Vax hubs
This was reported in the Epoch Times:
$33 Million Transferred From Big Pharma to Doctors in Australia
“Authors of the paper in the Medical Journal of Australia suggested more transparency is required.
“Pharmaceutical companies paid doctors more than $33 million (US$21.9 million) over three years in Australia to promote their products. More than 6,500 doctors across the country received at least one payment from a pharmaceutical company between November 2019 and October 2022. The findings were revealed in a peer-reviewed paper published in the Medical Journal of Australia on May 6…”
G5 offered this reponse:
This is apart from guaranteed loans for practices, houses, and cars, and apart from.the enormous overseas conference scam and publication of nonsense in junk scientifically journals.
And of course: the government fraudsters bought tens of millions of Covid vaxs from the makers through the usual chain of operators. 20 cents becoming 200 dollars etc.

Comparison between the deadly Remdesivir and the life saving Ivermectin. Similar single production costs. The latter sold by the makers for about 10% of the former. The latter banned for the use of the former in hospitals. Causing injuries and death.
And of course the criminality of doctors and nurses injecting people with the deadly Covid vax for varying payments between 20 and 100 dollars a hit, for the government approved and legally protected human clinical trials.
The various batch numbers delivering saline solution to the protected and immune destruction followed by the litany of diseases, to the illinformed herds. 2 billion injuried and 20 million murdered. According to the first exaggerated numbers, then the downplayed ones.
Not wanting medical staff or government promoters and sellers of the criminal money stream to die; batches were despatched to the blissful ignorance of the agents of death. The herds were delivered according to the many trials conducted in pre-determined hospital regions for the collection of data.
Life Insurance companies also being beneficiaries in the massive and complex fraud of orchestrated genocides.
Injurues caused; apart from in the growing list of Third World Nations, requiring lifetime addictions to pharmaceuticals sold by the same mafia consortiums.
No collaborative, authority addicted fool left unjabbed: the hundreds of millions of left over Covid death shots, re-branded as influenza vaccinations.
The same contamination and induced injury racket from the days of the Sabin Polio Vaccine. The reason why medice Manages but can never Cure.
Live well and have faith in no one. The more they posture, the faster you run.
Peer Reviewed Study Links PSYCHOSIS to Covid Vaccination
In a peer reviewed systematic review study published in ‘Frontiers in Psychiatry’ on April 11, researchers documented a link between the mRNA and viral vector Covid vaccinations and new-onset psychosis.
Psychosis is described as a psychological condition where the afflicted lose touch with reality, fail to distinguish fact from fiction and suffer from hallucinations and delusions. “…data suggest a potential link between young age, mRNA, and viral vector vaccines with new-onset psychosis,” the study said within the ‘Conclusion’ section.
1% own 95% of everything.
“If you want to know who’s in power, it’s those you can’t criticise.”
Who is it you can’t criticise?
Well the “jews” have been getting bagged for centuries so it can’t be the jews.
“In countries like Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Morocco it is ILLEGAL to insult the Monarch”. ( Take special note of Netherlands ).
Lese Majeste in Thailand I actually agree with, the system in Thailand works well for Thailand, with a few ups and downs they are the most successful country in ASEAN but on many measures, all Asia. They don’t need foreigners coming in trying to disrupt centuries old arrangements between the king and the people.
If you read the comments they seem to say the Dutch lese majeste laws were repealed in 2020, now why would that be. Queen Beatrix abdicated ( retired ) in 2013.
Sorry to digress:
The great cull continues
That kid’s video got to me. War is ugly, I’ve heard wounded men call for their mothers in combat. The ‘leaders’ that enable these type of conflicts should be excised from humanity.
2024 australia fluvax ingredients
into G666gle for a good laugh
When I had to have a grass seed surgically removed from my calf in 2021 I kept being asked “what medications are you currently on ?” and encountering astonishment when I said “none”
So the norm is for everyone over 70 to be to be ingesting a plethora of junk?
A trend which, I can vouch safe, was already dead-set in 1967, because my 1st job at age 17 was in a nursing home and I was carefully instructed what meal-tray to deliver to whom because they were ALL arrayed with a different set of gaudy pills; quite an eye-opener
So far as I can see the only remedy is for the hoipolloi to shun GPs as much as possible, and whenever handed a script, do their own research re the respective poison before running to the chemist
Talking about ‘vets”
Pennsylvania is so handy to the big population centres, for robotic processing of vegetables and farm produce, no wonder Bill Gates wants to run everyone off.
At the same time I hear vets have a very high suicide rate, they have a number of disgruntled clients it would appear, and only horses and dogs pay the bills anyway. Cattle and sheep farmers are more independent in my experience but pig and chicken farmers probably run more disgusting operations and require a lot of vet attention. Verdict: DeepState land grab.
Crikey, the US is going downhill so fast. I hope Australia doesn’t follow this trend, I’d hate to go to gaol/jail for growing corn without a bureaucrat’s approval.