the climate of the Antarctic Peninsula is not so terrible as is always presented — with nothing but ice and penguins. In fact, it is on the same latitude as Trondheim, the ancient capital of Norway, which has been continuously inhabited for more than a thousand years, and boasts a huge medieval cathedral as well as a fortress, fishing harbour, and so forth. The weather in Trondheim is nice enough for most of the year, though only getting up to about 20 degrees C in summer, hardly worse than English weather.

Antarctic Vegetation https://antarcticsun.usap.gov/science/4039/

The overland explorers Amundsen, Scott and Mawson are celebrated but Byrd, who named many of the landmarks is less well known. He was well sponsored by various oligarchs of the era including John D. Rockefeller Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_E._Byrd

Scott’s odd and fairly miserable pony expedition:


Vicinity of Scott base in the video below (Scott base is next door to McMurdo station).

The legendary secret Nazi base was in an ice cave on a geothermal spring. With a hot spring and a fire hose pump an ice cave would be an easy thing to create. According to rumours Operation Highjump was a 1946 project to destroy the base.

According to fact checkers the rumours of Nazi flying saucers coming out of the sea along with everything else are deplorable and utter nonsense.

US President Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry’s Antarctica visit came during the caretaker presidency immediately after the 2016 Trump election win. It’s claimed he was looking for Climate Change, which at that time was known as Global Warming, the successor to The Greenhouse Effect, all of which has failed to materialise.

The timing of Kerry’s visit is quite remarkable and completely mysterious.

Wikileaks photos: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2016/11/wikileaks-photos-john-kerry-visit-and-ufos-in-antarctica/

(( splash videos ))

US Navy









  1. This is what the Schwab must delight in… chaos. More chaos, the more Schab closes in on his great reset. (or maybe NOT) Paris video

  2. “but Byrd, who named many of the landmarks is less well known. He was well sponsored by various oligarchs of the era including John D. Rockefeller Jr.”

    Oh, sh*t.

  3. OK, want to know what is happening?
    No? go read a bible.
    Yes? Then,
    Listen to the latest x22report.com episodes
    3024 A and B.
    As for the silly valley bank, catch up on what also has recently happened in the Virgin Islands court proceedings re J P Morgan dealings with Epstein.
    Update referred to in episode B
    Much more to catch up on.
    Poor normies and the ignorant usual wheelbarrow brigade.

  4. Even Joe Stalin knew that Hitler, under Borman’s plan, had escaped Berlin.

    Argentina and Paraguay were instrumental in the continuation of the ‘Third Reich’ down under.

    Watch ‘Grey Wolf’ on YT – if it is still up. Lays out in documentary form, how Borman set up the ‘Third Way’ with the billions he siphoned off of the SS and Organization Todt, which gave him eventual control over the West’s financial services.

    Joseph Farrell, historical author, has a good read, titled, Nazi International. All backed up with many easily verified references and sources.

    We’ve all been lied to for many decades concerning both world wars..

    • The USA is being attacked by stealth from every conceivable direction.
      Freedom will not be tolerated by Globalists, they see the end game.
      People now are tired, weary, of injections and government attacks.
      They pine for the simple life, football and beer and sausages.
      They would rather pretend the attacks of the elites are finished.
      Complacency will be their demise, it is already all written and well known, the end times are here, and they won’t be prevented by these stultified sheeple.
      Possibly delayed a few years by Trump at the maximum.

  5. Ukraine Antarctic base checking out weather at different atmospheric levels
    Micro-organisms living in the snow, waiting for some global warming
    No visitors allowed because of Covid, is the UK paying for all this, must be

  6. Ukraine – then and now
    @00:50 Hitler’s plan to take over Ukraina
    @06:00 Supergun used at Crimea 1942
    @09:00 Prototype Stealth Bomber
    @13:00 Nazi “Sun Gun”

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