Home Trump The Puppeteer and Predictable American Propaganda

The Puppeteer and Predictable American Propaganda


by G5

There was never any doubt that Biden was what he was. Including the reason he was where he was, how he got there, and who the puppeteer was.

Rather than argue the reality of a monstrous Cromwellian Fraud; it was easier to step aside and hand over the reins to the insane; for a short term performance of that which they were capable.

The real pressure points of wars and genocides were removed from the incapable and immature. Only the capabilities of American Intel proxy forces remained. Balanced by The International Intel Community, playing America to its stalemate.

The ongoing were managed, and only a capable Israel was set upon, in the hope of expanding turmoil in the region, and involving Iran in The Mid-East, Russia on its doorstep, and China over its Formosa, Taiwan. 

The predictable American propaganda narratives were and are still being run out for fraudulent, ill-informed, and meaningless public perception.

Trying to cancel 5/11/24 by a manufactured national emergency, has not had traction. Nor could it, based on the meeting of brain powers, between intellectualized American garbage and the leaderships of Russia and China.

Leftoids never know how disengaged, and deranged they actually are. The major asset of their oppositions. The insane believe they are brighter than those they are attempting to deceive.

Climate, Race, and Gender have collapsed as hinges to Socio-Economic divisional devastations. Pro-Palestine and Fossil Fuels are subsets. As is the destroyed education system, joining the destroyed industries of law and medicine.

Marxism was and is a disguised focal colloid. It was never any epiphany or advancement: Intellectualised, Moralised or otherwise. I stood in The Rotunda at The British Museum, when it was THE Library. There were no lights shining, no voices heard, and no queues offering homage. 

The outcome of controlling government power bases has been: a hundred million slaughtered in a hundred nation states over a century.

Communistic-Fascism; yes, not Right Wing Extreme anything; is the big government, big taxing, big control, hand of death.

The fools led the charge of collaboration for The Covid Deception. The interesting outcome not delivering obedience and control, but the maiming and murder of the authority addicted. A Conspiracy Theory Win-Win.

Even a failure on the sought eugenics front. Two billion variously injured and fifty million murdered of eight point one billion, was not a success. Apart from the deceivers selling fake snake oil for their invention of a genocidal human clinical trial.

The more power lied, the more it was exposed. There was no point in attempting to save the deluded collaborator class. The drowning can drown those attempting to save them.

As the phrase ‘Fossil Fuel’ was manufactured by J.P.Morgan to depict a false rarity, where oil and gas are renewable deep earth minerals, followed by the fraud of Anthropogenic Climate Change, now exposed and defeated on many fronts: so too in 1964; following its murder of JFK and many others to follow; the CIA manufactured the phrase Conspiracy Theory, to manage and alter correct populist perceptions of; Truth, Fact, and Reality.

Another Earlier Email:

The usual suspect profiteers from the False Flag wildfires of California and Maui are building their hundred million dollar bunkers.

This excludes the insurance players and the hundreds murdered.

The Maui victims were thrown a one off payment of $700 by FEMA. At the same time that another amount of $6.2 billion went missing from a Treasury-Congress cubby hole.

Following the trail one finds it turned up in the Democrat Ukraine pig trough.

The bunkering elites, believe they are forward thinking and protecting themselves from effectively what they think they are creating. If their demented predictions come to fruition: from what, with whom, are they protecting, and what will be found when they emerge, whenever.

I am reminded of The Brookings Institute owned PM Gillard in Australia. Many stories. She appointed the already slipped into place Garrett; super hero anti-nuker, to minister responsible. He signs off on all, about which his developed deceptions would never permit. Then slips in as Education Minister, takes the bundle and goes home.

At the same time as minister responsible, Penny the Wong, advises she cannot find $5 a week for struggling young single mothers. Gillard announces the largest pay and pension increases for the alleged people’s representatives and their bureaucratic cohorts; not only in Australian history, but in world history.

Bob Carr; former NSW Premier; slips into a Senate vacancy in accord with a loophole invented by Bjelke-Petersen, wins the next election at the top of the Labor ticket, then; in accord with remuneration rules; retires, and collects the bundles. Including the PM for a day — a little known racket.

As Imperial College London wrote the script for Covid, for the idiots: Brookings wrote the script for the two Trump impeachments. As Obamaite Garland wrote the Colangelo script for the Trump fictional convictions.

It will not be a Christian moral issue of retribution dear Dr.Phil: but one of essential ripping DC apart to return America and the Americanized west to a state of morality and sanity. Enjoy that logic of reality when it unfolds.


It is Garland’s instructions to Hurr not to prosecute Biden because of his mental incompetence, that has confirmed Sect.4 of The 25th. Amendment for removal.

Michael la Vaughan Robinson (aka Michelle Obama) cleaned out the WH of everything  not nailed down when Barry Soetoro was sacked by Trump in 2016. Big  stink: most of the things returned.

Howard’s wife did the same at Kirrobilli House and The Canberra Lodge.

Gillard, still on Brookings payroll, did the same at The Canberra Lodge. Including stealing about a  million in truckloads of alcohol for the Labor faithful. Abbott had a personal $5,000 plus makeover for his personal toilet at the Lodge.

It goes on and on. But then The Liberals also, were always self-centered liars and thieves from the day the owned Menzies launched them.



  1. I hope Joe Bogan reads, and, can then appreciate what you have written here G5.

    Don’t you think it is way past time to inform the folks of what has been occurring over the past few years within this planet?

  2. It is very simple to me. If Australia is a sovereign nation via the UN charter etc, and the Australian Constitution being British Law – then:

    The law of one nation may not be used to govern over another nation.

    Our politicians and current judges are either stupid or practicing deception.

    “I therefore have come to the conclusion that the current legal and political system in use in Australia and its States and Territories has no basis in law.”

    Advance Australia Fair! – But Who Owns the Commonwealth?

    Posted on January 28, 2008 by nigel
    Is Australia really a Constitutional Democracy or are we a company listed on the U.S. Securities Commission?
    This entry was posted in Currency by nigel. Bookmark the permalink.
    h ttp://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK=
    h ttp://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar

    U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
    Commonwealth of Australia [0000805157]
    SIC: 880 – American Depositary Receipts
    State location: DC | Fiscal Year end: 0630
    Business Address, 1601 Massachusetts Ave NW
    C/O Australian Embassy
    Washington DC 20036
    Items 1 – 4
    Form SC 13G/A, Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals , Filing Date: 2007-02-14
    Form SC 13G/A, ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” , Filing Date: 2006-02-13
    Form 15 – 15D, Suspension of duty to report [section 13 and 15 [d] Filing date: 2004-11-22
    Form 18 – K, [paper] Annual report for foreign governments and political Filing date: 2002-03-04 subdivisions
    6 thoughts on “Advance Australia Fair! – But Who Owns the Commonwealth?”
    Mr Solomon (“Sol”) Trujillo on January 28, 2008 at 11:11 pm said:
    Hmmm, I looked into this a bit deeper and asked our accounts department and found the following:
    The Commonwealth of Australia as sighted above is the statutory body of Australia operating in the USA as an Embassy, not Australia the sovereign country.
    The two SC 13G/A forms relate to the changes in the Commonwealths ownership of Telstra, for 2006-02-13 the Commonwealth declared that it owned 51.8% or 6,446,207,123 of the Telstra shares and in 2007-02-14 it owned 17.8% or 2,220,736,177.
    Hope that clears thing up.
    On the other hand though I wonder if the Queen – who owns Australia and whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting – yet, has sold any shares?
    Mr Solomon (“Sol”) Trujillo,
    Chief Executive Officer
    Telstra Corporation

    • CC – we are currently in a state of INTERREGNUM – no rule of law applies to those who pretend to govern. In other words, a Belligerent Occupation that is no longer subject to even its own rules.

  3. Elbow and A-G Doofus must be pretty happy with all the wife murders and with the increase in wife murders because they haven’t done anything much about it apart from some increase in talkfests, this is the UN technique, just put on a few talkfests and job done basically, take the pay and go home.
    Elbow and Doofus are happy because politically it increases the wedge pressure between two demographic groups, ie men & women. They like it that way and if a few useless eaters get bashed to death it means nothing to them, even one or two extra a week is nothing. They get their political effect, which their masters have directed them to manufacture.
    There is a simple solution which would fix this social problem instantly, that is put all the wife murderers in the stocks, from 6am to 6pm every day for the duration of their sentence. Outside the law court, prison or even outside the central train station for a particularly nasty one. Putting them on TV for 5 minutes is not good enough, and putting them in the University of Crime for a few years with free food and board, drugs and gay sex available, is obviously counter-productive. Yet this is the system the lavishly remunerated Elbow and Doofus wish to maintain.

    • The Chinese have a solution to corruption, it is effective in making sure the participant does not engage in corruption again. – We could either adopt the same penalty, or, we can wait until the Chinese buy up Australia and substitute their form of government.

        • Good for corruption especially corrupt aspirational minions such as cops but more questionable for other murderers who will build suicide into their plans and also the occasional innocent, who under the stocks system will attract do-gooders and publicity which we are presently deprived of by our evil and crooked ruling classes

          • Sleepy Joe hates cops. LOL.

            Generalizing about anything, Joe, has a tendency to cloud one’s judgement as to the real problem.

          • You’re right you have hardened my attitude toward cops, but in particular yourself.
            You incessantly pester and like to use me as a springboard for your own stoopid ego, but unfortunately you are a useless dunce. You struggle to ever contribute anything worthwhile, you just attach your little droppings wherever you can, like a little dog out for walkies.
            Even this rejection will fill you with more excitement and delight, that you have bought some more of the attention you crave. Stale and unemployed, with nobody in your community wishing to hear from you, look what you have become.

  4. I do not care if most do not watch and listen to Mary’s situation update today at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    I do not know what is the truth, e.g about the white hats having all Assange material via the ‘kill switch’ given to a mountain in Cheyenne territory?
    I will wait, but I will be not pooping my pants if all goes tragic, rather I will raid a $600 bottle of scotch given to me early this year and watch if anything happens with the silver spot price.
    BTW all our electricity here is being turned off tonight for 12 hours. So I went and bought a heap of candles. Bed early tonight in the relaxing candlelight with I-phone charged for some relaxing 432 hertz sounds.

    • Ta Sandra. The controlled msm is finished. The ‘pub’ internet talk/discussions is taking over and thinking.
      Go away minister Michelle Rowland MP and take your boss with you.

  5. I just caught the latest part of ABC ‘reporting’ how the Assange deal was accomplished.
    Very interesting manoeuvres.
    I think it was on the project? From 7.30 pm.
    Sorry, cannot inform more, perhaps someone can contribute? (Sandra?) disclaimer: I had just heard ABC when passing.through. – I have to set up a Calabria and find some matches for our power ‘lock down’.🙀🤷🏻

    • I have a notice on my fridge stating that the power would be turned off at 8.15 pm
      It is now and I have all these candles alight to guide me to my bed.
      Strange: I have the phantom of the opera on my vehicle system and today whilst enjoying the production, what stood out was the scene where the lady , in a dream? Was in a chandelle lit scene/cave with a person, (the phantom of..) approaching on ‘boot’.
      In life always look for abnormal clues to your life.
      Bloody bureaucrats : ‘do they know what they do”.
      Anyway if you do not hear of me again I am off to the 5th dimension.
      All the best.
      Bloody hell the power just went off.. I am on my balcony, the whole locality is in DARKNESS.
      Only some lights up the hill to Bellevue Hill in Sydney.
      Oh well, the candles are a guide… but I have to save my I-phone power and hope the freezer does its work.
      Pleasant dreams.

      • Besides extra candles (bees wax is best), I have some kerosene lanterns. I prefer the lanterns for light and have extra wicks and kerosene stored. I thought I would purchase another lantern at Bunnings. They used to have a nice glass bowl lantern that lets you see the amount of fuel left in the lantern.

        Went to Bunnings and NOPE, they no longer carry kerosene lanterns. They referred me to a sporting goods store. NOPE, they no longer sell kerosene lanterns. – All you can purchase now are ELECTRICAL lights, but hey, they are rechargeable, IF THE POWER IS ON.

        • Ok this is all funny, but only a normie would think so
          I just did a 150 m stretch of my street locale. Complete black.
          Had a few candles in my pockets if anyone might need one. Pressed a few ‘door bells’ .. nothing in response.
          Right! How many door ‘bells’ are on the grid power.
          Lesson! ?
          Nothing happens by accident ?
          Last week in another Sydney suburb a similar power down was notified to the effected.
          Well it was on the night of the league ‘biff up’ between NSW and WLD and the affected wanted to see it on tv.
          Due to the who-Ha the blackout was delayed until the tv footy drama was finished.
          As a aside; try turning on the GAS HEATER without a alternative like a match
          Stove OK… if desperate for heat,

          • In short, any decent conspiracy theorist
            would have to consider wether the usual control freaks are running a few TESTS to gauge a public reaction and then twig a design for a plan to circumvent a natural response and consider if they could get away with a blanket reaction.
            💁🤷🏻that is what they do to design and implement their agendas.
            You say BS? Well where are you now?
            They have been doing it for centuries

          • Speaking of candles, I remember a black out in New York City and candles were going for $20 a stick. Crikey, how hard is it to keep a box of candles in the cupboard?

      • Definition of racist–Racism is a belief that a certain race of people are inferior to you.

        Definition of Genocide– Hope you are getting your submissions in.


        Genocide by design: The Gaza massacre is made in Washington
        On Friday, Reuters reported that the United States has sent Israel 14,000 2,000-pound bombs since October for use in the Gaza genocide. These massive bombs, among the largest in the US arsenal, are capable of destroying entire city blocks and can kill people up to 1,200 feet away.

        • The Puppeteer and Predictable American Propaganda
          Thank you G5
          and such a find Dee: Australia Politicians make the most racist video of all time.

          Genocide with intent. One example of the plan to destroy the People and Take Over their land by Stealth. I was there they are/were my family and friends, they witnessed and lived through the horrendous crimes perpetrated against them. Listen to the voices of the multilingual multicultural participants from Yuendumu and Papunya.
          The injustice and evil intent is clearly evident. The lies and dumbing down of society through mass mind control brainwashing and the Machine has enslaved us all.
          Official Committee Hansard
          Reference: Reeves report on the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act
          THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 1999 YUENDUMU

          Yes Time for Right Action

          • Survived the blackout.
            As for racism, is it racist to accept or believe those who claim that they are superior to you and everyone else who is not in their club.

  6. Ok, to all anti-reality lefties and Mr Bowen MP, et. al., I am writing this directly under a Calabria with three candles at about 1.50 am
    Now and then tonight I have reached for an electric light switch and realised that I am an idiot. It is not there.- need I say more?
    My I-phone is at about 90%.
    How do I charge it tomorrow ?
    Bugger, I am going to bed with Madame Calabria
    Our politicians, green and Teal frogs must HATE US and THEM SELVES (slaves)
    Do not bother to reply unless you have experienced my ‘enlightened’ experience tonight
    What do we do?
    Best turn out the lights in our parliaments and hand out candles, they are idiots and should not be recognised in the THEIR DARKNESS , they have brought our country to now be—- ‘STUFFED’
    Just do it, go out and switch off the power, just from, say 6 pm and realise what these bastards are doing to you and how you are being screwed by the corporates and THEIR puppets.
    SAY …. NO.
    WE ARE AWAKE! I am, it is now about two…. THIRTY THREE , Got the picture!

    • We have a very large bed ‘room’.(home alone)
      I have placed the three candles in front of a large oval mirror and the room has a soft invitation.. a soft light.
      No lead down lights-or whatever 💁
      Anyone on board?

      • At the time of your post, Ned, I was gently sleeping in our King size bed.

        Blackouts in selected areas?

        But not during peak load activity on the Grid?

        Maybe some urgent attention required from AusGrid as to the poles, wires, and transformers?

        Then again, the White Hats also do local power outages as part of their surprise arrests. Any well known ‘celebrities’ live in your area who need locking up?

        Where we live, blackouts were a constant problem, until I bought a generator, and umpteen rechargeable heavy duty lights.

        Candles only used now, for those ‘special dinners’.

        • I should have also added. Williamtown Air Force base has gone back to ‘normal’ after 18 months of some very abnormal activity. Activity which included working through two Christmas periods, when ‘normal’ activity over Christmas is a six week break from training.

          Not too mention the over the house flights of very fast – probably on after burner, fighter aircraft heading west, at the very irregular hour of 2:00 AM.

          So, for the past three weeks, at least I have noticed, the air space up here where I live has become very quiet.

          And as for those ‘blackouts in selected’ areas, apparently, they have been occurring world wide for the past few weeks.

        • Bad people in our street🙀
          The regular, almost daily, esp on Sat mornings, cocaine ? delivery fellow has not bee around for quite awhile and his supplier/user? Is away in Europe? As usual.
          Nah, even that thieving fox gave up over a year ago. He/she was outfoxed🤪

  7. Did Dee create the photo?

    In my humble opinion, the Biden person at the Debate is too tall and too good-posturish to be the original Joe.

  8. SCOTUS has now moved to give POTUS some immunities from prosecutions currently underway, the extreme left M$M now screeching about king, dictator etc., which is not unjustified until they start rioting and burning everything like the do in Africa and Pakistan and Governor Newsom’s California and such places.

    “WASHINGTON, July 1 (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday that Donald Trump cannot be prosecuted for actions that were within his constitutional powers as president in a landmark decision recognizing for the first time any form of presidential immunity from prosecution”.

    The SCOTUS exists to enforce the constitution but extreme lefties say it is too conservative, but that is what it is there to do, to conserve. Ultimately the lefties want socialism – free money. They have gone through life without finding a job or career they like to do. Society should be trying harder to give them jobs, instead of handing everything to Westfield mall, the extreme lefties should be allowed to run small businesses as they always have been allowed to in history, until modern times. They are trying to kill off the entrepreneurial spirit in Thailand with “clean streets Monday”, a COVID era initiative, designed to push everyone into aircon malls with their McDonald and other Globalist offerings. Public space and public markets all have to be owned now, by faceless entities, you have no birthright, you are a tenant. There is nothing left for extreme lefties but burn baby burn. Considering the ownership structures there seems to be no other way out for everyone. We are all sinking deeper and deeper in “debt” with bank loans, fraudulent patent medicines and Chinese manufactured gizmos, little more than disposable toys, documents galore and other such things of not much value.

    • Nice looking bread in the video. Of course, you need something to make the bread with. I’m not too keen on Australian wheat (if available) in any case the chickens won’t eat it which is disconcerting, so I’ll just grind up some maize from my own property. I also don’t really like ‘damper’ (using sodium bicarbonate as the rising agent). Hopefully, I will have a nice yeast bread recipe by the end of the year. – Or, maybe I’ll end up with corn pone or tortillas.

      Pity about the mandarins in the video, what a waste. My mandarin came in like gang busters this year, so I’ve juiced up about 15 liters so far and the chest freezer is starting to run out of room. I hate to waste food, but with a tangerine and three orange trees coming into fruit it’s going to be a problem to give it all away.

      Protect yourself….

  9. Assange’s Return to Australia: The Resentment of the Hacks
    “Given that the Australian press establishment is distastefully comfortable with politicians – the national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, for instance, has a central reporting bureau in Canberra’s Parliament House – Assange’s return has brought much agitation. The Canberra press corps earn their crust in a perversely symbiotic, and often uncritical relationship, with the political establishment that furnishes them with rationed morsels of information. The last thing they want is an active Assange scuppering such a neat understanding, a radical transparency warrior keenly upsetting conventions of hypocrisy long respected.”

    • Well, the ‘modern journalist’ is now university indoctrinated along with every other ‘woke’ organization and establishment.

      Real reporting and journalism is a very rare bird today.

      Once upon a time, to become a ‘reporter/journalist’ the aspiring seeker of news sources, was required to undergo hands on training as a copy boy/girl at a newspaper.

      Now they just put out whatever they are told to put out.

  10. Dianne,
    I know you would know, but this is referred to expose to themselves what the many do not have the COURAGE OR INTEREST IN LISTENING TO, ABOUT THE SEEEYEAY ….
    34 to 51 mins. from Mary on
    Today’s situationupdate at
    Beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    When all is exposed many will have scream and cry in shame. They will not be pitied!

    • I see in France, Marine le Pen is on her way to the top. Apparently the Muzzies and the Communists are out in force protesting Macron’s loss.

      Their demonstrative displeasure exposes the real enemies of France.

      Viva la France!

  11. Joseph, B, I am sure you would appreciate a update on the Brunson cases.
    Beforeitsnews.com / people powered news.
    “C .. W … s insiders club (without Charlie!)
    Lloyd Brunson exposes new never before heard election info – THIS IS MAJOR”
    I sent the link to MM FHI.🙀💁⚖️
    It is all Brunson!

    • Note all the bloody corruption and the banning of socialist policies in the US Constitution that is never referred to by ALL THE CORRUPT.
      The US has to be stirred and shaken, then turned upside down, and the cockroaches trampled upon by the awakened normie herds.

      • I have done my duty and listened but I already know the general gist of it.
        Let’s say Swissy’s bank returns all the printed scrip they have fraudulently excised from the USA, in the form of printed scrip. There will be inflation but no actual increase in wealth, perhaps an increase in inequality, and an increase in “workforce participation” and an increase in “unproductive investments” such as gambling, holidays etc. Quite an adjustment

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