Home Trump After Frankfurt, Options: Investigations, New State Laws, a Constitutional Amendment, Court Rulings,...

After Frankfurt, Options: Investigations, New State Laws, a Constitutional Amendment, Court Rulings, Civil War, Secession, Postponement of Electors’ Meeting

Texas Governor Allen West, photo thetexassignal.com

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Allegedly, there was much cheating in the November 3, 2020 voting for a US president. Some people have been told that the complaints only reflect the fact that Trump is a sore loser. Several of his court attempts have failed and so it seems to many citizens that the case is closed.

I am not able to be authoritative as to 2020 election fraud.  I was a candidate for president myself during the New Hampshire Republican primary. On February 11, 2020, Trump got 129,000 votes, Gov William Weld got 12,000 and Yours Truly got 926 votes. I think it was monitored fairly.

Still, if major cheating indeed occurred on November 3, we need to consider what should be done. There are many possibilities.  In this article, I inventory seven of them. I will use the dates involved for this actual year, but it won’t be about the real Trump and Biden. It is a hypothetical. These are the methods by which any presidential candidate could seek help.

Key Constitutional Provisions

Let me preface the discussion with a quick recap of the law.

There are three places to go to find the law governing this matter.  First, in Article II of the US Constitution, written in 1787, we find that president and vice president get chosen by a few Electors from each state.  (Note: they don’t meet nationally in an “Electoral College — they meet in their state capitals.) Article II also says that the appointment of Electors is a prerogative of the state legislatures.

Second, in Amendment XII, ratified in 1804, we find that the Electors meet on a certain day — later enacted by Congress to be the Monday after the second Wednesday in December.  Furthermore, according to that 12th amendment, the ballots are to be sent to Congress where, on January 6, they will be opened and counted. If one man has a clear majority, he becomes the president-elect.

If no one gets a majority, members of the House of Reps must identify the three top vote getters, and keep balloting as long as it takes to get a winner. The Reps do not get one vote each; their state gets one vote. (There are no rules as to how a conflict in a state would be settled.)

The third place to look for how Electors determine the presidency is in all the legislation on that subject by 50 individual states. A given state may say that the Political Party whose candidate won that state in November can pick their friends to be Electors. Another state may give the governor permission to choose Electors.

States also differ in instructing the Electors on whom they must vote for.  In 32 states they are “pledged” to vote for their state’s November winner.  In 18 states the Elector may follow her own judgement. Those 18 states have 197 such unpledged electors.  There are 341 pledged electors. Total 538.

Option 1: Investigations 

Say there has been an allegation of cheating.  A candidate can demand a recount, during which “scrutineers” should be able to watch it all. Also, the general public can demand first a recount, or some other form of checking the evidence, or even a criminal investigation – to be run by the state.

In New Hampshire in November 2020 some of the candidates for smaller positions, such as state senator, did ask for a recount. The paper ballots had been run through a tabulator machine. If the voter had made an X, or underlined a candidate’s name, instead of filling in the oval as directed, the machine ignored the vote. Such missed votes were now tabulated in the recount, and in one case the person gained 37 votes, not enough to affect the outcome.

It’s harder, or even impossible, to counteract software fraud. We don’t know whose ballots were wrongly counted.

Progress would depend on accusers coming forward to name the hackers. It would be treated as a criminal trial.

That should have happened years ago when Jim Collier wrote his book Votescam, showing how votes can be flipped easily from one candidate to another by a hacker. It should be investigated now, in 2020, just to satisfy alarmed Americans. It is silly to argue it out with one’s neighbor.  “Yes, there was hacking.”  “No, you prejudiced idiot. There was no hacking.”

There was also widespread use of absentee ballots this year which opens the possibility of cheating without hacking and without the simple l type mentioned earlier of people not filling on the oval. One of the complaints I heard was that a huge batch of absentee ballots showed up after the deadline, every one of which showed the voter’s date of birth as “January 1, 1990.” If that really happened, it is election officials who need to be interrogated.

Option 2: New State Laws

As we are only 48 hours from the moment of the December 14, 2020 Elector’s meetings, there is no hope of a state passing a new law regarding, say, un-pledging. But this could have been done last week in any state where the legislature had doubts as to the authenticity of its state’s vote.

Even now, a state legislature can make laws governing the software problem.

Option 3: A Constitutional Amendment

We have not yet reached the day of the opening of the electors’ ballots — January 6, 2021. So there is time to change the Constitution. As laid out in Article IV of the Constitution, three-fourths of the states (38 states) would have to approve.

I do not by any means hope this would happen – I’m only listing it in order to make this inventory complete. The current state of citizen awareness of the magnificent value of our Constitution is at a low ebb. Bringing people together to have a sensible debate won’t work – whole aspects of the Constitution might get discarded thoughtlessly.

Option 4: Court Rulings

The 2000 US Supreme Court Ruling in Gore v Bush has a bad reputation. The nine justices voted 5-4 with the split looking exactly partisan, and therefore was scandalous. Courts are supposed to be impartial and their decisions made on reasoning and high principle.

The matter in 2000 came down to Florida’s tally in the November election. As the counting of Florida’s votes was occurring, it looked as though Gore, the Democrat, could win. SCOTUS ordered the counting to stop (because of a physical problem with the ballots known as “hanging chads” – whatever that is!)  Hence Bush, the Republican, won.

That said, a precedent was nevertheless set by this case – the precedent that courts can make rulings. Recently, several relevant lawsuits have been brought to district courts but were dismissed. Note that it is normal for a lower court to act with caution.  The losing plaintiff then has to appeal the decision to a higher court.

Option 5: Civil War

I begin this section by saying I don’t think the choice of a president is worth warring over.  A president is not all that important in American government. Only the Congress can make laws, although the president has a big hand in foreign policy.  At any time, if the Congress is sufficiently displeased with the president, it can kick him/her out by impeachment.

However, there are people today who are threatening civil war (I think they mean general violence) if their preferred candidate does not have 1600 Pennsylvania Av as his address come January 21st. It is thus important that all Americans be aware of this “option.”  It certainly makes the other options shine a bit brighter.

Option Six: Secession

As I intruded my personal preference twice already (I’m anti-Constitutional amendment and anti-civil war) let me say that I am pro-secession. Not particularly for this event but for any event serious enough to warrant it.  Today, Alan West, the governor of Texas said, in response to the US Supreme Court’s dismissing his case, said maybe we need to bond together as states willing to abide by the Constitution.

He had asked SCOTUS to help his state, Texas by dealing with four states what had possible fraud in the November 2020 election. Seventeen other states and 106 Congresspersons added their name to Governor West’s plea. The Court refused to rule as he does not have “standing” in regard to the cheating states.

It looks to me that the justices took the easy way out.  A lawyer, Sidney Powell, says she has affidavits aplenty to support both massive software hacking and other irregularities of the election. If that is so, then the election is generally invalid, and it would be appropriate for the US Supreme Court to make a ruling.

Option 7: Postpone the Electors’ Meetings or the Contingent Election Set for January 6

When, in accordance with Amendment 12, the choice of a president devolves to the House, this is knowns as a contingent election. (There were three such times in history – 1801, 1825, and 1837.) They did not result in a “third man” popping up, but this year that could happen.

At the electors’ December 14 meetings some of the unpledged 197 electors will, no doubt, throw in a name.  Maybe their grandmother, or maybe a Congressman. Quite possibly this has been in the planning for a long time. (I worry that it will be a “certain person.”) The Reps who have to choose on January 6 may not know that person well but may be in a mood to dump the main candidates.

Fort this reason, to avoid hysteria, it would be a good option to postpone the entire affair. Let’s recall that the advertised purpose (in the Federalist Papers) of the Constitution’s way of choosing was to have people meet and really go over the matter.

Alexander Hamilton said, in Federalist 68,  that the Framers were proposing that, a president would be chosen by electors “most capable of analyzing the qualities… under circumstances favorable to deliberation…. Nothing was more desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue and corruption.”

Right now that kind of thinking is out of the question. The mainstream media absolutely blocks it from happening.


At the very least, a court could say that the current president (no matter how much you hate him) should remain in office — or even that there be a caretaker government — until we can have a contingent election that everyone will not later recall as a huge mistake.




  1. Mary,
    Here’s help Mary and Respectfully – Stick to moving! Unless you can see what is actually happening here – its just continuing the same garbage disinfo..Think about it – “The Court refused to rule as he does not have “standing” in regard to the cheating states” ITS A SCAM – well just another one – both sides are controlled by the same mob!!! as has always been.

    • You can’t say controlled if you just mean “had threats”. In fact the legal process has gone wonderfully quickly and escalated at every turn. The interesting part is that I heard the Trump appointees to scotus all bailed out and only two presumably W Bush or older appointees held out in favour of Texas (and the other SEVENTEEN states). Of course the Trump appointees would get the best death threats. All this would be so predictable to a sharp mind like Giuliani. So we hear chief justice Roberts(on?) has been compromised with Epstein, could be a good rabbit hole if there’s something in it. Biden’s apparent ankle bracelet continues to intrigue.
      Personally I prefer the martial law option which seems to be building. Do it once and do it right. There is no option to lose for Trump, and the wife always looks happy, so it’s all good.
      The US remains in the small hands of a very stable genius.

      All this without even listening to the latest few x22s.

      • x22: people can walk down the street and see there isn’t dead homeless people everywhere, in fact there are more homeless people, all not wearing masks

  2. Personally, I have no faith at all in the convolutions of the USA Constitution or its organs of government and law (judiciary). The Constitution is silly if not perverse! “Humbly relying on the blessings of Almighty God” and which “Almighty God” is the whim of “the people” craftily manipulated by an oligarchy that need not have any allegiance to anything but its own advantage.

    In A’straya the secretocracy had to obrogate the Constitution (with the “Australia Act”) to bring it into line with the principles espoused in the French Revolution… not so in the USA; it was founded on the “deity of Man” proclaimed in the “Rights of Man” against an absolute reality involving truth and virtue and order as its pillars.

    I tend to favour DJT for the very idiosyncrasies that the “progressives” use to whack him and the “deplorables” that hope to live a normal life of economic survival, procreation, and aesthetic goods. Don’s speeches do not give the impression that they were composed by a cunning bunch of “spin doctors” working to sell their narrative.


    How the East was lost
    From Sir Gerard Lowther to Sir Charles Harding
    (Private and Confidential)
    May 29, 1910

    “……………..The above confirms the following statement by the former Bank of England director Lord Stamp: “Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them with the power to create credit, and with a flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it all back again. Take this power away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine would disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then continue to let bankers control money and control credit.”


  4. We Live in a World of Hoaxes

    Notice that we hear nothing about flu, only Covid. The tests can’t differentiate between them.

    Notice that all the years when news reported hospitals overwhelmed by flu deaths, there were no lockdowns or mask mandates.

    Notice that if the Covid pandemic were real, the reports from skeptical experts would not be banned from the Internet and presstitute media. It seems that hardly any independent experts believe in the Covid pandemic.

    Clearly, we are being setup for something.


    If I were a politician I would be in fear of the Biblical great reset.

    • Criss – re Biblical great reset.& World of Hoaxes –
      We have been ‘set up’ for something for 2020 years.
      & Its enough rope for the perpetrator to show his true nature.

      We can see it in our own lives and HISTORY (If we know how to look). We can even follow historically the trail of its insertion (of systems of Occult coercion) into human society, gradually placing one after another over the centuries using selected influential individuals. Kings, Queens, Emperors, Presidents, Popes or the heads of vastly wealthy specific families along with their global organisations, right up until the present day they continue to do so.

      This Earth (for NOW) is satan’s realm (which Christ himself never denied) BUT within certain boundaries. God has allowed Satan to operate in this world within those boundaries set for him and this is why we see in John that “the world is ensnared in the evil of Satan”

      This is why and how a massive organisation such as the VATICAN (Roman Catholic Church) and its attendant Jesuit military with so many arms can be ‘doing his [satans] works’ even while posing as a ‘Christian’ organisation,

      How the Globalist’s enormous wealth has been attained and how the incredibly stealthy and clever systems of Mortgage Fiat finance and Reserve banking theft (to name just two) can have so widespread a formation, how world-wide media ownership can hold sway and how the Jesuits and their world-wide control of intelligence agencies can implement False flag atrocities, with the premeditated murder of hundreds and thousands of innocents, or orchestrate wars where a million innocents die, and get away with it!

      ALL these Systems of deceit are structured so-as to attract the fanatic, the pathological psychopath, the radical, the extremist and even the maniac, all zealots harvested, mind conditioned and trained and coveted to further their true masters agenda hidden behind a smokescreen of utter deceit and Machiavellian disguise all geared to make them a ferverent, but unwitting occult believer. The searcher however, especially one overwhelmed by the enormity and realising the scale of the deception MUST remember that ”believers are no longer under the rule [or the influence] of Satan.”

      Herein lies the quandary of the word ‘believers’, it is a simple enough answer, the first, through their own unwitting efforts are entrapped by that greatest of all deceivers in a belief with Occult origins and ritual, based in Satan worship cleverly disguised as Christian and are thus in God’s direct word actually ‘unbelievers’.

      We must therefore remember, as he has told us plainly and unambiguously that – God has given him [Satan] domain over unbelievers only – who are caught in “the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will.” (2 Timothy 2:26), “and the whole world lieth in wickedness”2 (1 John 5:19), and are in bondage to him. Satan sets the agenda, the world follows, and mankind continues to be deceived. It is no wonder that Scripture calls him a liar (John 8:44).

      Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

      • Revelation 3:9-10 “Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. 10 Because you have kept [a]My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth”.

        • Mary, in the video below, Trump says to the Jewish reporter: ‘If I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t have a vaccine for 5 years’.

          Well then, straight from the horse’s mouth, the world would’ve been BETTER OFF if Trump never became POTUS and Armageddon would’ve been delayed by 5 years.

          I mean, Trump is BOASTING how toxins and aborted foetal tissue will soon be flowing through the veins of his precious MAGA cultists.

          And yet, they slavishly keep following Trump to a their vaccine induced side effects premature demises.

          Speaking of that reporter who’s interviewing Trump in the video below, here is that same reporter throwing a hissy fit and running off the set to cry after Jesse Ventura shreds his defence of the Zio False Flag 9/11 :

          That Jewish apologist (called Brian Something-Or-Other-Stein) for Zio-malfeasance reminds me of our resident sayanim and his Too-Numerous-To-Mention hissy fits whenever he’s caught out peddling Mossad scripted disinformation, archived here in Gumshoe.

          • Just keep being wrong about everything, lately you say icebergs melting makes the sea level fall, “don’t buy bank shares” you tell me because you are “financially literate” then they go up about 20% in a month. One of your very many afflictions is that you think you have acquired wisdom but you are in fact a stunted student and nothing more.

    • I was wondering when someone was going to highlight that – it was my wake-up WTF?? headline

      Earlier today I watched the following on Robert David Steeles’ channel. It was linked on a Fort Russ article, which is edited by Joaquin Flores. I thought Joaquin really lowered his flag and I have been refraining from commenting.

      Of course if what Steele says is true we have much to celebrate, but alas I think he is trying to sell books. PLEASE let me be wrong.

      BEAUTY & THREE BEASTS: On US CIA Color Revolution & Global Reality


      Or here


      • This fast tracking of the vaccine rollout is all happening under Trump’s watch.

        Do we need any further proof that he is not looking out for the best interests of humanity and is beholden to Big Pharma (a subsidiary of his Zio-controllers).

        • BigPharma is conspicuously Nazis and Rockerfellas and a few other crazies like Purdoo who are Jewish but I think they may be in a bankruptcy court by now, under Mein Trumpf’s watch?
          Your “analysis” is always meaningless because it is simplistic and the “evidence” sought (via google) to fit the conclusion, which is always the same conclusion.
          You can hardly claim research when you simply cut and paste from your internet searches any dogma that suits.
          Lots of races have an excessive fondness for money, but you are fixated on Jews alone, you resent their success.
          Like jealousy of any immigrant that moves in and starts doing better than the white trash who “got there first”.
          I can only conclude that ZDS is very real, especially amongst losers who live near Lakemba.

          • http://whale.to/c/currency_symbolism.html

            “………………Since we know who devised the dollar sign and chose it to symbolize the dollar, its significance becomes apparent, exactly as the upside-down pentacle was adopted to symbolize the satanic presence in The Congressional Medal of Honor. Why should Satanists not adopt satanic symbols? The ‘S’ part of the dollar sign can represent the biblical snake, but it can also represent ‘slavery’, for that is what the dollar has become: debt-slavery, just as Freemason Ben Franklin predicted in his warning to Congress about the folly of admitting jews into the country. It is typical of freemasonic doctrine that the symbols remain, but their substance changes. At one stage of initiation, the Freemason is taught that the letter “G” means “God”. Later, he is taught that it means “Gnosis”, etc.

            On the more practical level, the dollar was adopted as the currency of The United States of America, in opposition to Bank of England currency, which the Crown sought to impose upon the American colonies. This was the OTHER part of “taxation without representation”, for Bank of England currency was debt-based and “created out of nothing”. By allowing the imposition of Bank of England currency, the American colonists would have subjected themselves to the same form of alien domination and debt-slavery which we now experience at the hands of the so-called Federal Reserve, which is a private bank owned by the same criminals as own The Bank of England et al. The last non-jew central bank to exist in this century was The Bank of Germany, under the National Socialist government. The political leaders who issued debt-free currency in this century were Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Adolf Hitler and John F. Kennedy. The only Soviet Bloc dictator who was killed during the transition from kosher communism to kosher capitalism was Ceaucescu of Romania, under whose rule Romania had no national debt. Now Romania has joined all the other non-sovereign, debt slave countries, including the U.S.A………………..


          • I’ve known a few people out Lakemba way over the years. Good people.

            As for my alleged ‘resentment of those who’ve achieved a degree of success’, I’m a strong proponent of praising those who’ve done well through honest toil.

            Meanwhile, for those who’ve achieved privileged status through financial chicanery, corruption and government cronyism (irrespective of their ethnic origin), said individuals should be named and shamed (similar to the shaming I dole out to the resident apologist for Zio-criminality here on Gumshoe).

        • All this garbage is being rolled out, but who is going to accept these poisons. Only the brain dead, who have no future anyway.

          The sooner large numbers accept the poison the sooner bodies will fall dead for the rest of humanity to see.

          • Mal, the cabal can’t risk mass mortality from the vaccines – lest their nefarious agenda becomes obvious even to the most gullible among us.

            No, I suspect they’ll put some of that secret potion the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation have been using in Africa to sterilise vast swathes of people :


            That way Mal, future generations will be disproportionately kosher.

          • They’re all laughing at us Criss X as they prepare to administer the Trump fast-tracked human sacrificed (derived from aborted foetuses) vaccine.

          • They are rubbing their hands in glee as they can see its a walk in the park with these edicts and the zombie robotic Australians are blindly following these unlawful edicts to their deaths. We will see what we saw in China… people coming to get them being dragged off and or shot on the spot with no conscience. That is what is coming with inaction. Surrender has already taken place so the consequences will be cruel and fast. This generation as has been past generations has not defended Australia or the Australian Constitution.

          • Arlyn, it’s not pleasant to hear what you’re alleging about the apathy of Aussies.

            The most unpleasant aspect about it is that it’s true.

          • TV
            No it is not pleasant and Australians should be absolutely ashamed of themselves and for their children with much sorrows…

            We need to see some honest statistics to see how many died and how many recovered and how many had side effects adverse reactions to the drugs given them, human errors, inappropriate treatment, bacteria and staph etc. Until we can get hold of some straight figures its difficult to say. We know people die annually and there has not been much higher than previous years and all of a sudden no fl;u or flu like symptoms. Strange about the flu just suddenly disappeared from all of the propaganda brain washing campaign. We do know that many died unneccesarily through the ventilators and were given opioids to put them in a semi unconscious state.

            We do now that each and every vaccine is toxic and contaminated and now this is the first RNA with a nano chip or biomarker dot in addition to the 5G that will also be activated in due course

      • Yeah I really don’t know what it is going to take to wake up these robotic zombies of these pro-vaxxers. All the vaccine corporation employees at the head of the line then the politicians to be second and third in line is the pro-vaxxers after they see the demise of those previously getting the toxic and contaminated vaccines. It will not just be one jab as there will be a regular occurrence with the masks and social distancing will still remain in place.

  5. Holy Timothy Leary! When you get into all this LLB technical stuff it goes so far over my head that I have no idea if I am still on topic but this article:

    • Biden Transition Team Hiring People From Social Media And Big Tech Companies That Helped Censor His Critics


    brought this to mind of ‘their’ possible future puppet president.

    • Comedians Tried to Warn You of Biden’s Stupidity – Get to Know The Puppet

    This is not happening – this is not happening – this is not happening …

  6. We Are The Terrorists

    By Caitlin Johnstone

    The Trump administration is reportedly close to moving the Houthi rebels in Yemen onto its official list of designated terrorist organizations with the goal of choking them off from money and resources. The head of the UN’s World Food Program along with many other experts caution that this designation will prolong the horrific war which has claimed over a quarter million lives and create an impenetrable barrier of red tape stopping humanitarian aid from getting to the Yemeni people.

    Read more of this post


      • Since Criss X brought up dear Caitlin, this extract below is from her recent article titled ‘Yet Another Major Escalation In Establishment Internet Censorship’ :

        “I neither know nor care whether the sort of election fraud alleged to have taken place in the contest between Joe Biden or Donald Trump actually happened.

        I know the processes by which candidates are elevated to run in a US general election are corrupt and rigged from top to bottom, so the question of whether additional manipulation took place between two establishment-approved imperialist oligarch lackeys in a pretend election is not particularly interesting to me.”

        And that Ladies and Gentlemen, perfectly sums up my thoughts on the 2020 election and the subsequent voting fraud that undoubtedly transpired.

        • Not her best article for sure! 🙁 I have seen better TV. She obviously is not up to date and we could have written a far better article! That is why I always tell people to get their information from several sources to corroborate. Thanks

    • The Yemeni’s are down for the count and suffering the worst humanitarian disaster the planet has seen in decades – as a result of direct and indirect U.S policies.

      As if the tribulations of the Yemeni’s are not bad enough now, Trump has sunk to even greater depths of depravity than the previous heinous benchmark he himself set.

      Trump’s only got 5 weeks to go but he’s fast-tracking as much malfeasance as he can into the remaining time at his disposal.

      Posterity will judge him, (as objective contemporary commentators like Caitlin Johnstone already do), as amongst the most despicable, bereft of empathy U.S Presidents in history.

      • All for the evil Zionist Greater Israel. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time

  7. No doubt in my mind that Trump’s nemesis was his failure to rebuke the devilish leeches/man-worshipers within the ranks of his purported supporters. By allowing a host of unclean spirits to take up residence in his own “house” he sealed his own fate

    • The latest evasions and cover-ups by Western governments over their funding of terrorist groups in Syria are starting to unravel

      Evidence of Dutch and British funding for extremists who’ve beheaded children & carried out ethnic-cleansing grows by the day. Yet most of the mainstream media – including the BBC – still try to keep this truth silent…………….

      White Helmets soaked in blood …………….

      Read more on the site


  8. Has this been passed or not?

    I read Andrew Wilkies submission page two

    most people have no clue this is happening

    The Federal Government is proposing legislation that will allow police enforcement throughout Australia to detain and question anyone organising or attending protest rallies. Individual’s electronic devices can be confiscated and ALL human rights currently enshrined in law will be made obsolete by these proposed laws.

    If this proposal becomes law, and (say) you choose to oppose the installation of a 5G tower in your area with others, everyone involved could be detained up to 28 days and effectively have no rights – even to speak to their own lawyer.

    I strongly suggest you view this 16 minute video and then consider writing to your local Federal Member to demand that they oppose this bill when it comes back into the parliament. You will also need to follow up with many of these politicians, as they will try to ignore your correspondence. Demand they answer your letter by informing you of their position!

    Also, if you choose to do nothing, then you and your children will suffer once this proposal becomes law.

    If you go to this link, you can read what you want about the Bill here –


    I encourage you to first read what Andrew Wilke MP (#25) has to say about it here –

    https://www.aph.gov.au/…/ASIOAmendmentBill2020/Submissions as he summarises his concerns very well.

    Every Australian should be concerned about this Bill.

    • It seems that we have as much to fear from our idiotic politicians in Canberra as we have of China. I believe these parasites can at least be charged and found guilty of treason in a Common Law Court. The Chinese criminals will not be guilty of treason but maybe insurrection.

      • Of course they are and they always have been. They are corrupt seditious treasonous criminals who have been unchecked for decades and getting away with impunity. I have posted this before but never any comment. The evil freemasons have to be removed or at the very least identified and then dealt with appropriately and lawfully if we are to return from this state of lawlessness to the rule of law. Then there is the Lima Treaty, the Unidroit Treaty, the Australian Act, the Preferential Voting System needs to be ruled void and null and replaced with the Proportional Representation Voting system that was changed by the ex PM traitor Billy Hughes

        Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason

        a) The Australia Act 1986 Section-6. Manner and Form “means Referendums” In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        b) The Australia Act 1986 Section-13. Amendment of Constitution of Queensland.
        Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1867-1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        c) The Australia Act 1986 Section-14. Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia.
        Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1889 in the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principle Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        d) The Commonwealth Constitution Section-128. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        e) The State of South Australia Constitution-Section-34. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        f) The South Australia Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 No. 95 – Section 51. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        g) The 1999 6th November Referendum 63% said No. The Criminal Offence of Fraud. Working Against the instructions of the Australian people in that Referendum and the operation of your Fraudulent Grant of Power.

        h) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003, Enacted 1st January 2004.

        Part 8 Amendments about the Crown. (61 Amendments)

        Crown x 42, Her Majesty x 7 Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors x 5, Council for the Crown x 4, Queen x 1, Subjects x 1. Royal Arms x 1 (Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia)


        By deleting “Crown” and inserting instead “State or the Commonwealth” at sections 121(4), and,123(5) and (6b) and (7). In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        i) The Election Writs, Senate and House of representatives, spread this Criminal Activity throughout Australia. Criminal Offence of Fraud. Referendums omitted – operating your fraudulent Grant of Power.

        j) Allegedly, the Swearing of a Foreign Oath to Freemasonry. “Conceal and Never Reveal.” The Warrant for Freemasonry came out from the United Kingdom, “Sue v Hill” Illegally declared the United Kingdom a Foreign Power, but, in so doing actually declared that the Masonic Warrant to form Masonic Lodges within Australia did make this particular Warrant, the Warrant of a Foreign Power, it breaches PART IV – Both Houses of the Parliament, Section 44 Disqualification, subsection 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution in relation to Commonwealth politicians. This Offence is to be Discovered by either a Jury trial or Grand Jury trial.

  9. “The intelligence is clear. Beijing intends to dominate the US and the rest of the planet economically, military and technologically.
    I call its approach of economic espionage ‘rob replicate and replace’. China robs US companies of their intellectual property, replicates the technology and then replaces the US firms in the global marketplace.”

    John Ratcliffe

      • berry
        Would you like to provide us with some evidence please? It is not only the US it is a whole host of other evil players, and there are many of them and the infiltration of the US by seditious Communist traitors

        • Indian business students read Mein Kampf, westerners Machiavelli and Sun Tzu. The Chinese? They study Jewish tribal evolutionary strategy.

          “Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked a top Chinese newsweekly newspaper recently.

          “That’s what the data shows us. It is undeniable from my perspective.” Professor Xu Xin told the IB Business Times when asked this question at a Jewish study group in late October. “They run your media, univerisites and much of your government.”

          The professor and his colleagues are so convinced that the Jews run the west, particularly, the US, that they’ve conducted a study to see ‘how the Chinese can follow suit and match Jewish success running western institutions.”

          “Yes I think it is obvious that Jews control western world. They tell you who to wage war on, who to fight, who to support and how to spend your money. This is what we Chinese want to understand when we study Jewish dominance and hegemony of west.” Professor Xu Xin stated in the recent IB interview.

          The professor took things one anti-Semitic step farther stating,

          “There are literally so many instances of how you have fallen for Jewish tricks. Hitler was the last person to openly contest Jewish rule and look how he is viewed. He is hated because of what Jews taught you with their films and books. We Chinese are amused at how gullible white men are. We want to find the same way to shape your thoughts. This is why we study them (Jews).”

          So why when we point this out are we castigated as anti-Semites?


          • Wise words Criss X, from that Chinese professor – someone who doesn’t have dog in this race and so can be counted as an objective observer.

            Yet, our resident Zio-apologist will claim he’s got some derangement syndrome or other – the usual default argument when said apologists cannot counterclaim with facts of their own.

        • I was, VERY OBVIOUSLY, responding to the “China robs the U. S.” claim posted by 56, and “U.S. folly”, VERY OBVIOUSLY encompasses a wide range of issues

          • Yes it does but not as you previously stated…
            “but the situation is wholly the consequence of U. S. folly”

            Which is an untrue statement

          • The Schmooze

            A Jew in Mao’s China

            July 9, 2012 By Laura Goldman

            Even when I have been disenfranchised from God and synagogue, I have always been culturally proud to be a Jew. A source of that pride is the Jewish tradition of helping the oppressed, and our involvement in social movements such as labor and civil rights.

            Until I saw the documentary “The Revolutionary” at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.

            “The Revolutionary” tells the story of Southern-born Sidney Rittenberg, the only American that has ever been admitted to the Chinese Communist Party. The Mandarin-speaking Rittenberg, who was initially sent to China by the U.S. Army at the time of Japan’s surrender at the end of World War II, became an influential advisor to Mao Zedong and to the first premier of the People’s Republic of China, Zhou Enlai. His pivotal role at the Broadcast Authority, explaining the Communist Chinese point of view to America, earned him a higher salary than Chairman Mao.

            Rittenberg’s life was not all wonderful, however. Twice, he was imprisoned by the Communist leadership, for a total of 16 years. When he had been in prison for a year during his first incarceration, he was offered the chance to leave if he returned to America and never came back to China. Although his first wife had divorced him, he rejected the offer. He believed he would be found innocent of Stalin’s charges of being a spy and never dreamed that he would spend five more years in jail.

            Released from jail after Stalin died, Rittenberg was once again embraced by the Chinese Communists and returned to the Broadcast Authority as its head. But he could not stay quiet for long and began speaking out against the Cultural Revolution, which landed him back in jail.

            The love story between Rittenberg and his second wife, which endured despite his second 10-year prison term, is a heartwarming backdrop to the film. At the end, Rittenberg admits that he could have helped the people of China just as much if he had abstained from politics.

            Produced and directed by Lucy Ostrander and Don Sellers, a married couple from Seattle, and Irv Drasnin, “The Revolutionary” was partially based on “The Man Left Behind,” a memoir by Rittenberg, who is now a 91-year-old consultant to American businesses in China. The filmmakers employed the same technique that was so effective in the Academy Award-winning “The Fog of War” by Errol Morris. Irv Drasnin, a China expert who worked at CBS with Edward Murrow and Charles Kuralt, interviewed Rittenberg off screen, making him appear larger than life. The film was richly illustrated with striking posters of revolutionary art from the collection of the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam.

            Rittenberg’s compelling story, with all of its twists and turns, grabbed me. I left the theatre marvelling at his sacrifices and his lack of bitterness for the way things turned out. On the way home, my friend and I debated if we would be willing to forfeit as much for our principles. We joked that once again the wandering Jew had left his mark — this time, by advising Chairman Mao.
            Watch the trailer for ‘The Revolutionary’:


          • Arlyn, in relation to Berry’s claim that ‘the situation is wholly the consequence of U. S. folly’, I think a strong argument can be made for the case that the vast bulk of it is INDEED the consequence of U.S folly.

            Case in Point : Depraved acts committed by the U.S on Nth Korean civilians and Chinese combat troops during that war – via introduction of biological weapons like the Bubonic Plague.
            Followed up be heinous acts during the Vietnam War – murdering innocent villagers en masse / deployment of Agent Orange etc.

            Prior to that we have the previous century and more of looting and pillaging of China by the Anglo-Zionist Imperialists.

            What I’m saying is that the Anglo-Zionist empire has a track record of doing whatever it takes, stooping to the most despicable, unethical and outright immoral acts to achieve said desired outcome.

            Do the Chinese conduct covert activities within Australia and elsewhere and do the Chinese seek to gain political favour amongst our politicians – which would involve financial incentives and outright corruption ?

            No doubt they do.

            But let’s employ the Chicken an Egg analogy.

            Which came first ?

            Were the Chinese doing these things FIRST or did they respond after seeing the stranglehold the U.S had over Australia (an important strategic supplier of vital resources) covering many decades via U.S / CIA chicanery in removal of uncompliant P.M’s ? (Like Whitlam definitely and Harold Holt – allegedly).

            That’s not even to mention the stealthier forms of influence over the political scene by way of Mark Leibler and the Jewish lobby (which of course is a core constituent of the Anglo-Zionist empire).

            I would argue that it’s SELF EVIDENT that because of the exploitative activities of the U.S towards an alleged friendly country (Australia), the Chinese were FORCED to resort to some dirty tricks to peg back some of the disproportionate influence that the U.S has over our country.

            As for the claim made by ’56’ that ‘China robs US companies of their intellectual property, replicates the technology and then replaces the US firms in the global marketplace’, this is an exaggerated claim made by sour losers throughout history.

            (John Ratcliffe, the person who made that remark that ’56’ quoted is a known CIA mouthpiece. I would give ZERO credibility to anything coming from this bloke).

            Throughout history, the second, third and lower order leaders in the automobile industry, in the computer industry, in most fields of human endeavour, have taken the product manufactured by the leader, stripped it down, re-engineered it (just enough to make it somewhat different so as not to infringe upon patents), and often even IMPROVED upon it before releasing it to market.

            This is the way of the world since time immemorial and WE (the consumers) gain from this constant jostling for market share as the big players inevitably engage in price wars and cost cutting.

            If this stopped, we would get a situation (like the U.S presently has in their domestic pharmaceutical industry), where due to monopolies and enforcement of patents, U.S consumers PAY FAR MORE THAN OTHER COUNTRIES for particular pharmaceutical and prescription drugs.

            We DO NOT WANT THAT !!

            Let there be open slather. Let all patents lapse.
            Let anyone produce anything utilising any technology they can get their hands on.
            Contrary to what the whingers holding intellectual property say, there will be NO DIMINISHMENT of R & D – research and development will still go on because there will still be massive profitability for the first movers.

            We know FOR A FACT that the U.S has done the very same thing throughout it’s history (refer to the article within the link below referring to Bell and Edison, The Wright Brothers, Coca Cola) :


            But, now that the U.S is getting its comeuppance, all of sudden it’s not fair.

            Give me a break.

            As for 56’s statement that ‘ Beijing intends to dominate the US and the rest of the planet economically, military and technologically’, I do not believe that’s their primary goal.

            YES, I can say with 100 % certainty that this is the goal of the U.S, and by hook and by crook (mostly the latter), they will bomb, intimidate, sanction and resort to ANY depraved act to achieve that goal.

            China’s intention is no more than to :

            1) Secure it’s borders
            2) Secure it’s food and supply of raw materials and resources
            3) Establish a Defence capability that is sufficient to defend the homeland from potential adversaries that seek to reduce China to grovelling on the floor – as was the case when it was humiliated during the Opium Wars.
            4) Establish said defence capability without the profligate expenditures the U.S employs which are necessarily extracted from its citizens – that’s why massive hordes of Americans live in tent cities, queue up for kilometres to get a few scraps of sustenance from the Food Banks.

            By any metric you choose, the U.S has become an eff’n disgrace – and set to get a LOT worse in the years to come.

            To the extent that China has rightfully been allowed to unleash the untapped potential of its entrepreneurial and hardworking citizens, it will reap the inevitable consequence of Military, Economic and Technological domination of the planet.

            And good luck to them I say – they will have deserved it.

            So, to all those of you in western countries experiencing a demonstrable decline in your living standards, STOP WHINING and stop looking for a scapegoat.

            Start electing REAL small government, foreign policy restrained, free market politicians (like Ron Paul) to lead your countries – not big spending Socialists like Trump and Biden / ScoMo / Gillard / Rudd etc.

            Wake Up and let’s get our country on path of real Laissez-Faire capitalism before it’s too late.

            Australia was that country for the entirety of the 19th century.

            End Result : The country with HIGHEST PER CAPITA GDP in the late 19th century – you guessed it (it was little old Oz).

            Taken from Wikipedia : ‘In 1870, Australia had the highest GDP per capita in the world due to economic growth fuelled by its natural resources’.

            I’ve read elsewhere that it fluctuated a fraction for the next four decades or so (Australia always being amongst the top 3), until blood and treasure was squandered needlessly in WWI fighting a pointless war against the ‘The Peacemaker of Europe’ (aka Kaiser Wilhelm II’s Germany).

          • Wow! Well said Truth Vigilante!!

            I could not possibly have said it better. Saved and flagged for sharing. This could be the Introduction to a whole series of chapters on each of the topics you covered.

            Just adding a small elaboration with regard to the DPRK:

            “Depraved acts committed by the U.S on Nth Korean civilians …”

            Playlist of “Korean War – US Massacres & War Crimes” – Phuong DPRK Daily channel

            Just go to #2 for a brief, but extremely distressing illustration.

            People genuinely get ‘confused’ that this is “The West” perpetrating these atrocities so just a short while ago I added a comment to the following video on a related/companion channel.

            • humanity is the master of everything ( juche 109/2020)

            It’s not the best presentation or format but he is really only just getting started.

            At around 4:30 he refers to the useless collection/hoarding of gold, for example.

            My comment:

            Re 4:30-ish, here are the gold hoarders:

            • The House of Rothschild (clip from 1934 movie

            To this day, these parasitic gold hoarders and usurers (money lenders) control the West. They do not represent the people of the West although MANY have been brainwashed and spellbound by propaganda. The people (i.e. workers) are being held hostage by these parasites.

            Karl Marx (real name Moses Mordecai Levi) made a very frank admission about his own kin.

            [Start quote]
            “The god of practical needs and private interest is money.
            Money is the zealous one God of Israel, beside which no other God may stand. Money degrades all the gods of mankind and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal and self-constituted value set upon all things. It has therefore robbed the whole world of both nature and man, of its original value. Money is the essence of man’s life and work, which have become alienated from him: this alien monster rules him and he worships it.

            The God of the Jews has become secularized and is now a worldly God. The bill of exchange is the Jew’s real God. His God is the illusory bill of exchange.

            What is the foundation of the Jew in our world?

            Practical necessity, private advantage.

            • What is the object of the Jew’s worship in this world? Usury. What is his worldly God? Money.”
            [End quote]

            Source: Karl Marx himself in “A World Without Jews”. PDF copy here


          • Fish, that’s one hell of a comeback response from you in your 8.15pm post, and leaves anything I had to say in the shade.

            Those first two short videos of yours are a MUST WATCH for any Gumshoe readers not familiar with the atrocities committed by the U.S during the Korean War.

            And NO, it’s not propaganda – it’s been confirmed by countless independent observers and aid agencies over the years (not to mention whistle blowers within the U.S military / Intel establishment).

        • And need I say that “infiltration” denotes an external invading force, whereas “traitors” are those that betray within the ranks. The “infiltration of the US by seditious Communist traitors” claim is therefore an oxymoron

          • berry
            No it doesnt at all. These dogmatic statements of yours are incorrect. It is both internal and external as its a political-military trans-global operation

          • TV
            Nice argument but it doesnt fit the context of “wholly US folly”
            You can’t make a dogmatic statement all the time with no proof no evidence just opinion. The context is the context in her statement with no references and at times she refuses to answer basic questions or answers in riddles or biblical verses that are not appropriate or relevant.

            Being ideological dogmatic is not good grounds for proper communication.

            All infiltration of a country… lets use Australia as an example is both from within and from without that is the basic context of English. It is not from external sources solely as it is not from internal sources solely it is a combination of a political-military-religious trans-global operation.

            Respectfully her statement is conjecture and would not hold up in court as it is inaccurate and untrue.

            As we both know this has been happening for hundreds of years for their achievement to finally takeover the US and they will do it

          • I agree with Mme Berry. An identified enemy without can induce patriots to defend their “city” but slimy ideological traitors within are harder to define and resist.

  10. This is the best report on the current situation in the US that I have listened to ………. in full’

    It is very long but detailed and it is recommended that the drama verbiage be excused and just not the facts.

    NOTE; T recent exec order giving the Feds a holiday on Thursday 24th Dec. excepting military etc. (hmm ‘four days’ of holiday)
    As for the Chinese training for winter warfare in Canada, I have been following for over a year via Dave Hodges etc. reports. No snow in China????? Now that conspiracy is NOW CONFIRMED!
    For the court proceedings listen at the beginning and from the one hour timeline…….the fat lady will have to be armed when she comes out???????


    Now who are those who think we are not in China’s sights next? Yes, our Canberra politicians say foreign troops can come in and do what they like with impunity with recent legislation.

    Merry Christmas, treasonous fake phony and false ABC and MSMs. (:-}

    • 36 + minute mark (:-} (:-}

      Have a thought: If Q was BS since October 2017 with Dave, why have they not closed up and gone fishing?
      Remember over the years the msm treasonous media has been saying Q is just a conspiracy theory.
      Eat your miserable hearts out ABC and msm.
      42 min mark on iverectim etc.
      MSM and shock jokes; looking forward to you lot getting on tv and getting injected with your kids and simple ex Prime Ministers doing the same. Going to be a circus.

      • Ned, has it occurred to you that Q was a psyop only meant to last a short time but said creators were surprised that so many people were sucked in for so long by it that they decided to get some more mileage out of it ?

        Ned, I’m well aware that Q followers claim he’s military intelligence and, fair enough, seeing as I’m a nobody, it’s not surprising that I’m not privy to this fact (assuming it were true).

        But let’s turn our attention to known White hats like ex-CIA Phil Giraldi, John Kiriakou, Ray McGovern.
        Let’s turn our attention to known White hats in the political arena like Ron and Rand Paul, Thomas Massie or in the commentariat like G Edward Griffin, Gerald Celente, James Corbett, Michel Chussudovsky , Dr Kevin Barrett, Ron Unz, Julian Assange and Wikileaks and literally dozens more that are known for their track records of honesty and exposure of the Zio-cabal.

        Why is it that the overwhelming bulk of them NEVER MENTION Q in their commentary ? They say neither good nor bad things – seeing as it’s beneath them to quote dubious sources and they don’t want to smear their reputations.

        As for the few that have mentioned Q (I’ve heard Dr Kevin Barrett mention Q on several occasions), on each and every occasion that Q is spoken about it’s been in disparaging terms.

        Are ALL these people wrong Ned ?

        (These same people who are almost invariably right, many of whom have access to other white hats via associations forged over decades at the highest levels within the U.S Military and Intelligence establishment).

        One such person I have a lot of time for is a recent Trump appointee (Col. Douglas MacGregor), seen in the video below speaking at a Ron Paul Liberty Report event on the topic of ‘Breaking Washington’s Addiction to War’) :

        He is a very good man and long time friend of Dr Paul.

        This man never mentions Q. I get it that now that he’s in an official position in Trump’s inner circle he wouldn’t be at liberty to speak of such things but before his appointment I’ve heard him numerous times,when he was a free agent and could speak his mind about Q or any entity with credibility.
        But he never did.

        Like I said before about Col MacGregor’s appointment, WHY wasn’t this guy appointed in a senior position early on in Trump’s tenure ?

        Like the few good things that did occur during Trump’s tenure (appointment of Scott Atlas, Col MacGregor), it’s all …..

        …. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE to make any difference.

        A sad, sad indictment of the last 4 years.

          • If my failure entails that the Zio-cabal is brought down then I pray that you’re right Ned.

            I wish for that with every fibre of my being.

            But only a complete and independent investigation of 9/11 with all those individuals (and countries) complicit being prosecuted, (with the concomitant TIDAL WAVE of anger and thirst for vengeance it would generate amongst the general public and thus assure mass support for the dismemberment of the Zio-cabal), will have any likelihood of success.

            It is plain to see that, on a governmental level, not the slightest headway has been made in that direction in these last 19 years.

            The Jewish Senator from Minnesota ( Paul Wellstone), was about to launch a Congressional investigation into 9/11 in late 2002.

            So the cabal killed him, his wife and daughter and few of his staffers for good measure.

            That’s what we’re up against Ned.

            Trump’s epitaph will read :

            ‘Here lies Donald Chump. At the end of the day, he just DIDN’T HAVE THE GUTS to take on the Zio-cabal.

            Instead, he sold out to them and delivered the entirety of their agenda.’

          • Truth,
            Have you ever lived under a communist regime?
            The Zionists have shaped the CCP to what it is today.
            Freemasons and Fabians are one and the same, they stab in the back whilst smiling to your face. If you’ve ever had the displeasure of being fleeced, you know what I mean. China is the most corrupt system on the planet. It’s foundation drenched in the blood of innocents. It is the blueprint for the beast dragon alliance. Amerika is used up, the new hosts are pagan bloodthirsty international communists. The Anglo Zionists made the CCP. The bsl4 factories are everywhere on the globe. The crown is the head of the serpent. Wuhan (like the four in Oz) manufactured bioweapon virus in the same labs they are now rolling out vaccines !

  11. Insurrection: So Hinders The Execution Of The Laws Of That State And Of The United States Within The State.

    U.S. Code
    Title 10. ARMED FORCES
    Subtitle A. General Military Law
    Chapter 13. INSURRECTION
    Section 253. Interference with State and Federal law

    The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it —

    (1)so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

    (2)opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

    In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

    (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 15, § 333; Pub. L. 109–364, div. A, title X, § 1076(a)(1), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2404; Pub. L. 110–181, div. A, title X, § 1068(a)(1), Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 325; renumbered § 253, Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XII, § 1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2497.)

    Law Cornell

    Read on –


  12. From the above link

    Highlights of today’s Situation Update for Dec. 13th, 2020: (full podcast below)

    CIA assassination squads are active in America, taking out election fraud witnesses.
    We are all now living on an active battlefield (CONUS).
    Millions of Americans being held as Prisoners of War (POWs) by Democrat governor lockdowns.
    Media hit pieces and smears have morphed into acts of journo-terrorism.
    Censorship by big tech has now reached the level of domestic terrorism.
    Trucker blockades coming. Siege warfare against blue cities will begin.
    New executive order alters chain of succession at DoD in case Secretary of Defense (Chris Miller) is killed.
    Biden, Harris to be named in DNI Ratcliffe’s Dec. 18th report… huge implications, Trump can leverage against Biden to try to force Biden to concede.
    Gen. Perna Operation Warp Speed / Vaccine D-Day briefing: Perna says “vaccine D-Day” is “the beginning of the end.”
    China is surrounding the United States via Canada and the Caribbean, and plans a combined land invasion and missile attack in the future.
    Forensic audit of Dominion voting machines confirms their algorithms alter votes. Absolute proof now exists that the election was stolen via rigged tabulation software.
    Sidney Powell readies criminal RICO / Racketeering case against Dominion conspirators.

    • Well Arlyn I am impressed that at least someone listened to it. Saves TV being bothered,
      But then again, it would have been difficult to summarise all the information. So if people really care and could be bothered just listen to all of it and the X22 report following

    • Arlyn, in relation to this comment you posted earlier : ‘China is surrounding the United States via Canada and the Caribbean, and plans a combined land invasion and missile attack in the future’, surely you haven’t swallowed this most implausible of all the fantasy prognostications disseminated by the CIA and it’s mouthpieces ?

      China has NO need to conduct a preemptive offensive war and will never do so in our life times (and beyond) against a nuclear armed adversary.

      They’re not stupid.

      China (and Russia), who have been forced into an economic and geostrategic union by virtue of ceaseless paranoia and mudslinging on the part of the decaying U.S hegemon, will take all the chips in the final analysis by virtue of the honest toil and great sacrifices they’ve made over many decades.

  13. Simply put, the Australian Border Force is in charge of incoming arrivals, with the commonwealth given constitutionally articulated responsibility for quarantining. The Constitution, in section 51 (IX), lays out in black and white that the commonwealth, not the states, has oversight for quarantine


    Transfer of certain departments

    On a date or dates to be proclaimed by the Governor-General after the establishment of the Commonwealth the following departments of the public service in each State shall become transferred to the Commonwealth:

    posts, telegraphs, and telephones;

    naval and military defence;

    lighthouses, lightships, beacons, and buoys


    But the departments of customs and of excise in each State shall become transferred to the Commonwealth on its establishment.

    Another crime against the State Premiers.

  14. Everything the Fascist have done is not lawful as well as the freedom of movement between states in transport. Again the Commonwealth reigns supreme. We are living in a state of lawlessness from these Fascist illegal corporate-government entity. It is always from within as well as from without that a country is taken over. That is there Standard Operating Procedure or SOP. No resistance things get ramped up week by week…

  15. Ukranian Greek-Catholic priest Fr. John Fields, who was previously a volunteer in the testing of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, has died suddenly in his home.

    Catholic Priest Dies Suddenly – Had Been In Moderna Clinical Trials for mRNA Vaccines: Lifesite News Claims Moderna DOES Use Aborted Fetal Cells in Developing the Vaccine

    So why is it that the Catholics proclaim to be against “Aborted Fetal Cells” yet this priest goes ahead and becomes a volunteer….?


    Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane
    (JudicialCorruptionNews.com; 12-7-20)

  17. Greg Thomas on June 14, 2018 at 12:15 am
    Once you see how the scam is being rolled out in the British Dominions you may have a better chance of seeing through the confusion.

    Australia had its corporate government take over in 1973 to become AUSTRALIA.
    The mechanism is probably similar as to how it was done in Canada and New Zealand, perhaps South Africa, as well as other places. South Africa may have resisted and been punished to bring them to where they are today. The original template was likely the British Easy India company control over India, which would have then been secretly transplanted to America at some stage to transform it from “the united States of America” into the “UNITED STATES” corporation. Tricky use of words slips straight past most people. Only today with so many computer programmer type people are there now enough people trained to be pedantically precise with lower case, Proper case and UPPER case to notice the small but important details. Two names looking alike, designed to decieve there is one entity when there are two seperate (or more) entities which have different qualities..

    One of the key thorns which the British Commonwealth Corporate State needed to navigate around was the US Supreme court decision on Rundle v. Delaware & Raritan Canal Company, 55 U.S. 14 How. 80 80 (1852) where it was found that a corporation can never have power over a man.

    Men and women were converted into legal “persons” which can be controlled as corporations by other corporations. The man wasn’t actually changed, but they basically tattooed a corporate person upon you for which you are responsible. It seems this is why Birth Certificates were rolled out onto everyone to turn them into “vessels” of commerce. Basically corporations which didn’t know they were no longer being dealt with as men or women. These legal entities have their origin back to Roman Law, and are part of a slavery administration system known as GLOSSA.

    (please note precise use of capital letters as lower, Proper or UPPER case)
    The Australian colonies were converted into States through the process of Federalisation (Rhodes Society franchise) into the Commonwealth of Australia on 1st January 1901.

    Australia has a unique featured constitution which has mandatory referendums to perform ANY changes. And every proposed change is always about more power to politicians. Most fail, but some unfortunately get through via Canberra’s trickery of carefully misleading wording on referendum ballots. Look at our section constitution section 128 (its the last one).

    1973 the new corporate “AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT” if not formed, at least stepped to the forefront, through a series of steps.
    Though at first it appears to be an unconstitutional conversion of the existing system, but closer look shows its likely a bait and switch pretender grafted on top of the old system. “British-subjects” (with rights) converted into citizens (denizens of the City or CITY, basically employees who must follow administrative rules) which have mere corporate privileges granted to them which can be taken away.

    March 1973 Australia signs the UNIDROIT Treaty (unidroit.org) of private law (corporate government). I’ve heard it suggested that was initiated by the Vatican during the time of the League of Nations, but it was not rolled out until 1940. If you go to the website and look at the join dates of countries you will see that it was South American countries (Vatican assets), Axis occupied countries, plus Switzerland and Ireland who got the ball rolling.

    19 October Royal Styles and Titles Act introduces the “QUEEN OF AUSTRALIA” product of AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT to seemingly replace the Queen of United Kingdom (heir of Queen Victoria whom legally established the Commonwealth of Australia), but actually the public faux-head of the AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT which is masquerading as the Government of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. Parliament does not have Constitutional authority to replace its own boss!

    17 December 1973 Statute Laws Revision Act “bootstraps” the new corporate government into effect.

    This whole process was done under a Prime Minister (Gough Whitlam) who basically performed a political coup over his own government. An ingenious move which no one would notice. So it was a mutiny disguised to be unseen, probably modeled on the US under President Lincoln.

    Given that Queen Elizabeth went along with it, we may be required to consider she is controlled in some way. Either by her own motivations, or that she was forced into the situation by circumstances outside her.

    When the Queen visits the City of London, she needs permission to enter, and must walk subservient to the Lord Mayor (currently Charles Bowman). It could be that the Royal Family is merely employees of the controller of Cromwell’s Republic (parent corporate government?), presumably at the City of London.

    These details have taken quite a few decades to identify.

    Crucial among them is the UNIDROIT Treaty! Please look it up.

    It would be very helpful to know what is going on between Jesuits and the three cities. Are the Jesuits trying to liberate us or enslave us?

    Sorry its so long, but this is many years of details compressed into a single comment.


    • It’s a generous comment and I don’t have issues with it except I can point out that millions of people would love to have citizenship of the corporation and yes all forms have slavery have gone on forever, you can even see slavery amongst baboons and suchlike if you watch the David Attenburra movies. It’s a matter of striking a good deal and getting best value for what you are “worth”.

      • Its a great article and its just another to wake people up out of their sleep. I have been trying to do his for some 35 years but Australians just don’t get it….:-( Until they wake up and I can’t see that happening it will be more of the same! Its woeful…Where are the great thinkers and speakers in this country compared to other countries?

  18. BTW Mary, you have the caption of ‘Texas Governor Allen West’ below the photo of an African American gentleman at the top of your article ( I was under the impression that Greg Abbott was the Governor).

    In fact Allen West is the Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas.

  19. Shocking report on COVID vaccine adverse effects: the roll-out continues anyway

    Millions of people can experience life-threatening effects from the vaccine

    by Jon Rappoport

    December 14, 2020

    From the UK, The Guardian has the story: “People with a history of significant allergic reactions should not receive the Covid vaccine, the medicines regulator has said, after two NHS workers experienced symptoms on Wednesday.”

    They just figured this out? Now?

    The Guardian is referring to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, which has just been approved in the US.

    Two people experiencing significant adverse effects may not sound important, particularly since they already a history of allergic reactions, but the following quote in the Guardian article raises major red flags a mile high:

    “The MHRA [UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency] advice states: ‘Any person with a history of a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food (such as previous history of anaphylactoid reaction or those who have been advised to carry an adrenaline autoinjector) should not receive the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine. Resuscitation facilities should be available at all times for all vaccinations. Vaccination should only be carried out in facilities where resuscitation measures are available’.”

    First of all, a very large number of people have a history of allergic reactions to a vaccine or medicine or food. Automatically, these people should not take the vaccine. But how many people in the general public are aware of this restriction?

    Second, with the operation to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people running at top speed, who actually believes that many locations where shots are given will have the necessary resuscitation equipment on hand? Sheer insanity.

    Then, on top of all this, we have a bombshell statement from the Denver Post: “Documents published by the two [vaccine] companies [Pfizer and BioNTech] showed that people with a history of severe allergic reactions were excluded from the [clinical vaccine] trials, and doctors were advised to look out for such reactions in trial participants who weren’t previously known to have severe allergies.”

    In other words, the clinical trials were already biased, because they excluded people with a history of allergic reactions. Therefore, the performance of the vaccine looked safer. Therefore, no one would find out that allergic reactions to the vaccine are a MAJOR danger.

    And NOW, as if it’s nothing more than an afterthought, we get—“Oh, by the way, if people have allergies, they shouldn’t take the vaccine.”

    Why don’t regulators simply admit, “This vaccine is as disastrous as possible, but we can’t let that cat out of the bag.”

    I have written about the inherent dangers of the new experimental RNA technology deployed with this COVOD vaccine. The world population is a vast group of guinea pigs. Past efforts to introduce RNA tech have failed because serious autoimmune reactions have occurred. The body basically attacks itself.

    What rational person would line up to take this shot?

    You have to ask yourself why some Pittsburgh and Chicago medical centers aren’t making the new COVID vaccine mandatory for their own healthcare workers.

    They’ve issued that announcement on the basis of wait-and-see. They know the vaccine carries major risks, and the clinical trials were far from convincing.

    According to WebMD, “more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year.” 200,000 people come to the ER with food allergies. 4-5% of the population have food allergies. Who can say, with certainty, how many Americans would experience, say, life- threatening anaphylactic shock from the COVID vaccine?

    And when it comes to medicines, consider just one type of allergic reaction—to penicillin or antibiotics. Is the outbreak of a rash serious enough to warrant automatic exemption from the COVID vaccine? Should shortness of breath be the standard? No one knows.

    Finally, as I’ve reported in these pages several times, the 3 major clinical trials of COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) were designed to prevent nothing more than a “mild case of COVID-19.” That means a cough, or chills and fever.

    Serious cases of illness? Hospitalization? Death? These were not on the radar of the clinical trials.

    Cough, or chills and fever, cure themselves naturally. No need for a vaccine.

    So again, what rational person would line up to take the COVID shot?

    What rational person would imagine the celebratory media coverage of the vaccine rollout, or the carnival barking of Trump, amounts to more than a typical sales job and a hustle and a con?

    Of course, you’re not supposed to know about the information in this article, even though it’s readily available in open source literature and in mainstream news. Social media censor the ANALYSIS OF THE MEANING OF THIS INFORMATION.

    That’s called a clue.

    That’s called medical tyranny.

    A dictatorship wants you to take the COVID shot.

    That’s another clue.


    • Arlyn, I agree with much of that article above titled ‘What happened to John Durham’.

      I can’t say definitively whether Durham was a good or bad guy (although it’s highly likely he falls in the latter category seeing as the bulk of Trump’s cabinet and high level appointees are certified swamp creatures and cabal minions).

      I had friends of mine, followers of Q, telling me for ages : ‘Just wait for Durham’s investigation. You’ll see. He’ll soon have most of the Deep State indicted and prosecuted after his investigation is done’.

      To which I replied : ‘Me thinks not’.

      Even if Durham was a white hat, he’d be threatened, intimidated and bribed to keep his mouth shut.
      And if that failed, he’d go the way of James Forrestal.

      Unfortunately, although the author pinpointed that most players in government are compromised, he failed to grasp that Trump is amongst the most compromised of all and working with the cabal.

      The author also said something (a giveaway that he/she is unable to distinguish someone who’s obviously not a white hat).

      The author of the article speaks of Republicans with integrity that act in good faith and gave an example of Tom Cotton.

      WTF ?

      Cotton is a dyed-in-the-wool warmonger and is owned by the Military-Industrial-Complex.
      This man never met a war that he didn’t immediately sign on to.

      As worthless as they come.

  20. Yes, Bill Gates Said That. Here’s the Proof.

    Gates and his minions insist the billionaire never said we’d need digital vaccine passports. But in a June 2020 TED Talk, Gates said exactly that. Someone edited out the statement, but CHD tracked down the original.

    Some chiseler altered Bill Gates’ June 2020 TED Talk to edit out his revealing prediction that we will all soon need digital vaccine passports (slide 1). But after considerable effort, we tracked down the original video (slide 2).

    Gates’ minions on cable and network news, his public broadcasting, social media and fact-checker toadies all now insist that Gates never said such things. They say he never intended to track and trace us with subdermal chips or injected tattoos.

    They dismiss such talk as “conspiracy theories.”

    Well, here it is from the horse’s mouth.

    In 2019, according to a not-yet-purged Scientific American article, Gates commissioned the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to build an injectable quantum dot dye system to tattoo stored medical info beneath children’s skin. The tattoo was designed to be readable by an iPhone app.

    Gates’ company, Microsoft, has patented a sinister technology that uses implanted chips with sensors that will monitor body and brain activity. It promises to reward compliant humans with crypto currency payments when they perform assigned activities.


      • It was not the product but the actual getting to the stage of putting the product in bottles that was designated “operation warp speed”.

        This strengthens the belief that this whole show is definitely a “Plan-demic”.

        Q: Was this vaccine made too quickly?

        “People have been working on this platform for 30 years, so it’s not that this is brand-new,” Kuppalli says.

        Researchers began working on mRNA vaccines in the 1990s. Technological developments in the last decade have meant that their use has become feasible, and they have been tested in animals against many viral diseases. The mRNA vaccines are attractive because they’re expected to be safe and easily manufactured from common materials. That’s what we’ve seen in the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says on its website. Design of the spike protein mRNA component began as soon as the viral genome became available in January. ( It has never been isolated)

        Usually, rolling out a vaccine takes years, so less than a year under a program called Operation Warp Speed can seem like moving too fast, Rasmussen acknowledges. “The name has given people the impression that by going at warp speed, we’re cutting all the corners. [But] the reality is that Operation Warp Speed is mostly for manufacturing and distribution.”


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