Home World Politics A Message From Slovakia — The EU Economic Suicide

A Message From Slovakia — The EU Economic Suicide


Editor’s note: A geopolitical view from our Slovakian contributor, Ivan.

by Ivan Hecko

This was inspired by an article at Moon of Alabama on May 18th. That one also describes the mechanisms of the US Plotting.

EU countries were pushed into what I call Economic Suicide by the US, plus the “cooperative oligarchs“ within the EU, plus – we can assume – this time really justifiably – the present EU “leadership”. This of course means that the main “guilty” are Germany and France, plus various “officials” and oligarchs moving and “working” in the EU. I will not right now accuse them of corruption, but will ask a rhetorical question: what could possibly “steer them“ towards those steps?

I ask that because they make moves which results in damage to the population of the EU. And especially so, from the point of view of the future, as the “rulers“, using “reasons“ thought up in cooperation with the US, gradually redirect the EU towards resources from “new sources“. These sources have a few more parameters in common: they are of lower quality and are more expensive. Just imagine the combination. And the “new resources“ have another parameter in common – they do not come from Russia, they come from the hands of a different group of oligarchs, most of them from the US.

The official reason for the change is said to be the war at the Ukraina, which Russia was charged of having started. So, let us recall the development of the matter.

“The leaders“ of Ukraina, under super-leaders from the USA (and, surely as their “investment“), have “decided“ to start 12 laboratories for development of biological weapons in their territory, as close as possible to the Russian border. But this is still in the territory, which is – geographically – a part of Europe. And that is where we are living too. But we were not informed about those labs until the start of the war; their existence was secret. And as to the possibility that the Russians may have started the war (also) in order to remove this enormous threat represented by those labs (also for us!), this we have learnt exclusively from “other resources“ (our official sources still play dumb on this topic, although most people know (it could still be a secret, you know)).

And all that has not popped up overnight, that was a long term matter. But Ukraina is our neighbor, and for the whole time we were not informed, until the matter “spilled out“. It is clear that our politicians, representing the leadership of the country, should explain at least certain points of the matter:

Since Ukraina is a neighbor country to Slovakia, and is officially a partner, which is officially the US as well, who owns those labs? Their leaders should have informed our leaders about the existence of those labs. And if that happened, I would especially like to know when this happened, what guarantees we were given with respect to “no leaks“ of those bio weapons, and who could in some way check them. Having learnt of their existence and then neutralization by the Russians, this matter – to me – really “reduced the guilt of the Russians“, as they have removed something that was a real threat also to us – a neighbour country.

But our official stance is closer to “lies of the Russian propaganda on bio labs in the Ukraina“, that is our country still does not function “towards the safety of our people“, but “in accordance with our strategic ties and obligations“. So, still (again) we are squeezed into a kind of ideology, another one this time, but still an ideology, to which the functioning of the state is subordinated, and so is even its relation to its own citizens. Still – again? – “there is something rotten in this state of Denmark“? Secrets, or lies, concerning the safety of its own citizens, “because of partnership ties“, used to be a feature of the communist system (it is not easy to tell the difference now, especially if we recall the democratic Czechoslovak version of 1968 crushed by Russia. Crush was consulted with, and approved by, NATO too – the system was unwanted by all “masters“, it aimed at idealistic version of democracy. That version of society may have – in theory – resulted into a better system, but most people believe that it could not survive anyway, it would have been “spoilt on the way“ as well, for internal reasons).

And – to conclude those steps of the economic suicide – I would like to remind our officials, that the Russians will not miss payments for oil/gas from us at all, they have got plans ready together with China and other countries of Asia – a new region of economic cooperation, an incomparably bigger one, and of the win-win type. This was confirmed within a meeting of Putin and Xi not so long ago.

Unlike the Russia/China system, the aim behind the changes we are talking about is – simply – a “redirection of the profits from Europe“ into the hands of a specific group of oligarchs. Said to be mainly from the US, probably some crumbs – motivation – to the EU politicians, media owners and suchlike.

This is no longer a kind of capitalism, let alone a democracy, it is a new system/scheme designed for intimidation, plotting, scheming, …, by a closed group of the powerful rich, and their lackeys.




  1. It’s feudallism as we have always had, and the modern feudalist wars (since Napoleon let’s say) have been designed as wars against the people, who almost in defiance, continually become more empowered. Now people are a real threat, they have mobile phones, drones, all sorts of weapons, all at their disposal. The feudal powers which have existed for centuries need to bring the people right down and under control, this is why they need to be chipped, poisoned, locked up etc.
    In Thailand, democracy is a pleasant illusion and so it is in Australia, Europe too. It has a chance in the US but we’ll see what develops there. Personally I think the Trump push is actually running at a quick pace relative to the stoopidity of the general public, and I don’t think the Trump ego would allow him to be “beaten” by Sleepy Joe. If the US can sort out this mess I will be very impressed because it is such a Herculean task. As for the Eurozone, hohoho, even its president is royalty, the money printed in Frankfurt was designed to rip off the other states during the exchange rate setting, the only way smaller countries can deal with the Eurozone is to try to rip off the big players for everything they can get. Abandon all your scruples and lie and steal as much as you can, maybe you have some chance of catching them like that. Don’t use their money as a store of value, get rid of it as quick as you can. Ignore their stupid rules and do whatever you want, keep no records.
    It has been said that the mafia is just another branch of the establishment, keep that in mind.

  2. On the same vein. ending democracy, I just received a message from Elscho Island to say that the AEC refused to send voting facities to homelands that did not comply with the mRNA jab mandate.

    • On Tony’s point the “owners of the AEC” know very well that that ruling is illegal under the constitution and also under The Commonwealth Bio-Security Act 2015. “Nobody can be forced to wear face masks or to be vaccinated or be forced to undertake any medical procedure, without consent.”

      This one incident should make the election null and void. A section of Australian society was disenfranchised.

    • tonyryan not just on the island. individually too i think. I got a txt i was eligible for a postal vote (regional location) which didn’t turn up. (same with my free RAT tests!) I voted anyway at the poll booth. I’m un-quaxed.

      • Metic, my wife and I both unvaxed, had no difficulty voting, in fact the issue was not even raised. I suspect in your case a little selective filtering going on, I’d be raising cain loudly on the AEC and my local Rep.

  3. Other news…

    North Queensland has revived the 1880s demand for secession with a call for the establishment of North Australia as an independent sovereign nation in which vaxx are not mandated and everybody has equal rights.

    This invites speculation that a quite small sovereign nation could be established and, as it attracts an expanding population of freedom-loving Aussies, it could then expand its borders exponentially, with a constant flow of refugees from southern states.

    No doubt the oligarchic fascist governments of the South would attempt to move on them with their LGBQT-whatever garbage circulating army personnel, who would be met by extremely well-armed Queenslands and routinely vanquished and diverted to Covid-resistance concentration camps.

    With 30% of Oz moving north, that would leave the zombie classes to run the South, which would go belly-up within a few months, facilitiating entry of a rebel invading force to liberate the country and execute the traitors.

    What a movie this would make. Where’s Mel Gibson when you need him.

      • Royalty. From wiki:

        That decision, formally “Mabo v Queensland (No 2)”, now commonly called “Mabo” in Australia, is recognised for its landmark status.
        Three years after Mabo died, that being the traditional mourning period for the people of Murray Island, a memorial service was held in Townsville. The next day, Mabo’s gravesite was attacked by vandals who spray-painted swastikas and the word “Abo” (a racial slur for Aboriginal people) on his tombstone and removed a bronze bas-relief portrait of him.[22] His family decided to have his body reburied on Murray Island. On the night of his reinternment, the Islanders performed their traditional ceremony for the burial of a Meriam king, a ritual not seen on the island for 80 years.

    • I want to relocate to FNQ too, and vanquish the authorities from the south, hopefully our leader Julian Assange will be restored soon, and the giant pyrmaid on top of the Canberra Parliament House can be converted to a gallows.

  4. From historians.org, written in 1860 in the Dubuque Herald:
    Can a State Constitutionally Secede?

    This is one of the questions of the day, and it appears to be no longer a mere abstract or theoretical question. The Constitution makes no provision for secession. A Government is not a corporation whose existence is limited by a fixed period of time, nor does it provide a means for its own dissolution. The Constitution of the United States provides that it may be amended, and prescribes how this may be done, but it does not, as it exists now, contemplate its own destruction….

    But it does not follow that because a State cannot secede constitutionally, it is obliged under all circumstances to remain in the Union. There is a natural right, which is reserved by all men, and which cannot be given to any Government, and no Government can take it away. It is the natural right of a people to form a Government for their mutual protection,… but if for any cause the Government so formed should become inimical to the rights and interests of the people … it is the natural right of the people to change the Government regardless of Constitutions.

    For be it borne in mind, the Constitution is an agreement made among the people that the Government formed by it is to be just such a Government as it prescribes; that when it recognizes a right to exist, it must protect the person i… When a government fails in any of these essential respects, it is not the Government the people intended it to be, and it is their right to modify or abolish it.

    • As x22 keeps saying, the constitution sets out the limits of power the government has over its own people. This involves laws. So they invent a new thing by perverting the meaning of the word “mandate” and introducing “state of emergency” via international treaties. The state has been handed over to Globalists, is this legit ??? Hopefully the Eurozone will fall apart, as some were predicting back around the 80’s or 90’s, and we will see.

  5. […] Tento článok (aj nadpis) je inšpirovaný článkom na túto tému na Moon of Alabama z 18. mája, ktorý som čiastočne spracoval v minulom blogu. Tento je skôr z pohľadu Rusov. Verziu tohto článku, ktorý je v širšom pohľade, viac zameraný aj na to čo viedlo Rusov k útoku, ale zmieňuje sa aj o obsadení Československa Rusmi v roku 1968, mi publikovali včera na Gumshoe News. […]

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