Introduction by DM
I was believing, for a moment, that Plant Earth was the galactic lunatic asylum where all the mad people were housed and were dictated to by the insane. But, I was wrong. The world is not chaotic or irrational. Our leaders and Influencers are looking out for us.
For your entertainment, here are some gems sent to me:
Stop Growing Food
That’s a great idea, I’ve read fasting is good for your health.
From Climate News:
“Failed presidential candidate and political fossil John Kerry, a Democrat, is back in the news for ominous comments… about how the only way for leftists to achieve their “net zero” climate goals is for farmers all around the world to stop growing food… Kerry told an audience at the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) AIM for Climate Summit the other day that “we can’t get to net zero, we won’t get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution…”
“According to Kerry, he and other world leaders’ “lives depend” on farmers ceasing their operations. This will lower agriculture “emissions,” Kerry added, noting that he does not even call it climate change anymore – “it’s not change; it’s a crisis.” Mitigating methane is the fastest way to reduce warming in the short term,” Kerry declared…”
Hey, hang on! Then stop blowing up pipelines — which caused the biggest release of Methane.
“Food and agriculture can contribute to a low-methane future by improving farmer productivity and resilience,” he further stated. “We welcome agriculture ministers participating in the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge.”
Asking Permission Before Conception
“I sued my parents for having me without my permission” … “because I didn’t consent to being here.” “I was unaware that I’d grow up and have to get a job.”
This woman was probably in Klaus’s class. This is the best way to solve the “population crisis” — i.e., parents will have to get permission from their newborns before conception. You would attend DC (the Department of Conception) and request permission, which would inevitably be refused.
Stop Making Peanut Butter — you’ve killed 50,000 plus people.
A Memory Lapse
Joe’s 3 Years Behind
Mission Accomplished
From Expose News:
“Shocking ONS Report: COVID Vaccinated 18-39 Age Group at 91% Higher Death Risk than Unvaccinated Peers in UK
“Official figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics show that deaths per 100,000 among double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds were on average 91% higher than deaths per 100,000 among unvaccinated 18-39-year-olds between January 2021 and January 2022.”
That must be a lie. Maybe it’s only 90%
G5 commented on this article:
“Hazard, Bezerk, and Chatty were BigPharma owned. Notice in the daily pressers how Bezerk was playing inculcated psychoses. Or attempting to with the buffoon classes. Hazard usually stayed away, while Mick Full of It was at the back left in camera view, adding the psychopathic element to the lecturing demands of the insane.
“Mission Accomplished: fools impaired and murdered and coins pocketed.”
I Don’t Own a Private jet
According to the government which is usually lying there is virtually full employment but we have a lot of oldish people hanging around the traffic lights with signs asking for small change, why doesn’t the government do anything with them, they are on the dole living in a cardboard box somewhere and picking up $50 or $100 an hour cash by hanging around at the traffic lights. Someone like Hitler would have fixed this by now, he would have scooped them all up and dropped them off at a bio-lab, instead our governments want to inject the schoolkids with their experimental drugs. So the death rate is double now for injected school kids but the parents don’t seem to care, probably worked out how much they will save, or else they had so much fluoride, or watched so much TV they think it will help the climate.
Government At Work
MEDIA RELEASE | The United Australia Party’s Craig Kelly has labelled the AEC’s failed lawsuit against him over ‘non-compliant federal election campaign material’ as a shocking waste of taxpayers’ money.
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) had argued campaign posters used by Mr Kelly in the run up to the 2022 Federal Election did not have the required authorisations clearly visible.
However, the matter has this week been dismissed in the Federal Court with Justice Steven Rares tossing the lawsuit and ordering the AEC to pay legal costs.
During the proceedings, Mr Kelly’s barrister Christopher Ward SC had argued the font size used was the same used by Mr Kelly when he was formerly campaigning as a member of the Liberal Party, and was no different to the size used by other political parties during the 2022 election race.
“It was a stitch up right from the start. This was a malicious prosecution over a totally frivolous matter which was rightly thrown out of court,” Mr Kelly said.
“It should never have gone to court in the first place. What a shocking waste of taxpayer’s money.”
” or watched so much TV they think it will help the climate.” -, Gawd damn Joe, I really found that comment funny!
Ou governments should stick to comedy and stop trying to govern since they are hopeless at it
There will be no carbon tax in my government.
And I have not even reached down to professor FlimFamry.
Apparently when John Kerry retires he will not be eating, as no farmers equates to no food from agriculture, as in wheat and meat products. Sorry I forgot crickets.
Judge refuses Hunter Biden’s plea deal
Uh-oh UFOs have made it into the senate, MM will not be amused.
They are rebranded now to confuse us, as UAPs in honour of Clive Palmer’s party.
But don’t worry it’s just a ploy to get more money for Space Force.
The MIC will save us yet again, just as BigPharma saved us from the last threat.
Albanian Mafia:
Wonder who’s their guy in Canberra.
Albania is the new Ukraina.
Dan is the new Green Man.
Get out while you can !!!
Wheat, corn and now rice. Looks like I will have to plant some dent corn so that I have plenty of cereal crops. – When rationing has begun in the States, you know the world situation is getting difficult.
They said the engineered corn these days has no food value ( vitamins etc ) and I won’t miss the white rice, it will do them good to cut down in the Asian restaurants. Here we probably have lots of forward contracts anyway with Thailand. The king of Thailand will be loving it.
I watched TV for about 5 seconds this morning and the weatherman was next to a big sign saying “The Wiggles”, he was so excited he was nearly jumping out of his skin.
I’ll find some heritage corn (non-GMO). As far as nutrients, I have been building up the quality of my soil for the last 16 years, it is very nutrient rich. – It is the SOIL that feeds you, not the plants. Considering the effects of industrial farming, the nutrient value of store bought corn is just a shadow of what it used to be.
‘dent’ corn is is rich in starch rather than sugar (like sweet corn). You can make corn bread, corn pone, grits, tortillas, etc. using the corn. – In fact, I’d rather be eating the corn than the wheat. When I had chickens they absolutely refused to eat any of the wheat grains. It didn’t matter how hungry they were, they refused the wheat grains. I figure if they preferred a cockroach to a wheat grain, they must know a bit more about the quality of the food than I do.
I have seen fowl turn up their beaks at 2nd rate grain but even more surprising I saw pigeons (“rats with wings”) ignoring those cheap waffle biscuits which they sell everywhere in Asia. I was waiting for someone so I had to hang around for five or ten minutes and a bunch of pigeons were poking around looking for food but would not peck at the waffle biscuits, maybe thought they were polystyrene
Simply there are 2 opposing forces, those who believe the love revealed by Jesus Christ, doing no harm to all living things.
On the other side, the evol usurious central banksters, korporate and media monopolies WHO enslave our majority, parasites that suck all wealth and seize all power.
Now with AI and 5G, we are cursed more so by usury taxation corporate monopoly tyrannical laws and non stop BS. The ultimate world disorder financing all sides in all wars since 1913.
Truth, unfortunately, doesn’t pay much so push is on to ignore and hate truth, preferring lies for profit guided by hidden hands. Euro and 5 eyes nations targeted for extinction in a world controlled by demonic loaded.
Artificial insane chaos and rapid change with google is our world gone stark raving mad, promoting pedophilia sucking innocents dry.
Michael Baxter is sus at realrawnews.com, however he might be correct for a change or his imagination has reached a record high.
Search at rumormillnews or his site explaining that McConnel is likely to be a clone.
He reports that clones for Mitch have been located and Mitch’s present form had a glitch.
Seems that clones have a three year useful date.
Maybe, maybe not in the US but here in Australia they must exist ….. look at most of our soulless politicians and bureaucrats.
That raises a interesting legal debate. If one knocked the head off a clone would it be an attempted murder of the original natural product or just a malicious damage of an object allegation.
Either way, run it before a jury for its entertainment.
Where is Mary?
Malcolm Roberts explains to Queenslanders why they are going broke and the answer is simple, it’s the government.
But don’t worry they have that nice Jim Chalmers will come on TV and tell us why everything is ok.
Jim has something like a degree in political science and a career focus second to none.
LEADER OF THE HOUSE (us Congress) Kevin McCarthy at Bohemian Grove
PM GIORGIA MELONI of the Italian new wave a fan of Zelenskyy and old wave
On a mission against racism The Greens’ NSW Senator Mehreen Faruqi needs to chop down 20 koala trees on her development property
Malcolm Roberts is saying DAVID POCOCK former sports celebrity and supposed independent senator voted AGAINST releasing the Pzifer documents along with Greens and ALP. DAVID POCOCK appears to be getting funded somehow by BigPharma AGAINST THE INTERESTS OF AUSTRALIANS and AGAINST HEALTH, TRUTH, TRANSPARENCY AND INTEGRITY
Well the explanation for the good Senato’s actions must be understood.
She is from the tribe’ known in Greenland as the ‘werthefaryui’.
Interest – All money is issued as an interest bearing debt. The interest on loans is not issued into existence. New money has to be continually borrowed into existence to keep up with interest continually vacuuming it out
When the money being borrowed into circulation is not keeping up with the interest sucking it dry Australia unfortunately needs debt free immigrants able to borrow new money into circulation.
A balanced budget is one where the tax income is enough to pay the fiscal years interest debt to the Jewish Bankers who own this country as well as our government.
1Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil”
We sell Australia to foreigners. We allow foreign owned banks to create interest bearing loans and forget that the Jewish Banking system contradicts Christian law.
30. What also indeed is, in substance, a loan, especially a foreign loan? A loan is – an issue of government bills of exchange containing a percentage obligation commensurate to the sum of the loan capital. If the loan bears a charge of 5 per cent, then in twenty years the State vainly pays away in interest a sum equal to the loan borrowed, in forty years it is paying a double sum, in sixty – treble, and all the while the debt remains an unpaid debt.
31. From this calculation it is obvious that with any form of taxation per head the State is baling out the last coppers of the poor taxpayers in order to settle accounts with wealthy foreigners, from whom it has borrowed money instead of collecting these coppers for its own needs without the additional interest.
32. So long as loans were internal the GOYIM only shuffled their money from the pockets of the poor to those of the rich, but when we bought up the necessary person in order to transfer loans into the external sphere, all the wealth of States flowed into our cash- boxes and all the GOYIM began to pay us the tribute of subjects.
33. If the superficiality of GOY kings on their thrones in regard to State affairs and the venality of ministers or the want of understanding of financial matters on the part of other ruling persons have made their countries debtors to our treasuries to amounts quite impossible to pay it has not been accomplished without, on our part, heavy expenditure of trouble and money……………………”