[Correspondence from G5]
by G5
The sole responsibility of government is management. Not the inventions; however derived; of delusional principles from on high and their enforcement to some distorted reality.
As the allowance of power, naturally maximises: by very great efforts; legislatures of supposedly fairly elected, and the alleged protections of a judiciary were added to the structure.
As this system also failed; at further very great efforts: constitutions of supposed binding agreement between the governing and the foolishly trusting governed were added to the equation.
As this also lacked the integrity of a moral enforcement: at further very great efforts; The People demanded to be armed for self-defence.
All of which have been distorted by deceptions in favour of the evolved self-serving, non-transparent, unaccountable controllers of all.
Nothing has worked. No committees, no oversight, no inspectors-general, no inquiries, no reports, nothing. The lunacy only gains traction as it moves with psychotic ploys being incorporated to aid the journey to even greater oblivion.
There has never been the evolution of any theorised great society. Because the socio-economic manipulation has always lacked the rational economic aspect.
Biden laughing at the inflation levels, unemployment, industry devastation, and energy costs, feigns interest and rational awareness. His terminally dysfunctional class, lacks comprehension. Which can never be expertized to any reality.
These issues in the minds of the governing are functioned by variously forcing compliance with their determined moral and intellectual theories.
People survive DESPITE government, not as a consequence.
America has now failed in every regard. For delusional elitist classes to interpret any aspect of that as some preferred outcome, defines their disengagement with reality by delusional capture.
Another Email
During the Trump era petrol at the pump was about $2 per gallon. Since the Nov. 2020 coup: It has double to over $4.
Apart from double digit climbing inflation, massive rising unemployment, permanently destroyed industries, hidden ghetto class and crime wars, massive increases in all crime statistics, deepening poverty with allied effects, an ideologically destroyed education system, a failed heath and welfare system, and beyond overwhelming enticed; now media hidden; flows over The Rio to a nation well passed destroyed by insane ideological delusions.
Welcome to a year and a half of D Party and Deep State good governance obfuscated by insane censorships and propaganda.
Now: at over $4 per gallon at the pump; crude is generally trading at $119.40 to $130 bbl. The traders; not being ideologically fixated or propaganda induced; can see no reason why this should be reduced. As a consequence: oil futures are moving to $200 bbl and beyond. Which translates to over $8 bbl at the pump.
Hardly a good entre for a green, climate change aware, fossil fuel denying, wokist America. And it only took less than 18 months or what the sane knew, long ago.
So the illegitimate administration, expertized beyond any imaginable rational restraints, and the bucket overflowing with skin colour and genital skill sets; is about to negotiate with Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to reduce their bbl prices for crude.
The nation that has congressionally looted untold trillions; even just in the past year; from government coffers, is going to ask controlling sellers; who they previously attacked; to do America a favour and drop their oil prices so the D Party can ponce a political victory.
An America than no longer exists except for being top of the pops of the fake world of the paperless void.
And of course: don’t forget it’s Russia’s fault for liberating Ukraine from the horrors of eight years of American invasion.
Saudi MBS has suffered countless attacks by American propaganda and attempts to manipulate world oil production. Particularly under the on again off again mood swings of the insane Soetoro, power monger.
Well it doesn’t seem that players in the American oil invasions of Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Syria, etc. want to play anymore. And the fiat based on a fiat totally worthless petrodollar is garbage after all. Surprise. Surprise.
I have already advised that Russia on 10-11 December 2021 planted nuclear missiles in Venezuela to protect its interests and as a deterrent to American illusions of further failed conquests.
In short America is totally destroyed and very well deserved.
The Dem “Doctor” Gets Caught In A Lie
Watch “Dems Doctor Tries To LIE To Rand Paul, Gets CAUGHT Instantly” on YouTube.
Worth watching to to the end. As if the sane didn’t already know.
The big noises making their presence felt in the; FOLLOW THE SCIENCE; massive C19 lie, included; USAID, NIH, and NSF.
Their existence is not required.
Their maintenance is further verification of yet one more D Party institutionalised cultural fraud.
They tag the funding bills in which the frauds are buried with cuties like; aid, relief, build back better, and any bullshit the D Party can spin out.
It’s all a pathetic game, and America; together with insane very well hidden matriarchal restructuring; is now permanently destroyed.
Polls (I know. I know) advise that if America were invaded, the majority of D Party cohorts would run. While almost all GOP allied would fight. The stuff that made Russia what it is today.
The $28 trillion debt hole that has been caused by D governments (study the history) that he mentions, is severely fiddled down from over $100 trillion. In addition the government’s inability to fund recurring essentials as pensions is destroyed, requiring compounded future unfunded debt spirals.
A government caused economic devastation from multiple and irreversible directions, further compounded by fraudulent D Party alleged relief packages, as the stimulus packages and quantitative easings of the first two fraudulent Soetoro terms; have piled an unseen $10 trillion onto the problem, just in 2021.
Soetoro doubled the debt from ten to twenty trillion during his first two terms. Now in his unseen third term, he managed ten plus in one year.
It is Biden walking around the sets and sitting in the sound stages, reading scripts and in front of green screens with added file footages. And yes: November 2020 was a massive fraud. Trump walked to prevent a civil war. Which: as I wrote at the time; was definitely the preferred option, to what has predictably evolved.
Even if Orange returns on 8 November 2022 through The Speaker’s Chair, America is lost.
Deep State Government branches, departments, agencies, and administrations, totally fixated on insane theories, as fully focused agendas, is a destroyed nation. There is no ability to recover. That was actually lost in 2017.
The US was destroyed by television as predicted by Frank Zappa who died at 52, a highly improbable death age exactly the same as Warnie and the Australian senator who dropped dead yesterday.
Now Australia is also being destroyed by television. But here’s George Christensen using 1 minute of video to fight the incessant TV propaganda, to tell us about newly built “quarantine” detention centres
Thank you w3, and thank you George Christensen.
Serco the biggest corporation, in the world, that most have never heard of.
Wellcamp in rated domestic use only as, no customs. If you look at the builders of the airport, (might find Mcgown’s buddy) but also there is a pattern of infrastructure(old school Coombs buildings, surprising features). Noticing now instead of joint public private, the private is directly next door to a public facility i.e hospital, need to know
The Wellcamp site has lots more empty space. Palaszczuk arranged the deal which David Wagner the owner/builder described as unbelievable,deal never seen before and they hae been around a long time. Wagners now part owner(don’t know others) fair guess its the management of those private buildings next to public. Brisbane’s quarantine facility must be close to finished.Been meaning to check Dutton because of the working class area they work/worked, known for sus stuff. Fish outta water there Palaszczuk. Her old man past on the preselection with smoke but now controls a billion dollar Genetic firm.
I know 56, you been saying for years and keep saying, Australia’s offshore detention that we all jumped up and down at the time bailed 2014, just left the there. Coming home to roost now.
Just left them there, shows the words used, the unhcr etc, completely duplicitous.
First Nation knows, and some of the driving leaders used, maybe duplicitous.
Closing the gap was crap, the money was real but caused harm, services did well.
Makes me sick, which makes me angry. I had one dream-time experience, so real when living at Burleigh Heads(not been the kiosk), but told my mate, he got so exited, talked to his family too. Said thats how it can happen. I stand uninvited on sacred land, special place but I know where I stand.
Re: Rand Paul and the spending programs, “does a hot tub help you de-stress” and “does adding sugar to tomato sauce make it taste better”, the unasked question is, was that simple theft or what were they REALLY studying ?
I would hope rumours of the USA’s demise are premature, England and Germany took a worse hit in the 1940’s and both came back in their own way
my previous endorsments have duckduckgone..
apologies.. this thread
They all get the goat-head in the bed
Fuel policy and prices
Resident Brandon has sent delegates to Venezuela demanding that they sell more oil to America. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-washington-pins-easing-venezuela-sanctions-direct-oil-supply-us-2022-03-09/
U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday banned U.S. imports of Russian oil in retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine, ramping up economic pressure on a key Venezuelan ally.
U.S. diplomats have worked to find energy supplies worldwide that can help compensate for disruption to Russian oil and gas exports caused by sanctions or war. U.S. officials met Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas for the first bilateral talks in years on Saturday.
Venezuela has been under U.S. oil sanctions since 2019 and could reroute crude if those restrictions were lifted.
After years of destroying their economy, the US now makes demands? Demands tend to come with threats. What a bunch of hypocrites!
They are also now trying to buy oil from Iran and want Saudi Arabia to produce more!
There are many small ironies in life.
Saudis, UAE Refuse To Take Biden’s Calls To Discuss Ukraine Situation, Talk To Putin Instead
As I see it… Biden was importing 60,000 barrels of oil per day from Russia. In ending the imports this is not a big problem for Russia because China is taking up the slack, but a massive problem for US industry and people, including the military.
Venezuala may well refuse to sell oil to the US unless the US unfreezes its billions in funds. Iran the same.
If the US attacks Venezuela, they might defend themselves using Russian weapons, including Zircon and Vanguard missiles which cannot be shot down. Nuclear strikes are on the table. Iran the same.
Just to correct a misapprehension, the OPEC nations do not set oil prices. These are cast by NYMEX and LPE (London Petroleum Exchange).
What Biden has done is condemn thousands of Germans to death by freezing, and to further reduce the value of the petrodollar, which is effectively a tax on the whole world. Thus, the US economy takes a massive hit, industry becomes paralysed, and America implodes. Nobody knows when the tipping point will arrive but when it does happen it will be overnight.
Now the preppers don’t look so crazy. do they?
I suggest that Gumshoers fill their jerry cans with fuel now and get out there burying leaves and anything organic in their veggie garden soil because soon there will be no chemical fertiliser, no water, no fuel, and no sustainable food. And buy heritage seeds and a rainwater tank. All survivors will be permaculturalists.
And for when the prodigal neighbours covert your providence, you will need weapons. A handful of chilli powder is a good start for close-up engagements. A jar of petrol is not a bad idea too, plus a box of matches.
I also recommend the cultivation of an interest in medieval weapons, such as the crossbow.
If you resent being forced to adopt aggression and violence, let your local politician know your feelings. He will surely sympathise.
I would argue that US is going swimmingly well from the founding fathers point of eiw
Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, more but been a while since I looked. Paul Revere and in your face Benedict Arnold show the duplicitous nature here from ground zero.
This is how they roll, Venezuela will be the same. I hae said before but the myth is strong in a American. They always slide in on the good stuff and poison pill it. You can’t just roll in with income tax, maybe you could, not much to collect, the Americans worked hard because they believed the myths true, seems most still do. When they wake and see the damage.. and to themselves..maybe why they don’t want to see.
Greatest threat is a standing army, finite rules of conquest, militia in their own homes without billeting(your castle). All contrived, boys did well got the pay from City of London(red cross) nice lodges.
Biden’s a winder, as Trump, stop backing any of them, use em if can. All lost, so whats to lose.
I use them all to see where the play is running, see the good stuff that comes out, isolate the play.
Even with the good intentions, they can’t operate in meaningful way. Alex Jones is this play.
American exceptionalism and won’t argue that.
Its a Love Symbol kind of thing.
Whats disturbing here is two month old babies don’t make much noise, that comes later.
I did not know things were this bad.
The gold fringed flags behind her are military flags signifying martial law.
This is a clear marker, whoever votes for the bill needs to be locked up
And now the dirt starts to come out, they are trying to unwind the Bill of Rights, the next step towards full communo-fascism
My finance hat has been tracking this since 1995 but 2008 kicks in. Wealth transfer for consolidation of the means of production, monopolies
Those previous appropriations were just as bad back to 2000, money for crazy stuff measured by the stated intent. How could she not know, try a filibuster, tip does not work.
The money seems like its needed quick, I smell blood. It would really hurt were it to fail I suspect.
I thought that kind of thing was passe now and Biden could just sign an executive orders.
Look at what Pelosi has recently bought, thats where its going.
Most don’t know or care, but I’m shocked a house member could be so out of touch, or she is playing.
With all Universities full with 90% CCP students and service industries fully loaded with new arrivals replacing the ones that arrived last year, guess the only option left for locals born here is to join the army.
Scott to the rescue, as highlighted on msm yesterday.
ALL WARS ARE BANKERS’ WARS! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/allwarsarebankerwars.php#ixzz59TXkUXsm
Funny video of Trump immediately prior to scamdemic, on Ukraina and crooked CNN fake news
Very crowded Odessa Beach 100 years ago (retouched) (2 min)
Speaking of beaches (and military failures)
On Some Faraway Beach
Given the chance
I’ll die like a baby
On some far away beach
When the season’s over.
I’ll be remembered
As the tide brushes sand in my eyes
I’ll drift away.
Cast up on a plateau
With only one memory
A single syllable
Oh lie low lie low.
And a bit of ethnic cleansing
“Documents have dropped that support Russia’s claim that the United States government is funding biolabs in Ukraine to “create bioagents that can target certain ethnic groups.” In other words, the U.S. regime of Sleepy Joe Biden has been overseeing a bioweapons factory to carry out ethnic genocide.”
Can G5 shed any light on the Iran nuclear deal ? What’s it all mean ?