Home World Politics American Politics — Massive Lies, Hoaxes, and Staged Theatrics

American Politics — Massive Lies, Hoaxes, and Staged Theatrics

photo sourced from businessinsider.com

[Editor’s note: The content of this article is are views expressed by the author and there is no way to verify this material.]

by G5

They shot some footage of a Harris double walking up some stairs saluted by an actor in a pretend uniform. A theatric as in The Pentagon, Arlington, and Inauguration footages. CNN and cohorts packaged a story concerning Harris allegedly getting off a helicopter and onto a plane. But the helicopter rotors were not wheeling down and there was no plane up the stairs. So the helicopter was not used and the plane was green-screened in later. [Editor’s note: I saw the video, but can no longer find it]

As I have previously commented; the flags and uniforms were wrong, from the pretend inauguration on.

It would take some time to explain how the car theatric at The Pentagon was a total fiction. I know the door procedure from an old friend.

The Junta Third Political Party is now the American Government. All else is theatrical nonsense. Orange uses the cars, AF1 and M1. He recently used them in the unreported Heads of State conferences in Switzerland. Mar-a-Lago is the White House. As originally intended. DC is to be returned to Maryland, from which it was ceded. The area ceded from Virginia has been returned. The District of Columbia no longer exists. Nor does The Washington Douglas Commonwealth; about which there is no real information.

Orange remains in his first term under The Continuation of Government Legislative and Constitutional provisions, guarding against a coup. Which had been attempted.

Nothing is correctly reported by fake media.

Werner von Braun from Peenemundi and Mittekerk camps, developer of The V2, was hidden from the fake Numemberg Trial. Moved under Operation Paperclip, he was positioned as the head of; The Redstone Arsenal, The Marshall Space Flight Centre, and NASS. From where he frauded the entire America in Space Theatre. From Area 51 to Antarctica Moon Rocks, to fake launches, shuttles and space stations. Dead in 1977, the legend and hoax script lived on.

Mengele; who was also moved from Nuremberg; was at the CIA East West Centre at The University of Hawaii, before being transferred to The CIA experimental facilities in America and Canada. Mkultra, LSD, experiments on orphaned and kidnapped infants and young children, tutored and drugged to death.

America is not new to massive lies, hoaxes, and theatres.

Pretty much. The Pentagon is no longer the seat of military control. That passed to Cheyenne Mountain, as The White House is Mar-a-Lago. I wrote this after the fake election (6 November 2020).  I also wrote that Milley was compromised and that The Marine Corps (and The Coast Guard) were defending The Constitution.

The fenced DC not only keeps out the theoretical conservative insurrectionists, protecting the socialist corruption but will also keep out the Deep State and accoutrements who built it.

As The White House, The Capital, The Supreme Court, The Fed, and most allied office farce buildings are empty, including the Vice President’s House, the DC Police, National Guard, and the Clown Show Theatrics are Hollywood manufactured with sets, studios, and green screens; there is hardly any reason to believe; even for the deeply lifelong VB deluded; that there is actually something happening in Columbia aka Washington Douglas.

The United States Corporation no longer exists. Where would you like to start? The people monitoring the various entrances confirm (Humint files); nobody home. Joey’s Presidency is a theatrical illusion.

America no longer exists. It was succumbed to theatrical fiction, a test run by the non-presidency Soetoro SitCom Era. The minuscule minority, consisting of Deep State, allied criminals, owners and handlers, and handfuls of insane, are NOT THE MAJORITY, and NOT WHAT THEY VOTED FOR.

White Light Intel from Russia, Israel, England and America, are catching and cancelling. Known elites are left. The logistics are being cut. The metastasis is deep. The game is won, when a well-known stands and admits. Currently not in sight.

Shootouts are occurring throughout America; hidden from all media. If footage is caught, its distribution is blocked. I had a meeting on that issue yesterday.

There is a tentative plan for Orange to fly back in after a July 4 optic. But DC is no longer the seat of the federal government.

Apart from all prior opportunities: in October 2020, he should have postponed the elections, and closed Congress and SCOTUS. Open Marshal Law and the Insurrection Act, use the Emergency Broadcast Network, expose the planned voter fraud, have Russia and India fire shots across the Chinese Bow, shut The Fed with a bang, reissue through The Treasury (as did JFK), and have big tech and media front, crawling in sackcloth and ashes.

None of this would have occurred now, had Orange acted on his clear mandate from 2016, reconfirmed in 2020. A real Nuremberg event was required.



  1. I am relieved for G5 to publish this article. I feel not so silly now!!!
    I have been watching most of what he refers to that has turned up in the alternative media.
    I was puzzled by the helicopter transfer to a alleged aircraft by The ‘alleged’ ‘VICE’ P. Yep the helicopter ‘dooverlatchies’ in the close background to the stairs were as still as a wombat snoozing and the flight up the stairs did not show any aircraft at the very top of the stairs………strange, no scene in that video of a entry into a aircraft……..not even a footstep. So the green machine/backdrop later being added has legs. Yes and G5 says the video has disappeared and that I am sure he would know…..I have not searched BUT I SAW IT.
    I have watched many citizen videos examining the “Black” House. [Now the ‘Ghost House’] Weeds, lawn not mowed, lights hardly existing……….. probably only from the corridors through the odd opened office door/s.
    One of the doozies was a pretend presser with Biden in the Rose garden. Whilst the presser was live on television in the background videos and on scene observations (not direct) and recordings close by demonstrated that there was NO PRESSER in the Rose Garden/
    I have seen much more from citizens videos and reports and have been understandingly discrete in my conclusions.
    It can only be suspected with evidence that the alleged present US government is a mirage reported on and run by FAKE MEDIA………..The media frauds must know they are liars with all their pretense.
    THANK YOU G5, from a ‘not so silly conspiracy theorist’ ……….. the ‘EVIDENCE’ is there.
    WAKE UP.
    You mass media lot ‘will not be able to walk down the street’; [ref: Mr Ryan’s: Insufferable JERK’ from x22report.com]

    • As a postscript before the ‘Gullibles’ start citing all the videos of Biden in the oval office. My ‘gullibility’ was stretched way back when the first [?] oval office charade was shown.
      Did any of the gullible believers notice through the window behind Biden a car park/truck parked?
      No? Did any of the ‘gullibles’ examine all the reports on this in the alternative media? No.
      well, you lot better wake up.
      There are reports now of some actual charades taking place now in the oval office via a back entry. Right, they might have realised that their Hollywood style oval office mock up was exposed.
      Yep mass media………..you will definitely not be able to walk down the street, better get ready to re-finance your mortgages and consider free public education for your littlies. Who would want to buy anything you lot advertise?

  2. For some time i was in agreement with the memes that we have been living in “clown world”.
    However, more recently i believe we are living in “fake world.”
    Everything is fake.

    • Its a three ring circus; politicians in one ring , mass media in another and corporate globalists at the center.
      All surounded by a captivated audience with the FOUR wise (not) monkey masks,
      See no evil.
      Say no evil.
      Hear no evil.

  3. I do not agree with everything G5 opines. Just one very small example/point: ” …. a real Nuremberg was required….”.
    Matter of timing and I suspect that it is probably now too late for many of the potential defendants.
    Just a suspicion!!!!

  4. We are definitely not in a real world. Our illustrious Premier who won in a landslide, has just invoked an extended “state of emergency”. I have not seen any sign of a reason for the “first state emergency”. The deaths in WA caused by the usual flu did not exceed normal limits. If fact deaths in 2020 were less than in 2019, as with most places around the world. It appears that there has been no flu deaths since August 2020 in WA, yet there needs to be a “state of emergency” in place. The regulation to wear face masks is back. I refuse and because of that I had to cancel an appointment for a hearing test.

    The morons that people refer to as politicians are becoming more moronic as the days pass. This group of traitors definitely do not want our country back to what was “normal” and they will do anything to prevent that happening.

    Bringing in yet another “state of emergency at this time will cover, at least, the coming flu season, and I am certain the flu will be proclaimed as “the second wave” of Covid-19. We have not even had the “first wave”. However the public refuse to wake up. Unfortunately those of us awake are being denied a real life because of that situation.

    The worst part of this depravity is that these beings that think they know “what is good for us”, actually know nothing. So they cannot refute or debate any alternative information. All their regulations are against the normal procedures recommended by international doctors and virologists, the professionals in that field.

    I heard recently, but I cannot confirm, that the Western Australian votes are countered by machine. If so this would account for the unrealistic majority that McGowan got in the election. Another US fiasco?

  5. I am logging this ‘insufferable jerk’ for the Benefit of the mass media, Mr O’Neil [12.09 above] and Mr Ryan plus for those who care.
    Note the 19 min mark on some putting up fraudulent x 22 reports and where to get genuine reports.
    Listen to the first parts of X22 and the fascist censorship criminals.

    Perhaps some support this?

    So Mr O’Neil, states that Gumshoe is doing no favours by reporting ‘Incoherent nonsense’?
    Well I disagree, I think gumshoe is doing a great and rare service (especially Dee) exercising opinions and free speech to give the public a different perspective to yours, after all, how would you like it if your articles/opinions were considered by some to be incoherent nonsense and nothing presented to back up your opinion?

    You say G5 is incoherent nonsense, Are you also suggesting that my comments supporting some of G5’s report is ALSO ‘Incoherent nonsense’. If so, you are not expressing any respect for a colleague …………. am I considered by you to be a liar or incoherent?

    I look at the evidence James and it is my ethical duty, in retirement even, to feel free to present my opinion freely. You do not have to accept it and rather than presenting personal attacks, just ignore it unless you wish to present cogent evidence in rebuttal to make your case or opinion………After all, what else would a court accept, you spent decades learning, surely?

    • Well Australian mass media and our politicians.
      EVER noted the words. ‘They shall know them by their deeds’ mass media and PM Morrison. sleep tite whilst the world is awaked

  6. There is way too much evidence against the deep state now, you start with Clintons Glass-Steagall etc, Bush wars, Obama QE, 2016 MSM attack goons, 2020 HCQ and it just expands. Ned’s reference to the arizona audits live stream is great. azaudit.org check out camera 5 in the early morning Melbourne time and you can see it is a big exercise, very methodical, very transparent. We are watching the biggest unravelling of a bloodless coup in history. The stupid sheeple doze on !!!

    • Come off it W3, camera 5 has to be “incoherent nonsense”…………just a whole lot of gremlins running around looking busy counting beans and should not be linked at gumshoe. (:–}

  7. For those who have some time for just a discussion on common sense……….covering many subjects. including Charlie drinking Hydroxy.
    Terry just note Charlie’s comments at 40 minute mark for a few minutes………… your favourite ‘peoples’ are mentioned…………. all will be well!

    W3 ‘THREE’. Note
    Last few minutes……… guess how many fake votes reportedly found…… 46 min mark ‘as of yesterday’ over a million votes found in Arizona.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, someone put a mask over that bloody camera 5??????

    Btw note first ten mins or so ………… get vaccine and fly!
    No No!!! Some airlines will now not let you on because of increased thrombosis risk [blood clots] …….seriously funny!

      • Maricopa county is almost 5 million people, if I recall correctly Arizona only voted democrat once in history ? Combined with the border situation, it is a great place to start. With probably up to 2 million voting Trump they obviously would need about a million fake votes to guarantee, then they have Dominion for extra insurance. Large scale logistical endeavours are always interesting.
        What comes as a total surprise is the idea that Xi is working against the CCP for a new republic of China. Well I will reserve judgement on just about anything but this is certainly one to follow, I wonder who is covering that ? ? ?

        • Xi working against the CCP?
          If so Probably the Rothschild bankers covering.
          But that is a bit hard to fathom currently.
          Oh well, Mr O’Neil can update us on all that with a international analyst’s opinion.
          Strange that Charlie Ward in the links below did not cite Xi as one of, in his opinion, Xi as one of the three only honest world leaders.
          However I have noted contrary opinions.
          Agatha Christie, in a hundred years, you would not have imagined such a mystery.
          The current world today is the best mystery novel ever to be envisaged since apple Eve.
          Pity, so many today just cannot read.

        • I liked G5’s piece. The stream of conciousness style is entertaining and if we are interested in facts we can search them out ourselves.
          The point is taken that lying and cheating in US politics is common.

          • Welcome to GS Jimbo.
            G5 is restricted re disclosures. You have to read between the lines and discern the realty…if you look.

    • Give us a break Mary. so you know some Latin. Try English. It is common these days if you wish to communicate a point.
      I am not going to waste my time translating.a dialect from 2000 years ago.

    • I see that my timidity backfired. I said NON credo quit absurdum (I don’t believe it, because it is absurd) as I did not want to go the full O’Neill. I am supposed to be neutral in my role as Comments Monitor.

      (Theologian Tertullian in the third century AD wrote “Credo quia absurdum” about the resurrection of Christ. He did not use the NON.)

      OK. So I don’t buy G5’s essay. I am OK with the green-screen stuff and I realize some coup-d’etat-ists have been wanting for yonks to do COG — Continuity of Government in a cave somewhere (or a Marriott).

      But the bit about Trump being the boss defies the fact that he was not the boss even during his presidency. Try reading the book his niece Mary Trump wrote; it’s quite good.

      James, I’m with you.

        • I love this thought… was Trump acting as president; Mary trump signing the book deal — But Biden now there is a classic puppet on a string… I wonder when he’ll be past his used by date…

  8. “None of this would have occurred now, had Orange acted on his clear mandate from 2016, reconfirmed in 2020.”

    Well G5, Mr Orange never had any intention of acting on his mandate. He did, however, aggravate the hell out of the more powerful group of red sea pedestrians by delaying their well planned agenda. Think of it as a spat within the (((family))).

    He can now go back to playing golf, drinking diet Coke, and practising Kabbalism in secret, without being in the spotlight.

    • TDS and Latin (pedestrian) packed into one short piece, but missing the obligatory link to renegadebugle.com !!!

    • So you are new and I suspect with a purpose.
      Best of luck and take care that you are not further blinded by the spotlight.
      As you may have noted in a comment above, I differ from the G5 opinion you cite.
      We await for developments and non credo quia
      Absurbium for the uninformed distractors.You been speaking to Leena?

        • I can relate this NASB interpretation of the prophecy of Habakkuk chapter 2. to Rothschild and his ilk –

          I WILL stand on my guard post And station myself on the rampart; And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me, And how I may reply when I am reproved.
          Then the LORD answered me and said, Record the vision And inscribe it on tablets, That the one who reads it may run.
          For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.
          Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith.
          Furthermore, wine betrays the haughty man, So that he does not stay at home. He enlarges his appetite like Sheol, And he is like death, never satisfied. He also gathers to himself all nations And collects to himself all peoples. [ Mr Rothschild I have read owns wineries in France ]
          Will not all of these take up a taunt-song against him, Even mockery and insinuations against him And say, “Woe to him who increases what is not his — For how long — And makes himself rich with loans?’
          Will not your creditors rise up suddenly, And those who collect from you awaken? Indeed, you will become plunder for them.
          Because you have looted many nations, All the remainder of the peoples will loot you — Because of human bloodshed and violence done to the land, To the town and all its inhabitants.
          Woe to him who gets evil gain for his house To put his nest on high, To be delivered from the hand of calamity!
          You have devised a shameful thing for your house By cutting off many peoples; So you are sinning against yourself.
          Surely the stone will cry out from the wall, And the rafter will answer it from the framework.
          Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed And founds a town with violence!
          Is it not indeed from the LORD of hosts That peoples toil for fire, And nations grow weary for nothing?
          For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.

  9. I agree with everything G5 said

    … about von Braun

    • Von Braun’s Legacy (with Dr. Carol Rosin)


    I believe von Braun was an exhibitionist [most assuredly a high-ranking freemason] fixated with the concept of travelling to the moon. His mentor Hermann Oberth was a technical advisor on “Woman on the Moon” produced by Fritz Lang.

    • Trailer – FRAU IM MOND 1929


    • Wernher von Braun and Hermann Oberth in an interview for the TV (German audio) July 24, 1969.


  10. Beantown Globe today says people still wear masks outdoors, even after the outdoor mask mandate lifted, because they “don’t want to look like Republicans.


  11. I’m with Mary, I think G5 is just adding to the confusion intentionally. All politics is theatre. Orange is far from being in control of much. Is he nicknamed Orange because of his royal bloodlines (William Orange)? Both political sides, all political sides, are off the mark, unwittingly or wittingly, depending on their status in the main pyramid scheme.

    God, our Creator and Maker, is in control of everything and His intentions are nothing but Good, sharing and caring, compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love toward everyone, characteristics that we each may adopt at any moment of our choosing.

    From one of my favorite sources, David Icke’s book “Tales From The Time Loop,” page 34.

    Chapter 2

    Web of deception

    The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself… Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.
    H.L. Mencken, American Writer 1880-1956

    To understand the background to current and historical world events, including what happened on September 11th 2001, I have had to research and understand so many subjects, some of them considered bizarre or crazy to our conditioned reality.

    As the puzzle pieces began to emerge, it became clear that a network of interbreeding bloodlines going back to the ancient world has expanded its control over the human population, until today, a full blown global dictatorship is within its sight and within its grasp. Or at least it would be if the awakening of the human heart and mind were not about to blow the house down. Unless people know the real background to what is happening they can easily be deceived by the official version of 9/11 and other atrocities, wars, famine and the strife that are daily ‘reported’ in the media. The official story of September 11th is a monumental lie, as I reveal in Alice In Wonderland and The World Trade Center Disaster, but most people have believed it, and the wars of conquest that have followed have been ‘justified’ by the official version being true.

    Page 35

    From Strand to Web

    People come into an understanding about the global conspiracy through many different routes. Some begin to investigate the legalized corruption and theft orchestrated through the banking system and go on to see that this is just one strand of an enormous conspiracy that pervades all areas of human life. Others come to this knowledge by researching the suppression of information about “UFO’s’ or the corruption of governments, arms sales, ‘Third World’ debt and the actions of transnational corporations that lead to death, hunger and suffering across Africa, Central and South America and elsewhere. If you pursue any of these investigations far enough, and with an open mind, it will inevitably lead you into the enormous spider’s web of inter-connected and coordinated manipulation, mass murder and corruption that is the global conspiracy.

    I was guided into this understanding by the desire to know why alternative explanations of life were being suppressed while the versions presented by ‘science’ and religion were given free reign. When my awakening began to express itself I realised there were more explanations that challenged those of ‘science’ and religion and made far more sense in solving the mysteries of life. Why was this information not made available to children and students in the schools and universities? Where were the tv programs about these concepts in the mainstream media? Why was anyone who talked about them either ridiculed by ‘science’ or condemned by ‘religion?’ As many of my investigations continued a whole universe of knowledge began to be unleashed as I realised that the suppression of the very nature of our existence was a part, a fundamental part, of a global conspiracy of simply astonishing proportions.”

    From another favorite source of mine, Kabbalah (= “to receive”).

    In Kabbalah, not the corrupted and defiled version flaunted in the media and abused by those who think they are in power or that they have power, our “conditioned reality” in David Icke’s words, is called and named Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil reality of the five senses. It has also commonly been nicknamed “the matrix.” Everyone shares in it to a varying degree. As the name indicates, it is a reality of Good and Evil.

    There is a second reality that everyone has access to and it is called and named our Tree of Life reality of the Sixth Sense, our God-like self as this is who we are created to be and to become, in code name “Messiah,” where there is no Evil but only Good and Oneness with all Creation.

    From Kabbalist Rav Berg’s book, NanoTechnology of Mind Over Matter this is stated on the cover:

    Time and again throughout the millenia, kabbalists have known what science eventually catches up with and pronounces as fact. What once seemed “out of this world,” turns out to be not only possible but inevitable. So-called “nanotechnology,” the control and manipulation of matter on the atomic or molecular level, is something kabbalists have always understood is inevitable through spiritual connection and higher consciousness.

    Ever since Albert Einstein calculated the size of a single sugar molecule to be a billionth (nano) of a meter, a nanometer has been synonymous with something very, very small. And once science came up with the means to be able to view such miniscule particles of matter, the fields of applied technology, medicine, engineering, chemistry, and many other disciplines have advanced in the direction of “less is more,” with astounding results.

    Over the course of little more than 50 years – what in terms of human history might even be called a “nanosecond” – computers have shrunk from the size of a building to the size of a billfold, and entire libraries of books, music and more can fit on a tiny chip. And all of this complexity can be utilized and reconfigured more quickly than ever.

    That less physicality can produce more power is something that kabbalists have known and taught throughout the ages. According to Kabbalah, the more we are able to reduce the physical space that separates us from each other and from the world around us, the more evolved we can become. When the space that keeps us apart grows smaller, the essence of Kabbalah, which is “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” takes on its true meaning: One’s neighbor is one’s self. As the Rav reveals and so beautifully expresses in this book, the secret to personal and global transformation lies in nanotechnology for the soul.”

    Shabbat Shalom and a Peaceful weekend to everyone.

    • Leena 100% agree “Unless people know the real background to what is happening they can easily be deceived by the official version of 9/11 and other atrocities, wars, famine and the strife that are daily ‘reported’ in the media”.

      • Thank you Leena–wise words

        “To understand the background to current and historical world events, including what happened on September 11th 2001, I have had to research and understand so many subjects, some of them considered bizarre or crazy to our conditioned reality.

        As the puzzle pieces began to emerge, it became clear that a network of interbreeding bloodlines going back to the ancient world has expanded its control over the human population, until today, a full blown global dictatorship is within its sight and within its grasp.”

        “People come into an understanding about the global conspiracy through many different routes. Some begin to investigate the legalized corruption and theft orchestrated through the banking system and go on to see that this is just one strand of an enormous conspiracy that pervades all areas of human life. Others come to this knowledge by researching the suppression of information about “UFO’s’ or the corruption of governments, arms sales, ‘Third World’ debt and the actions of transnational corporations that lead to death, hunger and suffering across Africa, Central and South America and elsewhere. If you pursue any of these investigations far enough, and with an open mind, it will inevitably lead you into the enormous spider’s web of inter-connected and coordinated manipulation, mass murder and corruption that is the global conspiracy.”

        • Completing a personal thread with Leena’s teaching

          “When the space that keeps us apart grows smaller, the essence of Kabbalah, which is “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” takes on its true meaning: One’s neighbor is one’s self. As the Rav reveals and so beautifully expresses in this book, the secret to personal and global transformation lies in nanotechnology for the soul.”

          And in that spirit—-I will speak a little of the Kabbalah and its inversion- using quotes from Stella Katz from Aliison Millers Book Healing the Unimaginable. You see this was core to the experiments I was subjected to in 1942-43, born into a Druidic cult and later selected and “sold,” aged 4 to become a Tavistock –Rawlings Rees -William Sargant -Ewen Cameron-Cunningham Dax training model for Herr Doctor Joseph Mengele’s Monarch programming, as was Wendy Hoffman New York 1947.

          Stella states-“I want to make it very clear that not all Kabbalists are Satanists and not all Satanists train their children using the Reversed Kaballah”

          The true ancient Kabbalah is a beautiful thing that takes a lifetime of training to integrate and apply in one’s own life. It is an ancient body of spiritual wisdom.

          The “satanic inversion,” bastardizes the practice–codes, are still used but they are taught using torture instead of meditation and the Torah is twisted to make God the bad guy. The training of a child starts from the feet up rather from the head down, their supreme being is Lucifer and their angels are black angels.

          My healing only really started when I used art to reclaim my body—starting with the feet. Nearly 300 pieces later I have reclaimed my life’s narrative–a truly inexplicable experience but timely. To everything there is a purpose under heaven

          • Thank you, Diane, how awesome that you have found your healing through art.

            This is so true:

            Stella states-“I want to make it very clear that not all Kabbalists are Satanists and not all Satanists train their children using the Reversed Kaballah”.

            What is being practiced is reverse Kabbalah, i.e. “cabala,” and “cabals,” and “minions.”

            When I first came in contact with Kabbalah, I was stunned that the Kabbalah Centre had Madonna of all celebrities as its spokesperson and public face. But, as my understanding deepened, I realized that she is a “gatekeeper” of sorts, enticing her fans to engage in vulgar “entertainment” etc.. It is, exactly, reverse Kabbalah.

            We can reverse it back to its original meaning to bring us back to “loving thy neighbor as thyself,” which is a somewhat foreign concept in the Jewish places I have visited since Judaism as a religion, which it isn’t, focuses on laws and views everything through a lense of law, not love, which is the original intention.

            The potential is there, awaiting actualization, maybe there is no need to count if it is the first or the second coming of the Messiah, let’s just welcome Peace wherever we are.

            Thank you again, Diane.

    • Leena,
      Its vitally important to understand that Satan works in many ways (and has for thousands of years) on a global scale to implement large mainstream global ‘systems’, that is organisations, religions, etc that have every image of sacred knowledge. There are mainstream religious organisations today, worshipped by millions at whose heart lie satanic druidic ritual. Their believers are totally ignorant of this truth as the camouflage is so well done.

      There are many, many more than one. When you start to look at their doctrine you are struck by how wise and seemingly revealing they are – this is the hook and bait you are offered.
      Take the time – or not – to look beyond that – Pray (ask) God to reveal truth to you. He will. Do not be deceived, by elaborate deception – Yes it certainly is a “Web of deception” Just don’t go there. Instead work to fill your being with the spirit which God gave you.

  12. “Kabbalah, paganism, and Freemasonry are practically the same mysticism, worshipping of the same gods, which are Lucifer and the fallen angels. They are the religions of Ammonites, Amalekites, and other Canaanites, and even Egyptians, the serpent people. And, the origins of those pagan religions goes back to … you guessed it correctly: Babylon.”
    (from Christian Observer.net)

    This is the religion of the people who would rule over you.

    • “To know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”


      When Australian politician Cory Bernardi tweeted this back in 2015 he thought he was quoting the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire. Instead, it turned out that this observation originated from an American neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier, Kevin Strom, and rather than hailing from the 18th century it came from an essay published in 1993……………..

      • “does-it-even-matter-who-first-said-it”, it would have been in Latin at least, but probably older. Cuneiform language is about twice as old as Latin I think. We are not allowed to criticise Rockerfellas’ BigPharma in the MSM. See how they run their projects through a sucker, most recently Gates, before that Bushs, and the whole BigPharma evolved partly out of the breakup of Standard Oil so it’s maybe a safe guess that they have been operating through Purdoo, Monsanto, DuPont, all the big names to some extent, they have no doubt affiliated with Operation Paperclip nazi 2.0, and the end result is that chemical industries have a reputation as bad as you could wish, it would make sense that the same hand was guiding them all, would it not ? ? ? But criticism is not encouraged, and the brainwashed minions are first to object. The GP is writing invoices to the government so fast they are getting repetitive strain injury to their wrists. The Maserati dealer is laughing to the bank. EVEN WARREN BUFFET IS CALLING THE HEALTH INDUSTRY A RACKET (refer Keiser Report 1692 or 1693 I forget which).
        Everybody knows by now I hope, the doctor has taken over the role of priest, administering the wafer and goblet of wine was too unhygienic, now we have to have random (& unknown) filth injected into us. As MM once asked “Is Rockerfella God?”, they certainly have modelled themselves on that.

        • Well put w3, you put a smile on my face. I thought that this bit was especially relevant to the current situation –

          “But criticism is not encouraged, and the brainwashed minions are first to object.”

          • I should have also mentioned Nelson Rockerfella ran the presidency through the sucker Gerald Ford (mentioned as a pedo by some sources) after Nixon was ejected in a type of coup. From Google “The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided” (U.S. Constitution)”. So if you are VP and control the sucker President and you own enough congressmen and senators you can set up the government exactly how you want. Rockerfella had 3 years to accomplish this. Previously was governor of NY 1959-73.
            Just imagine how EVERYTHING was set up during those nearly 2 decades. And now we are told Trump is weeding them out, well I hope so.

          • Was Trump deceived?
            Trump wore a MAGA cap. Hebrew is read from right to left.
            Strong’s Hebrew Concordance word 98
            agam: a marsh, muddy pool

    • Yes, Jimbo, this is now and this is how it has been but there is an even Greater Reset in the making than Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates & co. in Davos and elsewhere ever dreamed of, of elevating our human minds from logical and rational five sense minds, i.e. the matrix of physicality and chaos, to mind over all matter, to above time, space and motion to see all time at one glance and to understand what “history repeats itself” really means AND how we can alter the narrative and so our destiny, this, in Biblical yet not religious code, is the battle and war of “Gog and Magog.”

      There is nothing mystical about Kabbalah, to call it mysticism or a “secret knowlegde” is to keep people from learning what it really is about, as has been the intention of those in power for millenia.

      My kabbalistic guess is that before the other shoe drops, maybe by September 11th 2021, we, the very “red sea pedestrians,” Jimbo, will be very aware of the goings on, how we (!) have been been played and framed by the ultimate conspiracy theorists that David Icke and others write about and we may take action that is the opposite of what is commonly expected, Sabbateanism and Frankist doctrine, and as is displayed today when operating from a frame and state of mind of limitedness.

      Never give up Hope!

      When all politics and all religion with freemasonry and the NWO cabals of the so-called “illuminated ones” (CFR, Bildebergers, Trilateral Commission, etc.) in our midst give way to Peace and God -manifesting Kabbalah, this is what will happen:

      “In the Endless World there was no pain, no suffering, no illness and, most importantly, there was immortality. Death and every kind of chaos had no place in our lives in the Endless World – nor are they a necessary part of our lives today, despite the way things may seem. Chaos will remain with us only until we return to the Endless World through our spiritual work, through the tools and teachings of Kabbalah – and most immediately, through the power of the book you’re reading right now. This is not just a metaphor. In very practical terms, the end of all suffering, the end of all pain, even the end of death itself is in your grasp.”


      Here’s how the awareness switch will be made by elevating our understanding that,

      “The Hebrew letters are the instruments of Creation. They are genetic strands of cosmic DNA. The letters transcend religion, race, geography, and the very concept of language. They are instruments of power. This truth is found within the Hebrew word for “letter,” which means “pulse” or “vibration,” indicating a flow of energy. By virtue of their shapes, sounds, sequences, Hebrew letters radiate a wide range of forces. Their influence is universal, their scope, sweeping. Their power is shared with all mankind, though this penetrating truth has been concealed for millenia. Their sacred energy removes rash and intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings. Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. The Light they emit purifies our hearts. All these spiritual benefits, and more, are now bequeathed to us in this majestic passage discoursing on the Creation of the spiritual and physical cosmos.”

      Zohar Trumah

      We are all One even though this is not what we’ve been taught or told.

      The Hebrew Bible, which is a cosmic code to decipher the universe and everything and everyone in it, states,

      tzedakah saves from death” (tzedakah tatzel mimavet) (Proverbs 10:2 and 11:4)

      That is, charity saves from death.

      Imagine if this is true and by altering our human nature, by altering our metaphysical DNA, by removing rash and intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings, by cleansing destructive impulses from our natures, by purifying our hearts to be God -like and Good like God and expressing our love of God by sharing with and caring for our Fellow Man, living “love thy neighbor,” we would be saved from death? What if this is The Recipe for OUR (Biblical prophecy of the) “resurrection of the dead” that many religions and spiritual teachings know about and teach?

      From (Jan 6th) insurrection to our resurrection?

      Baruch Hashem

      This is how Kabbalah describes the spiritual ingredients to a holocaust and/or a genocide:

      “When the number of the wicked among us at a particular place and time becomes overwhelming, even the good people fall under their influence, as if by gravitational pull of a very large, high-density mass. This is a very important kabbalistic idea, analogous to the concept of critical mass in physics. Just as we share the air we breathe, we share in the condition of one another’s souls. Spiritually as well as physically, we take in what is all around us. When a sufficiently negative environment of negative energy is established, even the good are compelled to participate in it.”

      Let us go down a memory lane so to say in our modern day and time:

      In 1985 President Ronald Reagan visited a Nazi cemetery in Bitburg, West Germany. We lived about 100 km south of Bitburg at the time.

      In the spring of 1999 I received a hand-delivered letter, a death threat, in our mailbox in Westport, CT, stating that “something big was in the works to kill all Jews, Muslims, liberals, democrats, Blacks, minorities, homosexuals, intellectuals, writers, thinkers, etc.”

      But, Baruch Hashem, I thought to myself that this was Hitler’s repertoire of victims in modern America.

      Future “War President” George W. Bush said in 2000 during the Republican presidential campaign, “if elected, I’ll go after America’s internal terrorists” and he promised that he was going to “change the American culture.”

      When visiting Auschwitz, GWB stood there with the usual smirk on his face as he said, “History shows us what is possible” in Orwellian double speak.

      In 2002, during his gubernatorial re-election campaign Florida Governor Jeb Bush was caught saying, behind closed doors, that “devious plans were under way.”

      We, the “red sea pedestrians,” have been paying attention.

      The Ford Motor Company was the first corporation to advertise on 9/11 with a kid wearing a football jersey with “88” on it.

      Pope Benedict visited Ground Zero on “Mein Kampf” Hitler’s birthday and Pope Francis feasted with President Obama on Yom Kippur – whoever had the idea to place “88” floodlights at Ground Zero as a memorial wasn’t aware that we were coming a full circle – “88” is a numeric code for “Heil Hitler.”

      President Obama said in 2008 when coming out of a “high level” meeting for the massive bail out package, “I, too, have had enough of this speculator breed.”

      We, the “red sea pedestrians,” have been listening.

      Paul Roland writes in his book, “The Nazis And The Occult,” on page 98,

      “At a mass meeting thought is eliminated.”

      All political campaigns operate on that same principle, but the way “Sein Kampf” President Trump campaigned and Tweeted from the very beginning follows it to the t and his ways of campaigning were very Hitlerian, he bragged about his own German ancestry and praised the bloodlines of Henry Ford. At a later date CNN journalist Jake Tapper interviewed President-elect Biden in front of two Ford vehicles and back in 2016 Tapper had white supremacist Richard Spencer as a guest on his show (!) who asked, “are Jews people at all or are they soulless golem?”

      George F. Will wrote in The Washington Post in 2002 in a piece titled “Final Solution, Phase 2,”

      “Anti-Semitism’s malignant strength derives from its simplicity — its stupidity, actually. It is a primitivism which, Ruth Wisse wrote, makes up in vigor what it lacks in philosophic heft, and does so precisely because it “has no prescription for the improvement of society beyond the elimination of part of society.”

      Today many people say that the Arabs and their European echos would be mollified if Israel would change its behavior. People who say that do not understand the centrality of anti-Semitism in the current crises. This crises has become a second — and final? — phase of the struggle for a “final solution to the Jewish question.” As Wisse said 11 years ago, and as cannot be said too often, anti-Semitism is not directed against the behavior of the Jews but against the existence of the Jews.”

      From Texe Marrs “Codex Magica,” page 417,

      “Impresario Donald Trump
      demonstrates his knowledge
      of the Illuminati’s cabalistic
      Baphomet/Priory of Sion
      hand sign in the ad (left,
      above) for his successful TV
      series, The Apprentice. Then,
      in the glossy mag Private
      Clubs, June 2004, read
      mostly by wealthy members
      of elite country clubs. Trump
      is shown three times, once
      on the cover and twice
      inside, in cabalistic poses.
      Analysis: At center, above,
      Trump’s necktie and hands
      create a sexual “diamond in
      the lotus” position, with
      three triangles. The
      magazine cover photo at left
      includes the mirror factor,
      the message being that there
      are two Trumps, the
      esoteric, private “Illuminati
      Trump,” and the outgoing
      and extroverted “Public
      Trump.” Finally, at top,
      right, we also are shown a
      serious Donald sitting and
      giving the required cabalistic
      triangle sign with both the
      fingers and thumbs of both
      hands touching. This is a
      common sign of recognition
      among Illuminati.”

      All politics is macabre theatre, these “cabalistic poses” and “cabalistic hand signs” listed above are the very corrupted and (sexually) defiled version of Kabbalah, nothing less, else or more.

      “Like a great stage shrouded in darkness, the play went on with new characters playing the same parts, acting out the same scenes. Only the names on the playbill were different…”
      from Mark Aarons and John Loftus book, “The Secret War Against The Jews.”

      November 18, 2016, “Darkness is good, Stephen K. Bannon told the Hollywood Reporter. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they are blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”

      Who agrees with that statement?

      What is “Prosperity Gospel?”

      Our Chief Strategist in The Above says “Good is Power” and living “love thy neighbor” is Power and THIS time we will get it right.

      From Zohar Trumah, page 551,

      “Here, the Zohar is taking us deeper into a teaching that has been slowly but steadily intensifying throughout Trumah – the nature of evil. When we are told that we should give thanks for evil, we probably feel a shock wave of protest run through us. Are we not here to defeat and overcome evil? How can we give thanks for such blackness? In each act of victory over evil, man achieves a state of divinity. He unleashes the Godly spark of Light flickering in his soul. This truth can be seen in our physical world. Muscle tissue requires resistance and strain in order to grow stronger. A lit candle requires darkness to give it value and worth. Likewise, the soul of man requires burden and lightlessness in order to realize its full splendor.

      When evil has run its course, and man has fully triumphed over the darkness, the soul will be strengthened to its maximum potential. We will have evolved to the highest level – the state of God. This has been the journey for over 5761 years, thus far. Two paths to this ultimate divine place have always existed, the path of torment and the softhearted path of spirituality. Both paths strengthen and achieve the same outcome. But the path of torment is known all too well, while the path of spirituality remains the least traveled, until now. By utilizing the awesome spiritual influence of the Zohar, we now choose the path of Light. We fully correct our souls and complete the spiritual evolution of all mankind in a compassionate way, so there is no further need for darkness and challenge.”

      Amen אמן”

      “When a sufficiently negative environment of negative energy is established, even the good are compelled to participate in it.”

      The goal of the “illuminated ones” of all political stripes and religious beliefs is to have their “88” agenda manifest and have “Die Juden sind unser Unglueck” history repeat itself but, God Willing, may our understanding be elevated and the narrative altered from Mein Kampf to Sein Kampf to Kein Kampf.

      Never Again! Nie Wieder!

      Shabbat Shalom, have a Peaceful weekend everyone.

      • I always wonder where those people who can’t be named are coming from when the word ‘shalom’ is used. –

        Shalom –

        Now Herod had said unto Archelaus his son, and unto Shalom his sister, “Immediately I am dead, let those whom I have fettered in prison be slain”–now he had imprisoned one person from p. 220 every house. And he said, “I know that the Judeans will feel great joy at my death. But in order that they may not rejoice and be glad whilst ye are sorrowful and are weeping, let all those whom I have shut up in prison be slain, so that through their death they may cause lamentation unintentionally.” And Archelaus and Shâlôm did as Herod commanded them, and when this order had been carried out in all Judea there remained not one house in which there was not lamentation, even as it was in Egypt [in days of old].


        • Food for thought

          Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows

          The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

          “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.

      • Well, well! I had thought one would need to be a high level initiate into the Theosophical Society and be invited to an upstairs room all decked out with dark green, purple and black with incense sticks burning in front of a representation of Baphomet to be treated to these “illuminations” of the Lucis Trust. What “progress” the Synagogue has made; almost handing out pamphlets on the street with “DIY” instructions on how to “be a god”. [quote] “When evil has run its course, and man has fully triumphed over the darkness, the soul will be strengthened to its maximum potential. We will have evolved to the highest level – the state of God.” [/quote]

        The Synagogue has made it abundantly clear by teaching and inference that “peace” is that state of existence which is achieved when the hated Messiah is degraded to a silly sentiment or eliminated altogether and the self-made gods rule totally. My guess is that bio-engineering and eugenics on a massive scale would be very much desired and highly beneficial to the “chosen” “illuminated ones”.

        This fantastic nonsense is not only diabolically irrational from a philosophical, logical point of view, it is also the epitome of evil; the Satanic desire to depose or enslave God.

        • Baruch Hashem

          from Maurice Lamm’s book, “Becoming A Jew,” page 284,

          “The Human Being Counts

          Judaism, from the very outset, has declared the human being to be a shuttaf (a partner), a co-worker with God, in the enterprise of creation endowed with a capacity to control, shape and direct things in his own life.

          The Jewish contribution is best demonstrated by picturing a puppet show. The pagans viewed life as fatalistic – man is bound by fetters, a puppet totally controlled by the puppeteer’s strings operated from above. The biblical revolution declared that man has freedom of the will and thereby severed the puppet strings – that is, there are indeed superior forces exerted by God above, but the human being is capable, to a large extent, of being the architect of his own destiny. The Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, then introduced an even more radical understanding of the nature of the God-man relationship. The strings between puppeteer and puppet in fact are attached – but the puppet is pulling the strings! The human being, in this view, actually has it in his power to change cosmic reality.

          The Sages taught that individuals should conceive of the fate of the world as hanging in the balance, so that each person’s actions make the difference between failure and fulfillment on a global scale. Further, God is in constant search for man to fulfill the tasks God has set for him as His partner: to complete the world, to repair it, to utilize his free will so as to make the world a better place. Only as man bears testimony to God, Isaiah avers, is God truly God.”

          Baruch Hashem

          “The Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, then introduced an even more radical understanding of the nature of the God-man relationship. The strings between puppeteer and puppet in fact are attached – but the puppet is pulling the strings! The human being, in this view, actually has it in his power to change cosmic reality.”

    • Jimbo, expanding on the Canaanite topic –

      Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.

      As the Bible says, “the two shall become one”, – “For this a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife; and the two shall be one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31.

      Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10

      In Judaic tradition the mother defines racial identity.

      Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]

      “Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.

  13. Always remain unmasked, our role is to speak and explain His words to others.
    Mask wearing, social distancing and lockdowns are initiation into their new world disorder, so we need to stop participating and we must withdraw our consent. It’s one big massive global stage play with occult rituals and we are captured, with the crown virus lie.

  14. For those who did not read or research my comments at the top under the G5 article and opined absurdities without doing any research. Very disappointing Mary ……….. you make your own bed.
    For those who can put something together with G5 and other reports just spend some time on this;

    especially from about the 25 min mark on the panicked treasonous gullibles fighting the Aricona audit.
    Do your research before you are caught out again, as with 9/11, looking stupid after the US blowing up all those buildings and murdering about 3,000 of their own citizens. Now that was clearly a absurd silly theory for the mugs.
    Now who is running now or planning to run the US?
    For those ‘absurd gullibles’ who did not learn from 9/11, Just listen from the 37 minute mark …..still think G5 is not in the loop Mr. O’Neil and Mary in support? (U 2 T Ryan)
    Yep. I suspect that it is going to be “…. a VERY HOT SUMMER’. [Causing the gullibles a very sweaty angst time.]
    By the way, other than Dee and myself. have any of you pelicans ever sat down and talked to G5 and continued with informed communications on the side?

  15. And thank you Gumshoe for running this G5 article–much resonates

    ‘Mengele; who was also moved from Nuremberg; was at the CIA East West Centre at The University of Hawaii, before being transferred to The CIA experimental facilities in America and Canada. Mkultra, LSD, experiments on orphaned and kidnapped infants and young children, tutored and drugged to death.” Ah yes Mengele was in Australia Fiona Barnett, Reina Michaelson, Steve Mc Murray Sarah Moore have given us the evidence—Chelmsford Larundel Newhaven Alice Springs Ward 1 Townsville Ward 10 Perth–Tasmania ahh and Adelaide–all involved in programming– mind control experiments—-The Cult of the Family- the Salerno Cult–

    Amazing how oz keeps being left out –edited out—-as many have said many times — the Great Australian Silence– The Great Australian Shame -Genocide with intent. Torture Fraud theft in fact the biggest laboratories–child trafficking networks– The Experiments the coverups -all Hidden in plain sight.
    And then their are our religious leaders and politicians leading the way—the road to recovery–ah brings me full circle –The Noahide Law’s

    Thank you Karen Brewer Serene Advocate Me –Dee et al who keep their focus -their priority on what is happening right now in Australia and put it into context with what is happening elsewhere.

    Australia the Great South Land—the Biggest Secret The ULTRA Secret.

    • Diane,
      thanks for that breath of ‘fresh’ air translating that ALLEGED ‘incoherent nonsense’ into reality.
      However the blind will still, never see!

      • Diane,
        Re below.
        what we have on the side from G5 in regard to so many scandals would fill a very large book and shake Australia’s ‘Central Rock’ to dust.
        But: There are laws!!!!!
        So we just await for ‘nature’ to manage it in due course whilst they all sleep and bleat ignorance.

        • True I do understand this aspect of our reality and I do walk closely with fellow travellers.

          Thank you for your words, it is good to be seen and heard and it gives me strength to speak out loud.

          • Dr Fauci Spent $400K To Conduct Secret Experiments Transplanting Scalps Of Aborted Fetuses Onto Living Rats
            by GGI Staff

            Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been conducting a series of experiments that grafted the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice and rats. Almost $400,000 have been spent on these experiments. These studies were meant to investigate the tendency of human skin to develop infections.

            Read more of this post


    • Lessons of the Mengele Affair

      Mark Weber

      With the possible exceptions of Hitler and Himmler, no man has been so vilified in recent years as the personification of Nazi evil as Dr. Josef Mengele. The Mengele legend was the basis for two novels that Hollywood turned into popular movies: William Goldman’s The Marathon Man and Ira Levin’s The Boys From Brazil. In the latter film, Gregory Peck played a relentlessly malevolent Dr. Mengele who cloned dozens of little Hitlers as part of a diabolical Latin American Nazi conspiracy.

      In countless newspapers and magazine articles, Mengele has been routinely accused of sending 400,000 people to their deaths in gas chambers while serving as the chief physician at Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1943 and 1944. The man dubbed the “Angel of Death” supposedly conducted gruesome “experiments” on selected Jewish victims and habitually delighted in sadistic atrocities. For example, according to U.S. News and World Report (June 24, 1985) he enjoyed “giving candy to children he tossed alive into the ovens while he hummed Mozart and Wagner.” The Washington Post (March 8, 1985) reported that Mengele “routinely tossed babies into ovens alive” and “ordered pregnant women onto their backs, then stomped them until they aborted.”

      Read on –

      From The Journal of Historical Review, Fall 1985 (Vol. 6, No. 3), pages 377-383.


    • Massive Lies, Hoaxes, and Staged Theatrics …

      What a fascinating phenomenon this human psychology thing is.

      Imagine you had just arrived on the planet (or returned) and were asking “What the Hell?” has been going on while I was away(?).

      If you read G5 you might accept his ‘dissertation’ as ‘history’ –frankly, I think G5 would make a good Wikipedia editor.

      But seriously, having just arrived on the planet, you now have to learn about what Assad did to his own people using chemical weapons (trust the OPCW), that a guy named Saddam Hussein threatened to blow up the world in 45 minutes with WMDs (they’re around here somewhere!), that a [clinical] halfwit named Martin Bryant shot dead 35 people, 12 of them (and another 5 wounded) in 15 seconds and that 19 Arabs carried out an event known as 9-11 instigating a ‘war on terror’. The list goes on and on … and on …

      Earlier I shared Arthur Ponsonby with Ned – that audio reading of the introductory chapter contains the following:

      “It has been rightly said that the injection of the poison of hatred into men’s minds by means of falsehood is a greater evil in wartime than the actual loss of life. The defilement of the human soul is worse than the destruction of the human body.”

      It goes on to say:

      “Many of the old war lies survived for several years, and some survive even to this day.”

      That was about WWI, but those proven techniques were continued and continue to this day. One of those most vile fabrications which defiles all of our collective souls is the myth about Dr Josef Mengele.

      Consider the following:

      • The Truth About Dr. Joseph Mengele: Sportsmanlike (A Documentary)

      • The Making of a Monster: How Jews created the Mengele Legend (Jan27 site)

      • Josef Mengele – the Creation of a Myth by Germar Rudolf (CODOH)

      Remember, you have just arrived and are hearing this for the first time – no confirmation bias is allowed – no cheating.

      • criss cross Julius- you know a great many things and present them with a great deal of authority -some things which I know little about — Not sure of the purpose of your references to Mengele above -at this time- haven’t read then but get the gist-is it a response to my comments re this article-?– Tavistock Agenda, Rawling Rees, Sargant, Mengele, Cameron, Dax, Lewin, Bowlby Trist Churchill’s Psychological Warfare Dept, programming experiments mass brainwashing —these are some of the things I am very knowledgeable about at a local and global level –are you discrediting/doubting my word – a ploy I notice that shifts attention- shoots the messenger –without a response it questions the validity of my comments –maybe I am too sensitive but these matters are life and death to me as they are to thousands of victims and survivors of deliberately created crimes against Australians–in this lucky country –one big laboratory–
        “What a fascinating phenomenon this human psychology thing is.”

        So I add some other perspectives:

        Posted on February 7, 2016by Argonaut
        Reading time 33 minutes

        Dr. Green (Dr. Joseph Mengele)

        The most significant programmer, perhaps one could give him the title of the father of Monarch Programming was Joseph Mengele, an ex-Nazi Concentration Camp doctor. Thousands of Monarch mind-controlled slaves in the U.S. had “Dr.Green” as their chief programmer.

        Physically the doctor was 5’8″, dark-brown hair, greenish brown eyes, and gracefully handsome. He was a Dr. Jekyll-Mr.Hyde character who disarmed people by his kindness. He was gentle and quiet and intelligent, while still having a very sadistic brutal side to him. Joseph Mengele was born into a wealthy Satanic bloodline, and became one of the most powerful Satanists in the world. He was an expert on demonology and the Cabala. He was at least a Grand Master in the Illuminati, but how high he went up the hierarchy ladder is unknown to this author. Because he was part of the Illuminati and their bodies are not to have visible scars, Joseph Mengele did not take the SS tattoo on his body when he joined the Nazi SS.

        a. Introductory remarks Vril Society
        b. Understanding the programmers Dr. Mengele Dr. Cameron Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino
        c. A list of known programmers Country Music Industry
        d. Dr. Green
        e. Dr. White
        f. The AntiChrist as a Master Programmer


        Jeckle and Hyde Syndrome a common phenomena

  16. Tony Gambino interview—born same year as me and Wendy Hoffman.-you will note–bred for the role- –very informative a must watch re Kennedy Sinatra Mafia –my fathers cousin Bert Rossi worked with Gambinos – and the London Firm-hit man would stay in Trump Towers


    Re Bert “After his release he hit the real big time of crime, working in a casino run by the Gambinos, one of the Mafia families of New York.

    Bert watched as the Mafia bribed their way into the UK – and, he claims, “bought” politicians in the Wilson government.

    Bert rubbed ­shoulders there with Frank Sinatra, Sophia Loren and Lee Marvin, as well as socialite Lady Docker.

    Also I agree Ned a must watch


  17. Assuming there is something in all the numerology and hand signals, the only thing I can think of that satanist freemason etc types might get out of all their commitment to satanism is having the dirt on each other and being ruthless and unscrupulous. Sure this could be an edge.
    If Trump was part of this agenda why would he be saying so much to undermine it. What is the dirt on Trump. He seems to be running an anti-war and anti-human trafficking agenda.
    We are not used to theatre of this level of complexity. Usually, it is clumsy and simple, they either blame jews or muslims or some other group and get straight into some wars.
    If everyone was to be condemned for random hand signals, you would have to include school children who make them all the time with little or no concept of the implications or history. The so-called 666 hand signal for example resembles the “OK” hand symbol.
    As usual it’s all a spaghetti, there’s no denying that an eye on a pyramid has no place on the US dollar. Historians argue about where things like this came from. Maybe the capstones of the egyptian pyramids (now removed / destroyed) had eyes on them.
    I lean toward seeing things in the most basic sense, cutting as much bias, theory and speculation out as possible. I think numerology is kooky but we are told HW Bush made his famous “NWO will happen” speech on Sept 11 1991 so what can you say.
    It would appear Trump despises the Bushes & Clintons and they him so it is either extremely vigorous politics or real (or simply both mixed together). But at the moment the evidence in favour of Trump is that the establishment and MSM hates him, and evidence against Trump is that he is fat, white has a business suit and made various random hand signals.
    I think if Trump was placed into the body of Michael Jackson all the lefties would be saying how wonderful he is. That’s my appraisal of lefty politics at the moment.

  18. Whilst we are examining the US dire situation when some are clicking away here, theorising on their philosophical beliefs with volumes of lectures, those with feet on the ground better start looking around and concentrate on what is being planned to control them, censor them, starve them and even demise them notwithstanding their personal beliefs ……… that the fascist socialists will not give a shit about what they believe.
    So spend 13 minutes and have a look at your reality.
    found at a link from whatreallyhappened.com

    I wonder what a forlorn soldier in the muddied trenches in France in ww1 thinks of his attempts in encouraging some support from the philosophical lecturer with his 303 stuck in the mud, as the Huns are are advancing through the barb wire with Bayonets attached rushing forward them across no man’s land.
    Let me guess: ‘shove your muddy 303 up your …………….. I am advancing without you, A hole’.

    • Ned, just for those insufferable jerks still not paying attention.

      I get the impression from your colourful statements that WWI erupted because a bunch of Huns just decided to jump up and run around in no-man’s land with bayonets.

      This (once again) will hopefully invite those jerks to question such events more closely. If you can’t find the dots you will never be able to join them.

      • Arthur Ponsonby – Falsehood in War-Time


      P.S. what on earth is a ‘fascist socialist’ – is that an anti-bolshevist?

      • Beware false impressions, save false judgements till intellect put in gear……. as with brain before mouth speaks. ( as Confucius say)

      • Fascist socialist v anti-Bolshevik.
        Dig up Hitler and Mussolini, they will explain it.
        Look up ‘why Hitler hated the Jews’, a opinion from a rabbi.
        In short, Hitler hated the Jews because he saw them as Bolsheviks, being communists.
        Now I wonder why Hitler thought that? What would he think now?
        Interesting diversion, but what is happening to our Allie now is the issue.

      • I had a quick look at Ponsonby chapter 2 “Serbia …” and it indicates a collusion and false flag event but doesn’t conclude with anything more than that, are we all supposed to presuppose this was about the old empire being challenged by the new, Germany trying to get into the oil fields of Arabia through Serbia, what’s the use of leaving out the foundations that all the treachery and waffle is built on.

        • Sorry old mate w3.
          What happened a hundred plus ( and from ever back) years ago is well recorded and interesting to expose mass murder on a grand scale.
          My interest is NOW, the continuing planned genocide in our face run by the usuals with the USUAL distractions to divide our unified souls.
          Grab in hand your spiritual 303…….. we need it. Do not forget, attach your bayonet.

    • Which reminds me.
      When Tony Abbott (a boxing blue at Oxford[?] ) was in Dublin and a old priest was honoured to accompany him to a boxing match.
      They were honoured with a front row seat at the ring.
      The combatants were announced to the crowd, it happened that one was a Protestant and the other a catholic.
      Tony of course picked the catholic as the boxer, as he carried out the sign of the cross as the spectacle was about to begin.
      Tony mentioned what he had seen to his friend and asked, “ did you see that father, he has called the almighty and is sure to win”
      “Nah said the priest, “no friggin way, if canna fight.”

      So for all those secret signs W3!?

    • The crypto people are laughing at gold because it is held back by derivatives and paper gold. But gold is also held back by the cost of mining. If it goes up too much, more gold mines are opened or restarted. If it went up 10x that would probably signal the invasion of some African country. For democracy of course. So gold has been appreciating in a relatively stable way against the USD, meaning, that the Fed could reconnect the USD to gold in some devious way without admitting that gold started at $35 an ounce 50 years ago and now is $2000 an ounce. In other words they printed off about 60x the paper money. But that’s OK if you’re in debt !!! Your debt shrinks. So you can afford to pay bank interest. And so you do.
      What they are going to do in the US with their economic collapse nobody can guess, because we are waiting for a change of leadership, and it all hangs on that. They are at a fork in the road, between socialist failed state, maybe a fragmentation of the union, or just back to the good old days. I know what most of the stupids will say, “I want my stimmy cheque”.

      • I am no economic whiz, but if you cannot find it in or via your pocket, someone else is playing with it.
        See how you go finding a silver eagle in Australia and if so how much is it, even compared to silver kangaroos or Britannia’s.
        Sorry Leena, if I have distracted you from your Kampala…. carry on …… elsewhere, sorry.

  19. More random manipulations, we hear the CDC is altering statistical bases to make fewer people die from quaxxinations, and we hear twitter will delete your account if you cut & paste anything from “trump desk”.
    Well I have just cut & pasted from trumpdesk to twitter so I am going to wait and see if my account gets closed.
    (the most provocative statement:
    What Facebook, Twitter, and Google have done is a total disgrace and an embarrassment to our Country. Free Speech has been taken away from the President of the United States because the Radical Left Lunatics are afraid of the truth, but the truth will come out anyway, bigger and stronger than ever before. The People of our Country will not stand for it! These corrupt social media companies must pay a political price, and must never again be allowed to destroy and decimate our Electoral Process.)

    • You being listening to insufferable Dave😜?
      “They will not be able to walk down the street”.
      NOR: be invited as MCs, advertise anything without the the product being black balled (note the coke a cola spivs back tracking with sales down) social page photos to the bottom of the bird cage.
      Oh what a feeling and I feel better now.
      To think the mass media spivs are so limited, they only know how to use a shovel. Could not hammer a four inch nail in a cake of goat soap.

      • Dave is #1 for daytime naps and in the top ten for work background noise.
        I wonder if they’re working on Saturday in Maricopa County.

          • Soon I will find out if they turn up for Sunday.
            My favourite website of the moment.
            azaudit.org camera 5 !!!
            Hope there is a shortcut out of all this, but the derangement is bad.

  20. Bombshell Salk Institute science paper reveals the covid spike protein is the bioweapon

    The prestigious Salk Institute, founded by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, has authored and published a bombshell scientific article revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what’s actually causing vascular damage in covid patients and covid vaccine recipients, promoting the strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots and other harmful reactions that have already killed thousands of Americans.

    The vaccines deliberately inject you with the spike protein, and in the case of mRNA vaccines, they turn your body into a weaponized spike protein factory that churns out these deadly particles and floods them into your bloodstream.

    The Salk Institute basically just admitted that covid vaccines are depopulation weapons.

    Listen to the full podcast here.


  21. Here’s something our deceptive politicians have not let the public in on –

    War with China? –

    “……Before becoming Defence Minister, Linda Reynolds worked as a project director at Raytheon. Her first speech in Australia after becoming minister was to an ASPI conference called “War in 2025.” A number of Defence Department personnel attended that conference for which they handed ASPI $30,723 of taxpayers’ money for the privilege of hearing their boss speak………..’

    Propaganda Wars: US state department funds anti-China news outlet in Australia

    by Marcus Reubenstein | Aug 4, 2020 | Government


    • Michael West tries to appeal to latte lefties, he started off with Murdoch, hit the glass ceiling, became disillusioned with the Murdock support for W Bush and moved to the failing Fairfax (now under channel 9 now under CBS) before going independent. Trump Derangement Syndrome – you can take it to the bank. Even if you claim to want to undermine the banks.
      It’s more layered than an onion, it’s like an onion salad.

        • I was in South Perth a few years ago and happened to go past her office so I went in and gave them an earful. They had a lot of security even back then. What are they doing, who knows, they are all very busy. It’s a tug-of-war. As for CCP China, we are getting a divorce, they are trying to fight back, by copying ww2 technology, surveillance and propaganda, but it’s ridiculous, they are so unready for taking on the Anglo empire. The communists have lost the plot.
          Falun Gong, never asked me for money, they have their petitions, they like to get the word out. All these words like communist are a smokescreen, if you’re controlled, it’s back to feudalism, call it some new name, the principle is the same. You’re either controlled or you have rights. What else is there ?

          • Under section 44 of the Commonwealth Constitution if it still applied Linda Reynolds would not be eligible to sit in parliament being subject to a foreign power.

      • Peeling the onion is the mystery, we are only presented with the main stream news lying delicacies….. for the bad breath.
        Just compare now, with some of the not so stupid commentators a year or so back on radio 2gb (Sydney et.al dickhead running dogs now infiltrated)
        with the present nine news ‘wet work’ con job.
        Not forgetting OUR commie ABC globalists (government left wing hacks)
        Sell the ABC to nine network news and we then can pocket a annual billion per year of taxpayers money, with interest and then black ball The nine advertisers. As is happening with cokeacola in the US…..sales down, note a serious resignation of their idiot lawyer.

        • James Packer sold 9 and now he has no protection !!! They shut him out of Crown and Barangaroo !!! The mug.
          So I would agree with you ABC is mostly rubbish but the government would be mad to ditch it, they have been using it for its intended purpose for the last year, broadcasting propaganda. In Thailand they have about 50 channels which may be used for the same purpose.

  22. Ned, a musical interlude just for you …

    One of the comments on this video is by ‘King E’:

    “Israel our greatest ally. laughs in USS liberty and 9/11 🤣🤣”

    • US Army Sings Israeli National Anthem

      • Full marks, full marks, Julius, but I kinda like this one, given the context. Just try to imagine it in Canberra and you will realize how our pollies lack patriotism:

        Do dey even know da woids?

        • Thanks Crisscross … video taken down already – must have hit the target

          • Aiming At China U.S., UK Launch Ethnic Guerilla War On Myanmar


          And from Land Destroyer – Brian Berletic (aka Tony Cartalucci)

          • Unmasking Myanmar’s Racist Genocidal US-backed Opposition

          George Soros and Madeleine Albright make significant cameos … how relevant.

          I am sure I saw a headline about the massacre of mostly young girls in Afghanistan in the past couple of days along similar lines.

          • China

            UNIVERSAL WAR

            We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.

          • China and Russia have thrown a bucket of water over the Wicked Witch of the West and are watching it being liquidated.

            The Wicked Witch of the West : [her final lines] You cursed brat! Look what you’ve done! I’m melting! melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness? Oooooh, look out! I’m going! Oooooh! Ooooooh!

            The China Moment


            China has achieved the almost impossible – a free trade agreement with 14 countries – the ten ASEAN, plus Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, altogether 15 countries, including China.

            ………..The dollar is already today in decline. When some 20-25 years ago about 90% of all worldwide held reserve-assets were denominated in US dollars, this proportion has shrunk by today to below 60% – and keeps declining. The emerging international RMB / yuan, together with a RCEP- and BRI-strengthened Chinese economy, may further contribute to a dedollarization, as well as dehegemonization of the United States in the world. Simultaneously and progressively the international digital RMB / yuan may also be replacing the US-dollar / euro reserves in countries’ coffers around the globe.

            The US-dollar may eventually return to be just a local US-currency, as it should be. Under China’s philosophy, the unilateral word will transform into a multi-polar world. The RCEP and New Silk Road combination are rapidly pursuing this noble objective, a goal that will bring much more equilibrium into the world………..…

            “………..The second (US) task, their true and ultimate agenda, is to create an all-out war economy—the final attempt to terrify the East into submission. This will bring extreme austerity and repression…………….”

            “………….This is “end game” for the governing oligarchy. This is their Götterdämmerung, their Armageddon. In the death throes of their 400-year-long reign, they will impose a desperate economic, financial and social reorganization which the World Economic Forum calls the “Great Reset.”

            One of the world’s most prominent merchant-banker organizations, the World Economic Forum, issued a report, titled:

            “This is Now the World’s Greatest Threat—And It’s Not Coronavirus”

            “Affluence is the biggest threat to our world according to a new scientific report.

            “True sustainability will only be achieved through drastic lifestyle changes.

            “The World Economic Forum has called for a ‘great reset’ of capitalism in the wake of the pandemic.

            “A detailed analysis of environmental research has revealed the greatest threat to the world:
            affluence… we have to change our affluent lifestyles and reduce overconsumption in combination with structural change.” (Mind you, this is written by the world’s most wealthy individuals.)

            With lockdown-caused destitution, unemployment, lack of food and shelter for hundreds of millions of people worldwide, one would expect that the WEF would be satisfied that “overconsumption” had been sufficiently curbed. However, they know there is still substantial wealth in the American and European middle classes that can be tapped for the post-lockdown economy. They have big plans to get rid of that “overconsumption.”

            The first task is to reduce unemployment, now probably 25 million long-term jobless in the U.S. Make-work projects will be “green” and “sustainable” (low technology). This will be paid for by taxing the middle class.

            The second task, their true and ultimate agenda, is to create an all-out war economy—the final attempt to terrify the East into submission. This will bring extreme austerity and repression…………….”


            Linda (not Glinda) stated at about the 8 minute mark of her speech that little old Australia is to make a $200,000,000 investment upgrading its military equipment and no doubt the government will be getting the unemployed workforce signed up as gun fodder. With an all-out war economy induced hardship, no doubt all the vaccine resisting useless eaters will get the poisoned jab c/- our governments ‘defence’ personnel .

  23. OK, I recognise that I may be a conspiracy idiot……. like Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second, ‘whee’ have to be the greatest mistress of conspiracy theorists in the Commonwealth world.
    I am humbled by Her Majesty in that regard.
    Every day in Her Majesty’s Empire, a CROWN prosecutor opens a address to the empaneled criminal trial jury with a sample address,
    “Ladies, gentleman transgenders and whatever’s.
    Before you are three accused, I represent the Crown and that is why His Honour will address me as Crown (updated woke expression)
    They and each individually is charged on the indictment before you in that they conspired to present to the public at large sheer bull shit as employees of the mainstream media as falsified, in the employ of a fake but real globalist media incorporation.
    Their purpose was to by agreement at various times to sabotage our Australian fundamentals of representative democracy. Some of you might be thinking treason.
    The Crown will present indisputable evidence in support of the Crown’s allegation in the indictment before you.
    It is a simple evidentiary case.
    The accused have consistently, ignored truths and conspired to agree to present on behalf of their employers on television, on radio and in printed press a version of alleged reality that is contrary to reality.
    Now that is a conundrum that you with the simple application of your common sense will have to examine as you listen to the evidence that the Crown will present to you and consider in your jury member’s deliberations to find, impartially, objectively and putting aside any personal prejudices a verdict WITHOUT any reasonable doubt,…….the Crown submits, there is absolutely no reasonable doubt that the accused, mass media hacks are GUILTY.

    Ok, bugger, sometimes I wonder if should have not retired…….. many more fiscal rewards are for the defence of the media…… after all, the game is fixed with the globalist politicians.
    Oh well, many cases are won in the taxi back to chambers.

  24. In the light of the statements by G5 re Dr Mengele (and one or two comments and video links) I share the following with all readers:

    What Churchill actually said and what Hitler actually said:

    In “Shall We All Commit Suicide”, Churchill revealed his psychopathological leanings and intentions:

    “Instead of merely starving fortified towns, whole nations were methodically subjected, or sought to be subjected, to the process of reduction by famine. The entire population in one capacity or another took part in the War; all were equally the object of attack. The Air opened paths along which death and terror could be carried far behind the lines of the actual armies, to women, children, the aged, the sick, who in earlier struggles would perforce have been left untouched.

    From his detailed research of official archived documents, David Irving has revealed that the orders for the aerial bombing of civilians were given by Churchill the very day (or day after) he took over the Prime Ministership.

    On this topic, Hitler said the following:

    [Selected quotes from various speeches through 1939 into 1940]

    “At the time, Mr. Churchill agitated for war. At the time, there was a weak government in Germany. And it is the same Mr. Churchill who is agitating for war today

    “[parroting Churchill’s words:] We English are not fighting against the German Volk; to the contrary, we love the German Volk. We-Churchill, Chamberlain, and the others-are only fighting the regime which oppresses the German Volk. For we English have only one mission: to deliver Germany from this regime and to thereby make the German Volk happy.”

    [Now where have I heard that regime change rhetoric before! – and currently!! – Iraq, Syria, Iran, DPRK, China … !!! – “we need to bring down the regime that is oppressing its own people”]

    “In this context, I must praise Mr. Churchill. He frankly states what old Mr. Chamberlain only thinks quietly to himself and hopes for secretly. He says, our goal is the dissolution, the destruction of Germany. Our goal is the extermination, if possible, of the German Volk. Believe me, I welcome this openness.”

    “Mr. Churchill is already dying to start it. He cherishes the hope, as expressed by intermediaries as well as by his own person, that bombardment should finally, and as soon as possible, feature in this war. And already they are crying that this war should not pay heed to women and children. For when has England ever paid heed to women and children?! After all, this entire blockade warfare is nothing other than a war against women and children, just as once was the case in the Boer War. It was then that concentration camps were invented. The English brain gave birth to this idea

    [So he was well informed about the British concentration camps in South Africa and condemned them.]

    “If Mr. Churchill or any other warmongers had but a fraction of the sense of responsibility I felt toward Europe, they could not have played so perfidious a game.“

    “And it was thus that the big capitalist clique of war profiteers cried for a continuation of the war. And this continuation has now begun.“

    [Those “capitalist war profiteers” keep raising their ugly heads.]

    “The injury the gentlemen Churchill and Reynaud have done millions of people, through their advice and commands-this they can neither justify in this world nor in the next.”

    “All of this-as I said-need not have happened. For peace was all I asked of France and England in October. But the gentlemen war profiteers wanted a continuation of this war at all cost. They have it now.</b”>

    [“gentlemen [sic] war profiteers” – yep them again]

    Mr. Churchill has repeated the declaration that he wants war. About six weeks ago now, he launched this war in an arena in which he apparently believes he is quite strong: namely, in the air war against the civilian population, albeit beneath the deceptive slogan of a so-called war against military objectives.”

    [More familiar rhetoric– attacking civilians under the cover of stated ‘military objectives’]

    Ever since Freiburg, these objectives have turned out to be open cities, markets, villages, residential housing, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and whatever else happens to be hit.

    Up to now I have given little by way of response. This is not intended to signal, however, that this is the only response possible or that it shall remain this way.

    [only now is Hitler starting to become defiant.]

    “I am fully aware that with our response, which one day will come, will also come the nameless suffering and misfortune of many men. Naturally, this does not apply to Mr. Churchill himself since by then he will surely be secure in Canada, where the money and the children of the most distinguished of war profiteers have already been brought. But there will be great tragedy for millions of other men.”

    In this hour I feel compelled, standing before my conscience, to direct yet another appeal to reason in England. I believe I can do this as I am not asking for something as the vanquished, but rather, as the victor, I am speaking in the name of reason. I see no compelling reason which could force the continuation of this war.”

    [This was post Dunkirk – Churchill’s war SHOULD have ended]

    “It is truly magnificent to see our Volk at war and its total discipline. We realize this all the more in a time when Mr. Churchill is demonstrating to us the use of his invention: the nightly air raid. He does not do this because air raids at night are particularly effective, but because his Air Force cannot penetrate German airspace during the day. While the German pilots, the German planes, fly over English land day by day, no Englishman has yet managed to as much as cross the North Sea by daylight. That is why they come at night and drop their bombs-you know it well-indiscriminately and without plan on civilian residential centers, on farmsteads, and villages.?

    “Wherever they see a light, they drop a bomb.”

    I did not answer for three months because I was of the opinion that they would ultimately stop this nonsense. Mr. Churchill perceived this as a sign of our weakness. You will surely understand that now we are giving our answers night after night, and this at an increasing rate.


    • Adolf Hitler – Collection of Speeches – 1922-1945


    Churchill’s essay “Shall We All Commit Suicide” can be found in “Thoughts And Adventures” (Pp 245-254) here:


    • Try following the technology and you will observe that the Germans were far more advanced with their various war machines, from big industrial complexes producing weird aeroplane designs to pilotless rockets to u-boats to various types of tanks to experimental weapons to bombs etc etc while the English were comparatively unprepared, they were busy running their global empire. It’s always good to look for SUBSTANCE rather than words (and numbers) which are invariably manipulated.
      The Germans were subjugated in 1918 and they were impatient to be un-subjugated, to start to regrow their empire, impatience was their downfall. The British and US empires are smarter, they try to build alliances in various ways, rather than attempts at outright subjugation. Nobody can morally justify an empire, it is what it is, but national borders are not what they seem, they require constant defence and maintenance. To achieve a balance you have to be able to push back at least as hard as you are pushed, while pretending you are not pushing at all.

  25. Who was the greatest mass murderer”

    Churchill’s Bengali Holocaust. Inadvertent confessions of Britain’s #1 war criminal

    History ignored yields history repeated. Mainstream media that ignore the 9-11 million excess deaths so far in the Bush (now Obama) wars also ignore how in 1943-1945 the British under Winston Churchill deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death in what was described in India at the time as a Bengali Holocaust…………….

    Churchill’s hatred for Indians is on record as revealed by the following quote of Winston Churchill to Leo Amery, Secretary of State for India (1942): “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.” [6].
    Winston Churchill (1953) in an egregious act of Nobel Prize-winning Holocaust Denial in which he totally wipes out any mention of the 6-7 million Indians he deliberately starved to death in 1943-1945: “No great portion of the world population was so effectively protected from the horrors and perils of the World War as were the peoples of Hindustan. They were carried through the struggle on the shoulders of our small Island.” [7].

    The WW2 Bengal Famine was associated with horrendous military and civilian sexual abuse of as many as 0.3 million starving women and girls (30,000 in Calcutta alone) but Western media, politicians and academics have ensured that this has been effectively deleted from history – while the “comfort women” sex slave abuses of the Japanese army in WW2 are well known, even in Japan. [1].

    Read on –


    • Matthew 23:14 15 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.

  26. The Arizona audit is going full steam Saturday azaudit.org with the normal numbers about 100+ ballot checkers, 20 I guess supervisors in the red shirts, about 20 admin staff and whoever else is hanging around. Presumably the lectern things in the middle of each table have the black-light watermark checking feature ? The transparency is very good contrasted with the nasty attempts of the Democrats to steal every vote they could and o boy did they need them. It will be interesting to see how MSM attempts to smother the result. Some independent media will break away I guess.

    • Remember Mein Trumpf said, “We will count all legal ballots” and people in the Trump admin said the same again and again, including the Trump wife. Trump also said, roughly a year ago, “I might have to disappear for a while” and there was a huge “leaving ceremony” on the steps of the white-house, which was apparently just a gas-lighting thing. So the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) people think Trump is gone and finished but the counting is underway now. Everyone who did not follow the constitution, right up to the Supreme Court, has had their name taken. So many crooked actors have been identified by this election process. The focus now is purely on that. There is no public focus on BigPharma, Julian Assange or anything else except the audit / re-count. After this, assuming the 2020 election is declared null & void, we should expect the Trump first term to continue until 2024.
      TDS people think Trump will sell out or has sold out already to Jews, banks, Rockerfellas, BigPharma etc, I would suggest it appears that won’t be happening. The deep state is really going to want to get a bullet into this guy now. With the laser-guided missiles these days, anything could be possible.

  27. From channel 7 news 7am Chinese out-of-control rocket hurtling toward earth with Australia as a crash landing target (possibly NZ) … and … Australian troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in doubt as a bomb kills 40 civilians mainly girls. So there you go, that’s your programming for today everyone. Stay at home. Watch football.

    • On the foreign news they said the car bomb in Afghanistan was a rocket, it’s the “fog of war” nobody knows what’s going on (except the perpetrators)

  28. http://www.wa.gov.au

    10 March 2021

    An authorisation by the Chief Health Office under the s.197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) to authorise relevant Australian Defence Force employees to supply and administer the COVID-19) Vaccine

    Public Health Act (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force (No.2) 2021

    “The Australian government has alerted its organisations that these KILL SHOTS are indeed pure poisons and therefore are detrimental to human health…..the criminal Australian government KNOWINGLY is administering these KILL SHOTS to not only their own government administrative bodies, but to the general public at large……”

    26 April 2021 – NTS

  29. Innocent men gaoled for life to keep the truth from the public – Rudolph Hess and Martin Bryant

    Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess
    A Courageous Hero For Peace

    “My coming to England in this way is, as I realize, so unusual that nobody will easily understand it. I was confronted by a very hard decision.

    I do not think I could have arrived at my final choice unless I had continually kept before my eyes the vision of an endless line of children’s coffins with weeping mothers behind them,both English and German, and another line of coffins of mothers with mourning children.”

    Rudolf Hess (June 10, 1941)

    “Money is Everything”
    One of the reasons for the US taking on the Japanese Empire in 1940 is that the Japanese Government started printing “dollar notes”, back at that time the pound was still the global currency of choice and “dollars” were not used in Australia and other places. The Japanese were basically printing USD “knock-offs” (same as all of their manufacturing) and buying stuff all up and down the coast of mainland Asia with knock-off dollars.
    After ww2, USD hegemony meant the US could print money and drop it off anywhere in the world in exchange for goods. In 1971 they (Nixon administration) gave up the pretence that you could exchange $35 for an ounce of gold.
    We can see now, with all the benefit of hindsight, what was happening. HWBush, Cheney and Rumsfeld all had connections to &/or were working inside the Nixon administration. When Nixon got his 2nd term (due to popularism) they rolled him and put Nelson Rockerfella into the VP position.
    In order to pave the way for “the Great Reset”, the US public had to stop living off the printed US dollar which meant free oil for their gas guzzlers and overseas trips for all senior americans. They never had it so good after ww2 and they were observed all over Europe and Latin America with big cameras hanging around their necks, gawking at everything. Later, younger US citizens avoiding conscription to Vietnam formed a diaspora and ran all over the world, some fuelled by USD and booming share prices. All this had to stop for the Great Reset. The USD hegemony was to be transferred to the plutocrats, and this meant US citizens had to be downgraded to the incomes of Mexicans, to assist the transformation of their currency into a zero-hegemony, local fiat currency. This meant their jobs would have to be sent to China and elsewhere.
    Parallel to this, real military spending would have to be slowly downgraded to something closer to the levels of Russian and Chinese spending (eroded by QE money printing inflation).
    We have seen how the Australian government has provided legislation for foreign troops to enter and operate in Australia under “emergency” conditions. We have a fake emergency currently, which is the excuse for mandatory this & that. I suggest that once citizens are impoverished and eliminated in numbers, various essential industries will quietly become military operations. These could be mining, farming and so forth, the foreign military will be overseeing mostly automated stuff, farmers and miners will be gone. Rio Tinto (Rotschild) already developed driverless trains years ago, now they are working on driverless ore trucks (those huge electric trucks you see in the North West). They will get robots doing everything soon enough, and run it all from a control room.
    The useless eaters, having been sterilised by the injections, will be put on Universal Basic Income where they will own nothing and be happy until eventually they are hospitalised and stripped of all remaining assets.

  31. This is always on topic:

    The 11 ‘protocols’ of cultural Marxism according to the Frankfurt School

    • 1. The creation of racism offences.
    • 2. Continual change to create confusion
    • 3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
    • 4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
    • 5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
    • 6. The promotion of excessive drinking
    • 7. Emptying of churches
    • 8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
    • 9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits
    • 10. Control and dumbing down of media
    • 11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

    Dr Day was just giving an update

  32. I am with everyone who is confused

    Interview with D. M. (Dorothy Milne) Murdock (aka Acharya S)
    Part 1

    Part 2

    “Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver”


    This prompted me to source this …

    “The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus”


    I managed to stumble across a second hand copy for $3 (translation by William Whiston)

  33. I have seen the barrow-pushers inform us that the cabbal goes back to Egypt, let us consider what went on in Egypt before the “flight”. The one god of the universe theory undermined the pharaoes god-king regime so everything would have been fomenting underground for quite some time. During this period survival strategies would have been devised and implemented. The story of the red sea crossing I find quite dubious, there is no other similar event in history as far as I know, and imagine the discomfort of walking over a muddy seabed full of sharp barnacles and so forth, carrying various worldly possessions, as well as babies, water etc, anyone who has walked over a tidal mudflat would understand my reasoning. I think I would have waited for the tide to come back and taken a boat. Why should I speculate further about the official story, I will just upset people.
    It is evident that the bible has been tampered with over the years, the question is only how much. There used to be common bibles with random words bolded for no apparent reason. I heard some time later these words were part of some type of code from hundreds of years ago, such as reading the first letter of each bolded word. They are probably removed from more recent versions.
    I was always suspicious of this character Saul/Paul and asking purely as devil’s advocate I would like to know from the barrow-pushers, do they consider that the energies of Saul/Paul were directed towards a scheme to instigate the papacy and crusades, in the same way the barrow-pushers say the German wars were more recently instigated. Why would their first attempt be something so immense as the Great War of 1914-18. Surely they were getting practice over many centuries. Over to you, barrow pushers, to explain the crusades, since you are incessantly pushing the barrow, let’s see, show us, what’s at the bottom of it. Will you go so far as to debunk half of the bible ?

    • “What’s at the bottom of it” Mr Dubya Fwee, is the maniacal ambition of some of the children of Adam and Eve to “be as gods”.

          • Those who say they are Jews and are not but are of the Synagogue of Satan, Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 killed Christ.

            w3 are you suggesting that the “wheelbarrow pushers” should give praise to the ant-Christs?

          • Surely I could say it if I thought of it without having words put in my mouth but I scarcely know what you mean

  34. Moses Hess (1812-1875), who had worked closely for a time with Karl Marx, later affirmed that the “race struggle is primary, the class struggle secondary.” Judaism would become the spiritual guide of humankind, whereas Christianity, “a religion of death,” would wither. He was a good friend of Graetz, who wrote him of his delight in “scourging” Germans. Graetz added that “we must above all work to shatter Christianity.”


    • So you are suggesting the bible-writing jews kept everything totally insulated from the “satanic” jews, and there were no secondary agendas involved in the bible, it seems a bit simplistic considering the scope of your other assumptions.
      It seems odd that you would have such faith in a document produced by jews and translated by royalty.

      • w3 can you name the tribal membership of the Bible writers and do you know of any Edomite Judean as having contributed to the writing of the Bible?

        • You bods orta flick through the New Testament. There is a clear distinction between the “true Israelite in whom there is no guile” and the perfidious Jews mentioned some 72 times by John in his Gospel.

          It seems that there were many who knew and followed the Torah as best they could while there were the “wise ones” who had “superior insights” and interpreted the Torah in a fashion that was convenient to their ambitions and pleasure. These “wise ones” despised the ordinary people and sanctimoniously “thanked God that they were “not like the rest of men””. These “insights” were eventually codified in the Babylonian Talmud and developed in the occult mysticism of the Kabbalah.

          Just who your father or mother was is not important to Christ as He said “God can raise up children of Abraham from these stones”… which He did and does.

          • All these different types of jews are a blur to me, I thought jews were on Seinfeld and in Synagogs and in Balaclava. Well that’s enough about jews for me for today.

  35. azaudit.org still ticking over, very good to see, that is 2 & 1/2 weeks now I think and they are still going, no disasters have happened, the rule of law prevails because probably 90% or Arizona people would like to see Trump return and shut their southern border and cut their tax and fix the jobs.

  36. • Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


    “When I was in office we were known as the Peace Presidency, because Israel’s adversaries knew that the United States stood strongly with Israel and there would be swift retribution if Israel was attacked. Under Biden, the world is getting more violent and more unstable because Biden’s weakness and lack of support for Israel is leading to new attacks on our allies. America must always stand with Israel and make clear that the Palestinians must end the violence, terror, and rocket attacks, and make clear that the U.S. will always strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself. Unbelievably, Democrats also continue to stand by crazed anti-American Rep. Ilhan Omar, and others, who savagely attack Israel while they are under terrorist assault.”

    • If you’re smart you won’t bite off more than you can chew. At the moment the very obvious priority is to wake brainwashed people up and get the 2020 vote rectified. Nobody, even Trump or Putin or Xi is Santa and able to fly around the world in one night giving all the kids everything they want. It is unreasonable to expect that. (Unreasonable stems from the verb “reason”)

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