[Some emails from G5]
by G5
Twitter CEO
The concern is that Musk made a major error by appointing Linda Yaccarino as Twitter CEO. Two points:
Firstly, it appears he is pandering to a portion of leftoid buying audience.
Secondly, he always sits them on a platform that has a break-open slide to oblivion, and he controls the lever.
She is to make left-wing hand gestures, but prepare core Twitter for the historic first trillion-dollar IPO.
Good v Evil. Either way, America cannot survive.
It must abandon all wars. It must default on all its debts and obligations. It must savage itself internally to remove its metastasized evil. It must become immediately self-sufficient in energy. It must abandon its green and renewable insanity. It must seal its borders and remove all aliens. It must have correct elections. It must honour its Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And then ask the forgiveness of the world for what it has done. (Short Youtube)
Ford was a mason which ties in with The JFK Affair.
The Bible used by Biden in that fake job was a Catholic Douay-Rheims. Arms folded and Obama’s hand in pocket, qualify. I haven’t seen anything stand out in his family shots.
The Dems are historically linked to The KKK, and Buchanan was a mason. Answers Biden’s survivability. Intel would know. (Freemason presidents)
Royal Shambles
Meghanista is a bought Narcissistic fool; Harry is a fool. It runs in his family — the de facto Hewitt and the de jure Royal. Harry is Williams half brother.
When Queen Mother died on 30 March 2002, she left Clarence House to Charlie, £20mil to Harry, and £7mil to William. Apart from the vast hidden and controlled. She knew William would collect the Cornwall, and later Lancashire Duchy and The Crown Estates etc.
That trust was managed through Coutts (440 Strand, where I have been) and Barclays.
She knew that Harry had made a major error and would need support in his ruined life. The money is in trust for him as a living stipend. Primarily controlled by Charlie and Anne. His personal accounts are paid for him. As omphaloskeptic big-thinking AltMedia occasionally postulate.
Diana was a public figure but also understood to be a major error. She was divorced, had her title removed, and was executed.
The British Royals have maintained their strength and existence through their women. But the women need the ethic. It was fine for Diana to complain about a third person in her marriage. But not good for Charlie to complain about an unknown number poking dipsy dopey.
At least Harry was visibly conceived and delivered. Unlike the lies from the great pathological concerning the tragic props of Archie and Lilibet.
The distance between Gatcombe (Anne) and Highgrove (Charlie and Diana) is 6 miles. Anne had invited Charles to Gatcombe on many occasions. Diana would not allow him to visit. Diana never invited Anne to Highgrove. At the christenings of Harry and William, it is traditional to have some 6 people as god patents. Traditionally Anne should have been one. Diana chose a coterie of fools and meaningless artesans as godparents for both children. Anne was never invited.
Anne was potentially her best friend. Diana cast her aside. Not the reverse. Diana published nonsense as has Meghan. Neither gained anything. At least Wallis Simpson and Fergie made wiser decisions. Apart from Simpson stealing from the family jewelry larder, and maintaining decades of interesting pieces and part pieces fronting the Geneva auction houses.
The non-coronated, serial rapist and child molester Edward VIII, and The NAZI funding Paris Rotschilds had no concerns when Herr Adolph visited that day for photo ops.
Give those who survive abortion and The Black-Spanish Civil War, the apartheid they want. But strict apartheid and no return.
Give the Blacks who want it, their own homeland. Isolate them as Palestinian Arabs. The ones who want to assimilate, bring them in for a test run.
The trans movement has done nothing for trans people and destroyed all women’s rights; privacy, bathrooms, sports, assembly, representation, civil rights, and respect.
The black movements have almost brought back the narrative of: that’s why we chained them back then. We turned them loose and look what happened.
The Black, Trans, and Women’s Communities must recover what has been stolen from them. Don’t look to The Straight White, Judeo-Christian, Patriarchal, Meritocracy, Males, because we have already passed the who gives a sh*t stage.
The Conspiracy Theorists are NEVER wrong
WWIII Fixations
I have written a number of times about America being fixated on causing WWIII. I have been constantly advising that Russia will not allow that to eventuate.
The closest was when de facto HRC pushed NATO into The Kosovo War in 1998-9, caused by American destabilising. She also caused The Kursk Incident (USS Memphis, Toledo).
Fortunately, on both occasions, Russia was able to push back against America.
Firstly by Russia and China making demands in The UNSC to stop The US-NATO gassing genocide. As a moral theatric: Milosovich was convicted of The War Crimes and Acts of War perpetrated by America, by The American puppet ICTY.
Subsequently overturned by The ICC. Even with its own history of distancing from reality.
So Milosovich commits suicide just prior to his release. As a desperate last resort trophy: America pumps up the relevance of Mladic, locks him up in England, and occasionally parades the trophy.
Putin infra speaks of America attempting WWIII through its War Crimes in Belgrade.
Pelosi just delivered some wind on some wacko channel, advising what a wonderful job Pendejos has done. They needed a comeback from the revelations of an entire family of the putrid. It’s a Dem thing. She has had so many great moments.
A hallway loaded with flags, she and fellow misfit Schumer delivering some waffle-fest.
In the 2016 interview; Trump will never become president, “You can take that to the bank”. Confirmed by Madcow, The Spew, Young Turds, Clooniless, and Broke Back Barry.
The signing ceremony for the first impeachment. A couple of hundred grand for special pens. And the great ceremony of a gilded turd on a silver platter ceremonially paraded into The Senate. The affront speech when a local homeless fellow took a paperless dump in the privacy of her Cali home doorstep. A sequel blurt is required when fraudster inside trader hubby; hammer bashed a young gay chap he picked up in a local bar after that fellow wanted to be paid for a swallow. Mr.P was rightly outraged. He thought it was irresistible consensual admiration.
Michael Robinson; Madame WomeXn; has just received bad news about the great, soft drink that isn’t, for school children. Some lab just popped it that the littlies would be better drinking the standard offerings with a half cup of sugar and chemicals as a chaser.
Her school lunch fraud eventually collapsed as inedible junk. Whities were forced to pay, blackies were free. It’s a kind of socialism. Even the littles of colour wouldn’t touch; the made-for-mandated profit sh*t.
Even with Barry pretending to be president and regulatory forcing through cohorts: the whole campaign went down as a Bud Lite turd in the midday sun. Well; them are the breaks. Michelle pocketed about four hundred million from the first fling. What can one say?
God forbid if G5 ever unloads publicly on our lot💁🏼🤣🤣🤣
Sssssh 💁🏼😎🙈🙊🙉🤣
u and g5 just stop it, pomp and ceremony
We have to hang the family portraits(ER) in our home dinning room, I get it like a soap opera, but not you yanks now
Come on Simon, we do not have Hollywood or the Bold and the Beautiful lifestyle series, so we need something and midsummer murders only has five with each episode on average, so we have to have the Royal domestic bliss and friends.
Sadly we just lost Uncle Rolf recently to Saville.
But we still have Royal domestic bliss, intrigue, Andrew, Harry with a bit of a cameo sparkle and little cheeky potentials and we have to love the 21 gun salutes, military discipline; household cavalry, gun carriages, handsome horses, Indian diamond crowns, Parthenon marbles, gilded carriages, ….but we must bring back the polo matches.
They are missing only four things that we have …. A large central rock, Manly, a great bridge and a great public singing house vivid colour screen.
Oh, for Dee … and aerial ping pong football.
aerial ping pong you say, up there tripod, what could possibly go wrong
His Royal Horse face Chucky, put the P into Ponce.
Douglas Macgregor – The Last Stage: Preparing for the Great Offensive
Then slowly answered Arthur from the barge…
The old order changeth, yielding place to new,
and God fulfills Himself in many ways.
At the GS article re Australia being sold out ( back two) I mentioned the latest Clif High assessment for May – June to September at beforeit’snews.com.
‘New Clif High: Peaking Over the Barrier May 2023.’
It is a reasonably short drive with Clif and part of his Great Ugly series. He covers a lot of what we have ordered.
What he does not mention might mean something:
Not the 50 satellite phones just issued to Senators in the US ….. in case!
Nothing on other reports of public reported military tribunals for June-July.
No opinion on the fake Biden administration and hoped for demise.
Nothing on the ‘war’.
No mention of the internet and communication suspension or a EBS.
I think I recall something about nations meeting in Sept re gold that is a very significant world development and mentioned in other dispatches.
Anyway, if he is correct, what he opines on will be fun for the normies v the injection perpetrators and those Khazarian mafia ‘bwankers’ (not poor ‘privileged’ serial suckered Jews) He has mentioned those scenarios previously and a bit more.
Book a seat for what he refers to as a “hot summer…….”.
We can rug up and pop corn!?
Have you ever wondered why politicians come and go with promises but things only get worse? Politicians serve their masters, and when in orifice enforce their agendas, if not they are sidelined.
Why does Oz need a central bank?
Because it opens the door wide open to all abominations and provides profit only for the oligarchs and their slavemason brothers in crime with perpetraitors, who live as kings for deceiving their countrymen to the bloodsuckers with communism, the bitter fruit of supremacism.
Our standard of living has greatly reduced since the seventies, then an average job could sustain a family of four. Now both partners must work, if they can even find jobs, sinking into debt slavery.
Nothing new under the Son, everything basically the same. There’s still good people and bad, those who love Him or hate Him.
You’re best yet, G5. However, I have a question that reflects on broke back Barry and his role in the evil that he unleashed into this world.
Why are Satan’s Deciples always homosexuals?
There’s a certain misogyny element among queer men that one mightn’t ordinarily expect, if they were truly queer
Throughout history, they have had a big say for a minority group that is around 4% of the population.
I wonder how many inhabit Freemason Lodges.
1:20 weird rotating trees
2:50 weird bobbing bushes
A Russian Jew transformed into a Nazi?
See the video below.
Zelensky is Jewish. He supports the Nazi Azov Battalion, the two Nazi parties, which have committed countless atrocities against the Jewish community in Ukraine.
He belongs to a Russian-Jewish family. He was brought up as a native Russian speaker, who until recently was not fluent in Ukrainian.
And now this Jewish-Russian proxy president wants to “ban everything Russian”, including the Russian language, the Russian media, the teaching of Russian in the schools. ……………..