Editor’s note: One of Gumshoe’s contributors wrote to the Premier of Western Australia, which we publish here. He forwarded the letter to the Premier of Victoria with this note: “The attached is a copy of a letter that I sent to Mark McGowan. Take note because it is essentially the same message to you. You have been a more criminal to your constituents than McGowan so you will possibly see the gallows before him. Don’t think the “Powers That Be” will save you.”
Premier of Western Australia, Mark McGowan. M.L.A.
13th Floor, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street. West Perth. 6005
I demand a sensible and honest reply to this letter.
What is your excuse for extending “the emergency authorisation” for another 6 months?
There has never been an emergency in the past two years, except for the malicious Government coercing of the public to take a jab insinuated as being a vaccine that is killing and maiming people worldwide.
You know as well as I, that there was never a novel virus, so named Covid-19, as I have since April 2020 supplied you with written information and video evidence through your Health Minister, Roger Cook. In that time period, several people have put up offers totaling millions of dollars to anyone or any organisation that has been able to scientifically isolate the said novel virus. There have been no claims for that reward.
You also have the information of who was involved in the planning of the gigantic hoax.
Governments around the world knew of the planned upcoming hoax and what procedures they were to implement. This is now known because of the unlawful legislations that were passed by the Barnett and Federal Governments in 2015 and the fact that every government had the same lockdown procedures to follow. Definitely an order from the World Health Organisation. All this organising was set up well before the supposed discovery of the novel virus.
You have knowledge that the Covid-19 test kits were being manufactured [and purchased] in 2017/18 before the “virus” existed. You also have knowledge that the inventor of the PCR technology, Kary Mullis, stated that it was NOT to used as a diagnostic tool. Yet it is those two apparatuses that you have based your false “case” numbers on.
You also know the damage being done to those silly enough around the world to fall for the false information about the “virus” and “vaccine” which is causing irreparable damage and will be causing more death and destruction in the future, not to mention all the lives being sacrificed because of job loss and business closures caused by the unlawful mandates.
The quote below proves that state borders cannot be lawfully closed.
I quote directly from The Constitution of The Commonwealth of Australia. Section 463a. “Residents in Any State.”
“The privileges and immunities of State citizenship are all comprehended under the following general heads: protection by the Government, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with right to acquire and possess property of every kind, and to pursue and obtain happiness and safety, subject nevertheless to such restraints as the Government may justly prescribe for the general good of the whole. The right of a citizen of one State to pass through or to reside in any other State, for the purposes of trade, agriculture, professional pursuits or otherwise, to claim the benefit of the writ of habeas corpus, to institute and maintain actions of every kind in the courts of the State: to take, hold, and dispose of property, either real or personal, and an exemption for higher taxes or impositions than are paid by the citizens of other States, may be mentioned as some of the principal privileges and immunities of citizens which are clearly embraced by the general description of privileges deemed to be fundamental.”
There is no mention anywhere of exemptions in this paragraph because of plagues, viruses or other health issues, (such as imposed medical procedures, medical treatment or cures) which have always been where humans reside, whether in the 21st century or the 19th century when the Constitution was written.
An interesting announcement was made yesterday via radio news, that M.P.’s will not have to comply with mandates. It seems that Joe Biden made a similar announcement earlier. Another order issued by the UNO, no doubt?
I had already assumed that no politician or executives in government had ever received the real Covid jab. Now it has been brought out into the open. One law for society and one for those in positions of power. This will cover the situation that when the elite criminals are hung, if someone has the bright idea to take some of their blood for analysis and there is evidence that they never had the real jab, everything is sweet.
Undoubtedly you, Health Minister Cook and your Chief Health Minister will be charged for criminal action under the Nuremberg Code, international law. As you have been made aware a guilty verdict is punishable by the death sentence. The crime of treason against the three previously mentioned was activated when you began implementing the orders of a foreign entity which were to detriment of the Australian people. This crime is against Australian law. Punishable by imprisonment.
The included information and knowledge of this letter is known to many.
With this query and accusations may you have many sleepless nights.
Malcolm R. Hughes.
[Note: These are the views of Mr Hughes]
Mal, my take is that people were dying from a bioweapon, but the solution was always available. We know about the Utta Pradesh, but Zimbabwe is another example of the IVM solutiono story.
I am a fan of Dr Jackie Stone.
Here’s MSM peddling disinformation as usual
If anyone wants to make quinine there are plenty of videos
w3 , How can these reporter’s sleep at night , its bloody disgusting how they just spuke absolute lies. And what’s worse , is that , they all seem to have the Bill Gates smirk.
They just read whatever off the autocue and they can’t even remember what they said the next day
If the MSM is debunking quinine then it must be good. Quinine has been used for a very long time to guard against malaria, it’s in Schweppes (Indian) Tonic Water, tastes good too, very refreshing if you are in the sub-tropics and tropics. Notice the jerk said that the maker of quinine says it’s no good without out any links or quote from them.
The quinine comes from the Cinchona Bark which is grown in south America, not from citrus and grapefruit peel. Get your facts right !
Mal, I am not going to run my standard Elvis response to your letter because this time I don’t think they would dare “return to sender.”
Get a load of this lady whose husband went to bed after the shot and did not get up:
Bio-weapon, De-population agenda. Excellent letter to McGowan and Premier of VIC. Would the jailing of “Beagle” Fauci hurry things up?
Here is a part of Avital Livny’s project on BNT today, which I have been looking for. She was interviewed a couple of days ago on Fuellmich’s “Corona Council” # 75
Fuellmich “Corona Council” number 75 – “Hinter tausend Stäben – keine Welt”*
The English version
(During this interview, the streaming of the German version got censored=taken down in Germany, which never happened before during any of the other 74 video recordings. Showing how sensitive the contents are.)
Ms Avital Livny, a Israeli mother of two, created “the Testimony Project”, says her most important task is to save the children (from the Pfizer injections).
She also says that her family connections to the Orthodox Jews allow for a highly valued insight into how they deal(t) with the Covid, the green passes, the injections and boosters. (Interestingly, the Orthodox jewish have their own judiciary!!)
Dr Fuellmich immediately draws a parallel to how the Amish are dealing with the problem. The conclusion is that these two groups eventually will bring the uggly truth out of hiding, which Fuellmich believes to be in the next few weeks, maybe a couple of months!
The Amish are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss German and Alsatian Anabaptist origins.
* Poem by the famous German Rainer Maria Rilke.
“The Panther” is a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke written on 6 November 1902. It describes a captured panther behind bars, as it was exhibited in the Ménagerie of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. It is one of Rilke’s most famous poems and has been translated into English many times, including by many distinguished translators of Rilke, like Stephen Mitchell.
Reiner Fuellmich interviewing Avital Livny (initiator of the testimony project) 58 mins
Apologies, the Google docs link “Reiner Fuellmich interviewing Avital Livny” didn’t work.
Of course the google docs link didn’t work!!!
There you go; cognitive dissonance!
What is “Google”?
You put all your docs with the enemy?
Go to Kim Dot Com’s mega.nz; 50GB of totally secure online storage for FREE!!! Super fast, super secure upload and download. Share links to your docs or whatever, totally secure!
Have you ever heard that Michael Jackson song, “Man in the Mirror”? No? Check it out!
“depopulation agenda now irrefutable”??? I read about UN Agenda 21 in the ’70s, on the UN website!
I just don’t get it. I’ve told 100s of people to go to the UN website and read about UN Agenda 21 and I’d say perhaps 10 people or less did as I recommended. How come? They are/were mostly wastes of space. If they read those sites that would blow away completely their dreams. Well, here we are and their dreams are totally blown away. I have had a number of friends who have died from Cancer from Radio and Chemo therapies, but get this, they lived on alternate lifestyle communities where everything they eat is organic/biodynamic, their power is off grid, but as soon as they get sick it’s off to the local hospital. I know lots of people who live in the suburbs who know more about natural healing than all the wannabee alternate life stylers put together. There’s a plant of the geranium family that cures cancer if you just eat it, it’s been around for 100s of years very easy to grow. Search “herb Robert”.
Just do it, alone if you have to!
The “climate change” is getting run as a diversion from the virus narrative which is clearly falling apart, in particular with the va666ine injuries and deaths which people are becoming aware of. Now “climate change” is starting to dominate the globalist agenda, it has so many of the kids spooked, but kids have not been around long enough to clearly remember, it was warmer a few years ago. It is really and truly, perceptibly, getting cooler now. It may have been getting warmer somewhere in the period from about 2005-2015 but now it’s perceptibly (and statistically) colder and wetter. Sea levels have not risen anywhere but we hear about Kiribati (“Kiribas”) Island which seems to be actually geologically sinking. Kiribas is actually several totally disconnected islands, very, very far apart and from memory the easternmost one was abandoned long ago because of this (salination etc). Why would Greta get such coverage if she wasn’t a paid up minion or brainwashed puppet. Some years ago she would have been ridiculed but now “climate change” suits the perverted agenda, and so currently, it’s being pushed very hard by the lying MSM as a distraction from the failures of the va666ine narrative.
Never forget emi$$ions trading is simply about cashing in, through some “World” forum.
As said above “would the jailing of Fauci hurry up”, this should trigger an avalanche right down to our Corporate Health Officers who will say “I was just doing my job” and our “Health” Ministers who will say, “I was just following the medical advice”. The question of how our governments handed over sovereignty to Fauci & gang is an interesting one.
Said it before – Net Zero is Not Zero.
Guardian ramping up the climate fear factor:
World faces disastrous 2.7C temperature rise on current climate plans, UN warns
A Decade of Sun (1hr)
skip to around 2013 in the video and you will see lots of solar activity. This is responsible for warmer weather
Now skip to 2017-18 and you will absolutely none for the last years.
The music is oddly appropriate…
This is a PERFECT VIDEO with the date stamp in the corner you can look at 2013 or 2014 and it looks like there’s more than 50 huge volcanoes going on all around the middle of the sun, huge, continuous eruptions of plasma, then skip forward to 2019 or 2020 and there is barely any activity at all. So the sun is presumably near the bottom of an 11 year cycle and will be at the top again before 2030, except we have heard predictions that the next cycle will be low activity so maybe it will just keep getting cooler.
The de-population agenda is now in full swing. I just finished talking to a mate that has been sending money to an old friend in Viet Nam. The $10,000 he sent fed 100 people for almost 6 months (mostly staples like rice). The people in the village are dying of famine. There are not enough people to go around and bury all the dead and many are not being collected. One of the relatives of this Vietnamese bloke has his mother and father upstairs decomposing and the stench is filling the house.
I’ll be outside in a bit weeding the potatoes I have growing….
Protect yourself, nobody else will.
I lived in South Vietnam, in Saigon and, yes, can see how that could be
You Aussies seem to have a problem with bone-headed police and military personnel. Develop a national campaign for “1984” awareness. Distribute copies of Orwell’s novel and urge watching V for Vendetta.
Our crooked governments signed into law a mechanism to import cops and army under various pretexts to control the population and this seems to be part of the calculation, in some cases local cops are reportedly being selected and paid extra to wage war on the people. These cops don’t realise that they will be discarded at the end of their useful life, the same as the people they are oppressing. Most people can be bought it seems and worry about the consequences later. These Orwellian schemes are so lengthy in duration the average hand-to-mouth punter cannot think let alone operate in these time frames.
W3 , You may have seen this cop ? He drops a lot of truth about the suppression in the force.
These cops need to organise and arrest the politicians
He quit the Police Force after he wrote his letters, you can see them on the Advocate.me website.
“You Aussies seem to have a problem…” “Develop a national campaign for “1984” awareness. Distribute copies of Orwell’s novel and urge watching V for Vendetta.” It’s your idea, so how many copies have you given out and how many bums on seats have you got so far to see V for Vendetta? I suggest that you go home and tell your Mommy that she wants you
They are tearing Gulag Gladys apart at the moment, it’s Dicktator Dan’s turn next
Gulag Gladys … agreed
But wouldn’t ‘Commissar Dan’ be more politically and ideologically appropriate?
Reminds of when Stalin turned on all the ‘old bolshevi\ks’ and had Trotsky [et al] murdered with an ice pick out of political paranoia. I thought it was funny when they turned on Beria.
I know you are all getting sick of my harping on, but please listen.
I have launched a legal challenge against the NT Chief Medical Officer, primarily over the mRNA mandate, buit please do not imagine for one second a judge will stroke his beard and say “By Jove, this rotter has broken laws and violated our sacred Constitution. Challenge upheld!”
The real world… a judicial piece of slime will declare it in the national interest to set the Constitution aside for a while because the 1901 document could not forsee the current catastrophic threat of covid… even though my challenge points to the 99.97% recovery rate.
All I set out to achieve was to demonstrate the rule of law is over. There is only dictatorial decree, which echoes the NWO edicts. You can die and join the 80% due to become extinct, or you can fight.
Ergo, this is WWIII and we are on the threshold of civil war. If you know anybody in the army, get advice right now. If you can, explain that to do his duty, a soldier must help us against the illigitimate government. If he is still hesitant (LOL), point out that he will be sacked or exterminated anyway by foreign batallians who have immunity from prosecution. Kopassus is already training in Darwin how to break down Aussies doors.
You have days to prepare.
I will be submitting an APHRA complaint against Dr Brett Sutton
“Kopassus is already training in Darwin how to break down Aussies doors.” got a link? Couldn’t find anything about them training to break down Aussie doors. Maybe you need to have a break from the drugs you are on, or don’t take so many so often. “You have days to prepare.” Prepare for what? Vegemite sandwiches?
An alleged discussion by CCP officials on getting Americans (and Aussies) all vaccinated.
We know that everyone who got the experimental vaccine will die any way, sooner or later, and the boosters will ensure that but so did all the Chinese. If you look around for reports of the pandemic in China you will find the common peoples’ plight there is far worse than western countries depending on where they live, villagers are worse off. The Chinese military also had to have their jabs too!
If some of the brainwashed idiots in the Bangkok Post are to be believed the CCP “vaccine” (called Sinovac) is ineffective, the idiots are fans of Pfzzzr and becoming GMOs
This what Ned has asked to be put up.
Ned wonders whether it is Dan galloping past at the end, leaving the chaos in his wake.
Ta Dee,
Terry, note that when they are haggling over nine pence, the lady on the stairs swinging the cat for dinner……. ‘Meowww’.
As you have said…………. Be prepared.
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia 463a there lies a problem quote : subject nevertheless to such restraints as the government may justily prescribe for the general good of the whole! And there lies the problem no government can dictate for the general good of the whole. The constituionalist who wrote the constitution were protecting themselves !
And the 1946 Referendum,”No civil conscription!”
Important re depopulation and injections with boosters being planned to be twigged over time to cull gradually (blaming casualties on various created deficiencies?)
Go to X22Report.com and listen to the last couple of minutes from 38 min timeline.
Report 2611b
Come on, just a few minutes at least. OR get ready to ‘Bring out your dead’.
Note from 29 mins the new ‘truth’ web news page coming.
A open letter demanding a reply from one of our politicians🤡
Want to buy a bridge in Sydney?
No such grub in politics gives a shit on any demand from anyone who pays for their salaries.
I assume you know that all “governments” in Aussie are Corporations registered in Washington DC which means that they come under US Corporate Law. We need to report them to the US SEC but more importantly find out US Corporations’ liabilty. Therefore, also, as they are US Registered Corporations then they have no jurisdiction in Australia. If you go to Dun & Bradstreet https://www.dnb.com/business-directory.html and write all the government offices of each state, start with Police, you’ll get all their company info. Then screenshot each & send that to them, and to the media and alt media. While you’re their lookup Pecker Meroo.
Hello Mal (and Tony Ryan) – I thoroughly (make that unequivocally) appreciate and respect your work and contributions. It’s just a shame you chose the ‘Nuremberg’ theme. I don’t mean to be sarcastic, but you could just as well have chosen the ‘Stalin Show Trial’ theme. Never mind – it doesn’t matter how we get there as long as we don’t let them (the trans/antihumanists) divide us or control us.
Referring to the following article by Ron Unz:
• American Pravda: Understanding World War II – Ron Unz (American Pravda series)
Please go to the Part 4 audio
“The “Black Legend” of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany”
But in particular, go to 10:24 or read from here
For those who just want a 13 minute truth binge …
• Everyone Lost in World War II – Carlton Meyer (Tales from an American Empire)
The Ugly Truth About the Nuremberg Trials – Mike King