Introduction by DM
The Irony of it all. The Dems are projecting onto Trump what they have done and are busy doing. It is beyond mental.
“Donald Trump would be able to weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political apponents. He could even turn the FBI into his own personal police force. That is not how it works in America.”
Weapon-grade chutzpah:
Meanwhile, sources say they are preparing a section of Riker’s Island prison for Donald Trump.

General Mike Flynn talking about the series of Coups:
“Americans have NO IDEA what’s coming across their border” VIDEO
Greece and Turkey are both on fire.
All Western nations have the same problem with those of the Islamic Jihad, who have ‘migrated’ into all Western nations, both lawfully and unlawfully, however, the U.S. has a problem that is far greater than what the other Western nations now face, and that is, there are 50 Islamic compounds spread across the country, but what will grab the imagination, is why are they being ‘guarded’ by the FBI, and for what ultimate purpose?
Who in this country, especially Sydney, remembers what happened to the law abiding folk in Maroubra and Cronulla, during the following five nights after the so called, ‘Cronulla Riot’?
We can expect far worse to occur from the Islamic Ummah when they are given the word to act, at some point in our near future.
SkyNews calls it “chutzpah”, Russell Brand calls it “irony, I would call it “hypocrisy”
Meanwhile here in Australia the situation is at least as bad, we also got swindled into coast-to-coast communist party rule and we are currently going down the gurgler, with the opposition Chromedome looking also very bad but a different flavour of shit sandwich, like you took out the gherkins and put in mayonnaise instead. The conservatives as a parting gift to the communists thought “we will show them a thing or two about borrowing” and ran up the debt by 200 billion a year and the communists thought “they have stolen our one trick” and now they have lobby groups galore demanding funding and there are no industries to fund all these lobby groups because the communists keep shutting them down, like the farmers live sheep trade most recently, the car factories all gone, the next big thing lithium also down the gurgler, iron ore looking sick, we ran out of houses and gas to sell, all we have is more and more debt funded NGOs and would be nanny-state do gooders screaming for funding for every damn thing, these are not minimum wage, these are graduated social scientists, head shrinkers and this type of person, virtually unemployable in the private sector except for short-term contracts, all trying desperately to get on the public teat, more and more and more of them, parasiting off a half dead horse.
The solution of course is to wall off Canberra and give the whole unit to the Reserve Bank to pay off the national debt ( $1T ). Without Canberra we will have true economic liberalism, that’s all we have to do, remove the cancer, and the organism will spring back into life.
Joe, great summation of our current predicament.
All we need is mother nature to add the cherry.
Dearest Ms. Wong and Madam Kamala.
Kindly sit down and listen to Scott Rittter from about 1.02 at Mary’s situation update today at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news and as adults agree with our understanding that Australia is sitting this one out.
BTW. Ms. Wong, listen to Mary’s report from the start, your government should sack the censorship minister for communications and BS immediately, because the public are on to all the lies shoved into our faces by your governments’s fake lying globalist ABC and controlled mass media.
The dam has been broken so pocket our representative’s fingers.
This article dares to hint at what’s really going on at Demoncrat HQ , namely that these monsters need human sacrifices to their god Moloch :
Somebody admits the button downed behavior is only an act
They were parading a fake Oprah around a few months ago , not quite sure if this is her or not
And in passing , anyone heard if the rumor is true that Pamela Anderson poisoned Julian Assange , who is talking to the world again
And look what’s been imported to America
Aussie , Aussie , Aussie !
Julian Assange on Globalism (2 min)
and deep fake CGI Assange and JP (2 min)
JUST IN: Australian Government blocks Covid inquiry ‘with teeth’
Once again, Labor characterised its foes as ‘conspiracy theorists’, ‘cranks,’ ‘kooks’ and ‘far right extremists’ rather than engaging in rational debate
Rebekah Barnett
Time grammar
You need it. You just don’t know that at this time.
clif high
Aug 21, 2024
Speaking of ETs and stuff there was a story in “The West Australian” today about crashed UFOs and retrieved non-human bodies, on about page 30. It’s a long way to the Pleiades, “don’t sleep and drive”
I dunno, I thought Camel was supposed to be dead on the 19th
Speaking of 1’s and 9’s, before the internet we had to make our own fun (1:19)
Don’t complain to me, it was 1:19 on spewtube
Mother Nature Updates
The October 24 gas giant alignment
African mega lakes refilling
The Sahel new grow zones
BRICS nations prepared while the NATO aligned play war games
Men in suits went out and offered people free tickets , food and drink , and $150-200 cash to attend the Democrat bash .
Many went in and feasted and then left after that .CGI crowds have been popping up everywhere worshiping the great messenger of joy – outside of the issue of abortion , this is primarily the media’s message , that Mrs Harris is a nonstop cackling bundle joy that has electrified the country .Actual issues are avoided at all cost .Hate Trump is the main message of the convention .
Australian Americans teach me that when I yell “Aussie, Aussie , Aussie !” I will get an “Oy, Oy, Oy ! ” in return .
Did I do that wrong ?
Is it too late to bring back the “throw another shrimp on the barbie ” craze ? This was very big in ye ole USA .
“Shrimp on the barbie” is a phrase that originated in a series of television advertisements by the Australian Tourism Commission broadcast in the US and UK starring Paul Hogan from 1984 through to 1990. The full quote spoken by Hogan is “I’ll slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for you”, and the actual slogan of the ad.
Professor Jeffrey Sachs
Geopolitical insights
In Perth you can live in a tent in the bush and panhandle at the traffic lights, can be $100 an hour at a good spot, tax free
A cavalcade of crap coming out of the convention and the confections created by the media , too many to list separately , get ’em while they’re hot :
Note — PBS is America’s version of the ABC , taxpayer funded “journalism” returning only one sides perspective , the governments side .
One Nation under Blackmail Vol 1/2- Whitney Webb
Free on internet
1000 pages
Baby Deaths in Australia; Born alive and gasping for air.
The following list provides the names of the Australian politicians who voted against Senator Babet’s plea to protect live babies from being left to die. So many females. Criminal.(see link)
18 Ayes 32 Noes(including the repulsive Hanson-Young)
I am not clear it was to save them or to simply prevent them from torture and unnecessary suffering, they are basically being tortured to death by being removed from their environment. Not surprising to see the very nasty Senators Hanson-Young (YGL, Greens) and Steel-John (Greens), the latter who was screeching from his wheelchair about how he wanted to send troops to Ukraina, this guy must be mentally ill as well as disabled. The Greens are an ugly mess, basically a fraud.
But a few mildly surprising inclusions, who should have known better to keep their hands clean, Senator Jane Hume (Lib), Andrew Bragg (YGL, Lib), Birmingham (Lib), Farouquhi (ex ALP), Wong (ALP), Pocock (football independent de-factoTeal), Tyrrell (ex Jackie Lambie Nutwork), so download the list so you can zoom in, these people have no qualms about torture, they could defeat the bill by 19 noes, that means TWELVE were surplus to requirements and voted according to their lack of conscience, if the ABC-TV was not so stoopid and useless they would interview them all and ask why did they do it. Well simple answer for ALP and Greens members, we do what communist central tells us to do, ( as should every good communist ).
Poor old Farouqhui seems to hope she will get her job back, or has already done a deal of some sort, really surprised to see those Liberals and Pocock in there, this is literal feeding babies to Moloch, so much for “progress”, ugly, and these creatures have made themselves va666ine exempt too.
Misinformation alert
I got Farouquchi mixed up with Fatima Payman, Farouqhi is an academic engineer from Pakistan University, worked for councils etc., looks like a pure careerist, joined Greens and just voting for the Green solution to teh environment, kill all useless eaters. This does not simply include bogans from less affluent suburbs, this also paradoxically includes the typical inner-urban greens voter who is economically useless to Globalists. A VOTE FOR GREENS AND ALP IS A VOTE TO BE VA666INATED, at least with the conservatives you appear to have a slight chance
(on topic) Dodgy Camel is going to fix america after 4 years of Biden and Camel wrecking it,,,,,, ahhhh hang on