Home Pedogate An Interview With Retired Detective Jim Rothstein on Blackmail, Pedophilia and Trafficking.

An Interview With Retired Detective Jim Rothstein on Blackmail, Pedophilia and Trafficking.



A reader alerted us to this Government Slaves article, which posts Sarah Westall’s interview with Retired Detective Jim ‘Jimmy Boots’ Rothstein — a member of the New York City Police Department. This credible insider traveled the world investigating how rings operated, and exposes how prevalent human trafficking actually is in our world, cities, and most notably, in Washington. His 13 year investigation was ‘shut down’.

The full article on govtslaves.info here.



  1. A VERY credible insider! Crikey, it is amazing he is still walking around.

    Interesting comments about Trump in the second video. I wonder how many of the people on the ‘Left’ are scared that Trump will expose all this.

    • Westall tried her hardest to get some dirt on Trump but failed miserably…All she got from Jim Rothstein was:

      1) ‘Trump is going to get done what he needs to get done’
      2) ‘Trump has never been compromised’
      3) ‘I never had any information on Trump = He is clean’
      4) ‘Trump…Keep doing a great job’!

      Rothstein is aware, as are Q followers that ‘certain things will be coming out after midterms on November 6’ as he put it.

      And to answer Terry Shulze:
      The Deep State is terrified about what is soon to be revealed thus the current false flags being carried out such as the fake ‘bombs’, the Pittsburgh synagogue hoax & the invasion of illegals from the South. There may even be more false flags in the next few days. But the Dems are encouraging riots if they lose (as anticipated) in this election!

      Trump is deliberately keeping the Deep State on their toes as they have no idea when the FISA documents & sealed indictments will be revealed. The anticipated date for their release is the new year.


  2. Thanks, Dee. In this video, at 39 minutes, they suggest that Ed Heath led the UK into the EU because he was forced by blackmail for pedophilia. Fathom it.

    Interesting comments from Brits.

  3. A note to msm journalists and our Australian Broadcasting Commission.
    Media watch are you watching?
    When are you lot going to realise that the free public reports are going to have you miserable criminal lot end up being charged as with Pell?
    Not to mention how you miserable criminal lot have covered for criminals and killers in the mass murders on 911.

    • Gary….So far Trump has kept all his election promises….He is not compromised nor is he ‘part of the act’. Hundreds if not thousands of child traffickers, paedophiles etc have already been arrested across the USA but this news is not reported by the fake news msm.

      • For all his geopolitical fud-dudderie and ignorance, he has bolstered the US economy and restored tariffs. So, COG, you are dead right.

  4. “In November 1989 the Berlin Wall fell down. It had stood for 28 years and 88 days, separating families, suppressing free movement by free people through the use of bricks, armed soldiers, and watchtowers.

    November 2018 will mark 29 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. During this time 54 new walls and border fences have been built. The United States government stubbornly plans to build a wall separating it from its southern neighbor, Mexico.

    In November 5-9, 2018 the Zen Peacemakers will return to bear witness at the concentration camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland. We’ll once again feel the razor wire fences of imprisonment, gather in barracks that once squeezed humans tighter than cattle, and pray by those deep rectangles in the ground that killed people because they were different on account of religion, country, ethnicity, and sexual preference. Or just because. Because we continue to have scapegoats, someone to blame, rather than accept the complex responsibility of living fully as human beings.

    A few years ago, much of what is going on now in the West was unthinkable. But the unthinkable is not just openly discussed, it’s being implemented. In Poland it is illegal to talk of Polish complicity in the murder of Jews in Poland. Democracy and diversity have become dirty words. Sectarianism and bigotry have reared their ugly heads, stoking fear of immigrants, refugees, poor families, and ethnic and religious minorities.

    In the United States, guns have better protection than children; banks more safeguards than Mother Earth.”

      • “Because we continue to have scapegoats, someone to blame, rather than accept the complex responsibility of living fully as human beings”

        Sound to me like that gang is making scapegoats. What in the world are they going to a prison for, to feel razorwire, etc. How will that be an act of accepting responsibility?

        And why choose a historic event instead of the many prisons today, not excepting Don Dale, where people are treated cruelly. What is the Zen gang going to do about that?

  5. It is so sad to see what has happened on our watch .
    We simple people cannot fathom the depths of depraivity behind the corridors of power .
    Eagerly anticipating the arrival of the new iPhone , we fail to connect that AI , whilst illuminating at the touch of our fingertips , has also contributed to our decline that was not possible before its appearance .
    In our world virtual has replaced reality . Everything has been inverted .
    In this set up the dream makers invent reality and present it to us on the tell lies vision .

    Human life , together with all life , has derailed from the true path of creation .
    We are herded into mega cities to consume their products for their profits .
    Above the law , for they implement it , they continue murdering for the blood of innocents .
    For them wealth and power is a shield that covers their evil intent .

    As a child , I asked my grandfather whom he liked best of the grandchildren ?
    His reply was , ” every finger feels pain when hurt .”

  6. Your grandfather’s words resonate.
    Am researching Mind control programming—predictive programming- the script is being followed we are playing our parts.

    Just sharing this link with a quote:


    “The elite objective is nearly always the same, getting the public to accept more control and give away even more freedom. Their first World Order may be designed to take away our national borders and what’s left of our financial independence, unveiling total surveillance. A second World Order may be needed to take away our very humanity, turning us all into technologically mind-controlled robots. In between, more chaos will be required and created, some form of controlled opposition will be needed. Problem-Reaction-Solution.
    The elites believe that they operate beyond duality and are therefore gods among us. However, they worship a twisted and unbalanced form of duality where the sacred masculine dominates and suppresses the sacred feminine – mind and ego over emotion and intuition. This form of worship is at the heart of their rituals, their mind control programming, and their blueprint for society for thousands of years.
    Therefore, balance needs to be restored between mind and emotion, between ego and intuition, between the masculine and the feminine, between Order and Chaos.

    A “false light” seeks to fight, to engage in psychological drama, to restrict information, and perpetuate conflict. By opposing darkness, the false light surrenders to it and actually feeds it, perpetuates it.

    True light moves beyond the need for conflict. It expands awareness and strives toward balancing opposites, creating an equilibrium state in which the darkness can not thrive. You battle darkness by adding more light rather than adding more swords. That does not preclude the necessity of some form of intervention to assist this balancing (see A Case for Intervention: The Tree and the Vine) However, any book, film, or spokesperson that tells you to battle the darkness with weapons or an army is just selling you eternal war and slavery.”
    About the Author
    David Nova is the author of the metaphysical fiction series “Season of the Serpent.” He is a truth-seeker, a Wanderer, a blogger, —-

    • When is this supposed to be happening Diane, the New World Order, or First World Order?
      Ivé lost count of how many years it’s been spoken about. It’s like the second coming of Christ, ivé been hearing about that for over 50 years and it still hasn’t happened!!

      I cannot imagine the likes of Russia, North Korea, China, Japan, and a few other major countries, ever agreeing to become one goverment world wide.
      Can you imagine Putin, or the little fat bloke from North Korea, who’s name escapes me at the moment, ever becoming one country, living under one rule…

      It will never happen, not in my lifetime, nor my childrens, and hopefully further down the line..
      But it sends poor conspiricy theorists crazy, if you ask me they are the dangerous ones in society, they are the ones most likely to take up arms to fight an imaginary army trying to take over the world!!!

  7. So what’s the object here ?
    Getting rid of a few uncomfortable symptoms ?
    The eradication of a universal disease?

    This clip proffers a few clues re how the latter takes hold; best summed up by the remark at 2: 15 “When you sign the birth certificate your child becomes a ward of the State so if “the government” subsequently doesn’t like what your doing……”

    But don’t worry Jesus himself went through the same cattle-count:

    Which meant he was ultimately able to break open the door to freedom:
    “And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent”
    MATTHEW 27:51

    And no, I’m not being facetious

  8. I am moderating a lengthy comment from Deni, a reader, who says that Fiona Barnett claims James Rothstein of NYPD would (or did) support her testimony against the late preacher Billy Graham. Deni says a challenger phoned Rothstein and asked if he was willing to be recorded. He said yes. According to Deni, he then said he had no dirt on Graham. This alleged phone call is no longer on the Internet.

    • Dee, Fiona said that Rothstein told her he had never heard any dirt on Nixon. In other words, Fiona does not mind saying she did not get corroboration.

      Fiona also said Rothstein did support her on Billy Graham, however a person named Chapman claims to have recorded a conversation in which Rothstein told Chapman he has nothing in Graham.

      Fiona then made a stink about Chapman saying he works for Michael Aquino.

      The website on which this appears is called “hoaxstead” meaning the Hampton children’s stories are a hoax.


      I have known of Rothstein for years and think he is the real deal. I also believe most things Fiona says. I don’t think Gumshoe should spend any time sorting this out. Go to pedophilesdowninder.com and you will find a lot about Billy Graham and his preacher son.

  9. With hand on heart, and I swear on my beloved sons grave, who passed away last year, I listened to that recording of the phone call. A few times actually, and i’m sure as sugar that it would still be floating around the net somewhere…
    Whenever Fiona is challenged, she accuses the people of being pedophiles themselves, she tries to get them blacklisted, so to speak!!

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