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Accelerated Sickness Program


Dying is never easy but these days it’s not cheap either

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

A famous French literary contribution, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”, makes it look like a series of coincidences but this is no accident.

A new kidney costs about $50,000 in the Philippines, possibly cheaper, depending where you go and of course how high your standards are. Kidneys are the most commonly transplanted organ by far: 

“85% of those on organ transplant waiting lists are waiting for a kidney.

According to studies, 1-year survival rates for kidney transplants range from 93%-98%, and 5-year survival rates range from 83%-92%”.

So how did our kidneys become so badly damaged?

Johns Hopkins university says:

“The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile. This helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down, balances, and creates the nutrients and also metabolises drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body or that are nontoxic.

When the liver has broken down harmful substances, its by-products are excreted into the bile or blood. Bile by-products enter the intestine and leave the body in the form of faeces. Blood by-products are filtered out by the kidneys, and leave the body in the form of urine”.

In other words, when the toxin levels are constantly at overload so the liver can no longer cope, the extra work gets dumped onto the kidneys.

The gall bladder is positioned between the liver and the intestine, and acts as a reservoir for bile, allowing it to build up so that in the event of a large fatty meal being eaten, sufficient bile can be dumped into the mix at short notice, like a detergent.

The gall bladder also acts like a dumping ground where oversized lumps of waste product can get stuck and harden into irregular shaped “stones” as they are called.

The surgical remedy for an overloaded gallbladder is to remove the organ.

People with even the most basic knowledge of anatomy, instinctively would like to clean their liver and the products are there already in the retail outlets, led by “Chemist Warehouse”, a type of controlled franchise operation which began in the often maligned Melbourne suburb of Reservoir and bloomed into a multinational with hundreds of outlets using its revolutionary business model of discounted vitamins.

Unfortunately supplement combinations such as powdered “milk thistle” and so forth will probably not help much in unblocking a liver.

What is the legal definition of detox?

Real Liver Cleaning

It’s quick, cheap and easy to clean your liver and you will probably never be told how to do it by your GP (US = MD). One of the business models of modern medicine is very clearly “create the problem, sell the solution”. The solution goes on to make another problem and so it goes until the maximum amount of money is extracted from the customer.

To clean your liver you only need some Epsom Salts, a grapefruit and a bottle of olive oil. Use the proportions that relate to your body size so if you are small, about 50kg, a dessert spoon of Epsom salts is flatter whereas if you are bigger, say 100kg, you would use a well rounded spoonful.

Ideally, wait for a rainy weekend but you probably won’t be inconvenienced much except for the Saturday night and Sunday morning.

On Friday night try not to eat any fat for dinner, and on Saturday morning keep well clear of any fat and make lunch your last meal for the day; I recommend plain oat porridge with honey and cinnamon for flavour – no milk, no butter, no yoghurt etc.

At 6pm mix a spoonful of Epsom Salts into a glass of water and drink it all, do the same at 8pm, and you will probably visit the toilet more than once after this.

Before 10pm get ready a good sized glass with a 50-50 mix of grapefruit juice and olive oil, make sure you are completely finished for the day and ready for bed. The last thing you do is to drink the entire glassful of oil and juice then lay down in bed on your back for half an hour until you go to sleep. 

The bile will flood out of the liver and the contents of the gall bladder will discharge into the intestines, depending how blocked up you are the results may be very interesting. Upon arising in the morning another glass of Epsom Salts and two hours later repeat. If you are brave enough you will find an astonishing amount of debris in your toilet which are no longer resident in your body. It’s all over by lunchtime and you can go back to your normal routines.

The liver will take a few days or weeks to improve from this renovation, as anything takes time to grow back, any wound or illness or extraction such as a tooth, takes a recovery time, after which you may be well recommended to do a second liver cleaning purge. When all this muck is unblocked you may find symptoms such as excessive thirst have disappeared, that you have more energy and so forth. Allow time for the healing process but obviously a few months should be enough to make a judgement. If you are frail, you may need to be cautious and if you ask the doctor about this they will most likely try to avoid giving guidance. Those who elect to instead have a kidney transplant may be left wondering where their new kidney will come from. We may presume the same brokers who deal in all sorts of body parts, stem cells and the like. It’s obviously a lucrative trade with high mark-ups. There are of course many doctors in war zones, who may have differing motivations. There are people in positions of authority who like to believe what they are told, for example that there may be no alternative to a transplant, that new body parts are the only way to avoid death, a bit like getting your car fixed these days.

The best baby-killing scapegoat money could buy

Lucy Letby

The very ugly and sloppy scapegoating of one Lucy Letby in England continues, as the Countess of Chester (presently be one title pertaining to the reclusive Princess Kate) Hospital exploits its connections into police and judiciary to deliver itself a clean sheet, viz:

“Warwick University’s Prof Jane Hutton, an expert in medical data who signed the letter, told the BBC that in her opinion the work behind the statistics presented to the jury “appears not to have been done in the way that it should be”.

She said a police statement suggested “the work was done with Lucy Letby in mind, which is completely inappropriate”.

“In a highly complex case like this, there are very high standards and it’s not clear whether they’ve been followed,” she said.

She said she and other members of the Royal Statistical Society had offered to give evidence to the Thirlwall Inquiry and had been told it would consider whether their evidence was “relevant”.

Judges have denied Letby leave to appeal the convictions at her original trial”.


It’s so ugly, it’s enough to make anyone wince.

For more background you may like to site search j.g. If She Floats.

The Thirlwall Inquiry is a smoke-bomb thrown in by the Health Dept: https://thirlwall.public-inquiry.uk/



  1. NZ Maori king died yesterday age 69 after heart operation
    There were some stories about over-prescription of stents a while ago
    Nattokinase capsules for anyone wanting an easy way to clean up arteries a bit
    According to sources, the spike protein mRNAs have no known expiry date

    • NZ government stooge Jabintya Ardern said “we will be your one source of truth”, England is having nasty crackdowns on free speech, France banned telegram, now Brazil banned twitteX, Australia is fishing for something to ban, and President Camel will no doubt suspend the 1st amendment
      “Owning the narrative trumps reality”

  2. Lucy Letby, another Kathleen Folbigg?

    Were both women falsely convicted to keep the real reason for baby deaths from out of the public domain?

    What is the true purpose behind a denial of leave to appeal her conviction?

    • The Appeal judge in UK is Lady Justice Thirwall. Per Yahoo, she said:

      “Searching for truth is not a characteristic of conspiracy theorists. Like those who promulgate fake news, they search for information which supports their world view. When they find none, they manufacture it, often using and distorting video footage to be found on the internet.”

      (Well, at least she concedes that some people “promulgate fake news.”)

      • Thanks Mary – according to the, ‘conspiracy theorists’ who have been following Letby’s saga, many questions are being raised as to the ‘evidence’ used in her trial and even the trial itself, some say should have been delayed, until more substantive evidence could be found as to Letby’s charges.

        No doubt we will be hearing more about Letby’s convictions.

        Nothing like a pre-determined outcome in an attempt to close things down.

  3. Historic breakthrough–Aussies land a massive blow against the Money Power!
    Foreign agents in Parliament pushing Australia towards total destruction
    Presented by Robert Barwick and Craig Isherwood

    • Well, that’s something new!
      OUR government bank for Australian citizens.
      Fancy that!
      Next, we can burn those fiat money notes and go back to gold 99.999 sovereigns and real silver 99.999 florins.
      But we have to chuck out our ant-Australian banker politician traitors first. and send our MSMs BROKE.
      Black ban their adverisers.
      Just do it.

    • Some history about the Post Office Bank related sacking of Christine Colgate and unnecessary or premature optimism followed up with the ghastly horrors of “the parties of government” ( ALP + LNP ) teaming up to hand over even more power to the banksters, this is typical of Chalmers, what has he been promised, a corner office in Zurich or Geneva ??? Chalmers is shocking, a real monster, hard at work for the NWO to suck out everything from the Australian public.

      • Anyone wondering why they can’t afford to buy a house should consider the deregulation of banks and the amounts of interest they are paid on mortgages, at a wild guess about 20% of Australia’s housing stock is mortgaged to a significant % so imagine an average size city like Brisbane representing that, and the banks are collecting the rent on the entire place.
        If Chalmers deregulates them even more as he wants to, the banks can indulge in more “experimentation” which involves hoovering up even more of your money and sending it to Zurich.

      • full of data https://aim4truth.org/

        Post Office Horizon IT scandal inquiry: Two years of shocking revelations


        Interesting how they use television series to inform people draw attention to what most people missed about what they have already done


        The series is a dramatisation of the British Post Office scandal, a miscarriage of justice in which hundreds of subpostmasters were wrongly prosecuted (privately and publicly) for theft, false accounting or fraud due to a faulty computer system called Horizon. It was broadcast on four consecutive days from 1 January 2024.[1][2]

        They did the same with the Cult of the Family 3 episodes and a Book abc. Channel 9 also another version net flicks made a couple of years ago here in Australia. MSM versions—
        Mocking /twisting the true story.

        • A guy I know asked ChatGPT about Christine Colgate PO CEO “sacked for giving away 4 gold watches to retiring employees” and chat GPT upgraded her crimes to embezzling, but as the video above says she was exonerated of everything and incidentally went on to run a logistics outfit somewhere else

  4. Thanks JG–thanks Gumshoe

    Yes Terry down the rabbit hole again. and connecting more dots

    Sandra haven’t watched above video yet — but will-glad you found the lecture worthwhile– I re post this– more for myself–but it does connect for those who have experienced other realities — You can unlearn what you have been taught but you can’t UNKNOW what you KNOW
    You tube Nate : Haujean contactee Interview

    My Historian and front person with lived experience living and working at the grass roots took me to–
    and then a few twists and turns and accessing my “mind files” I came upon this
    Parliamentary Debates [Hansard]
    Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 1 APRIL 1982

    A Statement by Geoffrey McDonald

    To navigate– Go past-MINISTERIAL STATEMENTS Parliamentary White Paper on Family Welfare–Bayside Bus services-
    Aboriginal Land Rights
    “Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah—Premier) (11.9 a.m.): I rise to draw the attention of the House and the people of this nation to what should be a matter of most serious concern to us all and to all future generations of Australians. That concern centres on the strengthening movement here and internationally aimed at securing so-called “land rights” for Aboriginal Australians and spearheaded by small groups of militant activists.”

    It concludes p 5467

    “Conclusion M r B J E L K E – P E T E R S E N : “Yes. An Australian map today has many areas marked on it that no longer belong to Australian citizens

    I am the first to agree with Mr McDonald that the vast majority of people who have given their support to the concept of separate land rights are not Communists or Left-wing extremists. But they do not see the bottom line as it will affect themselves and their families. I can only use this forum to urge them to look more deeply into the motivation behind the land rights cause. The question is not about land rights; it is about the defence and security of this nation.

    I appeal to organisations such as the RSL to acquaint themselves with the true issue and place their weight of support behind those who are prepared to speak out and alert Australians to the threat ahead.

    As Mr McDonald suggests, all Australians should ask how Communists and Left-wing land rights campaigners can justify support for policies which promote a type of apartheid in this country when they are openly hostile to a similar policy in South Africa. It is hard to comprehend how they can espouse the cause of apartheid in this country by setting land and people apart from each other.

    Clearly, their motivation is to cause disruption and division within the Australian community. It is known that this disruption will be organised to coincide with the Commonwealth Games in Brisbane. Their goal is long term. The goal is the prize of political control of Australia—our heritage and our future.

    Mr Speaker, I make this statement today in good faith, for the record and for history. History will show its truth, in the not too distant future, unless Australians wake up to what is going on before their eyes and behind their backs.”

    A couple of paras from Geoffrey MacDonald statement of great interest to me:

    “I do not disagree with the concept of special areas of land being kept for the Aboriginals. But the issue is not really about land rights, as I learned first hand during my training with the Communist party.
    It was at the Minto training school in 1958, while I was engaged in painting Aboriginal murals on the lecture room walls, that I heard top Communist leaders like J. B. Miles and Lance Sharkey remark how one day in the future, if the party worked correctly, the first step towards making Australia a Communist country would be the establishment of what they called black republic areas of AustraUa inhabked by Aboriginals. I was engaged for three weeks on these decorations, which were reproductions of aboriginal bark and cave paintings?”

    “I know that the ultimate objective of the Aboriginal “land rights” campaign is military: to have created a separate black nation completely outside the laws of the Commonwealth, having the right to military ties with Communist countries, and capable of being used as a base of operations against the rest of Ausdralia.
    Discussion on the Aboriginal “land rights” issue must be elevated above party politics.”

    “Experiences On The Reserves:
    During my visks to Aboriginal reserves in the course of my professional duties on behalf of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation, I saw evidence of what
    could be the shape of things to come. Known Marxists were at work. I saw for myself how law and order could easily break down. The Whitiam government was so concerned with the breakdown in Northern Territory Aboriginal areas that I was requested by Dr. Doug Everingham, Minister for Health in the Whitlam government, to meet with him and two senior medical officers of the Commonwealth to advise on how to re-establish law and order. I had previously been approached by nurses at Alice Springs and Darwin, and by officers of the health department in Darwin”

    For Ned

    ” I must record my great admiration for Australian nurses serving the Aboriginal people. What I learned from this fine body of women over six years confirmed my worst fears about the manner in which Communist activists were attempting to exploit the “land rights” issue.”

    The Long and Winding Road

    • Mum was a just voluntary.
      In those days the bank wives contributed to the country communities and social needs……. Unpaid.
      Refer to Sandra’s comment above, THE GREEDY GLOBALIST R-SOLE BANKS HAVE STUFFED AUSTRALIA and could not care less, they control the politicians.

      • A note:
        In the last town where dad was the only bank manager. Mum was seated having dinner at the local golf club and a man approached the table and said: “ Mrs. ……… , I understand that if I want a loan I should speak to you”.
        Need I say more? I had every dinner seated, learning a lot about what has NOW been lost to the globalist foreigners AND BY OUR POLITICAL TRAITORS.
        Of course every thing heard was secure….. till now.

  5. SEARCH. At DuckDuckGo , anything but google!
    Or similar…. such as their practises.
    I saw his interview and exposures over a year ago….. perhaps OUR ABC MISSED IT🙀?
    Nice to know 0f those that our politicians associate with and the ABC AND MSM IGNORE.
    If you watch him, feel his pain!

  6. MOVING TRUTH-Australian Killing Fields-30m

    This story needs to be shared far and wide– please watch- every second-

  7. Off topic but in time.
    Tomorrow is set aside as ‘Father’s’ Day.
    Dear ‘wife’ has been preparing all day; menu prepared, table beautifully set out, ancestral wine flutes, a seat for all, only as a ‘mother’ could plan and accomplish.
    I did my part, a couple of bottles from Mr Aldi- $5.00 tops for each🍸
    But who am I?
    A old traditionalist, or should I waken tomorrow to be a ‘woke’ thingy…. Whatever?
    By what term should I tell my grandchildren to address me as so they comply and are ‘awoke’?
    I do not wish to cause them to be ‘unawoke’ and be embarrassed before their commandants and the ABC ‘wokies’, at school.
    I note that Gina Rhinehart took issue with her old school when it declared to re-define Mother’s Day.
    Please: I need advice by, say mid morning, to be seen to comply and save any embarrassment for this old fart.
    I will need to address to the gathering as to my quandary and explain.
    I may need to refer to any useful advice to assist me.
    Many thanks.

    • Ned – my dear wife insisted on having her five yearly colonoscopy – so, as a duty bound husband, I drove her to Singleton Hospital – about an hour’s drive through the lovely landscape of Rosebrook and Maitland Vale.

      I have no trust of the current medical system or its rorting of procedures, such as five yearly colonoscopies, etc, etc. And after the last four years of them attempting to murder everyone they could, I am completely intolerant of the ‘mask wearer’ whose lack of logic and observational skills causes me to bite my tongue whenever I see one.

      Well, one may imagine the tongue biting I had to do upon entering the Hospital reception area, and seeing six seated mask wearers waiting to be called up for their procedure.

      But it was when my wife was told she would need to don a mask that I lost the plot and let loose on all there. When I feel the urge to make my presence felt I have a booming voice – so, I filled my lungs and spoke out while engaging the unwilling audience.

      “Bloody masks! They do nothing in way of protection, but be a good sheep and put it on!”

      I could see the discomfort of those seated and being compliant obedient sheep – but not one of them chose to say anything or remove what they did not not to be wearing.

      However, my outburst caused my wife, who had taken a mask to put on, to reject wearing it after explaining to the ‘receptionist’ who was all masked up, that masks inhibit her breathing.

      Good! A result, I thought.

      But it didn’t stop her from later berating me for causing her some embarrassment. Well, I can handle her displeasure far better than folks being sheep and wearing useless masks.

      So, the Dam has burst, there will be no more tongue biting on my part whenever I come across a mask wearer!

      • Perhaps next time you can give them a small brochure of where they can get the next vaxx. I hear that ‘Monkey Pox’ vaxxs are coming. – The sooner we get rid of these useless eaters, the faster the society will recover.

      • Going to be lots of fun when the old copper sees a masked bandit pointing a weapon at the bank cashier.
        “Make my day A FATHERS DAY punk”.

    • Let it all out Ned – what needs to be stated must be so stated. You may upset the applecart, but in time, you will be answering all their questions when this is all over.

    • Useful advice for Ned—Celebrating Fathers Day with his Family.
      Ned you have a Problem –and you are Reacting in a Ned way -and you are asking for a Solution.
      Immediately The Art of War ( ‘Sun Tzu’s Military Method’) springs to my expansive mind. You are The Military strategist “ Master Sun”

      So my tactical advice for what its worth- Don’t Mention the War—and definitely no mention of your work with BIN of Gumshoe. No opinions-well at least not till after the meal and the wine.

      Rather just be that father, grand father ? loving husband and perhaps ask each person present to share a memory of a special time -accept their version un-interrupted as gifts and accept them graciously. And of course make sure you are at the “head of the table” and laugh a lot. Take a photo with your family. Because you are proud of your family and you care about them.

      Congratulations Ned to you and your wife keeping the family together through it all . Have a lovely day. Then get back on the Battle field. Laughing a lot is important. xd

      • Yes, quite right, so I have noted a few ‘Dad’ jokes to plagiarise from the Sunday papers.
        The one I liked…. Adapted for the times.
        A Greenie uni student took her Teal duck to the vet and asked if it was dead.
        The vet looked at it and said; “yep as dead as a Canberra bureaucrat”.
        Greenie asked again; Are you certain? I demand some expert and independent verification”.
        So the vet went out and brought in his black Labrador and his old cat.
        The Labrador quickly sniffed the bill and stern of the duck and folded both ears down over his eyes. The cat likewise sniffed the Teal, sprung up and ran out.
        The vet said; “Yep, they both agree, dead as a duck, that will be $400 and 40 for gst”,
        “What, that much just to tell me that my duck is dead, are you a
        ‘X anker’?
        Of course not, my professional fee is normally just $22.00 but you demanded a lab report and a cat scan”.

  8. Certain legal types now chasing the government for a large payout over the Kathleen Folbigg case, they have suggested $1m for every year (20) wrongfully imprisoned, by the crap legal system which is a joke. It suggests to me the whole concept of confinement is wrong and these people locked up should be more available to account for themselves to the public and following on the fake news media and other media such as the hit & miss Alt news. Who benefits from the confinement system ? The dopey judiciary flipping cases all day and milking some very good careers out of others’ misfortune, and of course the establishment who locks up people in their favour.

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