Home World Politics A Dismal Scientist’s India

A Dismal Scientist’s India


Indian Ocean – the third biggest on the planet (picture: CIA)

India is the middle kingdom in this new theatre for military investment. 

India signed a co-operation treaty with Russia in 1971, the same year Nixon abolished the USD-gold standard.

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

“A powerful declaration for the shared future between India and Australia” proclaims Andrew Charlton’s team captain, Penny Wong, on the cover of his book, “Australia’s Pivot to India” released in 2023, by coincidence the same year ChatGPT became available to the public. Notice there is no claim by Wong to have read the book. Apologies to anyone who paid for the book that this review is so tardy, reading the book was not a pleasant assignment.

One might assume that as a PhD economist, Charlton would have predicted the recession Australia is currently sliding into and would have come up with a way to get out of it but instead he has written a book about India. His electorate is filling up with Indians so whether he likes it or not he has to love it. Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers is another fish out of water, having no economics background, he is a political scientist. It doesn’t matter, the party is run from “the top”.

Charlton’s disjointed intro-preface pages (apart from a few flattering words about India and his electorate) don’t say much before descending into an extensive acknowledgements’ rave, which oddly doesn’t feature one of his foremost mentors, the celebrated Dr. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. Ten years ago Charlton was on the China bandwagon but his enthusiasm for this seems to have fizzled out somewhat along with the China resources boom (starting around 2010) and nowadays all we hear about from China is communist repression, military expansionism and very high levels of unemployed university graduates.



The value of the Chinese domestic building boom to the citizens is questionable especially in light of the prison-style lockdowns policies. What is the use of an apartment if you aren’t allowed out? Old courtyard style houses in Beijing were famously and tragically demolished for the new hi-rise era. The principle of hi-rise living is that every time you step outdoors your activities potentially become taxable. In an older style housing arrangement people are more self-reliant with kitchen, pantry and garden. The principle extends globally, which must be why Charlton repeatedly celebrates the invasion of Coca-Cola into India.

Young Global Leader

Why is is that graduates of the WEF do not wish to celebrate and boast of their success; others in the Australian Parliament are Sarah Hanson-Young, Clare O’Neil and Andrew Bragg, none of whom seem to wish that we learn of their eminence, let alone discuss the achievement of their basic Globalist qualification. Surely this is integral to who they are and what they expect to achieve, for the WEF. Nor do we ever hear of them possibly having formed a cross-party clique, a conduit for strategies to coordinate the three major parties. These minions, which Klaus Schwab describes as having “infiltrated the cabinets” must form a significant link in the command chain. A nation’s wealth is syphoned off, effectively to the BIS in Basel (north west Switzerland), then the directives and funding come back through the UN in Geneva (west Switzerland) and Davos (east Switzerland) with the private banking done in Zurich (central north Switzerland), all in an arc shape roughly 200 km from Milan in central north Italy, around where, going back to antiquity, many of these forces rose and eventually congealed.

1000 year old map of Swabia with Basel in the middle, lake Geneva toward south-west, photo Marco Zanoli, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=440990

The Young Global Leaders’ mission is therefore to elevate themselves politically as far as possible before qualifying for the big payoff, working directly under Klaus Schwab or his successors, and guaranteeing themselves a place at the injections-exempt feasting table of the depopulation survivors.

While YGL’s SH-Y and C’ON have both blown their cover and are more unappealing with every TV appearance, Bragg plays the game very cautiously, always precisely crafting the most reasonable position, this at least until his status has risen or he is required to act for his masters. At present he is clamouring for an unwinding of superannuation, saying the super funds now own 38% of the sharemarket, at least since “Australian Super” (BlackRock) entered the arena, and now ordinary shareholders are being squashed “like bugs” (Bragg). BlackRock has already been using its blunt force to control boards in various ways. Who controls BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink? Globalists of course, who put him there, just as they put Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates. Branson et al. Andrew Bragg wants to trim super investments in Australian companies to 10%. So, who will take up the slack? Other Globalists we presume, or else the Australian companies will have to seek alternative funding, presumably more expensive. Is he just doing groundwork, providing an excuse for a future Australian sharemarket rout?

The usual clamour for superannuation to be released to first home buyers springs up from time to time, most first home buyers won’t have much super but now with Bragg’s angle it’s a two-pronged attack. Superannuation may be the best way to save up a deposit. The quickest first home buyers, typically aged over 30, will be able to seize a house before the price goes up again and the whole industry problem is kicked down the road again. Ultimately the aim is to get people into hi-rise apartments, which in Melbourne at least, used to be funded by government, stabilising the housing market, and getting the lowest class of service personnel closer to their menial jobs. That was before the decades of privatisations and the throttling of government revenues.

“Failure to launch” syndrome

https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/andrew-charlton-accuses-coalition-of-focusing-on-treaty-because-the-partys-voice-scare-campaign-has-run-out-of-steam/news-story/d3da95bdfa28367ee49953bd8fbf9d36 (from 2023)

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Like Bragg, Andrew Charlton is working to try to appear to be on the right side of history. Taking a break from desperately ingratiating himself with the local Indian communities, economics doctor Charlton seems to have developed another Globalist focus, this time on treaties policy. These treaties as they have been called may be simply contracts with the United Nations to surrender sovereignty in return for nothing. In fact we pay for the privilege, with the Australian Government donating huge sums to very dubious UN agencies, who repay us with obfuscation, ineptitude, delays and failures of every type. One of these objectives is to tie “Carbon Credits” to the Globalist CBDC’s.

Joint Standing Committee Members:

Josh Wilson, Fremantle WA ALP

Philip Thompson, QLD LNP

Sam Birrell, VIC NAT

Matt Burnell, Gawler SA ALP

Matt Canavan, QLD NAT

Claire Chandler, TAS LIB https://www.senatorchandler.com.au/op-ed_labor_s_censorship_bill_must_be_canned ( Blocked by Google )

Dr. Andrew Charlton, ALP (WEF)

Lisa Chesters, ALP VIC

Dorinda Cox, GREENS WA

David Fawcett, SA LIB

Nita Green, Cairns ALP QLD

Dr Daniel Mulino, ALP VIC (another economist)

For the time being we will put aside these mysteries so as to try to focus on the latest wave of all-conquering migrants to reach Australian shores, as Charlton indicates, the Indians seem to be outnumbering all other groups.

We will also for now pass over the interesting announcements by CCP Chairman Xi that following 100 years after Japan, the Chinese financial empire is being birthed.


Charlton’s book eventually picks up slightly after nearly 60 very dull pages, with the accepted Indian-victim historical view of the British colonisation. He showcases that India historically, like Australia more recently, was dismembered by the Empire into a simple resources and commodities producer while manufactured goods poured in from England. Essentially this means England had the tech and human resources, the wealth was thus concentrated, and England sold back the processed primary resources to the colonies at a profit. He is suggesting England strangled India’s natural growth in the same way as Australia’s advancement has been sabotaged by a succession of federal governments going back at least to the Whitlam government’s Lima Declaration, leading to the current mining and espresso machine based economy, with huge “health” and “administrations” liabilities bolted on.

All along Charlton plays to the India Victim narrative, popular amongst some, while showing that under their longest enduring leader Nehru (16 years) India turned inwards with import replacement policies, symbolised by the traditional spinning wheel on the flag. Not really a victim at all, just a self-reliant rejection of outsiders, something previously tried more energetically in China and Japan, and more successfully in Thailand. All however were eventually invaded or infiltrated and India is currently being infiltrated, not least by Coca Cola. 

Strategically, going second or later in the rat-race, as China did, can lead to spectacular growth. India may be called a straggler but is in a position where it can learn from everyone else’s wasted efforts. India is shamed by Charlton, not for quality of life but for export statistics, and maintaining import tariffs. The reason for this may be that Globalists profit from international trade, they have monopolies on it, and the next step following is Global hegemony, the dream of every empire, the ability to print money for the world, currently being implemented by Switzerland, and already in use as CBDCs in the Bahamas, Jamaica and Nigeria, with many others scheduled to follow including for example, e-money converted Sweden; the US, where Trump mysteriously put the (private) Federal Reserve under control of the US Treasury, cancelling its supposed independence; UK, Ukraine, China and Russia:

“Initial testing began in 2022, and in early 2023, the Bank of Russia announced the April launch of a retail CBDC pilot, to trial peer-to-peer transfers and the purchase of consumer goods” (Google).


“India is set to launch a state-backed digital currency by next year, the government announced last week. The “digital rupee” will be … [token or account based]” (Euronews).

Vitality and focus produce dynamism


England, the primary villain in the Andrew Charlton India story, demonstrates the pre-Globalist principle well, with a corporate hegemony via private banks, backed by a significant national military and gaining de-facto control over parts of the US military, while the now redundant underclass population of the UK slowly backslides into ignorance, ill-health and poverty. At its most basic, an empire requires only banks and enforcement.

Halfway through this dismal treatise the reader could be forgiven for wondering if we will ever get to “Australia’s Pivot to India”. Unsurprisingly, as a PhD economist, Charlton champions simple “growth”, expressed by a history of exports in Japan and Korea, Chinese expansionism (obviously militarily as well as by vertical extrusion into hi-rise towers), while downgrading Indian traditions including good natural health to a close to zero-value proposition. He celebrates the successful invasion and domination by Coca-Cola, on the basis that the local substitute “tasted bad”. Unsurprisingly, as an emissary from the World Economic Forum, Charlton would be expected to hold or parrot these views.

While pushing international trade and economic growth (ironically in a depopulation era) Charlton fails to inform us of even simple things, such as, for a random example, why bottled drinking water has to be imported and exported senselessly all around the world.

Finishing Part 1 was a relief but poring over the rest of the book turns out to be an impossibility. After procrastination, a half hour of focussed speed-reading gets the  reader through all the categorised statistics and random anecdotes, which had most likely been saved up in some file over a few years, such is their irrelevance to any real synthesis, in fact there is little or no synthesis anywhere in the book and the actual “Pivot to India” seems almost entirely in the author’s mind, as he enthuses about potential trade and investment, just as he did about China some years ago, belatedly, as the China boom was already ageing and levelling out. 

India was mooted as the next big thing 25 years ago but those futurologists had backed the wrong horse. India of course enjoys a great rapport with Russia (refer previous essay, search Gumshoe News site for j.g.) but obviously this continuously blossoming relationship is outside the scope of the Charlton book, as our government officials dedicate themselves to lambasting Russia on behalf of the Obama-Clinton-Biden administrations.


A fairly lacklustre effort and most likely effort is the wrong word as only something like ChatGPT could produce some of these tedious and insipid pages, however ChatGPT alone would obviously avoid much of the repetiton. Anyone would be better served by looking up subjects of interest in wikipedia or the broader internet. 

A filing cabinet full of scraps does not qualify as a good book, let alone “a powerful declaration” (Wong). Charlton should give up writing and focus on his next career move, as it seems like it might not be long before he is replaced in the senate by an Indian.

All this doesn’t mean the subject itself is not interesting, with the competition over the control of the Western Indian Ocean heating up, India’s bipartisan position means it could to some, potentially large degree, become the power broker between Russian and NATO blocs. This suggests, in terms of geo-politics, we could see a lot more Indians coming to Australia, a soft invasion is of course preferable to anything else.

Map of Iran showing Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf Canal, promoted by Iran (about 700km). This would confirm the biggest oil export route in the world, with Russia adding to the traffic.

According to Charlton, Rajiv Gandhi (PM 1984-9) said India must control the sea lanes to the Indian Ocean.


Proposed alternative to Suez canal (about 300km). Ben Gurion was a Polish immigrant who became a leader of the Jewish community in British Palestine and President (1946-1956) of the World Zionist Organisation (Basel, Switzerland).



  1. They don’t want our children to think. They want slaves compliant, merging minds with A.I. These phones gather data on all users, no one cares, it’s all about profit as peoples wellbeing comes last.
    The 5G death ray towers, popping like mushrooms, are for control and genocide.
    Data gathering feeds corporate beasts, locking the lid on all freedom and privacy, in this Luciferian age of enlightenment.

    Resist and 🙏

  2. This probably should be a comment in the last article, however:
    Huge amount of material at Ben Fulfod’s last report from 10.5.24 at 19:08:02 timeline at Rumormillnews.com today US time.
    EB might realise that Ben is a Jew.
    His précis of the injection war crimes is corroborated by selected reports with other backed up material on other matters.
    Note the Canadians are trying to track those who were not injectced.
    Remember that the ‘WHOm’ WANT TO CENSOR ANTI- ‘VA$ERS’l

  3. Which Biden are we going to get at the debate ???

    The G7 ( G8 minus Russia ) appears to be happening partly on a yacht at a town called Monopoli, they always keep their sense of humour, they are working out a heist for their Ukraina depop strategy, using frozen Russian deposits as collateral, which if the deposits are unfrozen, the EU becomes liable for the $50 billion. So expensive to depop all those Ukrainians but I guess it’s just survival rations for the MIC. One of the Biden’s invited along for the group photos and to sign a document.

  4. As for India going for the murderers who banned ivermectin, at about 30-31 mins for a few from today’s x22.report.com.
    Who thinks the Indians are dumb? Or criminals like our governments.

      • Joseph, we are now cooking with gas at gs and shaming the fakes of the msm.
        Takes time does it not?
        I listened to Dave whilst wiring and soldering connections for a light for another station. I also managed Mary at SU.
        It is important to be distracted from the clown world and actually achieve something
        Terry has his garden etc.

        • Well, that is something else we have in common. I once had a working layout, all NSW locos and rolling stock. Prior to building the house we now live in, we were temporarily renting a property on the Paterson River, and the only place I could store the layout was in an old barn on the property – well the rats made short work of that layout.

          I am into DCC, so any loco kits I purchase I also need to buy and then install a chip to control it – can be expensive and time consuming, but to hear a chuff, chuff and a whistle as it rolls along, always gets a smile of wonder from the grand babies.

          I am currently adding more loco kits and rolling stock before I finally get to build another layout – which will be made rat and mice proof.

          A most relaxing and enjoyable hobby.

  5. Australia has been under American Jurisdiction since January, 17, 2024. This country has now become part of the forthcoming, United Republics of America, which will also include, Canada, New Zealand, United States and Mexico.

    Forget India.

    Today’s WTPN over at beforeitsnews.com has some info on what I attempted to alert Sandra to recently – The Law of War Manual, 2015.

    That is the only current ‘International Law’ now in effect.

    Also on today, is Michael Jaco’s post, on ‘disappearing politicians and key figures, military involvement, and mobilization – well worth a look for the doubters who still insist, that anything at all is occurring all around them.

    Also on beforeitsnews.com is a post, simply titled, Q that details the many Q disclosures, from the Q board, date stamped and timed, that have come to pass from some years ago, one post as far back as 2018 – it is very well put together and very informative. All you have to do is look if you wish to become informed of the Plan to Save the World that has been occurring since 2017, when Trump became POTUS.

    If you are not prepared to look, then be prepared for some very hard Truths that are coming your way.

  6. Breaking History Ep 49: Geopolitical Overview
    Bibi vs Gantz, Abbas vs Hamas, Trump, Africa, BRICS new system, China and more

    JUN 14
    This week’s episode of Breaking History (ep. 49) involved an extended dive into the underlying rupture between Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netenyahu where the question is asked: Do these men represent merely two different flavors of genocide or is something more going on?
    We also ask ‘is Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas a tyrant and traitor to his own people as many believe, or is there a larger strategy at play?’ and finally, ‘what do we know about the BRICS-led new economic architecture and what has Russia been up to in Africa?’

  7. Watch possibly tomorrow re Pascal and those bloody Swiss and the immune infiltrators, WEFers and other private riff raff that our politicians bend the knee to.

      Pascal Najadi at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
      The informed will recall that he is Swiss and his father was early with Klaus Schwab with the WEF-ers, his father was disgusted and deported from Klaus.
      He has an interesting account of the Egyptians with their viper god/an ending up in Switzerland.
      Ever wondered why St Moritz is named so?
      Just start and bear 7 minutes and decide to go further and consider.
      Dee and Terry (and ccs) have been sent the link.
      T.O one station success yesterday, another this afternoon. The weather brings many indoor delights besides gossip reports.

      • Let’s say there is a huge secret program of arrests underway and it’s “game over” for Globalist genocidalists
        i) would they not hear about it from the Alt-news
        ii) who actually wrote the Revelations and when
        iii) Nostradamus also doesn’t hold back, some of these predictions have to be other-worldly and I don’t mean “the Pleiades”
        iv) why did Dicktator Dan get a job with Twiggy and a medal from KC3


        Eat ze bugz

      • Ned – Nothing like succeeding at what you like doing.

        Seems Joe is one step closer to realizing what he needs to know. Do me a favor, Ned, and push over the finish line. 🙂

        • I hated the 44O with the last 100 sprint, I am re—Tired to a slow trot.
          Reminds me, ever changed tiny varied sized tyres on drive wheels on marklin steam engines? Drives one ‘Nutty’.
          With arthritis in the fingers…. Leads to typos as well.
          I would rather shell Terry!’s snow peas and test his brew.

  8. And India’s resources and commodities ChatGPT unearthed for the doctor of economics were not cumin and mustard seeds but opium. Funny how that detail gets passed over when British colonisation of India is discussed. As is the free trade, at the point of a canon, that saw the opium sold to China for silk and silver.
    No wonder the expansion of Cocaine Cola across the globe during WWII is used to sell the benefits of global trade. It was the model developed in India.

  9. Biden has just signed a ten-year deal with Zelenskyy to build his military, they really want to get that Ukraina into their NATO and Australia is always pulled in too. They got Biden on some good drugs so he could read out his speech from the teleprompter. I guess when all the Ukrainians are dead the place will be restocked with functionaries and mercenaries. Multiculturalism !!! Globalists don’t like the Slavs, and Slavs who are half Rus ( Uppsala ) are even worse.

    • Sandra,
      Some time ago I heard a report from a Japanese ‘water researcher’.
      Water is like snow crystals… all the stoms vary the structure. (My take)
      I now do not heat water based, in a microwave. Actually I avoid that oven) We are mainly water, just consider what they are doing to our body’s structure as compared to suitable vibrations from real and past ‘music’. The present ‘music’ is designed not to assist … by design by the rottenfellos with the ‘music’ industry SECRET DEA in the 8Is with promises of fame. Thus they have controlled lives. Thus I only seek out sounds at the 342htz (432?) vibrations.
      Sorry I can not give a reference to the fellow in Japan.
      Bastards are manipulating and scattering our brains – now is that just a conspiracy theory doozy💁🤪👻😱

    • 432 htz !!!!
      Just search it under the 432 htz title and try some samples and note the difference with the noise from piped noise from NEARLY ALL the corporate retail torture chambers. ALDI IS DIFFERENT💁

      • Further, ever notice the relaxing sound from some ‘primitive’ samples like the didgeridoo, monks chanting, or Budhists sounding soft ‘gongs’.
        Is it all in the ‘vibes’?💁🤪

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