By Dee McLachlan
No one believed model Zoë Brock’s story in 1997 when she told people that Harvey Weinstein chased her around a hotel room naked, begging for a massage. Just one of the many stories back then. At the same time, for decades, many people knew Weinstein was acting improperly — and never said anything. Such is the power of powerful people in the Entertainment Industry.

When I was living and working in Los Angeles in the 90s, I directed a low-budget action film starring Corey Haim (1971 – 2010). From the moment we started shooting, I realized this young man was a very troubled and damaged teenager. It seemed Corey (Haim) was managing his life by taking drugs — and there was only one person, Andrea Buck, on the producing team that managed to counsel and coax him back onto set. This was my introduction into the damaged young actors in Hollywood.
So when I came across Corey Feldman’s accusations about a Hollywood pedophile ring several years ago — I believed him.
The Two Coreys
Corey Haim and Corey Feldman, both born in 1971, became known as “The Coreys” — and were paired for the first time in a 1987 movie called The Lost Boys. They became popular young actors in the 1980s and did many teen-oriented films together. By the time I worked with Corey Haim in the mid-90s his life was off the rails. Feldman, on the other hand, managed to hold his career together.
Early Victims
The New York Post sums up the history:
“For years, Feldman has been adamant that he and childhood friend Corey Haim were victims of molestation in Hollywood, and that predators remain. Yet he’s been treated as though he’s reporting alien abductions. Feldman may have been easily dismissible from a career standpoint — even he’s admitted so — but his accounts have never wavered. Still, his story has been treated with dubiousness if not outright contempt.” [my emphasis]
He spilled the beans to Barbara Walters (on The View) several years ago (video here). It seemed like it was too much information for Walters.
The pressure on Feldman must be enormous right now — especially as he is threatening to make a film and name names. In a video he posted the other day, he said that two trucks tried to run him down — and he is fearing for his life. Like a Hollywood film, he is presently being a hero — facing the antagonists.
Protecting Miramax
It seems that Hollywood finally stood up to Harvey Weinstein, and will now attempt to change the culture there. But powerful people were protecting Weinstein and his company (then Miramax) all along. One of them being the editor of Variety Magazine. In this article “The Most Powerful Journalist In Hollywood Protected Harvey Weinstein For Years,” it explains how “In the 1990s, Peter Bart turned Variety into one of the most powerful institutions in Hollywood. In doing so, he helped turn Harvey Weinstein into another.”
People are probably protecting pedophiles in powerful positions everywhere.
Feldman has started a “truth campaign” to raise money for a film. You can see his video here. This is written on the page:
“People have long awaited a response from Corey as to what exactly happened in his childhood alongside best friend Corey Haim. In his book, Coreyography, Corey describes what happened but it isn’t clear who exactly the predators are… We are embarking on a dangerous and exciting journey to get to the bottom of the truth. However in doing so there are great security risks.”
Feldman explains, in the 2014 video below, how he and Corey Haim were subjected to pedophilia.
I really enjoyed living in Los Angeles. It is a vibrant place — where wonderful people from everywhere migrate to work towards their dreams. So we await to see if Hollywood can face any demons in its own industry. I sincerely hope so.
Oh-oh, Dee, you say “if Hollywood” can do the needful. But what does that mean? The article about Variety magazine showed that the personnel of Hollywood, who knew about Weinstein, opted for the safety of letting Peter Bart intimidate them into silence. Same as with the legal profession today in regard to Gumshoe’s two adopted cases.
Will cinema people “face the demons in their industry?” As far as the legal profession goes, the demons are not IN the industry, they are way above it. Neither Damien Bugg nor Beans and Rice qualifies as a demon. They are robot-like obeyers of the demons. IMHO. (I know, I just know Cheryl Dean will jump on the wagon here re Ortiz).
Consider the editor, Peter Bart, who aggressively fought off the complaints against Harvey Weinstein. He, too, was no demon (I assume). But it would be worth finding out whom he answered to.
Who the Sam Hill are they all answering to? And are we content to let those demons run every aspect of the lives of all of us — as they seem to be intent on doing? bleccchhh.
Forty-six-year-old Corey Feldman needs a lot of solidarity. A good guess is that he is extra-strong if he has been MK-Ultra’d. Some of the most remarkable women I have known are graduates of MK. But not many citizens give them solidarity. What a pity.
I think we need to separate the type of protection afforded by Peter Bart and the silence about abuse. I get the feeling, Weinstein was one of the greatest entertainment strategists… you don’t get where he got without very strategic business alliances. Miramax and The Weinstein Company produced or distributed films that have been nominated for 341 awards and have won 81. I guess the strategic alliance with Bart of Variety was to make Weinstein into an entertainment god. This allowed him to start doing what he was doing. If he was not a protected Business species — he would have been exposed earlier. More will come out.
Dee, I am trying to put this together with what Ned says below about Dr Day.
Are you saying that Harvey was “assigned” to be a monster as a role model?
I feel certain that many of the pedophile priests did their work under a spell.
Sure, there’s such a thing as natural pedophilia, a man gets the urge. But the statistics are too weird, so many priests doing it and so much coverup of it by the “Church.”
I say it’s a Dr Day special. And furthermore Day said, re the wrecking of religion, “they’ll help us.”
Day has to have known that the pedophile priest enterprise was already in place, as that is how, in the 1990s, “the Church helped us.”
“us” being Rockefeller.
I recommend that Corey Feldman — and everybody else — read the novel “Savage Justice” about pedophilia. It has an unforgettable denouement.
Have we a duty of care to paedophiles, whilst many of us regard this activity as perverted? we have to consider the ramifications on to much regulation and censoring, we have to remember the power syndicate could reduce the the West to a state similar to Syria, its not a great stretch of the imagination for war with NK to start as a legitimate excuse for world wide destruction.
A few casualties is well worth what we know of freedom, the Hollywood scene is a contract to offer a multitude of sex scenarios for fame and money, after all most of what we know of the varied relationships are based on understanding of money or some type of exchange, not that I am in favor of what is suggested but I am offering a practical solution to a sticky problem that most likely is deeply embedded within the psyche of man that is perversity and we just have to make the most of what in the main we are, that is suffering from a incurable disease.
Don, who y’all referring to as “a few casualties”?
I would have thought that you wanted, say, the Jimmy Savile’s of this world strung up so we can proceed to make sure a NK-type war is not thrown in as a distraction to keep the guilty out of jail.
Or is that what you meant?
An Open Secret: A documentary on Hollywood Pedophelia.
All things come to an end.
you are right Mary. I will jump in. Every human being knows the diff between right and wrong including judges and Ortiz. Maybe they must answer to those above but they can say NO. They don’t because they don’t care. I was once asked by my boss to attend court and say bad things about a former employee who was suing for wrongful dismissal. I immediately said NO, not a chance. I liked that woman and she had done nothing wrong. My boss was a bit shocked but I didn’t get fired, in fact my boss respected me after that, so there is no excuse for anyone to hurt someone else for monetary or political reasons. Ortiz is a demon responsible for putting an innocent kid on death row.
Cheryl, you’re true blue.
Mary, I am not sure that Damien Bugg is not one of the demons, at least here in Australia. I put information into the hands of the Australia Crime Commission, numerous years ago, which accused Bugg of being involved big time in the drug scene of Tasmania. I don’t know whether they even investigated that accusation. Some people like Bugg have made themselves indispensable to people higher up the ladder, so are protected from the law. Imagine if Bugg was to dob in the personnel that were involved in the planning of the Port Arthur Massacre.
Well well well well WELL, Aussiemal. The things you come up with!
Any more arrows in your quiver that we need to know about?
Sorry to be repetive, but look to Dr. Day for our situation.
Hollywood has merely being following the NWO agenda.
Way back I recall an interview in regard to what is presented in films by Hollywood and a moral stance/depiction. Late 50’s.
The reference was to a Rock Hudson acting in a scene. I cannot recall the actress. (Dorris Day comes to mind)
Anyway there is a scene in the film concerning a romantic encounter in the film.
The rules applied at the time was that the producers would not allow a couple to be in/on a bed and in all such scenes the male had to have at least one foot on the floor to present the scene as ‘innocent’.
Of course the scene complied, Rock kept a foot on the floor!
Well now look up the plans outlined by Dr. Day for the sabotage of morality, since run by Hollywood.
Thus we have Harvey being enabled as an example.
Just searched ‘Rock Hudson Dorris Day’ movies.
Too many to download and no time to view.
Enjoy searching for the scene.
Yes, I know about Rock!
I agree with both Don and Ned.
Feldman’s loose allegations don’t amount to anything more than salacious gossip. The guy clearly has a big investment in the very scene he appears to be condemning,likewise the host. Why doesn’t he ask “have you confronted any of these un-named offenders ?” , “ Have you looked into laying a complaint? Because such questions wouldn’t gel with the entertainment package at hand or the overarching agenda perhaps?
This must be a joke. No distributor would touch that movie, would they? He can’t be that stupid.