by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Dear Readers, our GumshoeNews community often speaks as if every reader knows our goings on, such as in the courts of Australia. But a newcomer might not be able to follow. So let me give a quick recap of what has been happening at this address. I can’t help it f it incorporates some of our family jokes:
A Pastor, a Doctor, and a Legal Genius Walk into a Bar
The bartender says “What can I do ya for?” The Pastor says “Just gimme a beer, I’m so tired from being in court all day. They want to get me for revealing the name of a stolen child.” The doctor says “Gimme a bourbon on the rocks, I’m not driving.” The bartender asks the doctor “Were you in court all day with your friend here?” Doc says “Nah, I stayed outside. If they see me, they might up his sentence. They harassed me for 6 years, for helping a child, but thank God they gave me a Nol Pros.” The legal genius interjects “That means they dropped the prosecution. Nolle prosequi.” Bartender asks the legal genius: “Do you want your usual, a Mai Tai?” Genius: “Well, if you’ve got a Shirley Temple I’ll do a Shirl.”
Dr Russell Pridgeon of NSW was nol-pross’d last year to our great relief. He had, against his better wishes, helped a mom take her two girls to a safe location. But he had also started the Anti-Paedophile Party, as explained in his book, “Everybody Knows.”
That put him on the list for the well-established AFP scourge. I’ll name just three of the typical penalties Russell received: 1. His medical license was revoked. 2. His dog was killed. 3. His computer was taken (the po still have it), preventing him from finding the documentation needed to collect his Age Pension. (Note: whoever poisoned Russell’s dog did so on the taxpayer’s dime. That makes you-the-taxpayer an accomplice, I think.)
Patrick O’Dea was arrested in 2018, probably to add ballast to the “case” against Dr Russell, he of the bourbon on the rocks. The fact that Patrick is very hard of hearing and suffering PTSD from war wounds in Africa would — you might think — entitle him to a bit of due process? Au contraire, Mon Cher, last month he was treated lousy in court, not being allowed to tell his side of things.
A Queensland judge has now given Patrick “three years” of the rest of his natural, which may in fact be the rest of his natural. Don’t let me joke about this: it is hideous.
Pastor Paul Burton provided us with his under-the-trees video last week. As he stated when ordering his beer, his crime was to name a child. (It is a brilliant little Aboriginal boy who, due to the vicissitudes, is greatly disabled and cannot speak or he’d probably demand that his name be revealed!!) Meanwhile, Channel 7 (channeling the Lindt Chocolate cafe of Martin Place, not to be confused with Martin Bryant) was able to reveal that same child’s name and not suffer.
If I may get a word of self-sympathy in here, I wrote a book about the aforementioned guys, “Society Is the Authority.” So I, too, had to be punished. They whacked me in the wallet. I live in USA but my d’argent is in an Adelaide bank. Without identifying the offending bank — other than to say that its famous acronym spans the alphabet — I made an electronic transfer to Pastor Paul’s fund. That’s legal you know. But they froze my assets for a year. E’en in winter, shiver, shiver.
Now to the legal genius. It is Graeme Bell. I don’t think he has a law degree. Just as well; they’d kill him if he did. But he has been on duty, pro mucho bono, to help our suffering drinkers. (He’s on the wagon at the moment.) This is the man whom you’d want to have your back, as he knows where all the tricks are hidden in the law.
And he is angry. Quiet but seething. And on the alert, if you know what I mean, to protect against further, um, redacted. Ah, beautiful Australia, blessed under the Southern Cross, cough, cough, love a sunburnt country, hooray black cockatoos, etc. (Cf Patrick, in jail for no reason.)
Another Country Heard From
That’s the end of my li’l bio for the guys. What I really want to do today is attempt a book review. The book is entitled “Still Standing: A Mother’s Fight to Bring the Catholic Church to Justice.” It’s by Chrissie Foster, with ghost writer Paul Kennedy, published by Penguin. I am surprised I had never heard of it as it covers the Royal Commission quite well.
Instead of reviewing it — other than to urge you to buy it — I will discuss the very peculiar feeling I got from the fact that it is solely about the Church’s sins and not about trafficking. Believe me I do not fault Chrissie Foster for sticking to her theme. She has spent almost 30 years relentlessly seeking justice, largely in connection with The Melbourne Response, Cardinal Pell’s lack of empathy for destroyed lives, and the RC.
Oops, for newcomers, the RC is the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses [MAINLY NO RESPONSE] to Child Sexual Abuse. The Melbourne Response was a payout to abused boys, from diocesan funds in Melbourne, pretty much adjudicated in a demeaning manner by legal teams or insurance men working for the Church. WWJS?
Ms Fosters book is written in a very motherly way, as two of her daughters suffered greatly from sacerdotal activity. She really does understand the court and says she wishes she had been strong enough, years ago, to refuse the compo from Melbourne Response and press for a trial. However, she does not seem to see that after the RC — ergo propter hoc — the road to trials is clearer. (And getting clearer all the time, thanks to the Covid criminals.)
Which Floor Did You Come In On?
Now to my distress that the book does not mention trafficking. And does not refer to my book “Reunion: Judging the Family Court.” This has left me thinking “Are there two quite separate things going on? The one connected with priests and the one connected with FCT — family court trafficking? (I’ve just made up that appellation, FCT, do you like it?)
Hmm. One has to see both the writer, and the type of cases that he/she encountered. So start with me:
Mary Maxwell — “It’s mind control.” Prior to my 2017 awareness of court’s funneling children to abusers, I saw child abuse as part of the bigger project which I label MK-Ultra. The first bunch of abusers I learned about were those who, under “80 subprojects of the CIA” grabbed some kids and tortured them at such unlikely places as hospitals, army bases, and universities. Rape was more or less interweaved with the torture.
I am pretty sure, but now that Chrissie’s book has confused me I’m not dead sure, that the purpose of MK-Ultra was to experimentally find out how to mind-control any person to the point of ending his/her free will. As you can easily learn from Brice Taylor’s book, “Thanks for the Memories,” kids are stolen and used as the guinea pigs. Sometimes the mother is also mind controlled and she participates in manipulating her child, probably without conscious awareness of it, hence no cause for guilt.
So that was my prejudice when I began to learn why courts behave as they do — they are in on the game of mind control (said I).
Russell Pridgeon, MD — “It’s Perversion.“ Russell came into these cases differently. Judging from the fact that he wanted to put pedophiles out of existence politically, I assume he has the sense of men-being-perverts as a deviation from Nature whereby a man protects kids. That’s a valid point. Once those men are interviewed by therapists, it often comes out that when they were little, they lived in a family where it was natural behavior. Still, such a man is diagnosed as mentally ill.
Then, once Russell got involved in protesting a particular case of pedophilia, he observed the peculiar way the court behaved. All very conspiratorial, such as Magistrate Gett telling Pridgeon that he, the judge, would not accept a written description of an APF officer committing perjury.
The NSW medical board should have seen right away that it would be crazy to revoke his license for acting on behalf of kids who were suffering, but oh no, that Board was eager to persecute him. Wait. What’s going on there? The actual individual who signed his defrocking order, or his de-stethoscoping order, or whatever you want to call it, was not acting alone. She must have taken orders from above. Are you with me? A quasi-governmental licensing board, for the practice of Medicine, wants the abused kids to keep on getting abused. Whew!
Pastor Paul Roberton — “It’s the Money.” Now get a load of this. This pastor is a real pastor, though not affiliated with a standard denomination. He helps people. Mothers (and/or fathers) come to him with tales of being beaten down by the court system. This may include the placement of their kid into state guardianship, at which point the parents lose all control, or possibly any contact with the kid.
As Pastor Paul told the barman (sorry, I am trying to keep this whole matter unified), he was dragged through excessive legal nonsense: hearing after hearing, adjournment after adjournment, enough to drive you crazy and to impoverish you in an A-N-Z kind of way. Maybe the money aspect of his own persecution gave him the insight to look for profit motive in the court — and he found it. We don’t know how the judges get their share of said profit, but legislation does make it attractive for the bureaucracies to grab kids.
In the US “federal funding” is the clue. Senator Portman’s committee revealed it, but to no avail. Pastor Paul points out that a disabled child is worth so much money as their will be money paid to carers, hospitals, and other services. Dee McLachlan’s new book, statistics of this. It is called “The Child ProtectionRacket.” Just googled Amazon for it and this is what I got. It’s known as shadow-banning.
Wendy Hoffman — “It’s Incest.“ As shown so far, the guiding force behind this unbelievable corruption of the justice system, can be explained by mind control, perversion, or money. But there’s more. In her books, such as “White Witch in Black Robe,” Wendy Hoffman shows us how she, as an infant, was programmed by her grandfather (and also raped by him) in what she labels “Mengele” or “Nazi” programming.
I think it’s fair to connect that back to my “mind control” claim. The Nazi’s who were allowed in to the US under Project Paperclip were probably the force behind the CIA’s 1950 campaign of MK-Ultra. But Wendy believes her grandfather was also party to standard “intergenerational Incest.” The late Rabbi Antelman, in his “Eliminate the Opiate,” blames a Jewish heresy for this practice. He rails against the Frankist sect, which boasted Justice Louis Brandeis as a follower.
Amazingly, Wendy during a semi-reprieve from her mind control, was able to put on a play in Ne York entitled “Incest” and allow audience members to come up to the stage and tell their story of incest. Ah, the power of art!
Fritz Springmeier — “It’s The Illuminati.” In his 3-volume book, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati,” Fritz Springmeier provides huge documentation of the control of society that is wielded by a few families. I can’t review it here but it is one of the best books I have ever read. Springmeier does not address the matter of court behavior but in general he shows, as Wendy Hoffman does, that the high-up families torture their own offspring to keep them in line with the Big Plans for domination.
Sick, or what.
Finally, for Chrissie Foster, she seems to say “It’s the Church.” Her book, “Still Standing: A Mother’s Fight to Bring the Catholic Church to Justice,” gives worldwide details about pedophile priests. Apparently she has not heard the view provided in Dr Richard Day’s 1969 lecture, of a 20th century plan to destroy civilization. Dr Day said “Not only won’t the churches help us prevent it, they are going to help make it happen.”
I feel sorry for any of the pedo priests who got rooked into this unknowingly and were — perhaps — taught in the seminary how to go about the sexual molestation of children.
I heard on the grapevine that the concept of FCT has taken on a whole new brightness.
In nomine patris, at filii, et spiritui sancti, amen.
Whilst repellent, its ACRONYM is now AFACT
Vale Anthony Foster – a man of deep courage and quiet determination
Published: June 7, 2017 5.22am AEST
I note the date: 2017– I was at this funeral .
Vale Anthony Foster – a man of deep courage and quiet determination
Published: June 7, 2017 5.22am AEST
“Kathleen McPhillips first met Anthony and Chrissie Foster at one of the first child sex abuse royal commission hearings in 2014. She was attending in her capacity as a social scientist undertaking field work for her research project The Catholic Church at the Royal Commission. Over the years she had many conversations with the Fosters, sharing publications with them and listening to their analysis of the various public hearings and the response by the Catholic Church.
Today in Melbourne a state funeral is being held for Anthony Foster, who died unexpectedly 12 days ago. His death sent shockwaves around the country and indeed the world. Many people who had known and relied on Anthony’s wise counsel and hard work felt devastated and saddened.
Anthony and his wife Chrissie have been in the spotlight in relation to child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church for more than 20 years.
Their story is a tragic one. The parents sent their three girls to the local Catholic primary school in Oakleigh, a suburb in Melbourne. They had no idea that the parish priest, Kevin O’Donnell, was a serial sexual abuser of children for 50 years between 1942 and 1992.
The Fosters Tragedy
He famously took on Cardinal George Pell on many occasions, and together with Chrissie travelled to Rome in February 2016 to hear Pell give evidence before the royal commission.
In 2010, Chrissie Foster, together with journalist Paul Kennedy, wrote Hell on the Way to Heaven, which documented their struggle with church authorities for information and justice”
John Fain and Dan Andrews were there.–
I contributed an article to Gumshoe news at the time– I will look for it it is relevant.
ah I found the article I wrote about Andrew Foster–in Mary’s article 2019
Further to the Discussion of Martin Bryant’s Innocence
September 5, 2019
I note the quality and diversity of the comments– pre the Pandemic– yes they have had us on the hamster wheel
Diane de Vere June 18, 2017 at 8:34 pm
“I attended Anthony Foster’s State Funeral, master of ceremonies Jon Faine, a profound experience with such beautiful tributes to a man of great integrity. Anthony was described and honoured as a brave loving family man, with an unrelenting determination to expose the truth, “an atheist and a plumber”. One of the tributes was from a close family friend, he travelled overseas with Anthony and Chrissy in their quest to find some justice for the crimes against their daughters and other pedophile priests, he said he worked in the shadows. This man quoted Bonaparte and Roosevelt and the work of the hidden hand, and praised Anthony for exposing this hand—“no longer hidden”. I immediately translate to the hidden hand of the illuminati, I wonder how John Faine interpreted this. There was an electricity that spread through the hundreds of mourners and then a thunderous applause fired by the victims and survivors of this pervasive evil reverberated through the recital hall. Validation that this sickness raged far and wide way beyond Melbourne and the Catholic church.
500 copies of Chrissie Fosters book written with journalist Paul Kennedy, “Hell on the way to Heaven” were distributed. I am halfway through this book and can hardly turn the pages, it lays out the flaws in the system and the sinister matrix of elite control that infiltrates politics, religion, education, psychiatry, pharmacology – -the very area of my research and personal experience.
And so I refer to Mary’s book Deliverance and this Gumshoe current article. I am also able to draw a link with The Family-The White Brotherhood, Tavistock, Kent Europe, New York, MKULTRA Monarch Programming and experiments on the mind.”
Latest x22report.com For the present reality in your country as is happening NOW.and over THE NEXT WEEK. Have you any idea?
http://www.beforeitsnews.com TODAY.
Mary it appears that the courts are adept at making money for no results. As I have written in my new book, the NSW Coronial Court ripped me off in two payments to the total of $850.00 for supposedly providing requested court proceedings evidence. For two applications of the evidence given by Mr Lucas Van Der Waltz into the death of Tori Johnson during the Lindt Cafe incident, I was provided with transcript with no mention of Tori Johnson at all. I wasn’t going to “donate” a third time.
Dear Mary,
What planet are you on?
Next week your country and our future is at the brink.
Try and understand and look up the latest at x22 report episode 3487B FOR EXAMPLE!
X22report.com at
http://www.beforeitsnews.com and on the x22 homesite.
You are contained in a seven minute box that has all YOUR blinds down.
For God’s sake, you are a LLB., PHD, use it and look at the NOW……for anyone with a brain, that is what is URGENT.
Really, are you not game to listen to the three hour Trump-Rogan discussion.
Let me guess, you would not be able to handle the reference to alien ? technologies toward the end of the discussion?
Is anyone other than myself getting a bit sick of Ned’s advertising “Before It’s News” in the comments at Gumshoe?
Does anyone wonder at Ned’s frequent suggestion that I’m unable to handle the issues?
MM, how about enlightening us on the issues consequent upon who wins your election next week?
Or should we ask Pell, the fake pope, fake Biden, Maliki Martin, or excommunicated Archbishop Vigano et.al.?
Perhaps, if you looked up BIN and selected other opinions your drawn blinds might find some sunshine to enlighten your PHD.
Tell us again why you have ignored the evidence of who really did the Boston bombing that you have been made aware of continually by me and as set out at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com years ago?
So who wonders why MM is really unable to handle the issues? Want more? 💁🤪🤪 face it Mary, aliens exist everywhere . Ask EB, their Gods were aliens💁🙀🤪 so just get a supply of Prozac.
So again, my reply does not appear I think this is the sixth effort.
All up
Sorry Ned we have been continually informed that this great event was expected to happen numerous times previously over many months. I have given up. If it happens, it happens.
Do not be sorry if you are not a lawyer or know about politics, investigations, presenting a brief of evidence according to law and understanding a foe avoiding a civil war and understand globalist enslaver control freaks like the bankers, WEFers the WHO, etc., The Rothschild UN and corrupted governments and historic genocide after hundreds of years, then just wait it out for your grandchildren for a little longer, even less.
What have you to lose with some patience? Go have a beer and relax if you are just a observer,
I have submitted a reply but Col’ Klink is probably out inspecting the security of her compound.
Aussie. This is my third effort to reply to you
Fourth effort
5 November … coming down fast.
I think there is something unfolding we don’t understand.
Something unfolding that we don’t understand.
Let’s get back to Candace Owen and her interviews. Why was she refused entry into Australia ?
Ned Mary get yourselves on line and watch proceedings in Newcastle court as clif tells us it is all about timing.
This is the Now this is about slavery humanity this is about people we know let’s stay with the people we know and work together. This is about the work of hero’s real people who have matured and grown – intelligent people – we need to put ego’s aside stop pushing our personal barrows
Realising how we have been duped conned used is a bitter pill to swallow .
Torture – google – nail house –
Watch thepicture tank link below
Remove the xxx
“Unburdened by what has been”
“Talking about things for which you don’t have language”
Remember that I only received the book by C. Foster yesterday. I did not understand her lack of conspiratorialism about the death of her adored husband of 37 years. He was in fine shape and went to Bunnings where he blacked out and fell on concrete, hitting the back of his head. Autopsy said it was due to a blocked artery.
Sounds to me like somebody shot an ice dart at him, or whatever the technology is today to make someone die at age 64 in a public place. I do not say that the Widow Foster should have discussed the possibillity of foul play in her book. She is entitled to be silent.
Had she raised that issue, “Penguin Random House Australia” would not have become her publisher. By the way, Random House, the book lacks an Index, and could also use a Timeline.
Note: the US’s best member of the House of Reps is Thomas Massie (R-KY). He lost his wife, Rhonda, age 51, a few months ago. No known cause of death.
Oh yeah?
Attention Fiona Barnett:
I just happened across this on researchgate.net:
“Billy Graham’s son, the Reverend Franklin Graham, affirmed the president [GW Bush after 9-11] by declaring Islam an “evil and wicked religion,” while the administration’s deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence and war-fighting support, Lieutenant General William Boykin, professed that America wasfighting Satan in Islamic Iraq on behalf of the real, Christian God.”
Oh man, that’s funny. Recall the FOIA request I sent to the Pentatagon in 2021 to ask if Boykin had ever been in Oz? They said that due to Covid it would take them a long time to answer.
Have not yet answered. I had better follow up.
Unburdened by what has been…
They are saying she is actually a Syrian “jew”
What a bloody jumble
“Nothing in politics happens by accident – don’t get taken in at level 1”
I wouldn’t know but I am leaning toward the Alt-version of the Pell story because the lefties pushing the “Big George at the Ba’alarat Swimming Pool” story are so misguided and one eyed on other matters they are not reliable.
Pell lost the noisy, extreme far-left mostly for condemning homosexuality, but also:
“In a 2006 speech, Pell said that “hysterical and extreme claims” about the natural environment were the result of the “pagan emptiness” of Western culture. He said: “In the past pagans sacrificed animals and even humans in vain attempts to placate capricious and cruel gods. Today they demand a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions”.
If Pell’s reaction to molestation incidents was not politically adequate he may have had his eye on a bigger prize, some sort of reformation of the Vatican, it sounds hopelessly ambitious but he was in the position, his life’s work.
As Pastor Paul says, why do the affected people not complain more ??? Why do they need an authority figure to take things up for them ??? The answer is they are mentally enfeebled, useless sheeple. If the Pell story ended with him being martyred and actually terminated in Rome during a hip surgery ( easily done !!! ), after making certain comments about Pope Francis:
“In the days following his death, it was revealed that Pell had been the author of a memo published in 2022 on the blog Settimo Cielo under the pseudonym of “Demos”, in which Pell expressed harsh criticisms of Pope Francis and labelled his pontificate as “a disaster in many or most respects; a catastrophe”. Pell accused Francis of failing to stand up to the Chinese Communist Party, of failing to lend sufficient support to Ukraine and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and for not doing enough to stop the Catholic Church in Germany from questioning traditional doctrines on LGBT issues and women’s ordination. The person who had revealed Demos’ identity, Sandro Magister, who was also the memo’s publisher, said that Pell had allowed him to reveal he was Demos after his death.
In an article he wrote for The Spectator, published shortly after his death, Pell described Pope Francis’ Synod on the Synod as a “toxic nightmare”.
Extracts direct from the unknown writers of Dickypedia.
On the other matter of interest, why do predatory animals bite the head off rabbits.
This is how they access the organs, by pulling them out through the open neck. They can then eat the liver and other such delicacies because they are all connected via the oesophagus. Then they can carry the rabbit head by the ears to the babies to eat the brains.
Such is life, when you’re a rabbit.
Thanks for that Joe, now I know why my cat chews the head off of rabbits. It was a bloody mystery to me.
I think because they go with out tools thats the most reliable way to pull the entrails without opening them.
Cats and foxes hunt for sport or as need, this is why you see half hearted cavitation or even seemingly mindless massacre
Recently I commented on Pell and reported that when he was Appointed to sniff around the Vatican accounts he better have someone at his back. Then he found a mil or two, allegedly a mafia stash.
I also noted hundreds of thousands sent to Australia, questions asked but not a bishop knew anything about it, a few claimed…… poooff ALL GONE💁🔥
Then he is killed by a knee!
Then T does a tour, honoured by the Saudis, with the sword dance, a lot of princes hold up in the Hilton. Then he gets the queen to parade in front of her. Then he carpets the pope with the riot act flashing the red folder he had of the paedophiles and carts of 6-650 plane loads of V gold and other goodies from the V tunnel system.
I am not going to bother to put all the above in sequence. It has all been reported by many and even over the years in many.varied reports from many sources and sites with many selections CONSOLIDATED at :
Now we have a pretend pope who is a fake.and other fakes, actors, CLONES and unknown turncoats CO-operating and leaking to the prosecutors for more EVIDENCE.
Bugger it why am I bothering to try kick a few arses because most just have no idea and CABBOT HANDLE THE ISSUES they have not been looking, despite years of time here trying to WAKE STUPIDS UP.
Now we are coming to see some results… AFTER ALL HOW MANY TIME HAVE THEY TRIED TO MURDER TRUMP. AND.
I consider that as a bloody big issue that should be at the forefront NOW!!!
I am very frustrated with idiots WHO HAVE NOT DONE THEIR RESEARCH AND HAVE A POT SHOT AT ME WITH NO BLOODY GRATITUDE or a clue as to what is happening and likely (is!)to put all of us at peril.
For those who are sick of me “”ADVERTISING’ BIN. As raised and apparently the view held by by Mary Maxwell. LLB PHD. Think how inane, trite, ignorant and deceptive is that Allegation.
Really! Ms Maxwell seems not to appreciate that there are about 20 reports on at BIN each day for consideration as worthwhile amongst a basket of rubbish and misinformation. The. There are other news sites to examine. Like Michael Rivero at wrh. Mary, have you ever considered how Dee and GS gets world coverage with some GS articles being placed at wrh?
Stuff it!
Mary go research who did Boston and see if you can handle properly that travesty surely it is an issue that should have been handled!
I am not going to edit or proof read, take it as it is, I am back to get some rest.
Col’ Klink, get on with your job.
Good Pell quote JB( 2nd paragraph of your 2:44 am comment)
Where’s the link?
Beyond the geopolitical distractions.
The Unexplained Connection
Gerald Celente and Judge Napolitano
Saying it as it is.
Tried again but told it was a duplicate reply.
So Col’ Kline, where is my reply?
two be sure, and for my friend Ant, welcome abrds or permission to come aboard
kinda like the articles of confederation
So It might interest NM.
‘R Fueillmich suddenly changed? Personality changes after mENA injection’?
Oct 30. 06.59
Link to a report by M Zeee
Could explain social behavior by affecting the brain, observes – Per Claire Rivero.
I might add vehicle ‘vaccidents?
Bannon Unchained
He is out of political prison. Now what?
Robert W Malone MD, MS
Oct 30, 2024
WarRoom Battleground EP 642: Bannon Returns! Countdown To Election Day
About over 5 mins ago I reported a update on Fueilmich
We await.
Hitler suddenly changed after Hospitalisation His sister did not recognise him.
“Author and Journalist Dr. Naomi Wolf explains what this looks like in real life and Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin explains how there are disturbing parallels to the effects of lobotomy, which most people only know from the movie: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and which is beyond any doubt one of the most brutal, yes savage crimes against humanity ever committed.”
Dr Cunningham Dax from Tavistock performed hundreds of Lobotomies Leucotomies back in UK and many private hospitals in Australia.
MKULTRA in Australia.
Watch videos previous article.
I watched a video about The Chief Protector of Aborigines– The Aborigines Act 1897 with the Chief Protector role given legal authority by the Aborigines Act 1905.
The Chief Protector was the legal guardian of every Aboriginal child in Western Australia to the age of 16 years with the power to remove Aboriginal children from their families and place them in Homes or in “service'(work)—–
—By making the Chief Protector or Board their Guardian, they were not in law guilty of wrongful imprisonment of Indigenous Children–Bringing them home report.
The treatment of the children was in many ways identical to the way the Children of the Great White Brother Hood Cult in the Dandenongs Victoria were brought up