Home Trump A New Frequency Afoot

A New Frequency Afoot


Pam Bondi at confirmation hearing

Commentary by DM

It was around 2001 when I began to have this uneasy feeling in my gut. And it wasn’t my microbiome, it was the sense that the world was controlled by a very dark agenda — an anti-human agenda. In 2006 I made the movie THE JAMMED — about sex trafficking in Australia. Over about a year, we had about 70 Q&A screenings of the film all across the country and it was clear we exist in parallel realities. There are so many good people that care about others, and are angry about those that use people in the most terrible ways.

Over the years it became clearer — governments, essentially controlled by shadow governments and a variety of industrial, military and medical industries, were in control of humanity. Directing humanity, and controlling society through the ‘press’. As Jim Morrison was alleged to have said, “Whoever control the media, controls the mind.”

I had developed such a negative view of the world — especially having been drawn into the vortex of “child protection” (from about 2018). In trying to assist protective parents, I quickly learned that it was not ‘protection’ but EXPLOITATION. And beyond that: sex trafficking, adrenochrome etc, etc. My relief is watching YouTubers like Itchy Boots. Noraly is a Dutch motorbiker travelling the world through remote places and is riding through Iran and Iraq at the moment — a female on her own — meeting beautiful and caring people where-ever she goes (Africa, South America). It reminds you that governments are perpetrators of hate and conflict.

We live in an inverted reality.

So to my point: the 2024 US election was a barometer for me. I’m not quite sure how I would have felt had Kamala got into the White House. She represented, to me, the puppet of a dark anti-human agenda. A slave humanity in process. I have been watching some of the confirmation hearings of Hegseth, Pam Bondi etc. How refreshing to see a new guard coming in. It feels like the old guard is being washed out with the tide.

Maybe my optimism is overrated. I know 2025 and even 2026 is going to be tumultuous as the ‘blob’ desperately tries to keep the dark times a ticking, but so many voices describe the earth rising into a new frequency. Why not listen to Rachel Vaughan’s Living Free interview with Dave Armstrong.

And, thankfully, it seems the mainstream media, are going to have to morph away from their constant lies, misinformation, and propaganda narratives. A reader (Ned) sent me this photograph of the Sunday Telegraph desperately trying to promote itself to relevance. The ad reads: “Support Trusted Journalism… FACTS… ” implying that the Telegraph provides the facts, fights lies, challenges the status quo, provides clarity, protects etc., etc.

WD 40 and the Telegraph both ‘protect’

I am keen to see how the Trump presidency unfolds.



  1. Yes, the ‘TELE TALES mob et.al have been greased for decades with our opinionated shock jokes sliding in it all over themselves
    But, six of our seven planets are aligning themselves between 20-21st of January and that might be a sign of some new frequency when they gang up on earth🤷‍♂️
    Poor Pluto seems to be out of step and Joe no doubt should be sympathetic and be emphatrtic when he locates the report at rumormillnees.com ( just use DuckDuckGo and duck giggles radar by tapping on the Breaking news appendix)
    1.44 PM

    • I have been listening to Gerald for at least four years. Being a peasant, I only catch up now and then from WEIRD ‘misinformation’ 🤪 internet citations and interviews.
      I wonder if there are any parliamentary libraries in Australia that have copies …. We know Gerald states that it is; US 2.50 per week.
      That might be a good deal for our politicians COMPARED TO OUR CONTROLLED PROPAGANDA MASS MEDIA subscriptions and QANTAS lounge reading provisions (?) that we PAY for TOGETHER WITH OUR, ONE BILLION PLUS INTEREST, plus more wants, useless ABC.
      My bet is that our politicians have never heard of Gerald, let alone considered his reports.
      For sure our journalists and shock jokes have not considered him. If they had at least the Daily Telegraph (and others) would have summarised key aspects of his analysis’ to inform the public……oops! IT DOES, they say so in their add contained in Dee’s article, SO SUBSCRIBE AND HAND OVER MORE THAN $A5.00 per week🙀💁🤪🤪🤪
      Really, how long do msm journalists and the ABC think we are going to afford their social lifestyles?
      Well, that deficiency in their reality is a measure of their value and intellect, surely!🙀🤷‍♂️
      Perhaps the public would be better off just coming to Dee’s gumshoenews.com to realise, as in this article, that they are being CONNED BECAUSE OF GULLIBILITY to accept and believe our BS CONTROLLED MSM.
      It is. A historic reality that about a decade ago OUR ABC REJECTED DEE.
      (Because they were frightened no doubt, 🔥🤷‍♂️🙀talk about bananas in pyjamas🤪)
      3.25 PM

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