by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB
Republican control of the US Senate hangs on the outcome of Alabama’s special election. Seventy-five percent of Alabamians are Republican, so one might expect “the elephant” will win. But the so-called scandals of Repub Roy Moore are making a Dem victory likely.
I’m here to criticize the Democrat, Dog Jones. (Real name: Doug Jones.) Granted, I’m a Repub so you’d expect me to decry the Dem, but that is not the way I operate. The Members of the House of Reps that I most admire are Barbara Lee, D-CA and ex-army Ms Tulsi Gabbard, Dem of Hawaii. They know what they are doing. ’Mazing. THEY CARE.
Why do I wish Alabamians would say No to Doug Jones? Because his sins are worse than that of the opponent (whose sins have earned multi-gallons of newsprint ink).
And because Jones is a Yes-man all the way. A Yes-man down to the marrowbone. You’ve got to admit Moore isn’t a Yes-man, in fact he takes his independence too far at times.
My beef with Dog is “retroactive” – stemming from his days as a US Attorney. The den of US Attorneys is a den of thieves. They don’t steal money – at least not as far as I am aware. They steal our minds.
The DoJ, along with the media, has turned us into a nation of idiots.
Start with the Boston Marathon bombing that was carried out by two brothers from Russia. Oh really? Did they get “radicalized” and decide to swap their future for Muslim martyrdom? No, of course not. And the only reason Bostonians think the younger boy, Jahar, is “religious” is that he spoke in flowery tones in a written boat-wall confession, which was of course created in its entirety by the FBI.
Did I mention that I’m a conspiracy theorist?
The FBI also wrote a heartfelt confession for Jahar. He read it out in court with assistance from a lawyer. That was after he was sentenced to death, so it wasn’t to win points. He talked about Allah, and said how sorry he was that the FBI had done the bombing. Oops I mean sorry that he and his late Bro had bombed the pants off the Marathon.
Note: Jahar’s uncle told the DoJ he had exculpatory information to present to court — and was therefore refused a visa for entry to the US. Don’t you love it. And when elderly aunts arrived in Boston to give a character testimonial for Jahar, they were not allowed to talk to the accused or anyone else (excusez-moi, this is America!), and had to wear – get this – ankle bracelets, as though they were criminals on parole.
Be patient; I’m getting to the Alabama connection.
The Eric Rudolph Nonsense
In the US there have been many serial killers (Boston Strangler, Ted Bundy, that sort of thing), many spree killers (started with Charles Whitman in Texas, shooting students from a tower), many bombings (the Oklahoma City rehearsal for the WTC), and lately the habit of driving one’s car or truck into pedestrians. Whee!
All of these are done by men who are paid to do it by our Real Overlords. The “criminals” who get “caught in the “act,” never would have had the brains or the moxie – or the equipment or the motivation – to do any such complicated thing.
Look at Eric Rudolph. He was convicted of a triple hit: bombing a lesbian bar (imagine it), bombing an abortion clinic, and then – I’m not sure I’ve got the order right – bombing the Atlanta Olympic stadium. Sure, all in a day’s work for a mental case.
Then – and this should tell you all you need to know – Eric went missing for five years. He was on the FBI’s Most Wanted list and they looked for him looked high and low, to no avail.
Maybe they forgot to check Eric’s credit cards or his Mom’s incoming phone calls? Maybe they lacked drones to search places he might go for a bite to eat? Five years, apparently in the woodsies.
Bottom line: you know how it is with those multi-bomber types – they’re so RESOURCEFUL.
Doug Jones’s Award-winning Prosecution of Eric Rudolph
A schoolboy could see that Eric Rudolph couldn’t possibly be the lone bomber of the Olympic games — It takes great coordination to do that but even more coordination to avoid capture.

Jones must have known all that. Please see my two “Cock Robin” articles at GumshoeNews.com, where I identify key government involvement in acts of terrorism – and I’m not even referring to the cases in which FBI involvement is now admitted. For example, the bombing, in 1993, of the basement of the World Trade Center – it’s sometimes called a sting operation gone wrong, but I would say a sting operation gone right.
In one Cock Robin article I discuss 9-11 and, in the other, Australia’s 1996 operation known as the Port Arthur massacre. My point is to ask “Who Killed Cock Robin” by asking “who had access to the venue, who had the ability to escape unhurt, who had the ability to keep honest cops away from the scene, and — wait for it – who ran the prosecution?
Enter, US Attorney Jones, to prosecute Eric Rudolph’s three-way slam. He says he is proud of it and oh-so-sentimentally proud of having brought justice to four black children who died when a Birmingham church was bombed in 1963. Naturally I claim that this incident was not a racist outburst but a well-planned psy-op.
In the title of this article, I say that Doug Jones talks a good game. To be fair, I have not seen his TV ads, but I’m told they are a brilliant campaign pitch. Yesterday I said to a taxi driver in Birmingham “What do you think of the Roy Moore business?” He answered “I don’t know Moore. I’m votin’ for Doug Jones, he’s a good man.”
Of course I came back with “Why do you think he’s a good man?” Reply: “Because he’s for everybody, he’s for the conservatives, black people, white people, he’s for everybody.” Wow.
Talks a good game.
The December 12 Finals
When I campaigned, from May 15 to August 15, there were 10 Repubs running and 8 Dems. Dog Jones did not need a runoff, having garnered over 50% of the Democratic vote. Luther Strange and Roy Moore, the Repubs with highest number of votes, then had a runoff in September. Oddly, no dirt came out at that point, as to Moore’s dating habits.
For the record, I am OK with his dating choices, provided they are of legal age. And, for the record. I am not the least bit OK with American taxpayers funding the secretive payoffs of Congressional employees who say they were harassed – whatever that means.
For the record, I am entirely in synch with Anita Hill who reluctantly came forward to say that a nominee for the Supreme Court had pestered her with dirty talk. The FBI then persecuted Anita’s parents – how do you like that!
So why different standards for Clarence Thomas as for Moore? Because, before confirmation of a Justice, if you know there’s bad behaviour, you should say so, as theirs is a sacred role in society. The great Nine should be as morally outstanding as possible.
Back to the special election final. On December 12, Alabamians have to pick Dog or Roy. I hope Roy wins. For Jones to have participated in the Eric Rudolph trial is to have committed massive obstruction of justice toward that individual – the pathetic Eric Rudolph. But far worse it is to have participated in a psy-op, and psy-ops are killing our nation.
Jones is in the same category as Carmen Ortiz in Boston federal court who, for more than two months of the trial of Jahar Tsarnaev, kept a straight face while every manner of lie was being told, and while absurdities was being flung around as “the facts of the case.”
Will Jahar now fry? I believe he will. When our Overlords are on a mission, they have wondrous weapons to use. Those weapons are – please cry when I say this – the law.
Mary W Maxwell is author of “Marathon Bombing: Indicting the Players,” and you can guess which players she is referring to.
So, what’s new? Have a view of these six clips:
The Game-changing McKibben Interviews
Part 1
Trillion Dollar Rip-Off: Social Networking is a Stolen Trade Secret
Part 2
The Evil Tech Cartel Weaponizing Social Media
Part 3
Leader v. Facebook: Zuckerberg’s Theft of Social Media
Part 4
Internet Global Dominance: Military Cyber Warfighting
Part 5
Leader Technologies’ Cyberwar Solution: Un-Weaponize the Internet
Part 6
Real Russian Meddling in the Election: Facebook’s Template to Win
Frederick, thanks for posting this
Ditto schmitto. Especially Part 6.
Just remove the leading asterisk and these links will work.
A stunning revelation on the law around about 20 minutes in Part 4
Poor Jahar is proberly already fried, with the best medical help.
As the Overlords play their minions, the minions are exposed.
Hope this is a bridge too far, the farce is so far beyond logic, containment will be hard for them with Mary and all you watching.
Fredrick, your video collection have taken up most of my day, but I have learned plenty, to add to my previous knowledge of the criminal element of our World Society.
Hopefully Mr McKibben will be successful with his legal fight. If so, this may be the undoing of the One World Government lunacy.
[…] In the end he lost to Doug Jones and so maybe I will come to regret hgaviong called him “Dog Jones.” […]