by Dee McLachlan
In the wee hours this Wednesday morning, around 1.30am, my phone rang. It was Andrew McIntyre calling from about 2 hours south of Adelaide. He had just been pulled over by the police. But let me go back to an earlier call.
When I was filming in Adelaide in mid-January, Andrew called me up around 10pm one night and said there’s a cop car waiting outside his house. I think this was the third time it had happened, and he just kept on driving — returning home later.
On my first filming trip to Adelaide in September in 2018, Andrew had told me about the supposed drug raid of his property. They raided his property (in his absence), and then left. But of course Andrew has no drugs, and wondered who was trying to set him up. Several people had phoned into crime stoppers, and so it seemed clear that some malicious individuals were trying to get him harassed.
Certain claims are floating around the internet too — claims that are obviously false, because I have investigated them. And can say for certain that Andrew’s father, Max McIntyre, the subject of my documentary, wrote some fantastical lies, and faked many documents to discredit anyone who was trying to expose him — which Andrew and his siblings were trying to do.
But back to the police down near Victor Harbour.
Andrew and a friend were having a late snack on the bluff of the coast when the first patrol car circled by. It waited for back up and then they swooped in. They had finally trapped Andrew McIntyre — and were hopeful in seizing an unregistered firearm.
But from the conversation, they got much more than they bargained for.
Firstly, let’s put aside the bogus claim that he has a firearm. The three policeman knew of the previous drug raid in 2018, so they asked Andrew what he was doing down the coast in the middle of the night. Andrew replied:
“I’m on the job (police code for working undercover). I’m doing police work. They know I’m down here. I am looking for the bodies of some of the 600 missing children in the Mulligan Inquiry. I’m doing SAPOL work.”
Still a little skeptical, but taken aback, the police started a search of the car finding a knife. Ha, a weapon. An old skinny knife with a bone handle was in his possession. I say it was lucky Andrew was in the company of a friend, otherwise any outcome would have been possible.
It should be noted that all three officers had video cameras attached to their jackets, and were presumably filming. The older woman said “I know who you are, I’ll explain it to my colleagues later”. Andrew told the younger British-spoken officer to get references on him, from some good cops he knows.
But once Andrew starts talking about his father, it is difficult to stop him. On further inquiry, “What are you really doing down here” (or a question to that affect), Andrew said:
“My father used to murder some of these children, sell their bodies for medical science, and so we are looking for them.”
The officer, not quite sure what to say, said, “Well, why don’t you just dig them up?”
Andrew replied, “SAPOL will not let us dig them up. They are guarding the graves. But let’s go right now, and we’ll dig up the Beaumont children in Stansbury. I have shovels in the back.” They quickly declined, saying that they had another job to go to. But they were captured by his story, and didn’t leave.
Andrew went on to describe the crimes his father was involved in. They hung around to hear the rest of Andrew’s story for another forty minutes or more.
Andrew told them about the stat dec that had three signatures stating that three siblings had been, as children, involved in murder and the disposal of bodies in Edwardstown.
Andrew then explained his father’s police connections with certain corrupt police officers, and said that his father could never be prosecuted for being a pedophile, when he was alive, because he had ‘guards’ in the State and Federal police forces.
I could imagine, these poor three officers listening to the cover-ups to one of the greatest Australian crime mysteries at midnight on a lonely Tuesday night — and getting their crash course in the corruption in the State of South Australia.
I kept wondering what they were going to do with the filmed disclosures captured on their cameras. But now they were aware of the cover-ups. But Andrew warned them, “Any officer who has tried to help me, has not been promoted.”
I suggested to Andrew that he report the malicious and bogus notifications against him to the police (as we suspect who this may be). And he is going to request the recording from the “firearms” raid. And those spreading false information about Andrew should be aware that he is a victim of crime — established by a long history of abuse.
It’s a crime, by the way, to try conceal a crime — and that is what Andrew has in his favour. Andrew relayed to me that these cops seemed good people, and were “gob-smacked” by what he was telling them.
The rabbit hole is very deep. Here is a story from years back in the U.S. where good cops looked into the abyss.
Thank you, Terry. That is super-duper important.
I suggest Gumshoers start reading it halfway down, as we already know the first part.
And there is a fascinating remark about North Korea and North Vietnam….
“The MPD report has been classified SECRET and was not available for review. I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign Counterintelligence Division had directed MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired. No further information will be available. No further action will be taken.”
Terry, Mary –a question -from the article what/who does the MPD stand for ?
I believe that stands for Metropolitan Police Department, in other words the Washington D.C. police department.
Thanks Terry–it actually acted as a trigger because it was linked to the word SECRET in capitals–I interpreted MPD as Multiple Personality Disorder and switched into a mind control created state. Quite amazing how programming works and how the right signals can switch a person into another reality.
Bloody deep rabbit hole.
“This is the last call for:
All travellers for the Epstein Lolita express, boarding at gate xxx has now opened.
enjoy your indulgences that you would never imagine.”
And a special welcome to our special friends from Australia,
Well, who knows?
I can tell your where one part of the rabbit hole is, watch out for your internet traffic being routed through RAAF Edinburgh and their collections of mates located all around them.
So what happened to the rest of my comment. Just search ‘Epstein’s Lolita express”.
“Flight No zzzz Epstein Experience: Boarding now: gate xxx and enjoy. Have a nice day”,
Bit more:
The police have a difficult job, some are fighting for justice also have to deal with some unpleasant situations, that can harm officers with results of PTSD.
Dee, your article is a total scream.
Ah, the pen is mightier than the swirling blue lights.
As for the knife, how come they thought it was a weapon but the shovels are not weapons?
How about Andrew’s mouth? That’s quite a weapon.
Terry from your post:
This unnamed third party also tells Martinez that “the investigation into the activity of the Finders had become a CIA internal matter”. Martinez’s final statements reveal:
“The MPD report has been classified SECRET and was not available for review. I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign Counterintelligence Division had directed MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired. No further information will be available. No further action will be taken.”
Just like that, with a disregard of credible reports that merited further investigation, the FBI, the Tallahassee Police, and the U.S. Customs Service were done investigating The Finders…
Can anyone tell me what MPD stands for in the above quote—-
Ned I too am losing posts –it says it has been cancelled–and then they reappear hence this repeat version
It happeneth to me also, Diane.
From my The Family Anne Hamilton Byrne file I found I had copied from Sarah Moore’s Facebook page some time ago, also yesterday I watched Rachel Vaughen’s Testimony.
Thank you Rachel-I hope we can meet soon.
Terry’s Finders post Epstein etc all linked to my story and my research and the big picture.
Sarah speaks informally on Facebook 2014/15 of Anne Hamilton Byrne.
….”That means that we must always acknowledge the truth about her and the Family: that it was a failed experiment and built on the delusional world of an unwell woman.That also it gained huge power and influence in the community from 1960s onward and that that power and influence allowed Anne to get away with hurting so many. That it is an indictment not only on Anne and those in the Family that carried out her evil bidding but on the state of Victoria itself that she largely got away with it and that becuase of that so many have needlessly continued suffering longer than they should.
I believe that a public enquiry into the range and extent of activities of the cult is needed, as a lesson above all that we can learn in how to prevent such a group led by a psychotic guru ever again gaining such power and extent to do what she did.” …….
NB…. “Among so many other things (the connections with hospitals and other places so that the cult could steal and produce children some of whom gained multiple identiites and passports (how was that allowed to occur and why weren’t the children the cult stole ever fully accounted for) the education department, her connections with with overseas money and influence eg the Rands and the people in Germany on Lake Como and with Sandoz and with powerful people here in Victoria up the the level of Governor General of this country (her nurses looked after Lord Casey to the end), we need to look into the legacy of Newhaven, the psychiatric hospital that she ran and recruited and fed people LSD etc in. Chelmsford (its counterpart in NSW) gained its own Royal commission, Newhaven was ignored. Similarly no matter how hard we pushed and despite the eventual investigation, she was never held to account for what happened and I believe that was because of who and what she knew. Her web of influence within Victorians society protected her to the end and I believe it is worth examining who and how that worked.”
“No doubt there will be little political will for that, as has happened in the past, becuase no matter how much police dug up it all came to naught (in the end as the dpp made a ‘mistake’. why should it make a mistake in that case?). Surely though so much time has gone by and it is less relevant now, maybe it could stilll embarass some still in postions of power within this state if everything came out. But how much was that embarrassment worth in terms of ignoring the extent of suffering that she created for so many. I guess that is for others to decide as it always has been. Personally the idea of punishing her always repelled me, but I wanted to see her unable to act further to hurt other children and that indeed was achieved. But also what I want to see is the suffering end for those that were her victims and that, unfortunately, continues and will as long as those people remain ignored by the community that let them down so badly.”
Also thank you Andrew and Dee for this article and to all those who have given their Testimonies to the International Tribunal. The word courage is used–and yes but I believe the word takes on a different deeper meaning—couer rage—heart rage—these tribunals hold the space and enable survivor witnesses to be held and supported in mutual truth telling very cathartic for all.
Under my file Dr Cunningham Dax a very big file -I find part of someones comment about “infamous psychiatric scandals” where mind control experiments were carried out–
“In the Australian context, Chelmsford comprises one half of a pair of infamous psychiatric scandals that might qualify for such an examination – the other being the Townsville Ward 10B affair – but they could easily be joined by a third scandal that transpired at Newhaven Private Hospital in Victoria, which has yet to attract the academic or professional attention afforded the other two”.
Diane, I’m pretty sure that I came across another “Chelmsford” recently in my reading but I can’t find it now. I’m not referring to the Alan Memorial in Montreal which is also from the same gig.
Perhaps NZ? And as regards poor dear Sarah Moore, she died before we-all caught up on the more general picture. Lord Casey (1890-1976), who gave (personal) financial support to the cult, was the Governor-General of Australia. I.e., the vice regal from 1965-1969. And he was a member of the House of Lords, tho not British at all, just a boy from Oz. He had also been Australia’s ambassador to the US in the early war years, 1940-1942.
I often think of Sarah when I think of a child’s natural longing for (and expectation of) parental love, because the only thing Anne ever did for her was to “draw the bath” for her, before her “going through” ceremony. Sarah — age 14 — felt cared for by that gesture.
Diane, at your bidding 2 years ago I attended the movie about Hamilton-Byrne called The Family. I highly recommend it – many of her 14 children are still alive, and were interviewed in the show. Some are not yet willing to criticize her. If Anne is still alive she will be 98 this year.
Oops I just found it on Youtube, It’s in Spanish but at 1.33 you can see a very touching scene when one of the boys reconnects to his family of origin. Whew.
I had a very good friend (now deceased) who was an ex-detective who arrested Roger Rogerson years ago. He was in the South Australian drug squad and got out to become a solicitor and then a barrister. He got out because of the police corruption in the drug and vice squad.
For years he used to tell me that the AFP were the worst for drugs and corruption. My belief is that it still is particularly with the Bali bombing with AFP ex- Commissioner Kelty stating a number of mistruths about the Bali bombing and prior to that we had the Hilton bombing and of course the Port Arthur Massacre and lastly but there are more the Case of Schapelle Corby.
Statistics, lies and the #AFP
Several years ago my son and his girl friend lived in Seaford and rented a house. The real estate agent told them that there had been a murder outside the house a few months earlier. The notorious Christies Beach police station raided my son’s house 3 times with full on star force and the thugs threatened to kill his dogs that were barking. Despite the real estate agent informing the thugs that they did not know the previous tenants that didn’t seem to matter as they did another two raids on the house. Several emails and phone call were obviously ignored as they acted like robots.
On one occasion they barged into the bedroom where my son’s girl friend was naked and they did not knock nor was their a female copper present. No apology was ever given and no compensation was given. I wonder how many other notorious copper reports that are never reported by the lame stream media and press. The police used to be ‘peace officers’ now they are called a ‘police force’. Obviously a certain mentality exists with these ‘trained’ pack of rats acting like a gang towards law abiding people who never knew or heard of the previous tenants.
No time to watch this……..just look at the title and summary. and ‘Hellywood’ would/will not shoe it!!
Sick place full of psychos.
Fascinating stuff, Dee. Looking forward to seeing what happens next. When will your movie about the McIntyres and the tunnels be hitting our small screens? Am keen to watch.