Introduction by DM,
This has been brewing for years.
Now a “UFO whistleblower” who has been given permission to be a whistleblower says that the U.S. is in possession of non-human made otherworldly craft and that it is being illegally held from Congress.
Is this legitimate? Clayton and Natalie Morris question why this is being presented to us now. They look into this disclosure and obviously have many questions!
Dear Mary, May I suggest that you arise from your bunk, grab a cup of coffee, be inspired to broaden your intellect and do some research.
As an easy. Start, get a copy of Col. Corso’s book; ‘The Day After Roswell’ 1994, that I read soon after publication.
Also you would not of heard of AWA in Australia that had a monopoly on producing radio valves. The company control was passed on to a son who was a thick Spoilt lazy indulged brat, as are many.
In about 1954, a couple of Americans visited him with a gadget and offered for his company to re-engineer it.
The Americans went to Japan where the same offer was proffered and accepted.
Dear Mary, ever heard of Sony and search your mind to when the TRANSISTER RADIO HIT THE MARKET IN THE LATE 50s.
The latter story was reported to me by an elder ( by about ten years to me) engineer friend who knew of the facts.
Well, no doubt I have wasted my effort, so go back, pull up your blanket and bury your head back into the pillow.
Well, some will say I am being harsh, but sometimes one has to stand against ignorance and conditioned uninformed mindsets….. for the sake of truth and the real universe.
MM, G5 agrees with you.
We have to understand our world; to understand who and where we are … AND understand the psyops imposed on us. Most of our lives are caught up in a scam/illusion like banking and governments.
I disagree with G5, sorry G😎
I might also just mention again, from years past here at GS in a comment, a report to me in about early late 1970’s of a copper ‘heavy squad’ stating that in training in NSW observed from about three hours a ‘ mother craft’ with children craft leaving and visiting high in the night sky.
Decade or so past, he turned up outside a local court at Waverley, with the police station next door. He had a driver and a mile of braid on his uniform as a Deputy NSW police Commissioner.
As he just alighte from the vehicle, in short, I asked him did he endorse the account he gave me years before and he replied, “definitely”. I was in the street, waiting for the Waverley court building to be opened or soon after.
On retirement he became a solicitor…… as an aside, in a civil case when he was a solicitor and a witness, I had the impossible task to cross examine him when he was a witness for the plaintiff. My client lost beg time💁🏼⚖️
I did not get the opportunity to again test him on his first account of his personal observations.
I also agree with Mary.
there may well be other wordly entities out there.. but if the USA gov is telling us anything… then its always BUNK!
if you learn anything from history, you cant not agree.
The most obvious question that arises is that if the U.S.has the capacity to, quote, “militiarise space”, why is the entire World System being held together by bluff?
Or as Dee says “a scam/illusion”
The so-called “bombshell whistleblower” would no doubt shit himself if he encountered the real deal
Try the globalists last desperate PLANNED scam, being we are to have a false flag alleged ‘invasion’ and THEREFORE HAVE TO FORCE THE WORLD TO COME UNDER A GLOBALIST ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT ……for our safety of course. (Keep in mind what President Reagan said on the possibility.)
IF I remember correctly, this was reported by pastor Williams (Williamson?) that I noted in the early 1990’s.
To be part of PROJECT BLUE BEAM. A hologram depiction of JC and Ors to dictate compliance with the NWO…… for our safety of course!
Years ago there were photographs (?) that I saw that depicted a city in the sky somewhere in China … a huge hologram?
Just practising💁🏼🌈🌈🌈🤡
The idea of project blue beam is now reported to be passe’……. TOO MANY PEOPLE HAVE CLIMBED OUT OF THEIR BUNKS AND NOW KNOW, SO IT WILL NOT WORK?
Also, now we have reports that the aliens have been here for ions anyway, some say/theorise that they now run the place anyway. That would explain why we are run/controlled by some psychopaths ……. in human form?
That also explains all the reported underground bunkers and transport tunnels ……. Being cleared out of their food source and causing a shortage of adrenochrome.
Has any one heard committee meetings in the US wanting chief bureaucrats to attempt to explain why there are 85.000 missing immigrant children recently in the US.
RIGHT: everyone up, dress, make up your bunks and be out on the parade ground in 5 minutes…..MOVE.
Werhner von Braun’s secretary, Carol Rosin, is on the record warning what her late employer confided to her about coming ‘events’.
She went public with that info during the 1990s, I believe. She also mentions what we now know to have come to pass.
Apparently, the Alien invasion is their (Globalists) last card.
Von Braun was part of the elitist, ‘Globalist Club’. So, we can take it to the Bank that he was privy to their plans.
“we have reports that the aliens have been here for ions anyway, some say/theorise that they now run the place anyway.”
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.”
Notwithstanding the fact that malevolent extra-terrestrials cannot cross dimensions in such a way, that they can only operate on Earth by taking possession of/inhabiting some mortal body or other
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As a result of that rebellion, God portioned the land and turned over those portions to the control of supernatural members of his council (Deut. 32:8–9), leaving Israel for himself as a remaining plot of holy land to be inhabited by the descendants of Abraham, whom he called for that purpose. But the supernatural guardians of those portions turned, one by one, to evil, causing God to judge and curse them, as recorded in Psalm 82. Worse yet, the descendants of Abraham turned to evil and began to worship the rebellious gods of the other nations, causing God to exile them to Babylon, the very land where the Tower of Babel had been built.
Angelic Ministry
Since the publication of The Unseen Realm, Heiser has continued to flesh out the supernatural worldview of the Bible with two recent books on the nature, origin, and functions of angels and demons. Cutting through the myths and legends that have surrounded these divine beings, Heiser allows us to see them through the eyes of the writers of the Old and New Testament as well as the Jewish and Greek writers who lived in the intertestamental period.
Although Heiser presents his case and offers his conclusions in an accessible manner, his points are backed up by a mountain of textual, historical, anthropological, and linguistic research. Indeed, one of Heiser’s great strengths is taking findings from esoteric, highly academic papers and helping ordinary, non-specialist readers understand their relevance for interpreting the Bible and seeing the overall shape of God’s work in human history.
“In his 2018 book ‘Angels: What the Bible Really Says About God’s Heavenly Host’ Michael Heiser explains that message-bearing (what the word angel means in Greek) marks only one of the many functions performed by the supernatural, non-physical beings that God created. Angels also act as ministers of God’s will, watchers who are ever vigilant, soldiers in God’s heavenly host (or army), interpreters to men of God’s messages, protectors of God’s holiness, executors of God’s divine judgment, and members of God’s council who participate in and bear witness to God’s sovereign decisions and decrees.
Heiser presents a dynamic picture of God holding session with his divine council, but he also lays down biblical limits for angelic authority and advice. One of the best examples in Scripture of God convening his council is 1 Kings 22:19–23, when he asks how the wicked king Ahab might be defeated. After performing a close analysis on the passage, Heiser concludes that the “text presents us with a clear instance where God has sovereignly decided to act but allows his lesser, intelligent servants to participate in how his decision is carried out. God wasn’t searching for ideas, as though he couldn’t conceive of a plan. He allowed those who serve him the latitude to propose options.”
Article continues below
In his overview of the study of angels between the period of Exile and the ministry of Christ, Heiser marshals his prodigious research to dispel two popular myths. First, he demonstrates that Second Temple Jewish writers, including the translators of the Septuagint (the Greek Old Testament) and the Qumran community that wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls, did not eliminate the language of angels as sons of god out of a fear of promoting polytheism. Their writing shows quite the opposite: a clear understanding that Yahweh is the only God but that he is surrounded by a divine council of supernatural beings who are often called gods. Second, he shows that the Dead Sea Scrolls do not embody a dualistic vision of good and evil as equal and opposite forces, but of angelic warfare between beings created by the omnipotent and always-benevolent Yahweh.
Whereas the Old Testament speaks of the angel of the Lord carrying out the judgment of God, the New Testament, written after God became man, no longer mentions the Angel of the Lord—because judgment has been “entrusted” to Christ (John 5:22). Angels are described as exacting God’s vengeance in the apocalyptic book of Revelation, but in the rest of the New Testament, they are usually seen as ministering to believers.
Some have argued that Christ’s death on the cross redeemed fallen angels as well as fallen human beings, Heiser refutes this theory, making it clear that ‘the sacrifice of Jesus does not help angels. It helps believers—the children of Abraham by faith.’
In his most recent book, ‘Demons: What the Bible Really Says About the Powers of Darkness’, the same author takes up the story of those fallen angels whom even the death of Christ could not redeem. The book dispels the myth, popularized in John Milton’s classic poem Paradise Lost, of a single rebellion against God led by Satan before the world was created, a myth that has little actual scriptural support. Instead, Heiser defines demons, or evil spirits, as “members of God’s heavenly host who have chosen to rebel against his will.” Rather than taking place once, as it does in Paradise Lost, this rebellion (as noted earlier in this review) took different forms at different times: the serpent in Eden, the sons of God who slept with the daughters of men, and the disobedient sons of god Yahweh put in charge of the nations after the Tower of Babel.”
He stated that he has met them ….. he would not claim that if he was not permitted?
I am not going to spoon feed anymore today, I have other tasks to do today. .. painting😩
Enjoy Ned – painting can be very relaxing if one can give themselves over to it. 🙂
It is bearable if I listen to auditory internet news reports as an informative distraction…… bit hard when having to use a sander….. then there is the overgrown garden foliage of the world of Terry.
And only women can multi-task?
The copper I referred to was a heavy in the armed hold up squad in the late 70’s with uncle Roger…….when I was Solicitor for the Crown.
No doubt we would have some stories to compare💁🏼⚖️⛓️
Just remembered; the plot from Gilligan’s Island!
I joined the coppers after the government decided that police were no longer eligible for the same superannuation scheme that the pollies were feathering their nests with.
Too close for comfort maybe?
Interesting, that up until the Banks chose to cave to union demands, that Tellers no longer keep a 38 revolver in their cash drawer, there were very few Bank robberies – well that all exploded in the late 70s.
You’re not referring to Bumper Farrell are you Ned?
I was, what the then NSW Police Service referenced as, a late Joinee, I was 45 years old when I marched out of Goulburn Police Academy, in August, 1997.
Discharged medically unfit HOD (hurt on duty) in April, 2005.
Blimey, Bumper was retired and neutered just before me. He had a good funeral where I lived …. I think from the tv scenes?
You were about 20 years after the verbals and the ‘green’ light for some criminals…… who do you think wer licensed to rob banks?
You even missed out on the Darlinghurst and kings Cross gang.
Perhaps you were part of Carr’s new lot…… ever met Constable ‘Frosty’ (Rose Bay for a gig)
As for revolvers, the old .38 Webley that I borrowed from dad’s desk just before he retired.🤣 I had to poke the lead out of the barrel after I discharged it💁🏼
My first posting as a ‘probationary constable’ was Eastwood during the time of the ‘pommie’ police commissioner, Ryan, appointed immediately after the Wood Royal Commission into police ‘corruption’ brought down its findings.
Did you have any role in that commission?.
What a useless Globalist piece of garbage he turned out to be!
The first few months of his tenure he was caught out taking bribes at the weekend footy for special attendee privileges at all games he and his then wife wished to attend.
That was after he took to lecturing ‘his’ police officers about accepting half price McDonalds when on duty. Never mind that McDonalds only offered their half price meals to get uniforms into their restaurants as a public safety measure!
I got to fit in nicely with the ‘old hands’ at Eastwood, mostly crown sergeants and senior sergeants – generally a very good mob to cut one’s aspiring police teeth on.
So long as you kept your moral compass!
I can remember ferrying one senior sergeant around Ryde, for whatever it was at the time, and as we passed the Court House on Victoria Road he said to me, as he pointed at that old sandstone building- “Told many a lie in that place!”
What you mention I cannot recall hearing about. I do remember the stories about Rogerson who was either a saint or a criminal – dependent on who it was who told the story. and although details of that are forgotten by me – I was left in no doubt that the Wood Royal Commission only touched the surface of the real corruption, and that I would personally experience as time went on.
In my personal opinion, the whole rotten edifice of the political, judicial and police system, needs to be brought down.
The Wood Commission was abruptly finished when it did not convene again after morning tea. The next section was to proceed into judicial corruption💁🏼⚖️ directed; had to maintain public confidence in the judicial system🤣
My first criminal case was in that Ryde court. I worked for Witless’ legal aid startup.
Young fellow charged with stealing an object from his father’s premises. He told me that his mother had died just prior. I discovered that my old solicitor firm had his mother’s Will.
He was a joint beneficiary with his dad of all household objects. Thus the object could not be stolen by him. I should have kept mute, so the charge was changed on the court day to theft by a bailee.
My first criminal case, my first lesson… tell the coppers nothing.
Thanks for the memory prompt.
I personally saw a UFO in the early 70’s, I don’t know what flag it was flying, it was just a bright white light going in a straight line silently at a constant speed. What made it unusual is that it performed a sharp right angle turn without losing any velocity !!! And then probably less than a minute later, it did it again. This happened about an hour before dawn. According to reports they are quite commonly seen.
Had a white pulsating almond shape craft pace the aircraft my wife and I were in for around ten minutes.
Was it ours or one of theirs?
I’ve seen many strange things in my time on this planet.
Which has no bearing whatsoever on the purported “whistleblower” claim that the U.S.has the capacity to, quote, “militiarise space”
eslpeth – there can be no Space Force without Space Ships. Like wise, there can be no Air Force without Aircraft.
I spent a weekend with Col Bob Bowman when he was a guest our home in 2008 (Dr in nuclear something or other) who was chosen to be in some force in space by Ronald Reagan but either refused or left because he opposed the military being in space.
For Bob, look up a old 911 site ‘ professionals and military personnel speak out on 911’ or something similar.
Bob died with cancer ….. Vietnam, he flew many missions and was also an interceptor pilot in the US for a period . He new that the official government mad tin foil hatter’s conspiracy theory was utter Bulltits.
All we know is we are being played, its all “they”(aliens)do. We have all NOW witnessed actions by peeps that are just alien to humanity.
And what your now going to reverse engineer a loser tech to could barely land on earth when we where dropping 3 men craft on a highly agitated moon.
I will stand corrected if anyone takes exception to my 3 men at one time on the moon.
One orbited in moon space, and one did the on-site video, whilst the other,, Spielberg is looking pretty ugly
Yes Spielberg is looking silly.
My source reports no burn marks on the capsule chucked from a U.S. transport to be picked up.
He should have painted some marks on the capsule, then again, presumably he was not on site for the dump when it was outsourced.
🙈🙉🙊s…. Remind anyone of their press conference upon ‘return’?
This is probably a good part of why at this time:
A good and informative series of personal exposures by some very credible, and highly credentialed folk.
“The Survival of Humanity Depends on This! UAP & UFO Non-Human Retrieval Program”
Problem is that if any humanly-devised program could save anyone like so Jesus would not have handed Himself over to be crucified
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Why anyone would want to pay to sit through this I can’t imagine but here it is anyway. Djokovic lets the other guy win for a while then takes over, crushing the opponent’s spirit
Meanwhile Nadal same age but injected has announced he is giving it up in 2024
They may have advanced technology (from prior civilisations…some talk about a library under the sphinx in Egypt having been taken by the US ) that they can now introduce as being from aliens….but there is no space and there are no aliens………nasa is a front for taking money to fund black opps so this is just a last resort to raise the fear factor..
I have a part written article that may be connected to this subject. I left that writing to finalise “The Fairy Tale of the Twenty First Century”. This project of mine is no fairy tale. Wait for it in a day or so.