Home News The Niger Crisis – Africa’s Rejection of Western Neocolonialis

The Niger Crisis – Africa’s Rejection of Western Neocolonialis


by Joachim Hagopian

The rising challenge of the multipolar world is destined to crush US unipolar dominance and hegemony as the international power dynamics radically shifts from West to East.

Now we are just days away from the world attention focusing on Johannesburg, South Africa while it hosts the all-important BRICS summit August 22-24.

With over 40 nations clamoring to join this rising economic alliance, already containing the global population majority and one-third of the global GDP surpassing the G7, BRICS will soon be releasing its own gold backed currency ostensibly to replace the soon-to-be deposed king US dollar as international reserve trade currency. This imminent event is just one more ominous sign that Western civilization is in a crumbling state of freefall collapse, in stark contrast with the Russia-China led Global South multipolar world majority.

Within the context of unfolding events within Africa, remnant chains of neocolonialism are finally being broken by the economic and political alliances made with the emerging Eastern powers Russia, China and Iran. This geopolitical analysis examines ongoing developments representing today’s rapidly changing dynamics moving away from the unipolar to the multipolar world where the world nation majority of the Global South is embracing its strategic realignment with the multipolar Eastern powers.

At nearly twice the size of Texas, the landlocked sub-Saharan West African nation of Niger is the sixth largest country in Africa and ranks 22nd largest in the world. Niger is located in the Sahel region of Africa, a geographic strip across the African continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea, lying south of the Sahara Desert and north of the Sudanian savannah.

On July 26, 2023, the head of Niger’s presidential guard, General Abdourahmane Tchiani led a military coup overthrowing its elected leader in 2021, 63-year old President Mohamed Bazoum. Two days later, General Tchiani proclaimed himself to be “president of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland.”

Niger is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) along with 14 other regional neighboring countries – Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. On Sunday July 30th, ECOWAS demanded that the ousted Nigerien President Bazoum be returned to power by an August 6th deadline, or face possible military intervention by ECOWAS.

A week after the deadline expired, it now appears that the ECOWAS threat was merely a bluff. With West Africa’s strongest regional bloc supported by both France and the US, it optically now looks weak with no action taken in the face of growing domestic junta support.

Thus, on Thursday August 10th the regional organization feebly ordered “activation” and “deployment” of a standby force ostensibly to restore constitutional order in Niger. This coup’s essence is a rejection of France and Western neocolonialist control over Africa. In predictable response, France and the European Union immediately suspended their security cooperation and financial aid to Niger.

All these latest developments come after deputy US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s visit to Niger last Monday August 7th proved futile in changing the minds of the now ruling military junta.

Zionist neocon war-making regime changer Nuland last month received a promotion as now second in command of all US foreign policy, and her one-day African trip was clearly intended to intimidate Niger’s new defense chief and his three commandos that she met with. But Nuland’s strongarm tactics delivering threats and warning Niger’s new government to not dare align itself with the Russian mercenary group Wagner, apparently fell on deaf ears.

In response to Niger’s junta threatened by the ECOWAS invasion last weekend, the newly formed Niger government requested assistance from Russia’s battletested mercenary Wagner Group. Its ever the opportunist leader Evgeny Prigozhin told media via the phone on Tuesday August 8th:

“I am proud of the boys from Wagner. Just the thought of them makes ISIS and Al Qaeda small, obedient, silky boys. And the US has recognized a government that it did not recognize yesterday just to avoid meeting the Wagner PMC in the country. This brings joy, Mrs. Nuland.”

Victoria Nuland had requested that she meet with deposed president Bazoum as well as General Tchiani but was refused and instead met with General Tchiani’s substitutes. The snubbed Nuland remarked:

“I was denied a meeting with President Bazoum, who was removed from power, and with General Tchiani. Tchiani refused me entry.

Speaking to Reuters afterwards, Nuland summarized her failed meeting:

“These conversations were extremely frank and at times quite difficult, because, again, we’re pushing for a negotiated solution. It was not easy to get traction there. They are quite firm in their view of how they want to proceed, and it does not comport with the Constitution of Niger.”

According to a Tuesday August 8th warnews247 article, Victoria Nuland greenlit a 25,000-man ECOWAS army on standby to invade Niger, per French sources. As a result, preparing for the planned invasion, Niger’s armed forces are fortifying its capital Niamey and securing the Niamey Airport.

The French radio station RFI reported that the ECOWAS army of 25,000 is planning to invade Niger, no doubt with full backing by US, France and EU. According to an Associated Press article released on Friday August 11th , Niger’s ruling junta told Nuland if ECOWAS does militarily intervene to try and restore to power the deposed leader currently on house arrest, the junta will kill him first.

Meanwhile, it appears that in recent weeks since the July 26th coup, a majority of Niger citizens view the government change as a welcome opportunity to finally move away from the neocolonialist policies of the past. Niger’s junta isn’t the only group looking to Russia for support. According to The Economist, 60% of Nigeriens surveyed, view Russia as their country’s most reliable foreign partner.

While the Western media narrative always following the same mono-script contends that Islamic State and al Qaeda terrorists that the US, Israel and oil-rich Gulf States historically created, trained and financed for decades, pose greater risk now amidst this regional instability to usurp power in Niger.

That makes no sense when the ruling junta specifically requested military assistance from Russia’s veteran fighters in the Wagner Group with a proven track record opposing Islamic terrorists in Syria, Chechnya and Africa. So, the jihadist terrorist threat raised by Western media hype appears yet more deceptive propaganda.

Only a few months ago in March 2023, for the first time in history, a US Secretary of State in Antony Blinken visited Niger, pledging $150 million in aid, paying high homage to Bazoum as his Great Black Hope in Africa. After all, with four coups in Niger since its 1960 independence, Mohamed Bazoum was seen among a dwindling number of pro-Western leaders in Africa, i.e., a neocolonialist lackey eager to do the bidding of his imperialistic masters.

That’s why the Niger citizen majority welcomed this coup, tired of the same old neocolonialist vassal in charge that allows their resource-rich nation to be plundered by Western interests.

Additionally for this very same reason, the Niger people have been demanding that imperialist France leave their country entirely. Yet since the coup, the 1,200 French troops stationed in Niger are refusing to leave, primarily because 70% of France’s total energy supply depends on nuclear power from its ex-colony Niger as the world’s fourth largest uranium producer.

Richly endowed in uranium ores, Niger produced 2,020 metric tons of uranium in 2022, about 5% of the world mining output. For years France has been fleecing Niger for its pure uranium ores as its main nuclear energy source.

Meanwhile, Africa provides so much in the way of raw materials and energy for its former colonialist European powers yet it has constantly struggled to keep the lights on and especially in rural Africa the standard of living has only made marginal improvements. Mounting justified resentment has been building throughout Africa blaming the former colonial West for the resource-rich continent’s rising insecurity, insufficient progress in its critical infrastructure and resulting impoverishment.

Aljazeera on Wednesday August 9th reported that Niger coup leaders are accusing France of violating and bombing its airspace and additionally “unilaterally freeing captured terrorists.” As one of the poorest areas in Africa, the Sahel region in recent years has fallen prey as a hotbed for jihadist terrorist groups affiliated with ISIS and al Qaeda.

With a coup last year in nearby Burkina Faso and Mali the year before, both former French colonies, France was forced to withdraw its troops from those nations, mostly redeploying them in Niger. Both Burkina Faso and Mali have pledged to fight on the side of Niger against ECOWAS and/or Western military.

French and American intelligence services are also becoming more actively involved in neighboring Nigeria and Libya, particularly since the African continent is clearly increasing its ties with both Russia and China. ECOWAS met on Thursday August 10th after their proclaimed Sunday deadline, to reinstate Niger’s prior president, Mohamed Bazoum, defied by the junta. As is typical, Western media is already throwing its slings and arrows accusing Russian “meddling has spiked” in the last couple weeks since the coup.

The mounting political volatility in Niger could easily and quickly deteriorate into another bloody West versus Russia Ukraine situation inside the heart of sub-Saharan Africa.

With the second in charge attempting to  throw her weight around Niger earlier this week, Vickie Nulander didn’t get very far, describing her Niger sit-down on Monday as “difficult,” meaning the Niger defense chief and his three commandos were not falling for her threats nor her intimidation tactics she is no doubt infamous for, despite the US maintaining 1,100 soldiers already stationed at four US military outposts in Niger.

Because the new regime has closed off Niger’s airspace, the US $110 million drone airbase built in 2019 is currently inoperable.

Since beating up on Russia is an impossibility, the bullying witch of the West Nuland may resort to deploying those 1,100 troops alongside the 25,000 ECOWAS force in yet another of her attempted US coups, aka 2014 in Kiev.

But with the world watching her current failure in Ukraine, another botched move in Africa risks only weakening the US paper tiger before the world even more. And with optics everything these days, DC war mongers cannot afford another failure with US power around the globe growing weaker and rest of the world smelling blood in its unipolar demise.

On Thursday August 10th, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken chimed in:

“We echo the ECOWAS condemnation of the illegal detention of President Mohamed Bazoum, his family, and members of the government, as well as the unacceptable conditions under which they are being held, and call for their immediate release.”

In another current clash between an African nation reacting to the World Bank’s coercion tactics, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni responded:

“They really underestimate all Africans. We do not need pressure from anybody to know how to solve problems in our society. They are our problems.”

Museveni’s remark comes after the World Bank threatened to not issue any more loans to Uganda because it passed an anti-gay law in May. The woke, promiscuous, degenerate Western world invariably, selfishly assumes that the rest of the planet must adhere to its particular values and morays, or suffer the imposed grave negative consequences.

Yes, from my POV, the Ugandan law carrying a 20-year prison sentence for promoting homosexuality or a death penalty for certain lewd homosexual acts is extreme and unjust a punishment.

But nations possessing far more conservative cultures, religions and values have every right and reason to resist West’s heavy-handed threats. Cultures of the East and Global South generally uphold far more conservative values, especially regarding the traditional family unit as a social institutional bedrock.

Thus, it’s understandable with growing defiance they are rejecting Western world’s open decadence, sexual confusion, utter moral chaos and insanity afflicting the West’s Sodom and Gomorrah lifestyle. Last month Putin just banned the transgender movement in Russia. The non-Western world reactively ensures that their nations and cultures do not fall prey, following this same destructive path.

Today they are now finally bold enough to stand up to the bullying, openly rejecting uninvited pressures and overt manipulative coercion to comply with Western demands. 

In contrast with the West, it was only a few days ago that Putin hosted his African nation summit, promising a supply of much needed grain, debt write-offs and economic support.

Many African leaders are busily aligning with China and Russia, away from untrustworthy US/West that historically steals Africa and Third World’s precious resources, not to mention the West’s brutal legacy of imperialism. Again, as the West fades, crumbling and grumbling into the sunset, Global South nations are actively seeking alliances with the Eastern powers in their emerging multipolar world.



      • ……as the movie plays on to the epilogue, eh, Ned. I would imagine Nuland may be losing a few nights restful sleep from now on.

        • Nuland🧌
          Has the ABC, SBS, WONG and company et.al., told the uninformed people of Australia how Nuland helped orchestrate the take down of the Ukrainian government in 2014?
          Of course not and also have not informed Australians re the Minsk agreement nor Minsk 2 that screwed Putin and the Russian people…… hence Putin got the shits💁🏼
          Rowland MP better get on to all the misinformation liars if she is to be consistent, honest and fair dinkum on the government’s internet CENSORSHIP PROPOSALS.

          • By the way; Nuland in a telephone call : “….. fuck Europe….”
            Wong, have you not heard details of that call and the context?
            No? Then do your job and find out and sack the bastards, if you have not been competently briefed.
            Also find out who the snipers were killing for and paid by during the demonstrations.
            Do your job!

  1. Nearly all of Africa is now signed onto the BRICS system. The hold outs in those African countries who choose to keep running with the Cabal losers of this world, will soon have their own problems, as their populations begin to turn on them.

    • The BRICS countries represent, from memory etc, about two thirds of the world’s GDP. WITH A SIMILAR (?) population. Come on Rowland MP, is that MISINFORMATION YOU DO NOT WANT AUSTRALIANS TO REALISE?
      I think I realised in a Jim Willie report months ago.
      Perhaps our 0WN government Phill, our home based ‘treasure’, might let us know of the fiscal implications?
      Hey our ‘treasure’ staff should listen to Mr Willie sometime and wake up our own fiat currency guru.
      PS: government, Willie has clients on a consultancy basis, he would be a lot cheaper then our Canberra bean wasters.

    • PILLIGA.
      Who do we know who went to the Pilliga Public School🧑‍🎓?
      The Pilliga bore, place for a warm free bath🤡 still not boiling!

      • Not the kind of location I would like to be travelling at night, although the wife and I, did the Newell Highway from Moree down to Coonabarabran coming back from our last trip north.

        Spooky road, if you ask me, but even spookier for some folks who have had rather unpleasant experiences with the Yowie.

        See, AYR (Australian Yowie Research) on YT, if you wish to be enlightened on the Hairy Man of the Piliga.

    • Just horrible what they did to Libya ( 7 wars in 5 years ) and the constant fake news attacks on Gaddafi. “The land of the free” was well and truly hijacked, they even gave W Bush a 2nd term. Statecraft on the Globalist level is like multiple 3D chess games going on at once. Perhaps this is the biggest issue concerning AI. The climate models are all a joke for the cheap B-grader idiots to play with, the real modellers at work on statecraft, focussed on timelines. As with project managers, the schedule is everything.

  2. If the African nations become more self reliant it stands to reason there will be less immigration from those same nations for the Globalists to play ducks and drakes with. It means less people being pushed into US, UK and Australia. Bravo.

    If these countries can mine and export their riches they will be able to buy their food requirements without interference from the World Bank and WEF.

    May be a better world is being created for all of us.

  3. Any war is a win-win for Globalists, it’s the red / blue dialectic at work, getting people killed and selling munitions, Globalists will be celebrating as useless eaters and their crappy apartments get blown to pieces.

      • Why can’t you look a little deeper Joe? You have so much yet to learn. Maybe a talk with the Big Fella will open that mind of yours – His lines are open 24/7 – so why not give Him a call?

        • Now commenter Nemesis is referring me to God which is an improvement on veiled or covert references to RealRawNews. But why would he constantly suggest I have so much to learn from his starry-eyed perspective, that would be devolution in the dictionary sense. ( I’m in favour of the US constitution being followed as much as anyone else ). I recommend to commenter Nemesis, if you wish to persistently insult, that’s ok but ADD SOME SUBSTANCE not just rubbish like RealRawNews and how you are now in touch with God and God is on your side. I feel disappointed that I am constantly enticed downwards toward this tedious, insubstantial level of debate.

          • Anyone can be in touch with God, Joe. One only need to do so by opening one’s heart to Jesus.

            If you allowed your thinking to expand, rather than write off information you only graze the surface of without comprehending what you are actually looking at, a whole new world of peace through accepting what awaits us all, if you choose to accept it, will also allow you to share the optimism that I share.

            At least get yourself prepared for what is coming, and very soon.

          • You are so presumptuous floating around on your cloud with your latest page of RawRawNews open on your laptop, constantly pouring out testimonials to your own superiority.

        • It won’t make any difference to anything except mainly to bring down the USD and make ordinary Americans poorer, it certainly won’t be global salvation from bankers

          • So Joe – you have actually studied the QFS and BRICS or are you simply accepting what others may tell you about it without checking for your own confirmation?

            I write that because I know, not choose to believe, that you are wrong.

          • I have been listening to Max Keiser for many years talking about blockchain, I even became aware of a blockchain company operating here in Perth a couple of years ago.
            Blockchain + Musk satellites = QFS = Beast System.
            You say you have a hotline to God, so read the bible then.
            I think your problem is that you can’t handle the present reality and you are retreating from it. Perhaps by submitting like that, you have become an agent for the other side.

          • Can’t you grasp, Joe, that it is you who is only too willing to accept what others will tell you, that confirms what you wish to believe?

            You throw that kind of wishful thinking at me, who has actually studied the QFS before accepting what the QFS truly is – the key to Humanity’s freedom from debt slavery that is not able to be controlled by any Human or AI system that is under Human control, as Blockchain and the Great Reset was going to be.

            Your version of reality, as is similar to many on this site, is about to take a hit that you cannot see is coming.

            Stop accepting what others will tell you, and that only re-enforces what you wish to believe, and learn for yourself.

  4. Without doubt, we are the most UN-informed and brainwashed by managers keeping most in the dark and feeding us BS 24/7.
    We are meant to ignore the biggest mass invasion in history, which today any idiot can see.

    Enemy within are mongrelising 5 eyes along with Europe, in disorder to wipe out history, replacing it with oppression the world has never witnessed.
    It’s global woke komunizim and monopoly of all trade via the belt and road. Don’t be fooled, creatures at the till still same as it’s been since 1913.

    The full intention is to reduce our mass to ignorant begging miserable slaves in service to those who do no useful work yet sit at the top of the global BS. The only way they can do this is through the abolition of white stock.

    Good friend passed away last week, over the years we had many yarns about our working experiences constructing Sydney. He said how in the sixties, when first skyscrapers were built, developers didn’t even provide toilets or taps to wash hands. As excavation was done, workers relieved themselves in full view of residents in neighbouring apartments. Having worked the walls, no amount of bs can erase memory while still breathing.

    • ant56 – your despair for our future is only reflected from what you are not prepared to learn from what is now being put into place for ALL Humanity who will choose to benefit from it – the QFS.

      The QFS is not the Great Reset, an enslaving system, which has now being dismantled. As will be all the so called, Human Rights Laws, a Globalist con, that has kept us all entrapped as we witness the willful destruction of Western Civilization from within.

      As for the mass invasion of replacement populations disguised as, ‘immigrants’, any individual who is not born of the land they are paid to invade will be required to return to the land of their birth, if they wish to participate in the QFS.

      Those who choose to ignore that opportunity to benefit themselves, will have no choice but to leave, especially as they see the Globalist governments collapse and their free board and lodging disappear.

      • Real money is visible cash in wallet.
        For a simpleton like me AI just-ice doesn’t cut it, especially if a robot decides credit score. May be change is possible in USA, here don’t see it as demonic are on all bases loaded. Aldi Bunnings Coles Woolies rule, no one else left standing.

        JFK had the solution, treasury printing its own interest free.
        Borrow ten payback ten, not 10% per year over 30 year loan!
        Our children crucified as CCP take the lot in cash. Soo far, no change ‘round here.

        Like your optimism and 🙏 for its fruition. DC metaverse at Gore Hill still an ominous presence of 5G about to be flicked on.

        • ant56 – AI does not run the QFS. Real ‘money’ is backed by precious metals that have intrinsic value. The fiat ‘money’ in your wallet today is actually worthless.

  5. A Family Business of Perpetual War

    Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan have a great mom-and-pop business going. From the State Department, she generates wars and from op-ed pages he demands Congress buy more weapons. There’s a pay-off, too, as grateful military contractors kick in money to think tanks where other Kagans work, writes Robert Parry………….

    Donald Kagan

    Born into a Jewish family from Kurš?nai, Lithuania, Kagan grew up in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York, where his family emigrated when he was two years old, shortly after the death of his father. He graduated from Brooklyn College in 1954, received an MA from Brown University in 1955 and a PhD from the Ohio State University in 1958.[

    Kagan lives in New Haven, Connecticut. He is married to Myrna Kagan, a teacher and historian in her own right, and the author of “Vision in the Sky: New Haven’s Early Years, 1638-1784.” He is the father of Robert Kagan and Frederick Kagan, both well-known writers. Robert Kagan’s wife is Victoria Nuland, the State Department spokesperson from 2011 to 2013 and the current Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Frederick Kagan’s wife is Kimberly Kagan, a well-known military historian and founder and president of the Institute for the Study of War.



    • Those Kagans have found their niche and keep plugging away one administration after another. The history of Lithuania is also interesting, one of those places like Prussia, Poland and Ukraina where the borders keep shifting, ie, endless bloodbaths of half starved peasants against peasants. The Swedes also had a hand in all of this, but their borders were better defined.

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