[A series of emails from G5]
by G5
Future View (2024)
The current round of moveable chairs in the GOP and the Dems is….
Dems: Michael Obama for President and Epsteinite Reed Hofffman VP.
GOP: de Santis for President and Haley VP.
MAGA Party: Trump President and Robert Kennedy VP.
Both Political Parties are now successfully internally fragmented and factionalized. The Kissinger-Schwab-Soros cabal has accomplished their considerable mission. JFK was murdered, LBJ seated, Nixon removed, Ford-Rockefeller seated, Trump demonised, and Biden seated.
The current position is for the GOP to select one of its heaviest baggage currying, Deep State trusted and owned as; Pence, de Santis, or Haley, to run against incompetent Michael Robinson-Obama.
It is not BlackRock, Vanguard etc who run the world…
…It is their major controlling interests. Squaring with government filth for the past half century is not …. anything I object to.
Certainly what has happened through industries of taxation and power base law, rivaling wars and genocides, directly perpetrated and visible.
Taxation is not required to function normal government. Study its true history. It is a mechanism of control. Confiscatory Taxation and Punitive Regulation are just that. Not issues of control and protection. Line up for your vaccinations and mean it.
The destruction of lives and entire economies, because the law stipulates is the monstrous filth that was perpetrated by elite elements that are now screaming: we were doing it for you and civilization.
The middle classes are on life support in America and the good news is spreading. It is not socialism to have imbeciles of government cannibalize government for their two psycho toys of dollars and appearance of power.
Woke and Deep State have invented at least two generations of lost. The unseen owners of the funds are the unseen owners of Russia, China, India, and Saudi Arabia. America is nothing, hiding from being offended in their safe mental spaces.
The four big international accounting firms that own and control Australia; for example; I saw coming from the apprentice garbage public servants I saw emerging from Sydney U. back in the day.
Report after report after insane commercial conviction after insane commercial conviction by good governance delivering the message. Has now delivered to Australia its long sought by moralized and intellectualized buffoonery.
Frauded elections as Victoria Australia, America, Canada, New Zealand, France, Ukraine, Georgia, The UK, The EU, have no meaning. It is the owned apparatchiks holding the levers that have been manipulated to their full potential of bastardry.
The evolved filth have enslaved their populations and delivered them to whom and to where they cannot see. AS THEY WOULD.
‘Reducing Population’
Dumb Dumb advises that the lupoids are ‘Reducing Population’.
How does that balance with The Rio Invasion?
Follow The Science: but they won’t define a woman. As when life begins cannot be identified.
Equality for women: but men in women’s sports is fine. Me To and Rape Hysteria: but men in your toilets, dressing rooms, and gaol cell is fine.
Black Lives Matter: but abort all Black foetuses.
Anything lipoids can’t fathom is Hate Speech and Racist.
The Law
Re: 19,000 Doctors Indicted for Covid Crimes | Real Raw News
The court system lost all credibility a very long time ago.
In Law 1 we had a text; ‘The English Legal System’. In History I encountered the activities of Roman Law. In reading Dickens I encountered Serjeants-at-Law. In reading English cases as well as personal experiences, and observing the activities of the American variant: I was never convinced.
I long lost my belief in the social presumptive: it searching like Diogenes to find the reality that always eluded it.
The appeal system is politically cute. It reminds me of The Vatican delivering Excommunications. The arrogance of Infallibility, and the arrogance of posturing knowledge of that to which it as none. Only to be reversed by Rehabilitation. Seamless astonishing arrogance.
If an appeal is won and a convicted is released: the policing partners in the initiating crime of the false conviction, do not reopen any investigation, to find any real perpetrator, because the guilty person was delivered to the court, and the court released them.
Donohue Stevenson is more than a Legal Fiction [the case established the ‘neighbour principle’]. Certainly not to Stevenson as the plaything victim.
Guildford, Birmingham, and Maguire cases are good. As the preposterous Denning had noted. The victims of the political manipulation of courts being well recorded. They were released; under strict conditions; of course. One must always defend the institution. How else would child molesting become the art form it did under The Vatican.
(In passing: I am reminded that the contemporary face of Jesus, is that of Cesare Borgia. One of the illegitimates (Vannozza dei Cattanei et al) of Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo de Borja). The young Cesare was archbishop at 12, cardinal at 18, then chased out of town for murderous, incestuous, but more importantly political misdeeds. Which brings to question The Shroud of Turin. Never truly examined. Which further renders the claimants of stigmata as mentally challenged.)
Released after the guilty judges had died and the police involved had retired. One must never expose to besmirching those chosen to be admired. People’s respect and trust in the institution would falter. Did I mention Diogenes searching for credibility.
The American variant of course: long being beyond belief.
Deliver official or court decisions, and say no more; JFK, RFK, MLK, 9/11, MH-17, etc.
Re: Situation Update: CIA MK Ultra Secret Experiments With Native Children In Canada! WW3 With Russia! Cancer Virus In CV Jabs!
No WWIII. HIV-AIDS in the jabs including the Flu Shots, as well as HPV.
Approved Human Clinical Trials.
Read reports (redacted): infants in a Canadian orphanage given CIA-LSD to determine what dose killed them. Hallucinations and convulsions videoed for scientific fun.
They also gave doses to an elephant to see what killed it.
Smallpox to native Americans and Syphilis to Blacks (Tuskegee experiments) denote Follow The Science Insanity.
All from The CIA; Ebola, HIV-AIDS, SARS 1 and 2, Mers, Nile, Crack, LSD, Fentanyl, Speed…..
As soon as Russia shut The Crescent, Fentanyl hit the streets.
FBI IG reports of the weaponised, rogue, corruption of The FBI, about which Wray cannot explain by his many opposing narratives. Apart from refusing to comply with Congressional Committee documentation and subpoena demands.
January 6 and Epps
The denied FBI operation of January 6, and the pending fake FBI Epps trial to deliver Epps as falsely not being an FBI operative, is to deliver a further fraudulent decision to be used in a forthcoming case of Epps suing Carlson for defamation. In order to steal Carlson’s assets and close his operations, as done to Jones.
However: video evidence exists delivering the two pipe bombs as an FBI operation.
The clip infra concerns the second false flag bomb. Remember innocents have been convicted and gaoled over Jan.6. Trump will release them if positioned back.
The clip shows the FBI operative talking to police. He positions the alleged bomb alleged bomb and moves from the scene.
Police and interestingly an identified Secret Service unit attached to Kamala Harris appear on the scene and play out the theatre.
The EU Parliament
The EU Parliament is falling apart by the pressures of revealed truths. There is an opposition grouping that has formed, exposing the un-elected, non-transparent, unaccountable apparatchik haven of destruction that is The EU.
From the time The Common Market was invaded and occupied by the insane apparatchik class which converted intents of trade into absurd political ideologies and historically proven economic failures: the outcome was set.
Today: every member of The EU is in varying states of economic devastation. As indeed is every member of NATO, from following the Enemies Under the Bed Fraud by the American Military Industrial Complex manipulated Foreign Policies and enemy inventions.
Democratising and Human Rights Inventions triggering The Planned Obsolescence and Fit For Use Frauds.
The UK can never recover from the economy destroying Polaris-Trident fool’s errand, and its entrapment in the pseudo empire of America.
‘Sound of Freedom’ is well briefed in the following.
Note: Soros, The Biden Laptop, Lab Leaks and Vaccination Effects. Also: ‘Washington Post’. ‘Guardian’, ‘Rolling Stone’, ‘Vice’, and CNN.
I am reminded that Soros owned Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas at the time The FBI fired down and murdered some 34 people in a gathering.
Popcorn is ready – I prefer a little butter on mine rather than that fake, like everything else the cabal has produced, margarine.
Beer on standby – bring it on!
CBDC’s-Your future is being decided
re: RealRawNews
Doctors are too smart to get involved in the injections, they have minions for that.
They just send the customer to the minion who tries to push the injection on to them, perhaps as part of a bundled “service”, to keep all your shit “up to date”.
Otherwise, the M$M victim turns themselves in at the public safe injection room.
With all first class and effective medicines banned by Rockerfellers, ModernMedicine reverts to medieval techniques:
This morning Richard Marles was at the army expo in Queensland “Operation Talisman Sabre” or similar name. The Minister for Defence as unconvincing as his predecessor with her weird and stupid clown suits. I don’t know what drugs they’re on, I wish they would put a fence around Canberra to keep us all safe. Anyway Marles said there were blue skies but it was so cold he thought the sun was broken.
Yes indeed Richard Marles you have noticed what all the Teal voters are too dumb to understand. Not sure if Bill Gates was spraying his atmospheric particles in the vicinity too but quite possible. When was he telling us about doing that, was it more than ten years ago ?
What now, that their treachery is out open for most to see, with jabs being the real killers?
This the result of blind faith in science rather than the Almighty. This science today is a totalitarian agenda of mass genocide by satanists who own banks and corporations, that have fleeced all common wealth who now wish to steal souls. Those not on board are silenced, as demonic proclaim their “truths” and anyone rejecting the official BS are now enemies of the state.
When will these criminals in power going to be charged with treason and mass murder?
Now they’ve stolen our pensions, raising eligibility to 67. Realise desk workers, we tradesmen and labourers are broken by our mid sixties. Working the wall, is like fighting Cassius, not for a few hours but eight hours or more most days for lifetime.
Anyway, where are the jobs? Are we going to get on pushbikes, delivering pizzas weaving in and out of traffic, sleeping ten to a room?
Another reason they want us dead is we remember life before their war on all people not in their club began. If the youth today can’t remember freedom, how will they see globalisation for what it is?
Constant surveillance of everyone on the planet, CBDC no cash, social credit score slavery with never ending jab mandates in order to buy and sell.
What has to happen is a mass stop 🛑 of all this BS now. The back room deals, money under tables, the bribery and blackmail with AI technology has to come down, if we don’t do it the Almighty most certainly will.
“They’re not talking about health, they’re talking about a transfer of wealth.”
James Corbett and James Roguski return to ‘Good Morning CHD’ with Dr. Meryl Nass to chronicle the latest on the WHO and global control efforts.
Links and references are available through Children’s Health Defense and The Corbett Report.
All this educational material is upsetting me.
Senator Katy Gallagher (finance minister) has feelings.
Here’s Senator Gallagher reacting to some mansplaining. (1 min)
Whatever happened to mansplaining.
Tanya Plibersek seems to have got her mansplaining video deleted.
Pepe Escobar: Neocons Want War With China
Yesterday (Updated: Yesterday)
Kishore Mahbubani on why the West can’t accept the rise of Asia
THE OBSERVER July 18 1852 Statistics of hot summers