by Dee McLachlan
Gumshoe Commenters Gary and Eddy contributed to my August 19 article, which drew a comparison between 2001 and 2017 vehicular attacks – and called attention to the 9-11 False Flag. Gary wrote that “NONE of them [mainstream media’s supposed opposition] ever question these obvious False Flags.” And Eddy came in with, “…the MSM is simply a mouth piece for the powers that be…”
It is obvious that the mainstream media (including Australia’s ABC) are controlled. They not only refuse to question the facts surrounding a false flag event — but these organisations actually collude to perpetrate the lies — speaking as one voice.
The “Stupid and Wrong” Debate
Back in 2011, the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) produced an article entitled, “The laws that erode who we are.” They wrote that in the decade after the 9-11 attacks, the Federal Parliament “enacted 54 pieces of anti-terrorism legislation; 48 of these were passed under the Howard government, an average of one new anti-terrorism law every seven weeks.”
And these laws kept getting worse.
I quote from my September 2014 article, “Teetering Towards Totalitarianism”:
“Australian spies will soon have the power to monitor the entire Australian internet with just one warrant. Journalists, whistle-blowers and even bloggers who “recklessly” disclose “information … [that] relates to a special intelligence operation” will face up to 10 years’ jail. Any operation can be declared ‘special’…”
So why does the SMH not investigate and be honest about the 9-11 events that instigated all these laws in the first place? They are surely NOT allowed to go there.
Canberra — Stupid and Wrong?
The Stupid and Wrong debate started in October 2010 when Kevin Bracken (Victorian Trades Hall president) posed a very good question to ABC host Jon Faine live on air, on the 774 radio program (video here).
This debate then moved to Canberra, when a new minister, Josh Frydenburg, addressed his first question to the then Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. The transcript below says:
THE SPEAKER …the member for Kooyong.
FRYDENBURG Thank You Mr Speaker. My question is to the Prime Minister. I refer to the comments of Kevin Bracken, President of the Victorian Trades Hall Council and Member of the Port Melbourne branch of the Labour Party that in relation to the terrorist attacks on the world trade center on September the 11 2001, and I quote, “I believe the official story is a conspiracy theory that doesn’t stand up to scientific scrutiny.” If the Prime Minister finds these comments as offensive as most right-thinking Australians what action will the Prime Minister take to discipline Mr Bracken and send a message to others that such remarks are unacceptable. [rumble]
THE SPEAKER Order. Order. The house will come to order. The member for Dixon — Prime Minister.
JULIA GILLARD Thank you very much and I thank the members what I understand to be his first question and congratulate him for his election…. On his question — obviously I don’t agree with the remarks. Obviously they are stupid and wrong. I think the member was in the house yesterday when I gave my prime minister’s statement on Afghanistan…
How could it be stupid and wrong?
For the sake of the politicians in Canberra, I will BRIEFLY, outline why the official narrative should be questioned:
- Building 7 (47 storey skyscraper) was not hit by a plane, but came down in a perfect demolition-style collapse (Video here). The Leaseholder of the WTC stated in a PBS documentary that, “…they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse,”
- 2,900 architects and engineers believe that the twin towers were assisted by some form of sophisticated demolition.
- Many people had foreknowledge of the event. There was a spike in trading in ‘put options’ before 9/11.
- There were War Games going on that morning. These drills, one simulating hijacked planes, only became publicly known later. (Note: London 7/7 bombings.)
- Norman Mineta (Secretary of Transport) testified that Vice President Dick Cheney gave orders to “stand-down” on an incoming plane.
- Although The Pentagon has hundreds of security cameras, no more than a few frames were released.
- Many Firefighter and witness statements referring to bombs and explosions were ignored by the 9/11 Commission Report.
- General Wesley Clark revealed a 2001 Pentagon plan to destroy Iraq (and six other countries), and that the attack on Iraq had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks.
The list goes on and on. So Ms Gillard, please explain why it is SO stupid and wrong to ask for more information?
What role do you think the MSM plays?
Knowledge and Silence
Let me add that I believe many of those that work for ASIO would have to know 9-11 was a false flag. How could they not. How could hundreds of Intelligence officers not put the dots together. That is what they are trained and being paid to do — to sift information, review data and make assessments — and look after us.
Is ASIO dealing with factual information — or are they too getting their Intel from the MSM?
I know there must be many good people that are working in our interests — so what is going on? Maybe someone has produced enough of an Intel smokescreen, that it has insulates the facts. But surely that is impossible.
If there are a few people in ASIO that know what happened, and are not doing anything about it — then it would make sense that 9-11 is classified as a “special operation.” As the law says any operation can be classified special, and anyone…
“…who “recklessly” disclose “information… to a special intelligence operation… will face up to 10 years’ jail…” [Etc.]
Surely ten years jail wouldn’t stop an honorable agent. The consequences must be much worse. But what if that operation is betraying the people of one’s country?
But back to these laws…
How did they pass through the Australian parliament? When it was initially debated, it seemed that it was not going to pass. So, how did so many politicians get spooked into passing this legislation? (44 ‘yay’ votes over 12 ‘nays’.)
I suspect an incident was “arranged.”
The Bella Vista Incident.
I reported my suspicions on Gumshoe in my article (27/7/14): “George Brandis’s 1984 Red-Letter-Day.” The Bella Vista incident just seemed too convenient.
I quote from my (8/8/15) article:
25th September (2014): 6.30 am. A member of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) was attacked. The 41-year-old Navy man told police he was assaulted and threatened by two men of Middle Eastern appearance while wearing his full uniform at Bella Vista, Sydney. ADF personnel are warned and there is a MEDIA blitz. (E.g., The Australian, SBS, SMH, The Guardian, Business Insider.)
Later than night, Terror laws clear Senate — enabling entire Australian web to be monitored, and for whistle-blowers, journalists, and bloggers to be jailed for 10 years if they disclose information about a special intelligence operation.
26th September (2014): The officer/sailor withdraws the assault claim.
About a year later, after I had called the police media unit in New South Wales several times, a pleasant officer confirmed (via phone) that, “We don’t believe it [the Bella Vista Incident] happened”. I thus wrote “An Unremarkable Incident And The Passing Of Deplorable Legislation.” Mary Maxwell followed it up with “Bella Vista Incident. Wow. Here Comes Doubting Thomas.”
There seems to be one common denominator… the MSM.
The Media’s 9-11 Worldview Propaganda
The media has relentlessly pushed ONE 9-11 narrative. The moment Paul Bremer appeared on NBC around midday that day (11/9/01), as a few others did, the MSM propagated this amazing hypothesis as fact. Any questioning of this world view was ferociously crushed in every which way possible.
The MSM set a precedent. And the politicians followed dutifully.
The MSM has made it very DANGEROUS for anyone’s career to speak out.
The Stupid and Wrong debate below:
The conclusion: Those controlling the MSM must be in on it.
Well, Gillard got straight onto the Brookings payoff machine (alongside such saints as Tony Blair) so I guess her pre-PM trips to the Old Testament theme park paid off personally. As to Faine and Frydenberg, need I say more? I wonder how the likes of him, Dreyfus and Danby sit in the dual-citizen discussion? Note that their situation seems to be off limits.
Paul, Grant Wyeth siad this on The Drum in 2014:
“To think that dual citizens cannot be representatives of the people is belittling. Especially in a country like Australia where a quarter of the population is born outside the country, and a further large percentage are second generation residents with significant overseas cultural ties….
“With such large numbers of Australians being so internationally connected we should be able to rise above cheap definitions of ‘loyalty’ and maturely embrace our diversity in both our parliament and our public debates.
“Fortunately in Australia we don’t have a significant culture of constitution worship like that present in the United States. Australians have the good sense to realise that as much grand foresight as our constitution’s authors had, their work is not infallible. In this regard, let us hope that out of this silly undertaking of “gotcha” journalism comes the public momentum to remove Article 44(i) from our laws.”
Yes, maybe, but if your read Bob Carr’s unfairly maligned book you’ll see an interesting part near the end where he relates an anecdote about Danby and Dreyfus where they, against his counsel as Foreign Minister (of Australia, mind) advocated forcefully to Pm Gillard for a decision that directly benefited Israel (UN vote regarding Palestine), while being active sitting members of an elected Australian Government. This was beyond simply holding dual citizenship, this was actively working for, and advocating for the interests of a foreign power, while being elected Members of the government of Australia. That is what they did, and this goes beyond a forgotten citizenship forwarded unknowingly from a parent. They provide an example of why the Constitution says what it says about dual citizen-ships (and by extension, dual loyalties), and yet…..crickets? So my question remains unanswered: are these people dual citizens of Israel as well as Australia, given the right-of-return principle?
That’s also a big part of why Carr’s book got such a pillorying in the putrid Australian media by scum like shekel-devouring Israel felator Andrew Bolt who went out of his way to denigrate it. They wanted it buried quick smart because they knew what it told.
I guess you don’t like Andrew Bolt?
Look up the rights to automatic Isreali citizenship and ‘exclusive’ right of ‘return’.
Matter of exclusive sexist ancestry is significant.
Paul, I quoted The Drum because I found it amusing. I myself do not want section 44 of the Australian Constitution changed.
South Australia’s senator to federal parliament, Nick Xenophon, has been told he is a British overseas citizen by virtue of his Dad having been born in Cyprus. I assume Nick was born in Oz and has never applied for British citizenship. I don’t think he should be disqualified under s 44. Same for any Jewish Australian who has not moved to Israel. Once you move there it would be the same as Nick applying for British citizenship, I suppose. NIck is asking the High Court to decide on him.
“Ms Sharkie reportedly told Fairfax Media on Friday that she had withdrawn her support for the government after fellow crossbencher Bob Katter pulled his support earlier last week
Senior Nationals MPs Barnaby Joyce, Fiona Nash and Matt Canavan have referred themselves to the High Court after it was revealed they were elected to parliament as dual citizens.
“Attorney-General George Brandis said the hearings would likely come to court in the first fortnight of October. He rejected speculation there could be a legal challenge of cabinet decisions made if Mr Joyce and Ms Nash were found to be ineligible.
“You don’t have to be a member of parliament even to be a minister for a period of time,” Senator Brandis told Sky News.
Under Section 64 (of the Constitution) you can be a minister without being a member of parliament for three months”.”
Katter. Wouldn’t it be funny if with all this he found out he was still an Afghani?
Who cares, just another fairweather politician.
Met him once at a function. His platform was basically “look everyone, I’m Bob Katter”.
Sexist? You mean patriarchal don’t you Ned?
It is neither sexist not patriarchal.. It has to do with the simple fact that before DNA testing, fatherhood wasn’t provable.
Yes Mary, you are correct in modern thinking, but tell that to ol’ Henry the VIII.
“The conclusion: Those controlling the MSM must be in on it.”
Pardonez-moi, Dee, don’t you mean the prime ministers must be in on it?
When the MSM-ers (Murdoch and Packer) were faced with proposed legislation to maintain restrictions on media’s rights to control a majority of outlets in any one city, John Howard (from memory) said “It’s OK, don’t worry.”
Mary, I’m sure you haven’t seen “Men in Black”. They go around with zappers — erasing people’s memory of any record of UFO interaction. It feels like that — ordinary folk step into parliament and they somehow get “zapped” – and then they lose the ability to apply logic to things like 9-11
Somebody forgot to zap Laurent Louis;
Oh but they tried… By the way the Youtubes of him being arrested are “gone”
Video “gone”
They are voluntrarily ‘zapped’ in the preselection process.
Dee, a sign at the Senior Center near Birmingham, AL:
“Tuesday evenings: 6:00 – 9:00 pm, there is a dance led by The Men in Black.”
Maybe I should go and then we see if I stop talking conspiracy.
Wow… “Men in Black” in Alabama? — This is from the movie “Eagle Eye”.
This article draws attention to two oxymorons:
The latter remains exemplified by Ms. Gillard’s somewhat freudian “I BELEIVE in the science” slip re “climate change”.
Said remark also pinpoints a phenomena that couldn’t really be called anything less than information-phobia.
Dual citizenship is OK by me, for all Aussie migrant citizens.
Unless they want to become politicians and make our laws, in which case they better renounce any and all other allegiance to foreign countries. (We wouldn’t want any “conflicting influences” now, would we!!)
Same as I’m OK with Open Borders, on the condition that we don’t have an “Open & Unlimited Welfare State”. All should be welcome as long as they can support themselves, not be a burden on hard working Australians and ASSIMILATE into our society.
Not a lot of deep thinking there Phil on open borders. Do you leave you house open to the world at night?
Bring it up on QNA
Is it a coincidence that the name of the person who put the question to Julia Gillard, is a Jewish sounding name. I ask this because the most number of people to have had a positive outcome from the 9/11 event are people of Jewish extraction.
We also know of a well known ABC announcer who has a Jewish name, who will try to belittle any caller who wants to intelligently discuss the alternate story of 9/11.
The media moguls and their mouthpieces, Larry Silverstein and his partner Frank Lowry, as well we are told by the Prime Minister of Israel, “the country of Israel will benefit by the incident”, the Israeli photographers, all gained by the unfortunate calamity. The manufacturer of the explosive thermate , was I believe also Jewish. These are only a few of the Jewish Zionist connections that have come to notice.
And of course it is the Zionists, who have pushed politicians in every western country to provide all the ridiculous and illegal laws that have been implemented, because of this human made catastrophe.
Somebody should give Corbett an honorary degree for this:
You have proof of your allegations Aussiemal – just two examples would do?
Do Jews have dual citizenship in Australia
What has that got to with this article?
Well, you’d know, you tell us?
It was a question Paul – it has a question mark on the end of the sentence. Maybe you could tell us what you think russell meant?
I have to admit, I got my daily laugh when I read the reference to Julia Gillard in the opening paragraph.
As if she is some sort of authority on such issues, LOL.
Isn’t this the same Gillard who stood up and accused the Syrian Government for using chemical warfare against it’s citizens, and then a couple of weeks later the U.N. found the claims to wrong ??? However, our fearless leader at the time, strangely refused to with draw her erroneous remarks. If memory serves me correctly, (does play around a bit these days) she still flatly refuse to admit her words were out of order to this very day.
That must mean, the U.N. had got it wrong, yet she fails to take to account that august body, for their allegedly wrong conclusion.
Mind you, the U.N. sent specialists on the ground, took samples, and studied them in labs before making their conclusion, whereas our Julia, did none of the above, and simply followed the lead of her masters and the MSM, which in her understanding, could never get such things wrong, and are to relied upon 100%.
It’s no wonder, she’s no longer the P.M. thank the stars.
Frankly, I fail to understand the beating of one’s chest on the issue of the complicit MSM.
We all KNOW, they are the mouth pieces for the N.W.O. and everything they release, is false or misrepresentation, so why we even discuss their lack of honesty and trust, is beyond my understanding. Totally pointless IMHO.
B.T.W. regarding 911, it is claimed that the authorities empowered to protect the citizens of the U.S. A. failed in that duty, by failing to connect the dots, yet in the REAL World, in private enterprise, if an employee failed to carry our their duties in such a manner, they’d be FIRED.
IMHO, this is another RED FLAG, that needs to be addressed.
Why was not even one, such employee fired for der-election of duty?
Instead, we see such employees REWARDED with medals, for crying out loud, and salary increases. What exactly were these medals supposed to represent ????????
Yet no one anywhere, has taken notice of this massive impropietry ?
Dee, knowing that you made that chart of 9/11 temperatures, I’m sure it’s clever, but I don’t get it.
Put simply Mary… there’s a 30′ chunk of steel frame flying out about 200 feet from the building. Tracking it’s arch — it was propelled horizontally out. That requires and extraordinary amount of energy.
OK. I had read the 30 feet as 30 degrees and thought you and Corbett were measuring global warming.
Corbett’s report is the second lot of information on “climate warming”, in the last month that I have watched. The previous one was the report given by a multi skilled professor to the US Senate Committee on climate change.
Both these and other reports suggest to me that there are fraudulent, so called scientists in abundance. If you want a certain scientific outcome, it appears that if you pay a large enough sum to certain “scientists” you can have proof that anything is possible.
Why would ground based temperatures read from a thermometer or equivalent machine need to be adjusted. 30 degrees is 30 degrees. If the day is cloudy, it is still 30 degrees.
If it raining, it is still 30 degrees. Of course we are talking of maximum and minimum readings to get an average. But the formula to get that average is still the same.
These fraudsters hide behind the fact that most people couldn’t argue scientifically against their outcomes.
I’m going to have to do a series on climate sometime. Its so complicated. I worked on a climate documentary so had to interview many of these scientists (many years ago). Some of them don’t give a sh*t about any other international bodies… they just focus on their little areas… I remember thinking these results are not good (portions of the oceans heating). And this could reflect cooler temperatures on land in some areas.
Dee stated. ‘Let me add that I believe many of those that work for ASIO would have to know that 9/11 was a false flag……’
Intelligence agencies work on the compartmentalized system of a need to know basis. If you are not on the same security clearance as those above you then you will not know what they know only what you are allowed to know.
Many are waking up to the MSM and its complicity in working with the Globalists and the American Deep State.
ASIO receives its directions from Mi6 who also direct the CIA through Chatham House in London. All Western governments are directed in their foreign and internal policies through their intelligence agencies, including, to some extent, Israel.
So we have a lower level of nincompoops with their snouts in the public trough above heir deaf ears competing with our politicians for the swill.
That about sums it up Ned.
Thankyou for your insightful words of knowledge,
We had no clue.
Motherhood is your real calling.
BTW. Back in about 2003 in club I was informed that they knew about 911.
Anyway, nice to know that you are catching up seargeant.
It’s sergeant Ned, not seargent, and I was not a sergeant.
Bugger, our spooks cost us a fortune keeping us safe and we have to tolerate mother hood statements on what’s what.
Hey, seargeant, Francesco Corriga, the past president of Italy told our silly Canberra spooks who did 911 a decade or so ago.
He is reported as stating that the day after 911 all the intelligence agencies in the world knew that 911 was a CIA/Mossad job.
Silly bugger he did not realise how ignorant our own intelligence agencies were.
Then again we know they believed ‘curve ball’ ( ref BBC the spy who fooled the world) and stupid Howard and Co went off and killed hundreds of thousands based on concocted lies.
Now our silly politicians have not yet woken up and the msm wants to continue killing more kids.
Any more motherhood observations on that Sgt Nemenis?
By the way Corriga exposed operation Gladio.
Nem, are you saying these Intel agencies, even compartmentalized might not have heard of Building 7?
Taxi drivers have more Intel than these guys then.
And if we are taking instruction from MI6 and CIA which I’m sure we are… then is ASIO acting against the interests of Australian people? (All this fuss about the dual citizenship???). And what is the crime when someone is acting against the interests of Australia… doesn’t it start with a “T”
Well, I would guess that it really comes down to the individual who works in such establishments as to what they wish to find out. I have no doubt that many within the CIA/Mi6/ASIO/Mossad, and I have no clue what the Canadian or NZ spooks term themselves, know precisely who did 9/11 but they risk serious jail time if they wish to broadcast their knowledge.
Like a section within the FBI, I would suggest there to is a section within ASIO that take to ‘grooming’ the Muslim to carry out attacks against us by facilitating those ‘terrorist attacks’.
I think the most important question in all of this ‘terrorism’ is what exactly do ‘intelligence agencies’ produce? Do we need the behemoth systems now in place to do simple spying procedures on those considered a risk to the state?
So what is it that ‘intelligence agencies’ really get up to?
Bear in mind Dee, that the greatest spy was one Richard Walsingham from Queen Elizabeth the 1st’s Court. His ‘deeds’ set in motion the spy networks we are now familiar with and the procedures of which were taken up in 1694 with the formation of the Bank of England and its controlling influence – the Rothschilds.
Your comment implies that maybe we should round up all intelligence agencies and have them up for treason…
Dee hath Eureka moment.
Dee, they do not serve the Australian publics interests, so yes to your question and that Mary has already responded to.
Looks like we’re all being played to the tunes of the Point Piper .
Don’t know what u mean, 56.
Mary ,
to expand in further detail these days is dangerous .
For they control the net . Look around , more high-rise cranes in Sydney than all of North America combined . All these apartments for the CCP elite . Minnie me knows but as pm he ain’t telling .
who has the harbour side mansion at Point Piper?
Nedski, the only part of Sydney I know is your chambers, plus the Coroner’s court, plus Hyde Park, plus a “resort” that has no toilet seats. And maybe the opera house. Point Piper is outside my educational limitations.
People who live harborside better watch out for tsunamis.
Got it. (:-
I have been reading David Ray Griffin’s excellent books on 911 from one of his earliest, ”The New Pearl Harbour’.
His book ‘Cognitive infiltration’ is a must read as he disects professor Cass Sunstein who promoted infiltration and misinformation into groups examining 911, in a 2008 article.
That is an example of a corrupt lawyer indeed. …….. and a policy to keep mass murderers away from a good copper’s truncheon and handcuffs.
BTW, Obama appointed cass Dumstein as the head of the US ‘Goelbles institute’ ….. the US propaganda and information department…
Now Griifin’s latest is out: “Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and The World’.
I communicate with DRG and will take him to task.
He left out John Winston Howard as a joint culprit.
The book is out at Amazon.
$15 us.