By James O’Neill*
One of the most significant geopolitical developments in recent years has been the growth of the Russia – China partnership. This has been driven in part by the mutual benefits that each nation accrues from the partnership. It has also been driven by the manifest hostility to both nations by the American administration. The hostility of the United States toward China grew during the Trump administration, but it has been extended by the Biden administration.
The Russian incentive to increase and improve its ties to China has been driven in considerable part by the hostility of much of western Europe toward the Russians. Russian President Putin’s initial reluctance to supply Europe with its energy has been amply confirmed both by hostility in some European quarters and the unrelenting opposition of the Americans. The latter of course have dressed up the opposition in security concerns, but no one is fooled by that furphy. They are well aware that the Americans wish to sell their own, much more expensive oil, to Europe. From their point of view, such trade not only keeps the Russians out, it also extends and strengthens the United States’ hold over Europe.
The Russian pipeline to Germany is now almost complete and will be finished by the middle of this year. It would be naïve to assume that the Americans have given up on their ambition to sabotage the whole process. One can expect the forthcoming explosion of hostilities in the Ukraine, which will undoubtably trigger a Russian response, to be used as a reason to finally block the Russian pipeline. It needs to be remembered that this pipeline was only commenced because of the insistence of Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel. Putin’s support was always weak and he will be the least surprised man in Europe should the whole deal be cancelled because of alleged “Russian aggression.”
The Russians however, have an alternative, and that is in the increasingly strong partnership with China, not only in bilateral ties but through the multiple associations of like-minded countries developed in recent years. Those associations can be expected to continue to develop in the future, particularly as China continues its inevitable rise to being the world’s strongest economic power. In terms of parity purchasing power, a far more reliable indicator of relative economic strength than GDP, China is already the world’s strongest economy.
The Europeans have recognised this, as reflected in 2020 being the year in which Europe’s trade with China exceeded that of their trade with the United States for the first time. That can only be expected to continue to grow.
The United States is not silent as these developments occur. One such manifestation of this is its attempts to formulate a new military alliance with India, Japan, and Australia. This idea was first floated during the Obama years but has taken fresh impetus under Biden. Australia can be relied upon to follow almost any United States initiative, even when it promises to impose serious consequences on its own economy, as it is currently experiencing.
The position of Japan and India is less certain. India has a long and fruitful relationship with Russia and the Modi government is unlikely to do too much to upset that relationship. India has had some border issues with China, but last week the two sides agreed to withdraw from confrontation and try to resolve their differences.
Japan is perhaps even more ambivalent about becoming part of an obviously anti-China alliance. Japan has a huge and growing trade relationship with China and it can read the Asian tea leaves as clearly as China. Despite some lingering territorial disputes, Japan is unlikely to do too much to rock the China boat.
The same is also true of South Korea, another country occupied by the Americans, but one also anxious to play its part in the Asian economic miracle in which good relations with China play a major role.
One of the major geopolitical questions is to what extent Australia will cling to the United States alliance in the face of the rapidly changing economic situation in Asia. Neither of the two major political parties exhibit any evidence of recognising and responding to the major economic changes occurring and what is its natural geographical area. Instead, The Australian government keeps finding new ways to make life difficult for Chinese investment in Australia. Professing concern about Chinese investment in Papua New Guinea, its nearest neighbour, but is essentially powerless to stop Chinese investment there, or indeed elsewhere throughout the Pacific region that it has traditionally regarded as its back door.
An increasing number of Pacific Island nations are also welcoming Chinese investment, not least because it tends to come unaccompanied by the strings that were invariably attached to Australian aid in the past.
The big question in all this will be the reaction of the United States to the changing of political realities of the Asian region. Despite some comforting words from the United States secretary of state in recent days about limiting US intervention in other countries, one will reserve judgement to see if his words are matched by actual actions. Continued United States hostility to Venezuela and the recent US attacks on Syrian territory are not encouraging.
The United States faces a dilemma. Does it try to maintain its previous dominant role in a changing world that clearly has had enough of US dominance, or does it recognise the Geo-political realities? The Asian world in particular has had enough of continual United States interference and is clearly spearheading a change in approach, with China as the leading force.
The United States’ willingness to accept the change in geopolitical realities will be the difference between peace and war in the forthcoming months.
*Geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at
James, do you favor world hegemony by the Chinese?
Just threw a 3rd brand new hard-boiled egg slicer in the bin
Hard to believe that such a simple mechanism could be inoperable per sloppy manufacturing
But there are some advantages to trading with China
Such as the nice silk skivvies bequeathed to me by my 6’ 2” friend
Who ordered XXL and was sent size 10
Too bad she was refused a replacement/refund
Whatever you can say about the yanks they’re not THAT bad
Whatever you can say about this bloke, he sure ain’t some State-put-together:
Hmmm,,, Berry, you are right. Before America implodes, we should all purchase at least on Chrysler and play blues on the sound system
This isn’t a State put-together either:
So where’s the Chinese equivalent?
On the contrary Berry, whatever most people think of the ruling elite that run America, the reality is that they are orders of magnitude WORSE than you could possibly imagine.
And Mary, as for favouring Chinese world hegemony, in comparison to the US/UK/Zionist axis of evil, the Chinese are by far the lesser evil.
No objective person could rationally argue otherwise.
Mary Maxwell – Whether one favors Chinese hegemony or not, it is very likely to become a reality, due to the simple fact that China is on track to become the richest nation in the world by GDP, supplanting the United States. The United States in recent years unaccountably allowed most of its manufacturing base to be off-shored to China and elsewhere, with hardly a whimper from American politicians. Donald Trump attempted to address the issue, but he has been sidelined. America is set almost inevitably to become the second power in the world – that is, if it doesn’t ruin itself completely by vastly overspending on its military, and sustaining its national debt by printing money in huge and unsustainable amounts.
American hegemony has not been an unmitigated benefit to the world – far from it. It remains to be seen whether Chinese hegemony will be worse or better. It is hard to imagine it would be better, given China’s authoritarian and undemocratic political system. I’m reserving my judgment.
Mary, we are entering a new phase of world development which includes the demise of the US as a dominant power. What takes its place will be multinational, of which China will be an important part, but it will,not dominate, nor does it wish to, as the US has done for the last 70 years.
Really James! Seriously?
Please research plenty of material available as to which interests DEFRAUDED the American voters for their control in the November third, election. OR do you wish to pretend for your readers that it did not happen?
Ever heard of Pearl Harbour?
Then try a ‘cyber’ Pearl Harbour . Dominion software hacking control ever come to your attention?
Hilder- War Lords of Washington-Secrets of Pearl Harbor(1991)
“………..As he testifies, this attack was not only provoked but welcomed by the International Banking Cartelists and their agents working within the higher echelon of government within the United States.
He then alludes to the fact that the U.S. had foreknowledge that the Japanese were crossing the Pacific. Plus the fact that the Japanese purple code was broken six months in advance, which unequivocally means the U.S. knew exactly what was transpiring. They even had the U.S. naval fleet moved from San Diego to Pearl Harbor.
This attack was wanted because Roosevelt couldn’t get congress to declare war against Adolph Hitler. Besides, the Secretary of War wrote in his diary on November 25, 1941 that, “The question was how we should maneuver them (the Japanese) into firing the first shot, without allowing too much damage to ourselves. It was a difficult proposition.”
This quote is admissible evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt proving that the U.S. had foreknowledge of the attack. Additionally, Dall charges that the International Banking Cartelist conspired for a world dictatorship through a one-world currency – not for the emancipation of man but the enslavement of mankind. Dall also said that these same international war conspirators and their agents deliberately delayed the end of World War II so they could set up the fall of China to Mao Tse-Tung.
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank in which the Dominion Voting Systems patents were placed as collateral is a Rothschild Bank which has its headquarters in the Channel islands.
In fact, since 2014, two of China’s big 5 banks is owned by the Rothschilds.
China has been part of the NWO at least since then. And Xi wants to be world emperor.
China is a neighbour of Russia
War with China
Australian PM Scomo calls on NZ to align more against China: The US and Australian governments are concerned that New Zealand’s government is strengthening economic relations with Beijing while the US and its allies are preparing for war with China. Read full article $?
We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.
The principal factor of success in the political is the secrecy of its undertakings: the word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat.
We must compel the governments of the GOYIM to take action in the direction favored by our widely conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly promoted by us through the means of that so-called “Great Power” – THE PRESS, WHICH, WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS THAT MAY BE DISREGARDED, IS ALREADY ENTIRELY IN OUR HANDS.
“secretly promoted” eh?
Well there’s nothing secret about the fate of the Promoters:
James O’Neill – I wish I could share your confidence that China has ‘no wish to dominate’. Chairman Mao famously declared that “China will never be a superpower”. But new players have come into the game since his demise. The ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative looks very much to me like evidence of a wish to dominate. Out of its overflowing coffers, China makes large loans to multiple countries across Asia and Africa for infrastructure projects. Some of these countries cannot afford to repay the loans; and thereby on default, China acquires assets such as ports which can be used as military/naval bases. This has already happened, and is likely to happen more often in the future. This is apart from the fact that the initiative is basically a transport superstructure, of which all roads lead to and from China.
It is true that China has so far shown a reluctance – unlike America – to unilaterally embark on wars of ‘regime change’. It prefers to rely instead on ‘soft power’. But I see unmistakable signs that China under its present CCP government intends to become once again the dominant ‘Middle Kingdom’ (or ‘Central Country’) that it once was. That is what its name, ‘Zhongguo’, formerly meant and still means in Mandarin Chinese. It was the middle empire to which all of its neighbors, near and far, must pay tribute, or suffer unpleasant consequences. Except that, this time around, it will be the Middle Kingdom of the world, not just of East Asia.
“……. China makes large loans to multiple countries across Asia and Africa for infrastructure projects. Some of these countries cannot afford to repay the loans; and thereby on default, China acquires assets such as ports …….”
As the Commonwealth of Australia is a corporation registered in the US it is possible that there is a US trade off with China over the huge US debt held by China.
The U.S. debt to China is $1.102 trillion, as of May 2017. That’s 28 percent of the $3.9 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $19.8 trillion national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself.Jul 20, 2017
Australia is not a country, it is a corporate resource and its inhabitants are a human resource.
So as a trade off for some of the US debt held by China, the big Bankers have said to China, take some of Australia – just a thought.
Has anything changed?
W. HUGHES, Premier of Australia, Saturday Evening Post, June 19, 1919 “The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?”
crisscross767 – I have seen this notion expressed before – that ‘Australia is a corporation and not a country’ – but without any explanation being given. Can you explain to me what you mean by it? For instance, can you explain with which body or authority in the US the Commonwealth of Australia is registered as a corporation? And if so, in what way does this derogate from Australia’s status as a sovereign nation?
Australia’s status as a country independent of Great Britain came about as a result of an Act of the British Parliament, which came into operation in January 1901, and which contained the Constitution which had been drawn up by Australian representatives in constitutional conventions. In theory, the British Parliament could repeal this Act and revert Australia to a collection of British colonies. But we know that in practice this would never happen.
I think it is even more unlikely that the US would even try to trade off some of its debt to China by saying “take some of Australia”. And if it tried to do so, it would have even less legal basis – i.e. none – than Britain would have if it tried to reclaim Australia as a group of colonies.
Australia’s dependence on the US for its defence began during the Second World War, when the British had been defeated in Singapore and withdrew to Europe. Ostensibly the US saved Australia from Japanese invasion during the battle of the Coral Sea. Since then Australia has relied on the US to defend it from possible invasion. We certainly have no other allies in the region capable of doing so, apart from New Zealand.
In return, Australia has, at the request of the US, taken part in most of the wars the US has launched since 1945, many of them highly unjustifiable, such as the Vietnam War and the second Gulf War. A high price to pay, But at all times Australia was in a position to refuse the US requests – though no doubt serious repercussions would have followed had it done so.
What follows is the complete explanation of the contempt by all Political Parties of the;
Australian Constitution Chapter One, Part IV. — Both Houses of the Parliament.
Section 44 and Section 46;
Read on –
W. HUGHES, Premier of Australia, Saturday Evening Post, June 19, 1919 “The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?”
What no mention of Israel !!!!
Brendon O’Connell continues to paint the true picture in 3D.
Sandra. How do I subscribe to Nrendan O’Connell? He is red hot.
tonyryan43 – To subscribe to Brendan O’Connell, you just need to click on ‘YouTube’ at the bottom right of the video screen, which will take you direct to the same video on the YouTube website. If you sign in to YouTube (assuming you already have a YouTube account; if not, it’s easy to open one), then all you need to do is click on the ‘subscribe’ button at the right below the video.
Well, they have food producers, Port Darwin, now being in Jame’s back yard expelling Australians is a sure sign of China’s long term intent, (Also Ask the locals in the Southern Highlands of NSW)
Pity our governments are selling us off and many do not care.
Maybe the author did not note this posted in the last article,
One can discern long term communist (with zionists who conceived the system. eg. Mr Marx) control FREAKS by observing present practices and intentions.
Be pretty dumb not to pick it. Treasonable Negligence to support it or let it happen.
England is also full of comity, worldwide…
As Charles will sooner or later be here, let’s sing:
“God save our gracious King. Long live our noble King,
God save the King! Send him victorious,
Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us,
God save the King!
“O Lord our God arise Scatter our enemies,
And make them fall. Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix, God save us all!
“Not in this land alone, But be God’s mercies known,
From shore to shore! Lord make the nations see,
That men should brothers be, And form one family,
The wide world o’er.”
Well, son of a gun. Ya coulda fooled me….
Mary, considering current world affairs, it is not certain that Charles will be there or anywhere shortly.
prince charlie will die of pickled liver.
I dare ya’s to read this, me hearties:
Thanks Mary – I really must get around to reading that (although I do have some concerns about Springmeier – aka Viktor E. Schoff)
I ran into an old friend earlier today who told me a horrific story he was experiencing along the lines of Dee’s previous article. It reinforced a comment that was evolving in my head, and particularly has to do with the Sabbatean/Frankist cult which is clearly in control of the world today, with its many petty adherents in the circles of political and judicial power in Australia.
I share the following for general interest …
• Russ Winter on the Sabbatean/Frankist Cult and the Modern World
related book download (which I do not endorse – but topical
• Antelman Marvin S. – To eliminate the Opiate Volume 1
On Marx and bloodlines …
Karl Marx Ancestry and Elite Connections
• Karl Marx’s Elite Connections (Genealogical Study)
• Karl Marx’s Ancestry and Elite Connections: What is being hidden from us?
Also …
• “Marx & Satan” by Richard Wurmbrand – Playlist
“Why China Leads the World”
Democracy at the bottom
Data in the middle.
Talent at the top
“An increasing number of Pacific Island nations are also welcoming Chinese investment, not least because it tends to come unaccompanied by the strings that were invariably attached to Australian aid in the past.”
Probably better to know the cost upfront than to think “Oh, wow! they gave it to us for free?”
“Carrying on the Enduring Spirit of Mao Zedong Thought” – speech by Xi Jinping, December 26, 2013
I am honestly perplexed as to what any of this “Socialism with Chinese characteristics” has to do with Marxism, but nevertheless, here are some specific passages from this speech by President Xi Jinping: [another response to Mary’s Fritz Springmeier post pending]
• “Decrees may be followed if they are in accordance with the aspirations of the people; they may be ineffective if they are against the aspirations of the people”
• “If we are pretentious and divorce ourselves from the people or put ourselves above them, we will surely be abandoned by them. This is the case for any party, and is an iron law which admits of no exception.”
• “We should modestly draw on the achievements of all other cultures, but never forget our own origin. We must not blindly copy the development models of other countries nor accept their dictation.”
• “Adhering to independence requires us to uphold our independent foreign policy of peace, and follow the path of peaceful development. We should hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and benefit for all, maintain friendly relations with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence [see footnote #6], conduct exchanges and cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, staunchly safeguard world peace, and promote common development. We should take our positions and make our policies on issues on their own merits, uphold fairness and justice, respect the right of each people in deciding its own development path independently, and never force our will upon others nor allow anyone to impose theirs upon us. We stand for peaceful resolutions to international disputes, oppose all forms of hegemony and power politics, and never seek hegemonism nor engage in expansion. We will resolutely defend our sovereignty, security and development interests. No country should assume that we will trade away our core interests, nor will we accept anything that harms our sovereignty, security or development interests.”
• “Footnote #6: The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are the principles of mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and cooperation for mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.”
Sounds, as like a politician and just as meaningless.
Responded with the rapidity of a troll, and just as lacking in thought. And you want me to believe those that brought us this?
• NIST Video: Why the Building (WTC7) Fell
‘Pulling it’ as in explosive detonations, have been common practise since ww1.
In Sydney many historic sandstone buildings came down, using these methods in fifties sixties seventies and probably past ten years, under the camouflage of fireworks. Nothing new to learn here, detonating buildings is the most efficient cost effective form of demolition. Bottom line decides always, money talks bs walks, with impunity.
You don’t say. So just off the cuff, how long do you reckon it would take to prepare a building (like WT7, say) to be “pulled”?
The foundations and a few lower floors is all that’s necessary.
The question was how long? – the analysis, planning (there would be drawings involved), coordination, implementation … Just a ball park will do … ??
Cold fish.
So we throw in a irrelevant 911 distraction and infer …… I am like a troll?
Try Chamberlain with Hitler’s promises.
So I do not believe politicians. So I could be a unthinking troll🤪🤪🤪🤪
Doublespeak, as in freedom is slavery.
You may be right, 56, but I need concrete examples. Where is the high moral ground and who do you propose we align ourselves with … NATO?
• Libya. NATO protects you – NATO Crimes In Libya
The interposed speech is by the then NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Who do we align ourselves to? That is the question.
I admire tariffs, soveriegnity and self sufficiency maintained by family/small business. That is, kick out the money lenders and corporations, and print our own currency, instead of it being one way traffic in building crown kabal communism. Think local instead of global.
“kick out the money lenders and corporations, and print our own currency”
Brilliant response – so you’re a National Socialist (that’s a good thing) – because that (and ONLY that) is PRECISELY what happened in Germany in the 1930s.
We are on the same page.
You will resonate with this … please start at 5:30
• On the Accusation That Hitler Was Financed By Jews
The Commonwealth of Australia has been incorporated into the United States corporation. Australians are now corporate citizens of the US – the Julian Assange case comes to mind.
The US Constitution Gave Legal Ownership and Control of the United States to London
They who Own The Law Own the Banks. They Who Own The Law and Banks Own the Corporations. They Who Own The Law and Banks and Corporations Own the Media. They Who Own The Law and Banks and Corporations and Media Own the Governments. They Who Own The Law and Banks and Corporations and Media and Governments Own the World…………….
Attached are documents released under a Freedom of Information request seeking access to all documents that confirm the following: registration with the SEC of the Australian Government (Commonwealth of Australia) as a privately owned American company, file number:333-163307 CIK:0000805157.
As in the US so in Australia. Everything is up for sale.
Everything in the “United States” is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons airports etc. I wonder who bought Klamath lake. Did anyone take the time to check? (Executive Order 12803)
Corporate Australia has been incorporated into the US corporation. Who holds the Charter.
The United States Isn’t a Country
— It’s a Corporation!
Congress is fully aware of this deception. You must be made aware that the members of Congress do NOT work for you and me. Rather, they work for the Corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. Is this really any surprise to you? This is why we can’t get them to do anything on our behalf or to answer to us — as in the case with the illegal income tax — among many other things. Contrary to popular belief, they are NOT our civil servants. They do NOT work for us. They are the servants of the corporate government and carry out its bidding. Period.
The RBA and the ATO are owned by the owners of the corporation called “The Commonwealth of Australia”, registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission
You mean, as Trump IS attempting!
As in getting rid of the fraudulent Federal Reserve crooks?
If only some followed Q, for some years, it would be understood.
It is not over. The turkeys have to awaken to avoid the alternative….a civil war.
How Hitler defied the bankers
Article from: http ://www. wakeupfromyourslumber. com/node/6720
And who financed Hitler?
For what purpose?
Start with Prescott BUSH.
For god’s sake spend 40 minutes listening to Mike Rivero’s ‘’All Wars Are Banker’s Wars’. At
How Man years do I have to spend educating stupid on this site?
And poor old dead fish thinks I may be a troll!!
I was advised by G5, paraphrasing, walk away stupids have no concept… waste or time.
Dear oh dear Ned, I just posted “On the Accusation that Hitler was financed by the Jews” (which you didn’t watch) and CC posted “How Hitler Defied the Bankers” (which you didn’t read – and which is the text to the aforementioned video) and you come back with “’All Wars Are Banker’s Wars” without acknowledging who the Bankers are, and without acknowledging or debating one single point of substance.
And you are advised by who(?) that Trump is going to fix what?
As the saying goes … “can’t fix stupid”
Walking away … FFS!!!
Grow up fish, do not presume that I am not unaware of reality,
Just look up all wars are bankers wars, or do you wish others to not know what you imply with half truths.
Your attacks on me are part of your distractions with half truths.
I do not need to read your endless distractions from the role of the bankers without telling all of the historic realities.
Today is real, history is just that.
We are now on the threshold of disclosure. I concentrate on today and tomorrow when the bastards are hanged.
So what do you now wish for?
So go help us get it. Or go join tv for dinner.
Now how about a distraction on the 911 inside job to sabotage what we are really presently dealing with….. tomorrow come to mind?
For you … to help with the disclosure
• Masters of Europe – The Unseen Empire that Governs Governments
E Alexander Powell, Saturday Evening Post 19 June 1909
Straight up, there are no sanctions on CCP here, actually occupation is going gangbusters. All these high rise developments are for them and people that will service/serve the heirarchy – global communists.
Oz has been sold to them by the money lenders. To think otherwise is naive and way off the mark.
All our good produce and fish go to China and in return we get their crap. Sanctions are a myth, alongside fair go replaced by fare go, last century. The bloodsuckers wouldn’t have it any other way, so here we are, sitting ducks. Baby soup a delicacy for the elite!
Baby soup? That’s a new one on me.
Check this out. We all gonna dah.
It is the owners of the corporation called Australia who direct the CEO and board of directors called the Australian government.
5G cable fiber installation is a 24 hour schedule round the clock! Night work is darkness.
In times past, eight hours work eight hours play eight hours sleep. None of that, for the later, for the street and me tonight. Making as much noise as possible, at 9.20 pm on a Friday night! $20 cash for skilled trades, smashing it up with the ditch witch fiber optical installation, ditto Wuhan, northern Italy and elsewhere.
They came and left, after smashing heavy metal to metal for half an hour. Maybe they needed stuff elsewhere? These aren’t technicians from Bangla Desh, who did nbn past three years, they’ll probably install the wires in the hose, following. One of the workers today said, it’s for the industrial estate two k’s away (dismantled two decades ago), go figure. They’re just doing a means to bring bread on the table, at a rate earned forty-fifty years ago, when cars cost 4K and houses 50.
Good luck and pray for better days.
ps; nbn is over before it started. 5G opticle fiber smart is stupid here.
They have an 8-8-8 monument in Melbourne near Victoria Parade down the road from Trades Hall, before 8-8-8 was won it was open slather
RE the above conversation with Julius… it comes idlely to mind that Australia is currently in a similar position to Germany before Hitler rebuilt the economy in just 4 years.
Why reinvent the wheel, just do what Adolf did, including getting rid of the investment bankers. LOL
I’m afraid the Comments Monitor will have to step in here. Tony, if you meant “get rid of the Jews”, that is NOT “lol” and is unacceptable to Gumshoe.
I assume that’s not what you mean, but since other readers may think that’s what you meant, I am hereby censoring it ex pos facto.
I have no idea what you are talking about Mary – I took Tony’s comment to merely read as an extension of the line posted by 56
• “kick out the money lenders and corporations, and print our own currency”
and taken up in discussion by myself (shared video) and CC with the transcript “How Hitler defied the bankers”
My later post “Masters of Europe” goes into more detail and is a prelude to Ned’s “All Wars are Bankers’ Wars”
But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive.
Hi Mary. No, most Jews are nice people. All the ones I know, like Peter Meyers, Israel Shamir, Gilad Atzmon, etc, also dislike the people who run the investment banker alliance who, as Professor Shlomo Zand of Israel’s leading university, pointed out, have fraudulently claimed to be Jews but they are entirely without Hebrew ancestry.
This is why Mohandas Gandhi refused to support the establishment of Isarel because, he said “It can never be justified to invade and occupy another nation motivated only by religion”.
Actual Jews are Semites: Misrahim, Sephardi, Palestinians and other smaller groups, who also are treaded badly by the frauds.
In Iran, there are several thousand genuine Jews, living happily in that community and who also oppose Israel and the usury bankers.
“just do what Adolf did” – and wind up more enslaved than ever ?
I guess you’re being facetious
Berry, see above.
Togetherness at the top:
On topic, I think rumours of the fall of the american empire are premature, given it has origins in ancient Rome 2000 years ago as well as the Western Vikings of 1000 years ago, through the British global empire of the last few hundred years.
The future could equally be that the CCP falls apart.
The rumoured hot war is not really feasible and China would lose so we get all this asymmetric stuff with trade, finance, viruses, propaganda and nebulous threats of every kind.
Australia will never let go of the US dominated anglo-sphere, the idea is a total non-starter, the place would be gone in five minutes.
One thing is for sure, there are layers and currents in all directions, a bit like studying the weather and tides.
Oz and the US, have been stripped bare of all self sufficiency. We the people are rusted worn out cogs in the machine. All technology transferred to CCP, for over three decades now. Yes, the crown cabal are still in control, they’ve just shifted bases to China and former communist regimes. It’s the same club, and we the people are not in it. It is the hidden black hand, as Julius and Simon have mentioned, in comments here. Let’s not argue over small details, it’s what makes us all genuine individuals. Our oppressor’s are opposed to liberty, they are crown kabal communists, who to this day do not recognise the two simple laws Jesus gave for better living.
Medical military industrial is all lies, diversions and destroying all life. We need to stop subscribing to this evolution bs yesterday cause tomorrow may be late. All life is created, we don’t know how or why? Have faith in His medicine, that’s all.
No this is wrong as far as I know, the best military/commercial secrets are well kept from the CCP, they have to buy in jet engines from Russia and computer chips from Taiwan, another reason why Taiwan is pivotal. They are supposedly branching out to Israel for chips and the capacity would still be there in the US but probably can’t compete with Taiwanese labour costs. As an example of how an empire kicks on, look at Boeing, they were a happy monopoly having beaten the competitors over the decades until the Euro “Airbus” started causing problems with monopoly position, as a true insider Boeing would know all about the Great Reset etc and put some kids in charge of upgrading their most recent model which went on to crash twice, no problems, life is cheap in Africa, orders all filled and production wound down, now Boeing is focussed on military and space. Now how do you think the CCP can catch up with all this stuff except by copying, that’s all they do. Their obsessions with 5G and 6G whatever that is, comes from wanting to tightly control their own citizens. They will try to monitor us and steal every commercial secret they can, because they don’t want to pay for R&D (nobody does really), and they don’t have a culture of innovation, judging by the last century at least.
As for Jesus etc finding the way out of earthly problems, they have already predicted, it’s going to be a total shemozzle, John Lennon will not be returning with love and peace. I don’t have any answers for that part, only a cop-out, that is, I am already rapidly approaching use-by so I don’t care so much.
“The best military/commercial secrets are well kept from the CCP, they have to buy in jet engines from Russia”
Ending US Dependence on Russian Rocket Engines: The Danger of Further Delays
The US Hitches Its Final Ride to Space From Russia—for Now
Thursday’s launch to the space station will mark the end of America’s dependence on Russia for human spaceflight, but NASA may buy more seats on Soyuz rockets.
Christopher Cassidy Roscosmos cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner
NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy (left) and Russian cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner will launch to the International Space Station on a Soyuz rocket this week. Photograph: Sergei Karpukhin/Getty Images
On Thursday, a Soyuz rocket carrying three astronauts to the International Space Station is scheduled to depart from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Kazakhstan desert. The coronavirus pandemic means there won’t be the usual crowds of wellwishers lining the streets to see the astronauts on their way, but the flight is a historic one. It marks the end of NASA’s dependence on Russian rockets for human spaceflight and the return of crewed launches to the United States. But NASA says American astronauts may still end up hitching rides to space in a Soyuz capsule in the future.
Ever since NASA called it quits on its space shuttle program in 2011, the Russian spaceport has been the only facility operating crewed flights outside of China. But that’s about to change. SpaceX is preparing for its first crewed NASA mission to the space station, which could launch from Florida by the end of next month. Boeing has also contracted with NASA for crewed flights, although its program was delayed for several months after a suite of errors during a test mission last year. For the first time in nearly a decade, NASA has options for sending humans to space.
“For the first time in nearly a decade, NASA has options for sending humans to space.”, goes to show the race is back on.
Now consider the CCP, they can’t do jet engines mostly because of metallurgy, people may not realise the turbine blades going around so fast stretch slightly to a very exact tolerance and also cycles of heating & cooling etc mean it isn’t an easy proposition, if one snaps the entire unit goes off balance, probably wrecking high-speed bearings as well, can the CCP make any of this, I doubt it, however the Nazis invented it about 80 years ago so the CCP still has a lot to catch up on, even with all the copying. China did not invent radio smartphones wifi and all the rest, during that very long period of history the only thing they invented was won-tons. Probably “6G” will be the end of the line and somebody will come up with something totally different and more diabolical to usurp all of it. Elon Musk is already connecting his rubbish direct to brains.
So where did Morrison’s $150 million donation to Trumps Moon trip going to end up?
“…………..NASA, however, is blindsided.
It doesn’t want to put the excellent relationship it has with Roscosmos put at risk.
After all, the United States still does not have the capability of putting an astronaut in orbit. Its Space Shuttle fleet was grounded in 2011 after the debris issues that brought about Columbia’s fiery end could not be resolved.
It doesn’t matter because things move on, it’s like saying our steam engines are out of date when petrol engines are just on the horizon. The CCP buys all the old tech that nobody uses anymore. They say they landed on the moon, on the dark side !!! WTF
How many miles of high speed rail does the United States have?
You can’t have rail anymore because of private ownership, terrorism and all sorts of reasons, we are moving toward drone taxis, it’s as I said, you are talking about steam engine stuff, work from home and you’ll see only the underclass goes by train, the homeless sleep in the carriages, rail is from the 19th century
• “ARJ21 is first Chinese jet airliner to make international routes” – Jeff J Brown
Good article and discussion here …
• “No Horizon So Far: the Future of Sino-Russian Commercial Aviation” – Mark Chapman
Nobody in the US wants to do all those rivets, too boring, the old fuselages lumped in with other “old tech” the CCP eagerly buys.
They have a deal with GE to supply engines and eventually let the CCP “assemble” – but not yet !!! Turbine blades remain a secret. Now I recall a story that the deal to flog off jet engine technology was . . . . on Nancy Pelosi’s laptop ! ! ! More court martials for Nancy if it’s true.
I meant to post this one –
People should not rally under different coloured textiles and certainly not identify with the notion of country. Country is home and that is under your feet, where you live and eat.
The hidden hand that runs the show does not care for country or people.
The world leaders are not there to better their country, they do not care. The bumbling idiot type of world leaders seem to defy gravity the most. They also cause as much carnage as a despot(whatever that is).
LOOK MONKEYS dis LOOK MONKEYS tract LOok moNkeys ion is the name of the game and it works a treat.
You have to play the game because people are idiots. Just look at all the candidates for world leaders though you also have to deliver on the big screen(doh). Just be a stand-in and don’t turn up for rehearsal no matter how good the buffet.
This China Russia Australia you know all the flagits is just a circus of look monkeys, to distract and none of it is real. Its simply us and them, or me(you) and them. Don’t give them any quarter and why would you, as they only want what they can get from you, your kidneys, your children, whatever they can get.
The bankers greatest trick was to replace commodities with a “I owe you”. The idea of a group creating currency is scam trick, always ends in tears and enslavement. The other same side of the coin is when the target takes the script(IOU). This enables real assets to be replaced with toilet paper and real assets can be fashioned into toilet papers worst nightmare.
I think the lockstep corona toilet paper famine of 2020 was just a giggle. All that BS and no toilet paper. Advent 201 people must have bought the lot in operation, look monkeys.
Q. What country is this ?
A. Gatebritton
“My kidney’s my kidney, no one’s but mine.” — Simon.
However, hind parts are public in China:
We have some good news but some bad too.
The good news is you don’t have the covid.
The bad news is you have ass cancer from lack of proper cleaning. Here is Victor Gottliebs business card, while your here you could have a bowel transplant. Have nice day, chop chop nexxxt.
I thought this was topical and connected to multiple elements of the discussion.
• China’s economy, technology, and military racing past the West. Jeff J. Brown on Mideast Discourse.
At 01:52:
“Before Trump the last U.S. President who acted “presidential” got his brains blown out in Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas in 1963. This has been a problem since 1833 when the gangster banksters tried to assassinate U.S. President Andrew Jackson for closing down their private U.S. bank which was printing the people’s money at interest. We can see with trump that if you stand up to the oligarchy elite they will kill you or destroy you.”
[He gives Trump the benefit of the doubt.]
I noticed he mentions Andrew Jackson … More on him by Mike King – see embedded video
• ANDREW THE GREAT: The Amazing True Story of Andrew Jackson
He cites this quotation
“Events have satisfied my mind, and I think the minds of the American people, that the mischiefs and dangers which flow from a national bank far over-balance all its advantages. The bold effort the present bank has made to control the Government, the distresses it has wantonly produced, the violence of which it has been the occasion in one of our cities, are but premonitions of the fate which awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.
It is fervently hoped that thus admonished those who have heretofore favored the establishment of a substitute for the present bank will be induced to abandon it, as it is evidently better to incur any inconvenience that may be reasonably expected than to concentrate the whole moneyed power of the Republic in any form whatsoever or under any restrictions.”
Source: Andrew Jackson Sixth Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1834
Just off the press … from Mike King (more dots – they are all related)
The Fake News Bosses Behind America’s Entry into World War II – Mike King
The best anecdote about Andrew Jackson is that when the assassin came for him AJ beat him off with his walking stick
Grand Master’s have those abilities
Never get in the way of a bouffant, seems they never die.
In passing, I thought this was worth sharing …
• Eric X. Li: A tale of two political systems – TED Talks July 2013
This was introduced by Cyrus Janssen here:
• Has China and the Chinese Government Changed?
I can’t help imagining how great America (and Australia) could have been if they had adopted the Chinese system of electing public officials based on merit, instead of parachuting in the bought-and-paid-for clowns that we are subject to, who are comorbidly utterly corrupt AND incompetent.