Some headlines and studies (please add more in comments):
CDC: Unexpectedly High Number of Young Adults Suffering Heart Problems After 2nd COVID Shot (Source)
“A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report revealed Thursday that an unexpectedly high number of young adults are experiencing heart inflammation after receiving their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to the preliminary study, there have been 275 confirmed cases of myocarditis or pericarditis in people ages 16 to 24 who have received two doses of Pfizer’s or Moderna’s vaccine, CNBC reported… Among people age 30 and younger, there have been 475 reported cases.”
Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received a Vaccine: CDC (source)
“More than 10,000 COVID-19 infections among people who are fully vaccinated against the disease have been reported to a U.S. health agency by states. Through April 30, 10,262 so-called breakthrough infections were reported from 46 U.S. states and territories to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”
CDC Urges Vaccinated to Mask Up Indoors in High-Transmission Areas (source)
“Two months after announcing that vaccinated Americans can, for the most part, go mask-free, U.S. health officials are now recommending that they mask up in some circumstances.
“Teachers, students, staff and visitors are advised to wear masks in schools throughout the U.S., regardless of vaccination status, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced on July 27. And vaccinated individuals who live in or visit areas of substantial or high COVID-19 transmission should also wear masks in public indoor settings.” [AARP, American Association of Retired Persons]
Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19, March 2020–March 2021 (Source)
“Introduction: Severe COVID-19 illness in adults has been linked to underlying medical conditions. This study identified frequent underlying conditions and their attributable risk of severe COVID-19 illness.
“Conclusion: Certain underlying conditions and the number of conditions were associated with severe COVID-19 illness. Hypertension and disorders of lipid metabolism were the most frequent, whereas obesity, diabetes with complication, and anxiety disorders were the strongest risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness. Careful evaluation and management of underlying conditions among patients with COVID-19 can help stratify risk for severe illness.”
‘Recipes for Regulatory Corruption’: How CDC, NIH Pull in Millions From Licensing Deals, Including COVID-Related Technologies (Source)
“With 27 different institutes and centers housed under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) umbrella — including the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — NIH is the largest biomedical research agency in the world. Operating under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), NIH currently wields a hefty annual budget of nearly $42 billion.
“Within NIH, the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) plays a “strategic role” in supporting patenting and licensing for inventions that emerge from laboratories at the NIH and also Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)… with those licenses then driving billions of dollars in royalties back into NIH coffers.”
CDC Director: Vaccine Passports ‘May Very Well Be a Path Forward’ in US (source)
“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky suggested that vaccine passport-style systems might be implemented in the United States amid the COVID-19 pandemic. When asked in a TV interview Wednesday about whether the United States would mandate a European-style “health pass” system for nightclubs or bars, Walensky said, “That may very well be a path forward.”
Don’t mention Ivermectin; it’ll upset the vaccine rollout (source, May 2021)
“What if there was a cheap drug, so old its patent had expired, so safe that it’s on the WHO’s lists of Essential and Children’s Medicines, and used in mass drug administration rollouts? What if it can be taken at home with the first signs COVID symptoms, given to those in close contact, and significantly reduce COVID disease progression and cases, and far fewer few people would need hospitalisation?
“The international vaccine rollout under Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) would legally have to be halted.”
Pregnant women still largely ineligible for Pfizer COVID vaccine, despite health authority recommendation (source)
“Pregnant women are struggling to access to COVID-19 vaccines, despite a recent change in health advice recommending they be offered the Pfizer vaccine because they have an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19… [Note: pregnant women were never part of the trials.] …In June, updated guidelines from the government’s expert advisory panel on vaccines — ATAGI — and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) recommended the Pfizer vaccine be offered at any stage of pregnancy.”
[A study by Laura E. Riley, M.D. “mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines in Pregnant Women” claims that in a v-safe registry 827 registry participants who reported a completed pregnancy, spontaneous abortions were reported in 104 (12.6%) and in stillbirth in 1 (0.1%) and that these percentages are within the range expected for this age group.]
However, this is disputed here…
“A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women receive covid vaccines during their first or second trimester they suffer an 82% miscarriage rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies…
“A total of 827 pregnant women were studied. Of the 827 women, 700 received their first vaccination in the third trimester of pregnancy. This means that 127 women (that’s 827 – 700) received a vaccine during their first or second trimester.
“Of the 127 women who received vaccines during their first or second trimester, 104 miscarriages occurred before their pregnancies reached the 20-week mark. In simple math, 104 miscarriages (during the first 20 weeks) out of 127 women who received vaccines in their first or second trimester calculates to an 82% miscarriage rate among these pregnant women who were vaccinated.”
CDC Calls for Vaccinated Individuals with No Symptoms to Be Tested for COVID (Source)
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has backtracked on its testing recommendations for people fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The agency now advises people who come into contact with someone with COVID-19 to get tested, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or are showing symptoms… The CDC had previously said that fully vaccinated people do not need to be tested after exposure unless they had symptoms of COVID-19… the change had been made in light of data suggesting that vaccinated people could still carry the so-called delta variant of COVID-19.”
CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed, as Reports of Serious Injuries After Vaccines Surge (source)
“Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed total reports of serious injuries following COVID vaccination, across all age groups, spiked by 14,717 — to 63,000 — compared with the previous week. … Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.”
A report from Jerm Warfare (from Cape Town)
Dr McCullough says the vaccines are completely ineffective for the Delta variant.
This form is about Opting out from Vax information being shared.
Or is this form a government collection system to determine who to target?
Oh yeah, I really trust this government to do the right thing. No problem, I’ll just put a big fat RED FLAG over my name.
If you are off the radar, that is what you want.
KILL ONE IN THREE… maybe that was the plan?
https://greatgameindia.com/vaccinated-people-spread-delta-variant/ – It appears that the ADE/pathogenic priming that we read about about a year ago may be eventuating. There’s another interview I’ll see if I can find.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/aE1sIiO3f1lb/ – This isn’t the video I was looking for, but it does put the point across quite well. I’ll see if I can find the Dr. Malone interview.
Thought for the day – “The unvaccinated are giving the vaccinated the virus, therefore we have to vaccinate the unvaccinated” – Think about that logic…
YES, yes Terry…. and the vaccinated can’t mingle with the un-vaccinated in pubs/clubs, because the un-vaxxed rely on an innate immune system, and the vaccinated now rely on “messengers” that can only identify ONE version of the virus at a time… The un-vaccinated might be bringing in other variants ASYMPTOMATICALLY without knowing it… and the vaccinated have not yet had the booster versions with those variant messages.
This has become a very dangerous situation for the vaccinated, as that scientist working for Pfizer in the UK said it reduces the immune system by 6x. So great care is required to control new variants.that have learned from the part-vaccinated. More lockdowns.
I expect at least three boosters a year. That should drain the budget. Nicely
Just a few thoughts… the graphene oxide works like an “ozygen sponge”, which means the vaxxed will have seriously reduced oxygen in their cells, which is the ultimate open gate for cancer… in every cell.
Also, the polyethylene glycol represses the immune system, thus ensuring multiple comorbitities. Now I see why Deagle focuses on 2030 for population collapse, because it usually takes ten years for a cancer to develop fatally.
May I make a comic-book type prediction, as a card-carrying conspiracy theorist, who routinely makes outlandish prophecies in the complete absence of supporting evidence… that a desperate resistance movement will ambush future meetings of pro-vaxx bureaucrats and stab them with pfizer shots. maybe even several pfizer shots.
This would effectively be a return to capital punishment, I suppose.
Naaahh, It’le never happen. But make a great movie scene.
Here’s the video of Dr. Malone – https://www.bitchute.com/video/nMntrxuOUv5a/
As per usual the instigators blame the victim.
Isn’t amazing that although it is a scientific fact that masks don’t protect against viruses these pro vaxx clowns are pushing face masks once again. Unquestionable idiots.
I’ve seen videos of this clown before and he was ranting about getting vaccinated. “You’re killing grandma, you’re selfish, do the right thing, yadda, yadda. Now the penny has dropped.
Terry , That guys whole dollar has dropped.
We will be seeing many following in his foot steps.
To his credit, he didn’t go into denial. What disturbs me the most is the morons that will start talking absolute crap to avoid the issues that are staring them in the face. Their egos prevent them from recognizing that they got conned. I’ve got a few friends like that and I just give them space until their psychics can conceptualize and absorb the evidence. Many have already taken the ‘jab’, what the Hell can I do at this point?
Hehe, and he looks really sick like he lived on pizza and beer for 60 years
This site has has very interesting info
In my opinion this AIR is totally illegal. What idiot wouldn’t know what vaccine they have received, so why would you want a government department set up for you to check your vaccination?. Maybe we will be required to have that many vaccines that we may need to ask Medicare which ones we have had.
Mine will be easy to remember. Nil! Zero!
The Australian “Liberal” party according to its celebrated leader John Howard is “economically liberal” so we should be able to opt out of medicare, opt out of medicare levy taxes, opt out of all their expensive dumb-ass stuff, meaningless tests, pointless insurance, goons in white coats, the whole lot, why can’t we just opt right out ? ? ?
w3, I believe the Vaccine Passport to be unlawful. The Australian Government will be breaking its own Privacy 1988 Act, if it implements this system. Also the Bio-Security Act (2015). States that no business open to the public can refuse to allow any person to enter and be served.
Nobody can be asked to supply or show proof of health history. Why then is this card system to be introduced? Is it not to tell a business owner that the customer is an unfit and unhealthy being and should not be served if that person can’t show a Vaccine Card. That can be the only intention.
Re the Privacy and the Bio-Security Acts, the govt. can amend them.
Former Pfizer employee explains the toxicity of covid “vaccines”
Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!
The inoculation being referred to as ‘COVID Vaccines’ is a poisonous death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots.
Where is Dr Borody?
• Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium
There are two sessions that can be viewed on the ‘UK Column’ channel on Rumble.
Session 1:
The first 15 or 16 minutes is classical music (what is that great piece, Mary?)
Thanks to the work by ‘AndyinHawick’ in posting the separate segments which can be watched starting from ‘1.0 Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium’ featuring Professor Sucharit Bhakdi
Here is the programme
The moloch grovelling commissars and their minions call this ‘misinformation’ – it’s a trick they like to use
Not digressing … (see 3:40:++ something)
Mommy, Where Does Money Come From?
How do banks create money, and why can other firms not do the same? An explanation for the coexistence of lending and deposit-taking
My names not Mary – but
This is from the batch that Crisscross linked us to yesterday. I call it “When the female species knew how to dress”:
1 Timothy 2:9–11
9 in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.
I would not call the gear worn at the Olympics modest.
Brilliant summary of Day 1 by Professor Michael Palmer –fake pandamic, fraudulent tests, saturation propaganda
Day 2 of Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium is now uploaded (first 15 minutes is music -thanks CC!):
or go to AndyinHawick for selected segments
• Program Day 2 – Friday July 30
• Session III with Michael Palmer: First Do No Harm
• 17.00 The Propaganda Matrix – The complicit role of the media – Taylor Hudak, Patrick Henningsen, Michael Meyen and Catherine Austin Fitts
• 17.30 Vaccines: Emergency Authorization – Abused – Mike Yeadon
• 17.50 Pharmacokinetics and toxicity of mRNA vaccines – Michael Palmer and Sucharit Bhakdi
• 18.10 The End of the Narrative – Sucharit Bhakdi and Michael Palmer
• 18.40 Panel Discussion on Vaccinations – Mike Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Palmerand Taylor Hudak
• 19.00 Debate on Vaccine Passports – Patrick Henningsen and Guests
• Session IV : The Hour of Justice
• 19.30 Reviving the Nuremberg Codex – Conversation with Vera Sharav, Sucharit Bhakdi and Catherine Austin Fitts
• 19.50 The Hour of Justice – Reiner Feullmich, Vera Sharav, Mary Holland, Patrick Henningsen and Guest
• 20.30 Final Panel Discussion – Sucharit Bhakdi, Thomas Binder, Catherine Austin Fitts and Reiner Fuellmich, led by Michael Palmer
• 21.45 Closing Remarks by Sucharit Bhakdi
It won’t be daylight in Arizona for about 48 hours, at least
Harry Belefonte is a mesage?
What’s the message Tony? There is now proof that we have hit Paul Keating’s claim that we are a Banana Republic. I think you are right on. Definitely!
However we can still get out of the rabbit hole if more people join us. We have got to have those in “positions of power” arrested and charged with many crimes. The list of crimes in part is:
Conspiracy to murder and create panic.
Injury to individuals
Coercing the use of a deadly weapon ( Covid “vaccine”)
Maybe others can add to this list.
Australians Who Post Anti-Lockdown Content Online Could Face $11,000 Fines
Just take that from my universal basic income, and I will imagine you anything I what.
No sale
This unlawful legislation shows how very scared those supposedly in control really are. They have shown that “we the people” are now a force to be reckoned with. They are shitting themselves knowing the eventual outcome of their treasonous actions. They have nowhere to go except to the gallows.
Crikey, I’m so glad to be out of Sydney. It had become a shithole by the time I left it in 2008. Nowadays it is beyond comprehension, they even have military helicopters flying around.
Just ice in the lucky country!
Australia has been a colony of the crown zionists, now it seems we are handed to the ccp.
No totalitarian regime anywhere has enforced martial law overnight. This is what we get for being naive and voting with pencils at every selections. Last one at the local council, we were ushered by ccp personnel in civilian clothing – ‘they got us by the balls’.
These events are not random or coincidence, tptb are possessed and hellbent, the plandemic is their reset into global cyber surveillance slavery. This is the beast system and we’re rats in cages.
I’ve often wondered where homeless people on the streets disappear?
Will the penny ever drop here? The criminals responsible for 911, are still the dictators in control. Set up as a penal colony, nothing’s changed, with debt slavery and no means to service the loans with no jobs (all contracted to new arrivals from the poorest regions globally), they are now enforcing the jabs. What’s next, a luxury bmw police car stopping in front and an officer and soldier injecting people by force at their doors? And a paddy wagon in tow to throw in the sane.
This is the moment, when we see the sets are just a front with props supporting the illusions.
With the stages now emptied, “they’ll draw the curtains back, and all we’ll see is a brick wall”.
Frank Zappa said that over 50 years ago, during Vietnam war, and here we are now.
Job done in overseas wars of occupation, now they’re jackboots are crushing we the people fleeced to the bone.
Frank Zappa died young and mysteriously like Aaron Russo, maybe polonium spray on their door handles. Like John Lennon, he was just too high profile. Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were Swissy’s response.
On Sydney fascism, interesting to see the red opposition is pushing so hard on this, but they are not Western Australia with “real jobs” so political equivalence is just a dream.
The reds have their adherents fully rusted on, they have always lived hand to mouth.
But as we zig-zag towards total red-blue fascist-communism it’s worth looking at the efforts of the blue side too. Here’s Swissy’s spokesperson de jour ( Margaret Thatcher ) making the case for a master / slave society, trickle up economics etc., in the middle of a godalmighty recession ( which gave birth to Johnny Rotten, possibly England’s greatest ever thought leader with such pithy statements as “It’s all a big lie” ) … young people might not have heard this famous Thatcherism:
“… people have been given to understand ‘I have a problem, it is the Government’s job to cope with it!’ … ‘I am homeless, the Government must house me!’ and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first.”
Often requoted to “we are all individuals now” by our devious, fully owned BigMedia.
So we were primed and here we are already, now individuals can stay in their units while the governments dismantle the entire economy to hand over to Swissy. Good work sold out corrupt fraud governments especially you red communists, Can any Canberra watchers think of any sitting red party members that have any political value whatever apart from for example as dog-sausage, $2.50 per kilo ?
When the NSW red opposition’s idea is that instead of opposing government they will oppose the people it’s time for a new party, this one seems totally corrupted. At this juncture I think if people vote in new red / blue governments they will possibly find they are worse. Trade unions need to get off the communist party, it’s not what their members are about. The entire party needs to be demolished, people can vote for some other colour, there are a few to choose from.
I call on the unions, get a new party, this red one is Swissy’s party now.
Fascist-Communism is an oxymoron
Yes like 2-party red-blue “democracy”
But that never stopped Swissy because they intend to control reality.
“Fascist-Communism is an oxymoron”
No it’s not. Fascism is the marriage of industrial corporations and government.
Communism is the marriage of Party, which manages industry, with government. Same game; different name.
Gasp !!!
Even the dictionary has betrayed us now !!!
What remains of our revered institutions !!!
NOTHING AT ALL ! ! ! ! ! !
Echoes of Oswald Mosley’s true definition of Fascism – not that Zionism’s revisionist definition and relabelling as a pejorative.
• Fascists bind themselves together to serve their country
• inspired by the same passionate ideal of national service
• the essence of Fascism is teamwork, the power to pull together and to sink individual interests in the service of the nation.
• The State will not attempt to conduct industry as it would under Socialism, instead, the State will lay down the limits within which industry may operate, and those limits will be the national welfare.
• Private ownership will be permitted and encouraged, provided such activity enriches the nation as well as the individual.
Mosley Oswald – Ten points of fascism (1933)
Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’
surely not, re the $11,000 fines.
HW Bush “New World Order Will Happen” speech delivered 11 Sept 1991 coming up for 30 years anniversary.
The non-pandemic is showing the bigwigs for what they really are. Previously I did not know that Walmart and Disney are joined at the hip. Another illegal monopoly situation, until Amazon gobbles them up?
Here’s a good video from Infowars. Thankfully, Jones isn’t narrating it (I can’t stand his antics), a younger bloke is doing the show. It has a heap of information that hopefully will become common knowledge amongst the masses. – https://www.bitchute.com/video/M63gg5aiYZXY/?list=notifications&randomize=false
C’mon talk it up a bit, the quaxxine customers are dropping like flies and the official data is all being deleted off the internet.
Legend has it, the father of John D. Rockerfella was a travelling “snake-oil” salesman who made no effort to obtain Chinese water-snakes for his product, instead just sold “Rock Oil” using John D. as a shill. A quote attributed to the father is “I swindle my kids every chance I get, I want to make them sharp”.
So if the gullible public allows themselves to be swindled, so it shall be.
Another early starter was Paul Keating who used to go and visit Jack Lang, legendary NSW premier.
Keating was the supposed architect of Australian superannuation ( a privatised pensions scheme ).
In this scheme workers are told their pensions will be paid in advance by employers, the reality is that this contribution is deducted, unless the red government sets the pay rates, by which mechanism, along with its “Lima Declaration”, it destroys entire sectors of the economy.
The government, now liberated from paying old age pensions can give all its freshly printed money to Swissy, pork-barrelling along the way, while the corporates manage the pensions funds throughout your entire life, pretending to get you an above inflation return, while the inflation benchmark numbers are totally debauched and a complete lie. Meanwhile the average punter stripped of 10% of income has to pay lifetime mortgage to … hello Swissy !!! You again, at the other end of the equation too !!!
So has everyone been swindled out of everything, and if they continue to believe what they are told, the swindle will continue, until even their body is “owned”. But as soon as they all stop believing, it’s over.
Now the fascist-communist government and stormtroopers are banning street rallies as thought crime, asymmetric grass roots action is required.
A way to get out from here is for some junior chemist to get the recipe for HCQ and start producing it in a home lab as HCQ+zinc anti-Gates AntiVirus. It should be ridiculously cheap. With this done the public can simply ignore the government with their incessant garbage decrees. With the fear removed we will finally arrive at the emperor’s new clothes moment.
Swissy feels reasonably confident in the astonishing gullibility of half of the public but has little choice now except to press on with the mad scheme. Wake up Trade Unions and communist ALP party supporters, you are being slowly and steadily swindled out of absolutely everything, in return for various types of extrapolated dole money.
I’ve got 10 doses of 14mg of Ivermectin from my co-op, it is a 140 mg Ivermectin in pellet form as a ‘de-wormer’ for horses. I just have to measure the correct amount out on my powder scale.
Anybody know how to speed up this die-off? I ran into a mask-hole this morning that was waffling on about herd immunity. I told her that the key word was ‘immunity’. The vaccines do not give immunity, so it is impossible to get herd immunity from these jabs. She, of course, wanted to argue the point. Again, anybody know how to speed up this die off?
Maybe Bob Hawke already knew back in the 80’s about the stoopids getting injected and that’s where he got the idea for his slogan “the clever country”. Shows how long you have to wait for things to happen.
So the politicians want their thugs to belt up this lot?
Found at https://www.whatreallyhappened.com in the US,,,,,,,,,,,,, No way you will find it reported by our FAKE mass media………….. as the commentator says.
How embarrassing for our politicians and mass media……….. we AUSTRALIANS have to look overseas (as well as GS) to see what is happening.
Gladys Darling in regard to your injections, if you promise some ‘graphine oxide; with it and a coke, we will all line up………… how electrifying and exciting?
REALLY: How stupid do you politicians and mass media think we are to remain and how do you injectors think you are not going to be brought to account.
PLANNED GENOCIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That includes you, coppers…. what are you doing to your families?
cc. I know you have already posted this but there has been no response here at GS.
I heard this interview recently but it is not being followed up/
So there are more stupid around then we know.
Ned – probably just about all you need to know. I’ve posted it on a few blogs and no one has responded. Yesterday I was talking to a lady who has had 2 jabs and she spoke about how crook she got. It did not take any effort to convince her that the jabs are toxic. She gladly gave me her email address to which I forwarded the link.
I am going to repost this for the stupids and the politicians to explain with their puppet shock joke running dogs.
If the virus doesn’t exist, and is possibly a tv/computer virus, what is the agenda behind ‘jabs’ made in bio-weapons factories?
It’s a no brainer, all that needs to happen is for truth to be revealed. There in lies the problem, in artificial insanity, truth is forbidden and honesty an offence.
Maybe the crown virus has morphed into the variant communist virus, WHO knows?
ant56, I believe you are right. However I think the Crown virus has always been the Communist virus but we were not aware of it as we were told that it was the Capitalist virus. What is the difference. Both the Capitalists and the Communists systems have the 1% with most of the assets and finance. We in the West were told to believe that we had democracy meaning power in our vote, where as the communist rulers allowed no vote. In reality though same result. All ruled from City of London.
Unless I am losing the plot the figures at beginning of article don’t make sense. Same as the whole Covid-19 falsified story.
1,329,703 Adverse events
11,940 Vaccine deaths
518,769 Covid Avears event reports,
For these figures to be anywhere near true vaccine deaths must be included with Covid Avears event reports,
11,940 + 518,769 = 530,709
but still fall short of the Adverse events figure by 798,994.
If I may now reply to Tony Ryan’s reply to yesterday’s comment by Diane DeVere:
Tony, I am very iterested in what you have to say — and I don’t mean the secession of the Northern Territory, though of course I’d be fascinated by that (and Ant56’s reply that the US has first dibs on the NT.)
I am referring to your belief that Dondale is giving the monster teens what they desrve, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, etc. I recall Paul saying similar in comment to my article on Vollers. I want to say for one thing that Diane’s point is separate — she knows that torture is committed for it own sake. (Ask to see her tatoo number, so to speak.)
We Aussies need to be very aware that this happens — and in Adelaide too — and throw our weight against it.
But you do seem to know what you are talking about re kids who grew up with no love. Is there no regime for helping them come back to humanity? I guess they fill the prisons. What to do? Anybody please reply. Tony job has long hours and he does not get to the library often to glance at a web page.
Tony, thank you for all you do for the NT and Oz.
Mary just a thought — Tony maybe we could both post some parts of our submissions—that were discarded–shredded– that is if you still have copy—I believe we share some history–real lived history— not only our history but the history of the original people of this land that we have lived and worked with for me 30 years and you I feel longer. –not the rewritten history of the colonisers fed to the media—during this time we have also seen the “microcosm of the macrocosm” –the work of the hidden hand– in plain sight—all part of the master plan— connecting the dots reweaving the rainbow—healing generational wounds
Behold a pale horse 6;8 Revelation.
Fancy: Ivermectim cannot be patented and also cures the flu!!!!!
Oh bother the poor pharmas will lose their golden goose flu vax.
H’mmmmm sounds like manslaughter to me? Cases pending from the frontline doctors.
NOTE the 14 Minute mark in the x 22 report where U Tube censored Australian SKY NEWS, Who the F does U-Tube think it is.
Do we have to sew our own YELLOW STARS and have our troops come around house to house and check that we have them sewn to all our clothes?
WAKE UP AUSTRALIA…………. Klaus Schraub, Kissinger Et. Al, are foreigners and have no say here………… AS WITH UN control freaks.
Unless out pussy politicians kneel before them and be globalist slave holders ………. That us!