[Part 1 of a long report from G5 covering many topics]
by G5
People who use Scripture to control you, are not controlled by Scripture. Proof Texting is not Scripture Study. It is out of context.
The International Intel Community has got Trump on target. His machine is going to savage the American Religion of Government. This will splash around the world. The shit that you see and people suffer today will be destroyed.
No stop. No mercy No forgiveness.
Evil is control: not only stolen empowerment through mis-perceptions of weakness and submission. Evil must be met and destroyed by overwhelming force. Not by cheek turning. Which is the assumption of morality in the other.
There is no morality spectrum of evil. There is only destruction and control of its victim.
In the contemporary, there is no Left-Right Paradigm. There is only more or less control, obedience and authority addiction.
Morality, Intellectualism, and opinionated invented divisions, are used as weapons of control. When these are denied, evil falls. Vengeance, Retribution and Denial are weapons that must be used to destroy tyrannical authority. If not ended; it will not pass of its own accord. There is no moral epiphany. It is the lack of awareness that sponsors evil.
Blue Havens
Mayors and Governors of blue havens, posturing to object to the forthcoming cleansing of their delusions concerning the harbouring of Illegals, by virtue of a fantasyland of constitution free zones and sanctuary cities: are posturing the committing of felonies not just misprision, and must be dealt with accordingly.
Trump is dividing America into fifty separate states to be judged by their own constituents as to the socio-economic performance of their chosen administrations.
The Federal Government will sit above the states with The Constitution, SCOTUS, Military Tribunals, and The USMC sworn to The Constitution.
Enterprise can choose if it will invest and in turn provide employment.
Residents can decide if they approve of the levels of crime, and the standards of healthcare, education, and state taxes. The tail no longer wags the dog. People fleeing will variously destroy insane states, by taking congressional seats with them.
People object to their socio-economic devastation, in cities based on agendas of lunacy. Minorities must not be appeased to the detriment of the majority. All seven swing states voted by popular as well as Electoral College for New America. Delivering both houses and the administration. Rogue Judiciary is on notice. Blue states as Illinoise, New York, and California, delivered inroads of Red into their patters. The Blue side did not deliver a full Blue state. While the Blue team continues to argue the outcome of 2024, they will continue to lose.
False Conflicts
In past history: we have experienced empires as England and France sponsoring wars against themselves to maintain false conflicts, or between others within a separate nation state for the purposes of division and weakness. Even to the point of The US and The UK being hidden allies of NAZI Germany during WWII fighting Russia. Which Russia won.
What was The Potsdam Surrender to Russia, delivering Russia all east of The Oder Neisse? Where did The Cold War originate: effectively delivering the exact same outcome? What were Operations Paperclip and RatLines, and the theatrics of Nuremberg?
The current world view by The American Intel Apparatus as The Enemy Within; a nation within a nation; has delivered scenarios as The Middle East, and formerly Afghanistan and Syria: where America is fighting itself.
America as with; Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Somalia, Yemen, South Sudan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Georgia, Crimea, Ossetia, and Burma, was chased out of town; in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Kurdistan, etc.
Just as well all American students now receive the National Dufus Award, Magna cum Laude.
Public Servants
Recovering the American Socio-Economic fabric requires: the savaging of the number of public servants by over 85%. No negotiations. America will cease to function. Only if the gutting is not accomplished. The savaging of government expenditure, punitive regulations, and confiscatory taxation.
Reduced taxes, regulations and energy costs, attract enterprise, which provides employment and prosperity. Inflation and economic value (not arithmetic) delivers a peaceful existence with governance out of the people’s lives. Government does not know better as to how to spend its ill-gotten blackmailed from the capital of enterprise and the sweat of workers.
Nothing is served, least of all a peaceful existence for The People, who own the nation. Government is the servant and owns nothing. Controlling The People by the point of a gun and a dysfunctional Judiciary and owned Legislation and Administration, is not he name of the game.
Police search and seizure, civil forfeiture, qualified immunity, rogue judiciary, agendas of Wokism, AA, DEI, Gender, Race, Climate; Green and Renewable Energy; child pornography, psychological damage, physical mutilation; state abduction of children, waging foreign incursions, burgeoning governance, dominance and submissive obedience, is not well spent capital.
The Immediate re-connection of Oil, Gas, and Coal, exploration, extraction, and processing, to deliver continuous supplies of cheap energy, to block Inflation, and renew industry and employment, in a rational environment, is beyond any negotiating factors, balanced by lunacy.
The immediate removal of illegal aliens, and the blocking of the southern border. The immediate prosecution of illegals who have committed crime in America. The reinstatement of The Trump First Step Act, removing innocents from wrongful prosecution and gaoling. The immediate removal from office and prosecution of prosecutors and judiciary who involved themselves in election interference and politically agendered lawfare.
Personal liability and responsibility by transparency and accountability. No Nuremberg Defence. No Qualified Immunity. No Insurance or State protection. The seizure of superannuation and assets.
Won’t be done, Can’t be done. As governments like sending psychopathic messages for collaboration: watch when real ones are delivered to government buffoons, and they keep on coming. The surrender of the religion of governance is not required. It’s well beyond that state. Long overdue retribution cometh.
The free and open carry of firearms in protection of The Right of The Second Amendment to protect The First Amendment is in consideration. Commo-Fascist Governance has earned it.
The Criminalized, Victimized, and those representing the Murdered, are out and proud. The Age of Blackmailed Silence is GONE. The Age of Exposure is here.
The old wild west. At least government was contained. The cities in America at present with the strictest gun control laws are the ones with the highest violent crime rates. Home invasions will cease immediately, as will violent street crime. Offenders do not know from where their appointment to meet God will be scheduled.
Certainly the US Intel False Flag era of school shootings and crisis actors will immediately stop. The restructuring of; The Federal Education Department, NSC, Fed, Treasury, IRS, FDA, ATF, CDC, NIAID, HHS, FBI, NSA, FCC, DNI, FISA, CIA, DOJ, SEC, DOD, and DHS.
Funding blocked to; Paris Accord, IPCC, UNRWA, WHO, UN PeaceKeepers, NATO, Planed Parenthood, Antifa, BLM, WEF, radical Colleges and Universities, and radical Islamic groups.
The immediate removal of men in women’s spaces and sports. The immediate removal of America involved in foreign wars. The reinstatement of religious teaching in schools; The re-enforcement of The Constitution and Bill of RIghts, not as options or privileges.
The criminalizing of media platforms for blocking free speech, and the restructuring of FCC sections used as a safe haven for politicized propaganda. We recently saw Zuck crawl to Mar-a-Lago. Wasn’t me, says he. Bend over Zuck. Bring in the reaming apparatus.
If you think X is an obstruction to lies, wait until the owners of Fox, MSNBC, and ABC cut and run. And as for Musk telling Disney CEO Bob Iger to go fuck himself, when he attempted to blackmail Musk over advertising on X: Disney now having successfully Woked itself into the value of a used condom; and understanding that Disney is now a petty cash issue for Musk; Iger has been seen drooling at Musk’s gym shoes.
Conspiracy and Stupidity
There is a sector of the lost generation, that reaches for the mental quick fix takeaway of Conspiracy Theory, whenever they are confronted with something for which they have not been specifically tutored. Anything that does no meet the nonsense of their belief system, or echo chamber. The Lost Generation. Not their fault travelling that road. Their fault remaining there.
Comprehension through Rational and Critical Thought, and not pre-scripted pre-opinionated fallacies about, Truth, Fact, and Reality.
Not unique to fools, but more specifically of the alleged educated. The ones conditioned to believe and respond in an ever decreasing column.
The owned dons and more specifically owned DEI Hire donesses of the ivy league institutions, leading their self believing elitist intellectualized plagues of mice as they chortle their narratives, along the red brick road of enslavement.
Children leaving school ill-equipped with basics of language and mathematics. Students leaving institutions of higher learning with heads full of compliance, and authority worship mush. Intellectualized; Climate, Race, Gender, and politicized governance perspectives of unchallenged and ill-informed proud idiocy.
Stupid people never know they are stupid, because they are too stupid to realize they are stupid. The very stuff of Expertism.
I don’t believe in the plan, I think there is a bundle of ambitions and if they fail then the adroit will reposition hence Mein Trumpf always walking both sides of the street. He called for a movement, Biden generated a backlash, how long can Trump stay on the surfboard and where is he planning to end up, is a mystery to me.
What are the odds of a Trump+Putin vs NATO Satanists confrontation, as appears to be fervently believed by some. If Geneva, Basel and Zurich were all 3 nuked, would the gold survive ? Should we care ? When will the Alt-news catch up with Brussels pedos ?
The PLAN is a world ruled by geriatrics:
We can only hope to, because we know.
I’ve got a plan. I just put up another load of tomatoes to dry. I don’t know if I will ever have to use them, but if I do, they are available.
I’ll probably use rice to fill in the gaps just like I do to the jerky. If I need the jerky or rice, I’ll just poor the contents into a big bowl and sort out what I want and then store the rest.
All those whole grains have bug eggs hiding in them and they will come out and eat everything, the white rice has the skin ground off which is why bugs either don’t eat it or their eggs got ground off in the process. The abrasive powder is the reason they like to wash the rice in Asia. Whole buckwheat is very susceptible to bugs, I am guessing steel-cut oats also, rye might be a little more hardy but it’s a long time since I did anything with whole rye. Unhulled millet and rolled oats might last a while but shelled walnuts won’t. All these things require research / experimentation or you might end up disappointed. I have a big jar of dried tomatoes in oil I am keeping for the end times, they give them away for almost nothing in some shops. Likewise the big catering-size cans of tomato paste. It may be appropriate to stock up in Australia but here we sheepishly await the American reaction to events. We have this week seen the first strike against the most appropriate target, a creature from the financial services of the medical industrial complex. If I was American and resident I would be prepared to do my duty according to the Constitution. I’ll leave the talking to Steve Bannon and we’ll see what happens.
I prefer brown rice to eat. In fact, tonight I’m having garlic prawns and ‘bush’ fried rice. The bush fried rice is something I came up with on hunting trips out west. I use nuc mam (fish sauce), soy sauce and sesame seed oil in the rice. It not only tastes great, but it also has lots of extra nutrients.
In my storage containers I use white rice.
I couldn’t face white rice, would rather live off my fat, when I get super skinny I will be better able to dodge the drones.
Have you tried storing dried beans, they should last a while and very compact, cheap too. Beans and tomatoes remind you of anything !!!
I wonder how many readers of Gumshoes are M$M operatives scrounging for ideas, I would guess well over 1%.
A few are bailing out, possibly to become preppers on the quiet, or else they got their hours and pay cut.
I just use the white rice for storage with dried meat and vegetables. The Bush fried rice started out with the left-over meat on a goat leg I had. Too little for a meal, how do I use it up? I boiled up two cups of rice (it was jasmine, my preferred rice is basmati), after draining the rice I had the chopped up goat meat and a couple of onions. Got some oil hot in the camp oven and threw in the goat and onions, then the rice and then added some soy sauce. – The guys loved it! The next time I had some frozen peas to get rid of and that went into it.
Today’s recipe (back in the city) is one cup of brown basmati, boiled up, then add two tablespoons of fish sauce, two tablespoons of soy sauce, mix it in, then two tablespoons of sesame seed oil for a nutty taste. Then add a chopped up onion and a cup of boiled peas. – Cheap, nutritious and easy to make.
I’ve got lots of bags of dried beans and soup mix. Give me the left overs of a cooked chicken and I’ll take off the remaining meat, boil up the bones and skins, soak the beans and soup mix overnight and the next day boil up the beans and soup mix in the chicken broth and ten minutes before it is done throw in a packet of chicken soup mix with the small noodles. Again, cheap, nutritious and easy. – Besides being a bachelor for years, I also learned to cook out bush as the other guys were hopeless. I used a Dutch Oven out west, bread, pies, cupcakes, whatever – then wash it down with cheap cask wine around the campfire.
Here’s another one, garlic yabbies. I taught a couple of stations out west how to cook yabbies out of their dams. Just lightly boil the yabbies, clean them up (remove shells, etc). LIGHTLY salt them (all the salt you use WILL go into the yabbies), throw them in a bag with a tablespoon of dried garlic and let them sit overnight in the ‘fridge. The next day get a good size dollop of butter in a pan and then finish cooking them until they have curled up and turned red.
The locals couldn’t believe that yabbies could taste that good and started cleaning out all the dams of yabbies.
I’m using the same approach to the prawns I have for dinner tonight.
I don’t eat much chicken but the roast chicken back is usually the best. I learned “shaking beef” Vietnam style, you just cube it and put it in a really hot pan and keep it moving, whatever you do don’t overcook it, it should be barely browned outside and pink inside. Beef keeps amazingly well not like other meat which turns green and goes rotten after a short time in the fridge, I suppose kangaroo is maybe a quite good alternative.
Dear Joseph, so you do not believe in ‘the plan’🙀
What plan do you not believe in?
Without any specification as to what you are referring to, you may as well have saved your opinion…. Because most may have no idea as to whose plan and what it is that you are imagining.
Anyway, perhaps you have not heard of one. As it will take a couple of minutes to hear expressed back a bit as recorded at about 102 mins at Real Mary’s commentary at her WTPN SITUATION UPDATE AT:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
For the climate change sucked in brigades and stupid media hacks, perhaps they should do less HAARPing and listen to Real Mary from about 50 mins and EVENTUALLY CATCH up on machines that make weather and kill people followed up by what we already knew about Pence’s history.
Toward the end are news snippets before the detonated weapon used to knock out ICBMs with nuclear goodies is demonstrated. (repeated by Mary in every presentation, that you seem to have missed🤪)
Then you might get a clue on the earth’s natural harmonic.
Whatever you plan is, all the best, talk to Terry, he has a good one.
Time 7.26 pm
Yeah Ned, I’ve got lots of plans. Here’s one that lots of people can use. I have a few small cans of baked beans to trade with the Normies (they think that is a good source of food). – Now as an experiment, buy one can of baked beans and a can of ‘refried beans’. Take the can of baked beans and drain out all the liquid, then mash the dried beans back into the can and see how much ‘bean’ you have. Compare that to the can of refried beans and see which can of beans you want to have if the SHTF.
I need a drink🤷♂️
Pipe Dream comes to mind.
Term dates from the 1870s, and it originally referred to the strange, hallucinatory dreams that opium smokers had.
To know who has the power, it’s whoever you can’t talk about, now ruling every nation with AI system of global slavery. Doesn’t matter where, Wuhan Mumbai Sydney, same as it never was.
Vaccine hesitancy and mRNA safety concerns cast shadow over multi-billion dollar Moderna factory opening, Victoria
Moderna’s ‘too big to fail’ mRNA facility opened in Victoria this week with the promise of pumping out up to 100 million doses of mRNA vaccines per year, amid rising vaccine hesitancy and ongoing safety concerns.
Based at Monash University’s Technology Precinct in southeast Melbourne, the new factory is the result of a 10-year strategic partnership between the Australian Government, the Victorian Government, and U.S. pharma company Moderna, positioning Australia as the only country in the Southern Hemisphere with the capacity for commercial-scale end-to-end manufacturing of mRNA vaccines.
Subject to regulatory approval, the new site will produce its first mRNA vaccines in 2025 for respiratory diseases including influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and Covid, and is expected to create 140 highly-skilled direct jobs, and up to 500 additional jobs in the broader workforce.
A 10 YEAR strategic partnership(well and truly predating the COVID PLANDEMIC)with a pharmaceutical company that had never brought a product to market until the mRNA vaccine.
Billions of taxpayer dollars expended.
Another way for Victoria to bankrupt itself, as if it needed one. Good thing it’s only money and if Americans bomb ModeRNA to the shithouse, Victoria might not have to pay.
Elbow and Chalmers have taken a wrecking ball to the economy and neither has the faintest clue how to stop a recession so they are going to ask Paul Keating
flat out like a lizard drinking– hyperspace– the dreaming–
“this is the best video “I” have seen” ??? — ah have only watched 40 mins plus- sleep calls
Clif with Dr Reiner Fuellmich: ” A broader view of Life- Consciousness – the enemy of humanity–September 2023
Clif puts the boot into the Khazarian Mafia
I should mention, after killing himself 3 times with mescalin etc
MKULTRA Monarch Programming (K M MOB) uses torture/ experiments –to create NDE– parts of “me” “died” left my body many times – but my core soul self was always aware– my experiences living and working with the original western desert peoples enabled me to connect to their expansive field of seeing /being another dimension/another world/another battlefield.
In 2006 I had a “NDE” very much as described in the Ted Talk and it sustains me through the dark times.
“We meet the people we need to meet to do the work we agreed to do in this incarnation”
Focus awareness on love – specifically self love and then love for others
Live life fearlessly
Have humor, laughter and Joy
Life is a gift
Always be yourself. Be as you as you can be. Shine your light as brightly as you can and be uniquely you.
And then there is AI and the space aliens or as I know them the Star people from hyperspace the Dreaming another dimension another way of communication.
re above TED TALK link
Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea
Many people don’t have a clue there’s a financial and spiritual war going on here.
To think that some are better, therefore we must support them in everything they do, whether they are butchering children,
poisoning water food and air whilst fleecing us with usury and taxation is not wholesome goodness.
911 was the trigger for wars of profit and slaughter of innocents, leading to loss of freedom in Oz, advancing the banksters agenda with slavery probably the most profitable of “investments” now overflowing with immigration.
Sadly, middle class are falling into poverty, together with the poor, losing jobs ending up on the streets. Who knows where they go? Compared to 50 years ago from first to last. Fare go mate.
Alien Technology & Off The Record Space Programs Revealed | Ancient Alien & UFO Mysteries
Since the 1950s, technological progress has followed Moore’s Law, with computing power doubling every two years. Yet, space travel and energy innovation remain stuck in decades-old technology. In this interview with Regina Meredith, Timothy Good uncovers the Amicizia Project, a 1950s initiative where humanity gained access to advanced off-world technology. Discover how this groundbreaking knowledge was hidden within black projects, shaping our future in secrecy.
A funny sort of story, bit of a greatest hits, I listened to it twice
Y’all might be in a heap of trouble down under :
Is The Revolution not coming to Oz ?
We are totally in the shit
If the UFO visitations are becoming more common to lessen the impact of ‘discloser’, then perhaps this video might be such a visit.
Hollywood would have dragged that out for an hour and a half
Walter Cruttenden – Binary Research Institute – The Yuga Cycle – The Great Year – Precession
The Great Year
Just as the Earth’s spin on its axis causes day and night and its annual orbit around the Sun is responsible for the ongoing cycle of the seasons, what if there is some greater celestial cycle, lasting thousands of years, slowly influencing the rise and fall of civilization across the globe?
To many ancient cultures, the answers lie in the stars. In their view, time moved in a cyclical pattern, with human civilization and consciousness rising and falling as great ages came and went. Vedic scholars spoke of the Yuga Cycle, a great circular progression of ages; and Plato taught of a large cycle of time that would slowly return us to a “Golden Age”. He called this cycle: The Great Year.
Why did Syria fall so fast and what happens next?
The unfolding events show the West’s willingness to use any means to achieve its strategic objectives and retain global supremacy