Home Corona 60,000 Sign The Great Barrington Declaration While Pfizer Wants 75 Years To...

60,000 Sign The Great Barrington Declaration While Pfizer Wants 75 Years To Release Data

Mayan calender satire

by Dee McLachlan

Protecting Medical Practice

I am in contact with a few EXCELLENT doctors that have been suspended, and they have been suspended by a Tribunal of doctors and administrators not holding up the ethics of medicine.

A global summit of medical scientists and physicians met in Rome in September to discuss the COVID ‘vaccine’ crisis. 10,000 scientists and physicians signed the ROME DECLARATION calling to an end of MASS COVID ‘VACCINATION’.


The declaration was authored by three eminent scientists:

  • Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.
  • Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.
  • Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.

One the original co-signers was Dr. Simon Thornley an epidemiologist and biostatistician at the University of Auckland.

The declaration calls for politicians to implement policies that will allow communities to reach herd immunity, which is the point at which the rate of new infections is stable. The drive for mass mRNA vaccination makes achieving herd immunity impossible.

10,000 subsequently signed the Rome Declaration, in which they reaffirmed the Hippocratic Oath to ‘do no harm’, and to demand immediate cessation of the mRNA experimental ‘vaccine’ technology. 60,000 have now signed The Great Barrington Declaration.

The purposes of the Declaration are to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behaviour; behaviour such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and power.

The Insanity of Data Release

While these doctors above are trying to ‘do no harm’, Pfizer and the FDA, meanwhile, is wanting to drag their feet releasing data. This from Newtarget:

“Remember when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal court to give the agency 55 years to fully release data on Pfizer-BioNTech’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine?” Well, now the FDA wants 75 years.

“The FDA had previously agreed to release 500 pages per month of the more than 59,000 pages of data that exist. However, the agency now says another 20 years are needed to fully pore through the data, which it had no problem rushing through in a matter of months to grant Pfizer-BioNTech emergency use authorization (EUA) for the experimental drug.

“The Epoch Times, citing attorney Aaron Siri who is working on the case, ‘If you find what you are reading difficult to believe – that is because it is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harms, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its licensure,’ Siri wrote on his Substack blog.

FDA says its 10 staff members who work on FOIA cannot review, release Pfizer data until 2096. This is the most insane argument. Will those 10 staff members manage to live to 2096?

Most or all Gumshoe readers will be long gone. They are holding back the data because those responsible for this genocide will be dead.



    • In another story on newstarget today the Japanese Health Ministry is yanking the mRNA injections for myocarditis in young males (80 / 1,000,000), then reading on there is a Health Ranger interview with a doctor who says the mRNA serum spikes are pulling oxygen out of red blood cells (leading to clotting). There is an old cancer hypothesis from about 100 years ago by Otto Warburg who came up with “the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar”.

  1. “It is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harms….”

    Dear Americanos,

    You often hear that Congress passed a law (circa 1986) to prevent people from suing vaccine manufacturers for injuries.

    Guess what. They can’t do that. All statutes are required to be in line with the Constitution. The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution. Its article seven guarantees:

    “In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.”

    So sue. You will be denied, and then you must appeal. It is the judiciary’s responsibility to maintain the Constitution. And it’s your responsibility to see to it that the judiciary is not out to lunch.

    Also, read your state constitution, it may have additional guarantees. Do those override federal law? You bet your bippy they do.

    • Look up the Dr Zev Zelenko interview with Dr Breggins. About 26 minutes.
      “The injection is spreading the covid…. “ and much more; the children are being sacrificed!
      Where is the ABC telling us.
      Why do the msm shock joke spivs not tell us.
      Why does the AMA and CHO not warn us?
      Why are the politicians silent.
      Why have the police Commissioners investigated and charged those responsible for unnecessary killings?
      As Zelenko states, Hitler in Mein Kampf publicised his intentions.
      So to have people like Swab and Gates publicised their intention.
      How dumb are we not to take notice as the evidence folds out?
      Well, one hope is for us to make them realise that they are few, we are many and remember the Hitler and Mussolini fates with their evil running politicians, medicos and lying media propagandists.

      • Why should we trust what a jewish doctor Zelenko has to say about Adolf Hitler? Just what ‘intentions’ are you alluding to in Mein Kampf? Yes, please do a thorough study of the profound sublime thoughts in Mein Kampf of that greatest noblest of all world leaders the world has ever been blessed with.

          • This short video is some indication of what Germany under National Socialists principles promulgated by Adolf Hitler could have achieved had it not been utterly destroyed by the JEW WORLD ORDER with the help of jewish-controlled America/England/USSR criminal armies.


            The whole ultimate problem of mankind is the jewish problem and the answer to this is a National Socialist world suited to the different races.

          • Hitler lost at “the night of long knives” this was about 1934, when he became a puppet of the Swiss banksters ( probably already was ) and the old Royals of the German kingdoms (pre-Bismark) took over the National Socialists and started reshaping it into the National Fascists. They made the SS for themselves and their sadistic pleasures. The “jews” were conscripted as a front for the Swiss banksters I think about 900 years ago. I am not here to try to exonerate “jews” or condemn Germans but to drill down into the truth. Hardcore fans of “National Socialism” have pretty much concreted their position in but I try to get through anyway. They may have good intentions and simply been misled by disinformation put about over centuries by SWISSY.

        • “The Great I Am” allowed the third Reich to rule for a season because the World needed to learn what humanely devised clean-ups are all about: the so-called holocaust was naught but a dress rehearsal for the prospective tribulation – otherwise known as “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble”

          • @w3 You want us to believe that “Swiss banksters … old Royals …” are the top of this evil JWO. What fools you think we are to be suckered into such canard deception.
            @berry HOLOHOAX was a filthy jewish LIE. The National Socialists German Third Reich’s miraculous divine manifestation on Earth is to inspire all future generations of mankind to FIGHT EVIL forever.

            Watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/SMCP9Fhu54gL/

            “How beautiful is our Germany! How beautiful and splendid! When I look upon you, I know that my life’s struggle will not have been in vain! … ” — Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, ultimate savior of all mankind!

          • The “Children’s Crusades” came out of Germany and Hitler was just another such. Taken down partly by jews while other jews worked as proxies for the Swiss financiers. The gold went up to Switzerland and everyone scratching their heads saying “where did it all go ?” Pathetic

      • “Day after day the bourgeois world are witnesses to the phenomenon of spreading poison among the people through the instrumentality of the theatre and the cinema, gutter journalism and obscene books; and yet they are astonished at the deplorable ‘moral standards’ and ‘national indifference’ of the masses.”

        Got any more smoking guns Ned?

      • “There were very few Jews in Linz. In the course of centuries the Jews who lived there had become Europeanized in external appearance and were so much like other human beings that I even looked upon them as Germans. The reason why I did not then perceive the absurdity of such an illusion was that the only external mark which I recognized as distinguishing them from us was the practice of their strange religion. As I thought that they were persecuted on account of their Faith my aversion to hearing remarks against them grew almost into a feeling of abhorrence. I did not in the least suspect that there could be such a thing as a systematic anti−Semitism.

        Then I came to Vienna.”

        • “I also made a further and more thorough analysis of the relations between Marxism and Jewry.
          I could not understand how they could stumble blindfolded into the midst of this peril, the effects of which would be momentous if the openly declared aims of Marxism could be put into practice.
          In the years 1913 and 1914 I expressed my opinion for the first time in various circles, some of which are now members of the National Socialist Movement, that the problem of how the future of the German nation can be secured is the problem of how Marxism can be exterminated.”

          Aah – so now we are getting warmer – Marxism/satanism is the problem (and its derivative Bolshevism)


          Of course it depends on which side you choose – there are those who want to normalise paedophila after all – I am just an observer reporting a documented time capsule.

          (you should here what Hitler had to say about that drunkard warmonger Churchill and his string-pullers!! more another time )

          • There is that word describing the inevitability of the old empire being challenged by the new empire, but I can’t remember it. So why does one have to be “good” and one “bad”, surely if one was bad they were both bad.

          • “Of course it depends on which side you choose”

            Well according to the Bible there’s only one choice that’s going to save anyone and it’s got nothing to do with pledging allegiance to any political or religious club

  2. Who cares what ingredients are in the Pfizer injection?
    I am busy enough trying to read all the notices of ingredients in the globalist corporate products food on the shelves as required by law. With a jeweller’s eye glass.
    Damm, what did I just say? LAW?

    Oh well, your injector will let you know what the injection contains and the many patents held by the injection corporates that describe the ingredients. Like graphine oxide found in Japan.
    If they will not, then instruct your injector that until 2076 or something you will wait, see and then consider. After all, whose body do they intend to inject with unknowns?

    Now to fry that chicken until it tells me what secret herbs and spices cover it. Then on to ‘diet’ coke and deodorants ,,,,, with aluminium.

  3. I have read several dichotomies on mass psychosis, affecting 30% of the population, and another 30% frozen in fear. The other 30% is, it is presumed, “sane”.

    I reject this.

    The “sane” element are just as delusional as the subjugated.

    Because politicians are violating Constitutions and many other laws, plus the Nuremberg Code and UN Declaration on Human Rights, we can safely presume they acknowledge no laws whatsoever. They have abrogated the Rule of Law.

    So why are so many business people, doctors, and lawyers, taking politicians to court, in the expectation of victory?

    By definition, the politicians have declared war on us, and are killing men, women, children, and even embryos up to 20 weeks.

    Even a tiny skerrick of logic should tell these muppets that they need to adopt the tools of war to survive, They need to fight and defeat the oppressors. I talk to a lot of people in Darwin about the situation here and I have met one man only who reads the writing on the wall..Whoever planned this campaign was really on the ball.

    The lead-up of: reality TV, ABC unilateraliam, brainwashing of youth on Triple J, recruiting of union leaders, and so on, was thorough. Wwe can trace the initial preparations to Bob Hawke as ACTU President.

    They had us sussed and will defeat us with hardly a whimper of real resistance. The proud Resistance will be triumphantly flapping pieces of paper in Premier’s faces as the foreign soldiers drag them to the jabbing table.

    Yet the elimination of a Premier, a CMO, and an AMA executive; and the bulldozing of ABC and News Corp offices, would have ended this months ago.

      • Listen to Dev Zelenko on his comment as to why victims just go to their fate even though they out number the guard with a machine gun and a dog. (I.e. our politicians and their globalists)
        The system convinces them to be despondent and accept their fate.
        Now do we accept our fate…… lock downs, masks etc.
        Hey, be a Jew with others, just lie down and die as Shrab, et al, have designed.
        Are we too stupid to understand what they are doing?
        Turning us into Stockholm syndrome fools convinced so to be, by our politicians and mass media spivs with police commissioners and their cohorts.

  4. X22Report.com
    episode 2649b
    Smallet conviction covered.
    Assange covered.
    Injections covered……panic.
    Fake phoney mass media stuffed.
    All fun ……. Hey corrupt politicians, mass media , you too ABC [Australian bs Commission] just savour the last two minutes⚖️⚖️⚖️🤣🤣🤣 Merry Christmas and enjoy the New Year.

    • Is that factual Russell,
      sorry if thats the case. This being Gums and you sharing, leads me to ask for clarity as your able. Was your friend behind the steering wheel, did they pass out etc.
      Anywho condolences,
      many have even midstream MSN

    • And of those fully vaccinated that have died in hospitals with cdc protocols implemented (by Fauci) but not including the ivermectin banned in Australia.?
      I recently read that some European globalist wants to dump the Nuremberg code on forced injections.
      Now why would that be?
      Suppose we should ask our politicians and health gurus. Do they support the code or not?
      Avoiding a hanging comes to mind, Mr Ryan💁. Patience at times produces a just outcome.
      No need to bulldoze their edifices.
      In Nuremberg, I saw that they are left just as Hitler imposed, but few learn.

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