By Kim Skeltys (copyright, 2024)
Figure 1 AHPRA medical board
Exclusive interview with Martin Fletcher, Grand Inquisitor
In a Gumshoe News exclusive, CEO Martin Fletcher has admitted that not only have AHPRA, in their relentless persecution of heretic doctors, modelled themselves on the Spanish Inquisition, but they now intend to dress the part.
Sporting a wide- brimmed Spanish style sombrero, a dashingly handsome beard and attired in flaming red robes, Mr Fletcher said AHPRA had decided to “daringly cast off our old staid and stuffy look”.
“Henceforth my new title will be Grand Inquisitor, Defender of the Dogma, which is how I intend to dress when presiding over future AHPRA inquisitions, I mean hearings, of errant doctors,” said Mr Fletcher, twirling his moustache.
Gumshoe News: Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Mr Fletcher.
Grand Inquisitor: Not at all. But to begin, would you mind pretending to be Dr Mark Hobart, and reading out the line I’ve written on this piece of paper?
Gumshoe News: Er, this is a bit unconventional, but OK. “Well, Mr Fletcher. I certainly didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition.”
Grand Inquisitor: AH HA! Dr Hobart! NO-ONE expects THE SPANISH INQUISITION! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!…. So, what do you think, did I sound menacing and sinister enough?
Gumshoe News: Well yes, but …
Grand Inquisitor: And did I get the Spanish accent right? And the maniacal laugh?
Gumshoe News: Well, you could work on the accent a bit, but isn’t this from a sketch by Monty Python?
Grand Inquisitor: Exactly! From now on, this is how I intend to begin future AHPRA hearings. You have to admit, it will put the fear of God into those insolent rebellious doctors!
Gumshoe News: But what if it’s a young doc who’s never heard of Monty Python?
Grand Inquisitor: Not a problem, that’s why I’ve written out their line on that piece of paper. All they have to do is read it out.
Gumshoe News: Mr Fletcher, isn’t this just making a farce out of AHPRA hearings?
Grand Inquisitor: Oh, do you think I should drop the Spanish accent maybe?
Gumshoe News: No, I think you should drop the persecution of heretic doctors altogether. The crimes for which AHPRA has suspended their medical licences include giving medical exemptions for severe reactions to a shot of the covid jabs, advising patients of the real and serious risks of the jabs, and even posting on social media the evidence based benefits of things like vitamin D to prevent covid. Doctors are being punished and losing their livelihoods for trying to uphold their Hippocratic Oath.
Grand Inquisitor: But, but … if we don’t persecute doctors anymore, then what is the purpose of the Inquisition? We’ll all be out of a job! And do you know how much money we’ve spent already on these costumes and Spanish accent lessons? Not to mention all the racks we bought.
Gumshoe News: Well, you could go back to persecuting witches – there are quite a few covens out there.
Grand Inquisitor: Now that’s true. Of course first we’d have to start with a propaganda campaign, get the newspapers and TV media on board, whip up a bit of anti-witch hysteria, just like the government did with anti-vaxxers.
Gumshoe News: Worked a treat during covid. Remember all the media personalities and even doctors saying anti-vaxxers deserved to die?
Grand Inquisitor: And with witches, we might even get to burn them at the stake! Look, I’ll call a meeting of the board, put the proposal to them and suggest we set aside funds to stock up on firewood and matches….
Gumshoe News: And I bet after 400 years, they certainly won’t be expecting the Spanish Inquisition again.
Grand Inquisitor: NO-ONE expects the Spanish …..Ah senor, you make a joke, no?
Gumshoe News: You really do have to work on that accent ….
Grand Inquisitor: Now if the interview’s over, I just happen to have the Python sketch here on my phone – shall we watch it together?
Gumshoe News: Sure! Nothing like a bit of nostalgia…
Python No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition (
Not sure if comments will work
Situation update at BIn at people powered news. Presented by Mary.
Heaps of fun but to add to the whiteboard for normies to think and add a little dot.
28 38? mins for a few.
Kate is out in a vehicle.
Right, she is OK. Can go for a drive but relax all OK.
She can go for a drive, surely she can alight and give a royal wave.
NO , she is sitting in the vehicle sunglassed.
Do I detect a problem considering other Royal circumstances? Mentioned earlier… so much Royal bad luck.
Someone tell me that I am just too curious?
So much more for a normie.
somehow this is relevant/in the spirit to the article–but only some will understand why-
Aryans, Iran 🇮🇷, Ireland 🇮🇪, Persia and Farsi. #history #iran #ireland #persian #aryan #greek – YouTube
This takes more concentration I share because it is from a much younger generation Dale and Nicki trying to figure it out and it brings fresh eyes and ears to the phenomena we are experiencing and it is well researched in my opinion –History Matters and History of People and Place Matters even More. The Place The Shrine of Melbourne– The people are many – a broad brush.
I start with Part 4 the Occult Shrine. Babylon in Australia–very recent
If this captures your imagination get the background in part 1.
Part 1
Not sure where Part 2 is and part 3 is of interest
Part 3
I love their style, attitude and their way of connecting dots.
Just the word “sacrifice” they like to use is a red flag.
Here’s Part 2 of occult shrine