Introduction by DM: A selection of emails from G5
by G5
Nothing To See Here
I am getting strong evidence for the mandatory execution of public servants. They have no evidence of vaccine injuries. All safe. Nothing to see here.
Watch “Health bureaucrats are just making it up as they go along – Senate Estimates 10.11.22″ on YouTube.
Fool’s paradise — Without the Paradise
Whatever alliance purported to have existed has terminally fractured.
The USD turned Bretton Woods World Reserve Currency, is no more. Attempts at blackmail and realized threats of violence have failed.
The PetroDollar Fraud has been exposed. No matter how beautifully and imaginatively you package garbage, eventually the stench will escape.
Causing regional instabilities in order to steal back the garbage paid for resources, will eventually be exposed. Amoral wars and genocides will return. No matter the time frame.
The 2014 open invasion of Ukraine by americanist proxies, would eventually, and has, dramatically failed. No amount of deception and propaganda can hide the growing absurdity of the americanist narrative. The minds and hearts of those domestically deceived by anti-Russian propaganda has delivered no reward for the perpetrators.
Russia was not provoked by: Cernobyl, Maidan Atrocities, MH-17, ZNPP, Dneiper River Bocking, Kerch Bridge Damage, Nordstream Ruptures, or Dombass, Kyrghistan, Chechnya, South Ossetia, Ingushetia, Georgian or Belorussian Incursions. But moved to act against nuclear postures and hidden proxy Genocides in Ukraine, and the blackmail attempt on its Afghan pipelines.
Trillions of dollars thrown at the wall, and the US and cohorts have suicided socio-economically, and with no foundation on which to rebuild.
The incessantly petulant, malevolent and vindictive rounds of US sanctions have failed dramatically. The EU, OSCE, and NATO confections have snapped to reality and failed to obey the growingly obtuse orders of the world terrorist.
Pouts and foot stomps will no longer deliver supplication.
The courts of the elites are not the courts of the people. The experts of the elites are distantly and deranged from the realities of the people. America will now very quietly walk away form the pig slop it has created in Eastern Europe. Russia is not and has never been open to conquer.
And in passing: it wants Alaska returned. The sale was not quite as delivered through the alleged official versions of reality. It was not the personal property of The Tsar.
America confirming to those who matter, that it is impotent in every regard. A fool’s paradise. Without the paradise.
It has now strengthened the trade bonds between Russian interests and the ramaining sane world. America has isolated itself economically, and will not be allowed to return to the fold. It is an addicted buyer, and has nothing to trade and no medium of exchange of value with which to pay. It will burn its furniture in its fireplace.
Since the end of World War part Two, it has abrogated all its responsibilities, and its postured guarantees. It will never be trusted again. The only nation ever to have gone from barbarity to barbarity, without visiting civilization on the journey.
Political Mental Affliction
It isn’t that US Dems, UK and ANZ Labour are not civilized. Albeit they have not been down from the trees as long as those they criticize.
The problem is: they can steal all the silver plates they want. They still keep eating with their hands.
And with the problem that those supposedly civilized have also taken to corruption as some sport, what has effectivley been believed as a political divide, is far more complex. It is a mental affliction.
The problem of The Rotten Boroughs was never resolved… to this day.
Teens Suffering
Ted Cruz has two daughters, aged 11 and 14.
Very recently the 14 year old attempted suicide by ‘slashing up”. Self-inflicted manic multiple cut injuries to the inner arms. Well known to the drug captured. Which we observed over many years.
She was confused by the nonsense perpetrated on her and the realities of her family. She was targeted at school by the products of the insane. The deranged Left are attempting capital. As they did with Trump’s youngest and other children of the sane.
They find the world they invented for themselves virtually inhabitable. They pursue their derangement in ad hominem attacks on others. They have nothing to proffer as opposing logic. The foundation of the non-sequiturs and syllogisms.
If you find confusion as to how the exalted can possibly be wrong in their waffles, and that they put an opposing argument: it is more easily explained by the americanist west induced into a tokenocracy as against the reality of a meritocracy.
The visible theatrics of forced outcome rather than the reality of opportunity. Of the prevalence of characteristics as, skin colour and gender, propagandized over capability, effort and dedication. Of a distorted suicided reality, incapable of return.
For those fighting the good fight, it is more painful when families are infiltrated and swerved. As this writer well knows. I left my family when their determination was to trudge the world and recidivistly and nauseously fall into every hole on their journey to nowhere.
The obtuse who march to the opposing absurd, yet become the most captured collaborators in pronounced hypocrisies.
Two Minutes of Bitter Truth
The Ukraine war will continue. Debate: The war against Ukraine and the EU sanctions against Russia and their implementation. (Video)
And PROF RYSZARD LEGUTKO on “Two minutes of truth, of bitter truth” in the European Parliament (Video).
The Americanist west is gone. It is not worth saving. Everything being Russia’s fault is fine with Russia.
Not an issue of when Russia will join the Americanist west with its diversity, and eighty genders. America and its clients and sycophants are doing just fine. They are not convincing anyone of anything.
It is as though Wokist America was caused by Russian Intel as a return for The Soviet Union that caused so much damage to Russia.
If Wokism didn’t exist, it would have been necessary to cause it. Enjoy.
Ricky Gervais — “You know nothing about the real world.” (Video)
Hunter Hacked
Hunter has been documented by intel and documented by himself, having sexual encounters with young family members; again.
His dead brother being the alleged war hero about whom their father bangs on. Both brothers sharing the brother’s wife. Recall JFK, RFK, Lawford, and special Mafia characters, all sharing Monroe. Until Bobby went with the nembutal option. All democrats of course. It must be in the water.
Recall Weiner; Abedin’s (HRC’s chief whatever) husband; sending out naked photos of himself in bed with their four year old son. He was a recidivist mayoral candidate for New York.
Dem Mayors and Governors have a particular history.
God may have struck them with dwarfism. Lightfoot, SCOTUS Brown, Psaki, Pierre, Klobucher, Nadler, Fauci, Gates, Zuckerberg, etc. struggling to reach five feet. Short People Video
New Zealand court rules against anti-vax parents of ill baby.
“A New Zealand court temporarily took away medical custody of a baby from his parents on Wednesday after they refused blood transfusions for him unless the blood came from donors who were unvaccinated against COVID-19. The court’s ruling in favor of health authorities places the 4-month-old boy into the guardianship of authorities until after he undergoes an urgently needed heart operation and recovers.”
To think that he is going in to oblivion and a parliamentary pension with heaps of our taxpayer’s funds.
Do people remember the ‘herding’ of a planned and the reportedly, 25,000 school children into a stadium at Olympic Park by the NSW government to be injected?
Pity the interviewer did not remind him.
I suspect that in due course the children and parents will remember, especially when the parents recall that they were not able to accompany their children into the ‘STADIUM’. Perhaps lions would have added to the pharmaceutical CEOs and shareholders entertainment?
By the way, did some children not survive the experience?
Ask Mr Latham MLC.
Did two die?
Isn’t that an acceptable stat for these “died suddenly” times? Come on!
There was the stone age, Bronze, Industrial age, Information age… now the SADS age.
But what of the injuries ….. long term, Sterilisation for starters.
I have glimpsed report relating to gardisal for teen girls, not sure but it may have been now banned.
Now they have something better!
One horrific report was that a year or so back (?Late 202O before the hazard herding) the whole of a year 12 was bussed to RPA in Camperdown for an injection. I will be watching the old boys magazines for the death notices …… and might get very angry.
Hillsboro-Deering High School is canceling all after-school activities Thursday and school Friday because of an outbreak of respiratory illnesses….
“Meme of the day” (from WinterWatch)
“They somehow managed to demonise coughs, sniffles and having no symptoms at all … but normalised strokes, blood clots, neurological disorders and “died suddenly”
There was an elderly guy in Aldi yesterday. Full mask, and I could hear him struggling to take in deep breaths from about 6m away. Fear is a terrifying thing. If your government doesn’t kill you, the media’s scare campaign will
Dee, I’ve all but given up on dumb-asses. If after 3 years of this nonsense people can’t ‘get it’, I doubt if there is much help for them. Call it a ‘Darwin Award’ and move on.
Having said that, my wife was on the phone to a neighbor and she said the local doctor called and informed them that the new ‘boosters’ were in and if they would like to book an appointment. The neighbor said her husband said NO! – He believes what Terry has been saying for several years and is trying to overcome his previous poisoning. His wife took the outer cardboard box cover for my horse de-wormer so they could get the same product. They were only able to get a small packet of 3 mg Ivermectin tablets from India and they wanted something more substantial. So there has been some recognition of the issue, at least in my immediate area.
This really has become some sort of bizarre IQ test.
Brian Ardis says “nicotine receptors” will let go of Ivermectin if there is nicotine around, governments are currently trying to demonise and ban nicotine in all its forms, orchestrated from Geneva one must assume. This nicotine alternative is very interesting, along with stories that smokers don’t get covid-19™. Like many other things, smoking did not get really bad until the industrialisation of it.
May we live in and survive interesting times.
All better than any spy novel or tv crime/spy series.
I am lucky to receive information separately.
Latest fun reported today at a sus web site is a report of the JAG arrest of a ‘twit’ lawyer named Baker after he was sacked by Musk. Serious allegations partly re sanitising email messages. Poor twit would not realise that ‘they have and know everything’ and there is no escape from consequences.
Talk about the world’s mice been played with by the cats!?
At least the report suggests that he might have had a good romp for his last night before the arrest.
Add the weekly release of Fulford’s report that contains very serious fun….. in Switzerland as the army was called to stand down and let a cleanup proceed.
Besides the crypto mob going down, seems that Black Rock drained.
All delectable fun?
Living outside of NSW we never, ever hear even a tiny peep about Mark Latham since he quit the ALP and became NSW leader of OneNation party. He is presumably a major unspoken of force behind the demise of Gulag Gladys and Gulag Buzzard Health Hazzard. It would be good if some NSW person put together a compilation of his recent exploits.
Mental Illness and the Jews
“……….Here’s a piece of “research” from Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker (the long-time psychiatrist of Richard Nixon, a tad anti-Semitic himself).
“The world would be more compassionate towards the Jews if it was generally realized that Jews are not responsible for their condition. Schizophrenia is the fact that creates in Jews a compulsive desire for persecution.
While Jews attack non-Jewish Americans for racism, Israel is the most racist country in the world.
The world would be more compassionate towards the Jews if it was generally realized that Jews are not responsible for their condition. Schizophrenia is the fact that creates in Jews a compulsive desire for persecution.
The Jew hopes that you retaliate in kind and when you do he can tell himself you are anti-Semitic.
The incidence of mental illness has increased in the United States in direct proportion to the increase in the Jewish population. In 1900 there were 1.06 million Jews in United States with 62,112 American confined to public mental hospitals. In 1970 the Jewish population increased to 5.87 million (an increase of 454.8%) with 339,027 Americans hospitalized for mental disease.
“There is no doubt in my mind,” Dr. Hutschnecker said, “that Jews have infected the American people with schizophrenia. Jews are carriers of the disease and it will reach epidemic proportions unless science develops a vaccine to counteract it.”
Real scientists say we don’t carry more mental illness than others. I won’t argue with that.
I try never to base an opinion on feeling-but, I feel more at home, here, so I am going to write a very rare opinion based on my “feelings.”
Does it actually sound all that odd that the Jews could have a greater incidence of mental illness? When I check to verify the extraordinary comments by Hutschnecker, I am on sites that are not Jewish-friendly. Did this man say these things? That they are said and repeated especially amongst those who hate us is my point.We’ve had about 2000 years of being hated by Catholics and then Protestants for killing Christ, played out in persecutions, pogroms, expulsions, mass murder( Although for decades Popes have said that this has got to stop, it takes time for the internalized, often unconscious, hate to go away).
Then along comes Islamic hate.
And we are blessed with our own home-grown Jewish detractors of Jews, like Canadians Naomi Klein and Judy Rebick- one of the more radical professors at Ryerson University in Toronto, and Noam Chomsky.
There are 7 billion people on the planet. 14 million are Jews-and apparently we are still the greatest cause of tsuris, everywhere.
And people wonder why we are depressed, anxious and perhaps a tad paranoid?
Be well.
Schizophrenia is the scientific term, the old lay-term used to be “reefer madness”. Instead of blaming genetics or transmission, why not lay off the drugs and fix the nutrition, people are too stoopid to figure this out, they would rather carry on with magic injections or find some witch to burn.
Some American self-reflection, includes a Hebrew word just for you.
“Big Science Hallelujah” – released 19 April 1982 ( Feast of Moloch )
Married to notorious drug taking closeted jew Lou Reed
I looked up the lyrics for this Lou Reed song and gooogle has censored out the best ones !!! So you will have to listen closely to hear about people getting their feet cut off and teeth smashed out
Reefer Madness was a movie (never a mental illness caused by a blood synthesis disorder of which no petrochemical drug can rectify) which even Wikipedia refers to as a propaganda film.
Cannabis is a medicinal plant used for thousands of years to clothe, house, feed and soothe the body and souls of people suffering under the divine right of kings, including the pontifex maximus.
Witches were midwives and wholistic health practitioners aware of the healing capacities of nature, including cannabis.
You are so far off with your derogations that perhaps a few drops of Indica oil would slow that anti semite mind down enough to allow some genuine research to be done.
I’m sorry but you are wrong this time, and, an excess of probably anything will cause problems. Cannabis psychosis is real and I hope you can happily keep puffing as much and long as you like without becoming susceptible to it. Many people tried cannabis and got off it sooner or later because they felt it interfering with their minds ( in an unpleasant way ). There are no “official statistics” for a phenomenon like this, and maybe not much literature around. I would say, either you observed it or you didn’t. In some countries ganja was an old man’s drug but here it is now being promoted by the establishment for any age. This is because we are deliberately being tamed, confused and stultified. You will own nothing and “be happy”. Drugs are the easiest way for you to be made happy, and to hasten you towards your assisted death.
I just noticed you called me an anti-semite !!!
You must be on drugs !!!
I consider I’m the most conspicuous defender of balance towards all the semites, not least, I’m interested in the way they think and communicate. Some more interesting lyrics from Lou Reed for you
Mich did call u anti voice, cheche
no such thing as reefer madness, unless ur talking smoking joints and vibes n snacks n surprises, driving across the whole country like a mullet looking for the the perfect reef break. Guilty
Baby Will was separated from his parents late last night and if I am correct would be under the knife as we speak.
(If the parents had appealed the court decision, they would get the same judge again. Is this OK?)
Alex Jones delves deep into this story:
The video
Thanks Dee, here is the moment when baby Will is separated from his mother I believe at 11 PM.
(TimTruth video 6 mins)
The surgeon needs to cut the ribs to get to the heart, I wonder what goes through his mind?
Not too long ago I had a very personable doctor wanted to cut out some type of cancerous growth right in the middle of my back, he was quite insistent but I told him I needed to go swimming so now was not a good time, went and asked some other people and another doctor and they all told me there was nothing there at all.
Many, many years ago our cat developed a sore on her pink nose. I took her to the vet. He said the cat has a cancer and went to give me an urgent appointment. We didn’t go back to the vet, but waited for a week or so and a scab fell off her nose and the cat was good as gold.
I’ve had multiple skin cancers. A mate turned me on to ‘black salve’ or ‘cansema’, In each case the cancer was killed and fell out of my body. I told other people the same story and they had the same result.
Right now I have a ‘blemish’ on my hip that I have treated with the black salve. When I showed my previous doctor the growth, he said it was just some ‘what ever’. When the ‘what ever’ turned black, I put the black salve on it. It has taken three attempts at killing the SOB. Each application got rid of a bit of it, but this last time it looks like that SOB is dead and will soon drop off. – Not medical advice, yadda, yadda.
Yes I got some black salve the other day after I heard about it from commenter berry, I just have minor keratosis things on the nose and forehead, a few years ago the doctor wanted me to do the red-face thing which burns your whole face for 2 weeks but I declined the offer. I had some luck with apricot kernels, collagen, vit E oil and so forth but I will continue with the black salve now. They said the patent expired about 200 years ago, it was from an American Indian recipe, basically bloodroot +zinc chloride, etc.
Banned by all the authorities.
Talking about medical things while our Kelpie is intently watching a recorded “Muster dogs” at 20 cm from the big screen.
Dry eyes in ageing people (like myself), contribute to conjunctivitis and worse (from dusty gravel roads, particles from bat colonies and more.)
A while ago, I promised to report on my “test” of 2 agents designed to help ageing tear glands.
Life Extension Foundation, LEF, Florida (USA) “Tear Support with Maqui Bright”, 60 mg 30 capsules. Works. 7 out of 10. Very expensive.
Maqui Berry (Paradise brand, USA) 400 mg 60 caps. 9 out of 10. Much cheaper than the LEF product.
Geopolitics & Empire
Sirius Report:The Decline of Unipolarity began in 1929,Multipolarity is the Real Reset.
Control via FEAR-
Cashless Society
Q Anon
Global South knows the West is doomed-The Empire is being destroyed by it’s own stupidity.
Well there appears to be some awakening, from reports at x22 today referring to the millions +++ of dollars worth of the death viles past the used by date that have to be chucked.
I recall Canada being noted, what a waste of taxpayers’s money, they could have been used on all the politicians, the msms and medical tyrants……. FREE.
Boy did I have trouble at a bank wanting to transfer 5,000 to an overdraft account in the same bank.
They would not transfer without:
Driver’s licence.or seniors card.
Medicare card,
Visa card.
Then I asked for a bank cheque for my account in credit, she reluctantly presented a bank cheque form and I wrote out the cheque and instructed her to bank it to my overdraft account.
She had also wanted. My mobile phone number. Why? just we have to have it. So I gave it to her, quicker than an auctioneer could sell anything🤡🤡😂. Well she still wanted it so I politely replied, that I just told you, that’s it.💁🏼
I asked them if I needed a injected card. But no reply.
I nearly was rude, however I gave the tellers some polite facts, one of the tellers was listening intently, say about 25 year female.I mentioned the mysterious injections and physer being compelled by court order to disclose their stuff. Etc.
The poor girl said that despite her mothers objection and advice, she was injected AND HER MOTHER CRIED.
She said she had to be injected for her job FOR the ‘BASTARDS AT THE BANK’ (my interpretation)
What could I explain as to why her mother cried. I could not surmise,,, SADS and/or no grandchildren?
You alleged politicians allegedly keeping us safe and representing us better stop being bastards.
After re- locating the garden sprinkler I have decided to say this humbly and truthfully as I was embarrassed to do so above.
After the young lady mentioned that her mother cried, I departed as I felt embarrassed that, watching her eyes, mine might also give me away too. So I departed.
There were no other customers in the bank at the time, just me and the two tellers.
The bastard politicians, their staffers, (excepting a handful, not you Latham) medical and shock joke fakes have no idea as to what they have done to their country and what will happen as the people realise the truth.
Off topic, but ya gotta love it. – https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-imposes-strict-climate-change-mandates-pentagon
America is so stuffed.
Prince Heinrich ( a little video )
Communists take down republican principality
( Satanic pedo principalities are OK though )
English in the middle part only
A number of whistleblowers who “died suddenly”
Aussie Cossack in hospital
Globalist king of Australian skies
Another budding wog journalist taking on the establishment (3 min)
A government official was putting forward the idea of “food pills” to give to poor people who had nothing else to eat
And here, historical torture victims protest against revisionism ( Marcos Snr. is being sanitised by Marcos Jnr. )
Tina Turner’s son Ronnie dies suddenly and unexpectedly.
Rod Steward’s daughter, 11, suffers a heart attack.
Jibs and Jabs cause SIDS and SADS.
Nothing to see here either; Grant Wahl (49) dies suddenly while reporting soccer match Argentina – Holland.
Getting out in front with the PR
Arizona Senator QUITS ahead of 2024 election
The Demonrats apparently spent $250m to take Georgia in the runoff this week, now they are back where they started. Who will quit next ?!?!?!!!
Your city is tracking you
Marion Brennan
You are wonderfull Senator Antic, pointing all of this out, I had NO idea that all of this ” Spying ” equipment was here! (And why is it needed)!!!! Who collects this info and why? I thank you for keeping us updated ? and Know this YOU ARE A MARVELOUS SENATOR, along with some others Stay strong! You are so appreciated.
Here is an easily read, informative and well-documented article tracing the one world government from the early 1900 to the present day. George Orwell’s “1984” is the prototype of Rockefeller, Schwab, Gates and the rest of the usual suspects’ NWO, and digital recognition in Australia.
Where Did this “New World Order” Coup Come From? The Rockefeller’s “Social Engineering Project”
The “New World Order” (NWO) is a social engineering project aimed at reshaping human civilization on Planet Earth in its every aspect, to suit the selfish interests of a small group of billionaires obsessed by greed for power and profit. But also – and no less so – obsessed by their fear of violent hungry and deprived masses ransacking and destroying their properties. And eager to display how superior they are to 99.99 % of their fellow humans – and their ability to beat both Nature, the Universe, and Divine Consciousness at the eternal game of Creation.
The NWO idea grew out of John D. Rockefeller’s business idea, hatched already around 1900, to take on health care and make a global monopoly of medical science. Just as he had already created a virtual global monopoly of the petroleum business………………….”
Most people here and China don’t realise all this track’n’trace facial recognition etc., will be used against protesters in China in real time, that is from now, the CCP will start picking off people, they will defund them by stealing from their bank accounts under whatever pretext they like, that is why first all the infrastructure went in, and second the insane lockdowns started.
In China they are going to have a “SMART” cull where all the smart people get culled and all the sheeple are left behind to comply with the next idea, marching off a cliff or whatever it may be.
Communist purges are nothing new and this one will be very discreet, the protesters will all be rendered bankrupt and homeless first, and probably will be “grateful” to be shipped off to some Gulag where they get one meal a day and re-education, before going back into the factory.
We are all “human resource” already and what does a human resource need of “freedom”, answer, no need. Freedom is a gift to be bestowed upon elites only. All you bogans have already had it too good for too long, and have been messing up the tourist destinations and clogging the roads. Free-range is now out of style and intensive human farming is in.
Premier Anasty of Queensland is at the cutting edge here. So many laws already in place, infrastructure going in everywhere, softly softly you will be assisted to the safety of your cell, and at your use-by date you will be injected.
Senator Roberts vs TGA Skerritt
“With each new day we find more evidence of conflicts of interest, lies from the supposed “experts” and none of these bureaucrats want to acknowledge it. We need a Royal Commission to bring their lies out into the daylight”.
A funny comment from the above:
“I would consider it an honour to be in this man’s firing squad. He knows he is doing his part for the genocide of Australians at the hands of the United [Communist] Nations CoVID Regime.”
The former chancellor gave evidence that the West had orchestrated hostilities in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry says
Merkel’s ‘confession’ may be grounds for tribunal – Moscow
Official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova. © Sputnik/Press Service of the Russian Foreign Ministry
A confession by former German chancellor Angela Merkel about the Minsk peace agreements could be used as evidence in a tribunal involving Western politicians responsible for provoking the Ukraine conflict between Moscow and Kiev, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned on Thursday.
The deal, brokered by Germany and France, was supposed to be a roadmap for peace in the war-torn country. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that his country’s current military offensive was prompted by the failure to implement the terms of the accords.
The former German leader admitted in an interview with Die Zeit on Wednesday that the actual purpose of the Minsk agreements was to give Ukraine time to prepare for a military confrontation with Russia.
“They talk a lot about legal assessments of what is happening around Ukraine, certain tribunals and so on in all sorts of ways,” Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a media briefing on Thursday. “But this is a specific reason for a tribunal.”
She claimed that Merkel’s comments were nothing short of the testimony of a person who had openly admitted that everything done between 2014 and 2015 was meant to “distract the international community from real issues, play for time, pump up the Kiev regime with weapons, and escalate the issue into a large-scale conflict,” Zakharova added…………………………’
Not only do they have President Zelenskyy now they have a bald git they call Prime Minister talking about “liberating our country”, funny how Russia already got out of Ukraina excepting the parts they had a referendum in. Granted the outcome of the referendum was a foregone conclusion because the populations there were mostly Russian. Some may say Russians infiltrated eastern Ukraina ( over centuries ) and they may be right but the problem here and now is the so-called leadership of Ukraina is hell-bent on destroying the whole place and judging by the vox pops at least the average Ukrainian may not be able to see this. If I was asked what would I prefer, I would rather have my house and job and village left intact, than to try to extract Russia from the Crimea
“Toward the Severing of Alan Dershowitz from Harvard Law, Thanks to Maria Farmer’s Art”
That tickled my fancy like it is 1922. Art to mock because condemnation is appropriate. Dirtwitch as a standalone is bad enough, but he needs to be severed from the tapped old boy’s.(Gates Epstein lots of other Oxford kinda stuff) club. You can recognize them by the smirk
its gums what did u expect
Simon, you must admit they are pathetic. Maybe they smirk but are they ever happy? What a burdensone life — not for the lazy.
I mentioned in a post above about the U.S. military going ‘green’. Now I see an article where the UK is now taking the same path. LOL! none of these idiots have ever been to war. The last thing you think about in combat is ‘global warming’. This has got to be a further move by the Cabal to bring down the West.
Post above from Sandra is called “The Decline of Unipolarity began in 1929, Multipolarity is the Real Reset.” So the west was duped into bashing a bunch of separate small muslim countries, and now the big countries are set to attack each other, such fun when they are all killing each other and paying tax for the privilege. The sheeples are just beyond stoopid, need a new word here.
Is there hope for justice re the genocide agenda?
Mary has been on the concept now promoted by Reiner Fuelmich
in his report at beforeitsnews.com.
Just look at the headline like ‘ No Nuremberg trials ….’.
Well listen to the video.,,. A ‘grand jury’ ( Lille in the US’) international trial with evidence to run for about 8! days on the internet.
Well Harry and Meghan DISTRACTIONS may have some competition.
No stuffing about waiting for Nuremberg🤡
Keep Calm and Carry On (1 min)
So if you want pay-back, you’re gonna have to do it yourself….
What we need is an investigation by the GOVERNMENT! – Crikey, people are really dense, let the body that did the crime investigate it…
I expect it will take a few more years for the dumb-asses to get a clue. However, when that tipping point arrives, there may be no way to hold it back.
In the mean time, keep a low profile. The dumb-asses are still stoopid. Instead of going after the perpetrators of the crime, they are more willing to go after the awake people that make them realize they are stoopid.
No way that the stoopid will ever realise that they are stoopid …….. simply because they are too stupid to know.
A simple test, I find useful is just ask a stoopid if they have ever heard of building Seven on 9/11……. Sure indication, that they have a serious deficiency=Stoopid.
Like Biden, 2/3 of Zelenski’s Cabinet are Jewish
The war has been lost by Ukraine and it’s time for hostilities to end, and for these thugs to end.
Henry Makow
-Always remember Tiffany Dover. If you do not know who that is look it up. (the suggestion is: Tiffany Dover was one of the first to get the vaxx, passed out right after, and was replaced by a body double. Good case IMO, but I haven’t looked into it)
-Zelenski is a TV actor and comedian that is now worth one billion dollars. He has been controlled by a billionaire by the name of Igor Kolomoyskiy.
-Igor Kolomoyskiy is a monster that makes Pinochet look like a boy scout and has extraordinary vanity and hates the Russians. Igor Kolomoyskiy uses thug methods in business just to make money, not only for ideological reasons. He has stolen companies via death threats. He is a billionaire oligarch who has passports for Cyprus, Israel, and Ukraine while it is legal to only have two passports in Ukraine. He is an intelligent engineer who believes that might make right. Lira says he has seen the videos of torture.
–Zelenski was brought to power by the media establishment propaganda when he was an actor playing a role of a savior of the people on the fictional Ukrainian TV, sitcom “Servant Of The People”. This was all set up by Kolomoyskiy, left. This show was set up to get Ukrainian people to want to be in the EU and in NATO as a way of solving problems they were having.
–Two-thirds of the Zelenski cabinet are Jewish……………………
What the next generation is watching, “Squidgame” trailer
A sort of CBDCs scenario
Rumble is getting “the treatment” again so take out the XXXX
Europe was liberated by murdering Christians in ww2. Leaving survivors in two halves – the chained and about to be.
Today globally, one will be lucky if not sent to a Serco gulag. Can’t help thinking, after all we did for them, they certainly have proven to be an ungrateful lot.
The virus is a core group of psychopaths in high orifice who are in control of money and finance. Creating money from nothing, using power to create debt stealing everything from everyone, these investors can’t afford to let health and safety get in the way of profit.
“Is the coronavirus a CCP-Chabad production?” – Henry Makow
Wellcome the beast system of social credit, CBDC and 24/7 AI surveillance.
What has happened is proof that the protocols have been enforced. We are in communism with their satanic system watching every move we make.
The invasion is to destroy Christianity and replace us, it is genocide.
To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b)
“As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism BECAUSE IT REJECTS CHRISTIANITY; and Christianity is Christianity BECAUSE IT REJECTS JUDAISM. What is usually referred to as the JEWISH- CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS EXISTS ONLY IN CHRISTIAN OR SECULARIST FANTASY.”—- 1966, by Rabbi Eliezar Berkowitz, chairman of the department of Jewish philosophy, at the Hebrew Theological College
Jews hate Christ, a descendant of Shem in the flesh, therefore the Jews of the Synagogue of Satan are anti-Semitic.
Priory of Sion, listen & learn (12 min)
I had a girlfriend from Bern, actually I remember watching TV with her on 9-11, she always used to say “I know too much”, when she saw the buildings coming down she said “oh yeah, ha ha ha”, she will be dead for sure by now and not from old age.
Oh dear, bitchute getting blocked now, take out the XXXX
Tucker Carlson: Why is President Zelensky Banning Christianity in Ukraine?
Stuart Bramhall
Dec 10
Given the background, it doesn’t come as a surprise. Zelenskyy has previously made political opposition parties illegal and removed all media from Ukraine that is not state-authorized. However, the move to ban Ukraine’s orthodox religion is still a considerable escalation into totalitarian extremes; all supported by the U.S. State Dept.
As Carlson notes in the latter part of his monologue, the insufferable propaganda has enmeshed the Ukrainian face of the western government, “It’s just a grotesque post-modern psy-op, and anyone still falling for this is brain damaged.”
Via https://nworeport.me/2022/12/08/tucker-carlson-asks-why-is-president-zelenskyy-banning-christianity-in-ukraine/
Here is a short interview of Viktor Bout, in English, where he discusses his experience and what he learned about America. – You won’t see this interview on U.S. TV.
Florida Governor DeSantis will hold Pfizer and Moderna accountable
If the world doesn’t hate us, then we’re not serving Him. Truth never changes, those who follow AI are His enemies. It must be clear by now that all nations have been enslaved by this communist takeover.
All puppets have no authority to do what they’re doing. All levels of government are criminals, guilty of treason in this police state dictatorship.
They can only do this if we comply. The oligarchs can only succeed if we continue to do nothing standing in front of their firing squads – unless we form our own firing squads.
If we don’t stand up, it’s all over. There are probably a thousand of them, telling us 30 million what to do. If we don’t stand up and say no more BS, they will take all.
It’s only when we stop believing their lies that things can change for better.
Jesus didn’t die for us to live in slavery.
We don’t need to ask demons for permission to obey God.
We need to do something, this nation is for our children.
Christianity’s Growth in China and Its Contributions to Freedoms
By: Fenggang Yang
October 31, 2017
Conscience, Reformation, and Religious Freedom Across the Centuries
“If this growth continues at the current rate, in less than two decades China will become the largest Christian country in the world. This would have vital consequences for China and the global community”.
Ukraine continues to bomb Donetsk City
Ukraine has been shelling Donetsk City for more than 8 years now. This intentional shelling of civilian houses, apartments, and markets is clearly a long series of war crimes. Many thousands of civilians have been killed so far. Your tax dollars at work.
President Zelensky has also banned 70 percent of the Orthodox churches in Ukraine, just because they are tied to the Russian Orthodox Church with its headquarters in Moscow. Whatever happened to Western “principles”??