New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams tells migrants fleeing violence and poverty August 2023 (Source Natalia Marques)
Introduction by DM
A video by Cash Jordon explains the flood of people coming into New York. He is irritating but he covers the topic. Below, a video from Redacted with Clayton Morris. “It’s HAPPENING! Liberal sanctuary cities COLLAPSING because of this.”
It seems New York is the global destination and the hotel business is booming.
A Bite Out of Humanity
With regard to the colour codes on toothpaste tubes, about which I have advised. The net is full of it.
Remember Covid: ‘experts’ came out in support of vaccinations, and the net was screaming Conspiracy Theory. What do we have: 2 billion variously injured and 50 million dead. Hardly an effect on a world population of 8.1 billion. But then it was never a genocide. It was a preferred life long dependence on BigPharma. Check the shareholder lists of BigPharma.
Remember the fools who signed to approve the death or injury of themselves or their innocent children. There were batch numbers, and your posturing medical professionals, political animals, bureaucrats, and MSM mouthpieces had a dose of saline.
I prefer the correct and formerly suppressed government and laboratory reports, as well as the Congressional questioning that revealed what The Conspiracy Theorists were advising from the onset.
GSK was operating the NIAID funded through EcoHealth of The Gain of Function lethality of SARS-COV-2 Covid 19, from The Winnipeg Bio-Weapons Lab, released at The World Military Games in Wuhan in Oct. 2019.
Remember my recent advices concerning a cancer medication: $69,000 in the west and $177 in India. Exactly the same from the same manufacturers.
Remember the cost differentials between Remdesivir and Ivernectin and how the latter was driven off the market for the former, which was not effective.
And what about Hydroxychlorquin etc chased off the market and refused availability.
What about people murdered in nursing homes with Midazolan. Murdered on ventilators by Pulmonary Oedema purposely misdiagnosed as Secondary Pneumona of unknown cause. Murdered by vaccination caused Myocarditis. Bell’s Palsy purposely misdiagnosed as Acute Flacid Myelitis, with lines of paralysed children as the evidence.
Ivermectin a horse dewormer no less. And the lemmings jumped. What you were not advised was: Ivernectin had been in use for humans some 30 years before being found effect aa a veterinary preparation.
And of course Wolfram used to thin blood and save human lives is also a rat poison.
And Amoxacylin the common antibiotic, is also effective on dogs.
So if your medical experts, lawyers pharmacists, hospitals, the Net, MSM, and governments lie to you: your dentist and the Net never will.
Remember GMOs and Glyphosate Roundup. Formula change and a push through pretending nothing occurred, perhaps.
And don’t forget: America won every war it ever started or ever inserted itself. The greatest moral high ground in all of history. After all: America walked The Moon 55 years ago, but couldn’t reach the ISS in low earth orbit, without The Russian Space Agency.
Would America ever lie to you.
Goldmanite Riski Sunak facing demolition at the next UK election on 4/7/24, had taken a £50 million position in vaccine manufacturers in 2019 BEFORE the Covid Fraud. About the same time all the windbags as The Great Gatesby, Pence, Birx, Fauci, et al.
Wouldn’t monopolized toothpaste be an excellent way of conducting human clinical trials: at best. And of course there is always the answer of BigPharma is there to help.
Within 2 years: Macron, Trudeau, Zelensky, Sunak, and Biden are out. EU, NATO, and UN to fall apart. US Third World basket case with worthless currency. NWO failed. West taking a hard right..
Russia, China, and India major world traders. Climate, energy, race and sexualising arguments to collapse.
Taiwan and islands to China. Russia and China control all sea and trade routes.
“Within 2 years: Macron, Trudeau, Zelensky, Sunak, and Biden are out. EU, NATO, and UN to fall apart. US Third World basket case with worthless currency. NWO failed.” – When I was in court I never saw an international judge posturing on the bench. It was ALWAYS AN AUSTRALIAN.
The corruption I ran into in Canberra and the legal system was ALWAYS committed by Aussies. Please don’t try to divert to some argument that is was the globalists that were behind it, it was always Australians. – Until the Australian culture is changed, then the country will continue down the toilet.
Terry, note comment below re the ‘five eyes’ in Ukraine.
I am wondering, does it hint at a global military alliance REALLY clearing out the world’s cockroaches?
For years we have noted reports from the monkey …wex …… ? that we have had aircraft flying over the US.
Then there are the comments over a few years from Ricardo Bosi. Ex Lt Col!
Great movie.
Terry – when you are digging in your garden, and looking after all those nice vegies, doesn’t your mind wander, as mine does when intent in something I like doing, as to how your life has unfolded, and to what has become of this world we were both born into?
Do you not see, that what has befallen every country on this planet has been due to a very long plan in the making, and that some put forward, as being in progress for 26,000 years?
Do you not see, that all countries have been moving in lockstep as to that plan, which is total control over everything, even down to the spuds, that you nurture into food?
All nationalities have been affected by the Globalist plan – none have been spared.
Do you not consider that every individual on this planet, and who lack moral principles, are a target for corruption – everyone has their price if morality means nothing to them.
Has it not occurred to you that only the low moral, or completely amoral human is vetted into public office or authority?
They are all told what to do – and what to say, especially to those who voted for them, but have taken their eyes off the ball, as to how the electoral system works against them.
And it has been occurring for as long as we have had political parties.
Meanwhile, as you keep yourself busy, as I do, just to take my mind off of what I have come to learn the urgency of these past eight years, there has been a world wide military operation in progress, above ground, under ground, and in the oceans. A continuous operation that began early 2018, and that many have yet to awaken to.
And everyone will be cognizant of it because it will soon be in everyone’s face.
Over 500, 000 sealed indictments, each one that may hold a maximum of nine separate indictments for nine different individuals, have been served, by the military alliance worldwide. Please have a little patience as to that exposure, which will not be long in coming.
And please consider – I am an Australian too.
Open your mind a little more, Terry – why would someone who has just one of the most hated names in this country, be given a gong?
Are you sure this ‘recognition’ was actually real, and has not been done to wake up the worst sleepy heads?
Wakey. wakey!
Apparently one of McGowan’s merits was “saving WA from Covid-19”. That was easy to do as with everywhere there was no such thing as Covid-19. I have the proof provided by Government itself that even Victoria, which according to msm had death numbers in 2020 never before seen, in reality had less deaths than 2019. However the public fell for the msm lies. And McGowan gets his medal but has yet to receive his reward.
Terrence, we will not know until these “sealed indictments” are ever or never acted upon as to whether what has been suggested to us is true. Even the Military arrests scenario, we do not know if that has been effected at this stage. Lots of information(?) has been released but we have no way of telling if any of it is true. So like Terry I am skeptical of all that is told to us, but I take and my memory is not completely shot.
After all it appears that we have been lied to all our lives, what has changed?
Aussiemal – when Trump won the 2016 election against the Cabal, I said to my wife, this world has dodged a bullet.
There is no doubt in my mind that if Trump had not won that election we would not be having this, ‘chat’ today.
But how did I know that? Years of research led me to the realization that we were done as a species – and I sincerely mean that because there was nothing I could see on the horizon that could have altered the NWO agenda, which was to kill off everyone bar 500 million.
9/11 was an eye opener for me, but I could not exactly put my finger on it then, until I learned about the Georgia Guide Stones, and its message in all of our faces.
The Cabal at the time believed they had the 2016 election in the bag, and that Clinton, would be the next, ‘inserted’ POTUS.
Then in October, 2017, along came, ‘Q’ and the Q Board. I have a military and police background, and that accumulated experience has given me an insight into how military/police operations work. So, I had no hesitation in recognizing the legitimacy and value of what, ‘Q’ represented.
Many who do not have the military/police background will find it difficult to grasp what ‘Q’ is all about.
You wrote, ‘After all it appears that we have been lied to all our lives, what has changed?
My answer to you would be. The biggest hurdle for anyone is to accept that being ‘educated’ into a ‘mushroom’ has led them down the wrong path in this life, and, if they can jump over that hurdle, then their real education will begin in earnest.
But what has changed you ask? Information, has changed, and how we receive it. Today, more informative information is available, away from the MSM (TV,Radio, Newspapers, Magazines) who are now widely recognized as a dying legacy media, and as part of the deceivers of this world.
Not everyone is awake to the lies, and not everyone will search for their Truth, but we now have a choice of what to accept as being a part of life in this world, which is a far better choice than what we are leaving behind.
Good point Terry, if you want to redirect where things are going you need to
start with the enemy within
Interesting that ‘redacted news’ is cited.
For more from redacted news, note ALSO coming up after 49 mins at
Mary at situation update at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news. GO to the end and note the reference to ‘five eyes’ troops clearing out some evil in Ukraine. (now that is a big dot?)
Well the above is for the people who want to think and gaze out of their igloos.
For the usual ‘seven minute club’, if you can manage the opening, then go to about 20 mins to thirty mins.
BTW, there is a reference to the fate of the Obama CLUB some time ago 🙏
Charlie Ward had some very interesting observations on, beforeitsnews.com today.
I hope everyone is stocked up with cash on hand.
Seems not, some do not understand what an insurance situation is.
E.g they pay for motor vehicle insurance, have no claims but again have to pay a premium.
If you put away a months cash, at the end of the month, if nothing happens, you still have the cash …. For another months premium.
So many people are seriously DUMB.
Medicare Levy is even worse, you are forced to pay them to kill you with their needles and junk patent medicines and dodgy surgery
Paying income tax will soon cease.
Presumably stopped under Weimar Republic
Re: the future, the safest bet is the old “nothing will happen” and in the case of Macaron etc., that is nothing happening, like watching a yo-yo. I think any atom bombs would be done by negotiation, our overlords would not accept having their castles blown up for starters. Can you imagine.
Now we have projected to the fall of the USA, but it has already been privatised, like Australia, I know who pays for the armed forces but who owns them and who controls them. Did the US citizen ever really own the army or were they conned evidently since the Civil War at least. Can an empire last only 100 years or so then disappear ? I think not, the emperors have come up with a trick, instead of Et Tu Brutus it’s time’s up Biden and whoever were running the Democrats since LBJ are untouched. Congress controls the funding which pays the useless eaters but what if 99% are no longer needed
I can’t remember what party that dog Woodrow Wilson came from, the Rockerfellas party probably. They all just sell out, it’s so easy, what a bunch of useless dogs. “What a nice man I’ll vote for him” “John D Rockerfella gave me a dime it’s my lucky day”
James Madison, 1787: “The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.”
A bit of Trump-style appeasement to be sure
Given the source of his own livelihood:
The old debt slavery system is finished. We’re all in for the ride of our lives, Joe, but you still do not realize it.
Here’s a friend for you
Well, they are a few upset normy cockies.
They will soon need a SAO to relax.
Sadism by the powerful is the curse of the human condition
That is their modus to control the herds.
Great speech.
Everybody, please grab that historic video. Yo know YT is going to pull it.
Well here is another Big Bite out of the Big Apple that is apparently on the list for demolition because it is deemed as having Satanic connections;
The Statue of Liberty!
And, some more buildings set for demolition by the Rods of God;
Augusta Castle – Germany
Baltimore Hotel – Miami
CERN – Switzerland
Bohemian Grove – California
Comet Pizza – Hollywood
Denver International Airport – Colorado
Epstein Island Dome – I believe that has already been carried out.
Georgia Guide Stones – that has already been carried out.
Hoover Dam – Nevada
La Lourve – Paris, France
London Bank 1
London Bank 2
London Bridge – Arizona
Northern Castle – ?
Notre Dame – Paris, France
Sydney Opera House – Sydney, Australia
Pentagon – Washington, DC
Playboy Mansion – California?
Stonehenge – England
Tesla Building – ?
Getty Museum – California
The Vatican – Italy
The Queens Hunting Lodge – Scotland?
Washington Monument – Washington, DC
and, another seven buildings not listed.
If this list is a reflection of someone’s intent, they are as bad as those who did Hiroshima, Nagasaki ,Dresden and the like.
Glad that ‘Ayer’s’ rock and the pyramids in Egypt and elsewhere get a pass.
BTW: Notre Dame, has been done.💁? 🙀
Hezbollah targets
All part of the scare event, apparently. When the normies see some well known buildings going up in smoke will they believe WW3 has finally been kicked off?
If that doesn’t put the fear of God into them, then perhaps when they see their savings disappear over night come the BIG crash, then maybe that will finally get their attention?
Here’s hoping.
According to Judy Byington, over at beforeitsnews.com, there are reports that SCOTUS has now handed down its finding on the Brunson brothers petition concerning the 2020 election, and that is yet to be made public.
Video is available, via ‘Nancy Drew’, of the extra high fencing now erected around the Supreme Court Building, in Washington, DC, and in preparation for what is expected next – organized Soros paid for riots?
The White House is now reportedly closed and boarded up, and the Treasury Building is clad in ORANGE colored boarding.
Seems things are moving ahead very rapidly.
Yes, been noted.
Something up!
Also at BIN today at ‘what we know’ is a reported notice of death of a Joseph Biden at Gitmo in 2018.
Other reports since then have theorised/informed us of that.
Note Bin Laden also had a death notice in Pakistan ….. health problem Ashe was on dialysis.
Not to forget John John💁
C. Ward claims that there are many more…… ALL DONE🍿🍿🤪☠️
I am going to look up the death notices and see where I am at?
According to the “Situation Update” video posted above the fence is just a pedestrian fence and the SCOTUS is just about “a scandal”, more electioneering by the looks, fence video shown at 12:00. So we just keep waiting as per the last 3.5 years. Good luck to Americans in taking their country back but since they lost it in 1812 it might take more than just eating popcorn and waiting.
“Pedestrian Fence”💁🤪
Only a pedestrian would fall for that🙈
I only saw it on “situation update” as described so 50-50 it’s bullshit
At times you are difficult to interpret.
What is the BS?
The report?
The actual fencing?
@12:00 in the video above
The fence is at least head high – and law abiding pedestrians do not need any fencing on sidewalks – regardless of what building said fencing is protecting.
Situation update at 24 mins for a couple might make Friday in the US interesting. Not to mention their weekend.
Rumours that something interesting is coming up on the USSC web site RE SOME DECISIONS.
BTW Joseph the fence is for the SC building according to reports.
Mary provides other matters but I suppose at 34 mins all the Russian reports on the Ukraine adrenochrome ‘factories’ are all B S also.
Well we hope so🙏
The Russian report might be expected to be dated, however that was reported to be the purpose of early military action to get the EVIDENCE.
Recall in the early stages that the Russian troops had all those teddy bears. Why, to show love to Zelensky💁🤪?
Our government fills me with disgust, they used to have one woman a week getting snuffed by some control-freak spouse, and now it seems to be happening every second day, thanks to their inaction. I know political party researchers look at everything and I have told them multiple times to reintroduce the stocks for these murderers, instead of punishing the murderer the government seizes the opportunity to advance its own agenda, that is banning guns, because the government is scared someone will take a pot-shot at them or their minions. The control-freak murderers will go on to use a knife, axe, hammer, bat or even just their own body because they know they will go unpunished, apart from a long and expensive holiday in jail with 3 meals, TV and gay sex all laid on, and even drugs available, all thanks to our sick and twisted government, incompetent, compulsive liars, useless, obnoxious, and a menace to the public, dedicated to producing a dysfunctional and uncompetitive society by slow erosion and continuous deception. You, government, really take the cake, I have never seen it this bad since Keating’s recession alt least, and you seem satisfied with the legacy of previous governments, all of whom were hell-bent on letting the place drift into oblivion, no wonder you are so scared of guns, you are afraid enough people will get wise to you.
Life insurance in France refusing to pay out saying if you took the mRNA it was suicide because the injections were experimental
We hear from Matt Ehret that Lord Muck is descended from a major elite Swiss bloodline
You have to give it to Musk though, he certainly has exposed the Electric Vehicle market for the white elephant that it was always going to be.
First EV maker bankruptcy noted, and more to follow.
Bird Flu update
Is it Bird Flu? Ask the Doctors: FLCCC Weekly Update (June 19, 2024)
500,000 sealed indictments, that’s not a lawyers picnic, it’s bigger than Woodstock and who organized Woodstock, why Nelson Rockerfella before he became VP to Ford. Those lawyers must be dirty on the doctors, “we need a mega scam too”, especially before the AI takes over. Imagine checking in all those indictments before the 6 years is up. Maybe they got a few on Clarence Thomas and the others. Next we will hear the white hats actually organised the FEMA guillotines and plastic caskets. If they make a movie it will shoot to #1 in the Muslim places. Nothing will happen in Australia, they will give out royal medals like boy scout badges “slipped on stairs and broke back” merit award etc. Dictator Dan, King of Moomba, loved by the people, next job Governor General.
According to America Media Group, Dan Andrews is not the original. Photo’s show the difference between the actor double playing Andrews, and the original now no longer with us.
Then End of the World as We Know It – but you’ll have to watch all the way to the end of this one hour expose of criminality around the world.
” they will give out royal medals like boy scout badges” – I take offense at that statement. I worked rather hard for my merit badges. I’ve patched up and splinted a few people from the knowledge I learned with my ‘First Aid’ merit badge. Also, I can start a fire from virtually nothing, ‘flint and steel’ or ‘bow and drill’ (rubbing sticks together), and don’t get me started on knots and what to use them for. – Of course, that was back when the Boy Scouts actually taught young men real skills.
Count yourself lucky, the girl scouts used to have to go door-to-door selling packets of tea-biscuits
They are not taking into account the QFS and how that will be organized for everyone.
You are space cadet mayt
I know practically all GS geniuses ignore Derek Johnson. However Pascal Najadi might make it simple for you with some official US executive orders.
So give him some though at BIN TODAY.
MM look up Derek’s website and all the official orders snd protocols…. You might manage a good helpful epistle on the legal aspects in the US….. according to LAW.
I do not recall you ever mentioning this SIGNIFICANT matter that is the basis of what is REALLY happening in your country.
Over their heads, Ned.
Trump says he stands 100% with Israel after their faked Hamas massacre
( it wasn’t an invasion because “Gaza is part of Israel” )
Multiple talkfests created on the basis of the Gaza Holocaust-redevelopment and UN “chief” warns Israel not to make Lebanon into another Gaza. Or what ? More talkfests ? What is the going rate to sit on boring talkfests, I’m guessing $300k p.a. on average.
According to Mr. Plodgers everything is being done to wake us up, but he cannot even “wake up” contributors on this blogg. Somehow his wife puts up with him and nobody else wants to listen. RealRawNews readership is down down down. Still, Plodgers thinks he is the custodian of unique knowledge. We all know about Galactic Thor aliens protecting us, we all know all the politicians have a double who has been hung at Gitmo, we all know Trump will win 2024 and his white-hats will hang everyone else, we all know the Quantum Financial System a.k.a. GESARA a.k.a. CBDCs are coming, we all know Putin is going to save us with his collaboration with NATO to kill everyone in Ukraina, is there anything we don’t know ?
Deranged messianic Mr. Plodgers believes he knows the future, seems to think that uniquely he and his “research” has discovered this future via supplement and survival food mail order businesses and assuming Trump wins 2024 he will want everyone to “eat crow”.
Mr Plodgers is locked in at the denial stage and making no progress. He has no mind for complexity and is more suited to hierarchies, marching and belting people into compliance with his telephone book.
All I can suggest for this mentally rusted-out individual is try something new like psychotherapy.
Not quite all of them!💁🙈
No, not quite all of them, but, Joe makes for a very special case in that regard.
One only need to read his, or, is it her? Continuous personal attacks when subjects are raised, or snippets of Truth given out, that don’t fit his own beliefs, then it must be all B/S.
And rather bother himself with sifting the grain from the chaff, he chooses instead to go on a personal attack rant, against the person who is attempting to alert him to what is already obvious to most awake folk.
Talk about black and white thinking. 🙂
Poor Joe just does not get it. Maybe that fence he is perched on, is just way too high for him to appreciate the simple things.
Poor Mr. Plodgers, very liberal with his insults which he cheerfully attaches to the ends of anyone’s comments, becomes hyper-sensitive when presented with any reality that clashes with his fantasy world, most recently exemplified by his denials of Trump telling everyone to take the va666ine. Seek help elsewhere Plodgers, I can’t help you.
I’m attempting to assist you, Joe, not the other way round.
Any chance you could highlight one or two of those, ‘insults’ I have allegedly given out to folk?
As always you over-rate yourself assuming you are capable of assisting anyone
Insults Joe. I asked you to provide an example of my alleged insults you complain to the world about – but as usual when wanting answers from you that you can provide no real evidence for, there is only crickets.
A far bigger problem than insults is your lies, as you have lied and denied about Trump telling everyone to “take the va666ine it’s good” so the world is waiting for you to eat your own crow about that, instead the petty insults continue
I see – ignore the question asked of you and instead attack the request for an example.
And you still push that barrow Joe? Even after having Trump’s vaccine explained to you in agonizing detail?
Nothing like having a mind like a steel trap that you display from time to time, eh Joe, especially when it comes to mentioning Trump.
Still waiting for just one example of my alleged insults, just one would do, if you can find one.
Some part of your perception is broken
Government Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections
Dr. David Martin witnessed decades of criminal preparations years before 2020
China reveals fusion tech breakthrough
A commercial ‘artificial sun’ has achieved its first plasma discharge.
Gee they are desperate to get the offshore oil from the Philippines too, they are so energy hungry in China
The only adult in the room.
Russia to upgrade nuclear weapons
Very interesting discussion if you have 2 spare hours.
Breaking History Ep 50: The Roots of the Pale of Settlement
JUN 21, 2024
In this week’s episode of Breaking History, Gordon unpacks the roots of the Pale of Settlement in order to provide a better appreciation for the subtle dynamics shaping both the rise of political zionism and the roots of the neo-con obsession with destroying Russia. We also discuss the purge of republican masonry and the rise of theosophist-connect occult movements behind the rise of radical Islam, fascism, zionism, and even the Indian National Congress.
No reported consideration of Derek Johnson appears apparent.
Oh well for a rainy weekend I suppose the four references immediately above might use up some of a rainy day before considering Derek Johnson referred to above the four at the 10.57 time last night. Some things will become apparent to the abnormal with a little thought….. even the odd normie might also.
Probably being a little too subtle for some🤪
Note the about half hour timeline THIS MORNING💁🤪
Probably some theoretical Dreamtime legal epistle will turn up soon.
Ha. See next article
Ok, want to spend LESS THAN HALF AN HOUR SKIMMING A SYNOPSIS ON SOME REAL NEWS NOT ON THE ABC OR OUR SBS, MSM, let alone mentioned by any of our politicians.
Try WRH :
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com – new
You might actually wake up a little, IN LESS THAN HALF AN HOUR.
Including the time to post this.
Some just cannot get past their personal firewall of bias, when it comes to accepting certain Truths. Some want the facts, ma’am, just the facts, while not realizing that unless that firewall of biases can be opened, even just a teeny weeny bit, then they will begin to learn what they all must know.
An open mind is the assistant in learning anything.
I already covered messianic, refer above oh great one
Joe – one of your tests of authenticity, as I have since found out, is to have a ‘university’ peer review what ever I put up in comment form, which says much about your own reliance on a failed system.
Perhaps I could expect a different response if I had a pHD after my name? 🙂
Latest bird flu update.
Chinese Single Immunization with H5N1 Virus-like Particle Vaccine Protects Chickens Against H5N1 Influenza but Enables More Viral Shedding
Poultry Vaccine Backfires with High Shedding Rate of Vaccinated Birds
JUN 22, 2024
Sandra – You may have missed this from a previous post; Dr. Jane Ruby has an expose over at beforeitsnews.com concerning Dr. Peter McCullough’s telling of lies.
And after watching a lengthy interview of McCullough rejecting what several other in the know folk expose McCullough’s current stance, I would offer that Dr. Ruby’s expose is on the money.
Maybe, just to prove how balanced you believe yourself to be when putting up those videos, you could also put up Dr. Jane’s take on McCullough?
TY for the link Joe
20 June 2024
The Light Australia, Issue 12 – June 2024
Are we all being brainwashed?
A few good stories in there this issue, anti-vaxx discreetly placed on the inside pages