by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
[Editor’s Note: Gumshoe News recently ran a 5-Part Series called “Here Comes the Avalanche”. This new series is a continuation of it but with particular reference to Adelaide. Today Mary W Maxwell interviews Rachel Vaughn. This family was already referred to in the articles about the Beaumont children.
I remain cautious, especially for this article which is seriously ‘out there’. Nevertheless, Gumshoe posts this article as a record of the interview.]
I interviewed Rachel Vaughn by way of three international phone calls. I consider her trustworthy and nothing she says conflicts with other information I have collected. Still, please be warned: this is very peculiar stuff. We can pull it apart later, but for openers I present her information below.
Rachel and Andrew McIntyre share the same father, the late Allan Maxwell (Max) McIntyre who must be a protected person as the police never charged him with anything despite three of his children trying for years to “turn him in.”
Note: the crimes we are discussing seem to have an Adelaide base but it’s likely to be a national thing. The Catholic priest problem seemed to be only in Victoria until the Royal Commission found it was national. Or should I say, global.
In regard to the diseases mentioned below it would be appreciated if anyone with expertise would comment or write privately to mclachlandee@gmail.com.
It will also be appreciated if commenters don’t waste everyone’s time by saying Rachel Vaughn (or Andrew McIntyre) is crazy. Gumshoe puts “crazy” material before you for your inspection. We do it all the time — and are very grateful for the Gumshoe community’s serious, helpful criticism. Ad hominem attacks will be moderated out.
MARY MAXWELL: Hello Rachel, thank you for agreeing to be interviewed. I have transcribed our phone conversations as best I can.
RACHEL VAUGHN: It is a relief to tell my yarns to an enlightened person.
MARY. Since you have prepared a whole article about Adelaide’s tunnels for this series, I will leave that subject out. And since your brother has told Dee McLachlan about a number of incinerations he has performed, I will leave that out, too.
RACHEL. Fine. You told me you want to hear about my “recovered memories,” and the Zombie Apocalypse.
MARY. Let’s start with the zombie apocalypse. The readers had better get ready for some unbelievable stuff.
RACHEL. It is already described in Wikipedia, but only as a genre of fiction. Wikipedia says:
“In some stories, victims of zombies may become zombies themselves … if a zombie-creating virus travels by air, sexually, or by water; in others, everyone who dies, whatever the cause, becomes one of the undead.
In some cases, parasitic organisms can cause zombification by killing their hosts and reanimating their corpse. … Zombies also prey on the living and their bite causes an infection that kills.”
MARY. So you are going to tell us that this already happens in Adelaide.
RACHEL. You have already heard me say that my late father, Max McIntyre, worked for the pedophile ring known as “The Family.” He was the body-boy. He got rid of bodies of children. An odd part of his job is that the bodies have some sort of connection to a medical experiment.
MARY. You mean the kids were experimented on?
RACHEL. No, I mean the cadavers provided human flesh that was used a bit like I just quoted from Wikipedia.
MARY. That source said “In some cases, parasitic organisms can cause zombification by killing their hosts and reanimating their corpse.”
RACHEL. I think that last part is fiction – reanimating their corpses. But I believe the first part is true – “parasitic organisms can cause zombification.”
MARY. That is a medically accepted fact. The disease kuru makes a person act peculiar and he may die a few weeks later.
RACHEL. I think one of the forms of Alzheimer’s – Lewy body dementia — is like kuru.
MARY. OK I had never heard of Lewy body, but I just looked it up and found that Robin Williams death is attributed to it. His widow, Susan Williams, blamed Lewy body dementia for the death of the beloved actor in 2014
Scientific American said:
“About 1.3 million Americans have the disease, which is caused by protein deposits in the brain. Williams was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a few months before he died; the telltale signs of Lewy body dementia in his brain were not discovered until an autopsy.”
It notes “Williams’s desperation as he sought to understand a bewildering array of symptoms that started with insomnia, constipation, and an impaired sense of smell and soon spiraled into extreme anxiety, tremors, and difficulty reasoning.”
RACHEL. I can’t say I know anything at all about Robin’s death, but I have seen many people in Adelaide who appear to have Lewy body dementia. They do not live long after they are diagnosed.
MARY. In the case of kuru, Gumshoe reprinted the Guardian’s obituary of Dr Carleton Gadjusek who won the Nobel prize. He allegedly heard of a disease, like mad-cow disease, that a remote Papuan tribe was suffering from (the Fore tribe). It was called the laughing disease, as the victims seemed to giggle and stagger around.
RACHEL. That doctor supposedly found that the cause of the disease was an unusual cannibal practice of that tribe. When someone died, they ate the body and the brain “out of reverence” That cadaver must have had a pathogen in it.
MARY. Or so the story goes, but as I told you I have been suspicious. Would a bunch of fancy doctors from the US go over to PNG and ferret this out? I am even more sceptical now that I hear Gadjusek’s bail (when he was charged with pedophilia) was paid by Robert Gallo.
RACHEL. And Steve McMurray points out that Fiona Barnett’s handler, Dr Leon Petrauskas was involved with Dr Gadjusek and spent years in PNG.
MARY. Nothing can get me to think that Petrauskas was in Papua out of an altruistic motive to help people. Nothing.
Let me also say that I’ve researched the theory that AIDS is manmade. One piece of glaring evidence is that in 1969 a Dr McArthur asked Congress for $10 million to study ways to wreck the immune system. Of course HIV is precisely that – immuno-deficiency. This “virus” — if it really is a virus – was used for genocide in Africa.
RACHEL. So now I will tell of a strange sort of genocide.
RACHEL. As I said, my father Max, who did terrible things to me, had a special interest in some of the children’s cadavers. He took some of their flesh and sold it as meat. I am quite sure many people knowingly bought it – they wanted it. I also say it was cooked and served in our home in Edwardstown, SA. Yes, I and my parents and siblings ate it.
MARY. What was the purpose of this?
RACHEL. I don’t know.
MARY. Now tell me about your brush with “kuru.”
RACHEL. Mary, this is when I became fascinated in your work – when you started to talk about kuru. My father told me from when I was 14 years old that he had infected me with the kuru disease from Papua New Guinea. I worried about it greatly; he said I would not live to adulthood. I am now 45 years old,and have only recently started to consider it false information.
MARY. You told me that your dad had a crippled magpie named “Karu” that staggered around crippled and that it was named Karu to scare you about your forthcoming kuru.
RACHEL. Yes. It was a constant reminder.
MARY. Rachel, when you and I first talked – and that’s only 2 weeks ago – I misunderstood what you said about scrapie. You said your father, Max, was “selling” scrapie. I took that to mean he played a part in the economic sabotage of sheep production.
RACHEL. No, he had nothing to do with sheep. When I say he was working with scrapie it is somehow involved in the way he sold these packets of “meat.”
MARY. So it is humans, not animals, that he was infecting.
RACHEL. And, as I understand it, the symptoms would not begin for many years after the person ate the infected meat.
MARY. It would be foolish for amateurs like you and me to try to get scientific here. But many scientists may be involved. Steve McMurray whose dad worked at CSIRO as noted that Joshua Lederberg from Fort Detrick received a Fulbright to work with Sir Gustav Nossal and Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet at the University of Melbourne in 1957. Lederberg was a key individual in the creation of bioweapons as he first discovered that bacteria can swap genes.
RACHEL. Macfarlane Burnett died but I think Nossal is still around, so we could ask him.
MARY. Possibly, and I do know something about pleomorphism, as taught to me by my medical mentor, Alan Cantwell, MD. He shows in his book Four Women against Cancer that Virginia Livingston found a cure for cancer but was not allowed to use it – allegedly because she was a believer in pleomorphism. The idea that bacteria can change shape. Nonetheless, at wicked Fort Detrick everyone is a devoted pleomorph.
RACHEL. Does that explain how it takes years to kill a person?
MARY. No I don’t know of a connection there. But I do firmly believe that the 1955 polio shots that we all got were infected DELIBERATELY with Simian Virus 40 – SV40.
MARY. So there would be a lot of people getting cancer way down the track.
RACHEL. Is SV-40 like kuru?
MARY. I have not the slightest idea. But there is plenty of material collected in my book Consider the Lilies: a Review of 18 Cures for Cancer. The gist of it is that The Powers That Be want a maximum number of people to get cancer.
RACHEL. Perhaps Alzheimer’s also.
MARY. Rachel I think I am too exhausted after that discussion to discuss your recovered memories. Let’s do it later.
RACHEL. Good idea. And you did already quote many of them in the article you wrote bout the Beaumont children. Not that I “remember” the Beaumonts. They died in 1966, seven years before I was born. My recovered memories have to do with the torture I experience and witnessed.
MARY. Yes and you are a superb record-keeper. You are the Mal Hughes of the child trafficking crime. He is the record keeper of official responses (almost nil) to his letters trying to enlighten them about the Port Arthur massacre. Believe me, in both cases, it is very valuable to see how many MPs, G-Gs, and others were given the data to examine and yet looked away.
RACHEL. The MP who has helped me most is Rebecca Sharpey. She almost got to deal with it in federal Parliament.
MARY. So there’s hope.
RACHEL. Definitely hope. My brother has made a mass of statutory declarations dated September 2015. It will not be possible to suppress much longer the fate of the three Beaumont kids.
MARY. I agree that the horses have left the stable and they ain’t going back. Thank you for contributing heavily and over many years.
RACHEL. Thank you for publishing my story.
Note from the editor (Dee McLachlan):
I was left stunned on reading the above interview. I called a brain surgeon friend of mine to discuss kuru (a very rare, fast acting prion disease), and other human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). (A CJD registry was established in October 1993 at the University of Melbourne.) I also looked into Dementia in Australia — specifically South Australia — and note the following (strictly as general observations):
Relevant or NOT to this article, what I found was extraordinary. Dementia is dramatically on the increase – projected to be SIX FOLD from 2000 to 2050. Now, of course, this may be completely unrelated to prion diseases (of which Kuru is one), as Dementia covers a wide spectrum, including Alzheimer’s. There could be all sorts of reasons for this increase, but this magnitude is alarming. (And how would they know?)

South Australia has a very slightly higher percentage ratio per population of dementia than other states. In 2000, reported here, 1.07% of the population would get dementia, and in 2050, this would rise to 3.42%.
What I found was that there seem to be dementia clusters in South Australia. The average hospital admissions for dementia were around 86 admissions per 100,000 population (55 years and over). The highest rate was in Roxby Downs (near a mining area) at a rate of 472 per 100,000. But there are many clusters.
Now the rise in dementia is being explained with an older population, or changes in the coding methods. But this puzzle reminds me of the colossal, and unexplained increase in autism. We know something in our modern society is causing this — and many point to vaccinations.
With regard to Alzheimer’s in the US, I quote seniorplanning: “Ever since the rise of Alzheimer’s disease within the past 50 years, scientists have been trying to figure out what caused this explosion…”
“During the twentieth century, babies and children in orphanages and Homes, mainly made up of stolen Aboriginal children, were used as subjects for medical experiments.
Reports from the Senate Inquiry into Children in Institutional Care contained details of studies carried out by the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and the Commonwealth Serum Laboratory (CSL) between 1945 and 1970.
Many other medical institutions also carried out experiments on Aboriginal children in ‘ are’ but most of the records have been systematically destroyed or lost. “
Apology for past experiments on Aboriginal people
Media Release University Adelaide 8 February 2002
Adelaide University has apologised for scientific experiments conducted on Aboriginal people by some university researchers in the 1920s and 1930s.
The experiments have been documented in a new book, The Cultivation of Whiteness: Science, Health and Racial Destiny in Australia by a Melbourne academic and medical doctor, Dr Warwick Anderson, from the University of California. The book is due for release next month.
“Adelaide University acknowledges that many of the tests and experiments carried out on Aboriginal people in South Australia in the name of science in the 1920s and 1930s were degrading and, in some cases, barbarous,” said Vice-Chancellor Professor Cliff Blake. “On behalf of the University community, I express my deep sorrow for what happened. I apologise to the descendants of all those who were subjected to this treatment and to their communities.”
Professor Blake said that the practices of the 1920s and 1930s would never be permitted by any Australian university today. Modern university researchers were accountable to ethics committees and to a range of other review bodies, he said. Professor Blake said that during its 128-year history, Adelaide University had been enriched beyond measure by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Indigenous cultures had been shared with, and incorporated into, the work of past and present University academics, bringing great honour to the institution and its staff, he said.
On National Sorry Day 2000, Adelaide University apologised publicly for the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their homes. In September last year, the University’s Vice-Chancellor’s Committee agreed a Statement of Reconciliation committing the University to:
promoting an understanding of Indigenous issues, cultures and history in programs and courses;
directing strategies towards increased participation of indigenous peoples as students and staff in the full range of University activities; and
contributing to the process of Reconciliation by educating the Australian community about the cultures languages, history and contemporary experiences of Australia’s indigenous peoples.
The Statement of Reconciliation concludes: “Adelaide University is deeply sorry for all of these injustices. And so, we pledge ourselves to stop injustice, overcome disadvantage, and respect the right that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to self- determination within the life of the nation.”
Aborigines ‘used in experiments’
BBC News 15 April 2008
Many children were taken from their homes as part of an official policy
Some Aboriginal children in Australia were once used for medical tests, it has been claimed.
Aborigine rights campaigner Kathleen Mills said she had heard of children being injected with a leprosy treatment and becoming very ill.
She said many members of the “Stolen Generations” – Aborigines taken from their homes and raised by white families – had similar experiences.
Senior politicians said they had never heard such claims before.
Ms Mills was speaking outside a Senate hearing in the northern city of Darwin, which is investigating possible compensation for the Stolen Generations.
“Although The Age gave this issue extensive coverage, neither the Federal nor the Victorian government held an inquiry.
The first recorded experiment on orphans, involving smallpox inoculation, was carried out by Assistant Surgeon to the Colony John Savage in NSW in 1803.
The following experiments were conducted since the formulation of the international Crimes Against Humanity laws, and the Nuremberg Code, and invariably breached them.
A known list of the experimental agents run through the orphanages of Australia since the Nuremberg Trials include vaccines for diphtheria, whooping cough, herpes, polio, influenza, measles, rubella, quadruple antigen, and human pituitary hormones.
It is also thought the testing of antipsychotic medications, anti-rejection medications (for use in organ transplants) and psychosurgical procedures were perfected in child welfare institutions before “going public”.
One of the experiments disclosed in 1997 was a 1950’s trial of a vaccine for the sexually transmitted disease herpes. Eighty-three babies aged six to eight months old had been infected with the disease when the experimental agent was found to be worthless.”
“Professor Blake said that the practices of the 1920s and 1930s would never be permitted by any Australian university today. Modern university researchers were accountable to ethics committees and to a range of other review bodies, he said.”
What a bad joke. Persons engaged in criminality don’t answer to a board of ethics — or anyone.
Thank you for the article Mary, and for your contributions Dee. I would just like to clarify that my father’s name is Allan Maxwell McIntyre, not Andrew McIntyre. Andrew is my brother. I am not a neuroscientist, and have no idea whether the things my father told me about Kuru and scrapie were the truth or not. Regardless, this was another method by which my father traumatised me as a child. There was an incident where my father kept some of the body part of one of his victims, and put it in the fridge. He told me after pulling out this body part in the fridge that it was ‘for my mother to cook’. I was only ten at the time. I became a part vegetarian from that moment forward, only eating chicken until I was old enough at 16 years of age to stop eating meat altogether. So whether Max (my father) was telling me the truth about Kuru or not, his assertions had a profound effect on my life. The pet magpie my father owned which he called Karu, after the disease, lived for many years. I have several letters from my father and others, discussing Karu the magpie. I believe these letters were sent to me to continue my traumatisation.
Rachel, your family did own a magpie called Karu (not Kuru – different name) and it was not crippled. Actually, the bird Karu belonged to one specific member of your family. Do you know who? I do. If you knew who owned the magpie Karu, you would realise that your timeline of stories does not even fit. Stretch your fevered mind back to realise the actual name of the magpie which did have an issue with its leg. it was not Karu. I know what the name of this magpie is??? Do you? Your stories are not factual and do not make any sense. And the leg you refer to that was supposedly in your fridge. You have claimed this leg belonged to Louise Bell. You have stated that publicly many times. Someone else with no connection to your father was tried and convicted of that crime on DNA evidence. Louise Bell was abducted in january 1983. You turned ten much later that year. Didn’t you? Had her leg been in the fridge in your family home, where you lived at the time with your mother and other siblings, it might have been pretty smelly by the time September rolled around, when you turned ten. Hmmmmm. Lots of things here don’t add up, really. Do they? Your own sister Ruth has stated that she believes your stories are lies. None of the stories you tell match the stories of your siblings (also delusions). How very strange. And how irresponsible of a publication like this to give you a forum and not recognise your actual problem – extreme mental health issues which should be taken care of by trainined professionals, instead of being showcased in a public forum like this. The publishers have a huge responsibility here. It is such a pity they are not being caring of your situation in any way.
Claire — your comments noted.
“And how irresponsible of a publication like this to give you a forum and not recognise your actual problem – extreme mental health issues.”
Dee, how’re we doin’ on the ad hominem moderation bit?
Rachel, if you’re “certifiable” I’ll eat my hat. You understand the above comment is actionable, right?
Claire Tracey Louise Bell was allegedly held captive for some time after her disappearance, then murdered and this was reported to Major Crime.
Oh my goodness, Julie-Anne Turner. This is someone’s child you are talking about. Stop talking about a poor little girl like this. Someone has been convicted of the crime based on DNA evidence. Everything Rachel has reported to police was immediately dismissed. She got timelines wrong. All incorrect and a delusion. At one stage, she reported this girl was brought home for her tenth birthday. Rachel turned 10 in September – several months after the abduction. This story is completely untrue and this is someone’s child. I won’t talk about it again. It’s so disturbing and disrespectful. I cannot believe you still support this fabrication.
Claire exactly someones child and hoping that Major Crime will get their act into gear and forensically investigate the Edwardstown property. As SAPOL have frequently claimed via mainstream media and in their police journals, “that no stone should be left unturned.”
Clare, there is a major anomaly with your claim of DNA verifying a victim in 1983. Science was only knocking at the door of DNA discoveries at the time, and could not be relied upon to make any claims definitively.
DNA deciding factors were not done in 1983. That all happened many, many years later: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/nov/11/louise-bell-case-dieter-pfennig-convicted-of-killing-schoolgirl
I must also mention that Rebekah Sharkie MP was instrumental in having my father Allan Maxwell McIntyre investigated in 2017 for a knife assault and rape he perpetrated against me as a small child. He died during the investigation. Ms Sharkie MP did not table this in Federal Parliament that I am aware of, as Mary has reported. I think Mary may have heard me incorrectly.
Yes, my error, sorry.
Nonetheless, I hope Rebekah Sharkie proceeds through beatification and canonization on schedule.
For an article to hold credibility it is necessary to ask the person whom you have gained information from, to first go over the text in order to eliminate any errors. This is someone’s life experiences and witness accounts that you have published here Mary Maxwell and most certainly not a joking matter or ambiguous as your articles denote to the reader.
Mary’s articles are filled with errors. She gets people’s names wrong. Names of corporations wrong. Claims police were places nobody else has ever said they were and clearly does no supportive research or proofreading – no verification of any kind. People just arrange to chat to her and tell her their story and she publishes it.
Here, someone who successfully won case – of father being charged for
abuse during childhood.. was compensated.
He died immediately after court decision.
She has said she would be available to connect for mentoring support to share with others re legal experience , reflections regarding best practice. Could come together as solidarity group: Raising awareness re standard practice of mind control and longstanding traditions of child torture and grooming.
I have contacted the office of Rebekha Sharkie. I look forward to receiving her insights into your claims.
Hi Rachel. I’ve only recently found out that I’ve been part of experimentation and I also have been sexually abused by someone known as my father. He was a Korean Vet as well. I have experience in just about all things, cryptoids, paranormal and of course aliens and abductions. I don’t have control it seems of my massive powers. They seem to trigger on when I am attacked or made extremely angry. It is enormously difficult to talk to anyone like myself. I found you through into the light news that I sometimes pickup. I have no problem sharing if you like. Indeed I think it would help
I do to hear from you.
warmly Jim
Your brother has retracted his statements & changed them several times. So yes please let’s bring them all out into to the open … from beginning to his last and see the authenticity in them.
Bobby longlegs or whatever you name is, how were you privy to such legal information? That is considered a breach of confidentiality for legal statements to be leaked out to people such as yourself. Shameful hey!
Maybe you should say that to those who so willingly handed over their “ stories “ to a journalist who exploited them ???? How have I leaked anything sweetheart !!! Shame on you for enabling someone with such issues
You do understand every choice or word we speak has a consequence ??
Is that a threat Bobby longlegs or rock spider protecter who ever you are?
You aren’t very bright dear. “ JOG ON JULES “
A lot smarter than you with a name like Bobby longlegs.
I also hope you understand the full ramifications of your stories. ? Your “ CREDIBILITY “ has now become null & void … especially with the Beaumont pages. Anybody with half an ounce of intelligence would not enable your stories what’s so ever !!!
I would be subtracting your stories from here Rachel any monies awarded to you will be taken for libel procedures . Rachel ,
you have implicated good standing citizens in your delusional fantasies over the years but this last story just shows me it’s worse than I ever fathomed !!! I will no longer be commenting or enabling your behaviour !!!
May God have Mercy on your Soul.
No I am not Claire either. !!!
With a name such as Bobby longlegs, that comes across as fake and delusional.
Yes. The person’s real name must certainly not be Bobby and perhaps, just perhaps, they really don’t actually have long legs. A definite delusion. Call security!
I wish this site had a like button LOL
One of many points regarding a apology to the scientific community for scientific commentary, surely the lay public have a right of autonomy to question all levels of authority? if Dianne de Vere comments are not enough to warn you of medical authority? whats wrong with Gumshoe?
What a confusing story? And maybe confused players.
Gumshoe News purports to report The Real News but these delusions are hardly news. They can be added to the long list of whacky accusations and fantasies shared in online forums and on social media.
Brigalow, you’re right. These could be whacky delusions. Is there a small chance they could have an element of truth?
I recall the extreme efforts by presidents and prime ministers to label anyone questioning the official 9-11 theory whacky and delusional. Even though the evidence 100% points to demolition. Like Josh Frydenburg — Australia’s new deputy leader — in his opening speech [correction; first question] called for the suppression of these 9-11 whackos.
Mary just put this interview on record. I have no idea how this story will unfold.
“Is there a small chance they could have an element of truth?” – It seems unlikely but time will tell. Is there any evidence at all to back up these claims? In some of the online forum posts over the past few years there have been some contradictory claims it seems.
Yes, that’s exactly the point Brigalow. Andrew & Rachel are wanting to back up their claims with evidence however it appears that SAPOL are doing their hardest to continue the cover up & divert attention elsewhere!!! Claire you will be the one with mud on your face one day……I’m sure that’s not new for you….in fact perhaps viewing your movies will show all?
Viewing my movies???? What are you talking about?
Brigalow what Rachel has mentioned is factual and a very unfortunate disease that does occur.
Disease? Aren’t we talking about the various claims of a family member’s alleged involvement with a wide range of abductions, murders, satanic rituals, cannibalism and so on?
I have quite honestly lost track of what is being talked about, Brigalow. So…supposedly Max Mcintyre had involvement in the Beaumont case. Supposedly he was a man who abused members of his family for years (while never laying a hand on others or enabling them to witness any of the abuse claimed). Supposedly, he was responsible for various other murders of children and adults. Supposedly, he routinely brought cadavers home and sold the meat to various people, as well as staff at Flinders Uni who used them all kinds of experimentation. Supposedly, he was responsible for the abduction of the Adelaide Oval girls. Oh, and he killed the Somerton Man in 1948. Then he also abducted Louise Bell and held her captive, before murdering her and serving her flesh to his family? Now, according to Rachel, he also imported a disease from PNG (where he had never been in his life) and threatened his daughter with it, after first delighting in crippling a pet magpie with it (although the name of the magpie Rachel shares as being crippled is entirely incorrect). Hmmmmm. No holes whatsoever in ANY of this that I can see. I have not even mentioned the claims of ritualistic Satanic abuse he was supossedly involved in, including mass killings in Belair National Park before large audiences of people. Then there is the unknown man Andrew claimed was murdered on the punt while crossing the Murray River at Loxton. Andrew claims in a stat dec that Max murdered a man in the backseat of his car, while the children were all present and then threw the man’s body off into the Murray River. Wonder where all the other people on the punt were? Nobody saw any of this and reported it. So many curiosities about all the stories being shared over the years. Can’t wait to read the big secret. In a family that does not seem to keep any secrets – they regularly share every aspect of their lives in every possible social media forum they can get access to – I AM curious.
Exactly! I am curious too Claire. Yes, I wonder where there others were on the punt, including the operator. Was there ever any evidence of a body washing up on the banks? I don’t recall one that wasn’t connected with a different set of circumstances. How many people were in that car by the way? Was it all six children, Max and the man? How big a car was it? Something doesn’t add up. I guess this is all in Andrew’s stat dec.
Wow, the Wikipedia page on Scott Morrison changed as they were announcing on the ABC that he was Australia’s new PM
re our “political leaders”
Marcus Aurelius Cicero’s quote on treason??
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
Noted. As yet there appears to be no evidence in this case. It will be interesting to see how the story unfolds. There is other evidence to negate some of Ms Vaughan’s claims. Thank you for opening this to inquiry and debate.
The Guardian, March 3, 2017
A mass grave containing the remains of babies and children has been discovered at a former Catholic care home in Ireland where it has been alleged up to 800 died, government-appointed investigators said on Friday.
Excavations at the site of the former Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway, have uncovered an underground structure divided into 20 chambers containing “significant quantities of human remains,” the judge-led mother and baby homes commission said.
October 21, 2010 CNN:
— The United States apologized Friday for a 1946-1948 research study in which people in Guatemala were intentionally infected with sexually transmitted diseases.
A statement by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius called the action “reprehensible.”
“We deeply regret that it happened, and we apologize to all the individuals who were affected by such abhorrent research practices,” the joint statement said. “The conduct exhibited during the study does not represent the values of the United States, or our commitment to human dignity and great respect for the people of Guatemala.”
May I ask what this discovery has to do with the case you have referred to in Adelaide?
That is the discovery in Ireland.
Brigalow-it is sadly very relevant it is all about eugenics
Nuclear experiments and Russian experiments on humans
this “might link” somehow to “Zombie Apocalypse”
cannabalism ??!!
and what does this have to do with the Beaumont Children case? Please let us know your theory and how it aligns with details of the disappearance of the Beaumonts who Andrew McIntyre and Rachel have claimed are buried on a property at Stansbury.
Oh dear, Diane de Vere, that is a hoax, surely you didn’t take this one web sites word for it and didn’t research the story.
Have you ever heard of a web site called Creepy Pasta? Look it up and type in Russian Sleep Experiment. You’ll see it’s all BS 🙂
Well said Deni.
Fox News Sept 19, 2006
TRIPOLI, Libya – Six foreign health workers jailed in Libya for years on charges of deliberately infecting children with the AIDS virus were convicted and sentenced to death in a case that has long sparked international outrage and did so again Tuesday.
The United States and Europe had called for the release of the five Bulgarian nurses and Palestinian doctor, warning Libya that the ruling would affect relations. Already the long trial has held up efforts by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to repair his rogue image and rebuild ties with the West. [!!!]
The nurses and doctor have been in jail since 1999 on charges that they spread the HIV virus to more than 400 children at a hospital in the Libyan city of Benghazi during a botched experiment to find a cure for the disease.
[Later did a deal to go home to Europe…]
When Fred Boyce and dozens of other boys joined the Science Club at Fernald State School in 1949, it was more about the perks than the science. Club members scored tickets to Boston Red Sox games, trips off the school grounds, gifts like Mickey Mouse watches and lots of free breakfasts. But Fernald wasn’t an ordinary school, and the free breakfasts from the Science Club weren’t your average bowl of cereal: the boys were being fed Quaker oatmeal laced with radioactive tracers.
The Fernald State School housed mentally disabled children along with those who had been abandoned by their parents. Conditions at the school were often brutal; staff deprived boys of meals, forced them to do manual labor and abused them.
[Some people will do anything for a Mickey Mouse watch.]
Is it possible to correct the spelling of your interviewee’s name in your headline?
Not sure what happened. The typo was corrected (thanks) but now seems to have reverted to the incorrect spelling. There are also references to Vaughn rather than Vaughan throughout the interview.
Do you mean to say Mary is not thorough in her research, writing and proofreading, Brigalow? I won’t hear of it!
But is eating someone’s flesh in such extreme conditions against the law? Not in the UK, according to Samantha Pegg, senior lecturer at Nottingham Trent University. “There is no offence of cannibalism in our jurisdiction,” Dr Pegg says. …
In cases of serial killers or sexually motivated cannibals, the charge is always murder, she says. In Germany, where there is also no offence of cannibalism, a court had to wrestle with a case where a man “offered” himself to be killed and consumed by an IT expert called Armin Meiwes.
Posted at ageofautism.com by Kathryn Simmons, July 13, 2015:
1999, on site in San Francisco. Late with vaccines but my brother was fine, talking, eating with spoons until we had to get it all when we returned to Maryland 7 months later. He is severe autistic, can’t but say his name, has bowel problems, and has destroyed the fabric of daily life. Thanks to modern medicine, the liars or delayers at CDC and HHS.
It is a scam. It is not a “genetic” epidemic, it doesn’t occur in these numbers in one generation. We have been scammed like those who were asked in the military to swallow “plutonium” who were in the military.
I do not know whether Rachel’s story is true or not but she should be given the chance to express her allegations and they should be thoroughly investigated, not only by the State Police. Its not good enough to say her claims have been investigated by police.
Some of us at Gumshoenews, know that at least some police cannot be relied upon to uncover crime and we know that the court and judicial system can be used to hide the truth from the public. You need look no further than the lies and deception of the official story and glaring lies told in court about the Port Arthur Massacre incident. Martin Bryant is in jail forever based on outright lies and false evidence.
This is not the only case of the authorities being involved in crime within Australia, to cover for the real criminals. In Western Australia alone in recent times, John Button, Darryl Beamish, Andrew Mallard and Lloyd Rainey are all cases where the authorities invented evidence to jail these people. In the Northern Territory, Bradley Murdoch is serving a life sentence for the murder of Peter Falconio who was never killed.
Isn’t there video of Bryant saying I hope you catch the person who did it – me ? and laughing about it?
We have never been shown the hours of interviews and how the interrogation unfolded. Only snippets to suit a TV program. They ignore the many many times he denied being there, claimed innocence, etc. To long to go into now… much on this site, but they could have solved the crime using fingerprint analysis and DNA of the shooter’s Solo can and tray in the cafe. But they could never do that. It would have exposed the real shooter — like why they had to shoot JD Tippet just after Kennedy’s assassination. When you realise the horrors of what has been done and ACHIEVED in the past, you become open to listening.
My mistake on the Claire thing Legs, apologies to you both..
I find Rachel has lost all credibility as well, especially with this last lot.
Was it worth losing your sister over this Rachel, I just hope she can find it in her heart to forgive you eventually, as for her trusting you again, if it was me i’d find it very hard!!!
Don’t waste your time Deni.
R doesn’t care who she walks on. Don’t give the light & they shall not grow.
Rachel has lost more than one sister. She lost her older sister to suicide too – poor Clare was harangued into supporting similar delusions and she refused. The prolonged harassment of her and the insistence of Rachel and her partners in crime to relentlessly hound Clare in a desperate attempt to get her to go along with a fantasy story they concocted is what led to Clare’s suicide. So much has already been lost and this publication gives the lies a new home without checking any evidence and without doing any research. No research and to hell with consequences. Much like another so-called investigative reporter I know. Goodbye, Gumshoe. I would say it’s been swell. But it’s simply been utterly stupid.
Claire how dare you blame Rachel for Clare’s death. That is just below the lowest. No way is Rachel responsible and that is slanderous.
Slanderous ? No way are others responsible for Rachel’s actions either. Just remember that Jules you little sex kitten
Bobby longlegs who ever you are “sex kitten” is an illuminati term and used on many MK-ultra victims. This is not just criminality on this earth but a spiritual war. Through the grace of GOD our Creator in heaven, more powerful than Lucifer, I’m NOT a sex kitten. I denounce Lucifer whom you obviously worship Bobby and the almighty God is more powerful with the heavenly angles. The truth will prevail through our almighty God!
Claire you clearly demonstrate a lack of insight & humanity. Clare did not suicide. How can one break one’s own neck without a proper hanging? Apparently she was found in the corner of the yard with a broken neck, no tree to hang from thus there appears to be foul play involved. Yet another cover up since SAPOL are not interested investigating.
That’s up to the coroners report isn’t it. Disgusting putting this on a open forum
Certainly was not Max if that’s what your implying !!!! Be very careful of your words. This should not be on a open forum. Unacceptable !!!
You have some very incorrect information there, eyeswideopen.
My beautiful sister Clare hung herself not in the ‘corner of the yard where there is no tree’,she was found by the back door. She used the pergola. Ruth was her closest friend,they were extra close due to losing their mother at a young age. Ruth,Andrew and Rachel persecuted Clare and made up horrific stories about her because she wouldn’t corroborate their twisted delusions…..because that is what they are!!! I lived at Macklin Street. If it was so bad,why did Ruth return as a young single mother,supported by my mother and father for the first four years of her child’s life? I tell you, its all untrue,driven by Andrew’s desire to destroy my father.
It has destroyed our family and has created a whole new set of victims. The poor people who bought Macklin Street! Innocent people,traumatised by Rachel and her friends’ actions. Its just appalling. All the other people who have been dragged in,I mean poor old Humphrey Bear for crying out loud! If enough people questioned the ridiculous elements of their stories,they’d realise they just fall apart. Men in black suits guarding the street so Dad could show Ruth the bodies…. really. In one of her stories,she says a couple drove by with their mouths open! How did they get past the cordon.
Please,everyone,my father is an innocent man,he’s gone now ,can we show him some respect….and some respect to the children taken and their families left behind,being re-traumatised again and again because of group psychosis and false memories. They overtake the real ones. They don’t remember the special times we had as a wonderful,blended family of six children. I could go on and on. I know I shouldn’t get involved in these forums but that comment about Clare got to me. The Coroner thoroughly investigated her death. There were no signs of violence. She was still beautiful. I miss her so much.
Please explain why you have noted my response ? I did not realise I was in grade 1 ? It’s a public website & my replies are validated with truth. The audience is everything right Dee ? I’m also a mandatory reporter for child protection. Do I need to say anymore ???
Bobby, don’t take this the wrong way, but in my 68 years I’ve discovered that there are hundreds, if not thousands of people in our society who ensure they place themselves securely in the vicinity of children for their own nefarious purposes.
To stand up in public, (as you have done) and proclaim you are a mandatory reporter for child protection, does not have any authority or meaning behind it whatsoever. It’s quiet enlightening, that you seem beholden to advise us all, of your lofty position.
I knew an individual, who used to make himself available at our local goals, counceling juveniles,(no qualifications at all ) on their rights, and then having them released into his care until the Court hearings. In the meantime, he could do as he pleased with these juveniles, whilst the whole time, proclaiming he’s performing a wonderful caring deed. It all ended when his wife caught him with one of the juveniles. So please, if you wish to maintain creditability, don’t try to snow us with your alleged comittments to juveniles, (even if they are legitimate, and I’m not saying, that they are not.) you shouldn’t find yourself needing to brag about it on an open forum like this. B.T.W. where I worked, everyone based there, were all privy to what was going on, and never once, ever lifted a finger to do anything about it, with the exception of myself and one other individual.
Sadly you are spot on and there are many infiltrators within the institutions that call themselves names and in ‘child protection’ or DHS for instance that are allegedly selecting vulnerable children to place into State care and then trafficked/exploited. Question what really happened to little William Tyrrell?
Point being Eddy ??
You obviously have zero knowledge on these stories.
publicised on social media – now here for years on end ? Dieter Pfennig Was convicted with DNA evidence who is currently serving 35 years Gaol for lousie & a boy … Rachel did not eat Louise bell leg for a family meal !!! Don’t any of you realise how serious these allegations are? Do you think it is of sound mind to continue to make these claims ? Correct me if I’m wrong ? Departments have a job to do. They do their best with limited resources Julie . Yes DOCS have made many mistakes over the decades. They are bound by red tape . They certainly DO NOT TRAFFIK our children!!! Have you witnessed this Julie ??? We are in 2018 sweetheart !! Stop looking back you’ll end up with a sore neck. Unless we as a society move on from the past we all will be stuck there blaming the system yet do nothing to move it forward !! I’m
Done with you lot !! Shame shame shame that you all can tolerate such henious allegations and allow them to continue. !!!! Yes Dee I’m
Noted !!!
DNA that has since been disputed and I cant remember which ‘expert’ who said it was “flimsy evidence at best”
Well said Eddy!!! I’m pleased you have some insight! Long legs…..I am witness to a well organised child trafficking ring whereby social workers, psychologists, police, judiciary & more are all involved. False reports are created & chidren are removed from protective parents & placed in the hands of paedophiles. Long legs……to move forward in the child protection system we must expose the past filth & make these monsters accountable for their action. I will repeat myself by saying that all the allegations of Rachel & Andrew can be tested if SAPOL or Major Crime would get off their backsides & investigate! Those who do nothing are as guilty of the crime as the perpetrator.
But they have investigated. Their claims were dismissed.
Arn’t we all mandatory reporters for child protection, or would that be moral reporters?
Saying it in a forum such as this gives Longlegs more credibility in my opinion, whereas most people would just move past this post and not care, she/he makes sure we all know what she’s doing to help, they are not big noting themselves!!
The transcript of Dieter Pfennig’s trial is available online and details the DNA evidence that saw him convicted. There are other factors that support his conviction. Perhaps seek it out and have a read. Highly unlikely that LB ended up in a fridge at Edwardstown. More likely to be near a body of water. We should be mindful that family members could read these posts and avoid descriptions that are overly graphic.
Why must the story zig zag all over the place to Martin Bryant, 911, mass graves in Ireland et cetera? Can we not focus on one story per article? I realize that this is considered a global phenomenon but bringing all these other stories in tends to cloud the discussion.
What is the article actually about? A record of interview – yes. Zombies? (Is this related in anyway to the Beaumont case? …Or all of the other cases that the interviewee has claimed her father was involved in – the Somerton Man, the NCA Bombing, Louise Bell, The Beaumonts, The Family Murders (even though BVE is in jail for one or two of these). Is it possible to interview about the Beaumont case in a single episode and publish the transcript? (even though it occurred about 7 years before the interviewee was born). Is it possible to provide evidence to support these claims and to correct all errors before hitting the publish button?
Is it possible to discuss intelligently and debate without resorting to personal attacks and name calling?
“Is it possible to discuss intelligently and debate without resorting to personal attacks and name calling?”
Sure. In fact it’s very rare for a Gumshoe article to have comments that include personal attacks or name calling. I can hardly recall a single instance of it.
Correct Mary
It’s a very heated subject
Eyes wide open :
SAPOL do not believe they are credible!! How can you possibly push something that is proven to be false ? Whether we agree or disagree here it’s been proven that SAPOL discredit them & Max was cleared of these doings. !! There are reasons behind why Max took them out the will !!! Max didn’t just wake up one day and thought to himself oh I’ll change my will !!! There is a bigger picture here !! Major crime just arent some back yard snoop dogs like half these social media pages they are well trained intelligence detectives. !!
One day the story of truth will be told to the general public. I will not be the one who has egg on my face. That I can assure you.
How can this be resolved if SAPOL have made a “judgement” not to investigate?
The courts decide credibility when evidence is presented AFTER an investigation.
I am extremely saddened how this is obviously so hurtful for so many people.
I understand that they investigated in 2007 and cleared M.McIntyre. Perhaps Gumshoe News could interview SAPOL / Major Crime? Would they speak I wonder?
Seems like this series of articles have had a whole team allocated to deal with them.
A whole team of back yard detectives ! Someone who edited an interview with MAX MCINTYRE for his own agenda to get the story out there !! At the end of the day this person is self indulged and has his own agenda!
The exploitation of certain people and facts that were false truths is very wrong.!!
Furiously working by gas light.
Lucifier Julie ?
Seriously!! Shaking my head !! Your a typical Christian always shaming others for an opinion !! You call yourself a woman of God talking like that !!!
The problem with that dementia chart is that government-issue stats are no more trustworthy than compulsory vaccination.
I’ve no doubt whatsoever that that the bulk of autism/ADD/dementia diagnoses are politically actuated: you’d be hard pressed to think of a better way of mass dis-empowerment.
I had a head-on encounter with number fudging in Nov ’94 when I and two other women tried to find out how many “school exemption certificates” had been issued within the Albany Region of W. A’s Education Department( at the time the State was divided into 5 self-governing “regions” ). We also asked for the State-wide figure.
Turned out to be a 300 + discrepancy between the number given by the Regional Office and a local opposition member and, according to a Perth based home-ed support group, the official State-wide figure was a good 1000 head short of the actual record.
Back then most home-ed families were, of course, operating “off-the books”: So far as I’m concerned the sociopolitical significance remains commensurate to the complete absence of any media attention.
Claire Halliday/Bobby/Deni?/and Brigalow? I have my fathers audio tapes from 2011, several of them. In those tapes Max discusses his life and predilections with another alleged paedophile. Im working through them. I can say that they are in themselves terribly damning, and exactly the type of revolting statements as have already been reported by that REAL journalist you like to denigrate. YOU mention Clare’s ‘suicide’ then state it shouldn’t be discussed in a public forum. You name an alleged victim of my father here then state it shouldnt be discussed. Shame on YOU. The fact that you are on this site having a three way conversation with YOURSELF (Claire/Bobby/Brigalow?) indicates that you, and others, are very worried about my allegations being aired. Why? If I were so delusional, then why are you being paid to troll every site I have ever commented on? Don’t you have any books to write? Bored? Or just a professional silencer? Good luck on that mission. You will need it once Ive published Max’s own words. It is Max who has tied you all up in this mess. Whom you describe as a ‘poor sweet old man’. Perhaps reserve some vitriole for him too. You may also wish to divulge the rape you suffered, allegedly inflicted by a member of my family. You have told me you discussed this rape openly in one of your books, so it is a matter for public consumption. It is my understanding that my family hushed this rape up, as well as the same perpetrators rape of one of my siblings. Is that the REAL reason you are so bitter? Hmmmmmm? With regard to Dieter Pfennig, you forget to mention that he has been convicted for the murders of two missing children whose bodies were never found. In Louise Bells case he was convicted on DNA evidence on a pyjama top which was LEFT OUT TO BE FOUND. Left out by the true perpetrator perhaps? To tie Pfennig up in the crime should I ever speak up. DNA was known about in 1983. The fact that the Family murder victims were washed after they were murdered indicates the perpetrator knew about DNA and removed it on purpose. Raymond Geising was ALSO convicted of Louise Bells murder in 1985 then exonerated. There were Geisings living not far from my fathers Edwardstown home. Coincidence? The person paying you for your commentary/vitriole is up to her neck in this. Be careful whom you associate with.
Someone is paying me??? What are you talking about? And I know you struggle with the idea that people do not believe your story but I am not brigalow or long legs. There are many others who doubt your stories.
That’s great that you have the 2011 audio recordings Rachel of Max discussing his life with another pedophile. Have you tried handing these over to SAPOL in the past 7 years? Perhaps you could upload some pertinent snippets to a Soundcloud account and post the link here so that we can understand what argument you are making. You know there are some tapes in the library of Max being interviewed about his life don’t you? The transcript makes interesting reading. Who was the interviewer for the 2011 tapes?
Thank you, Rachel. It’ a miracle you can endure such beleaguring.
Francis Thompson, “Hound of Heaven”:
“Ah, must Thou char the wood ere Thou canst limn with it?”
Paid? Association? Not this independent participant. Just following these cases. I do hope that every avenue and every piece of evidence is explored and welcome the solving of these cases. Yes, good point about Geesing but he was only convicted on hearsay – the testimony of a fellow inmate who accused Geesing of the murder.
Four inmates colluded I believe.
Having monitored this site across many years, I can only say that such an unusual and determined onslaught against Rachel (and brother) — and to silence her — is a major RED FLAG. The actions of many here trying to claim Rachel is insane, are only encouraging a serious investigation to counter “don’t look here”.
And for Rachel to get out there knowing this vitriol is coming her way, is astonishingly brave. I doubt any person would ask for that.
I guess that the more Rachel is actively targeted here, the more supporters she will gather.
I could quite happily do without all this. But it has now made me more determined to post a follow up article in the coming week. (which is NOT about Rachel)
I look forward to each new instalment. The tunnels…Andrew’s big secret. I can scarcely imagine, so I hope I do not have to merely imagine for long. I thought the zombie apocalypse story might have taken the cake but I feel sure there is even more exciting stuff to come.
“There are no words of comfort that can hope to ease the pain
Of losing homes and loved ones the memories will remain
Within the silent tears you’ll find the strength to carry on
You’re not alone, we are with you. We are Australian!”
Claire Halliday: Here are my father Allan ‘Max’well McIntyre’s own words on the death of his daughter, and my beloved sister, Clare McIntyre.The same sister whose funeral the McIntyre family refused to allow me to attend in 2009:
Allan Maxwell McIntyre, 2012: ‘My daughter Clare rang major crime on the last day of her life saying she was in fear of her life yet major crime dismissed her as insane and will not investigate her death. I am more than ever convinced that the harassment of myself and daughter is payback for my 40 years as a union branch councillor ATEA together with my work with the Federal police in exposing corruption. I am just a whistle blower getting my just desserts. Clare had three degrees and a diploma in clinical physiology was a high school teacher how dare major crime dismiss her as insane and refuse her help on the last day of her life.’
This letter my father sent to the major crime detective in Adelaide who interviewed me at the major crime offices regarding the Louise Bell disappearance in June 2012. It likely arrived after I had been assured by major crime that my allegations were to be seriously investigated, and just before major crime rudely dismissed my allegations and announced another foray into Dieter Pfennig’s back yard at Holly Rise for Louise Bells remains.
The Holly Rise dig in 2012 was another futile search which yeilded nothing, like the previous search at that property, as well as the laughable Castalloy dig for the Beaumont children earlier this year.
You may want to at least consider that the Adelaide major crime department don’t have all of the answers regarding these crimes? After all, there are SO many cold case in South Australia!
The person who furnished me with this astonishing 2012 letter penned by my father has since gone missing. He went missing shortly after our father declared he would be a beneficiary in his will. I hope to God that he is ok. I fear that he is not.
My father’s reference here to his work with the Federal Police exposing corruption may well refer to the important papers of research which my father bequeathed to his nephew, former leader of the liberal party Martin Hamilton Smith MP in his 2010 will.
Marty retired this year. I wonder what he has to say about those papers of research?
Anyone reading all these comments posted here, can only come to one conclusion. Disregarding the article itself, it appears that arid South Australia is a swamp of corruption yet to be drained.
Best that all concerns be consistently and unhesitatingly reported
to Police and MPs – by all those with cause for concern regards the safety of children , concerns re safety &integrity of state institutions / depts and private institutions and agencies –
because “arid SA is a swamp of corruption” is the only reasonable conclusion.
So SA people would do well to report – truth-tellers – speak out
– Speak up
and shine a light – help whole truth
and nothing but the truth
come to light
The cops and people of high power are all in on it why do you think all her complaints have been ignored so far this is what they do when they’re paid or told to shut the fk up and ignore complaints. it’s corruption at its highest I would stop at nothing for justice in fact I would cut their penises of slowly with my teeth then let the muslims behead them like the evil animal they are I hope they like hell because that’s where they’re headed
To those who don’t believe what would you do would you be the weakling who hides because your a coward or would you come forward for justice NO MATTER WHAT?? You are ignorant…you may as well be a paadophile too.
Claire Halliday the mind boggles at the side swiping and full frontal attacks that purge from you. One cant help but wonder; what is your vested interest in all of this? Because there definitely is one and it has nothing to do with wanting anything for anyone else but your own interests. What is it that you are so obviously desperate to keep hidden? You seem to think the more you scream out and do all you can to discredit Rachel and Andrew that you are shutting down avenues open to them. On the contrary, all you are managing to do is make it more obvious as time goes by that ‘she protests too much’ especially with the low blows and deeply personal insults that are cementing into your style now. And as they seem to be more and more frequent, under your own name and/or any of the number of different ones you use; the walls of truth that are closing in around you must seem suffocating.
Its been said that authors promote; whereas writers write. And that promoting is not writing – its just being an author. I have read your offerings as i was curious. You are definitely an author
The cops and people of high power are all in on it why do you think all her complaints have been ignored so far this is what they do when they’re paid or told to shut the fk up and ignore complaints. it’s corruption at its highest I would stop at nothing for justice in fact I would cut their […………edited by moderator] like the evil animal they are I hope they like hell because that’s where they’re headed
To those who don’t believe what would you do would you be the weakling who hides because your a coward or would you come forward for justice NO MATTER WHAT?? WATO You are ignorant…you may as well be a paadophile too BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY YOUVE NEVER BEEN ABUSED SO HAVE NO IDEA I HAVE AND I KNIW HOW SNEAKY TGESE DIDGISTING CREATURES ARE RACHEL I BELIEVE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING YOU HAD TO SAY AMD I SINCERELY HOPE YOU GET JUSTICE BECAUSE MINE GOT AWAY WITH IT. I wish I could help you I wouldn’t be afraid to fight those sneaky animals with you.
Does everyone that doesn’t believe Rachel and Andrew have to have an agenda Wato? All I want is the truth, and i’m sure that’s all Claire and the others that disagree want too!!
Deni I do believe certain individuals have their owm agenda in all this for sure.
I dont believe just because somebody disagrees that makes them dodgy. But you have to admit there seem to be certain individuals who have gone out of their way to bait Ruth, Rachel and Andrew and not just the odd comment here are there. From so called childhood friends?? They’ve gone to the lengths of personally attacking them to downright character assassination. Anybody who believes in what they say to be true would never taint that truth with underhanded tactics; they just wouldnt risk it. While trying to destroy they haven’t even given thought to how mentally unhinged they themselves are being seen or how they are damaging their own credibility. That screams to the average person that there is a lot more at stake, the depths on which some have gone to would automatically red flag them
With respect Wato, we’ll have to agree to disagree!
Willow – YOU FREAK!!
Be glad you’re on the other side of a screen – you call me a pedophile?? I’ve obviously never been abused?? How the f[—] would you know??? I’m on Rachaels side – you MORON. If you were a part of any of the groups you’d know that…if you had an ounce of intelligence just reading the post PROPERLY you might have worked that out. Im a pedophile?? You are vile and disgusting and somewhere there is a village missing its idiot
It seems a pretty simple thing for the police to dig up the small slab at Edwardstown and prove or disprove all of this. How hard can it be. Its no small effort for anyone to go through all this just for attention. From looking at the google earth images of the house the block may well get excavated for a development. If this site is about sleuthing maybe some research into who bought it. It went for 600+k. large block and lots of small bits of cement in the yard. Who knows. Really only one person at the moment. It is an awful lot to process. scary stuff! I would be suprised if any owner of the property did not want to end all this either way by allowing a simple dig.
Rachel and Andrew , It is awful what you have been through, what you have with your father and other people who are trying to discredit what you are saying , by reading your posts on many blogs I do hope that you finally bring a end to all these horrendous acts by vile so called humans !!!, and to help for other tormented famalie’s , and to those other so called humans who are basically calling you liars , shame on them , It does appear after reading so much on that woman Claire , she for some unknown reason is trying to make you out to have mental issues , it appears she as a fiction writer is out to make money on a book for her own personal gain ,Such a shameful lowlife act on any author to cash in on somesone’s grief , Wishing you and your brother all the best
It’s such a pity that you have stopped comments on the new post of Andrews testimony to the ITNJ, i’m sure there are plenty of people that would love to comment!!