by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Dear Susan and Bill,
Believe me I know better than to address a judge in a casual manner. The Court is sacred (well, it’s sacred to me anyway), and a show of respect is always needed. I am keen to uphold the Court.
However, at this moment I need to talk to you in your personal capacity. Besides being judges, Susan and Bill, you are also citizens of Australia. In that area we are equals.
Maybe if you would put on your “personal glasses” to read this letter it will all go smoothly. Just leave to one side the thoughts that you’d normally come to in your job as high-level judges. Just be your selves, please.
The Reality Today
The reality today is that both Australia, and my other country the United States, are essentially run by forces that are not mentioned in any Constitution. They are free-wheeling power holders and are usually secretive.
In some cases these entities are recognized in law. Some of the biggest power holders are corporations; a corporation is an entity whose existence is based in law. There are also some foundations; the privileged behavior of every foundation is a result of law.
Thus a court can to some extent control the Boeing Corporation or Telstra or the Rockefeller Foundation.
But what we need to talk about are forces, sometimes called The Deep State, that are hidden and typically are illegal. In effect they are mafia’s. The members feel good about breaking the law or contravening it. They don’t worry about getting caught; they don’t even expect that their enterprise will get reined in.
My first inclination is to say that they are “beyond” the law. But really they are easy prey for the law if only the courts or Parliament wanted to go after them.
Getting Them
Various ways to control them come to mind. The first way is to capture them – just by ordinary arrest – and treat them individually as criminals. (I favor this myself. Law is the great equalizer.)
Another way would be to track down what they do and block their enterprise. President Trump reportedly ordered the arrest of thousands of viewers of child porn on the Internet. This would block the porn film industry by depriving them of customers.
Still another way to deal with the powerful forces is to bump them off outside the law. There is a rumor that Trump has authorized this lately. I don’t know if he has. I don’t approve of doing it secretly. There is the public law of outlawry and the unquestionable law of plain old self-defense.
Our ancestors recognized that necessity – life threatenng emergency — has no law. Necessitas non habet legem.
The Pattern
The problem that has caused me to write to you today is a powerful force in South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and probably the other states and territories, having to do with child-stealing. The online magazine that I write articles for, GumshoeNews.com, has spent the last 6 months trying to find out what is going on.
Allow me to tell you a pattern we uncovered. We did not go looking for it; it was thrown at us. I will simplify it:
- A couple produces a baby. The Dad may do a runner, but when the child is around 2 to 4 years, he comes back asking for custody. There is no reason for the mother to lose custody as the child is doing fine.
- Then it becomes apparent that the child is being sexually abused, and the dud parent is letting others use the child for this. (Both genders can become abusers.) This is certainly doing damage to the child’s natural development.
- The protective Mum realises what is happening and does not want to hand the kid over. Oh yes she will! The government of Oz will force her to do it. Practically guaranteed! And no effort, no amount of having the law on her side will give her a way out of the nightmare.
- How so? First, the mother’s right to the child will be called into question “medically.” She will be labeled a danger to the child, as she is mentally unwell. (That is soo CIA.)
- Furthermore, her efforts to get her child back will be used against her. Officials will note her reluctance to send the child to the Dad (never mind if the kid is screaming “Mummy, please don’t make me go!”). The reluctance will then be called emotional abuse on the part of the mother.
- She may also be “diagnosed” with Parental Alienation Syndrome (or the modern equivalent) – she is trying to turn the child against its father. They will claim, and write it in the case notes, that she “coaches” the child.
- Because of the coaching problem, the child may be sent to live with a “neutral” guardian. This could be a group home, a relative’s home, or may be a non-kin foster parent. If more than one child is involved, the siblings may be sent to separate foster homes.
- Legislation provides that it’s bad for a child to linger in guardianship more than six months, so The Law will speed up the disposition of the case. The guardian may become a permanent guardian and will then have authority to adopt the child out.
- The adopting parent may legally have the child’s name changed and the Mum will thus lose hope of even being able to locate her beloved child.
We have heard from many mothers that the following parts of government each do their part in carrying out the pattern: police, child protection workers, child’s independent lawyers (so-called), the guardianship board, the staff of Family Court and – wait for it – the judges.
Also, in regard to getting the mother “certified,” a psychology assessment organization called ACES steps in to help.
Ignorance and Secrecy about This
Allow me tell you how ignorant I was of the whole thing. I never knew the Pattern till I got to 2018. And yet I was well-up on related things: I am a virtual expert on the CIA’s Mk-Ultra program in the US; I was a member of a Truth and Reconciliation Coalition n 2010, and I studied the recent Royal Commission on pedophiles, writing a book about it called Deliverance!
Surely it must be down to the secretiveness of the criminals that I never had a glimmer of what the mothers go through. (Note: it is not always a Mum, it can be a Protective parent of either gender.) So whence cometh the secretiveness? I suggest:
- The Protective parent is dazed and glazed (so said Senator Nancy Schaefer in Georgia, USA before she was bumped off). The parent, focused on the child’s needs, is worn out by the whole thing and, for extra effect, is financially smitten by the cost of lawyers, psychologist assessments, etc.
- The media – who must surely be in on the deal – will not only not inform the public of this baby-snatching, but will publish stories about cases where coaching is actually done, or where a child truly does need to be grabbed from a drug-addicted mother. This keeps the public off the scent.
- Perhaps the biggest block to publicity is the “gag order” written into Section 121 of the Family Law Act. It tells the suffering Protective parent not to have loose lips. He or she is thus scared of mentioning the problem, and frustrated beyond belief.
The Presence of a Racket
Dear Susan and Bill, did you know of all this? Would you agree, as ordinary observers, that there must be someone running this racket (statewide at least, maybe nationally) as how else could such a standard pattern emerge?
Fiona Barnett was the first to come forward – in a loud way – and tell the public about torture of children by a pedophile group in Australia. She later determined that there is a worldwide child-harming industry run from Langley.
A person at Gumshoe has revealed that in the 1940s her grandmother was part of the Tavistock group, along with Dr Eric Dax, that was seeded into Australia.
I do not say that a racket is involved in the handling of every child that is the object of a custody battle, certainly not. But a certain percent of cases fits the Pattern. This system feeds kids to cruel pedophiles.
Law Enforcement
I think the reaction of officials is a good indication that there is a racket. Members of government, when approached by, or about, the Protective parents, appear to be scared to even acknowledge what is going on. Parents have shown us letters they wrote to Parliamentarians years ago, which got no reply.
As the Pattern contains crime, one would expect police to be helpful in combatting it. No. There isn’t even a hint of any police commissioner seeing the problem for what it is.
And at the lower level, cops have been told to give no quarter to any Protective parent whose case is “before the Family Court.” There’s no black-letter law to support the practice of turning away a citizen who wishes to report crime (quite the opposite!), but police are taught that such a law does exist.
The “child protection services” are on-the-ground implementers of the crime I have mentioned. All one needs to do is type “CPS” into Youtube and out come the horrible and heartbreaking stories. How many thousands of people have been put through this mill? Why are we allowing it?
Seeking the Citizen Opinion of Susan and Bill
As citizens, dear Susan and Bill, you can hardly be other than alarmed by my story. I wish every Aussie were alarmed by it, but as I mentioned they have not even been told it exists.
I almost wish I hadn’t been told, as it burdens me with a new responsibility that is getting in the way of important things I was working on!
At present, even on the outside chance that you, too, had been in the dark, you can be in the dark no more.
I ask what can be done, in your opinion as citizens. Just possibly you will say that you would like my help in sorting it out. I will of course jump at the chance to help you. I have already drafted some legislation that would turn the problem around, starting with repeal of Section 121 – the “offending section” of the Family Law Act.
Calls for Help?
Picturing myself in your shoes now – but as justices not citizens, I think the thing you would most want from me is help.
If it be true that there’s a huge bunch of racketeers out there, so unscrupulous (so inhuman, really) as to harm children, you’d naturally have to be scared. They could strike at you.
Indeed you may think that the problem is so intractable that you should just remain cool, calm, and collected.
Heck, Your Honors, don’t do that. It only gives them leeway.
All your weapons are needed on deck. And who has more weapons than you? Nobody. You could start some prosecutions this afternoon that would send the rats scurrying. I realize you are not prosecutors but you could prosecute with your larynx. Or your pen if a case comes bfore you.
And GumshoeNews would provide a pulpit any time. Our specialty is reacting intelligently to society’s problems, whatever it takes. If it takes a pulpit, fine. If it takes a gun, well, we all know what the High Court held in 1987 in Zecevic v DPP:
“The question to be asked in the end is quite simple. It is whether the accused believed upon reasonable grounds that it was necessary in self-defence to do what he did. If he had that belief and there were reasonable grounds for it, or if the jury is left in reasonable doubt about the matter, then he is entitled to an acquittal. Stated in this form, the question is one of general application and is not limited to cases of homicide.” [So sensible, so simple!]
And the law of self-defense is not limited to the person who is being attacked. One can practice “self” defense when it is a loved one or even a stranger who is about to be killed or grievously harmed.
Many of the children I described are about to be grievously harmed and, if you will watch the video below, you will see that thousands per year are actually killed.
So I take back my licentious use of first names and appeal to you now in your official capacity, Chief Justice of Australia and Chief Justice of the Family Court.
Do the right thing and go to glory!
Small correction , they are “subjects” of her Majesty the Queen of England , they cannot be Citizens…
Macka, are you saying Susan and Bill are not citizens? Do you think they were citizens before they got judgified?
I’m open to the idea that there is more to it than meets the eye, but I can’t actually grasp the point.
A very smart state judge in Alaska, Anna Von Reitz, talks in a similar way about the US but I can’t really agree with her.
Do you have an opinion about Charles becoming King of Australia?
First and foremost they are subjects under her Majesty the Queen of England as there is no such lawful entity as “Queen of Australia” although now legislated with the passing of the 1986 Australia ACT , A subject under constitutional law is one that owes allegiance to a Sovereign and is bound by his or her laws .
It is said that men in free governments maybe both subjects and citizens , as citizens they may enjoy certain rights and franchises , as subjects they are bound to obey the Law of this country set out at federation ..
Rod Culleton made this clear in the Senate when he put Brandis on notice that the High court were disobeying their own rules “SO HELP ME GOD”
WE are a constitutional Monarch and not a Republic much to the disappointment of the parasite class….
“Monarchy” pardon my granmar…..lol
Wow another very accurate article regarding the secret agenda of the family court I know as my daughter monique is one of those children mentioned above
I was recently talking to a Constutionalist who studies the law under the constitution who was saying under Golf Whitlam many changes were made to allow legal entities the ease of operation reducing basically accountability under the Australian law. It gave the opportunity for ultra entity exploitation in many areas such as unions etc. He was citing the fact that local councils don’t have authority to legally fine people but do… one other point he raised was that there is only one Supreme Court judge able to make decisions because she (I believe but can’t remember the name) is the only judge to swear allegiance to the Queen evidently very relevant in our legal system. I am interested in your thoughts as this may have some bearing on the required changes to the Family Law Court and prosecutorial process of the enabling associates.
My thoughts are that it has no bearing. But as I said above I don’t really understand the other position.
To me it seems that the common law was accumulated over centuries and was accepted. To make a change would require, also, acceptance.
I believe “society” is in charge. Many persons are so humble or scared that they think this means a ruler can do the ruling capriciously. I say if they get capricious you should first reach for Old Tickler, and if that doesn’t work, something stronger.
This is from the Coronation service of 1953 but was used centuries before. “Consent of the governed” did not have to wait for John Locke:
The Spurs shall be brought from the Altar …Hear our prayers, O Lord, we beseech thee, and so direct and support thy servant Queen ELIZABETH, that she may not bear the Sword in vain; but may use it as the minister of God for the terror and punishment of evildoers, and for the protection and encouragement of those that do well….
The …Archbishop shall deliver the Sceptre with the Cross into the Queen’s right hand, saying: Receive the Royal Sceptre, the ensign of kingly power and justice.
And then he shall deliver the Rod with the Dove into the Queen’s left hand, and say:
Receive the Rod of equity and mercy. Be so merciful that you be not too remiss, so execute justice that you forget not mercy. Punish the wicked, protect and cherish the just, and lead your people in the way wherein they should go.
See https://gumshoenews.com/2015/01/15/god-save-the-queen-look-at-what-her-maj-said-62-years-ago/
Please go now to this Gumshoe article and see what the RC said (in rather muted tones) about the ODPP (office of the Director of Public Prosecutions).
and don’t miss the Comments!
unable to post–on previous attempts
Above, Sue Markey referred to “the required changes to the Family Law Court and prosecutorial process of the enabling associates.”
I don’t think any change is required either to the Court or the prosecutorial process other than to rescue (those two things) from the knackers.
Sue, there is a legal mechanism called “mandamus” that can be used to get an official to simply do his job but I have no experience with it. Would one of our barristers please weigh in.
I point again to Don Rufty in North Carolina, who has succeeded in getting judges off the bench for family court sins.
He says “the Family Rights Movement” keeps talking about reform. No reform is needed. Just jail the crooked judges.”
Diane, keep trying. I got a reject too but a minute later OK. Now hear this:
How about swapping that bunch of poor sad losers for this:
Time to wake up to the fact that Susan Kiefel & William Alstergren are naught but poor sad losers
Ah, Diane, now I see that your Reina Michaelson thing opened. And it says this:
eg. Please demand to know what your elected representatives, media and policing bodies are doing about this, and then follow up your action somehow. The grassroots are the only remaining legitimate watchdog agency now. Go to it people! 🙂
Please watch the 38 minute video on this link http://www.atlanteanconspiracy.com/2015/02/satantic-hampstead-cult.html
Re above : interview titled Pedophiles Hampstead-police—
Prophecies or reality–overwhelming HNY
I am all for chips…….. of our employed government representatives so that we can see: Who they are f….ing, who they are receiving money from, what they are spending our money on, their diet and all records from their medical providers.
Yea, bring it on pollies, lead by example…. remember, you lot are our servants……. we demand 24/7 on everthing you lot are up to on our payroll.
Skip us, we employ you, so fess up.
We also want all details of your dna, we want to know if you have psychotic authoritarian tendencies.
Thank you Mary for your ongoing support! Us protective parents have sore fingers from typing hundreds of letters to government bodies, yet we stand strong & continue. It’s so infuriating when getting responses back such as ‘we acknowledge your concern, but cannot help’. Both State & Federal MP’s both passing the buck to each other. Section 121 definitely has to be the first to go. It’s our gag order which officially protects the bad behaviour of both the abusers and the government bodies employed to protect our children.