Home Australia Albanese On Notice re: WHO Pandemic Treaty

Albanese On Notice re: WHO Pandemic Treaty


A DM (gumshoe) adaption

Senator Alex Antic’s Newsletter today

Beginning on May 27, representatives of member states of the World Health Assembly, including Australia, will meet in Geneva to discuss the amendments to the International Health Regulations and the World Health Organisation’s International Instrument On Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (aka the “Pandemic Treaty”).

If ratified, these instruments would grant the WHO greater authority regarding international pandemic responses and preparation, including obliging nations via international law to prevent the spread of “misinformation and disinformation” and to potentially speed up the development of “pandemic related products”.

Apparently, the “pandemic related products” (aka COVID vaccines) were not made speedily enough!

We know that the terms “misinformation” and “disinformation” have been used to demonise objectively true statements about COVID-19, such as the fact that its lethality was exaggerated, that lockdowns would not work, and about the effectiveness of “pandemic-related products” developed to “stop the spread”. Such terms are easily weaponised and how they are interpreted is critical.

Given what we experienced over the past few years, we should be exiting the WHO or at the least, decreasing, not increasing, the authority bestowed upon unelected global health bureaucrats and “experts”.

At the outset of the 2020 pandemic period, the WHO did not scrutinise China’s possible involvement in gain-of-function research in Wuhan, which may have triggered the pandemic.

The WHO also advocated for mask mandates and total lockdowns, both of which are nonsensical and arguably caused more harm than good to peoples’ health and wellbeing. What qualifies the WHO to be in control of pandemic responses anyway?

This week, I authored a letter to the Prime Minister urging him to walk away from the IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty. The letter was signed by thirteen fellow Parliamentarians, whom I thank for their support.

You can read that letter here:-

I then spoke about this critical meeting in the Senate and you can watch that speech here:



  1. Well, their are actually some in Canberra who have insight and guts
    Check the signatures
    Seems that the Teals are really just ducks.

    • Teals are beholden to Hacca, but think of the poor politicians, having to do what their donors tell them, like the LibLab, who must divest themselves of any responsibility or else their donors will demand they prostitute themselves one way or another. In the end we have a rubber stamp parliament which just takes the advice and invests as directed by donors, and future employers. Hopefully Alex Antic and Gerard Rennick will defy the party and stay on in parliament until they are old like Bob Katter.

    • Jesus committed no crime, yet the very same kind of folk had him crucified for simply telling the Truth.

      Trump is the Trumpet and the Peacemaker.

    • Mary, depends!⚖️
      Was there a crime in the first place?
      Look up the NSW crimes act. This has been raised by me way back and you should be aware. Why ask me?
      Jurisdictions may vary.

      • i only listened to the first few minutes …. to the mushroom allegations.
        I did not detect a crime to that point UNLESS ….. well digesting certain mushrooms might suggest a crime, did all this happen over lunch in Victoria?
        I will leave you to present a 2,000 legal epistle for the voyeurs.

      • actually the bottle neck can be funny and the naive pelicans are dumb.
        A amount of $3000 for an afternoon tryst was not uncommon for some.
        Now with the abolition of cash, it will be recorded onto other files throughout the country.
        Talk about pollies shooting themselves in the ………… 💁😱🙀🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
        Expect either a downturn in ladies income or a surge in blackmail🙈😫
        Good though for a handy phone camera.

    • Why give such a disgusting travesty of a woman undue attention ?
      Or do we all need to be reminded that “Western civilization” is totally kaput?

      • Thank God there’s a remnant of clean cut journalism:

        “The first of Donald Trump’s criminal trials kicked off in earnest this week in New York. Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg has charged Trump with 34 felony counts, alleging that he falsified records to cover up a ‘hush money’ payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.

        It’s an unprecedented case. Never before has a former US president, or a leading candidate for an upcoming presidential election, faced criminal charges. There’s a good reason why America hasn’t had such a case before: seeking to jail your political opponent is generally understood to be something only banana republics do.

        It’s also an absurd and unjust case, involving novel legal theories and obvious political intent. No one other than Donald Trump would be subject to such charges.

        The Manhattan trial is part of the ‘lawfare’ offensive that is currently being waged by President Joe Biden and the Democrats against Trump. It is one of four criminal cases that Trump faces. He also has two federal cases, related to his handling of classified documents and to the ‘January 6’ riots, and one in Georgia, alleging that he subverted the 2020 election. These other cases are delayed, so the Manhattan case may be the only one to be tried before the November presidential election. Democrats have even tried to knock Trump off the ballot in multiple states, an anti-democratic scheme that was stymied by the Supreme Court last month.

        The Democrats’ aim is to brand Trump as a convicted felon and put him in jail. They’re hoping that a verdict against Trump will give the Biden campaign a decisive advantage in this year’s elections.”

        So the Biden administration has nothing else to fall back on?
        I wouldn’t exactly call that “news” but the issue certainly deserves more attention

  2. Bitchute: Just Celebrity Look Alikes or Clones? The Odds of Having This Many Look Alikes are off the Charts.

  3. https://www.who.int/about/


    “The Tavistock Institute offers research, consultancy, project evaluation work and professional development programmes, based on unique methodologies drawn from social sciences and applied psychology.[3] Methods include systems psychodynamics, complexity theory, Theory of Change and Social Dreaming. The main method is experiential learning – learning through experience.
    The Institute’s website[5] describes its work as having a focus on how humans relate to each other and non-human systems, how people grow and learn and effect creativity and change, in groups”

    “Research, evaluation and consultancy
    Recent project work includes leadership development programmes in the NHS, work with female innovators in European sustainable fashion via the shemakes collaboration, a 5 year programme of work with women and girls’ projects in England, an evaluation of Barnardo’s work with care-experienced young people, including a focus on the voices of the young people, and a study of continuing vocational education for the European Union.
    The Institute’s clients are individuals, teams, organisations and partnerships of organisations – undertaking work and projects in government, business / industry and the 3rd & 4th sectors at local, national and international level. The list includes organisations and sectors of all shapes and sizes, from grassroots community-based organisations to government agencies. Examples include the European Union, many British government departments, Third Sector and private clients.
    In 2023 the Institute’s organisation in Europe, Tavistock Institut gGmbH, based in Germany, moved its office to Berlin. The Institute has an arm in China – Tavistock Institute China.”

    AUSTRALIA (2023-2026)
    Mr Blair Exell
    Deputy Secretary, Health Strategy, First Nations and Sport Group, Department of Health and Aged Care

    Tavistock, the shadow behind the government
    Date: May 5, 2022
    The Greatest Mass Mind-Control Operation in World History

    “Tavistock Institute was officially established in 1921 by Luciferian Jesuit agents serving the Vatican Roman Catholic one world empire. The sole purpose of Tavistock then and now is to devise methods of mind control in order to socially engineer the masses into subservience and ultimately “slavery.””

  4. So there is no real love, just ice under the Rothschilds crime syndicate WHO keep on fleecing to the bone. Unless we stop believing the BS we’re doomed.
    Rejecting laws being applied to them, they laugh at all our morals. Simply, they believe in maximum crime and disorder against people everywhere. Their media, mega marts and universities control through pure delusions and propaganda overload because they are the biggest crime MOB most have never heard of.

    • Like those before him, Tony reads the Doherty scribe, pushing the BSWL4 cleansing. Seriously, why do we need bio weapons labs?

    • This article should be read in conjunction with my previous comments on the Deagle Report. – It is all coming together….

  5. On 15 May 2024, I was in Sydney, Australia, where I spoke at the Centre for Independent Studies about the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. I analyzed both the war in Gaza, which started on October 7 and continues to rage; and the fighting between Iran on one side and Israel and the US on the other side, that took place between 1 April and 19 April 2024.

    I then assessed the consequences of these two conflicts for Israel, the US, and Iran.

      • Very interesting analysis and I heard the lot. Interesting that there was no mention of the Gaza gas resources.💁🤪 or of Kushner’s plans as Kushner has allegedly stated.
        Sandra I thought from your comment you might be a speaker.
        Citing another would be helpful if Quotes were placed.
        Unless you are the Ravens wood teacher in which case a ‘questioner’ could have been made clear.

    • Around 25 years ago I went to a stakeholder meeting on biodiesel with the CSIRO. There were about 50 stakeholders there and the CSIRO representative started waffling on with his charts. – Crikey, the place erupted with disbelief. The CSIRO was LYING about the statistics and we could prove it. – And we did with further submissions, which did not change the direction of government one bit.

      The CSIRO is a total sham, it is just another ‘pay to play’ organization of the Australian government. Your taxes pay for that bullshit of corruption.

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