AI recreates moments of Oct 7 abductions. As Israel marks the somber nine-month milestone of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre, an innovative project is leveraging AI-edited video clips to shed light on the hostages’ harrowing experiences.
A selection of videos as “entertainment” for the second last day of 2024.
AI War Creations
A fascinating report from Max Igan.
He covers a number of topics, like drones, but from around 41 minutes he discusses the videos from October 7th — and that many were most likely AI generated. He reflects his interview with Matt Guerton and how many of the videos demonstrates AI artifacts in the videos.
The original interview: How Israel Faked the Oct 7th Attack – A Conversation with Matt Guertin
What Happened to the Detention Centers for Dissidents?
The Redacted Video below was posted 6 months ago. The report “America is secretly building large scale detention facilities in all 50 states. Will they be used to house illegal immigrants? The answer is no and the real reason is far more nefarious. Former customs and border protection, supervisor JJ Carrelll shares this unbelievable story. You can pre-order J.J.’s new documentary called Treason right here: https://thisistreason.com“
Well, since Trump will be moving into the White House, maybe we’ll find out from Tom Holman why these facilities were built. Or was this simply a “construction rort”?
Depopulation Drugs and The Spike
The People’s Voice video: “Moderna Secretly Allowed China to Insert ‘Depopulation’ Drugs into COVID Jabs – Media Blackout”.
Free Energy and Time
Another Redacted interview, “We’ve DISCOVERED Time Travel but it’s NOT what you think” Ashton Forbes” …”Is our deep state sitting on free energy. The idea that we could travel instantaneously to different parts of the world for free. Could we heat our homes, run all of our devices on free energy?”
“You LOSE Your Tariff Card” – How Trump’s Panama Canal TAKEOVER Could Save The U.S. From China” Valuetainment
Jason A “Something Strange is Going on…”
So does Max Igan also maintain that all the footage of the Palestinians celebrating October 7 is fake ?
Or that they’re so stupid they got duped?
Were they tricked into reveling in mass carnage thereby rendering themselves an accessory thereto ?
Why would you believe stuff that was cooked up later, eg. think of 11-9 and the pentagong hit, everyone was saying how did the plane fit entirely in the hole, and later all sorts of official witnesses came along later to say they saw the plane go in the hole at ground level.
An argument that has no bearing at all on the implications of celebrating a massacre on the basis that it did take place and that it was the work of your team-mates
I’m not on Hamas team and it’s a Zionist Organisation anyway
Another ludicrous claim that’s totally irrelevant to the Palestinian celebration of 7th October:
“These were not Palestinian protests they were Palestinian celebrations. They were out in the streets celebrating acts of kidnap rape and murder committed by Hamas. That is actually what was going on on our streets yesterday. just have a look at these scenes from Kensington High Street
right outside the Israeli embassy. These pictures were from earlier in the evening. I can assure you as the evening went on there were bottles flying and things got a little bit more heated”
Surely you must know there’s idiots everywhere, why are you trying to say one bunch of idiots is more idiotic than another bunch, “o ye casters of stones beware the motes in your eyes” from Jesus 1.01 New World Order Version
Why are you trying to dismiss a clear-cut case of murderous intent as mere”idiocy”?
The truth is that we’re all destined to be judged, not on the basis of our deeds or lack thereof, but on the condition of our hearts
“But I tell you that men will give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.
For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
MATTHEW 12: 36 – 37
“Israel Faked the Oct 7th Attack”
How about arguing that the Southport murders weren’t carried out by that teenage Isis affiliate, it was really the dance-class teacher that dunnit.
No argument on my behalf that teaching little girls to model themselves on the likes of Taylor Swift could be just as ruinous in the long run
What merits far more attention is that, inasmuch as identifying a problem, Islam is right
But so far as the attempted solution goes, it’s wrong
Whereas each & every “Western-style” democracy revolves round, not only denying said problem, but relying on it’s expansion/perpetuation in order to maintain control
As evidenced by the normalisation of Taylor Swift-style “themes”
“inasmuch as identifying a problem, Islam is right
But so far as the attempted solution goes, it’s wrong”
So the final solution will be heralded via Islam as follows?
“When the transgressors have come to their fullness
When human rebellion against God, and His laws and His standards and His righteousness has reached its peak,
that will release the antichrist.”
I wouldn’t have guessed you went for ladyboys like Tayla Swift
Knew you would love Max💁🤪
Just ignore it all, it’s not in court under oath.
3.07 🙀
Not that being under oath means anything anymore
When any fool can simply “affirm” his/her own purported virtue
Manipulated theatre.
total agreement there
Commenter Ned already forced me to watch Max yesterday so by now I have forgotten it. But depop is a world wide thing and here is a video which attracted me by being un-flashy, no bells and whistles, and feeding my suspicions about fake population numbers served up to the world by you-know-WHO in Geneva.
Forgotten it.?
Well that is why the war crimes are continuing because some cannot see and could not care less like the commander who attacked a four year old and HORRIBlY BEAT AND BROKE BONES AND THE SOLDIERS UNDER HIS COMMAND THINK THAT IS THEIR JOB AND THE WILL GET SWAY WITH IT
Really Joe on this day your most disappointing comment and attitude HAS TO BE RECORDED since I noted your attacks on ODGERS.
HAVE you ever seen a little four year old terrorist?
5:12 PM
I didn’t attack Plodgers, I told him to stop attaching his insults to my comments but like any bully he turned sooky.
With Commenter Berry calling me a Hamas terrorist and you calling me a Zio-pig I must have found the sweet spot !!!
Once I was tasked with rectifying a two-year-old terrorist and I did an excellent job, it was a lot of work. By the time he was three he had renounced terrorism. As for the sausage factory you are concerned with, even Jared Kushner has mentioned what great real estate that is. It looks like the expansions for Greater Zion are really underway since all the pipeline ideas seem to have failed, controlling Suez is not negotiable.
I don’t buy petrol so by choice I’m not funding it, have not been for more than 20 years. My choice since Iraq not to fund it.
You calling me (you) a Zionist pig!
Joe, get a grip. I have never called you so or implied so, as to either aspects.
Please. a retraction is in order. OR CITE THE MATERIAL PARTICULARS, SUBSTANTIATING YOUR ALLEGATION. My disappointment as expressed grows.
Anyway, pending such, have fun with Real Mary today at:
http:/www.beforeitsnews.com. People powered news:
If you note it, OK you can just forget it, no matter to me.
Others might be interested… especially what my catholic brother honchos in Wollongong did to Georgina. If evil is found I have a duty to bring it to notice. I think from about 40 mins.
SO TO ALL CATHOLICS, are you going to sit back and not follow and support Christ’s work?
NO? The If not piss off!
I retract including your disappointment wherever you may have inserted it, but not including historical facts surrounding Plodgers and other substantial material particulars unrelated to your insertion, ah, assertion.
( Now look, you have even made the word “assertion” look offensive ). Plodgers constant offensive attacks on me were very material and global, done with pixels. Lock him up.
Now back to the four year old alleged terrorist.
Have you?
You are too judgemental, as I mentioned I stopped buying petrol after the Iraq war, nobody should buy petrol and we use too much plastic too. All this international trade is a racket.
I was amongst the early-adopters of the word genocide in relation to the Gaza clear out, I don’t want to be challenged on details.
Anyone buying petrol should stop funding the objectives surrounding Greater Zion – if they care to.
Christianity and Judaism.
One gets to heaven by worshiping Jesus Christ and the other by killing Him.
Sounds cool.
Maybe we can all work something out together?
The Romans were not silly, they knew they needed a patsy.
Take on the Roman tax collection system at your own peril.
Is every court involved in a highly political situation a kangaroo court ? ? ?
He never really fit any of those institutions too well did He?
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
Hey wait a minute, that was the real Jews He is speaking to!
There are laws about that sort of thing.
Get this guy right off before He gets GSN closed down.
He is an existential threat to 21st century Israel.
“Ye are of your father the devil”
So you reckon that when the Canberra mob gets judged like so every man, woman and child who identifies as being Australian will be automatically likewise condemned
Very interesting
You are the one that had that idea. But sure, where’s His supporting data?
If you wish to hear the good Jews, click the link above. Ignore their knowlege and wisdom at your own expense. If you only want to hear the deceptive naughty ones, that is the true antisemitism.
Steven and Jana Ben-Nun refreshing insights.
The “big guy” weirds me out (1 min)
Sir Keir’s Vintage Hits not incl. Release the Sausages (4 min)
There is a part of all of us that needs to be weirded out.
I don’t believe in Bible bashing, at least when it involves injecting scripture without informed consent. Christianity will need to speak its own language if its part in the Middle East mess is to be understood.
The title is adjusting to new reality.
We all know what wins when theology meets reality.
Christianity and Jesus are not the same thing.
Here is me still thinking that Jesus is on the side of reality.
In Conversation With Dr E Michael Jones #2- A Time Of Never Ending War
Excellent discussion.
Consciousness meeting repression.
Tyranny and sexual liberation coexisting to control the docile masses.
How about examing the scientific EVIDENCE EXPOSING A OLD REALITY.
Turn you mind upside down and chuck preconceived presentations of the claimed BS HISTORY FED TO US NOW.
The discussion to wake you and your grandchildren is available….. how about the engineers reading this? Get a scientific grip, not to forget those resting their minds on written alleged historic beliefs.
You lot are in for a shock.
Ref: from two Australians; Ross Coulthart interviewing Ben Vankyrwick (sp?)
The link is too long for me to manually cite, but has been sent to Terry and Dee.
In short, Ben refers to our humanity now assessed at up to a million years …. THE TEETH WE NOW HAVE💁
The first 20 mins will have a normie off his chair.
In the second half, the normie engineers will discover their present day inadequacies to produce the objects found in Egypt and further back.
Got the attention of you normies now?🙀
Spend the time or just remain a dumb sucker …… BAAAAA!
I did archaeology at Uni for two years…. It was all bullshit, I should get a refund. … I still have one text, that can be used to substantiate my claim…. Huge book we called the Big Dawn….. claimed that civilisation started with farming in Mesopotamia. Right🤪🤪💁🤪🤪
I just received at this moment a positive on the interview with a message from G5.
So there! Have fun Elspeth et.al.
1.04 PM
Correction: the message was not from G5 but an associate with a theory on the DELICATE items…… even if, it is a lost technology and not known to day or explained. Then again it would be a technology demonstrating and confirming Ben’s theory about prior advanced civilizations.
A melting theory has been projected.
I have read reports that the ‘secret’ tunnelling system has/is been used to create all those tunnels over the world in FAST TIME PER MILE. ….. and magnetic trains whizzing through.
Well, we know that those tunnels and transport reported by various WAY OUT reports do not exist….. RIGHT!🙀🤷♂️🤪🤪🤪🤪
And of course there would hardly be any technically advanced civilisations down there, would there be?
2.04 PM
We did melting a few years ago, there was an advertisement for some new car or product in a tunnel and the walls seemed glazed, the speculation was atomic powered laser or plasma cutting, but if the ground is unstable like clay or silt etc., unstable sea-beds with sedimentary rocks it wouldn’t work so well, but great for Switzerland where it’s all granite and suchlike
Clif High just co-incidentally, walked in with his say at
http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people….. etc.
Interesting title
‘journal – all religions will …… when we meet the aliens.’
‘Happy New ………… WORLD’, enjoy the FIREWORKS🔥💁🙀🤪
2.25 PM
Well what ever reality has to throw at us, bring it on. We are who we are. EB and I would be on the same page if I could be pursuaded she seeks peace and truth. We could have better debates too. Im catching plane. Will respond to your links when I am in the Philippines,, if I am not too distracted.
My last two comments have gone!
Wonder why?
2.28 PM
Now three gone🙀
Going for the quadie!
Oh. Sad me I missed the Quade🤷♂️
‘C’mon Leave a Reply, Debate and Add to the Discussion.’
This news site is joking right?
You’ve got a major troll problem, which you refuse to address, people will go elsewhere.
I’m always bemused by randoms directly telling publishers what to do.
The M$M had a censorship crackdown in 2019 and where are the comments sections now ? Paywalled I guess but I’m not interested in funding the M$M so I don’t know.
Reminds me I was going to put in a story somewhere about premonition type of events, everyone knows they got a feeling before a phone call or whatever, I had a few funny ones somewhat more substantive.
I went up the hill to look around and went down a particular road for no particular reason and after a minute of two of walking I decided “there’s nothing here” and went back, a few years later my first house was down that road.
Another time, I went to what was then the end of the train line to look around and started walking west across a carpark, then I thought what am I doing, there’s nothing there, and went back. A couple of years later my best career forming job was right there, exactly where I was headed.
Another time, the ex-wife ( don’t worry we are on excellent terms ) got sick of me telling her leave me alone I have to work, got very upset, went walking far up the road 2 or 3 km and where she ended up was where I bought my new house, about 6 house blocks away.
Another time, I went to the mall, it was on an elevated site, I was looking out east for something I don’t know what, like I expected something to be there in the distance or anywhere, of course there was nothing, until some years later that’s where the ex-wife bought her dream home, it was part of my view about 1km away.
There was always nothing there,,,, yet.
I wonder if Commenter Berry has ever written up an actual article about the demons experiences for the Gumshoe News. I am quite interested in people’s religious experiences but some of these YouTube interviews go on and on so by the end your mind has just gone blank. It’s good to have a transcript or written summary especially when there is a lot of very familiar well-worn sorts of material in the mix, causing a blank-out.