Home Corona A Conspiracy to Murder

A Conspiracy to Murder

Explaining the virus and the vaccines

Editor’s note: Paul Craig Roberts’ article, sourced here, is about Government and the Big Pharma-Dependent Medical Profession Are Hiding the Facts About Covid and the Vaccine. It has been republished here with permission.

By Paul Craig Roberts

In this 25 minute video Dr. Ryan Cole explains the adverse impact on the human body of the spike protein that is characteristic of both the Covid virus and the vaccine. Most people are not in serious danger from the virus. These people should not expose themselves to the danger of the vaccine.

The failure of public health authorities to treat Covid with known safe inexpensive treatments enabled the generation of fear and panic that supported mass vaccination with an untested and unapproved experimental technology. This primarily benefited Big Pharma’s profits and government encroachments on civil liberty and has harmed public trust in government and health authorities.

The vaccine adverse reporting system, which at best captures only 10% of vaccine-induced injuries—shows more death and injuries from the experimental Covid vaccine than from all vaccines combined over the past 30 years. Never before in history has a vaccine with such a high death and injury rate been permitted to be administered.

The facts have been kept from the people.

Big Pharma has enough scientists on its payroll and supported by its research grants that their careers force them to serve as advocates for Big Pharma’s agendas. The presstitutes follow the hired scientists, not the independent ones.

The American medical profession in general lost its independence because of Obamacare. After Obamacare hospitals bought up independent practices. One consequence has been the reliance of doctors on NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO guidelines—guidelines heavily influenced by Big Pharma’s interests—instead of thinking for themselves about how to treat patients. As so many medical practitioners are employees of large organizations, relying on official guidelines is a form of protection. In other words, Obamacare produced more bureaucratization of medicine.

It is the doctors and scientists who think for themselves who have devised the cures for Covid and who have raised the questions of the vaccine’s safety. As they are individuals and not large official organizations, they are outgunned by the material interests of the organized groups.

In place of debate and examination of the data there is the suppression of the evidence. Doctors and scientists who raise issues are censored and de-platformed. A recent example is the resignation of scientists on the board of the professional journal Vaccines to force retraction of a peer-reviewed article that compared deaths from Covid with deaths from the vaccine. Some who resigned were involved in the development of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine or had research grants from Big Pharma. They claimed the article was faulty because it assumed all deaths following vaccination were caused by the vaccine. Of course, these same scientists did not complain when all deaths from flu, co-morbidites, and all other causes were attributed to Covid in order to create fear in the public that would cause people to line up for the untested experimental vaccine.

Even the inventor of the mRNA technology that is used in the vaccine has been erased for warning of the dangers of the technology.

In the United States today there is no longer any debate or examination of evidence. In universities, in print and TV media, and among scientists funded by interest groups and government, there is no debate. There is an official narrative and everything else is off-limits.

This is how we got a Covid pandemic, which never existed, and this is how we got half the population injected with an experimental technology about which scientists were mistaken. The spike in the vaccine has not remained at the point of injection but against expectations moves throughout the body, concentrating in the ovaries, causing blood clots, spontaneous abortions, and heart inflammation and death among the young never threatened by Covid.

This message cannot get out because so many scientists are owned by Big Pharma, because there is no integrity and independence in the media, because public health authorities have a revolving door with Big Pharma and legislators’ election campaigns are dependent on Big Pharma’s contributions.

The virus is mainly dangerous to elderly people with co-morbidities and impaired immune systems. The current push to force vaccination on children and young adults in the face of the massive evidence that the vaccine is more dangerous to them than the virus is nothing short of a conspiracy to murder.

It proves beyond all doubt that the agenda being served is not a public health agenda.

Dr Ryan Cole:


Dr. Roberts was awarded the Treasury Department’s Meritorious Service Award for “his outstanding contributions to the formulation of United States economic policy.” In 1987 the French government recognized him as “the artisan of a renewal in economic science and policy after half a century of state interventionism” and inducted him into the Legion of Honor. In 2015 he was awarded the Press Club of Mexico’s International Journalism Award. He is listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World. In 2017 Dr. Roberts was awarded Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award.



  1. Conspiracy to MURDER???
    Try worldwide GENOCIDE as planned for decades and now being seriously implemented..
    OH well I suppose it is a matter of semantics.


    THEY (UN GLOBALISTS) WANT 10 MILLION OF YOU ‘ D E A D”…..DEAD, enjoy!! Bet the politicians and mass media will not be volunteering first.

    • This must be from an older Deagal chart than the last one I was before it was removed, I didn’t think they were projecting 10 million to disappear by 2025, I thought it was more like 5 or so. All the same it would be interesting to see a state-by-state chart (and notable absent countries). The idea that W.A. could be Australia’s Hiroshima is inexplicable to me, they are building so much infrastructure there, huge roads to nowhere and so forth. I would think they would clean them out of inner Sydney and Melbourne first. The globalist concept of an ideal city seems to be bare, like an architectural model, a bit like Pyongyang, with a few underlings scurrying around in fear, the rest behaving as if automatons.
      Now for “worldwide”, hmm, China, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia – almost unscathed, India – not shown, “5-eyes” countries – a magnificent contribution. We can see, 5-eyes are just too empowered, and need to be brought down to serf level. So that’s what this is all about !!! Exporting the jobs was just the start, next we are dulled into complacence, finally the rug-pull !!!

      • Yes, I recall this ‘older’ chart many years ago……. The articles turned up after the ‘Georgia guide stones’ that have their real intentions……. Population down to 90% of present!
        I think Deagel is underestimating, to sucker in the politicians and media shock jokes to market the globalists intentions……. For the time being. Globalists know how to bribe stupids with baubles for their purposes.
        The guide stones are still there and may be searched if you care to try and locate the asylum inmates who escaped from some European facility(?) and spent a fortune preparing and erecting them.
        Have to feel some sympathy for our dumb useless eating politicians (their pretensions in serving ‘freedom and democracy’ will be redundant for the remaining 10% controllers) and mass media shock jokes with their offspring; 90%! Well, that will not be able to sustain or include them as ‘necessities’ after their used by date.
        Stiff, but well deserved fate of traitors.
        WE WILL ALL BE IN THIS TOGETHER. (No way, not sharing my grave with Satan’s suckers!)

        • Oops:
          POPULATION REDUCED BY 90%!!!!!!!
          Sorry, if I gave Some some hope to the political and media prostitutes ……. You will not make the 10%.

      • Sandra. May I marry you, reincarnated in the next life for finding what I looked at years ago and being awake.
        Sorry Mary and Dee.(:—{ next time!
        A absolute must to appreciate what our politician murderers with the shock joke Satan brigade are going along with.

    • Not if I have any say in it. Or if Aussies have a say.

      My last survey was 2010, and around 76% of Australians want a return of the death penalty for: violent rape, paedophilia, and I think we can add mass murder to this.

      People need to realise that Australians were never consulted about the death penalty. It was politicians who unilaterally voted to end the death penalty because this was the only outcome of treason, which they were all guilty of.

  2. Just had lunch with two other couples. Both proudly said they have had the vaccines. They then waffled on for about 10 minutes with all the narrative from TV. Nice people, I kept my mouth shut about what they had really done to their bodies. I also did not correct them when they talked crap from the approved narrative. – Gonna miss them…

  3. Actually anything that “harms public trust in government and health authorities” should be acknowledged as being beneficial:

    • Dee,
      With a health minister named Hazzard and police commissioner Worboys, one would think the penny has to drop eventually, or maybe not? These are the days, where gadgets have replaced thoughts.

    • Like he says, bio-terrorism would utilise something like ebola, i.e. something that was highly contagious, fast-acting, and deadly. Conversely, right from the onset, all the Covid 19-triggered control trips have been rooted in a collective fear of what CANNOT be controlled. Small wonder that each & every one has back-fired so dramatically.

    • anyone remember the response to the Australia Card? where are those voters now? Ahh, I understand.. they’ve been replaced by others with a different mindset. it really is a crying shame!
      interesting thought (or not) – where did the gadgets all come from? Hmmm…

  4. 24/7 the media that is, and was not, are telling us how they are going to murder everyone and nobody believes them. We were messed up before computers but this is another dimension altogether, where lies are traded as commodities, the bigger the bs generating even bigger profits for the few involved.


    [Gumshoe’s friend, Mark Wilhelm emailed me his “manifesto.” I think it is terrific]:

    Ever heard the saying hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil ?

    Well I have got a new saying that I live by and follow:

    I will always listen out for evil
    I will always tell the people what evil i have heard
    I will always record, share and when possible stop all evil that I see being done …

    I call it the three Mark keys…

  6. Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine To North Carolina University Weeks Before Pandemic
    June 20, 2021

    A confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the official emergence of Covid-19 pandemic.

    The confidentially agreement (read below) states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The Universisty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019………….


  7. Moderna & the Vaxx Coercion

    May 29, 2021 — The first CEO of Moderna was a young Cornell University graduate named Anthony Fauci. While he was at Cornell his roommate was Bill Gates. I.G Farben was run by Jorge Soros. Jorge Soros broke up I.G. Farben, and he formed Moderna. And one of the main backers of Moderna was another Jew, Jeffrey Epstein. Four eugenicist Jews . . . Full story:

    https://www.bit chute.com/video/BXk9gu0bCs0D/

  8. Burmese military government has announce massive vote fraud, it seems feasible when you look at the election outcome, the military represents the Burmese which are the central group, in the 4 corners of the country there are 4 other ethnic groups, pone of whom, the Rohingas, have been kicked out, preaumably as part of a one-belt-road deal with Aung Sung Suu Kyi government, and rumoured to have been funded by Soros and IMF or some such along with of course China.
    So the remaining 3 ethnic minorities within the defined borders are also on notice, they should not expect much sympathy from either side of politics. Presumably they prefer fighting for independence to accepting assimilation as 2nd class citizens. In the north west they are probably blacker, which works to anyone’s disadvantage in Asia. In the north east and south east some are (I would say) effectively refugees from Siamese expansions long ago.
    Lip service to Geneva Convention ( Swissy again ! ), air raids etc, Kareen state is the south east, closest to Bangkok or “New Pyongyang” we may call it

    • One comment of interest:
      “These rebels groups have not been a force for good for the Karen people. On the contrary. The Border Guard Force (BGF), although loosely aligned with the Tatmadaw, controls the areas along the border with Thailand. They’ve gone behind the government’s back and leased a large plot of land in the village of Shwe Koko to a shadowy Chinese group with offices headquartered in Bangkok, which are building a huge casino city to one day be home to up to 1 million Chinese settlers! They couldn’t care less about their own people.”

  9. The only way to get Covid 19, or any other virus, is to be injected with it.
    This is the reason cases are spiking wherever the agenda has been enforced.
    We are all watching the same tragedy of genocide, by governments against their people, that the northern hemisphere experienced in their past winter.
    Wearing masks with social distancing is initiation into the BS. It serves no other purpose, it is totally useless for a virus that does not exist in air. Being a Hollyweird production, we are all masked up outlaws now, until the pharma white coats inject with luciferace to grant the freedom we never had.

    • “Corona virus (Covid-19)” that’s what the posters say. So Covid-19 is the equivalent of Corona virus which is a generic term for all cold and flu virus.

  10. The Point
    Edited Under Fr. Leonard Feeney M.I.C.M. — Saint Benedict Center

    January, 1955
    Of the 1,800 executives employed at United Nations headquarters in New York City, over 1,200 are Jews.

    In its current report in the American Jewish Yearbook, the American Jewish Committee labels opposition to the United Nations as anti-semitism.

    David Ben-Gurion, first Prime Minister of the State of Israel, told American newsmen in an interview in 1948, “The United Nations ideal is a Jewish ideal.” Read on –


  11. Ned,
    Yes, the Judas goats getting their bags of silver.
    Follow the money trail every time. What’s so unbelievable is that most believe in the BS.

    This morning’s mass in St.Mary’s cathedral empty!
    Go to coles woolies aldi and bunnings it’s a stampede. Profits exponential as small business is forbidden to open.

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