
Introduction by Dee McLachlan
Where do you start? A brief article to ignite comments.
Almost nothing from the government is truthful. Almost nothing from the media is truthful. Everything is an orchestrated setup in this matrix designed to fragment the mind; fragment society, family, gender, relationships, cities, cultures, and religion. Divide and conquer. And keep the war machine turning over.
It couldn’t be more obvious. Yesterday this was the headline in The Age: “Australia must prepare for threat of China war’
In today’s age an article about spending $100 billion to avert the threat of China:
The late James O’Neill would have provided an article with his views on this.
Vanguard and Blackrock
It’s reported that Vanguard and Blackrock own the media.
In addition to being the biggest shareholders of The New York Times, “Vanguard and BlackRock are also the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape.” (noqreport)
“…if you have control of this many news outlets, you can control entire nations by way of carefully orchestrated and organized centralized propaganda disguised as journalism. … It’s difficult to describe circular and tightly interwoven relationships in a linear fashion. The world of corporate ownership is labyrinthine, where everyone seems to own everyone, to some degree.
“However, the key take-home message is that two companies stand out head and neck above all others, and that’s BlackRock and Vanguard. Together, they form a hidden monopoly on global asset holdings, and through their influence over our centralized media, they have the power to manipulate and control a great deal of the world’s economy and events…”
And we’ve written about this before:
Who are the Australian Taxation Office?
“What if I told you this company is owned by Black Rock and Bank of America?” constitutionwatch.com.au
The Australian Taxation Office are a Trading Name of a Business named Ultimate holding for all Company as provided for within the Australian Government Business Register. But is the ATO a Constitutional Trading Corporation for the purposes of s51(xx) of the Constitution? LINK TO ARTICLE HERE.
I was told by a source the other day that the world and humanity is orchestrated by the BLACK SUN operating from Switzerland. The Black Sun is an artificial intelligence “thing” controlled off-world. Make of that what you will.
However, the pace of technological exposure A.I. is advancing at a horrifying pace. One has to wonder where humans will have a place in the Great Reset 2.0.
Ukraine Bioweapons Labs
When Russia entered to LIBERATE Ukraine on 24 February 2022, following the US INVASION of 2014 and its ongoing genocide: I advised of the following:
Commentary by G5
That the US had established BioWeapons laboratories in Ukraine with which to attack Russia.
These laboratories were first-strike for Russia. Ethnic Russians in Dombass had been trapped in a US-orchestrated systematic ethnic cleansing by US-NATO-Azov-NAZI-Ukrainian Forces that commenced at the time of The US Invasion of 2014. About which I have written.
Russia has prevailed in Ukraine. Those offering commentary to the contrary can dream on. Those posturing an American-led regime change in Russia: are beyond hope. Clearly, they are unable to read.
Even a PhD in Woke delivers no verifiable brain wave activity to indicate anything beyond artificial intelligence, derived from a sheltered workshop. The problem now facing US-NATO-NAZI Forces is how long they want to play their attrition, or are they waiting for Trump to re-enter in 2024; ten years on; to posture a swift settlement face saver, by backing away.
As virtually every other engagement caused by The US Client World Confection since 1950 to the present. The Real World did not need to be reminded ad nauseam, that America has never honoured any agreement to which it penned its name. The world knows from where the stench emanated.
[End of G5]
And now a video:
A repeat from previous article:
Like I intimated, people are largely controlled by domination(the threat of physical force)& manipulation(witchcraft). When a government no longer has the means to roll out the former the latter is bound to proliferate
It gets worse.
At beforeit’snews news .com.
There is just too much to report.
But get to mother Teresa reports and tear your hair out.
The title of the situation update includes a heading with Aussie Ricardo Bosi …..Australian Central bank failure …….etc.
Tun off 7, 9, 10, ABC, SBS and the lying shock jokes.
The evil of politicians and the alleged justice system in the US is horrific …. Wake up to how the J6 PelosI committee just LIED AND LIED TO THE PEOPLE. Ref Tucker reports/videos.
Justice has no hope unless the injustices are known to all the public.
Think, are we also victims of such evil?
Video now down below about five comments.
Note also the latest at X22Report.com. Episode 30014 on your own search….. 7th March, US.
Well, it seems that my comment has been blocked. I await.
Ah, it turned up.
Re the ATO
Agency –
a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group.
Senator George Brandis :-
Senate debates
Monday 28 November2016
Attorney General
“………..It is important to point out that although the ATO is an agency of the Commonwealth it is a different legal personality.”
“Nevertheless, because a constitutional issue had been raised, a notice under section 78B of the Judiciary Act went to the Commonwealth, as well as to the states and territories, asking if the Commonwealth wished to intervene in the proceedings. It is important to point out that although the ATO is an agency of the Commonwealth it is a different legal personality. It nevertheless represents the interests of the Commonwealth in protecting the revenue. It is not automatic that the Commonwealth intervenes in proceedings every time it receives a section 78B notice. Every section 78B notice is assessed according to its own particular facts.”
What is a government entity
Public Service Act 2008 Section 24 Chapter 1 Introduction Part 2 The Queensland Public Service
(a) a department or part of a department; or
(b) a public service office or part of a public service office; or
(c) an agency, authority, commission, corporation, instrumentality, office, or other entity, established under an Act or under State authorisation for a public or State purpose; or
(d) a part of an entity mentioned in paragraph (c); or
(e) another entity, or part of another entity, declared under a regulation to be a government entity; or
(f) a registry or other administrative office of a court of the State of any jurisdiction.
(2) However, each of the following entities is not a government entity— (a) a local government; etc
Therefore IMO Local government is like the ATO which has no Commonwealth Constitutional authority and is therefore an agency of the Commonwealth and States. Local Government and ATO Acts are only statutes, and only apply to the employees of that private company (Corporations Act 1990 Sec 8)
“……..The Defendant was asked to ‘Please show us in which Gazette we will find the Legislation regarding the Australian Taxation Office’, to which the Defendant stated; ‘It is not in any Government Gazette’.
The judge of the matter then stated; ‘You have proved beyond any doubt that the law establishing the Australian Taxation Office has not been Gazetted and thus place its legality in question’ he went on, ‘But I can not permit Australia to fall into financial chaos and thus strike out this evidence’.
Further, Justice J Callinan, in Moelike v Chapman [B8/2000 (24/8/2000)], agreed that the ATO was not a legal entity. This has been validated by two judges.
Since this case, an article from the Aussie Postquotes the High Court case on May 17, 2000, where the ATO admitted it isn’t a legal personality, a view also held by the presiding judge, Justice Callinan. It goes further, stating “at the heart of the matter is the inability of the ATO to provide any documentation that proves it is either a legal entity or was established following correct procedure…”.
Further, as a response by Anthony Wallace, officer of the ATO, to Mr D Cameron on February 25, 2000, in an affidavit ii, stated that the writer and others he contacted could not identify any relevant files or documents setting up the ATO.
The Australian Government has misled the people of Australia in matters relating to taxation.
Is it Lawful or Not ?
CC. Beware, msm radio 2GB (nine network):in Sydney will call you a ‘COOKER’. 💁🏼🤡
“The AI has feelings” reminds me of the plastic baby doll with crying eyes types of toy that used to be sold last century, they would have a little pull-cord coming out of their back somewhere and say “ma-ma” and such tricks.
Interesting confrontation opening
One Hour – Antartic
From 40:00 a lot of US state governors seem to be having “accidents” but I can’t see it at the source ( nonetheless an interesting collection today, his site has changed a lot since I last looked )
Ricardo Bosi from about 29 min for five.
“Who is there”?
“A DEAL or ….…….. “
So I got this “impulse, we don’t have to be this and that, just be you, you made from the most awesome image ever.
This can not be given away, lets see about stolen, we hate stolen, we rally so as not to hate but make “his word true”, shit, I’m downloadinding ok
What is the real story behind the Perth Mint story. The official story, they diluted the 99.99 grade gold and now China has $9 billion worth of the stuff. That’s nothing compared to teh building products scandals of recent times, flammable cladding and defective 240 volt wire insulation galore.
The fake news M$M is saying the state of Western Australia is liable for $9 billion. But all they have to do is refine the gold a bit better. Send some new bars and take back the old ones, nothing to it.
Why is the fake news trying to scare us, is it that the CCP or Australia has run out of credit and this is the cover story ??? Is the CCP or Australia demanding $9 billion in credit be immediately refunded, and nobody trusts the paper or e-money anymore ??? I look to Jennifer Zeng but nothing new there, the following is about two weeks old (1 min)
nah, they maybe the most honest suppliers to fiat (dead derivatives). hISTORCALLY, THEY HAVE THE MACOY, just saying, but they can not supply the weight.maybe 50 percent. Better than most, but half heartened, equals (u know), default (2050).
get your weight, that is honest here
WA Premier “Sneakers” McGollum says he never heard of it until Monday despite the news putting it on high rotation for days before.
We are not talking about weight but purity, the weight difference is tiny.
A good big collection of memes and links
People should print them out and glue them up around the place
Some places signage has a very good survival rate ( less so around election times )
People will have to learn the hard way, BigPharma is the enemy
Wondering if anyone else is feelin’ spooky vibes of net web closing in CCP style? WHO knows how long we’ll be able to type without being denied access. Metaverse data control central 5G closing in on every mind, social credit score slavery with 15 kilometre borders access beyond forbidden. This unfortunately, is our present, now that we are a communist colony downunder. Net result of oligarchs closing shop here and moving in with CCP. Truth has become a crime and beastiality a virtue in artificial insanity AI hell Oz.
Too o to free, 2023.
Onya, Dee.
But this article is a bit overwhelming.
Alternative media is media, too. Which means there are seven networks controlling narratives and propaganda, not six.
Every favourable or disparaging report that involves any political figurehead is always going to be slanted:everyone and everything in this world is flawed hence the need for supernatural intervention.
Matthew 9.12-13
Jesus heard them and answered, “People who are well do not need a doctor, but only those who are sick.
Go and find out what is meant by the scripture that says: ‘It is kindness that I want, not animal sacrifices.’
I have not come to call respectable people, but outcasts.”
Most immigrants, bar the nomenklatura sourced for experience, are here because our countries were destroyed by communist perpetraitors WHO are still enforcing this secret war since 1913, now in light of day for those with eyes that need to see.
Ten year olds are here from war torn Ukraina, trafficked as child sex slaves, as our government actually supports these crimes against humanity. Sending our taxes to fund the business of war there, added support by weapons and soon probably sending our girls and boys to die for banksters, in nice khaki uniforms defending Australian borders between Ukraina, Russia and elsewhere, anywhere they see fits agenda of depopulation, genocide of all innocents by beasts on all bases loaded.
We have been their experiment, used up after building Oz, are now discarded and replaced. Soo obvious, a child can see it crying for parents murdered over there, watching it all here unable to say a word, same banksters everywhere.
What interests me is that most of the deceptions of the Age are perpetrated by way of omission as spelled out in yesterday’s Fox report.
This 17 Dec ’22 ABC write-up is another classic example, quote:
“A camouflage-clad Nathaniel Train, driving a black 4WD carrying loaded guns and military knives, broke through the NSW border gate into Queensland in December last year.
The COVID-19 border breach — along with other evidence that the former school principal potentially broke laws relating to the possession and disposal of weapons during the same incident — was reported to Queensland police less than a year before Train was involved in a deadly shooting that resulted in the deaths of two young police constables.
Key points:
• A Talwood farmer says he saw Nathaniel Train dispose of items in a creek and later found loaded weapons
• After towing his car from floodwaters, the farmer says Train borrowed his phone and spoke in code to someone
• The 2021 border breach was reported to Queensland police 12 months before the deadly police shoot out”
Some of the more obvious questions posed by said spiel are:
1) How did said unidentified farmer positively identify Nathanial Train?
2) Why did it take him 4 months to tell the Po about what he purportedly saw – or why did it take the Po 4 months to file a report?
(It’s a matter of note that other “border breachers” were treated as follows:
3) Were the “loaded weapons” left in the creek for the duration of the delay?
4) What was the purported purpose/benefit of dumping them like so ?
5) Why wasn’t there any contemporaneous press release?
6) What weapons charges, if any, were filed ?
Such pressing questions: such a nonsensical write-up. Certain hackneyed catch phrases have obviously been employed as a means of stirring up certain emotions thereby obliterating all sense of inquiry & reason.
But my beef is not so much with the author as it is with the willing prey because all that’s required to fit such a bill is the notion that “I’m a good honest upright bod but there are some weirdos out there who can’t be trusted”.
The 4 month delay referenced in (2) was spelled out in a subsequent write-up:
“Police took a statement about former school principal Nathaniel Train in connection with weapons offences and a COVID-19 border breach almost eight months before he was involved in shooting dead two constables and a neighbour.
‘Officers were following up an outstanding warrant relating to firearms and a border breach by shooter Nathaniel Train, as well as a missing person report, when they attended the Wieambilla property last week, Deputy Commissioner Tracy Linford said.’”
Qld doctor at UAP rally (30 min)
Class action 300+ victims going to federal court in a few weeks
CDC – Centre for Disease Control – a ( private ) Government Agency
US Government paid to develop virus gain of function
Looks like the rats are jumping overboard
Good to see Keating is being outed as a Globalist-communist payee.
Looks like Taiwan could be used simply as a pretext for an invasion of the USA.
Taiwan will have no difficulty blowing up 3 Gorges Dam and Beijing if it wants to, Japan could undoubtedly do the same, but the conventions of war are that you never take out the leadership, you let them destroy as much of the country as possible first. Quick work, Team Biden.
CCP have gathered enormous wealth by selling and exploiting cheap Chinese labour. Instead of sharing their wealth, they are stealing national assets transferring them overseas. There are over 120 million members. At just a million per year coming here, we’re done. At least, we live in hope they won’t bomb their own, Oz reserves/resources far too valuable. Then again, half Oz population in two cities. We are sitting ducks.
Lord, have mercy.
Then again, they don’t need guns to occupy, they have green digital passes free to roam the globe, buying up waterfronts on all coasts.
Unlike us white peasants restricted to 15k zones, access beyond denied.
and the beast gave power to the dragon, taking the world without a shot fired, enforcing jabs in all.