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Tag: Trans Pacific Partnership

Life Plus 70: Who Really Benefits From Copyright’s Long Life?

by Catherine Bond Few of us wish to disclose our age. But, for the purposes of this article, I am willing to do so: in...

How Dare The People Question The TPP – Secrecy and Fast...

The "people" busy at the table participating with TPP negotiations.  "I just met with myself and decided to establish The Naked TPP Authority. I gave...

Joe Hockey Calling Profit-shifting Companies “thieves” and “cheats”

The Treasurer of Australia, Joe Hockey, has assaulted multinational profit-shifters, labelling these companies as "thieves" and "cheats". He has the public's support to force multinationals such as Apple, Google...

Who Signs the TPP Commits Treason

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB Anyone who has been following Dalia’s articles for a few months, knows that she wrote to Trade Minister Andrew...

The TPP – A ‘Treacherous Political Process’ – Trading Away Australia’s...

Behind the lofty language of partnership, and the stated goal of stimulating trade, it aims to strengthen multinationals at the expense of nearly everyone...

Minister, Have You Actually Read The TPP Document In Your Charge?

Minister Robb. I again asked the Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb's office on Wednesday (4/2/15) whether the Minister has actually READ the detail...

A Toxic Pernicious Partnership ?

The TPP - A Toxic Pernicious Partnership? - drafted with an unprecedented secrecy except for the 600 plus corporate advisers who have access to...